#btw if anyone replies to this with hate i will be shooting on sight. (I'll be blocking but in my heart it'll be a headshot)
causalityparadoxes · 20 days
Omg wait.. this weekend's doctor who episode 'BOOM' was written by Steven Moffat?? YES YESS! How did i not clock that before? i am SO EXCITED!!
Moffat Doctor Who in the year of our lord 2024. Mr Fairytales himself. Mr Doctor Who should make the kids hide behind the sofa. Writing for a series with themes that are so similar to what he was doing in his time as Showrunner. Writing a seemingly a scarier tense episode, which he is good at.
My expectations are SO high Mr Moff you CANNOT be letting me down with a dud now. I will not allow it. Give us another masterpiece. Do itt
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