#btw!! if someone reblogs something from a terf/exclusionist/etc source let us know and we'll take the post down
lwa-is-gay · 5 years
Some friendly reminders 💙
if you want something tagged (triggers and such) please don’t feel bad about letting us know 💛
while the title is gay, characters can have any sexuality and don’t necessarily have to be homosexual 💖
by all means, you’re allowed to send in asks! 💚
mods are human, and can’t always be on tumblr 💝
this blog is trans, nonbinary, ace, aspec, aro, and arospec friendly 💜
this blog is terf, exclusionist, ddlg, and pedophile UNfriendly so don’t fucking interact okay thanks :)
-Mod Shario ❤
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