viverrz · 11 months
The fuck kinda woes you getting in your askbox
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brain worms go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
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kiwikipedia · 10 months
I just came across those Star Wars x FGO works and i fell absolutely in love. They were so awesome!!!
It’s a big tragedy though. This is probably VERY long time after the Lostbelt and Gudako seems to have settled well into being an unhinged chill Master, but I can only imagine the sheer despair that consumed her when pruning all those Lostbelts and coming back to humanity eradicated. AAAAAAAAAA
I have never read or watched anything Star Wars, but it was an enjoyable read nonetheless. Since it focuses on Chaldea I could easily follow along the plot. It was awesome tbh, reading reactions and misconceptions in regards to Chaldea (just a “research facility” my ass right?) and how nothing quite prepared the Star Wars cast for the complex creatures known as “Servants”.
And honestly, while the ones they met weren’t probably “good” or super heroic, there are still more than enough Servants who are amoral, apathetic, joyfully bloodthirsty, and extremely malicious, and are only kept on a leash by virtue of Bond 10s. So yeah. Take example idk, Hessian Lobo would give zero shits about mauling someone and Shuten Doji is Shuten Doji. Not a Star Wars fan, is there anything equivalent to Shuten Doji or demons?
Well, on this point, Raikou is insane 24/7 mommy who loves her child to death, have seen many iterations of Raikou going on rampage and they are funny on paper but terrifying for the characters.
I'm really glad you like my crossover series lol and I'm glad that you could follow along since you don't really watch SW.
The dichotomy between the Republic and Chaldea is definitely something that I would like to get into if I continue writing for this series (currently on hold as I get my motivation back up to write at all) but Chaldea is definitely going to drag the war through a wild ride.
In terms of Shuten, as far as I know, there's nothing like the Oni or anything around her level of bloodthirsty and insane in SW - or at least not during the Clone Wars era.
But Shuten's the least of anyone's worries, considering what will happen when Raikou and the rest of Chaldea's Team Moms find out about how poorly the clones seem to be treated at times.
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aercnaut · 8 months
To the previous anon, why is Lee hot in general?
in my experience, yeehaw + loyalty + being a good dad + emotional maturity make brain go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
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goji-pilled · 2 years
Hehehe manga panel go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr (New shading style go brrrrrrrrrr i need to pick a style)
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i put the pink around her mainly bc she was in love when she made her wish and pink is usually a color of love <3
Ah yeah. The wish that's gonna backfire so fucking hard <3
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icarius13oo-blog · 1 year
ChatGPT-generated content:  Doomguy interviews
User input: “Doomguy interviews some of the monsters he faces in Doom 2.”
AI language model response:
Doomguy: Hello there, I'm Doomguy and I'm here to ask you some questions. 
Imp: Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...
Doomguy: So, how do you feel about being defeated by me all the time?
Imp: You may have won this time, but there will always be more of us. We are legion.
Doomguy: That's a pretty ominous statement. Are you working for someone or do you have a leader?
Imp: We serve the forces of hell. Our mission is to bring about the end of humanity.
Doomguy: That's not going to happen on my watch. What's your favorite attack move?
Imp: I like to throw fireballs. They are quick and effective.
Doomguy: Yeah, they can be pretty dangerous. Alright, next up is the Cacodemon. Hey, how's it going?
Doomguy: That's quite a noise you make. What can you tell me about yourself?
Cacodemon: I am a floating ball of teeth and eyes. I am a creature of pure evil, and I will not rest until humanity is destroyed.
Doomguy: I see. What's your favorite thing to eat?
Cacodemon: I like to swallow whole humans. They are so soft and tender.
Doomguy: That's disgusting. Alright, last but not least, we have the Baron of Hell. Hey, what's up?
Doomguy: Calm down, buddy. So, what makes you such a formidable opponent?
Baron of Hell: I am the embodiment of destruction. I am pure strength and power. None can stand against me.
Doomguy: We'll see about that. What's your weakness?
Baron of Hell: I HAVE NO WEAKNESS!
Doomguy: Everyone has a weakness. Come on, tell me.
Baron of Hell: ...I am vulnerable to energy weapons. They disrupt my internal structure.
Doomguy: Good to know. Thanks for the info. Alright, that's it for today. Stay tuned for more monster interviews with Doomguy.
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lillian-nator · 4 years
How are we feeling about a Tommy “Prince of the Antarctic Empire” AU? 
Maybe Tumblr excursive rambles? Or full story? 
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sordidmorbid · 2 years
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going to start making fanart of random fandoms im in to get notes on my art brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
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chuuyas--boo · 2 years
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zebricord · 2 years
hello tumblr user zebricord! how goes it king :3
encanto songs go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. But i'm doing good! not much has happened in my life recently, just a lot of minecraft. How goes it to you, fellow monarch?
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mcnotok · 3 years
nobody: nightmare simps: haha gay sexy evil goop skele-man with angsty backstory and plans to rule the multiverse go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr and have several bfs
Yeah pretty much
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dino--draws · 3 years
Idk I think you’re probably space on that vibes thing but I almost said dinosaur oatmeal just because of the name
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sPACE SPACE SPACE SPACE SPACE SPACE Make brain go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr dinosaur oatmeal fittin too
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risingsouls · 3 years
[me: now write something with nabs and geets
also me: brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr]
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afuckingtoastaddict · 3 years
Why are ding dongs from hostess even named ding dongs. It sounds like dicks that ring-
  “ding dongs sound like the name for dicks that ring,”
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theloafstone · 3 years
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Messing around with a new glam for brd/mch/dnc.
Bozja relic weapons go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
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🐞Are you afarid of insects? And if so, which ones?
oh i HATE gnats and mosquitos and stuff! they’re jusr... brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr they scare me to hell lol
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