#brand recognition
maretriarch · 1 year
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midnightmoonbeams · 6 months
Raymond and Marlo have communication issues.
From February 17th, 2022
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bearpillowmonster · 1 year
Ok, I think it's prime time for this post. So, I've been tired of the live action remakes as much as everyone else, no need to reiterate, they started interesting but tumbled into what seems like a daily occurrence. But there's something that I must point out.
Back in the 90s they had movies that weren't animated but the animals talked, done with real animals and people dubbed over them. There's wasn't CGI to move their mouths so it was awkward. Now and days, we have the technology but it's not satisfying when a studio like Disney has an iconic design that everyone knows and they reinvent it to fit real life rather than trying to translate it.
Take Lion King-
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Big difference, eh?
Little Mermaid?
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And it's only becoming progressively worse and it shows because in the 90s, they marketed the crap out of the toys but now, there's no difference between these lion toys and any others. You can barely even tell them apart, which ones are the Lion King ones?
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They can't do that now, do you see any Flounder merch anymore? Sebastian? Scuttle?
I may not care about the movie but at least Pinocchio attempted something.
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They didn't market those toys either, despite being closer to the...(well not "source material" but you know what I mean). But they also withheld the trailer until it was practically released already, they knew it was bad.
But I've also seen mentioned that Disney knows this and purposely hides designs until its too late to change them to avoid another Sonic the Hedgehog situation aka inflating the budget/spending more money, just pump and dump as the crypto space would say. I'd rather go back to the 90s with Homeward Bound style. They at least provided entertainment value and didn't have a cartoon counterpart to compare to.
It's called "brand recognition", Bob Iger, let me in and run your business for you, PLEASE. It'll at least be better for kids than this-
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tromlui · 6 months
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Gotta respect this weird guy thing whatever for having himself on a mug
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groundrunner100 · 9 months
Transformers: Rise of The Beasts Director, Steven Caple Jr., Says Continuity Is Not Important In The Live-Action Transformers Franchise.
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Would it be wrong to say Transformers is going through the same crap that Star Wars & Star Trek are going through?
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kontextmaschine · 1 year
I actually did stop buying Land O' Lakes butter when they took the indian girl off the carton, not out of anti-woke retribution but cuz it no longer registered as the same default brand I'd used since childhood
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reachingworldlive · 2 years
10 Benefits of Having a Business Logo in 2021
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radheshampvt · 15 days
Harnessing Brand Visibility: The Power of Printed Corrugated Boxes in Marketing Triumph
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The prosperity or downfall of the products and services offered by an organization hinges on the marketing strategy it adopts. One pivotal strategy that significantly influences the attraction and retention of customers is marketing through product packaging.
In the vibrant business landscape that we all dwell in, an effective way to improve your brand visibility and leave a lasting impression is by using printed corrugated boxes for your packaging needs. Today, printed corrugated boxes are not just any other packaging material for products during transit, rather they can tell a story, arouse emotions, and create unforgettable and life-long experiences for your customers. To lead this innovation, printed corrugated box manufacturers like Radhesham Wellpack are utilising the latest branding techniques that can make your packaging a sure shot hit among customers. 
In this blog, we will explore printed corrugated box trends and discuss how local businesses can leverage them to upgrade their marketing plans with the help of Radhesham Wellpack, the leading printed corrugated box manufacturer in Pune.
Tell a story through your packaging
Storytelling through packaging is all about engaging your customers on a deeper level by conveying to them your brand’s values, heritage and unique selling points. A printed corrugated box can serve as a canvas to share your company’s narrative and create an emotional connection with the patrons. At RWPL, we use high-quality printing techniques that showcase captivating visuals and employ customised illustrations and impactful messages that reflect your brand identity and resonate with your end user.
Power of personalization
The idea of marketing through product packaging is to make every customer feel special. Keep in mind that personalization is a powerful tool to make your customers feel valued for using your products and services. At RWPL, we use data-driven insights to customize your corrugated boxes with additional requirements to enhance the brand image. And by personalized packaging, we just don’t print names; but consider designing packages to match your customer preferences, manufacturing limited edition boxes that set your brand apart.
It's time to embrace elegance and sustainability
Doing minimal marketing to gain maximum brand recognition is the new trend to draw in more customers. Customers today are drawn to simplicity and sustainability, and this is why minimalistic branding has gained popularity. With printed corrugated boxes, you can achieve elegance and deliver your brand message through clean lines, subtle embossing or understated color palettes. At Radhesham Wellpack, we are focused on using eco-friendly materials in our branding, allowing your product to shine, while showcasing the environmental commitment.
Invest in Printed Corrugated Boxes for Long Term Returns
Printed corrugated boxes today have become an essential part of a successful product journey. It offers a range of benefits, including attracting attention, building brand image, enriching the unboxing experience, delivering your marketing message as well aligns with sustainability practices. So what are you waiting for? It’s time to maximise your brand recognition, leveraging printed corrugated boxes for the best marketing success. 
Partner with a reputable printed corrugated box manufacturer in Pune, Radhesham Wellpack and get high-quality printed corrugated boxes that reflect and build your brand’s identity.
1. What are printed corrugated boxes?
In simple terms, printed corrugated boxes are product packaging containers made from corrugated cardboard that can be customized with printed designs, logos, colors, and messaging to represent a brand’s identity and enhance brand recognition.
2. How can printed corrugated boxes enhance brand recognition?
Printed corrugated boxes can improve your brand recognition by developing customized designs, logos, colours, and messaging that create a cohesive brand identity, attract customer attention, communicate product information, promote special offers, and ultimately foster customer engagement and loyalty.
3. Are there any environmental concerns associated with using printed corrugated boxes?
Yes, there can be environmental concerns associated with using printed corrugated boxes, particularly related to the use of inks. That’s why we use eco-friendly printing methods and materials, such as water-based inks and recyclable coatings, to minimize environmental impact and promote sustainability.
4. What types of branding elements can be incorporated into printed corrugated boxes?
Various branding elements can be incorporated into printed corrugated boxes. These include logos, colours, typography, product information, promotional messages, QR codes, social media handles or hashtags, sustainability messages, and consistent design elements that reflect the brand’s identity and values.
5. How can printed corrugated boxes be customized to suit different marketing strategies?
Printed corrugated boxes can be customized to suit different marketing strategies by incorporating elements such as branded designs, product information, promotional offers, social media integration, sustainability messaging, and consistent branding across all packaging materials. Customization options also include unique box shapes, sizes, and packaging accessories to create a memorable unboxing experience and align with specific marketing goals and target audiences.
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marketxcel · 1 month
Top 10 Most Valuable Global Brands of 2024
Explore the latest rankings and insights into the global business landscape with our blog on the "Top 10 Most Valuable Global Brands of 2024." Discover the strategic moves, innovations, and market dynamics propelling these brands to the forefront of success. Stay ahead of the curve as we delve into the stories behind the numbers and unveil the driving forces shaping the business world this year.
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prabhatjairam · 2 months
The Impact of Famous Logos on Brand Recognition
Have you ever stopped to think about the power of logos? They're everywhere you look – on your favorite products, in the apps you use, even on the clothes you wear. But logos are more than just pictures. They're like the faces of the brands they represent, telling us who they are without saying a word. 
Logos are the silent storytellers of the business world, communicating volumes in a single image. They're not just symbols; they're the superheroes of brand recognition. From Apple's bitten apple to the interlocking rings of the Olympics, these logos are the visual signatures that leave an indelible mark on our minds. 
In this article, we're going to dive into the fascinating world of logos and brand recognition, exploring how these simple symbols have a big impact on how we see and remember our favorite brands.
What is a Logo?
A logo is a visual symbol or emblem that represents a brand, company, organization, or product. It is a unique and distinctive design created to identify and differentiate the entity from others. Logos often combine symbols, icons, text, and colors in a visually appealing and memorable way. The main purpose of a logo is to establish instant recognition and convey the essence or values of the brand it represents. Logos play a crucial role in building brand identity, fostering customer loyalty, and creating a lasting impression in the minds of consumers.
The Power of Recognition
The primary function of a logo is to facilitate instant recognition. Consider the bitten apple of Apple Inc. or the golden arches of McDonald's – these symbols evoke immediate associations with their respective brands. Through consistent exposure and strategic placement, logos imprint themselves in our minds, forming strong associations with the values, products, and services they represent.
Building Trust and Familiarity
Familiarity breeds trust, and logos play a pivotal role in building that familiarity. When consumers encounter a familiar logo, they are more likely to perceive the brand as credible and reliable. This trust is cultivated through consistent brand messaging and positive experiences, which are reinforced every time the logo is encountered.
“Unlock the secrets of digital marketing and master the art of branding with Study24hr’s comprehensive courses! Whether you're a beginner or looking to level up your skills, Study24hr.com offers engaging lessons taught by industry experts. From understanding social media strategies to creating impactful logos, these courses empower you to navigate the dynamic world of digital marketing and branding. Elevate your skills and boost your career – enroll today on Study24hr.com and become a branding maestro in no time!”
Emotional Connection
Beyond recognition, logos have the power to evoke emotions and forge connections with consumers. Consider the Coca-Cola logo, which conjures feelings of nostalgia and happiness, or the heartwarming simplicity of the Disney logo, synonymous with magic and wonder. These emotional associations foster loyalty and affinity, transcending mere consumer-brand relationships.
Logos in the Digital Age
In an era dominated by digital media and social platforms, the significance of logos has only amplified. Logos serve as visual anchors in the vast sea of online content, guiding users to their desired destinations. In the age of smartphones and apps, a well-designed logo can make the difference between scrolling past or engaging with a brand's content.
The Role of Consistency
Consistency is key to maintaining the integrity and impact of a logo. Brands must ensure that their logos remain consistent across various touchpoints, from storefronts to websites to social media profiles. Consistency reinforces brand identity and prevents confusion among consumers, strengthening the association between the logo and the brand it represents.
Famous logos are more than just symbols; they are powerful conduits of brand recognition, trust, and emotional connection. From evoking nostalgia to inspiring trust, logos wield immense influence over consumer perceptions and behaviors. As brands continue to navigate the ever-evolving landscape of marketing and branding, the importance of a well-crafted logo remains steadfast, serving as the cornerstone of brand identity and recognition.
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easterneyenews · 4 months
The Dos and Don'ts of Social Media Marketing: Best Practices
In today's speedy digital world, using social media is not just a choice; it's a must. Whether you own a small business or work in marketing, knowing what to do and what not to do on social media is super important for your online success. In this blog, we'll check out the best ways to use social media well and avoid common mistakes. It's like finding the right path to make your online presence stronger and better.
What is Social Media Marketing?
Social media marketing is like using social media platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn, to talk to and connect with people. According to a British Online Newspaper, social media marketing has become integral for businesses to navigate the competitive market. It's a way for businesses and people to share things like their products, services, or messages in a way that makes sense to those who use these platforms. People do this by creating interesting posts, talking with their followers, showing ads to specific groups, and looking at data to make things work better. The main idea is to make more people know about a brand, visit its website, and like it by using the power of social media where lots of people are connected. It's like telling your story in a place where many others can hear and see it.
The Dos:
Make a Good Plan: Before you start using social media, make a clear plan. Figure out who you want to talk to, set goals you can measure, and pick the right social media places for your business. Having a good plan will help you create interesting things and connect with people.
Keep Your Look the Same: Make sure your brand looks the same on all social media. Use the same logos, colors, and words to help people recognize your brand. This makes people trust you more.
Talk to Your Fans: Social media is a two-way street. Talk with your fans by replying to comments, messages, and mentions. Start conversations, ask questions, and really care about what your followers think.
Share Good Stuff: Share things that your fans will like. It could be helpful articles, fun videos, or cool pictures. Mixing up the types of things you share keeps your page interesting for different people.
Use Numbers to Help You: Use tools that tell you how your posts are doing on social media. Understand what your fans like and change your plan based on that. Using numbers helps you make smart choices for better results.
The Don'ts:
Forget About Pictures: People scroll through social media fast, and good pictures catch their attention. Don't forget to use high-quality images, videos, and graphics. Spending time making things look good is worth it.
Ignore How Social Media Works: Each social media place has its own way of showing things to people. Know how it works and change your plan to reach more people. Ignoring how it works can make fewer people see your posts.
Talk Too Much About Yourself: It's good to talk about what you sell, but don't only talk about yourself. Share other interesting things too. Balancing what you sell with other cool posts keeps people interested.
Leave Bad Comments Alone: Sometimes, people say not-so-nice things. Instead of ignoring them, respond in a nice way. This shows you care about what people think and want to get better.
Forget to Post Regularly: If you post things now and then, people might forget about you. Make a schedule and stick to it. Posting regularly helps people remember you and trust your brand.
In the end, doing well on social media needs a careful plan. If you follow these tips, you can make your online presence better, connect with people in a real way, and stay ahead in the fast world of social media. Remember, getting good at social media takes time, but it's worth it.
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afifaic · 4 months
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↓ 𝐎𝐫𝐠𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐜 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐝 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 ↓ ✔️ Effective and consistently executed organic marketing can be a powerful tool for building brand recognition. You can attract and retain customers by informing users about your products and addressing their needs. I approach organic marketing as a long-term investment, requiring dedication, patience, and a genuine commitment to helping others. My goal is to help you turn potential clients into loyal customers. ✔️ Once your organic content marketing is established, consider incorporating paid advertising for more immediate results. While these two approaches have distinct goals, combining them can greatly enhance your overall performance. With paid advertising, I will select your Ad campaigns carefully to help you minimize costs, generate new leads, and close sales.
Hi! I’m Afifa, a Professional Content Writer. I encompass a variety of strategies that foster a connection with targeted audiences through the right content, keywords, and competitor analysis.
Follow for more tips-
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ioninks · 4 months
Latest App Developement techniques of 2024
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Here are some latest app development techniques for 2024:
Cross-Platform Development:
Flutter and Dart: Flutter gained popularity for cross-platform development. Developed by Google, it allows developers to create native-like experiences for both iOS and Android using a single codebase.
React Native: Facebook's React Native continued to be widely used for building cross-platform mobile apps, leveraging the power of React and JavaScript.
Progressive Web Apps (PWAs):
PWAs continued to gain traction. They combine the best features of both web and mobile apps, providing a responsive and seamless user experience across devices.
Machine Learning and AI Integration:
Integrating machine learning and AI features into mobile apps became more prevalent. This includes features like personalized recommendations, natural language processing, and image recognition.
5G Technology Integration:
With the rollout of 5G networks, app developers began exploring ways to leverage the increased speed and bandwidth for delivering richer content and more immersive experiences.
Internet of Things (IoT) Integration:
Apps started incorporating IoT technologies to enable communication and interaction with connected devices. This is particularly relevant for industries like smart home, healthcare, and industrial automation.
Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR):
AR and VR technologies continued to evolve, and app developers explored ways to integrate them into gaming, education, training, and various other applications.
Blockchain Integration:
Blockchain technology found its way into mobile app development, particularly in applications involving secure transactions, supply chain, and data integrity.
Enhanced Security Measures:
As cyber threats evolved, app developers focused on implementing robust security measures, including encryption, secure authentication methods, and secure data storage.
Serverless Architecture:
Serverless computing became more popular, allowing developers to focus on writing code without the need to manage server infrastructure. This can lead to increased scalability and reduced operational overhead.
Instant Apps:
Google's Instant Apps allowed users to experience an app without actually installing it. This could be beneficial for user engagement and reducing friction in the app discovery process.
It's important to keep in mind that the field of app development is dynamic, and new technologies and trends emerge regularly. Developers should stay updated with the latest advancements to build modern and competitive applications.
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Unlock the true potential of tradeshows and their extraordinary impact on your business. Explore the advantages of engaging in these industry-specific events and find out how they lead to improved brand recognition, increased leads, and strategic networking. Make tradeshows an integral part of your business strategy today!
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marigoldacademy · 5 months
If you’ve ever considered venturing into the world of business ownership, you’ve likely pondered over the idea of investing in a childcare franchise. The childcare industry has seen a significant surge in demand over the years, making it a lucrative opportunity for aspiring entrepreneurs. Let’s explore the prospects of owning a childcare franchise and help you determine if it fits you.
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codehunger · 6 months
How a logo can improve brand visibility
A logo plays a crucial role in improving brand visibility through a variety of mechanisms. Let’s explore these in detail: Below are the points helpful in increasing brand visibility Instant Recognition Memorability Consistency Professionalism Differentiation Multi-Platform Versatility Cultural Relevance Storytelling 1. Instant Recognition A well-designed logo serves as the face of your…
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