#blood and fire
jimmymmtz · 11 months
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/Jacela AU/ ② “My Lady’s Favour”…
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anira-naeg · 3 months
Maegor's black wives.
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Astarion: Was forced to touch others and be touched against his will for so long without having any choice while being used by a cruel powerful force he could not escape
Karlach: had her ability to touch others ripped from her to suffer for a decade in hell and loneliness while being used by a cruel powerful force she could not escape
Astarion trying to use his body out of instinct and not being able to. Karlach wanting to touch him but having to slow him down.
Karlach finally being able to touch him right when he's processed enough of his trauma to be on equal footing, or to begin to approach her without his whiplash need to seduce for safety.
The only best-ending for both characters without changing the Epiolgues: Avernus has no sun, and Astarion is free there. Karlach never has to be alone again, and with Astarion at her side, they can take on Zariel.
Yeah, Wyll can follow Karlach, so can Tav... But Avernus is the only place Spawn Astarion gets true freedom without a cure. It's the only place Karlach gets to live without a cure
And they get to go there together, the untouchable woman and the over-touched man, now no longer untouchable, now no longer touched-against-his-will, together as equals. Partners.
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bunnycan · 2 months
-Jacaerys velaryon heredero al Trono de Hierro, se siente atraído por un lamentable mozo de cuadra.
Warnings: Male reader; Situación sexuales, uso de la palabra "pene", etc; Masturbación masculina; (Realmente no sé que poner aquí??? Lo intente 👅)
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Es todo lo que se le venía a la mente a Jacaerys Velaryon cuando pensaba en ti. Patético que a pesar de tener una altura mayor a la de tu edad, dejabas que otros mozos de cuadra te molestaran. Patético la forma en que cuando cualquier gente, no importa el estatus, pasaba frente a ti, solo bajabas la mirada.
Y más patético se pareció el mismo cuando no podía sacarte de su cabeza.
'¡Un Príncipe Heredó al Trono de Hierro!' Se dice en su cabeza. Y sobre todo, un Targaryen. Un maldito Targaryen prácticamente enamorado de un simple... Mozo de cuadra.
Y no un mozo de cuadra cualquiera, que podría tener algún tipo de mínima personalidad o habilidad en su propia tarea, si no el amasijo más lamentable que se le cruzó por delante. Todavía se sigue preguntando cómo te permiten continuar tus actividades de una forma tan errónea.
Todavía se sigue preguntando por qué se aseguró que estes bajo su servicio personal.
Y todavía sigue pensando en la primera vez que trataste de cambiar la montura de su caballo. Cómo te miro fijamente en tu nerviosismo. Para luego de unos momentos ofrecer su ayuda, la que rechazaste temerosamente, para pedir disculpas y piedad a tu príncipe. Al final, no pudiste negarte e impedir que la colocará el mismo.
Jacaerys nunca necesito a nadie para hacer estás tareas, pero aquí estás, haciendo un mal trabajo. En algún momento le preguntaste directamente por qué su insistencia en que le sirvieras. A lo que el respondió con un, "Me das lastima..."
Y fueron por esas palabras que te resultaron más que extraños los actos posteriores de Jacaerys. La primera acción fue un ofrecimiento de un pequeño aperitivo, que se repitió por un tiempo. La segunda, charlas innecesarias para la relación que los unia. ¿Que oficio practicaba tu padre? ¡Un humilde pescador, obviamente! No hay mucho a lo que la plebe puede dedicarse en esta isla fuera de la fortaleza.
La tercera fue la que te causo un dolor de cabeza. Tenías una hermana, una hermana que rondaba tu edad, que trabajaba en las cocinas. Y, oh, Santos, lo que causó que Jacaerys te viera hablando, según su opinión, demasiado íntimamente con ella. Pues claro, es tu hermana, no puedes simplemente ignorarla...
Ese día el príncipe exigió cabalgar más pronto de lo habitual, para luego obligarte a seguirlo a pie. Te guío hasta una orilla particularmente escondida y desmontó. No pudo mirarte fijamente mucho tiempo cuando comenzó a reprender que con un interés amoroso mundano no podías llevar a cabo tus obligaciones, e incluso llegarías a hacerlas peor de lo habitual.
Aunque te pareció linda la pequeña vergüenza que se vio en su rostro cuando le informaste que esa cocinera que vio era solo tu hermana, tu sangre. Que aunque para los Targaryen sea habitual el incesto, Poniente no está acostumbrado a esas uniones. También te pareció lindo el pequeño casi imperceptible rubor de sus mejillas luego de decir eso.
Una pequeña disculpa te hubiera bastado para limpiar el agravio. Pero no la recibiste. Solo fue "un malentendido gratamente solucionado", según sus palabras.
Las siguientes semanas fueron tranquilas, cumpliendo tus obligaciones lo más aceptable posible. Tampoco pudiste evitar la mirada furtiva de Jacaerys en tu cuello cada vez que estabas de espalda a el.
Y Jacaerys tampoco pudo evitar avanzar unos pasos, inclinarse e inhalar suavemente. No le sorprendió, un olor tirando a neutro, sudor y... ¿Masculinidad? Ni siquiera puede describirlo, ni siquiera sabe por qué lo llama masculinidad si es algo que no te caracteriza para nada.
Pero de pronto se encontró masturbándose con el recuerdo de tu esencia en la intimidad de sus aposentos. Tratando de recordar lo mejor que pudo y emocionándose cuando la imagen de tu rostro divaga por su mente. Aún más con la imagen de tu, inexplicable, abdomen trabajado. Jacaerys tuvo el orgasmo más placentero en mucho tiempo esa noche. El que tuvo la mañana siguiente lo superó.
Una mañana en la que le informaste que ya no tendría que ayudarte en colocar la montura, por fin podías hacerlo como correspondía. Una mañana en la el principe creyó adecuado darte una recompensa.
Una recompensa que pensaste sería algún aperitivo nuevo, o un par de monedas extra. Pero estabas equivocado. El principe considero que tu nueva aptitud merecía algo más. Lo que no te detuvo de sorprenderte cuando te tiro suavemente contra una pared dentro de las cuadras y guío su mano a tu entrepierna. Acariciando levemente contra el cuero.
Tu mirada conmocionada se dirigió inmediatamente hacia los ojos de Jacaerys, que te devolvían una muestra de emoción, vergüenza y algo de temor. ¿Temor a que lo apartaras, tal vez? ¿Rechazar este contacto? Para su suerte, no lo hiciste. Solo moviste tu mano para unirte sobre la de el y alentarlo a presionar más activamente. Lo que hizo. Sintiendo como tu polla se ponía cada vez más erecta.
Y en un momento se atrevió a más, usando sus dos manos para liberar tu hombría. Contemplando que era un poco más grande que la suya propia, solo un poco. Inmediatamente la envolvió con una mano completa, comenzando a subir y bajar. Estaba completamente concentrado en ello. Tanto que no previó que apoyaras tu cuerpo sobre su hombro, tu boca apuntando a su oreja, recibiendo tu respiración directamente.
Entonces se encontraba aquí, oculto en un rincón de la caballeriza, masturbando a su mozo de cuadra. Bastante patético.
Algo que dejó de importarle momentáneamente cuando comenzó a recibir tus jadeos. Lo que lo exitó bastante, y lo llevo a a jugar con la punta de tu longitud. Que desencadenó ahora gemidos de tu parte. Lo que tuvo como consecuencia su propia polla endurecida en los pantalones.
El principe lo estaba haciendo bastante bien, masturbando a su sirviente. Merecía elogios, ¿no? La repuesta de tu parte fue un rotundo 'si', para luego comenzar con ello.
El primero, "Su Alteza, su mano se siente demasiado bien..."
Jacaerys se sintió avergonzado. Pero solo continuo, aumentado un poco el movimiento y la velocidad.
El segundo, "Eres tan hermoso, Su Alteza. Tan espléndido..."
¿Lo era? Tu opinión a su belleza causo una pequeña sonrisa en rostro y que levantará la mirada. Algo de lo que se arrepintió inmediatamente. El ver toda las expresiones que provocaban sus movimientos en tu faz fue suficiente para llevarlo a eyacular dentro de sus pantalones.
Y por tu parte, la pequeña abertura de sus labios mientras ocurría te llevo a unir sus labios, lo que te emociono lo suficiente para que causará tu propia liberación.
Un beso, el primero de Jacaerys. No el tuyo. Un beso que revoluciono la mente del principe y la puso en un cielo tranquilo y sereno.
Un beso que acabo. Tu aún jadeando contra la pared y Jacaerys dirigiendo la mirada hacia abajo, encontrando tu flacidez y sus dedos cubiertos de ese líquido blanco. Lo que luego de mirarlo un momento lo alarmó.
Sin soltar una palabra, saco un pañuelo y limpio su mano lo más que pudo en un corto tiempo, para inmediatamente dirigirse fuera. Dejandote detrás.
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Tendrá una segunda parte 👍
También quería traducirlo al ingles pero desconozco completamente el idioma? Ja
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raccoonattack · 1 year
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The first song of ice and fire.
Cregan Stark/Jacaerys Velaryon
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Known for its extensive wealth and ruthless businessmen, Westeros is regarded as the financial capital of the world. King's Landing is the capital of the continent. The city is a bustling hub for international trade and home to multiple criminal organizations called the houses of crime. Being the head of a house was not an easy job, Rhaegar knew that better than anyone. In this line of work, meeting people and building deep relationships is difficult, so it was safe to say that he would never imagine that someone would simply stroll into his bar on a quiet night.
As the head of his house, Rhaegar possesses a remarkably shrewd and strategic mind, standing out as one of Westeros' most adept planners, always several steps ahead and exploiting his deep understanding of human psychology to manipulate situations and people to his advantage. His emotional depth adds complexity; brooding charisma contrasts with his guarded nature due to past loss and abuse. Fiercely loyal to family, and his inner circle, on them his trust is unwavering, going to great lengths to protect them. While his facade exudes mystery, occasional glimpses reveal genuine emotion, unveiling inner conflicts and moral dilemmas that shape his multidimensional character. He is a careful man which makes it quite curious when he does something seen as so careless, but that person pulled him to it.
Lyanna, a fiercely independent and determined woman, embodies unwavering resilience and adaptability, overcoming daunting challenges with resourcefulness and swift thinking. Possessing an unshakable sense of self, she stands firm against external opinions. With a deep commitment to justice and a steadfast moral compass, Lyanna deftly manoeuvres intricate situations, both physical and emotional, exuding grace and agility even in high-pressure scenarios. Her fiery spirit and loyalty drive her to challenge norms and carve her own trail, fearlessly embracing her authentic identity. A force to be reckoned with, Lyanna's resourcefulness, determination, and unwavering spirit shape her into an influential presence that inspires others to stand up for their beliefs and remain true to themselves. She hasn't had the best of lives, but always chose to be free than following what others wanted for her future. So putting that in jeopardy for a job isn't the unusual.
Arthur epitomizes wisdom, his insight penetrates beyond the surface, coupled with a strategic mindset, resourcefulness, and an innate sense of duty. His nobility and unwavering loyalty to Rhaegar Targaryen and the Dragons underscore his commitment. With qualities such as bravery, chivalry, and unwavering righteousness, he places himself in harm's way to safeguard others and their values. As Rhaegar's trusted ally, Arthur possesses not only intelligence, ambition, and political acumen, but also the skills of manipulation, negotiation, and influence. His exceptional combat prowess complements his sharp intellect, all driven by an unwavering duty and a fervent pursuit of justice, rendering him a formidable force both intellectually and physically. He has been in love with his best friend for as long as they knew each other, and he never thought he would love another, but then again life has it's ways.
Organized Crime/ Alternate Universe - Modern Setting / Alternate universe - Mafia/ Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence/ Polyamorous Character/ Polyamory/ Bisexual Character/ Pansexual Character/ Nonbinary Character/ Violence But Duh
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delphic-warrior00 · 2 years
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🔥🩸⚔️ 🧥
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medusas-daughter · 2 years
Aemond : 'twas only a compliment
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Me: you will not win me over with your use of 'twas
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alex6186 · 2 months
Fancasting: Aegon The Conqueror
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#Fancast #Fancasting #aegontheconqueror #aegontargaryen #GameOfThrones #HouseTargaryen #HouseOfTheDragon #viseynatargaryen #HBO ##orysBaratheon #rhaenys targaryen  #VanessaKirby #harrygoodwins #kayaScodelario #meraxes #vhagar #baleriontheblackdread #ironthrone #JeremyParisi #meraxesbalerionvhagar #FireAndBlood #TargaryenDynasty
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Rhaenyra x Daemon
I came across those statements, what do you believe ?
“According to the accounts of Septon Eustace, prior to her turning sixteen, Rhaenyra lost her virginity to her uncle, Prince Daemon, after he seduced her. The account of the fool Mushroom is more scandalous, however, claiming that Daemon gave Rhaenyra lessons on how to seduce and please a man, lessons in which Mushroom insists he took part as well. Mushroom's account differs from Eustace's account, in that Mushroom claims Rhaenyra remained a virgin during these lessons. According to Mushroom, Rhaenyra received those lessons from Daemon because she was in love with Criston Cole, and she wanted him to see her as a woman. Whichever account is true, (Grand Maester Runciter simply claims that the two brothers quarreled), King Viserys sent his brother into exile.”
Do you think that Daemon has taken Rhaenyra's virginity for those couple of reasons:
- We are told Daemon had a bit of a fetish for sleeping with virgins, which is pretty random and doesn't help with anything unless it would be to suggest he slept with one very important virgin
- Rhaenyra's marriage to Laenor. Sure he might be of the best blood possible, but he is also a known homosexual, which makes it very likely that he was chosen on the grounds that his homosexuality is actually a good thing as he's less likely to complain about Rhaenyra being soiled goods.
- Viserys's reaction. Viserys forgave his brother basically everything even some really serious shit, but the one thing he didn't forgave was whatever happened with Rhaenyra. Daemon's death was at one point on the table so it was really serious. And if no actual harm was done I don't see Viserys acting the way he did.
What do you think?
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wagizhen · 2 years
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Inktober Day 5 Flame
(I know today is already 16th and I jump from Day 1 to Day 5 but…)
The Summerhall, Aegon V and Ser Duncan the tall
(Also quickly put some color)
I don’t know how Martin will describe thoroughly of Aegon V’s reign in “fire and blood”. In my imagination at the end of it, he should probably be somehow mad, (not disastrous as Aerys II or his brother Aerion but, not totally sane at least).
And it is more sad when I re-read “The knights of seven kingdom”.
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darthestvaderever · 8 months
some opinions about House of the Dragon
i just read the Blood and Fire by GRRM. and am i tripping or when Rhaenyra took the iron throne for a short while and when she was sitting on the iron throne while she was queen, the throne cut all over her arms and legs or whatver "rejecting" her. And in the book George R.R. Martin even tells us that it was the way iron throne rejects the unworthy rulers like that. In that case Aegon II was the usurper so both Aegon II and Rhaenyra are not fit the rule just like Viserys in my own opinion.
And also, in the book we clearly told that the book and the lure is told by maesters who are not %100 truthful nor objective or not at the scene of the events at all and court jester Mushroom who happens to lie to "spice things up" in the book adding untrue details to the historic events ...so in the book we are reading clearly a retold or gossips and memories of others etc. what do you wanna call it...But in the show i think i am not sure if we are watching "what really happened" or "one of the alternative stories"..
And i am really favoring the "team green" characters if you wanna call it and i genuienly think they are making Rhaenyra wrong by the show. In my opinion Green characters even tho they had limited screen time, are much more complex and dimensional but Rhaenyra, the main character and her supporters and her "team" is kinda showed maybe a bit too one dimensional...i mean in the book we get to witness all of her emotions and i hope they wont turn this show into good guys vs. evil guys kinda thing...
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torchwood-99 · 7 months
Prediction about Rhaenyra's final season and death.
I've already theorised that Rhaenyra's death will be a blood to sacrifice, that will somehow help the future battle against the white walkers. I think that the fact they've introduced the song of ice and fire, and introduced it for her and her alone, means that it will play a crucial role in her plot arc.
I think they've made Helaena a dreamer so she can talk to Rhaenyra about the future while imprisoned by her, and lay the groundwork for Rhaenyra discovering, or outright telling her, that Rhaenyra must sacrifice herself for the kingdom.
Rhaenyra's final season will see her struggle not only with the war, but her internal strife over having to make this decision. At one point I think she will choose to turn a blind her and deny this duty, and that will be when she cuts herself on the iron throne.
I think we will see her in denial, see her filled with resentment and fury, and finally, see her come to a grudging acceptance. She loathes the fact that she must die, that she's already lost her family and her children and now she must give up her life and let her last remaining son become an orphan, left under the care of her usurper brother, but in the end she accepts this as her duty.
When she goes to Dragonstone, it's not to flee her death, but to greet it.
In making this sacrifice, and the sacrifice working somehow, she proves herself to be the real queen and ruler. For not only do her actions justify it, the potency of her sacrifice comes from it being that of a queen's. This will be held in contrast to Aegon's death. When he dies, it will be for nothing. He has done no good, he leaves no legacy. When Rhaenyra dies, it will be for the kingdom.
Finally, I think that in making this sacrifice, some part of Rhaenyra, a fragment of her spirit or something, will live on in some way, and she will take on some sort of omnipotent spirit like role, which is how we see her narrating at the beginning of the series. We might even find out who she is telling the story to, and what relevance it will have for the battle with the white walkers.
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aurorasilverthorne · 1 year
Shaera Velaryon
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Note: Shaera is my OC. If you want to use her in fanart or fanfiction, please remember to credit me as her creator. Thank you.
Age: 19
Race: Valyrian
Family: Rhaenyra Targaryen (mother), Laenor Velaryon (father), Daemon Targaryen (great uncle by marriage), Corlys Velaryon (paternal grandfather, rumored sire), Vaemond Velaryon (paternal great uncle, rumored sire) Rhaenys Targaryen (paternal grandmother), Laena Targaryen (aunt), Helaena Targaryen (aunt), Jacaerys Velaryon (brother), Lucerys Velaryon (brother), Joffrey Velaryon (brother). Aegon III Targaryen (cousin), Viserys II Targaryen (cousin), Baela Velaryon (cousin), Rhaena Velaryon (cousin), Aegon II Targaryen (uncle), Aemond Targaryen (uncle), Visery I Targaryen (maternal grandfather), Aemma Arryn (maternal grandmother), Baelon Targaryen (uncle, deceased), Daeron Targaryen (uncle).
Status: The Princess of Dragonstone, Heir to the Iron Throne.
Dragon: Silverwing
Allegiance: House Targaryen, House Velaryon, Westeros, Valyria, The Blacks.
Spouse: Aemond "One Eye" Targaryen (betrothed).
Personality Type(s): ENTJ (Outspoken, confident, strategic, decisive) with hints of ENFJ (generous, loyal, understanding) ESFJ (very outgoing, dedicated, provider), & ISTJ (dependable, practical, organized, realistic, exceedingly conscientious).
Hair: Silver-Gold (waist length).
Eyes: Deep Purple.
Height: 5ft. 7in.
Weight: 114 lbs.
Physique: Hourglass figure, smooth amber complexion, high cheekbones, a symmetrical diamond shaped face, full pouty lips & dimples.
Colors: Black & Gold, Silver & Green.
Skills: Swordswoman, singer, diplomat, dragonrider.
AU where Aemond allowed Aegon II to escape to Essos so Aemond can inherit their father's throne, Rhaenyra has given Laenor a legitimate child, Helaena weds Vaemond, Daemon never gets to marry Rhaenyra and Laena didn't die so she still has Vhagar resulting in Aemond claiming Vermithor instead, though only after he had failed and nearly died trying to claim, The Cannibal, who's the most dangerous dragon in the seven kingdoms.
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raccoonattack · 1 year
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Cregan Stark & Jacaerys Velaryon
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th3-0bjectivist · 2 years
(***I was pretty drunk when I wrote the below commentary. This will be posted with minimal edits and for brevity only***)
   HI, dear listener. Gee golly, it sure has beena while since I posted something metal. You knowz, Type O Negative sure has provided me with a shitloade of comfort over the last few weeks, and throughout my lifetime now that I think about it. I suppose now is as good a time as any to offociALLY ANNOUCNE I’m getting divorced! That’s right! Five years of marriage, down the drain, bhitch! Which I guess is poetically appropriate because I did ask her early on, ‘What’re you doing for the next five years!?’ But seriously, divorce sucks. So far, itz like going to the dentist for a triple root canal; you know it’s gonna be painful and you know it’s gonna be sore afterward. 1UCKILY, this gothic metal band from yesteryear has once again saved my unlucky a$$ from wallowing in torment alone. Let me tell you something, I HATE goth music with a passion that could obliterate a solar system. I FUCIKING LOVE TYPE O NEGATIVE. Thish group, I think I featured on my page once, looooong ago. So, here’s the thing. I keep going back. I keep GOING BACK over the years. They’re fantastic, legendary even, helmed by the vampiric and immortal Peter Steele (R.I.P.). BTW, true storee, I saw P. Steele’s dick once. Not even kidding. Let me tell the tale; it was the mid 1990’s, I was about 12. I flipped open a Playgirl thinking it was a Playboy and saw P. Steele’s massive, gargantuan shvantz… I think it traumatized me. No, I’m sure it traumatized me. It was literally like staring at a leviathan… thanks Pete! Thanks a lot!! But as sobering as that memory is, I also remember this group has kept me entertained for nearly thirty years, creating seven great doom metal albums which regularly allow me to dive headfirst into someone else’s misery whenever I’m miserable. This is the very first song I’d ever heard by this group, Blood and Fire (Out of the Ashes Remix) from 1995’s Mortal Kombat movie soundtrack, and it means much more to me these days than ever before. Enjoy, dear listener!
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Pete from his 1994 Playgirl spread, just in case you thought I was fucking with you. Believe me, this is the most tame photo from that spread. Image credit: https://reikisweden.com/peter%20steele%20cover%20playgirl.htm
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