#billy rocks x reader
make-me-imagine · 2 years
Headcanons + Drabble: How the Seven Admit Their Feelings For You (2016 Movie)
I did this same headcanon prompt for the Tv Series, you can find those -here-
Characters: Goodnight Robicheaux, Billy Rocks, Vasquez, Red Harvest, Sam Chisolm, and Joshua Faraday - All x GN!Readers *No Jack Horne, because though I like his character, I do not want to write a 'x reader' with him.
Warnings: A couple kisses (in Goodies, Vasquez, and Faradays), but that's about it.
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Goodnight Robicheaux:
Goodie is very forward with his feelings as soon as he realizes them, whether these feelings are just attraction or love.
He is flirtatious and charming as soon as you meet, but the second he realizes he has genuine feelings for you, he can't keep it buried.
Afraid to scare you off, he shows his feelings subtly at first, then becomes more affectionate over time.
Instead of casually calling you 'darling', he starts calling you 'sweetheart' or 'love'.
You notice that he will suddenly always be by your side, often shoulders brushing, or a casual hand brushing yours as he walks past.
He compliments you, helps you with anything you need, he is always there. But he is very good at not being stifling, he gives you your space.
You will catch him staring at you more often, and when you do he just smiles and winks.
He will kiss your knuckles/hand when leaving, or if he sees you again after some time apart.
You are unsure if he is just being flirtatious, or if he is being genuine, so you do not really react to any of it.
It does not take Goodie long to realize this, so he decides to catch you alone one day so he can reassure you of how genuine his feelings are.
Goodie smiled to himself as he found you alone, humming to yourself as you braided a new bridle for your horse. He felt a nervous flutter in his chest, but took a deep breath and made his way towards you.
"Well now, that's coming along beautifully." He commented as he sat beside you, running his fingers along part of the bridle.
You smiled at him, "Thank you."
Goodie watched you for a moment, his eyes gently exploring your profile, as he admired how delicate your skin looked.
Looking back up, you met his eyes and smiled softly, almost shyly. "Did you need something Goodnight?"
He smiled softly at you and shook his head, "No, just wanted to spend some time with you is all."
You felt your neck heat up a bit as you nervously looked back down at the bridle. Goodie smiled to himself, seeing how his words effected you.
He leaned in a little and whispered. "I lied."
You looked up and met his eyes again, feeling a jolt in your chest as you realized how close you were now.
"About what?" You asked, your voice also in a whisper.
"I do want something."
"What's that?"
A small smirk played at the edge of his lips. "I wanted to tell you something. Or, at least, reassure you of something."
You continued to look at him, without speaking, waiting for him to continue.
Goodie looked down at your hand, and reached over to grab it. Gently, he took your hand and brought it to his face, pressing a soft kiss to the back of it.
Your heart began beating rapidly, as your breath became uneven.
"I adore you." He said softly, and your breath hitched in your throat.
You let out a soft breath as you shook your head with a soft smile. "I never know if you are being genuine Goodie."
He frowned slightly but nodded his head. "I know. And that is entirely my fault. That's what I wanted to tell you, to reassure you that-" he squeezed your hand softly. "-I have never been more genuine."
Your eyes flicked to his hands holding yours, before you met his eyes. "Truly?"
He nodded as he brought your hand to his lips again "Truly."
His own heart fluttered as a smile spread across your face, "I suppose t's no secret i feel the same?"
He grinned "Not so much. But I love your transparency, it only makes me adore you even more."
You let out a soft laugh as you looked down at your feet shyly. Feeling a finger hook underneath your chin, Goodnight made you look up at him again.
He has a soft smile on his face as he leaned closer. You felt your breath hitch in your throat as he pressed a soft kiss to your lips. His facial hair tickled your skin lightly as he did so.
Pulling away, he gently grazed his fingers across your cheek as you locked eyes, sharing in a silent revelation.
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Billy Rocks:
Billy is very reserved and might be unsure of himself at first.
He notices how his eyes always seem to search for you, how he thinks of you when you are not around, and how he seems to gravitate towards you when you are.
It was Goodie who first suggested that maybe it was because Billy was developing strong feelings for you.
Billy took this to heart and started to pay more attention to how he felt around you.
He started to notice how your presence affected him.
How your presence made his heart beat faster, how your smile sent butterflies through his stomach, how your laugh made him smile.
He felt stupid for not having noticed how much you effected him earlier.
But once he did notice, the thought of you drove him crazy, and he couldn't help but constantly think of how happy he would be if you were with him.
Billy would often think that you would not see him that way, but one day when he caught your eyes and you smiled brightly at him, he thought, maybe he was wrong.
And there was only one real way of finding out.
Billy's heart continued to beat rapidly as he began to follow you. You were heading toward the stream just outside the town. This could be the perfect moment to tell you how he felt.
Taking a deep breath, he tried to settle his anxiety. He slowed down as he watched you dip down, running your hand through the stream.
As you began to gather water into a few canteens, you heard a crunch of leaves and looked back. You saw Billy standing a few feet behind you, hat in his hands.
You smiled at him, feeling butterflies flutter through your stomach. "Hello Billy."
He smiled awkwardly as he took a few steps closer. "I'm sorry if I startled you."
You stood and smiled, shaking your head. "You didn't." Noticing how fidgety he seemed, you began to grow a bit worried.
Turning fully toward him, you frowned a bit. "Is something wrong Billy?"
He shook his head softly. "No, nothing is wrong, I just... have something to say."
You felt your heart jolt out of surprise and anxiety, as your ears began to burn. What could he need to say that would make him so nervous? You waited for him to speak, holding your canteen in front of your chest as you fiddled with the strap.
Taking a few steps closer to you, he looked around to make sure you were alone, as he rotated his hat nervously in his hands. Feeling a bit frustrated at his own sudden awkwardness, he let out a frustrated breath before he met your eyes again.
"I like you, Y/n." As he paused, he watched your face for some form of reaction. He felt his worries lessen a little as he saw your lip quirk up into a small smile.
"You like me?" You questioned softly as you remained still.
Billy took another step towards you as he nodded "I do. Very much." Taking another tentative step closer, he was only a few feet away from you now "And I thought, that maybe, if you felt the same as me-" another step closer, he was right in front of you now, his eyes drilling into yours. "That we could-"
He stopped unsure of how to continue as he stood right in front of you now. You were so close, that his hands, still holding his hat, brushed against yours as you held your canteen in front of you.
"That we could...be together?" You finished tentatively, your voice soft, shy.
He nodded softly as his eyes scanned your face "Yes." Stretching out a single finger, he gently caressed your hand.
You repressed a grin, but smile softly at him, "I do feel the same Billy."
You saw a quick moment of surprise flash across his face before a small smile stretched across it. "Good."
Your smile widened a bit as his hand gently wrapped around yours. Bringing it up to his face, he pressed a kiss to the back of it, his eyes never leaving yours.
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Vasquez was a flirt, and he was attracted to many people.
But there was something about you that made him feel different.
He was the one who made people blush, or giggle. He was the one who caused butterflies in peoples stomachs.
However, when you complimented him, he blushed. When he would make you laugh, he felt proud. When you walked into the room, his heart would flutter.
You made him feel the way he always tried to make you feel.
You didn't see him as a scary outlaw, you saw him as a brave man who did what he needed to to stay alive.
You would listen to him, talk to him, help him. And he was not used to it. Not used to someone caring about him.
He adored you and it did not take much for him to realize it.
What scared him as that you did not want more with him, that you did not want him as much as he wanted you.
So Vasquez decided to wait, to watch, to see if he could find out just how you felt.
And one day, when you all showed up in a new town, it wasn't long before a local started flirting with you.
Vasquez was jealous, he was angry.
But he was glad when you seemed to shoo that man away, and he was ecstatic, when you came to him to find shelter from other's attentions.
Vasquez's eyes never left your face as you settled in the stool beside him. You let out a breath and Vasquez smiled.
A grin spread across his face. "Not enjoying your new found attention Abejita?"
You smiled to yourself as used his nickname for you, 'little bee', harmless unless threatened, cute but dangerous.
You met his eyes "Who could enjoy the garbage coming out of that mans mouth? Tell me Vasquez, do all men think that insulting someone makes them seem irresistible?"
You saw the smile on his face falter "He insulted you?"
You shrugged a little "I think he thought he was complimenting me, but all he really called me was desperate."
"Said the spider to the fly." Vasquez hissed as he looked back over his shoulder at the man. "What will you do if he bothers you again?"
"Same thing I just did." You said simply.
Looking over at you, you smiled softly "You think he's gonna come bother me if I'm with you?"
A smile slowly spread across his face as he leaned his head a little closer "So you came to me to for safety?"
You let out a soft chuckle, "Well I know how you like having your ego stroked."
He gave you a sly smile and chuckled "You coming to be with me is the highest form of compliment amor."
You felt your heart palpitate, "'Amor', that's a new one." You said softly as you stared down at the counter, trying to sound more amused than sheepish.
Vasquez felt a jolt of pride and courage as he could see how calling you 'love' effected you. His eyes grazed over your profile as he hungrily took it in. Leaning in just a little more he smiled softly as he gently ran his finger under your chin, making you look over at him, obviously perplexed.
"Now you know you you make me feel."
You let out a soft laugh "What?"
"Those butterflies in your stomach? That's how I always feel around you amor."
His voice and gaze was unusually soft, and you could tell he was not joking. Your heart began fluttering faster.
You smiled softly. "I never imagined you having butterflies."
"Only for you" He quickly replied.
"Is that so?" You said with an amused smile, wondering how truthful he was being.
Your voices were soft, almost whispers, your faces not far apart as your eyes seemed locked on each other. You saw his eyes flick to your lips, so fast you almost missed it.
"It is so, and new. I'm not used to this feeling."
"What feeling is that?"
Vasquez's lip quirked up a bit, you were forcing him to admit it, you needed to hear it to believe it.
He shook his head softly "I do not know what it's called. But I know what it will become." He paused, letting the silent tension rise a bit, he looked at your lips again, for longer this time. Locking his eyes with yours again he spoke in a whisper. "Love."
"You seem certain." You wanted him to be, just as much as you were.
Reaching out, he gently caressed your face with his fingers, "I am."
"And how do you feel about that?"
Leaning in, he placed a soft kiss to your lips, quick, yet perfect. He smiled softly, and whispered "Ready."
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Red Harvest:
I think a lot of people would expect Red Harvest to not really understand his own feelings.
But I think it's the opposite.
He knows exactly what he feels, when he feels it.
He just does not act on it until he knows it is the right thing to do.
And when he realizes he has developed feelings for you, he is unsure of when the right moment would be to tell you this. Or if there was a right moment at all.
He had never been more unsure of himself, as when he realized he cared for you like that.
Red Harvest admires your bravery and strength, and adores your laugh and your kindness.
Too caught up in how he feels, he often misses the signs that you feel the same.
When Sam makes a passing comment about it one day, Red Harvest realizes that maybe now was the right moment after all.
"You should go with Y/n." Sam said casually as he and Red Harvest watched you preparing your horse to go to the nearest town to get supplies.
Red Harvest felt his heart palpitate, but he ignored it. "Why?" He asked bluntly.
Sam looked at him from the corner of his eye, before he began to turn and head back into the safe house. "Because they want you to."
Red watched Sam for a moment before he looked back over at you, watching as you began to mount your horse. Should he go with you? You would get to be alone for a while. Just the two of you.
As you turned to look back at him, he felt his breath catch in his throat. You smiled softly. "I'll be back soon."
Before you could ride off, he called out "Wait."
Looking back at him in mild surprise, you waited as he remained silent for a moment.
"Can I come with you?" He asked tentatively.
You watched him for a moment before you smiled and nodded "Of course."
Red Harvest chastised himself continuously the longer he didn't say anything. He allowed you to speak, and replied when necessary. He enjoyed listening to you talk, and he had every intention of telling you how he felt. But now, as you were on your way back to the safe house, and he had said nothing, he was angry with himself.
Looking over at you, he admired your profile as you looked out ahead of you. You could feel his gaze on you, and your heart fluttered in your chest. You often caught him watching you, and you could only wish it meant what you wanted it to.
You were caught off guard when he spoke, breaking the silence that had been surrounding you for nearly twenty minutes.
"I enjoy riding with you. We should do it more often."
You looked over at him and smiled brightly, "I agree, I like it too." Your eyes locked for a moment and you felt an almost unbearable tension in your chest. "It's much nicer than the constant bickering between Faraday and Vasquez." You added quickly, trying to break the tension you thought you alone felt.
Red Harvest continued to watch you, even as you looked away. Not even he could miss the way you seem to be effected by his comment, or the tension that rose between you in that moment.
Stopping his horse, he watched as you stopped just ahead, turning back to look at him.
"Whats wrong?" You asked, looking around quickly, wondering if he saw something.
Silently, he got down from his horse, and you watched him in confusion. His eyes stayed locked on you as he walked over to your horse, looking up at you.
Lifting his hand up, you understood he wanted you to get down as well. Your heart was hammering in your chest as confusion washed over you. What was happening? Did he see something, hear something?
Getting off your horse, you felt him gently grab your waist to steady you as you did so. As you stood, he was directly in front of you, his eyes still locked with yours, as his hand still rested on your waist.
There was a moment of still silence, as the tension from before grew. Finally, Red Harvest spoke, his voice soft. "I enjoy being with you."
Your heart fluttered in your chest as you struggled to find your voice for a moment. "I enjoy being with you too." You finally said softly.
You felt your body freeze as he slowly lifted his hand, and cupped your face. His eyes darted around your face before he met your eyes again. "I did not know what this path would lead me too. But I think, it was you."
As you smiled, he gently, ran his thumb across your lips and you saw the ghost of a smile on his face. The silence engulfing you was no longer tense, but comfortable, electric, the beginning of a new path together.
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Sam Chisholm:
Sam has a great understanding of how he feels. And he is an advocate for not keeping it too himself.
He is also very good at reading other people, and knows you feel the same.
However, chances are, you are younger than him. Or better than him in ways he can't explain. And that throws him off a bit.
You should be with someone your age, or someone more like you, someone who would not drag you into danger like he does.
So he tries to do the honorable thing, and push his feelings aside, waiting for the day when you find someone else. Someone who could be better for you.
But God, is it hard.
When every time he sets his eyes on you, his heart flutters.
The sound of your voice is music to his ears, and your laugh is his favorite sound in the world.
And God forbid, if someone else shows an interest in you. It takes everything in his power not to scare them off.
But you do it for him. You never show any interest in anyone one else.
Sam notices this, and can't help but feel relieved.
Eventually, he can no longer push those feeling aside. And starts to run out of excuses, so he gives in.
As the locals continued to dance, and you refused yet another dance with someone for the umpteenth time in the night, Sam felt his chest clench. He was glad you were not dancing with anyone else, as he knew how it would made him feel. But, he did want to see you dance.
Standing up a bit straighter, he took a breath. If he wanted to see you dance, he might as well do it himself. Though, what if you said no to him too?
As he walked over to you, he felt his lips curl as you saw him and smiled. Stopping in front of you, he smiled softly "Now why is it that you are refusing to dance tonight Y/n?"
He saw you struggle for an answer for a moment before you shrugged lightly "Can't find the right partner I suppose."
There was something in your tone that told him what he wanted to hear, as a soft smile crossed his face. Slowly, he reached out his hand "I suppose you wouldn't want to dance with me then?"
Your eyes glanced down at his hand as you smiled softly. Looking back up as him, you tilted your head a bit before a soft, almost teasing smile graced your face, making his heart flutter.
You spoke as you placed your hand on top of his "Then you would be wrong Sam Chisholm."
He grinned down at you as he began to lead you out onto the dance floor "There aren't many times I'm glad in being wrong you know."
"There aren't many times you are wrong period." You said with a soft chuckle as you gently placed your hands on his shoulders as you danced. You were glad the current song being played was slow, so you could talk.
"Is that so?" He asked teasingly. "As I recall, I was wrong about that lawyer in the last town not being in on the heists going on."
You shrugged your head lightly "True, but you were right about the ring leader when no one else was, so I think that balanced it out."
He smiled as he hummed a bit. You chuckled softly "You can't think of any other times recently can you?"
His smile widened a bit "Well these is one thing I'm afraid I might be wrong about."
"What's that?"
"You." He said softly, staring into your eyes.
"What are you afraid you are wrong about Sam?" Something was telling you, you already knew. But you'd hate to jump to a conclusion that would break your heart.
"Us." He said softly. Seeing your eyes widen slightly, he continued. "I'm afraid I read us wrong. Afraid I'm wrong in believing you feel the same way I do."
Your heart was beating quickly as your eyes refused to leave his. "Do you have feelings for me Sam?"
He nodded softly. "I do."
A small smile crept along your face as you shook your head ever-so-slightly "Then you aren't wrong."
His heart fluttered in his chest as his smile remained wide. Pulling you a bit closer as you continued to dance, he whispered softly as e stared into yours eyes lovingly, glad he finally took a chance on you.
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Joshua Faraday:
Faraday has commitment issues.
He is a love 'em and leave 'em sort of guy.
Until he meets you.
At first he thinks it is the normal physical attraction he has for most attractive people.
But then you get to know each other, and he starts to find you attractive in more ways than one.
You make him laugh, you challenge him, you can take his shit and give it back in equal measure.
Once he realizes that he has genuine feelings for you, he is terrified. That does not happen, not to him.
So he ignores it, but, not surprisingly, he fails miserably.
But he pushes forward, telling himself he's not the type of fall in love, and be with one person forever.
He tries to hide his feelings, with other people.
But the second someone shows interest, he feels immeasurable guilt, and even feels extremely uncomfortable to receive or give affection to someone that's not you.
That finally makes him realize, you are the only one in his mind, and his heart.
Confiding in Sam, he helps him realize that this type of thing doesn't happen that often, and he'd be a fool to let it pass by.
So he swallows his pride, shoves away his fears, and decides to tell you how he feels.
Faraday stared at your hotel room door for what felt like hours before he finally knocked. Part of him hoped you weren't inside, that he could turn and run, but when he heard you call out for him to come in, he felt his heart start hammering.
You looked up to see Faraday open your door. You were a bit surprised as you expected it to be Sam.
You smiled at him "Hey Faraday."
"Hey." He greeted with an awkward smile as he stayed standing in the open doorway.
You frowned "You gonna come in, or..."
Seeing him come to his senses he quickly stepping inside and closed the door. He scratched his ear as he looked around.
"You need something or are you just bored?"
"Bored." He said and nodded, "Bar's closed for repairs."
You nodded as you watched him curiously. He adjusted the blanket at the end of your bed before wandering over to the window and looking out.
"Nice day today, not too hot."
"Okay, Faraday, what's going on?"
Spinning around he looked at you with mild alarm and a questioning gaze.
"You never just show up for small talk, and you are really bad at it. So, I'm assuming you are here for something else."
Straightening up, you watched as he started playing with his hat as he held it. "Yeah, right, that. Uhm, yeah, I did have something I wanted to say, but, uh, I can't seem to- to find the words."
Was he...nervous? You watched him closely as he stared at the floor, seemingly trying hard to think of what to say.
Glancing over at you, he nodded his head a bit "I'll come back later."
You watched with bewilderment as he marched to your door and grabbed the door handle before stopping. He let out a sigh before he turned back around, staring at you in silence.
You blinked a few times as you watched him. "Faraday?" You questioned softly.
"I'm not good at this." He blurted out.
"Not good at what?"
"I'm not good, at telling people how I feel."
You almost smiled, but pushed it down "I would be lying if I said I didn't notice that." Standing up, you took a step closer to him, his eyes on you closely. "But if it helps, if you have something you need to get off your chest, I wont tell anyone. We're friends Joshua, you can tell me anything."
His heart leapt a bit as he took a breath "That's the problem. Us being friends, I mean."
You frowned a bit, unsure if you should be offended, or hopeful of where this conversation was turning.
"I don't want to be friends, I mean, just friends. I want to be more than that, but...I've never..."
You spoke softly "You've never been in a serious relationship." You knew this about him, it was something he had previously been proud of, but now you weren't so sure.
He nodded softly, "I've never felt serious about anyone. Until I met you that is. I thought that is wasn't for me so I ignored it, but anytime I-I flirted with someone else, or someone else came onto me, i felt...wrong. Because, you are all I want."
You had noticed his change in demeanor around others recently. He didn't flirt as heavily with people he met. He didn't even seem to consider propositions he would get. You wondered what changed, hoping it maybe had something to do with you, but you were never sure, until now.
You smiled at him as you took another step closer. "I feel the same about you Joshua. I was just waiting for you to see it too."
His anxiety faded as he smiled down at you, relief settled in his chest. His eyes dated around your face as you smiled at him. Stepping closer, meeting you, he brought his hand up to your face as his eyes traced your lips.
"I'm not used not being such a coward."
You giggled softly "You're not a coward Joshua, just a little scared of something new."
Gently stroking your face his voice got softer "I am afraid, but I ain't gonna run. Not anymore."
"Good to hear it." You smiled.
Leaning down, he met your lips in a kiss. The fear and uncertainty in his chest fading as he was met with certainly and safety in your arms.
xx End xx
I struggled a bit with Sam's and Faraday's, but I hope you like them still!~
General Taglist: @criminaly-supernatural, @caswinchester2000, @imaginesfire, @rexit-mo, @onuen, @witchygagirl, @alexxavicry
Mag7 Taglist: @spuffyfan394
171 notes · View notes
heliads · 14 days
okay, hopefully you have room for more than one request from me !! this time, could i pretty please request billy rocks with a gender-neutral reader, since you know i have to send in my obligatory magnificent seven request ? the reader is a member of the seven and their resident medic, in charge of patching up everyone else’s injuries after a fight. they’ve had a kind of flirting banter thing going on with billy for a while, but neither of them are planning on really doing anything about it anytime soon, until the reader collapses after a battle because they ignored their own injuries in favor of helping the others and billy completely freaks out. when the reader finally wakes up, the others tell them that billy hasn’t left their side the entire time they were out, and after billy soundly scolds them for ignoring their own health, they finally confess ?
again, obviously you don’t have to right this if you’d rather not, but if you do, thank you so much in advance, and i hope you’re doing well !! <3
'living, surviving' - billy rocks
He will die tomorrow morning, but now, while the town of Rose Creek is still quiet and dark, Billy Rocks is alive. Alive and alone. No one sees him, no one knows him. He remains invisible, curtained by deep shadow. He looks around him at the wavering lights of candles in windows, and wonders, depressingly, when they’ll get blown out by gunshots. When every glass pane shatters, when every roof collapses, when each body falls and friend goes missing, Billy will remember this night, back when nothing had gone wrong yet.
The wind whistles through the slots in the door out back, bringing with it the vague lilts of laughter and conversation from a few doors down. There are people here who still harbor hopes of walking out of tomorrow morning’s fight alive, and they’ve gathered around fires or drinks to convince themselves that it’ll happen. Not Billy, though. Billy, as per usual, is alone.
He likes being alone, though. It lets him see what others don’t. Billy remembers being a child once, a long time ago in a place that was not this one. A schoolmate of his, a friend, maybe, had shown him a print of an ancient warship in the book with a proud figurehead at the front cut out to look like the head of a god. It was meant to guard the ship, apparently, and keep it from harm.
It had always struck Billy as a rather lonesome thing. One god, brought down to land in the form of a wooden carving, always staring ahead sightlessly and separated from the crew. Forever bond to solitude. Watching out for the men aboard that would never look it in the eyes.
Now, though, Billy thinks that he quite understands it. He is alone now, hidden comfortably in the shadows such that his eyes have adjusted to the darkness. Tucked away in a dark corner, he can see the various inhabitants of Rose Creek nervously passing the time before they’ll likely lose their lives. Lost in drink or card games, doing their best to do too much so their minds can’t sit and think about how little time they’ve got left, nobody has the patience or nerve to check for things hiding in the shadows. They certainly don’t look hard enough to find him.
They wouldn’t if they tried. Billy has had a lot of time to perfect the art of remaining out of sight. He shows off when he wants to, twirling a silver knife just right so the lithe blade reflects the sun like an arc of pure light, but he prefers being quiet. He’ll let Goodnight do the talking, or Billy’s knives. When he’s quiet, he can watch. When he’s quiet, he can learn the secrets about people that they aren’t aware they’re telling. He can guide his crew from the shadows. He can lead them from his place alone above the stormy water.
Usually, no one can find Billy unless he wants them to. The exception, of course, is Goodnight, because as business partners, it became somewhat of a necessity to find Billy when need be, so he’s let that slide. Tonight, though, with Goodnight gone and everyone else highly strung due to the battle looming ahead, Billy doesn’t think he’ll be found.
That makes it even more surprising when he is. Billy sees this new arrival coming, of course, but he assumes they’ll veer off towards the bar, or that they’ll go laugh with the drinkers or the dancers like everyone else sees fit on this restless night. Instead, their path stays true, and they not only find Billy at once but pull up a chair next to him. Like the only thing they want to do on what may be their last night alive is to spend time with him. Like Billy is the only person worth seeing at all.
Ordinarily, Billy Rocks has no problem holding his tongue. He’ll whisper a few biting jokes here or there, typically never above the volume of a sigh, but he’s never had a problem with keeping his peace. Tonight seems to be a night of surprises, though, because Y/N L/N, their resident medic, has hardly sat down before Billy’s asking them cautiously, “You don’t want to be with the others, then?”
Y/N glances towards him, surprised, as if they hadn’t even realized this would be an option. “Now, why would I do that when I’ve got such pleasant company here with me?”
Billy chuckles in spite of himself. “It’s not the most entertaining of company.”
“Mmm,” they hum, “but I like it better that way, I think. Tonight’s not a night for shouting. Seems wrong that way.”
Billy lets out a slow breath. He can feel his fingers curling at his sides, readying themselves for triggers or blades come the next morning. “No, it doesn’t,” he agrees.
Quiet falls. Billy waits for them to leave, but they don’t. They stay, and they smile at him, warm in the lamplight from across the room, and say, “You don’t mind me being here, do you?”
“Of course not,” Billy replies hastily. “Besides, what sort of man would I be to kick out our medic the night before a fight? I can’t risk upsetting you now, sweetheart. You might do something wild, like sew me up with pink thread.”
Y/N laughs. Billy finds himself glad for the isolation again– out there in the main room of the bar, the sound of Y/N’s laughter might have blended in with the stomping of heels, the creaking of wood, but out here, with nothing else to disguise it but his own bated breath, Billy delights in it entirely. The sound curls around him like music, and his fingers twitch again, this time not to reach for a weapon but to hold their laughter. To hold them, maybe. It’s a good thing he knows better. It’s a good thing he doesn’t want that more than anything, because if he did, he might do something foolish like try.
“I’d never mess with you,” they grin. “Promise. It would ruin my reputation.”
“Wouldn’t just ruin your reputation, it would ruin my skin,” Billy grumbles, but he’s smiling again.
Y/N knows it too. They always seem to smile all the brighter when he’s smiling too, like it’s a bet they’ve won. “I wouldn’t dare,” they promise. “Besides, I can’t go threatening one of our best shooters the night before I fight, can I? What sort of friend would I be? I need you on my side to keep me safe.”
Billy arches a brow. “I’ve seen you with a gun, darling. I’m pretty sure you can keep yourself safe all on your own.”
Y/N’s lips curl suggestively. “Where’s the fun in that?”
Something hot rushes through the back of his neck. “I leave it to you to find the fun in a gunfight,” Billy says hoarsely. Changing the subject is the safest thing to do right now. It’s safer than leaning closer, than returning Y/N’s fire with fire. Safer than touching them, which is what he wants to do right now most of all.
This is not the night for that, Billy reminds himself. They’re going to die tomorrow and he won’t cloud either of their judgment. So, even though he wants nothing more than to keep testing this theory and see where they break, he forces himself to pull back and resume a normal conversation. He encourages Y/N to get some rest before everything goes to hell tomorrow, and hopefully, they will. Y/N’ll have a lot of hard work headed their way by dawn. He doesn’t want them any more stressed than they need to be.
The sun rises, bringing trouble with it. Bogue brings a lot of men, too many by Billy’s estimate. He grits his teeth as he watches them ride in, and prepares himself for a long, bloody morning. They’ve set up a small medical center in one of the better protected buildings where Y/N can practice their craft. If Billy can only make sure none of Bogue’s thugs make it to them, he’ll die a happy man.
Y/N, however, doesn’t seem to like the idea of sitting pretty while their friends die. Ordinarily, Billy wouldn’t blame them for that, but he can’t deny that his heart starts racing whenever they sprint out into the streets to tend to the wounds of their fallen friends. Once Goodnight turns up, the other man wastes no time in teasing Billy about his obvious partiality to the brazen medic, but Billy’s only half listening, anyway. He can’t both partake in snide comments and keep Y/N alive, and he’s really only interested in one of those things.
The battle rages on, then, startlingly enough, quiets. Bodies line the streets, both the dead and the injured. Y/N has been moving non stop almost the entire time; how they haven’t passed out from exhaustion, Billy has no clue. He sees them swaying slightly on their feet as they move from patient to patient, and mentally reminds himself to make sure they’re doing alright. He just needs a little more time to clear the enemy from the town, then he’ll be free to check on them.
Once the final thug has been killed or chased off, Billy starts scanning the area for Y/N. A couple friends mention that they saw the medic recently, but none of them can point him in the right direction. He checks the medical center, but it’s only inhabited by the groaning injured, not sunny would-be doctors with a spark in their eye and a quick joke on their tongue. 
Heading outside again, Billy completes a slow loop around the building, but he can’t find them anywhere. Panic starting to grow in his chest, he pulls aside Sam when the other man walks by.
“You haven’t seen Y/N around, have you?” Billy asks hastily.
Sam gives him a slow, worried look. “Now that you mention it, I’m not sure that I have. They were keeping plenty busy while the fighting was hot, but it’s been a while since they crossed my path.”
Billy nods, not even sparing the time for a thank you before continuing on his careening search through the city. As he paces down the streets, some of his friends make to approach him, but he brushes them all off. Nothing matters except finding Y/N. Nothing matters except finding Y/N.
And then, almost by accident, he does. It isn’t how he’d expected. Somehow, some naive part of him was hoping he’d find them in the tavern, already with a drink in hand, or surrounded by some awestruck sharpshooters, dazzling them with their wit. Anything that would guarantee their safety. Anything that would keep them out of harm.
In reality, when he finds Y/N, it’s no different than finding any of the other fallen bodies. They’re slumped against the wall of a building, a roll of bandages fallen loosely from their hand. There’s a man unconscious next to them, a friend of theirs who’d evidently suffered from a gash across the arm. Billy spots Y/N’s expert handiwork in the form of a clean wrap across the injury, but the one who seems to need medical care now is Y/N themself.
Hurriedly, he crouches by them, lifting a hand to check for a pulse. “Y/N?” He asks, his voice wavering.
Y/N stirs slightly, their eyes half-lidded. “Billy? That you?”
“It’s me,” he confirms. “Sweetheart, what happened?”
They move slightly, grimacing in pain, and that’s when Billy notices the dark splash of red seeping out of their waistcoat. “Sweetheart,” he repeats unsteadily, “Don’t tell me you got shot, now. You can’t just bleed out like that without getting yourself some help.”
“I had to help him,” Y/N whispers. “That’s what mattered.”
“No, you’re what matters,” Billy hisses. “Fuck the rest. You were supposed to put your health above theirs.”
Y/N manages a slight slip of a grin, not even a half-smile, and the obvious pain it causes them makes Billy’s heart clench in his chest. “Now, what kind of medic would I be if I did that?”
“A safe one,” he sighs. “Now, come on. I’m going to pick you up and get you some help, alright? Don’t you dare close your eyes. I need you to stay with me.”
“I like staying with you,” Y/N mumbles as Billy picks them up.
“I’m glad to hear it,” he tells them. 
Y/N feels deathly still in his arms, and Billy doesn’t want to give that a single moment of his attention. All that matters is sprinting back to the medical center; calling for someone, anyone to help him; carefully setting Y/N down on a clear bit of space. He has to be moved away from the table so the doctor can treat them, so intent is Billy on staying within reach, and the second they tell him that Y/N’s going to be okay, he’s right back by their side.
Y/N will wake up soon, they tell him. Just a bit of exhaustion and blood loss. Y/N’s made of tough stuff, they’ll be alright. When they open their eyes again, Billy will be right by their side. This time, he has something he’d like to tell them, and this time, there isn’t anything holding them back from the love they were always meant to share.
requested by @faerieroyal, i hope you enjoy!
all tags list: @wordsarelife
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promptthebear · 1 year
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You ask and I deliver ✌️ I’ve wanted to do this prompt for awhile now anyway and Billy is as good an excuse as any I guess 😜
Billy Russo NSFW Alphabet
CW: NO MINORS. It's exactly what it says on the tin, everyone. This is pretty filthy, you've been warned. Also Dom/Sub content included, discussions of kinky topics, some swearing, mentions of abuse and assault. If I missed anything, tell me.
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
So, I figure Billy is actually pretty good at aftercare but it’s in part because he gets off on taking a mental inventory of all the things he’s done to you.
He’s also a grown ass man who’s a bit of a sl- had lots of experience so he knows how to take care of his partner. Expect a warm washcloth, a bottle of water, some fruit to keep your stamina up and a shared shower if you need it.
You can also expect a few more sleepy, slow orgasms while he’s cleaning you up. The man can’t help himself, you’re naked, pliant and every bite mark, scratch and spot of cum is a pleasant reminder of the uh…recreational time you’ve just had. He’s gonna tease a few more out of you while he’s got the washcloth between your legs or he’s washing off your breasts. What can I say? He likes spoiling you.
He’s not a big cuddler though, a bad habit left over from years of one night stands. That’ll change once he’s stuck around for awhile though, Billy secretly loves pillow talk and relishes in the fucked out contentment on your face and the slight hoarse edge to your voice after you’ve been screaming.
There’s also just something so intimate and normal about having your naked body pressed to his side, limbs and blankets all tangled up together while sun streams through the curtains. It’s that sense of domesticity and home he never got growing up and once he gets a taste, he’s going to be addicted.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
His di-
I’m kidding. We all know Billy the Beaut loves his face. Despite the care he puts into keeping the rest of his body in shape, he could take or leave it.
After all the abuse he’s suffered over the years, Billy’s become pretty detached from his body. It’s just something other people can put to use for their own needs, whether that’s the Marines, his revolving door of lovers or the people who want to hire him for his less than savoury skills. His face however? That’s always been uniquely his, something nobody can take away from him and is also an excellent tool for getting what he wants.
In terms of what he likes on his lover? Ass. So much ass. Any size, any shape, he loves it and he’s gonna have his hands all over it. If you two move in together you won’t be able to walk more than a couple feet in your own home without him giving you a swat across your cheeks. Having company over does NOT make a difference, Billy wants what he wants and he’s gonna take it no matter who’s watching. He has no shame.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Hope you’re ready for him to make a mess of things.
Nothing is safe. After having so many casual hook ups, he’s gotten really creative about where he’s going to empty his seed. Back, ass, breasts, thighs, the sheets, the headboard, on his own stomach, he’s not a picky guy. However, he’ll probably ask if he’s going to do it somewhere more dicey like your face, mouth, or inside.
In all honesty though? His favourite places are in your mouth or inside you. When you go down on him he is 100% the type to ask you to open your mouth before you swallow. He loves seeing it, it gives him a sense of control and possession like nothing else can.
Coming inside you is also a special treat, only because it feels extra intimate and close. We know Billy gets around, and because of that he’s always been extra careful about having protection, keeping his STD tests up to date and generally not fucking around about safe sex (no pun intended).
When the two of you have been together long enough for that to be an option, Billy knows it means the two of you have moved past the “friends with benefits” stage and into something more serious. He also loves how close cumming inside lets him feel to you, since it’s intimacy without having to do the extra emotional legwork. It’s also another way for him to take possession and control over you. You can bet your ass there are some days he sends you on your merry way with that mess still between your legs, no underwear and the shortest skirt your job allows.
If you work for him? Good luck getting anything done that day. He’s gonna be dragging you into his office every five minutes to have a peek at his handiwork. Prepare to rack up some overtime.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Billy is an open book. There is very little this man is ashamed of sharing with you when it comes to sex and his kinks.
But, everyone has secrets. And in this case, for Billy, you’re looking more at something softer and emotional. What he really wants, deep down, is the kind of life he stole from Frank. The house with the yard, the wife, the 2.5 kids and a yellow lab named Buddy. However, there’s the fantasy and there’s what’s possible.
As much as he wants that life, Billy also knows he’s not the right kind of man for it. He had a glimpse of how things could be when Maria and the kids were still alive, and we all know how that turned out. He’s been dreaming of a home since he was a kid, but with the way he grew up, the lifestyle he keeps and the hate that’s in his heart? Nope. It’s fast cars, fast women and money to burn until someone puts a bullet between his eyes. No picket fences here.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Does a bear shit in the woods???? God, Billy’s been skirt chasing and fooling around since he hit high school. He’s fucked six ways to Sunday and back again, and can probably teach his more experienced partners a few tricks. This man talks the talk but he has the skills to back it up in spades.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Honestly I can see Billy loving a good old fashioned doggy style same as any red blooded American ass guy. If he can grab the hips and booty and make you scream face down into the pillow while he ruts on you like a goddamn animal? Well, he’s a happy man.
However, for all the crazy shit he’s done and the wild stories he’s got, there’s something about missionary that he also loves. Once again, it comes down to the intimacy of that kind of position. Plus, he can see and has access to everything. Every little change in expression, every little sound you make, he’s filing away for later.
He’s also the type to make you look him in the eye while you cum. Odds are he’s gonna grab hold of your jaw and turn your face towards his when he feels you starting to clench. Unless you're super uncomfortable with the idea, this is non negotiable. Billy wants to see the results of his work.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Generally I can see Billy taking sex pretty seriously. He loves to tease you but it’s very rare that he’s going to be out and out silly. Think less clown and more mouthy shithead.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Honestly, Billy keeps his pubic hair just like the hair anywhere else on his body. Immaculately groomed and styled to his liking. He's a big fan of "manscaping" and while he personally likes having a neatly trimmed patch down there, he'll go bare if you ask. It's brown just like the hair on his head, curly, and surprisingly pleasant to the touch.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
If you're only casual with Billy, romance just isn't a thing. The man is no stranger to well...strangers in his bed, and when you're just trying to get off there isn't much use for rose petals or mood lighting. Don't expect too much effort besides clean sheets and him taking a shower beforehand. You're both grown adults, you know why you're here, and wrapping it up in a fancy package won't change that.
If you've been with him for awhile though? Well, first and foremost, after Billy's gone through the existential crisis of having you in his life long term, you can expect a lot of romance coming your way. Fancy candles? Yep. Silk sheets? Got 'em. Carefully curated playlist on Spotify? You bet. Hell, if you want rose petals, Billy will get them. He loves spoiling you, and showing off just how much cash he can afford to throw your way.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
So, this might be kind of weird, but I can see Billy not really being the type to masturbate? And that's only because he's never really had to work at finding willing partners. If found himself getting antsy and pent up, a quick trip to any well frequented local club solves that problem.
After meeting you? Well, you're here to take care of him, so what's the point?
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Domination/Submission: Can we say Daddy Dom????? Honestly he likes to be called some variation of Daddy or Sir or even Mr. Russo and he is THE OG brat tamer. Mouth off or pout in front of this man, I dare you. You won't be able to walk right for at least a week after.
Spanking: This sort of falls into the previous kink, but I also feels like it deserves it's own category. As established in B, Billy is an ass guy. Which means he's also a spanking kind of guy, as long as you're into that. Nine times out of ten, if you're giving him shit he's going to punish you by throwing you over his knee and turning those pretty cheeks of yours bright red. You wanna cry about it? Should've thought about that before you acted out.
Humiliation: This mostly comes out in like a name calling sort of way. Billy has a filthy mouth and Lord does he know how to use it. He loves calling you every name in the book, and telling you exactly how he plans to use every hole you've got. The way he coos "slut" and "needy bitch" at you is downright sinful, and almost enough to make you cum on the spot. He also loooooooves having you on your knees, but will provide you with a special pillow to use each time. He has to take care of his baby, after all.
Rope play: We all know Billy loves control above all else, and tying you up to be used for every dirty fantasy he has ticks all the right boxes. He's got a healthy collection of handcuffs, silk ropes and fancy bondage tape he makes ample use of. Don't be surprised if he leaves you tied to the bed while he goes to work either. Just the thought of you waiting there, naked, vulnerable and ready has him rushing to take an early lunch on more than one occasion.
Orgasm denial: Oooh is this man ever a tease. Again, it comes back to control. Billy loves nothing more than to push you to the brink, only to pull away at the last second and have you begging for him to finish what he started. You can curse him until you're blue in the face for it, but you're not cumming until he says so, and as he's so fond of telling you, good girls always say please.
Spoiling/Sugar Daddy: Is there another phrase for this??? Idk but the basic idea is that Billy love, love loooovves to let you run wild with his credit card. Nothing is too good for his babygirl, whether it's designer clothes, front row theatre tickets or this year's newest and hottest sports car. Ask nicely enough and it's yours. Bonus points if you grew up like him or in any household where money was scarce. That makes spoiling you extra delicious, and don't be surprised if he just appears with spontaneous piles of presents or a spur of the moment weekend get away to some exotic destination.
Overstimulation: On the other side of the coin from orgasm denial, Billy will also having you cumming until you don't know your own name or even the year. He'll push your body to the limits, even when you've got tears in your eyes and you're shaking from the toll it's taking. Him whispering "Just one more for me, just one more" in your ear could have you going for weeks.
Knife Play: We all knew this was coming...but not the way you think. Billy isn't the type to cut your skin (I'll elaborate on this more in N) but your clothes on the other hand? Thank goodness he's got enough cash to keep your wardrobe full or you'd be in trouble. It doesn't matter how much that new lingerie set was, if he's in the mood he's cutting it off.
Marking: Again, there's going to be some more about this in N, but when it comes to hickies, bite marks and cum? You're his, and Billy wants the world to know. He's about to mark up every inch of your pretty flesh, and it wouldn't be uncommon for you to find bite marks on your ass sometimes. Also, buy some high necked shirts. You're gonna need them.
Choking: ....we all know it's true. No, I will not elaborate.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Okay, so your bedroom is kind of a given. Billy shelled out for a king size bed and expensive linens and the two of you are going to make the most of it. He also loves the time it allows him to take with you, he isn't the type to turn down a quickie but the man is an artist when it comes to sex and you're his canvas. A true masterpiece requires effort and lots of attention.
Outside of that, he's not too picky. Alleyway behind the club? Sure. Back of the limo? Why not? Mile high club? If that's what you want. His absolute favourite "outside the box" location though is his office at Anvil. You've been bent over that desk more times than you can count, and you know there's going to be many similar scenarios playing out in the future. Thank God that door locks and he's the only one on the floor.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Oh, with Billy you know it doesn't take much. He is DTF at the drop of a hat, and more often than not he's trying to initiate things.
However, if we want to get specific, he loves when you're doing domestic things like cleaning, cooking dinner or washing the dishes. This man 100% has a housewife kink, and he loves coming home to find you waiting for him dressed in the clothes he bought you, in the penthouse he paid for.
He also loves when you're very caring or maternal with him. The man doesn't have a Mommy kink per say, there's too much trauma for that and he's too much of a control freak to be submissive, but he's also been so starved for attention his whole life anything you give him is going to get him going.
Lingerie is also a big thing with him. Your walk in closet is absolutely stuffed with La Perla, Cosabella and Sarrieri, and odds are he's probably had a couple of custom pieces made just for you too.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
I touched on this a little in K, but while Billy lives to mark you up, he doesn't want to make you bleed or do anything that's going to cause permanent damage. There's just been too much pain in his life for that, and you're his favourite toy. He doesn't want to break you.
Sharing is also out. Billy is too controlling and selfish for that, and is surprisingly jealous under the confident swagger. All that is really just a facade to cover up his insecurities, and anything that touches on those is going to set him off big time.
Consensual non-consent is another thing I can see Billy not being too big on. You being turned on and into it is a big requirement for him, and even just pretending to be scared or turned off is going to kill the mood really quickly. He was also overseas and has seen the real life consequences of that shit in warzones far too often for him to think about it as anything more than an outright crime. Billy might be a manipulative, toxic, murdering bastard but there are some lines even he won't cross.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
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Lol sorry, I couldn't resist.
Honestly, Billy is happy to give as good as he gets. He loves to have you on your knees, his cock in your pretty mouth and those doe eyes staring up at him, but will also eat you out like a man starved. He is very good at it and wants to show off. He lives for that starstruck look in your eyes afterwards, knowing he's just ruined you for anyone else in the future.
P =Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
When you start fucking Billy, fast and rough is all you're going to get. He wants to keep emotion out of the equation for awhile, which means keeping things quick and dirty suits him fine.
It's only after the two of you have an established relationship and he knows you're going to stick around for awhile that Billy is willing to slow things down. After that point, he'll switch back and forth depending on his mood and what you like best.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
As I sort of touched on above, a new relationship with Billy is going to mean a lot of quickies. He's not planning to keep you at first, so why bother putting in the effort for a good, long fuck session when he can get the job done for both of you in half the time?
When you become a long term part of his life, the amount of time you spend having sex increases significantly. It's not that Billy would turn down a quickie at this point, but he does his best work when he's given a few hours, or all night if you can take it.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Billy's down to try anything with you, at least once. Risk taking is part of his nature, and that applies to the bedroom. As long as it doesn't violate anything listed under N, it's an option.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
....the man can literally go for hours and hours, between his Marine training and his own physical regimen, he's got energy to spare. You almost always wear out before he does, and he takes a lot of pride in that.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Billy probably has lots of BDSM equipment lying around, I mentioned ropes and that kind of thing under K, but I can't really see him being the type to have dildos or vibrators on hand. If you have those things, however, and want to bring them out one night? Well, he's not going to complain. Especially if one of those vibrators is remote controlled.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
This man. Is. RELENTLESS. God, you better have some patience because he is going to try every trick he can to fluster you and turn you into a blushing, squirming mess before he walks off like he hasn't done a blessed thing wrong. If you try to turn the tables though? You're brave, and probably more than a little stupid. Billy will make you pay for that, big time.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Billy makes about an average amount of noise? He grunts and moans a fair bit, but he's not exactly what you call loud. The most sound you get is when he cums, but you wouldn't hear it if you were in the next room over.
You, on the other hand? If you're loud, Billy's going to find ways to make you louder. If you're on the quieter side, it is now his personal mission to make you louder. Good luck.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
In my personal opinion, Billy is bisexual. I mean, just look at him and Frank. However, given the rampant homophobia in the army and toxic masculinity in general, it's not really a part of himself he's open about or that he's ready to talk about yet. Maybe someday.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
He's not packing as much heat as he brags about Frank's got him beat sorry but you're working with a solid six inches and man does he know how to use it. Girth wise he's about average, and he's also circumcised. The slit on his head is actually really sensitive, so have fun with that.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Sky fucking high. You'd need NASA numbers to calculate exactly how much. However, he has wicked self control and if he's riled, sometimes you don't know until he's shoved you up against the wall and shoving his hard on against your thigh.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
So, Billy isn't what I'd really call a "good" sleeper. Like, if he needs to sleep the military's taught him tricks to do that in seconds, but if he's not on tour? Well, trauma nightmares and general paranoia tend to give him lots of sleepless nights.
Usually, after sex he'll sit and stroke your back or talk softly to you until you fall asleep. Then, he'll throw on a pair of sweatpants and use this time as an opportunity to either get some work for Anvil done, sneak out if he's got an assignment or get some workout time in. It's pretty normal for you to wake up to either a coffee and pastry sitting on the nightstand or Billy banging around in the kitchen, making breakfast.
It's only after you've been around for a while that Billy will stay in bed and sleep through the night. Your closeness, warmth, and the soothing sounds of your breathing knock him right out. He also gets fewer nightmares with you around, and if they do wake him, all he has to do is reach for you and he instantly feels safe enough to fall back asleep again.
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polydeuces · 1 year
Your Camera roll if you were a rockstar! ☆
⭐︎ — switching it up this time. sorry for my absence i have been busy but i am working on requests/requests are open!
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emsgoodthinkin · 1 year
he looks like billy hargrove at this angle 🥴
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just1riqht · 4 months
where’s the Tre Cool fanfiction
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devilbg · 3 months
Test Post
This post is only here for testing purposes. I'm a noob at navigating tumblr, and this is my first time trying to write on here (even though ive written a lot before on different platforms).
Until the first of many on here come out, enjoy this picture of Beach Bear from the crazy colander head night back in the 80's :)
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ilovebeingmatchedup · 5 months
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Hi! I’m Frankee or Kenny. I go by xae/he/they/honk. Please use them!!
I do imagines, headcanons, matchups, mood boards, fanfics, and any other requests!
My main fandom right now is Chuck E. Cheese/RAE, but I am willing to do any other fandom!
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- sfw
- fluff
-oc x canon
- anything not too icky!!
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- minor x adult
-any icky stuff >:(
-anything triggering to anyone
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Thank you for checking out my page!! This will be updated as the time goes. Masterlist will be posted soon :)
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ilongfor-the-arts · 2 years
can i request a billie joe Armstrong smut? maybe where reader is a virgin and she’s over it. she manages to talk her way backstage, where she meets him, and he’s happy to help her out??
I Saw You Staring
Pairing: Billie Joe Armstrong x virgin fem! Reader
Warnings: language, smut, unprotected sex, very VERY mild degradation, loss of virginity, oral (f receiving)
Summary: *in request*
Word Count: 5.4k
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“Y/N, why do you have to be so negative? It’ll be an interesting experience at the very least!”
I rolled my eyes.
“Why don't you just go by yourself?”
My friend stumbled over to my side of the bed, where she sat on her knees and gave me a scathing look. We have discussed this subject extensively in the past. No matter how many times I questioned her, her response remained the same.
“Because I don’t want to go by myself! Who knows what’ll happen! I need a friend to go with me!”
I just wanted to enjoy the movie. I had no desire to humor my friend by pretending to consider her offer only to turn it down again.
I was sick of this conversation.
“It’s not my fault your date canceled on you! Don’t drag me into this! Go by yourself or don’t go at all!”
I whipped my head around to focus on the movie, doing my best to drown her out. My friend wouldn't give up, though, so she persisted. She was a woman with a mission.
“Oh come onnnnn Y/N! What on earth do you have against Green Day?”
She clung to my arm. I shook her off, annoyed. I never considered myself to be a pessimist, but if she mentioned the Green Day concert just one more time, I might just be tempted to slap her.
“I don’t have anything against Green Day! I just would rather not spend my Friday night being thrown around in a mosh pit while listening to a band I don’t really care for!”
I wouldn’t be able to count on both my fingers how many times I’ve heard about this concert.
“Oh come on, Y/N!”
She exclaimed, beseeching me to give in.
I didn’t cave.
She leaned in close, and the warmth of her breath made me shiver.
“Maybe you’ll find a cute boy.”
I groaned, shoving her off of me. I didn't cast her a sidelong glance. She was more likely to change the subject of the conversation the less she thought I cared.
I shrugged nonchalantly.
“It’ll happen when it happens.”
I made an effort to change the subject. It would be more interesting to talk about my previous relationships than the idiotic Green Day concert.
“I wouldn’t be surprised if you died a virgin.”
When I finally met her cunning gaze, I knit my brow.
“What do you mean by that?”
I inquired. My friend shrugged her shoulders.
“I’m just saying it almost feels like you don’t want to do it.”
I scoffed in disbelief.
“What makes you think that?”
My friend sat cross legged on the bed, staring at the television. She was attempting to act casually, as if to broach the subject of relationships without shocking my naive and impressionable mind.
“You’re a pretty young girl with a nice personality, Y/N. If you were really worried about dying a virgin you would’ve bit the bullet and done it with some moderately nice and moderately attractive guy.”
I ran my tongue along my dry bottom lip.
“Well, it's not that I don’t want to do it, I just want my first time to be a memorable experience.”
My friend laughed loudly, piercing the relaxed atmosphere with her chuckle.
“Alright Y/N, whatever you say... But don’t you think you should be a little more experienced for your future prince charming?”
My friend wasn't entirely off base. It certainly wouldn’t be a bad idea to have a few tricks under my belt.
My eyes watched the film but failed to fully process what was being shown on screen as it dragged on.
My stomach flipped.
I could do it.
Nothing was stopping me.
“I mean…”
I bit my bottom lip.
Jesus, she was going to be absolutely floored by what I was about to say.
I've been rebuffing offers to attend her pointless Green Day concert for the past week.
And here I was about to take her up on it just to get some random guy's attention.
“Do you think there will be hot guys at the concert?”
My friend whipped her head around, her eyes beaming with unadulterated delight.
“Yes! Yes, most definitely! Does that mean you’re going?”
I shrugged.
“I guess so.”
My friend sprung upon me, exclaiming incoherent praise about how proud she was of me.
I wasn’t listening.
I was mentally preparing myself for what was to come.
I spun around in front of the large mirror, assessing my outfit.
Was it enticing enough?
It was just a plain black dress. To be fair, it did hug my body beautifully, highlighting all of my curves.
But would it really pique a guy's interest?
Maybe I needed something flashy, something that would stand out for miles. Something that screamed “give me attention!”
No, then it may have the opposite effect.
Should I not wear panties?
I already decided against wearing a bra, as the dress did enough to keep me covered and secure.
If I was in an intimate situation being completely barren under my dress would certainly be a turn on.
But I decided against the idea. I didn’t want to be worried about accidentally flashing someone while searching for a hot date.
“Y/N! How long does it take you to get your ass dressed!”
My friend screamed up the stairs.
Jesus, I suppose this will do.
“I’m coming!”
I yelled back.
The concert was completely sold out. The moment I stepped into the crowded auditorium, I felt claustrophobic.
How was I supposed to stand out among hundreds of other people?
My plan suddenly didn't seem so feasible. I began to lose hope as sweaty bodies pressed against me from all sides, the uncomfortableness draining my good spirits.
My friend noticed my sunken face, and quickly attempted to alleviate my sadness.
“Hey, it’s alright. I’m sure someone in this crowd is staring at you. You look really hot.”
I couldn’t help but chuckle.
“Think this dress is enough?”
My friend scoffed loudly as if I was behaving totally irrationally.
“It’s more than enough! You look fucking gorgeous!”
I smiled, my mentality growing slightly more optimistic.
“Thanks a lot. I’m sure I’ll find someone.”
My friend opened her mouth to speak just as the lights began to dim.
“Oh shit! It’s starting!”
She exclaimed, her gaze refocusing on the barren stage. Everything was quiet for a moment before the deafening sound of an electric guitar shook the walls.
The band members began to come out and…
Jesus fucking Christ.
“Hey! Why didn’t you tell me the leader singer was hot as fuck!”
I shouted to my friend over the din of punk rock music. She had a giant smile on her face, her voice giddy with excitement.
“I don’t know! You didn’t ask! I assumed you wouldn’t be interested!”
I didn’t sing nor did I dance the entire night, despite enjoying many of the songs. I was just staring, gawking, completely taken aback by the gorgeous lead singer.
Thank God we were in the front row.
“What’s his name!”
I screamed. We were right next to the speakers, which made it difficult to communicate.
“I said what’s his name!”
My friend chuckled loudly.
“His name is Billie Joe Armstrong!”
The way he moved made me so… wet.
Jesus Christ.
How come the one guy I was interested in just so happened to be the most unattainable man in the entire stadium.
He met my gaze.
My heart stopped.
He smirked.
He fucking smirked!
“Did he just smirk at you!”
My friend asked. But I didn’t answer. I was deep within my own mind, already imagining the crazy amount of trouble I’d get into later.
I ran through the crowds, looking for one man and one man only. I knew this was crazy, completely crazy. But I’d be so angry with myself if I didn’t at least try.
Two burly, bald security guards stood by the door that led backstage.
This was definitely a problem.
I should just give up and go home.
But I wasn’t about to give up so easily.
I swallowed, taking a deep breath to regain my composure.
“You can do this Y/N.”
I whispered to myself.
I put on my best sexy groupie demeanor and sauntered over to the two men. I hope I looked sexy and not like a total idiot.
“Hey you two.”
The two men stared down at me, their muscles bulging menacingly. I sounded surprisingly calm, my voice didn’t quiver as I spoke.
Thank God.
“Billie’s expecting me. Why don’t you guys move aside for me.”
I flashed them a sly smirk.
Their vision was obstructed by black sunglasses, faces expressionless as they stared down at me with pursed lips.
This was going to backfire.
The man on the right pulled out his phone and quickly punched in a few numbers.
The phone looked tiny in his large hands.
Jesus, they could kill me with those fists.
“Hey boss. There’s a girl out here who says you’re expecting her.”
There was a beat of silence.
My heart was beating out of my chest.
I was dead.
I was so fucking dead.
He looked me up and down.
“She’s wearing a black dress, high top converse.”
Another beat of silence.
“Alright, I’ll send her in.”
No way.
No fucking way.
Sighing deeply, the man slid his phone back into his pocket. He fully expected Billie to direct him to take me away.
“Alright little lady, I’ll let you through.”
I gave him a sensual wink as I ran my tongue over my top teeth.
That seems like something a groupie would do, right?
I threw open the door, keeping my cool until it closed and completely obscured me from the men's gaze. I breathed a sigh of relief and rested my hand on my chest.
“Jesus Christ that could’ve ended badly.”
My head fell forward, eyes closing to relax my racing heart.
“Hey baby!”
My eyes shot open. At the end of the dark hallway was the man I’d been thirsting over for the past three hours. He was smug, hands stuffed in his pockets. The dim glow of the fluorescent lights hanging from the ceiling made him appear eerie.
“Black dress, high top converse. I figured it was you.”
He confidently strode forward, quickly closing the gap between us.
“So, what can I do you for?”
His eyeliner was smudged, his face was caked in sweat that glimmered in the pale light, and his black hair was extremely disheveled.
He looked badass, like a fucking rockstar.
Jesus I was gonna sound like a fucking idiot.
But, what was the worst that could happen? He’d probably kick me to the curb tonight. Whether it’d be before sex or after sex depended on how comfortable he was with my request.
I crossed my arms over my chest.
“This is probably gonna sound completely crazy.”
Billie shrugged.
“I’ve heard a lot of crazy shit.”
I exhaled.
“I’m a fucking desperate adult virgin.”
I expected him to flinch or summon security to escort me out of the building. But he just stared, his small smile on his lips unaffected by my confession.
“So, what I’m getting at is that you want me to take your virginity.”
His tone seemed slightly sarcastic.
Oh God, he was gonna laugh at me.
“I know it sounds stupid and crazy. If you say no I’ll leave right now no questions asked.”
Billie chuckled.
“I’ve done way crazier shit… come on, let’s go to my dressing room and have a chat.”
The way he emphasized the word chat indicated that he had something up his sleeve that didn’t include chatting.
He indicated his right. I cocked my head. Among the gray walls, a small black door stood out.
There was still time to back out.
Hell no, I wasn’t fucking backing out.
I strode confidently to the door, opening it and passing through the threshold.
His dressing room was modest. The only items were a red couch, cluttered counters along the back wall, and a full-length mirror to my left.
The lock clicked into place.
The walls felt like they were closing in on me, the room shrinking as my heartbeat quickened to match the intense anxiety coursing through my veins.
The room was becoming smaller.
Was it always this hot?
I ran my finger under the collar of my t-shirt in the hopes of exposing more of my hot skin to the cool air.
“I bet you didn’t expect your night to end like this.”
I swiveled my head around, my body following until I was facing him. I dropped my hand, crossing my arms over my chest to hopefully sway his eyes from perceiving my nervousness. Billie leaned his shoulder against the door frame, his hip cocked to the side.
“I’m not gonna lie to you. I went to this concert in hopes of getting laid.”
We laughed softly in unison, the muffled bustle of people practically nonexistent in the closed confines of the dressing room.
“Kick off your shoes and stay a while.”
He stated smugly. I did as I was told, bending down to untie my converse and kicking them to the side haphazardly. Billie followed suit, taking care to draw out his movements to heighten the suspense of the situation.
“I like you… you’re different.”
Billie seemed approachable for a super famous rockstar. He was smug, but not arrogant. He had a soft exterior.
“What? You mean like… different than your other groupies?”
Billie used his own weight to push himself off the wall. He began striding confidently towards me, hands stuffed in his front pockets.
“No, just different.”
He continued to walk forward. I wasn’t nervous at the idea of having sex with possibly one of the most attractive and approachable men I’ve ever met.
I was nervous about the unknown.
I was nervous about what was to come when he slipped his hands under my shirt.
“You barely know me.”
Billie came to a halt as his deft fingers found his collar. He gradually undid the top three buttons, revealing a few more inches of his pale chest. My gaze was drawn to his newly exposed skin, the simple action sending a spark of pleasure to my core. I traced my wet tongue along my chapped bottom lip, already feeling myself grow wet at the mere idea of getting hot and heavy with Billie.
Only my virgin ass would become hot and bothered by seeing a few inches of a guy’s chest.
Jesus, if I had this reaction to seeing a small fragment of his torso I hate to imagine my body’s response when he removes his pants.
I just prayed it was the intimacy of the situation that affected me more than his slow and sensual actions.
Billie's voice faded as his rough palm cupped my cheek, forcing my gaze to shift away from his shirt collar. The proximity of our chests generated sexual electricity between us. I was being drawn towards him by an unseen force. But my fear of the unfamiliarity of the predicament held me back.
His intense gaze made my knees weak with anticipation. I dug my nails into my forearms, my cheeks flushing hot.
“We should get to know each other a little better.”
Billie cocked his head to the side, his lips ghosting over mine.
My stomach flipped.
My nerves were set on fire by his hot breath. I closed my eyes, wanting to close the gap and taste him on my tongue. But I held back, allowing him to be the leader and exploit my vulnerability.
The blood rushed from my face to my core as he pressed his lips to mine, leaving my skin hot and my insides cold. My arms relaxed, hands tangling in his short black hair as I groaned involuntarily against his mouth.
Billies surprisingly large hands moved down my chest, halting to cup my tender breasts through my clothing. The heel of his open palm brushed against my sensitive nipples, the buds hardening into peaks under his heavy touch.
I moaned loudly, parting my lips further and inviting his tongue to push between my lips. Our tongues began clashing, the kiss transforming into a heated battle as our teeth clashed. Heavy gasps of air were blown from our nostrils, Billie’s hands moving further downwards to grip my hips. He rocked my pelvis against his growing erection, the warmth of his excitement radiating through multiple layers of clothes. His cock was halfway soft, yet it was prominent against my covered mound.
Jesus, he was bigger than I anticipated and he was still fully clothed.
This newly discovered fact made my brain hazy with desire. I wasn’t thinking straight anymore, the need to be fucked overwhelming any rational idea that crossed my brain. My open palms began to travel down his body, fingers desperately grasping at anything I could get my hands on.
My touch discovered his belt. I snagged a finger into the leather, yanking him impossibly closer to me.
I whispered softly against his gloriously plush lips. Billie smirked into the kiss, delighted that he had a profound effect on me.
“Please what?”
I gulped. Billie began walking forward, pushing me backwards until my knees came into contact with the couch. He released my hips as I thudded against the cushions. Billie glared at me, and I cocked my head back to meet his gaze. His intense eyes made me clench my thighs together in an attempt to gain friction for my now throbbing cunt.
“Please what?”
He repeated himself.
His tender grasp cupped my cheek and sensually held my face. His thumb dragged along my bottom lip, his fingertip lightly grazing over my plush mouth. My hands began to shake, so I stuffed them under my thighs.
“Please fuck me.”
I murmured, my tongue failing to follow my brain's commands after that mouth watering kiss.
“Sorry, what was that? I couldn’t quite hear you.”
To regain my composure, I swallowed, a large lump forming inside my throat.
“I said please fuck me.”
Thank God, my mouth was at least somewhat working in my favor. Billie drew my bottom lip downward before releasing it, my lip snapping back to its original place. He smirked devilishly.
“Can I taste you first?”
Billie’s honeyed tone dripped from his lush mouth and traveled straight to my core. I pursed my lips, shifting my pelvis to hopefully relieve the painful throbbing between my thighs.
I whispered, nodding my head vigorously. Billie chuckled lowly at my desperation.
“Needy, are we?”
He began to shrink until he was on his knees in front of me, placing his calloused open palms on my thighs to pry my legs open. I forced my muscles to relax in order to make the process easier for him.
I was now wishing I had gone with my original plan of not wearing panties.
Billie's palms trailed upwards, grazing over my smooth skin until he reached the soft flesh of my hips. He grasped the sides of my panties with both of his hands, tugging them downwards. I lifted my legs ever so slightly off the couch, watching intently as he removed the soaked fabric from my body. He tossed my panties to the side, his hungry eyes landing on my now exposed cunt.
My distress obscured any potential feelings of insecurity that raced through my mind. I drew my hands from beneath my thighs, reaching forward to tangle my fingers in Billie's short hair.
“Please… do something.”
I begged.
Billie, thankfully, didn't hesitate to throw my knees over his shoulders and pull me to the edge of the couch. My dress bunched up around my hips, allowing Billie easy access to bury his face between my legs.
He began kissing along my sensitive inner thighs, every pulse of my cunt setting my body ablaze with hot desire.
“Just relax baby, I promise I’ll make you feel really good.”
It was extremely hard to “just relax” when his mouth was mere inches from where I wanted him most. Defeated, I allowed my head to fall onto the back of the couch. The tender kisses do little to quell the now painful throbbing.
I traced the cracks on the white ceiling, gritting my teeth to distract my brain from the edging. When Billie noticed that I was losing passion for the current predicament, he quickly licked a long stripe between my folds, the tip of his tongue grazing over my swollen clit. I bucked my hips against his mouth, my thighs crushing his head between my legs as my breath hitched loudly in my throat. I groaned, my eyes squeezing shut.
I exclaimed, Billie’s tongue expertly flicking my bundle of nerves, waves of pleasure coursing through my veins.
“Jesus baby, you’re so wet and I’ve barely even touched you.”
Billie hollowed his cheeks to increase the suction on my swollen bud, my pelvis grinding against his face.
“I can’t wait to fuck you. Your pretty little pussy is gonna feel so sweet wrapped around my cock.”
I knit my brow in pleasure, my hand turning white knuckled as I increased the intensity of my grip, pulling loose strands of hair from his scalp. His painted nails dug into my plush thighs, holding my hips in place.
“Ohhh fuck. That feels so good.”
I could feel warm liquid pooling in my lower abdomen. I was close, very close, but I needed an extra push in order to reach my long awaited release.
He mumbled rapidly against my core, the vibrations of his throat bouncing around my insides. I moaned shakily, my train of thought falling off a cliff.
“Yes baby? What do you want? Tell me.”
Oh, right.
“Can you… can you use your fingers please?”
My words tumbled out of my mouth in a frenzied mess. Frankly, I’m surprised he was able to pick up on my request due to the rushed nature of my voice. Billie smirked against my cunt.
“Yes I can baby. Thank you for asking so nicely.”
He released his death grip on my thighs, his dull nails leaving red crescent shaped wounds in their wake. Billie trailed one hand towards my core, two fingertips prodding teasingly at my wet entrance. I utilized my newly granted freedom to buck my hips forward against his fingers.
Billie retracted his fingers a few inches, the movements of his mouth halting. I groaned at the sudden loss of contact.
I gulped.
“I can’t take it anymore.”
Billie began to move his tongue lazily against my clit, slowly reaching his previous pace.
“Sorry baby.”
He slipped two fingers into me, thrusting them slowly against my spongy walls. My entire body convulsed, back arching off the couch in response to the in-sync movements of both his fingers and his warm mouth. I was soon reduced to a moaning mess, my body rushing towards an unstoppable orgasm.
“Billie… I’m gonna cum.”
Billie inserted another finger, stretching my walls further.
“Please cum on my mouth baby girl. I wanna taste you.”
He hollowed his cheeks once more, the suction increasing tenfold. Billie’s pace was becoming merciless, his intense actions traveling straight to the growing pool of liquid inside my lower abdomen. I trapped my lower lip under my top teeth to muffle the moans ripping through my body and piercing the quiet atmosphere of the dressing room.
With one final thrust of his calloused fingertips against my walls, I released on his face, the tension leaving my body in a sudden wave.
“Fuck baby, you taste so good.”
My chest heaved as I regained my composure, Billie lazily drinking in my juices, his fingers resting inside of me.
“You ready for me to fuck you now?”
My eyelids fluttered open, my retinas taking a moment to adjust to the soft light.
Was I ready now?
I had been ready this entire night!
I swung my head forward, growing wet once more at the image of Billie’s face buried between my thighs. He retracted his mouth from my core once he was satisfied, lightly setting my shaking legs back down onto the couch.
He pulled his fingers from my wet walls, leaving me feeling empty and hungry for more. My jaw dropped as Billie brought his cum soaked fingers to his lips, sucking them into his mouth erotically while igniting intense eye contact. The area around his mouth was wet with my juices, the damp skin glistening in the soft fluorescent lights.
He pulled his digits from his mouth with a soft pop, bringing his hands to the buttons on his shirt. My gaze followed his fingers as he exposed more of his skin for my eyes to take in. Tendons bulged from Billie’s ink-covered forearms as he hurriedly undid the numerous buttons.
Jesus, I never knew tattoos could turn me on this much.
My entire body stopped functioning when he exposed his dark happy trail.
I couldn’t breathe, my internal organs weren’t cooperating. I could only stare in utter disbelief.
Shit, was this really happening?
I expected to wake up at any moment with my panties soaked and my cunt throbbing.
This was a wet dream.
No way was I about to lose my virginity to fucking Billie Joe Armstrong.
“You wanna take off your dress? Or are you gonna keep gawking?”
My gaze snapped back to his eyes, cheeks flushing hot with embarrassment. I removed my socks first before extending my arms behind my head, only to realize the zipper was barely out of my reach.
“Could-could you do it?”
Billie scoffed, standing to his full height.
“Sure… come here baby.”
He motioned with his index finger for me to come hither and stand before him. I gulped before rising on shaky knees, hands at my sides. Billie cocked his head sideways.
“Turn around.”
He demanded, his tone light and playful. I turned to face the back wall, my eyes glazing over the various clutter on the counters. Billie's hot fingertips grazed over the cool skin on my back as he gradually dragged the zipper on my dress downwards.
The dress fell, pooling around my ankles. My breath caught in my throat as Billie wrapped his large hands around my breasts, kneading softly. I groaned involuntarily, his hair tickling my neck as he rested his chin atop my shoulder.
“God, I wanted to fuck you the moment I caught you staring at me in the crowd.”
I inhaled shakily.
“You’re the lead singer. What was I supposed to do? Not look at you?”
Although my words were sassy, my tone was anything but. Billie scoffed.
“There’s a difference between looking and staring. Believe me, I know.”
He placed a gentle kiss on my neck, dragging his wet tongue along my jugular. His lips came to rest against my earlobe.
“I could tell by that sleazy look in your eyes that your mind was up to no good.”
I gasped as he pinched my hardened nipples between two fingers, my head falling onto his shoulder.
“Please Billie, just fuck me already.”
He pulled my back against his front. Our bare skin collided, the cool metal of his belt buckle pressed against my lower back. I could already feel my juices dripping down my inner thighs.
“Alright baby… since you asked me so politely.”
He breathed against my earlobe, his hot breath raising goosebumps along my skin.
“Bend yourself over the couch. I wanna fuck you from the back.”
I suppose I was losing my virginity in a rather kinky manner.
Whatever, I wasn’t about to complain.
I strode forward, kneeling atop the soft cushions and leaning my torso over the back of the couch. I rested my chin on the back of my hands, waited patiently for Billie to make the next move. My exposed ass and wet cunt was on display for his gaze.
The prominent sound of a clinking belt buckle cut through the quiet anticipation.
This was really happening.
I didn’t look back.
I didn’t want to look back.
I knew his cock was definitely mouth watering.
But the image of his thick, rock hard cock on full display had the potential to place thoughts of doubt and fear inside my brain.
So I chose to allow the suspense to consume me.
The cushions shifted under me as a second person climbed atop the couch. His open palms dragged along my sides, the subtle touches sending a chill down my spine. He stopped to tenderly wrap his hands around my fleshy hips.
“I’ll go slow at first. Let me know if you want me to stop.”
I nodded.
Billie dragged the swollen tip of his cock through my folds, eliciting a low groan from the back of my throat. I dug my nails into the couch, bracing myself for what was to come. He slowly pushed in, my walls stretching to accommodate his girth.
I mumbled, the insertion of his cock cursed subtle waves of pain to pulse through my stretched cunt.
“Does it feel good?”
He murmured raspily.
It did.
It hurt so good.
“Yes… it feels really fucking good.”
Billie began to rock his pelvis, pulling almost completely out before burying himself balls deep within me. This process continued slowly at first, my body moving slightly with every slow thrust.
“Fuck Billie, you’re so big.”
Billie groaned.
“If you keep talking like that sweetheart I may have to fuck you harder.”
My eyes fluttered closed. He utilized his gentle grasp on my hips to pull me back to meet his slow thrusts.
It was far too slow for me.
“Please fuck me harder… I need it.”
Billie chuckled as he began to quicken his pace.
“You’re a little slut, aren’t you?”
I knit my brow.
“Yes, I am.”
I couldn’t even deny it.
Billie began yanking me backwards to meet the intense snap of his hips. My body rocked with every thrust, soft groans falling from my lips every time he buried himself into my soaking cunt.
“You’re so fucking tight Y/N. I could fuck you forever.”
I wanted him to fuck me forever. This angle was perfect for him to slam into my g spot everytime he slammed into me. The wet slapping sounds of sex bounced off the thick brick walls.
It was truly erotic.
A moment ripped straight from a porn.
“Can I cum inside you baby? Would that make you happy?”
His tone was surprisingly stable, not faltering.
I admired the self control.
I scratched my nails against the couch cushions, hoping to gain some leverage. The mention of cum made me notice the tightening pinch slowly building in my lower abdomen.
“Yes, that’d make me happy. Please chin inside of me.”
Billie’s calloused fingertips found my clit, and he began rubbing soft figure eights into my swollen bundle of nerves.
I moaned loudly, the pleasure consuming me.
I was unable to form a coherent thought.
“Fuck, your pussy is so sweet. I’m gonna cum.”
His cock twitched within my spongy walls.
I was close as well.
The subdued pain made my toes curl.
It hurt so fucking good.
The gentle movements of his finger against my clit pulled the coil tighter.
“I’m gonna cum too… please keep fucking me I wanna cum on your cock.”
Billie grunted.
“Can you cum for me?”
I clenched my abdomen, his raspy tone sending me over the edge with a pornographic moan. Billie followed shortly after, his hot cum coating my walls. I was thrown into cold water, my body overcome with a sudden onset of erotic euphoria.
I could’ve cum a third time just by the sexiness of his cum filling me to the brim.
He continued to lazily thrust into me, his fingers moving slowly around my overstimulated clit.
I came down gradually, wanting to prolong this delicious feeling for as long as humanly possible.
Billie chuckled.
“You should come to our shows more often.”
He leaned in, brushing his plush lips over my earlobe.
“Maybe next time I’ll tie you up.”
186 notes · View notes
angelicliima · 1 year
the fact billy hargrove and soldier boy both have rock you like a hurricane playing in their first scene says a lot about my choice in favourite characters
104 notes · View notes
markdelonge · 2 years
“ i'm in love ”
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not my gif !
note: i am so sorry !!!!!!!!! that this took forever!!!!!!!!!!!! i wanted to take some time to learn about billie before writing about him bc i didn't know anything other than him being in green day so i spent a week listening to their music and watching interviews AND i was originally gonna do a "dating billie" type thingy but i gave up half way thru bc i was running out of headcannon thingys but its in my drafts so if u want it just lmk
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request?: yes
pairing: billie joe armstrong x female!reader
contains: bad writing, age gap
keys: Y/F/N = your friend's name. Y/F/F = your favorite food
You walked into a fancy restaurant that you had never heard the name of before, fiddling with the hem of your knee-length skirt as you walked up to the waitress standing behind a desk.
"Hi, Just one?" She asked as she picked up a menu.
"Um, No, I-I'm supposed to be meeting someone here. By the name of 'Billie' You started, chewing on your lip from your anxiety.
"Billie Armstrong, I think" You finished
You watched as she looked down at a chart she had as she ran her finger down the paper.
"Y/N?" She asked as she smiled back up to you.
"Yes, that's me" You smiled back, a little bit of your anxiety going away.
"Right this way" She said after she walked from behind the desk and started leading you to the table that an unfamiliar face sat at.
Your anxiety immediately came back as you watched him stand up and he smiled at you.
"There will be someone to come ask for your orders soon" The woman smiled once more before turning to continue her job.
You looked back at the man who was standing in front of you, your friend was not lying when she said that he was attractive. He was shorter than you imagined, though. Taller than less than 5 inches, you didn't really care that much about it.
"Hello. Y/N, right? He asked before sticking his hand out.
You took his hand in your and lightly shook it
"Yes, and you're Billie?" You smiled, mentally cringing.
All he did was nod before breaking the handshake and sitting back down which you followed his actions and looked down at your lap and fiddled with your thumbs.
You looked back up to him to see him already looking at you with an adorable smile plastered on his face.
"So, do you know what you're gonna get yet?" You asked before biting the inside of your cheek and lifting the fancy restaurant's fancy menu.
"No not yet, I haven't even ordered a drink yet"
You looked up at him and your eyes took a second to study the table, noticing that nothing but the menus, salt, pepper and a bouquet of fake flowers were on the table
"How long were you waiting?" You asked, your stomach flipping, hoping that it wasn't long.
"Not that long, maybe like 10 minutes."
"Thank God" You thought to yourself
"So, Y/N, tell me a little about yourself" He stated with a charming smile which was enough to make you smile back
"Well, my full name is Y/F/N, I just recently turned 31"
You continued to talk about yourself, answering the questions he had for you and trying to leave out anything that made you seem lame.
After about 3 minutes of talking about yourself and laughing, the waiter had finally walked up to the table
"Hello, what can I get you two for drinks?" She asked, pulling out a pen from her apron.
Billie looked over to you as if he was waiting for you to answer. You looked down at the menu for a couple seconds before making up your mind.
You lightly cleared your throat before speaking
"I'll have sweet tea"
The lady wrote down what you had said before looking over to Billie
"And what about you, Sir?"
"A pepsi would be cool"
She raised her eyebrow before writing down what he had said then closed her notebook pad and put her pen away.
"I'll be back with your drinks shortly" She smiled and walked away
"Did you see the way she looked at me?" Billie leaned closer over the table and whispered so she wouldn't be able to hear him which made you laugh
"She's probably confused on why we didn't order champagne or something" You whispered before looking around you
"This is a very nice restaurant" You finished.
Your friend, who was also your roommate, had completely set up the date. She was in charge of the day, the time, where it was and she refused to tell either of you what the name of the restaurant was all she did was give you guys each other's names and the address to the restaurant.
"Yeah, I feel underdressed right now" He said in a more normal voice and sitting up straight.
"Me too, I wish Y/F/N would've warned me that this restaurant was gonna be so fancy, I'm used to dates at Applebee's" You joked and silently praised yourself when you saw the smile that showed up on Billie's face
"So, you go on a lot of dates?" He joked back
"Oh, all the time" You replied sarcastically, dragging out "all" to put more emphasis on it.
"I just got back from a date before I came here" You fake bragged, having no idea where you got the confidence to joke with him the way you were.
"Oh, yeah?" He raised an eyebrow
You hummed and nodded your head.
"Where'd you go?" He asked
"Uhh, Applebee's" You said in a "duh" voice.
Your response made him laugh loudly which caught the attention of some people around you. The two of you both looked at the people who were most-likely silently judging you before looking back at each other and laughing more.
The waitress soon came back with your drinks and took your orders. He had ordered Chicken Alfredo while you ordered Y/F/F, that being your go-to food whenver you went out (which wasn’t a lot).
“Okay, Billie, you know almost everything about me, tell me about you” You said before taking a sip of your drink.
You learned lots about him, like his middle name being “Joe”, how he’s in a band called “Green Day”, which you were suprised to hear, given the fact that you knew a couple of their songs, maybe like 2 or 3, you never took the time to see who was in the band though. You also found out that he was 9 years older than you, making him 40. That took you aback given the fact that he looked very close to your age but you brused it off, deciding to give him a chance since it had been so long since anyone had shown any interest in you.
“Wait, so if you play in a rock band you must like rock music, right?” Your face lit up with excitment, you had finally found someone who liked the same music as you. 
“Yeah, I love it” He said after he took a sip of his pepsi
“Do you have a favorite band?” You asked, curious on what his answer was gonna be
“Uhh, I don’t really have a favorite at this moment, but I used to really like Operation Ivy, if you know who they ar-” 
You had cut him off with a gasp once you had registered what he said
“No. Way.” You said a little dramatic.
“I loved them all throughout high school! I used to be so bummed that I couldn’t see them live because when I had started listening, they were already broken up” You pouted, remembering the teenage version of you complaining to your parents about how sad you were about that.
“ What’s your favorite song by them?” He asked 
“Oh, that’s a hard one” You paused, your brain flipping through all the Operation Ivy songs you know, trying to pick just one.
“Um, I’m gonna have to go with “Knowledge”.” You replied and his jaw dropped. 
“That’s my favorite, too!” 
“Nu-uh” You said in complete disbelief 
“Yeah” His voice grew a little louder due to excitment which caused the couple next to us to give us dirty looks once again.
“That’s truly insane, I’ve never met anyone who had even heard of them, I thought I was the only one” You said while stirring the ice around in your cup with the straw.
“Well, now you’ve got me” 
You looked up at him through your lashes, his response making you blush
“I’m glad about that” You smiled before finding a new topic to talk about.
After what felt like forever, the food had finally came, and the two of you spent the next almost 2 hours learning more about each other, laughing, and eating.
Soon, the sound of a chair scooting across the floor had caught your attention and you watched as the couple (who was dressed way fancier than the both of you) put on their jackets to go. The woman who was there looked over at you and the two of you made eye contact. Instead of breaking it, you smiled and waved at her, all she did was look at you like you were trash and rolled her eyes which caused you to gasp.
“What?” Billie asked, looking in the same direction as you were, making it very obvious that the both of you were looking at them. You lightly tapped his hand so his attention would turn to you.
“I smiled at her and she rolled her eyes” You laughed at it, finding it more funny than offensive.
“Oh, shit, for real?” He whispered before turning back over to them and watched as they made their way to the exit. 
You saw as the man talked to the lady who had led you to the table earlier and pointed over to us while saying something that you couldn’t make out.
“Oh, shit” You whispered, sinking into your seat a little when you saw that the lady was coming towards your table. 
“Are you enjoying your dinners?” She asked
“Yeah” You both said at the same time, then smiling at each other.
“Well, I just got a complaint from a couple that was next to you two and they were saying how you guys were being too loud and it made them uncomfortable. So, if you could keep it down, that would be highly appreciated.” She smiled
Both you and Billie smiled at each other before he spoke up.
“I’m sorry about that. I guess we got too deep in conversation to notice” He smiled at the woman
“It’s okay, just remember that they’re others trying to eat here” She smiled back and left.
Not very long after she turned around, the both of you started laughing once again, this time is was quieter so you wouldn’t get a complaint again.
“You wanna get outta here?” He asked after the laughter died down and you nodded.
Billie looked around to see if he could spot the waitress, thankfully she wasn’t far, only a couple tables down. So the two of you talked until she walked by and she asked if everything was going alright.
“Yeah, everything is great. Can we get the bill?” He asked, she nodded and left.
Once she turned with the bill, she took the plates and bid us “goodnight”
You grabbed the bill before he could and your eyes widened as you looked at the price.
“How much is it?” He whispered for unknown reasons
“Oh, that’s not that bad” He said while reaching in his back pocket and pulling out a wallet
“Yeah, but we didn’t even get anything that fancy. I bet if we would’ve went to Applebee’s and got everything we got here, it would be like $60″ 
He laughed at what you said before speaking
“That’s what happens when you go to fancy resturants, babe, shit’s expensive”
Your heart stopped for a split second due to the pet name he had thrown in ever so casually.
You are cool with me calling you that, right?” He made sure you didn’t feel uncomfortable which you thought it was the cutest thing ever.
You nodded in agreement before clearing your throat 
“Yeah, t-that’s cool with me” You smiled which he mirrored.
Only a few seconds later, Billie stood up and walked over to where you were sitting
“Shall we?” He asked, extending his arm out in front of you.
“We shall” You giggled as you took his hand and stood up.
The two of you started walking towards the front of the resturant and you smiled to yourself, happy that this date had gone very well.
The two of you talked about random things until you got to your car.
“This is me” You stopped walking and stood in front of the car.
“Well, actually I was wondering if you wanted to come back with me” He said but it sounded more like a question
“Sorry, Billie, I don’t do hook ups on the first date.” You frowned
“But if you give me your number, I’d be more than happy to go on a second date  with you” You smiled
“Wait, really? I didn’t completely  fuck this date up?” 
“What? No, what makes you think you fucked up”
“We almost got kicked out of a top notch resturant”
“But we didn’t, plus that wasn’t just your fault, I was being loud, too, y’know” You reminded him and he nodded.
You pulled out your phone, unlocked it, went to contacts, and handed him the phone.
“Here, put your number in and we can plan another date later” 
You blushed as his hand brushed over yours when he took your phone
“I really had fun tonight” You after a few seconds of silence.
He looked at you but his head was still down
“Me too” He smiled at you which made your heart melt
“How ‘bout next time we go to Applebee’s since you love it so much” He joked before giving you your phone back. 
Without looking, you put it back in your purse that was on top of your car.
“Believe it or not, I’m actually not a huge fan of going out” You said
“No?” You could hear the sarcasm in his voice which caused you to laugh a little.
“Mhm” You hummed in response. 
“So, then what do you have in mind?” 
“I have this old stereo with a bunch of old cassette tapes that are all the rock albums I used to listen to. So I was thinking, y’know, me, you, a stereo, and maybe chinese food or something?” You chewed on your lip, hoping the plan didn’t sound dumb.
“I got Operation Ivy” You said, your voice filled with hope.
“Text me the time and your address and I’m there, baby” He winked
God, he was gonna drive you insane. You stood there for a few seconds, the both of you just looking at each other before you cleared your throat.
“I should probably get going before Y/F/N starts to worry, I’m never out this late.”
He smiled at you before looking down at his watch
“It’s only 10:30″
“I told you already, I dont go out a lot” You remarked
"Well, I'll see you soon?" He asked
"Of course" You said in an obvious tone.
"Okay, have a good night, Y/N. Text me when you get home?"
You nodded in response.
"You too, Billie"
"Well, you don't have to text me when you get home because you won't have my number until I text you so even if you wanted to text me, you wouldn't be able to a-"
You were cut off by Billie kissing you, it shocked you at first, but you couldn't help but kiss back. The kiss was soft and passionate and only lasted a couple seconds before Billie pulled back.
"I'm sorry, you were ranting"
"No, don't apologize, I liked it" You bit your lip, trying not to smile too big.
All he did was laugh, before he put his hands in his front pocket.
"Goodnight, Y/N." He smiled at you before turning around to walk away.
"Goodnight, Billie"
He turned back, smiled, and waved before turning back to walk to his car.
You silently freaked out right then and there, Your first date in almost 3 years went amazing. You calmed yourself down by taking a deep breath before grabbing your purse and walking to your car door. You were looking through your purse for your keys when your phone went off. Opening it, the first thing you saw was the new contact that had been recently added and was titled "Billie <3".
You smiled before whispering to yourself
"I think I'm in love"
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heliads · 11 months
Okay so I was thinking about this at like three a.m. the other night (as one does), and I could think of no one better to do it justice than you, my beloved Lisa, so here goes: Billy Rocks with a gender-neutral Reader in a Magnificent Seven Grishaverse AU (or just sort of The Magnificent Seven but Grisha exist)??
All of the Seven are Grisha themselves (you can totally pick what kind, but Billy really strikes me as being a Fabrikator), but the Reader is a Heartrender who keeps it a secret and pretends to be a non-Grisha because Heartrenders have kind of an iffy reputation. But when the Seven are in a fight with another gang terrorizing a small town and Billy gets cornered by a man about to shoot him dead, Reader panics and kills the guy by stopping his heart, revealing themself in the process. The group’s pretty much fine with it considering their skills just saved Billy’s life, but this is the first time the Reader’s ever killed anyone and they’re pretty distraught about it. And maybe the fic ends with Billy comforting them and the two of them confessing their feelings for each other??
Of course, if you don’t want to write this, that is totally and completely fine!! Thanks for hearing out my request, and I hope you’re doing well, my beloved!! 💛💛💛
raven raven raven.... as if i were not already deep within magnificent seven brainrot, this fic has changed me fundamentally. enjoy!!
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A stranger has come to town, and he’s looking for you. He’s not alone, either. The group comes in slow and easy, just when night is about to roll in from dusk’s opener. It gives the people of your town an excuse to stand and stare on their porches under the cover of lighting the lamps. 
The comfort of a familiar chore can make anyone feel safer, better; just enough light, and it’s like all the shadows in the world will be gone. Maybe somewhere out there, the Unsea looms and breathes like a sickening thing, but out here, darkness is conquered by a splash of kerosene and the spark of a match. The riders tip their hats and keep moving down the street.
Your townspeople can’t be blamed for a little bit of distrust. West of the Shadow Fold, with nothing in Ravka to protect you, everything’s become a little bit of a wasteland. The ocean chokes out travel, Fjerda and Shu Han threaten to close their jaws on you from above and below, and the Unsea keeps you from running. All anyone can do is settle down with their guards up and try not to die. 
Around here, the night never ends. Everything is sweltering twilight, with a great lot of dust blowing in the wind, marking off how many towns have been outcompeted and left behind for dead. Trade dries up by the day. Great men run out of business. The only thing strangers have in common with each other is empty pockets. No wonder the town natives watch the newcomers like thieves. For all they know, the strangers could be just that. All the world’s a hustle, and if you’re not careful, you’ll go from king of the hill to just another victim of a swindle in the span of an hour or two.
They go to the inn first, by means of securing a room for the night. It’s too late to travel further, even if they find their target, so they’ll just have to stay until the next morning at least. Convenient. Makes it harder for you to hide, if that’s the sort of thing you were interested in.
You only find out that someone’s looking for you, or that there are newcomers at all, once the group of them have relocated to a tavern somewhere close by. A young boy, the oldest son of your neighbor, comes running over with the news. He says there’s seven of them, seven men, and all of them walk like danger’s their best damn friend. You scold him lightly for swearing, then gather up your hackles and misgivings and head over.
There are many reasons that someone could be looking for you. This is not your only home nor, you have sense to believe, will it be your last. You’ve run from trouble like it were your shadow, only for it to come creeping back by your heels when you least expect it. Times aren’t always easy for someone like you. Maybe this latest life of yours has been working out pretty well, but that’s no guarantee that it’ll stick around.
This could be someone from an old life or two, or worse, someone who’s gotten wind of the one secret you’ve tried to hide since you were a kid. Grisha aren’t welcome here, no witch or monster or unsainted creature, which is why you never tell a soul what you really are. Sometimes, though. Sometimes, when you’re on your own and a wicked man decides you look like prey, you have to defend yourself. Sometimes that involves revealing yourself even when you’d rather not.
You have never killed anyone. That should be stated first. You have never taken a life in cold blood, nor hot, not even when they’re aiming to kill you first. Despite the fact that, of all the Grisha branches you could have claimed, you were born a Heartrender, you’ve never used your gifts for anything that extreme. You’ve injured, sure, knocked a few people out when you couldn’t avoid it, but you’ve never killed. Never. That would make you– something, you think, something wrong, something not like you.
You avoid it like the plague, but that doesn’t stop people from looking and whispering. If this is someone who’s been hunting you since the olden days, there’s not a whole lot you can do about that. Silently, you mark out your belongings in your head, plan out which ones you’ll need and which can rot away in a home that you never should have trusted as yours for long. Houses are just wood and stone, not something you can keep like anyone else. Monsters don’t get to live, they get to survive.
You might have forgotten that, maybe that’s why whoever’s looking for you was able to catch up while your back was turned. You gather your nerves up in polished metal and gunpowder and mentally press your finger on the trigger. The door to the tavern is in your sights, and you stalk inside without a trace of fear showing on your face, no matter how your heart hammers in your chest.
The doors swing shut behind you, but they’re still swaying like a dancer’s hips by the time your smile starts to shine. You’ve recognized the stranger, and he’s certainly no enemy of yours. You’ve met this man before, and if there’s one thing to identify him more than a face or name, it’s the honor he keeps polished in his heart.
“Sam Chisholm,” you say with a broad grin, “Now, what are you doing in these parts?”
Sam is prone to a smile on occasion, and he treats you to one of those along with a drink. “We need your help, L/N.”
“Help?” You ask, then, “We? I thought you were a solo act.”
“Not anymore,” he says, “Take a seat, we’ve got quite the story to tell.”
You do as told, pulling up a chair in the space they make for you. As Sam spins his tale, you listen with growing incredulity. Turns out Sam met his crew of seven trying to pull some small town out from the yoke of a greedy businessman. The odds weren’t in their favor, and they all probably should have died doing it, but the Saints were on their side and somehow they all managed to pull through.
You’re introduced to the members of the group one by one, and they raise their drinks in greeting as each name is called. There’s Sam, obviously, a self-taught Squaller. It’s fascinating hearing his heart whenever he uses his gifts, not a beat is out of place. Complete mastery. He can make one bullet strafe the sky until the single hunk of metal takes out twenty men.
Then there’s Joshua Faraday, resident Inferni. The branch of the Small Science suits him, you think; even after only having known him for a small bit of time, you can already tell he’s some kind of hothead. Jack Horne, more mountain than man, is an otkazat’sya, but you still wouldn’t like the odds of going up against him in a fistfight, he’d probably take you out in one blow.
Vasquez, outlaw, tells you quite proudly that the only power he’d ever need is that of two revolvers in his hands. Faraday guffaws loudly, shoves him in the shoulder, says as if and proceeds to list out all the ways being an Inferni’s way better than that. Vasquez shoves him back, and you think they might argue for the next few hours until Sam tells them to quit it.
Red Harvest keeps to himself, for the most part, but his eyes track every movement in the room. Tidemaker, someone says he is. No, Durast. No one can decide. He never told them what he was, but what’s obvious is that he’s damn good to have in a fight. He’s a Grisha of some sort, but, much like the Zemeni, he was never raised to place such faith in pointless labels.
All of them seem decent enough to you, but your attention is stuck on two men in the back. Goodnight Robicheaux introduces himself without needing Sam’s guiding words. He’s a soldier, he says. Was a soldier. Now a friend. He didn’t need to be a Grisha to do the things he did in the war. Privately, you think that’ll kill him someday, but Goodnight doesn’t need a stranger to point out how heavily guilt hangs about his shoulders. He’s much too aware of that burden already.
It’s Goodnight’s traveling partner, though, that pulls your focus the most. He regards you with cautious, dark eyes until Sam points him out as Billy Rocks, Fabrikator. He spins a blade back and forth between his fingers, intricate whirlpools of silver, sometimes with his fingers and sometimes with nothing at all. He keeps your gaze until Sam starts talking again. You’re the first to look away, and although it should not be something you remember, it is.
Sam’s found another town that needs his help, and this time, he wants your aid in liberating it. West Ravkan separatists have riled up a small militia and held a village under siege just because the inhabitants were believed to be followers of the crown. Separated from Os Alta by the Unsea, there’s no chance that any soldiers will be sent to free the residents, which leaves the bloody task to local fighters with a sense of benediction.
You almost laugh at that. “Since when have you been sent by the Saints to free the needy? Hell, since when have I? Why come to me?”
Faraday pipes up from the far end of the table. He’d been lost in some cards earlier, but he slaps them down when you ask that. “Actually, I’d like to know the same thing. We’ve all had our time to shine, but why’d we come all this way for some friend of yours?”
“Y/N is not just a friend,” Sam says evenly, “they’re a talented fighter, and, more than that, gifted at strategy. They saved me from a shootout some years back. We survived the last intervention by the skin of our teeth, I’d like a little more reassurance this time around. That comes with adding to our numbers.”
“I’m only one person,” you argue, “Not exactly an army to turn the tides.”
“You’re willing to fight for a good cause,” Sam replies simply, “that’s worth more than a dozen lax soldiers.”
“That assumes I’m on your side. I haven’t agreed yet,” you point out.
Sam arches a brow. “That’s true. We’ll set off tomorrow morning at dawn. If you wish to come with us, we’ll see you then. If not, it was good to see a friend.”
You nod, and turn to pay your tab at the bar. Before you leave, you glance once over your shoulder, and find that someone is still watching. Billy. The knife is still in his hands. He doesn’t seem surprised to be caught staring, and his expression doesn’t change. Unable to stop yourself, you check his heartbeat, but the rhythm is still and even. He’s curious, nothing more. Curious to see what choice you’re going to make.
You’d like to know, too. You go back to your house, lock the door, check it thrice. You haven’t considered fighting in any capacity in a long time, probably since the last time you saw Sam. A battle is dangerous. It gives you the chance to lose control, and if you lose control, you’ll reveal yourself for what you truly are. Not even Sam knows you’re Grisha. It’s not something you can afford to show off.
The smart decision is to stay in hiding. You don’t have to face Sam again, you just won’t show up at dawn tomorrow and nothing will happen. He’s a good man, odds are he won’t think any less of you for not being there. He’ll find another contact and that will be that. They’ll go rescue the town without you and nothing will have changed. Nothing. You’ll rot and die in this town, and your complacence will be what kills you at last.
The sun is just starting to rise when you close the door of your house. You have no idea when you’ll be back, if you’ll live long enough to come back at all. It served you well, this purpose, but perhaps there’s something more to life than just hiding after all. 
Sam looks up when he hears the clop of your horse’s hooves. He’s been leaning against the wall of the inn, but he smiles when he sees you. “I was wondering when you’d get here,” he says, “I’m glad that you’ve decided to join us.”
“I’m glad too,” you tell him, and you realize that you mean it.
Sam mounts his ride, and leads you around back where the others are waiting. Again, Billy’s gaze is cool, but this time you swear you detect something almost like satisfaction in his eyes. One more sign that you made the right choice.
The town is only a two days’ ride from your village, and before you know it, you’re taking one final camp outside before the attempt to take it over. Sam has good information on the positions of the radicals, and you’ll mount your assault just before dawn so you can get the jump on them. You have no doubt that they’re expecting you, but it’ll be best to attack while the element of surprise is still in your favor.
You have to admit that you’ve grown fond of the company, even in the short time that you’ve known them. They’ve all got rather interesting personalities, and from the stories you’ve swapped over fires and during your travels, it’s a miracle any of them are still alive. You suppose you’ll be able to add this journey to your tales in the years to come. It’s a good thought to have.
This close to the town, everyone’s nerves are on edge. You’ve already spotted several scouting parties, no doubt combing the surrounding area to find rescue crews like your own. You’ve already had a minor incident tonight, actually. Faraday was starting to drift off when he heard a noise behind him. In a fit of panic, he fired off a blast of flame before he fully realized what was going on.
When all of you headed over to check out the attacker he’d felled, though, all you found was a charred rat. Faraday had heard the scratching and made a veritable mountain out of a molehill.
“Congratulations,” Goodnight had said dryly, “you just fried a rodent.” 
Vasquez poked at the still-smoking corpse with a corner of his boot. “That’s one crisp rat,” he said, looking Faraday dead in the eyes.
The Inferni had the grace to look ashamed. “My bad for wanting to protect us,” he’d claimed, “I just have those fast reflexes, you know. Everyone wants them.”
You can’t entirely blame Faraday for being jumpy, though. Just a few hours later, you’re on watch when you hear another noise. This time, though, it’s no rat, but footsteps, and several of them. You reach out hesitantly with your abilities and hear two distinct heartbeats.
Quickly, you wake the others, and all of you crouch low beneath undergrowth and rock formations, trying to stay out of sight until you find the intruders. Red Harvest points out the silhouettes of two men creeping towards the dying embers of your campfire, and you suck in a breath. It wouldn’t do to be found out before your attempt even started, so your group will have to take out these men without alerting the rest of the separatists in town.
The two spies go in separate directions, presumably to circle up on you. Sam and Jack split off to take out one man, and you go with Billy and Goodnight to handle the other. The rest trace the perimeter of the camp to ensure that there aren’t any more visitors than the two men. 
The three of you stalk your target until he’s right in front of you. Goodnight’s the closest, and you wait for him to make a move. He was a sharpshooter, after all, and right now, the spy is completely within range without any idea that the three of you are behind him. This is the perfect shot, so why isn’t he taking it?
You can feel Goodnight’s heart, hear the pattern of it. Two beats slow, then fast-fast as he tries to reconcile himself with the idea of killing. It’s a quickstep, the same regular cadence of a dance. You watch as Goodnight’s fingers twitch at his sides. It would be so easy to do it now, he’s got the guy in his sight and his hands are free. That’s all he’d need to kill. It’s all you’d need.
The quickstep picks up speed, the beats spinning around themselves like drunk kids on a dancefloor. Slow-slow, Goodnight raises his hand tremblingly forward, places his gun in front of him like a shield. Fast-fast, and the man falls down dead.
It’s not Goodnight who killed him, though. You didn’t feel him do it, that tug of a trigger finger to end the dance. It was someone else. One closer look and there’s a knife sticking out of the dead man’s chest, a silver blade. It must have passed right in front of your eyes and you didn’t even see it, that’s how fast it went.
You know who threw it, though. This whole time you were so focused on Goodnight’s two-step that you didn’t even think about Billy. Billy, who was watching just like you were, a lone man at a country outing pacing around the outskirts of a packed dance until he swoops and cuts in, getting the best partner for himself and forcing out a competitor in just the blink of an eye.
You turn to look at him, but Billy doesn’t even flinch, just relaxes the one raised finger by his side. He meets your gaze coolly, daring you to say anything about it. You don’t, and the breath caught in his chest lets itself go. You turn back around to look at the dead man, pretending you don’t feel the way Goodnight’s heart is tumbling over itself in relief.
It’s funny, growing up you’d always assumed that killing would be easy if you were good at it, if you had enough experience with it. That would be the true sign of bravery, that a soldier like Goodnight would be able to end the man’s life in a moment.
Now, though? Now you’re starting to sing a different tune. If there is real bravery in this world, it’s present in Billy, who will let himself take the moral punch of robbing the universe of another life just so that Goodnight would not have to bear the blow. It is not weakness in either of them, it is friendship, and a stronger sort of friendship than most men in this world ever experience in their lives.
Situation over, you meet up with the rest of your group. They took out their spy too, and there’s no one left, so the rest of you go uneasily back to sleep. You ready yourself to continue your watch, but to your surprise, Billy steals away from his place to sit next to you.
“I’ll take over from here,” he says gruffly, “you can rest.”
You frown at him. “You’re not on watch for another hour at least.”
“I’ll manage,” he tells you.
You arch a brow. “You’ve been doing that a lot, haven’t you?”
He nods, apparently unbothered by the implications of what you’ve just said. “I watch out for the people I care about.”
That sort of sentiment makes sense for Goodnight, who Billy’s known for quite some time. For you, though? You, who Billy met just a few days ago? You didn’t think there was room for you in his life already. Perhaps, though, perhaps you were wrong.
Billy’s gaze softens and he gestures again to where the rest of the group lies sleeping. “I mean it. You’ll be safe. I’ll make sure of it.”
He’s telling the truth, his heartbeats betray no lies. How wonderful it must be to be so sure of yourself, that you could protect the people you care about and harbor no hesitations about it. How terrible, to know that you are so capable of killing that no villain would be able to stand in your way.
“Thank you,” you whisper. When you get up, your hand brushes against his. You hadn’t realized you were sitting that closely. In fact, you think you had wanted him to stop being so far away.
Sleep comes far more easily than you’d thought. It was a cold night, but for some reason you had been warm while you rested. That could have been due to the fire sparking nearby, but when you wake, you notice that a jacket has been laid over you. There’s a knife in the pocket that you think Billy forgot to take out. You give it to him the next morning, which he accepts, but he does not let you return the jacket. It’s still cold, he says. You might need it.
The only thing that’s cold, though, is the oil slick in your veins. Your blood drips cool and heavy through your limbs, keeping you alive just long enough to take someone else’s life. Sam came up with a plan before he met up with you, and he’s spent the duration of your travels making sure everyone knows their part in it down to a T.
Even then, it’s common knowledge that complete mastery of Plan A and even plans B through E won’t save you. This is only your best guess as to what will happen inside the bounds of that city. You could all die in an hour’s time, or maybe not a single one of you will get so much as grazed by a stray bullet. Plans only get you so far. The real test will be what you’re able to do when everything goes wrong and you’re three seconds from death.
With your spirits accordingly lifted, the eight of you set out to retake the town. You split up in pairs of two to cut off any avenues of escape. You’ll be with Red Harvest, and you and your partner in death head to your prearranged location to ready yourselves for the events to come.
The crowing of a rooster somewhere in town serves as the agreed upon signal to attack, and just like that, the time of waiting is over. After that, everything seems like a blur. You and Red Harvest descend upon the town, sneaking around the back to attack the false sheriff’s men from behind. They clearly weren’t expecting an attack at this hour, so you’re able to take out many of them before they can cause you too much trouble.
The whole battle follows suit, actually. You swear it feels like you’ve just been fighting a few minutes, and then you blink and the sun’s well into the sky but you’re still not dead yet. You carefully maneuver throughout the town, taking out enemy fighters as you go, but you have yet to spot any one of your friends crumpled on the ground.
The fighting is starting to wrap up soon enough, with the remaining separatists fleeing for the hills. You haven’t seen Billy in a while, which is worrying you, so you start to stalk through town in the hopes of finding him.
The rattle of a gun makes you startle, and you peer down a nearby alleyway to investigate. What you see there makes your entire body shut down. Billy is standing with his back to the far wall, trapped in without any hope of escape. One of the separatists is staring at him from behind a gun. Billy’s fingers twitch towards the holsters on his sides, but you notice at the same time he does that he’s all out of knives.
Billy’s usually good at keeping his emotions in check, but you feel his heart rate spike in a way you’ve never experienced before. This is– Billy knows he’s going to die, doesn’t he? He has no way of fighting back and nowhere to run. You have no way to help either, you ran out of bullets half an hour ago and your aim with a blade is nowhere as good as his, so you’d probably end up hurting Billy with just as much likelihood as the separatist.
That leaves you only one option, then. The separatist pulls back on his trigger finger, but he doesn’t get the shot off in time. Instead, he drops the gun, clutching at his heart even as it judders to an abrupt stop in his chest. He’s dead in a moment. Probably didn’t even hurt.
Billy slowly looks between the fallen man and you, staring at your raised hands. Only Heartrenders can do such a thing, and everyone knows Heartrenders are monsters, the worst of the Grisha by far. Killers they are, killers and killers alone. There is no saving a person once they develop such a gift. That’s what you’ve been taught since you were small, and why you’ve kept this part of yourself hidden for so long.
You turn away quickly, mind already racing to come up with some sort of alibi you can use later. You had a poisoned dart. There was a knife in your hand, he just didn’t see it. Someone else shot at the separatist over your shoulder. There are a thousand and one reasons for the man to die, and none of them have to reveal what you are.
These reasons are of no use. When you look over your shoulder, you see the remaining six members of your party slowly congregating behind you. They must have been searching for Billy as well, and they’ve shown up just in time to learn what you really are.
You swallow hard, waiting for them to yell at you to leave or curse your name, but then Faraday leans back like he’s delivering a praise to the Saints and shouts:  “No way! Saints, that was the coolest thing I’ve ever seen. You’ve been holding out on us this whole damn time and you never said a thing? No wonder Sam liked you.”
Sam shakes his head slowly. “I never knew. Y/N’s just that good with or without using their abilities.”
Goodnight chuckles, the sound dry and rasping in his chest. “That was quite a show. You’ll have to do that more often, it’s a waste not to use that sort of talent.”
You listen to their heartbeats, training your abilities from man to man, but all of them beat steady. They’re not lying, then. They all have your back even after learning the truth about you. A weight releases itself from your shoulders, but it’s not fully gone. Not yet.
With the battle decidedly won, your group is finally able to relax. You all pitch in to start putting the town back to sorts again, and the hard work distracts you from what had just happened, for the most part. Once the day starts to settle, they head over to the closest bar. It’s mostly a wreck, but the owners are glad enough to be under their own leadership again that they pull out the surviving drinks and those who wish it are able to get as wasted as they so desire.
You’re not one of them, though. You’re not so sure that what you did today was cause for celebration. Instead, you find a quiet place somewhere on the porch of your inn, kick your legs up on the railing, and wonder how long it will take to forgive yourself for what you have done.
You’re fully expecting the remaining seven of you to be indoors in pursuit of shots both alcoholic and violent, so it comes as a surprise when you hear footsteps on the porch next to you. Seconds later, someone settles into a seat by your side.
“Not up for celebrating?” Billy asks you.
You sigh, letting the sound fade away into the distant choruses of the night before you answer at last. “Don’t think I’m the right person for it.”
He regards you curiously. “Is that because of the fighting overall, or what happened at the very end.”
You blow out a low breath. “You know, I’ve killed people before this. I rescued Sam from a shootout, like he said. I’ve run from place to place, and not all of those goodbyes were pretty ones. Still, I never killed someone with that. Not ever. It feels far worse, and I’m not sure why.”
“Never?” He asks. “I thought you’d used your abilities before, though.”
You frown at him. “Why’d you reckon that?” 
Something occurs to you about half a beat after you form the question. It had to do with the way Billy had looked at you after you saved his life earlier that day. He hadn’t been surprised in the way you’d expected, not like the rest. Almost like he knew it was coming.
“You knew, didn’t you?” You ask him. “You knew I was a Heartrender and you didn’t say anything. Why not?”
He shrugs. “Didn’t feel like my place to say. I figured you would have shared that during the introductions if it was something you wanted the others to know.”
You nod, accepting this. “How’d you know, then? If not by me saying something?”
A smile flickers tentatively onto his lips. “You move your hands slightly whenever you try to sense someone’s heartbeat. I could sense the rings on your fingers shift.”
You laugh incredulously. “No way, the rings? Saints, maybe I need to get rid of them if they blow my cover.”
Billy shakes his head. “I don’t know, I like them. Maybe I wouldn’t mind seeing one more someday.”
The way he says it makes your breath stick in your chest for a second longer than usual. There is an empty spot near the base of your ring finger on your left hand, but you never noticed it before now. It appears that he did, though. Maybe it was the first thing he looked for.
He clears his throat a moment later, not wanting the silence to linger. You hadn’t minded it, though. “You said you’d been to a lot of places. Were all your troubles based on the Heartrending business?”
You hug your arms tighter around yourself as you consider the question. You’ve never told anyone that you were a Heartrender before, obviously, so you’ve never had a chance to discuss it with anyone. That meant that your coping strategy was usually just to push things away and never think about them again, though. Suddenly, your past is stretched out before you, painful and new like a fresh wound.
“You know, my parents were the first ones to kick me out. They loved me right up until the point where they found out I was a monster. I was squabbling with some neighborhood kids and it wasn’t a problem until I pushed one of them down a hill without ever laying a finger on them. That’s when they knew that I was some sort of thing not even the Saints could love, and they sent me away. Guess they thought I’d end up being the worst thing everyone feared of a Heartrender, and today, I proved them right.”
“By doing what?” Billy’s voice is soft. “By saving your friends? By putting your life in harm’s way to protect strangers you never met before? If that’s their idea of a monster, I’d like to meet one of their Saints.”
His hand is still and calm on your shoulder, but you didn’t miss the way his entire body tensed when you mentioned what your parents had done to you, nor how he had to force his fingers to relax one by one.
You shiver slightly, but he doesn’t take away his hand, which you’re grateful for. “You never know. It was never a safe topic for me. I’ve always kept it a secret, but whenever other Grisha come to town, they can find me out if they’ve got other Corporalki amongst their numbers. All it takes is one question and everyone knows. I can hide from the Grisha testers or human amplifiers with a bit of paraffin and some white lies, but Grisha know other Grisha.”
Billy’s brow is furrowed. “Why don’t you go to the Little Palace, then, if you’re in need of safety?”
You scoff. “Oh, that’s nothing more than a dream. As if I’ve got the money to get me to Os Alta. The Little Palace’s for the good ones. I’m not interested in becoming one of their toy soldiers. I’m no charity case for the king to point to as proof of his benevolence. I’m just me. I wouldn’t fit in there any more than as a royal myself.”
Billy nods slowly, leaning back against his chair. “If you’re interested in a different sort of life, though, you could always come back with us. It’s not much. Cold most of the time. Not a lot of money to be had. You never get the blood or dirt out of your clothes. It’s us, though, and we’d have your back.”
“I’d go for you,” you tell him through a sudden rush of confidence.
You can hear his heart stutter in his chest. It’s sweet, makes you smile. Makes him kiss you. The moon rises overhead and you– you are happy. You haven’t felt something this complete in a while. It occurs to you at last that you are going to be okay. What a life to lead. All yours. All wonderful.
requested by @starlit-epiphany, i hope you enjoy!
magnificent seven tag list: open for now!
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reasontobebeautiful · 2 years
does anyone know the name of this eddie munson x reader fic, i read it a while ago and can’t find it. the reader is like a rock girl that smokes and is known as the local slut and her and eddie meet at a party at reefer ricks house? her friend says something at the end like “you’re gonna fuck him aren’t you” and reader and eddie have some inside joke about being in a cult
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goteias · 1 year
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b-ritney · 2 years
I’m a volleyball coach and line judge, I had a terrible day at work, I had a crowd of over 60 people under 3 feet away from me screaming and calling me names and it was only the first game of a 4 so I had to contain myself until I had a full fucking melt down in my car and then I took to many of my anxiety pills so I’ve been drowsy all afternoon. So I did what I always do and disassociate lmao, I’m fine 🫠 not really one of my friends just died too so I’m going through it. but despite the way this paragraph sounds I am smiling bc I physically can’t cry anymore. L 👏🏼 M 👏🏼 A 👏🏼 O 👏🏼 I was diagnosed with a social anxiety disorder when I was 15 so the getting screamed at by strangers thing really made my fucking day especially at 8 o’clock in the GD morning.
I’m sorry 🥳
Imagine Eddie holding you in his lap, with his arms wrapped tightly around you rocking back and forth as you hold your face in your hands, trying to control your breathing, he rests his forehead on the side of your head so he can speak softly into your ear, “It’s ok, your safe, everything is gonna be ok, I got you sweetheart I got you.” You continue to wipe away tears that just keep coming no matter how hard you try. You’re just quiet now, the occasional sniffle here and there, Eddie lifts up a hand to brush your hair out of your face so he can look at you, “Where’s my brave girl?” You open your tired eyes to look at him, “there she is.” He said smiling down at you rubbing your arm firmly, “baby you gotta relax your muscles are so tense.” You nuzzled your head softly into his neck finally letting yourself decompress into his embrace. He silently swiped a stray tear from your cheek and continued to comfort you until you felt well enough to talk again. Although your hands still trembled, he managed to bring you back to reality and make you laugh, despite the day you had.
I had to lmao, how do you think Billy would handle it if you had a panic attack?
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boldlypaletraveler · 1 year
Hi Girls,
I need your help. After I'm gone, give your dad sone time. And then please tell him to call Daisy Jones. Her number is in my date book in the second drawer of my nightstand.
Tell your father I said at the very least, the two of them owe me a song.
Love, Mom.
- Daisy Jones and The Six by Taylor Jenkins Reid.
The most heartbreaking story you will ever read in your life.
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