nightwingshero · 1 year
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“I could kill you right now.” I sneered.
“Is that so?” he asked with a smirk and my anger grew. He should have been begging, pleading, or trying to talk me out of it. He was so fucking calm; it drove me insane. His eye glistened mischievously as they traveled down my body, his hands resting lazily on my hips. I flushed, remembering my lack of clothing. It only made me glare at him more.
“Yeah, I have a knife to your throat. In case you haven’t noticed.” I replied, trying to distract him and he hummed in response.
“The butter knife? Yes, I definitely noticed that little detail.”
I had the absolute pleasure and privilege to commission @beemot to do this wonderful scene with Wren and John from my Far Cry 5 fic! This is hands down one of my favorite scenes with them and I’m so happy that you were able to bring this to life so beautifully! I’ve waited a long time to get this done and I’m so glad I did, it’s so perfect and exactly how I imagined it when I wrote the scene! You draw so beautifully, and you did so amazing with Wren and John. All the details are perfect and even the tattoos are spot on. You definitely did my girl justice and I still can’t stop staring at it!!! I can’t thank you enough for this!
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vorchagirl · 1 month
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Cherry of Clan Toreador
Gallant // Sadist // Diablerist
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aceghosts · 1 year
A Christmas Miracle for the Spread Eagle
Summary: When Mary May is potentially in danger of losing the Spread Eagle, the Deputy comes up with an idea to save the Spread Eagle.
A Pre-Reaping Oneshot.
Words: 4,681 words
Content Warnings: Mentions of canonical character death and violence. Otherwise, this is extremely fluffy.
Author’s Note: SURPRISE!!!! This oneshot is for @beemot as part of @natesofrellis FC5's secret Santa. Julia, I really hope you enjoy this! Also, I hope you had a wonderful holiday! I really loved writing for the Deputy and Mary May. And Amanda, thank you for letting me participate!
Also, this is slightly canon divergent from the timeline of FC5.
              Closing the door of her Police Cruiser, Vasilisa swallows nervously, excitement rising in her chest. She heads towards the Spread Eagle, eager to see a certain bartender and get out of the Montana cold. Opening the door, Vasilisa steps into the bar, greeted by the scent of alcohol, pine trees, and Casey’s cooking. As the door closes behind her, Vasilisa catches sight of the one woman she is here to see: Mary May Fairgrave. Every time she sees Mary May, Vasilisa feels butterflies in her stomach, anxious and ecstatic at the same time. Mary May looks away from one of the Spread Eagle’s regular patrons, her blue eyes meeting Vasilisa’s. Mary May smiles, breathtakingly beautiful in Vasilia’s eyes as she waves her over. “DEP! Got a spot for you right here!”
              Vasilisa laughs, familiar with the spot that Mary May motioned to. She sits on the same bar stool every time she comes to the Spread Eagle. Located near the tap and where May May cleans her glasses, Vasilisa and Mary May spend hours talking about anything and everything between orders for drinks and food. Sometimes, Vasilisa even sketches while here. Although, she is a little nervous to show off her sketches, most of which are of Mary May. Walking over to her reserved stool, Vasilisa shrugs off her jacket and hands it to Mary May before sitting. Mary May takes her jacket, hanging it behind the bar for safekeeping. “How’s the Spread Eagle tonight? Is anyone causing you trouble?”
              Smirking, Mary May teases, “Why? You gonna play hero cop and throw them out for me?”
              “If I have to.”
              She laughs, a warm and delightful sound to Vasilisa’s ears. “Everyone’s been on their best behavior. Or at least, they’re causing trouble somewhere else besides the Spread Eagle.”
              “I think they’re scared of what will happen if they try to mess with the Spread Eagle,” Vasilisa teases back.
              “The Deputy is right!” Casey pipes up from the kitchen as Vasilisa lets out another laugh.
              “As they should be!” Mary May grows somber, looking away as her tone becomes serious. “Just wish the Peggies were as scared as some of the other folk in Hope County.”
              Ah, The Peggies; the perpetual thorn in the side of Hope County. It was an open secret in Hope County that the Peggies aimed to claim all the land in Hope County for their cult. The Seeds, John especially, had made it quite clear that the Spread Eagle was towards the top of their list of places to acquire. Vasilisa didn’t know what Eden’s Gate planned to do with the Spread Eagle, but it couldn’t be good. However, the day had been good so far, and Vasilisa wasn’t about to let a few Peggies ruin her night with Mary May. She takes Mary May’s hand, warm and calloused, into her own hand. Mary May’s soft blue eyes widen as she raises her eyes to Vasilisa. Squeezing Mary May’s hand softly, she promises, “The Peggies aren’t going to get their hands on the Spread Eagle. I promise.”
              Mary May softens a bit, squeezing Vasilisa’s hand back. “Guess I can count on at least one cop helping me out in Hope County.” Her tone conveys no venom, only weariness and a slight sliver of hope.
              She swallows, understanding Mary May’s reluctance to trust the police of Hope County. Most days, it seems like Hope County’s Sheriff's Department is unable, or perhaps, unwilling to stop Eden’s Gate. As Vasilisa opens her mouth to comfort Mary May, the door to the Spread Eagle opens, a frigid gust of Montana winter winds rolling in. Looking over her shoulder, Vasilisa catches sight of John Seed stepping into the bar with a cocky smirk on his face. A sense of dread washes over her, knowing he must be here to cause trouble. Many of the other patrons glare at John, quieting their conversations or stopping altogether. What was once a previously friendly and welcoming atmosphere has now turned cold and hostile as John walks up to the bar. “Mary May,” He greets, a shudder running over Vasilisa, “How is the Spread Eagle tonight? Seems rather quiet.”
              Mary May glares at him, pulling her hand away from Vasilisa. She reaches down behind the bar for the hidden shotgun, the one reserved for worst-case scenarios. Vasilisa leans over the bar, quickly grabbing Mary May’s wrist, stopping her. “Don’t,” She mouths quietly, not wanting Mary May to get in trouble. Besides, it would give John Seed exactly what he is looking for: more fuel for Eden Gate's supposed persecution by the folks of Hope County. Mary May sighs, relenting as Vasilisa releases her wrist. Standing up, Mary May asks in a clipped tone, “What do you want, John?”
              “Is that anyway to greet a potential customer? Service must really be going down the drain at the Spread Eagle,” He turns his gaze to Vasilisa, “What do you think, Deputy?”
              She glares at John, staring him dead in the eyes. Vasilisa has never been bothered by his attempts to intimidate her; something John hates. “The service here is really good. If you get shitty service every time you come, you might be the problem.”
              John’s smirk falls off his face as Casey attempts to stifle a snort of laughter in the kitchen. “Well, good taste is an acquired skill, something most aren’t acquainted with. Perhaps, you require a demo-.”
              “Just get to the point John, so you can get the hell out of my bar,” Mary May snarls at him.
              He tsks at her, that stupid smirk returning. “So impatient,” John chides in fake disappointment as if he isn’t enjoying every second of this, “If you are so eager to get to the point, I wondered if you had given any more thought to my offer.”
              Vasilisa raises an eyebrow. What the hell was John Seed talking about? What offer? “I have,” anger flashes in Mary May’s eyes, her temper getting the better of her, “and you can shove it up your ass.” Pointing towards the door, she yells, “NOW GET THE HELL OUT OF MY BAR!”
              Hopping off her seat, Vasilisa stands, ready to escort John out if he won’t comply with Mary May’s demands. “I can tell when I’m not wanted,” John announces dramatically, turning and heading towards the door. He stops at the door, hand on the handle before looking back over his shoulder at Mary May and Vasilisa. “I wonder how long the Spread Eagle has, before you’ll have to seriously consider my offer.” With that final threat, he leaves. Everyone sighs in relief, but a slight tension still hangs in the air.
              Turning towards Mary May, Vasilisa asks, “What was he talking about?”
              Pulling the blue towel off her right shoulder and placing it on the bar, Mary May turns to Casey. “Keep an eye on the bar for a minute, will you?” He nods, and Mary May motions for Vasilisa to follow her. They go to the second floor of the Spread Eagle, entering one of the storage rooms. Leaning against the wall, Vasilisa waits patiently as Mary May tries to gather her words. “John Seed wants to buy the Spread Eagle,” She starts, crossing her arms over her chest.     
               “He’s always wanted to buy the Spread Eagle. What’s changed?”    
              She sighs, looking away from Vasilisa. “Ever since Eden’s Gate came to Hope County, business around Hope County has started to slow. Between the violence and the conversions, no one wants to be the next target of Eden’s Gate, which means they don’t go out as often. Bills are starting to pile up,” Mary May sniffles, tearing up at her next words, “I promised Dad I’d take care of the Spread Eagle. It’s the last thing I have left of him, and…”
              Vasilisa walks over to Mary May as she uncrosses her arms. She pulls Mary May into her arms, allowing Mary May to bury her face into Vasilisa’s chest. As she hears soft sniffles, Vasilisa promises, “We’ll find a way to save the Spread Eagle; I promise.”
              Mary May shakes her head, looking up at Vasilisa. “No, I can’t ask you to do that. I’ll find a way to take care of the Spread Eagle. It’ll be over my dead body that John Seed owns this place.”
              “Please let me-.”
              “No,” Mary May shakes her head, “I’ll figure it out.” Vasilisa’s heart breaks. She wants to help Mary May out in any way she can, especially if it means saving something as important as the Spread Eagle. Vasilisa will let Mary May think this issue is solved, but she will figure something out.
              Mary May and the Spread Eagle haunt her thoughts as Vasilisa goes about her week at the station. Joey and Staci poke good-natured fun at her, gently teasing Vasilisa about her head in the clouds. She smiles back, teasing them in her own way. Later that week in the early evening, Vasilisa stops by Jerome’s church, checking on the Pastor. Jerome is a good man, someone who cares deeply for his community, and a friend that Vasilisa feels she can be honest with. When she enters the Church, Jerome instantly seems to notice that something is on her mind. “Deputy, you seem preoccupied. Would you like to talk?”
              Vasilisa nods, sitting down next to him in the front pew. It is the two of them alone in the Church, and Vasilisa doesn’t worry that anyone will interrupt them. Especially Mary May, who is busy with the Spread Eagle. “I have a friend, who is in trouble.”
              “You are worried about your friend.”
              “I am.” Vasilisa tightens her fist, angry at Eden’s Gate for the hell they’re putting Mary May through. “She hasn’t joined Eden’s Gate, but she is in danger of losing something important, the last thing that ties her to someone she loved.”
              She catches a flash of recognition in Jerome’s warm brown eyes. “This is about Mary May, isn’t it?”
              Vasilisa sighs. “Yes, how did you know?”
              “Mary May seems troubled when I talk to her lately. She wouldn’t tell me what, but it was easy to tell. Is the Spread Eagle in trouble?”
              “And Mary May is insisting that she can handle it herself?”
               Vasilisa unclenches her fist, throwing her hands up in frustration. “Why won’t she let me help her? I want to help her,” Her shoulders drop, her hands coming to rest by her side, “Mary May is really important to me. I just wish she would let me help her.”
              “It is difficult to accept help, Deputy, especially from those we love. Mary May feels that she has to do everything alone now that her father is gone, especially when it comes to the Spread Eagle,” Jerome tilts his head, studying Vasilisa, “It can be difficult to accept help from people we don’t want to disappoint.”
              “Mary May wouldn’t disappoint me if she needed help.” If Mary May needed help, Vasilisa would drop whatever she was doing. She cared too much for Mary May to let her struggle alone; She didn’t want Mary May to struggle alone. “I wish I could help Mary May without her knowing that I was helping her.”
              Jerome hums thoughtfully, looking pensive. The Church is silent around them, a calming presence falling over Vasilisa. Yet, she can’t help but think of Mary May and how heartbroken she looked at the idea of selling the Spread Eagle. “What if we helped others in addition to Mary May?”
              Vasilisa perks up. “Great idea, Jerome! How would we make Mary May feel like we aren’t helping only her?”
              “We should involve the whole community, something like the Testy Festy.”
              An idea pops into her head, and she smiles at Jerome. “I have an idea. Before I came to Hope County, one of the towns I worked in had a Christmas Festival every year. Local Businesses would get involved as an advertising opportunity. If we held a Christmas Festival, it wouldn’t involve just the Spread Eagle, but everyone else.”
               He nods. “I think that would work, Deputy. We could host the Festival in Fall’s End, make sure that people feel safe here. Virgil should be willing to help me with the last-minute paperwork; he owes me a favor. Plus, he’ll want something to distract everyone from Eden’s Gate.”
              “And Sheriff Whitehorse wouldn’t mind providing security. We could even ask Eli and his militia to work with us as an extra pair of hands.”
              “Good idea, Deputy. We should focus on our some more famous locals, might be easier to get others involved if they know local leaders are participating. I’m sure the Ryes would be willing to do something for the Festival. People trust them.”
              “Agreed, and we should talk to Rae-Rae too. Everyone loves Boomer, and I bet they would love to take Christmas photos with him.”
              “I agree, and we can talk to Mary May once we have others involved. She might feel more comfortable participating after hearing about others.”
              “Thanks, Jerome,” Vasilisa smiles at him, “I couldn’t do this without your help. If you need anything, I owe you one.”      
              He shakes his head. “We’re friends, Deputy; you don’t owe me anything. We have an obligation to help our community in our time of need, and Mary May is a good friend of mine. Hope County would be a lesser place without the Spread Eagle.”
              “That it would be.” The idea of a Hope County without Mary May breaks Vasilisa’s heart.
              Vasilisa’s first visit is to the Rye family. Nick and Kim eagerly welcome Vasilisa into their home, ushering her out of the brutal cold. When she brings up the Festival, Nick is hesitant, worried about putting his family in danger. However, Kim is the one who convinces him. “Come on, Nick! The community has done so much for Rye & Sons. I think we can return the favor.”
              Nick sighs, understanding his wife’s point of view. “She’s right, Deputy,” He shakes Vasilisa’s hand in agreement, “Hope County has done a lot for Rye & Sons, and we’re willing to return the favor.”
              Her second visit is to Rae Rae’s Pumpkin Farm. Boomer meets her at her Police Cruiser, jumping up in excitement as Vasilisa steps out. She scratches him behind his ear, following Boomer to the front door of Rae Rae’s house. She lets Vasilisa in, laughing a little at Boomer’s antics. “He really likes ya, Deputy. Says something good about you; Boomer is a real great judge of character.”
              When Vasilisa brings up the Festival, Rae Rae isn’t willing to participate at first. She bites her lip, worried about what her participation might mean. Boomer, laying his head on Rae Rae’s lap, whines, looking up at her with pleading brown eyes. Rae Rae smiles softly at her beloved Boomer, patting him on the head. Looking up at Vasilisa, Rae Rae jokes, “Well, how can I say no to Boomer, Deputy?” Boomer immediately barks happily, jumping for joy as his tail wags furiously. Vasilisa makes a mental note to bring Boomer the good treats next time.
              Eventually, Vasilisa and Jerome visit the Spread Eagle about participating in the Christmas Festival. Standing outside the Spread Eagle, Vasilisa feels nervous, her stomach twisting in knots. She doesn’t know why; Maybe, it’s because she so desperately wants all of this to go right. “Nervous, Deputy?” Jerome asks, noticing her nerves.
              Vasilisa nods. “A little bit.”
              “Mary May will want to participate. I’m sure of it.”
              “I know; I’m just…”
              “Worried?” Vasilisa nods, and Jerome places his hand on her shoulder. “Don’t worry. Mary May won’t find out that we’re doing this specifically for her.”
              “Okay.” She and Jerome step into the Spread Eagle, greeted by warm air and the smell of beer.
              As the pair approach the bar, Mary May looks up from the glass she is cleaning, a smirk on her face. “So, what’s this I hear about a Christmas Festival?”
              “It’s a Fundraiser for businesses in Hope County…” Jerome starts the pitch, sitting on one of the stools.
              “A lot of local businesses are going to participating.” Vasilisa finishes, hopping onto the stool, next to him.
              Mary May looks between the two, a hint of suspicion in her eyes. “Like who?”
              “Gardenview Orchards is providing apples for an Apple Bobbing contest, and they’ll serve some caramel apples and apple cider.” He takes the beer Mary May slides him, giving her a silent nod of thanks before taking a sip.
              “Rae Rae and Boomer will be there too. Boomer is going to be wearing a Santa hat and taking photos with people. Rae Rae says he looks very cute in his Santa hat,” Vasilisa adds as Mary May slides her a beer, “The Ryes are going to participating too.”
              “Is this the part where you ask me to participate as well?”
              “Only if you want,” Vasilisa takes a sip of her beer, “I think it would be a good idea. You could remind everyone that the Spread Eagle is part of their community, part of their home.”
              “The Deputy is right,” Casey chimes in from the back, peeking through the window with a friendly wink, “Might encourage people to start coming to the Spread Eagle again. We could always put out more seating, give people a place to get warm.”
              Mary May throws him a friendly glare over her shoulder. “When did I start asking you for business advice?” She asks jokingly, shaking her head.
              “You know I’m right!” Casey disappears, presumably back to cooking.
              “He has a point,” Jerome mentions before taking a sip of his beer.
              She sighs. “And what about the Peggies? You really think they’re going to let us have a night to ourselves?”
people from the Militia to help with security,” Vasilisa takes Mary May’s hand into her own, savoring the warm feel of Mary May against her own, “We’re not going to let the Peggies derail this. If they come, they’ll have to follow the same rules as everyone else.”
              “You make it sound so easy.”
              Vasilisa shrugs. “I just think it would work against them to cause trouble at something like this.”
              “She has a point,” Jerome nods, “The Peggies would likely drive people further away.”
              Mary May sighs, relenting. “Okay, the Spread Eagle will be part of the Christmas Festival. We can provide food, beer, and a place to stay warm,” She looks down at Vasilisa’s hand in hers, giving Vasilisa’s hand a gentle squeeze, “I hope this Festival turns out the way you want it to.”
              For the next few weeks, Vasilisa is busy planning the Festival. She hopes everything will go perfectly, that this won’t be ruined. Hope County needs something to go right, and if this Festival goes off perfectly, everyone in Hope County will feel better. The night before, Jerome places a hand on her shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze. “Everything will work out, Deputy, especially with all the hard work you put in.”
              Vasilisa shrugs off the compliment. “I think the real credit goes to you, Jerome. I don’t think I would have succeeded without your connections or patience for paperwork.”
              “I don’t think people would have joined without you convincing them, Deputy. The people of Hope County like and respect you, don’t underestimate that.”
              “How about we split the difference? 50/50?”
              Jerome laughs. “Deal.”
              Mary May grumbles to herself as she leaves the comforting warmth of the Spread Eagle, beer in her gloved hand. She should be behind the bar, tending to all the patrons. Instead, Casey, and an occasional waitress for the Spread Eagle, Whitney, practically pushed her out the door, saying, “Say hello to the Deputy for us, Mary May.” She shakes her head, trying to ignore the warmth in her cheeks. The Deputy is a good friend, the best kind of friend. Collected, Calm, and Decisive, the Deputy is the kind of person you can rely on when shit hits the fan. Dad would have really liked her.
              As she wanders through the Festival, Mary May catches sight of a few familiar faces. Behind a DJ booth, Wheaty, one of the local teenagers and a Whitetail, is playing Christmas music while chatting some girl up. She sees Joey Hudson and Staci Pratt, two of the Deputy’s coworkers, laughing at something that Adelaide Drubman is saying. Probably something raunchy. Eventually, she passes by the location for photos with Boomer. He sits between two children, smiling as he gets his photo taken with both. Mary May wonders if the Deputy will get her photo taken with him. It amazes her how quickly Boomer attached himself to the Deputy, marking her as his second favorite human after Rae Rae.
              Taking a sip of her beer, Mary May finds Jerome and Sheriff Whitehorse, chatting with each other. She joins them, giving them a friendly smile. Sheriff Whitehorse nods in greeting while Jerome asks, “How is the Spread Eagle doing tonight?”
              “Good, lots of Hope County folk coming in for beer and food,” She replies, remembering how full it was when she left, which means she should get back to the Spread Eagle soon “Are you two enjoying the Festival?”
              “I’m having a good time,” Sheriff Whitehorse responds with a small smile, “Folks are staying out of trouble, and the Peggies are leaving us alone. Couldn’t ask for a better night.”
              “Good. I was afraid the Peggies might start causing trouble.” She takes another sip of her beer.
              “I think even the Peggies understand that is a night of Peace.” Jerome states as the conversation lulls into silence.
              Taking another sip of her beer, Mary May’s mind wanders to the Deputy. What is she doing now? Dealing with some lost Festival goers? She hopes she might catch a glimpse of the Deputy, but it doesn’t look like that is going to happen. Turning to Jerome, she says, “Thanks for pulling this together, Jerome. The Spread Eagle might have a real chance with what you’ve done.”
              Jerome smiles at her, a knowing twinkle in his eyes. “I appreciate the thanks, but I can only take partial credit. The Deputy came up with the idea; I just helped her put it together.”
              “What do you mean it was her idea?”
              Jerome sighs, starting carefully. “The Deputy was worried after talking to you about the Spread Eagle. So, she was the one who came up with the idea of the Festival, something to help everyone in Hope County.”
              “Including the Spread Eagle.”
              “Including the Spread Eagle,” Jerome confirms, watching her carefully. Mary May grips her beer tightly. A part of her is a little too proud to have ever needed this. Yet, Mary May understands what the Deputy has done for her. The Spread Eagle is one of the few places that Mary May has any real attachment to; it’s her home. And the Deputy put this together to protect her home; she did this for Mary May. Her cheeks heat up, a lump in her throat. “Mary May, the Deputy did this out of the kindness of her-.”
              “I know,” Mary May’s voice is thick with emotion, “Sheriff, do you know where the Deputy is?”
              “Over by the Ryes. She’s helping with the crowd control.” Sheriff Whitehorse points in the direction of the Ryes and their plane. “The Deputy should have a break coming up soon.”
              “Thanks.” Mary May leaves them, heading over toward the Ryes and their setup. Nick Rye is doing short flights in his plane over the snow-covered forests of Holland Valley. As she walks toward the line of people waiting their turn, Mary May suddenly finds herself unsure of what she will say. After everything the Deputy has done, how can she thank her? Her Dad would probably tell her to speak from the heart, be honest. Great Advice, Dad. Chugging down the rest of her beer, Mary May tosses it into a recycling bin, catching sight of the Deputy with Steve, a member of the Whitetail militia, and Kim Rye. “Hey.” Mary May waves at the three, nervous.
              “Hey Mary May!” Steve waves with a friendly smile on his face.
              “How’s it going at the Spread Eagle?” Kim asks, happy to see her. The Deputy waves in greeting, shooting Mary May a warm smile.
              “Good. Busy. Seems like you’re busy too.”
              “It is, but I like it that way,” Kim replies, glancing between Mary May and the Deputy, “Anything we can help you with?”
              Turning towards the Deputy, Mary May takes a deep breath. “I was hoping I could speak privately with you, Dep.”
              The Deputy glances over at Kim and Steve, who both nod in approval. “We’ll survive without you, Deputy,” Steve says, “Don’t you have a break coming up soon?”
              Nodding, the Deputy replies, “Let’s go, Mary May.” If she wasn’t so nervous herself, Mary May would think that the Deputy sounded equally as nervous. The two walk beside each other, making their way toward a private corner of the Festival silently. When the Deputy finds a small corner for them to talk in, she asks, “What did you want to talk about?”
              “Thank you.”
              A look of brief confusion crosses the Deputy’s face before she realizes what Mary May is thanking her for. “Mary May, I-.”
              “Deputy,” She cuts them off, not wanting the Deputy to apologize, “Don’t apologize. I should apologize for being so stubborn.”
              “You don’t have to apologize for being stubborn. I like that about you.” The Deputy’s cheeks heat up at that admission. “And you still don’t have to thank me.”
              “But I do.” Mary May is facing her now, aware of how secluded they are. “After my brother and Dad died, the Spread Eagle was one of the only things I had left. I thought I might lose it. Then, you put this together,” Her throat tightens, tears burning at the corner of her eyes, “And you’re giving the Spread Eagle and I a second chance.”
              The Deputy steps closer, only a few inches from Mary May. “I know how important the Spread Eagle is to you. After John came in that day, all I could think about was how devastating it would be for you to lose the Spread Eagle. I couldn’t stand by and just let that happen. I wanted to help you…I wanted to see you happy.” She sounds so soft and vulnerable at that last admission.
              “You did. You made me happy.” Mary May replies softly, smiling at the Deputy. Underneath the wooden archway, the white tree lights wrapped around the archway, bathing the Deputy in a soft warm glow. The Deputy looks radiant in the golden-white lights. Her grey eyes shine warmly. All Mary May can think about is how gorgeous the Deputy looks; how lucky she is to have met the Deputy. She inches closer instinctively, catching sight of mistletoe in the corner of her eye.
              “Deputy,” Mary May leans up, wrapping her arms around the Deputy’s neck, “Thank you. I’m always happy when I’m with you.” Leaning the rest of the way up, Mary May presses her lips against the Deputy’s. She tastes like peppermint chapstick, her lips slightly cold from the winter air. The Deputy freezes at first in surprise, but a second later, her hands find their way to Mary May’s waist, pulling her closer. She kisses back passionately, deepening the connection between the two. The Deputy nips at her bottom lip, Mary May opening her mouth to allow the Deputy in.
              A few moments later, the two pull away, panting with wide, ecstatic smiles on their faces. “I’ve wanted to do that for a while,” The Deputy admits, slightly flustered.
              Mary May laughs. “Guess we’ll have to take advantage of that break?”
           The Deputy nods, “We will!” She pauses for a second. “Wait! I also wanted to get a photo with Boomer on my break. Wanna come with?”
              Taking the Deputy’s hand, Mary May pulls her along, “Well, what are you waiting for, Dep? Let’s go get that picture.”
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isobel-thorm · 1 year
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@euryalex was the absolute MVP of the year so far and had @beemot do this absolute gorgeous birthday commission of my gal Farowyn, and now y’all get to see it and experience her in all her Google Maps-less glory. Thank you to both of you, I absolutely adore this piece.
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aceyanaheim · 5 days
George really is the "boys will be boys" dad
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gleyssonsalles · 15 days
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Beemote e Leviatã eram Dinossauros?
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playstationmademe · 2 months
This has gotta be the funniest dash scroll I've had in a while
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O mistério doS dinossauros
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ashenlavellan · 4 months
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Thank you so very much for bringing my beloved Bellatrix to life @beemot!! She looks absolutely gorgeous and you have made me so happy! ^•^
Please do not repost unless you have the artist’s and my permission - thank you! ^•^
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trashcatsnark · 11 months
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And when I get better someday, I'll see myself in you the way it's always been and under new conditions I might find that we will always walk each other home~
Crying, screaming, throwing up, ahhhhhhhh- I got this amazing commission from @beemot of Aidan and Johnny, I am unwell they look so good
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phoeberaven · 3 months
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Commission of my Shepard and Cortez by the wonderful @beemot! THANK YOU. Here they are, at the Citadel party, being all cute and stuff!
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vorchagirl · 3 months
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The incredible @beemot drew Reyes Vidal and Cerys Ryder in a special moment from my fic Saints and Liars.
That height difference between them slays me!
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deputyash · 6 months
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I had a commission done of Izel by the lovely @beemot! Ahh just look at how beautiful she is!! X3 Her cute little smug face and her gorgeous clothing!! Thank you so much! 💞💞
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Just received a gorgeous commission from @beemot of Esther's cleansing from my WIP
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It's just perfect and you guys should definitely commission them if you can
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minilev · 8 months
WIP -day
tagged by @simplegenius042 (thank you!)
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torturing myself knowing very well that i can't and won't watch Saw movies🤡
tagging @teamhawkeye @starsandskies @alyssalenko @cryptcombat @red-nightskies @partialvolume @quietpainter @fadedjacket @beemot @xbaebsae @sidver @lobanhart @nightwingshero @radiojamming @vasiktomis @veinereastath @pebsterino @lavared and y'all
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imogenkol · 5 months
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had the absolute pleasure of commissioning @beemot to do a portrait of my emotional support space war criminal, Imogen! I knew she would look absolutely stunning in this style and this piece really exceeded my expectations! You captured her perfectly and I cannot thank you enough! Seriously, commission them if you get the chance!
tag list (ask to be added or removed!): @adelaidedrubman @florbelles @marivenah @simonxriley @shegetsburned @voidika @kyber-infinitygems @v0idbuggy @eloquentmoon @inafieldofdaisies @statichvm @socially-awkward-skeleton @aceghosts @carlosoliveiraa @risingsh0t @unholymilf @thedeadthree @cassietrn @jackiesarch @gwynbleidd @shellibisshe @loriane-elmuerto @katsigian @captastra @simplegenius042
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