#because yea we had radically different experiences but they didn't have it easier
scumlafeccia · 1 year
"girlhood" means you get thrown under the bus by your friends who seek validation, period cramps so bad you can't move, going through bad periods and low mental health knowing it's seen only as "dumb teenage attention seeking behaviour", it's sexual assault that doesn't get denounced and is minimised because "he is depressed", it's diets that turn into eating disorders until you need months in a hospital, it's male teachers making comments on the perfect female measures and talking about how we arent smart enough to study STEM subjects, and p.e. teachers insulting anyone who isn't borderline underweight, and it's always having your interests minimised because what would a woman ever know about football? and it's having a reputation if you sleep with too many guys, and having a reputation if you try too hard to conform to feminity, and having a reputation if you don't try hard enough, and it's lying to your friends about why you started having bruises after getting with your boyfriend, and it's feeling isolated the moment you don't conform to expectations because everybody seems to be following rules that you can't apply to yourself, it's birth control with more side effects than anything as a cure for all menstrual problems, and it's doctors minimising your symptoms, and it's crying after realising you've been used by the boy you thought loved you, and it's justifying yourself for looking tired or being without make up in certain context, and it's catcalling and harassment. prom dress and sleepovers my ass
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