#because we all know Ravus isn't the brightest
tenebraetrash17 · 6 years
Yes but....Ravus in Dissadia just being all like:
“Why does this man also have white hair?”
“Her hair is pink??? Why is it pink?!?! I don’t understand?!”
“....................Why is this woman wearing a basket?”
“Oh look, it’s Noctis.....” *A V O I D S*
“Yes, um, why am I listening to you?? I don’t take orders!” *follows them anyways*
“GENTIANA, WHAT IS THIS?! What do you mean that’s not Gentiana?! It’s Shiva!”
*aggressively arguing with all of the other FF older siblings/older sibling figures that he was the better one* 
“I can take them!” *he can’t. He really can’t.*
“Am I in the Hero or Villain category?”
 I just imagine he’s in a perpetual state of confusion and anger (like in game) and he just, lowkey gets triggered/confused whenever he sees people with white hair because in Eos, he’s just about the only one. Poor WOL and Cecil are just all “Ok.” when he won’t stop staring at them in confusion. Sephiroth just attacks or ignores him.
Plus he just flatlines when Lightning tells him that it is her actual hair color because he can’t compute that and begins to suspect she’s possessed by daemons, like Ardyn was.
Noctis is gonna try to explain because, “Oh! I know him! Even if he is an asshole!” and Ravus just, w a l k s a w a y and Noct is all like “B O I.”
Like, I think he’s going to be pretty reserved and unsure if he was in Dissidia, but at the same time he’ll be a very mad boi.
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