#because remember Nueng doesn't think anyone would ever like him for him
kennyomegasweave · 1 year
I've seen a lot of posts saying Nueng should have kept the bracelet or asking why he didn't just keep it and I just. He couldn't. He could not keep that bracelet and still leave. He wrote a goodbye note telling Palm he doesn't work for him, he doesn't want him to follow him, he wants him to meet someone and love them and be loved in return, but that can't be him. We know Nueng loves Palm. We know Palm love Nueng. We know they're the children of the sun and they were once glued up back to back. But Nueng thinks all that follows him is heartbreak and loss and that's all he can ever bring Palm, so he is willing to break both their hearts to keep Palm safe. It's misguided because Palm can't just walk away now. Palm knows they once had four legs and four arms. Even if his mom was still alive and his dad wasn't in jail, he can't just walk away from Nueng. But Nueng needs to break Palm so he stays away from him. So he breaks up with him in a letter after his mom dies and leaves in the night. And he leaves the bracelet, he has to leave the bracelet, because if he doesn't Palm might realize how Nueng still believes, even while breaking his heart, that they were once glued up back to back. And if Palm thinks Nueng still believe in their love, he will want to fight for them. Palm is a fighter, he's been fighting his whole life. And Nueng leaves needing Palm to fully believe his words and leave him alone and move on.
The tragedy of this show is we know neither of them will, or even can, move on. But they can't be together. Nueng can't just be a dude working on an island with Palm. Palm can't be Nueng's CEO house husband. They both love each other more than anything. But that doesn't mean it works. That doesn't mean they work. And so Nueng leaves the bracelet. And we all cry.
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#never let me go#I have seen a lot of people mad at my boy Nueng but like#he truly believes he's doing the right thing#and like how can you say he isn't at least from his perspective#he has to leave palm all he's ever brought him has been sorrow#his mom is dead his dad is in prison he's not safe himself#nueng needs to leave palm because he loves him that much#he loves him enough to let him go#now palm doesn't want to be let go#and palm is most likely not gonna be like THANKS FOR DUMPING ME IN A LETTER AFTER MY MOM DIED#but Nueng is truly believing that Palm will read his letter with the bracelet and be like welp moving on#because remember Nueng doesn't think anyone would ever like him for him#and he def had to leave the bracelet or it would be a sign to palm that like#I DIDN'T WANT TO DO THIS I LOVE YOU BUT I WANT TO KEEP YOU SAFE#but Nueng doesn't want Palm to know that#because he knows Palm#he knows Palm would be like FUCK MY SAFETY I'M STAYING WITH YOU#so he has to leave the bracelet#he has to leave every trace of Palm's love behind#because he has to reject it so maybe just maybe Palm will believe him#and Palm will stay away from him and move on with some other person and be happy#but this is a show so it won't be happening but like dammit#Nueng isn't the bad guy here okay#and I'm in my feelings#obviously from these tags and this post#about how it seems like all of yall are making him that way#I am chris crocker levels of LEAVE NUENG ALONE LEAVE HIM ALONE lol#regular clyde#if this isn't the most coherent I am very drunk lol
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