#because he said we'd be reading mister miracle
tbcanary · 2 months
What are your favorite male characters?
anon this was actually a very difficult question. i have not read a ton of male-centered comic runs, and haven't done deep dives into any men outside of one or two, so.... this is gonna be a short list lol.
oliver queen - my one, my only. i adore him. i'm not interacting with anything written by winick, but like, other than that. he's the guy ever.
wyn from g.o.d.s. (2023) (marvel mention!) - wyn is endearing himself to me so quickly. the run is only six issues in, but i loved him by the second page of the first issue, and nothing has changed that. he's my sad wet cat and i love him.
jason todd - i need to add the world's biggest asterisk to this. jason got me into comics, under the red hood is one of my favorite runs, and i have a lot of love in my heart for him because of it. but i do not at this point engage with much of what he's in past that, and i have no interest in doing so - despite having read quite a bit of it. i love him a lot, but in a limited scope.
those are the only ones i feel comfortable listing as favorites in any capacity. i've read the most of ollie, but even then, i haven't read everything.
honorable mentions (a.k.a., i've read one or two runs, and i enjoyed them in those runs, but i have not sought out more/don't know anything else about them): jaime reyes, ted kord, constantine, scott free, vic sage.
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