foxoftheasterisk · 7 years
If you're having skin problems I feel bad for you son,
I got 99 problems but an itch ain’t one
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ownedthoughts · 6 years
In light of recent events I think it's important to make one thing crystal clear about @bannableoffense and myself, to whom it may concern.
She's mine.
Nobody else's. Back off.
You don't hypnotize her. I do. You don't get the pleasure of her loving submission and her gorgeous sexy mind, body and soul. I do.
She is her own person, with her own will, her own mind, heart and feelings. But all of her belongs to me.
These displays and moments we share are to show how proud I am of her, how obedient she is, how lovingly she melts to me. They're deeper expressions of love and submission.
Respect that, or else we can't have nice things.
I won't say this again.
Ta, chucks. x
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arihi · 6 years
Hey hey, so I've wanted to get into hypnosis for quite a while and was wondering what audios would you reccomend to someone. I've tried a few and none of them have worked. Maybe I'm just going to fast at it and not being patient enough.
Heya Anon! I answered a similar-ish ask earlier, the answer of which includes both audio files and other information on hypnosis: Here!
(If you don’t feel like reading the whole thing, I’ll copy and paste just the people who had audios: @allybrinken @sex-obsessed-lesbian @ellaenchanting @rightthewaydown @zanythoughts @elisasaudio @theleeallure @wellgnawed @tennfan2 @the-inquisition-scmh @thesecretsubject @bannableoffense) (Sorry for tagging you all multiple times!)
Both @sex-obsessed-lesbian and @ellaenchanting participated in a series of induction-a-week challenges, and have a variety of audios on their soundclouds. Check it out and see if the variety helps any. If one doesn’t work, try another.
The thing is hypnosis works differently for everyone, and that’s okay! Some people can’t stand progressive relaxation inductions, others love them. I wouldn’t say you’re going too fast and not being patient, but maybe it would help to explore and keep your mind open to ways your body reacts, instead of how trance is often depicted in stories/images/videos. It sometimes is a bit of listening to a few and seeing how they go, and some will be hit and miss. It’s important to know that there are different ways hypnosis can affect anyone, and even if the ones you have tried so far haven’t worked out, be hopeful and be an ever-vigilant observer. :) Trance did not come to me easily and did not look like I thought it would - but when I let go of expectations and let things come as they did, it was interesting to observe reactions I never would have expected from myself.
Would love to expand on this further, if you’d like, feel free to message me if you have any other questions. Thanks for the ask!
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hypnoticharlequin · 6 years
25, 30, 32, 43, 46, 47, 48, 49
25. Have you ever experienced strong, sudden feelings for a hypnotist/subject? How did you deal with that?
I grow to like people over time, yeah.
Honestly, perspective and boundaries are your friends. Sometimes you just need to step back and look at everything as an objective outsider. 
30. What’s your favourite audio file/audio file producer?
I don’t listen to files. I’m going to say @bannableoffense just because she is the only file I’ve listened to in the last couple of years. 
32. Describe your biggest fantasy involving hypnosis?
Establishing my own kingdom via hypnosis and ruling over it like an opium-addled fairy Princess, keeping my serfs trapped in a mental fog of my own creation where they are unsure where I end and their own thoughts begin, not realizing that the rituals they perform are nothing more than elaborate self-brainwashing routines. 
That or just a mutually enjoyable relationship.
43. If you make hypnosis content, what’s your favourite piece of content you’ve made?
Making me pick between my babies…you monster! 
God…this is hard. I tend to always default to what I’m working on currently and I’m really loving “My Mom Is A Supervillian?!” just because it is so much fun to play around with all the comic book and tokusatsu tropes I adore. 
It is also fun to get to play around with Ulla considering the Express Knight is something I’ve adored ever since I came up with it for a tabletop. 
Aside from that, maybe Text Parser, just because it was one of the first stories where I felt confident in my writing and felt like I could explore a concept that interested me in a way that did it justice. 
46. How has being involved with hypnosis/the hypno community improved your life?
Already answered this. But to summarize that answer. I’ve made some cool friends and cool friends are good because they can help you defeat the evil monsters inside the TV. 
47. What is one thing about the hypnosis community you think could change for the better?
Oh god Annon, I would be here for the next month if I wanted to answer this in detail because man there is a lot.
I’m going to go for intellectual consistency. 
Because right now the hypnosis community ignores its own advice constantly. 
48. Who is one person in the hypno community you really admire?
@bannableoffense and @sleepystephbot are both great people with wonderful senses of humor. And they both put up with me.
49. What is your favourite hypnosis-themed blog on tumblr?
@bannableoffense her blog is great. Follow it. Because it is great. 
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kallie-den · 6 years
Thank You...
Actually, I decided to do shout-outs. I want to say a big thank you to everyone who’s meant something to me so far in 2017, by it by playing with me, sharing your feelings with me, or just generally making me feel welcome in the community. Thank you to:
@jessicahypnoslut @scottishtransgaltryingtoexist @trans-samus @cummelia @bannableoffense @dreamytigergirl @ladyabsentia @pinkbubblegumbimbo @warpmymind @walnut-bunny @arihi @hypnotrice-hannigan @elisasdirtyaudio @yoshibound @pruningthemindsgarden @sammynona
There are many more people too, but these are some of those who come to mind at the moment. Thank you all, and thank you to all my followers. Thank you all so, so much <3
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BOLD and Brash
RULES: bold the statements that apply to you, italicize your aspirations, and tag nine people!
Tagged by: @demonicotakuman, so why not
AIR: I have small hands • I love the night sky • I watch small animals and birds when I pass them by • I drink herbal tea • I wake to see dawn • The smell of dust is comforting • I’m valued for being wise • I prefer books to music • I meditate • I find joy in learning new truths from the world around me
FIRE: I don’t have straight hair • I like to wear ripped jeans and overalls • I play an organized sport • I love dogs • I am not afraid of adventure • I love to talk to strangers • I always try new foods • I enjoy road trips • Summer is my favorite season  • My radio is always playing
WATER: I wear bracelets on my wrists • I love the bustle of the city • I have more than one set of piercings • I read poetry • I love the sound of a thunderstorm • I want to travel the world • I sleep past midnight most days • I love dimly lit diners and fluorescent signs • I re-watch kids’ shows out of nostalgia • I see emotions in colors and words
EARTH: I wear glasses • I enjoy doing the laundry • I am a vegetarian or vegan • I have an excellent sense of time • My humor is very cheerful • I am a valued advisor to my friends • I believe in true love (I believe in soulmates) • I love the chill of mountain air • I’m always listening to music • I am highly trusted by the people in my life
AETHER: I go without makeup in my daily life • I make my own artwork • I keep on track of my tasks and time • I always know true north • I see beauty in everything EXCEPT PARASITES THEY CAN BURN IN HELL • I can always smell flowers • I smile at everyone I pass by • I always fear history repeating itself • I have recovered from a mental disorder • I can love unconditionally Damn it, now I have to tag people @wildheart-mustang @strangespacerock @spotsandstripeszebra @luckyredclover @bannableoffense @synkora @rosykicksass @soleisolii @stsrk
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harmonicstupidity · 6 years
Tagged by the wonderful @ihavenotyetfiguredoutanything who you should all go follow!
Name: Phil
Star Sign: Leo
Height: 6′0
Put your music on shuffle. What are the first 6 songs to show up?
Light Up The Night - The Protomen
A Soul Can’t Be Cut -  Jamie Christopherson
Death By Disco - Zebrahead
Let The Bridges Burn - Killswitch Engage
Beast - Nico Vega
Brave This Storm - Trivium
Grab the book nearest to you and turn to page 23. What’s line 17?
“How the fuck have you been?”
Ever had a song or poem written about you?
What was the last time you played the air guitar?
A few minutes ago on my walk back from a friends house after a night of drinks. Was air-guitaring to this
Who is your celebrity crush?
Jenna Coleman. Oof ><
What’s a sound you hate and a sound you love?
Hate - Cutlery against dishes when it’s early in the morning and I’m trying to get some god damned sleep.
Love - Umm... that noise that stirring cheesy pasta makes. You know the one.
Do you drive? if so, have you ever crashed?
I don’t but I really should get around to getting my license... one of these days. 
Last book you read?
Sword of Destiny - Andrzej Sapkowski
Do you like the smell of petrol?
Not really.
What was the last movie you saw?
The Last Jedi. 
What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had?
Did a bad turn on my scooter when I was 11, completely sliced through my left knee. Shit hurt. Thankfully there was a woman nearby who helped me back to my house. 
Do you have any obsessions right now?
Do you tend to hold grudges against anybody who’s done you wrong?
Umm..I usually just block out the shitty people in my life, so I’d say no. 
In a relationship?
Ahaha.. HAHAHAHA... haha.. ha. No. I’m not.
I’ll tag @psielite @fullmetalthwip @wiseuseoftime @princessof-irony @bannableoffense @all-ringils-blazing @runicmagitek @saltylich @hero-soleil @hi-im-kairi  @topographicocean
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unitviv · 7 years
Tag Quiz
Tagged by @minddiver
rules: tag follower(s) you would like to get to know better!
nicknames: V, VIV, UnitVIV Cat,
gender: female
height: 5’ 3”
sexuality: bisexual and flexible
Hogwarts House: no clue
favorite animal: Ferret ... because they are smart, wiley cat snakes
average hours spent sleeping: 6 hours at most a night
dogs or cats: Both, but preferably cats due to their independence.
number of followers: 17? Who’s counting? And how did they find me?!?
number of blankets I sleep with: 3? Maybe? I want all of the blankets!
dream trip: Anywhere in the woods with kinky friends and hypnosis 😉
dream job: I have no dream jobs at the moment
when I made this account: Two months ago?
why I made this account: To follow all of the awesome people I have met through the hypnosis community
who I’ll tag: @hypno-moon-gazer @bannableoffense @kitty-sylvie
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ownedthoughts · 6 years
I brainwashed my slave and I'm never letting her go! Mwahaha! @bannableoffense
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arihi · 7 years
I assume you'd like to tell me another great hypnosis blog or two I should follow right now.
I almost want to deny/decline to answer this out of principle because of the weird question/assumption! But then I’d be denying others helpful information as well, so fine.
@soundshypnotic has wonderfully hypnotic posts ranging from spirals to art to story reblogs to informative asks, and is generally a helpful and knowledgeable person on the topic of hypnosis.
@ellaenchanting does a lot of fascinating hypnosis/psychology-related research and often talks a lot of interesting points and writes posts that make you think, and is always open to discuss/hear from others about!
@fallinginward also has very interesting/informative asks that they write, I’m not quite sure if there’s a tag but I know they were taking any hypnosis-related asks and giving some really neat answers! Also reblogs art and other hypnosis-adjacent posts.
@sleepystephbot is an A+++ content creator and has some of the best dang hypno-art around!
@digitalswitchgamine is one of the more consistently hypnosis-related blogs with tons of neat induction .gifs (under the inductiongifs tag) and a whole admirable structured tagging system. Also delightful and cute #gfd for days.
There’s honestly a whole ton of hypnosis blogs that I think are worth following but I’d never be able to write them all up. The answer to this changes almost every time I’m asked. :) I also follow @bannableoffense, @hypno-sandwich, @friedcherryblossomprincess - all good blogs to follow (that I’m a bit biased towards because of starting in the community with these blogs - this particular list never changes). I follow many great people in the hypnosis community and would always love to give a more extensive list in PM depending on interests - Art? Stories? Captions? Original posts? Inductions? Non-hypno related preferences in blogs? Personalities?
Lastly and very importantly, check out @scarlettred912 for several hypnosis lists ranging from blogs to professional content providers to hypnosis conferences, a lot of hard work that they do compiling it!
Follow some initial blogs, notice who they reblog from, figure out other preferences you like and whether you like them and you can branch from there. Hope this helps any anon that may be interested!
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sinesalvatorem · 7 years
Social Competence: How do increase the density of insightful things I say in conversation? I want people to like talking to me, but I think I have a low signal-to-noise ratio. This mostly comes up at parties/social gatherings. I don't say anything because nothing I think of is interesting. Is there a way to improve SNR?
I hope you don’t mind if I don’t answer the object-level question (how to increase insight-density in a conversation) in favour of answering what I think is the meta-level question (how to be a pleasant conversationalist). [Also, all advice given here is aimed at the readership in general.]
I want to focus on the latter because signal-to-noise ratio is a terrible way to think about conversations.
This is because conversations have basically no “noise”. A lot of people with the not-geek not-autism thing hate when conversations go over things that don’t feel deep or insightful. Similarly, a lot of people who like clear systems would like to purge all the irregular verbs from their language. However, natural communication doesn’t work that way. Just as fully-regular constructed languages are hard to speak, conversations purged of “noise” are hard to have.
Firstly, because the “noise” serves an important purpose. It’s the bit of the conversation where people display the pattern of their own thoughts. When you’re aiming to be insightful, you give the other person what you think they want to hear, which tells them little about the kind of person you are. However, when you freely meander through conversation space, it lets people trace what pattern your thoughts generally follow.
Furthermore, the “noisy” parts of the conversation are generally the ones where personal information is shared. It’s where you talk about your weekend, your family, your hobbies, and all the other things that make you uniquely you. As I’ve said before, letting people see into you is what allows you to make close friends.
I think I’ll just quote HPMOR!Draco on it over and over again forever, because this is the first law of friendmaking:
Harry glanced away uncomfortably, then, with an effort, forced himself to look back at Draco. “Why are you telling me that? It seems sort of… private…”
Draco gave Harry a serious look. “One of my tutors once said that people form close friendships by knowing private things about each other, and the reason most people don’t make close friends is because they’re too embarrassed to share anything really important about themselves.” Draco turned his palms out invitingly. “Your turn?”
It doesn’t actually matter whether or not it’s embarrassment causing it. It could also be an unwillingness to seem inane. Whatever causes you to not show others who you are, that is an obstacle to becoming close to them. It’s not the signal-to-noise ratio that makes people feel connected to you, but actually feeling like they know you. 
Seeming insightful can get people to listen to you, but it won’t form a friendship on its own. It’ll be more like being a lecturer. People may seek you out to hear you speak about that particular topic, but they will only care a little about you-as-a-person. They may remember what you said on the philosophy of identity, but they won’t remember your birthday (which’ll be your fault for never telling them).
The second thing is that artificial attempts to increase the signal-to-noise ratio are generally self-defeating. If you’re trying to filter out all the uninteresting things you might say, you’ll often end up saying nothing at all. Far too many times, I’ve seen two nerds have a brief interaction, followed by both of them staring at each other trying to come up with things to say, and then drifting away from each other for the rest of the evening. Almost invariably, they wonder why the conversation died.
Conversations die when you hold yourself back from speaking. In my opinion, not wanting to seem boring is a particularly bad reason to have that hesitation. In the worst case scenario of being boring, the other person stops talking to you and drifts away. In all scenarios where you let a conversation die, the other person stops talking to you and drifts away.
However, even if you can keep the conversation by throwing out random bits of insight-porn, you will usually end up talking about the least insightful things out of the set of insightful things you could talk about. You’ll talk about the few things you manage to throw out as non-sequitur, which are generally not where the most stimulating interactions lie.
Most of the really interesting conversations I’ve had have been ones that evolved organically. The conversations you can have when both sides have a general feeling of understanding and common knowledge are usually far superior when to the ones where each person is trying to see how many layers of signalling they can be on.
So, in conclusion: Don’t hesitate to be inane. Say the things that are on your mind! Explore conversation-space! Avoid being frustrated by a conversation not being 10 lightbulbs a minute. The best conversations - and all close friendships - are built on background knowledge.
People who asked to be tagged/alerted in posts like this include: @cai10, @rhainelovespeople, @whyarealltheuseramestaken​, @curlyhumility​, @amakthel, @lilithmeetsprometheus​, @dhominis​, @overlordtulip​, @bannableoffense​, @78nanosieverts​, @onthecareandfeedingofcatgirls​, @tempestwindblown​, @robustcornhusk​, @cafemachiavelli​, @apprenticebard​, @andhishorse​, @h3lldalg0​, and several others who were untaggable for some reason.
If you also want to be tagged in future social skills post, like this post [link] to let me know. If you don’t know about this series or this blogger, you can learn more here [other link].
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foxoftheasterisk · 7 years
Tumblr media
Caution: shark knife
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scarlettred912 · 7 years
Today is World Hypnotism Day! That means local news broadcasts may be airing segments, local clinics may be having open houses and workshops, and on Tumblr... it’s business as usual.
Right now @bannableoffense is in the lead to be crowned winner of World Hypnotism Day this year thanks to some really top-notch and first-rate posts this week.  If you aren’t following, go do that.
Are you a contender?   What did you get us this year for World Hypnotism Day?
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asshewaits · 5 years
Proposition: when one person has to cover a shift that is normally done by two people, they get paid double.  This is both to compensate them for working twice as hard, and to remove any temptation for management to think “hey, actually that wasn’t so bad, maybe we should do this more often.”
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Jefferson has my vote! What has yours?
Hypno hive mind! I’ve got a few ideas for files kicking around in the back of my head, and I wanna record one in the next few weeks. Cast your votes:
trance for hypnotists
trance for beginner subjects
kinesthetic trance (so that non-auditory folks trying to trance on the internet aren’t COMPLETELY shit outta luck...)
trigger: experience your hands as someone else’s hands
trigger: sensations in your mouth are reflected in [your favorite sexy orifice]
The polls are open! @ellaenchanting @meltinggoldanddippingthingsinit @tennfan2 @silentstream9 @soundshypnotic @zanythoughts @lily-ackerman @mr-ackerman @mr-prism @digitalswitchgamine @friedcherryblossomprincess @thedizziestninja @bannableoffense @wellgnawed @enscenic @hypno-sandwich​ @hypnokittencalico​ @undersleeper​ @chocolateandink​ @spiralturquoise​ @justifiedsurrender​ @h-sleepingirl @cckitten78 and whoever I’m forgetting--but any follower is welcome to vote!
(Feel free to vote via anon. as well!)
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Proposition: when one person has to cover a shift that is normally done by two people, they get paid double.  This is both to compensate them for working twice as hard, and to remove any temptation for management to think “hey, actually that wasn’t so bad, maybe we should do this more often.”
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