#babygirl that's your unresolved trauma
tesb · 1 year
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The Last of Us (2023): “Kin”
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v7n5 · 3 months
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It's ok babygirl, your self-destructive obsession with seeking out fulfillment and validation from a false god as a mean to cope with your unresolved trauma and miserable existence is totally valid
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the8thsphynx · 9 months
Damn babygirl do you got unresolved parental trauma? Because when I kissed your forehead and asked you to rest while I take care of things for now because you've been working so hard you teared up a lil.
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lockoutkey · 2 years
what would you do if someone tagged Neil gaiman in your liveblogging
asking for a friend
if he somehow saw it it would be on him. i hope he knows i’m in love with that emo fuck. he’s a boy version of me when i was 15. i’m yelling because this man has unresolved trauma but he’s pulling up to hell like sup motherfuckers where’s my plague doctor mask. he’s my new babygirl. my scrimbly blorbo. “fuck it lets go to hell” is going to be an inter grail part of my vocab.
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cowardlycowboys · 5 years
All the B99 asks Right back atcha!!
Peralta: how’s your relationship with your parents? pretty okay! my relationship with my mama is pretty good i mean we don't always see eye to eye but we have our fun! my relationship with my dad is also pretty good! i mean he has issues(his dad was physically and emotionally abusive and stuff) that he unfortunately won't get help for so he kinda passed his unresolved trauma onto my brother and me. he's also emotionally stunted in my opinion since he really can't express them and stuff ya know? i love my daddy but i do wish he would get better because I love him but i don't like how he acts sometimes..OOPS NOT TO GET SAD LOL
Santiago: do you like stationery? I love that stuff!!! i miss writing letters and notes!!! I miss buying that stuff!!
Holt: what’s your sexuality? 95% sure I'm bisexual babey!!
Diaz: are you a feminist? yes!!!
Boyle: can you cook? ehhh kinda i need help doing it tho cause I can't do math so I need someone to help me with the measurements
Jeffords: would you say you’re the mom friend? yes and no! I like to think I'm a mix of both like a really cool aunt that loves and supports you and likes to buy you things when i can afford it etc! but in reality I'm probably like the weird cousin- loud, occasionally funny, sometimes you wonder why you still hang around them etc
Linetti: what emoji best represents you? imo either 😇 or 💞
Hitchcock: favourite food? fruit!!
Scully: dogs or people? depends on the day cause dogs still kinda scare me like I'm better (because i was forced to live with one) but if i don't really know your dog and it's not on a leash I'm hiding behind someone
Sarge: favourite term of endearment? babygirl, princess, little one, darling, honey, sweetheart, my name spoken wirh love
Captain: dream job? singer/actress! i want to bring joy and stuff to others like movies, tv shows, and bands/solo artists bring me i want to inspire others and also have money enough for my family to be comfortable and enough to have left overs for myself and others
Brooklyn: where have you always wanted to go? Canada! Europe! the east coast! San Francisco again!!
Kevin: favourite book? the girl that can fly! it's touching and cute
Cheddar: favourite animal? all of them!
Pontiac bandit: the worst thing you’ve done? probably cheating on tests I dunno I try to be good
Peraltiago: what’s your OTP? hyde and jackie, nick and jess, peraltiago, etc. I have a lot
Halloween: what’s your favourite holiday? christmas! halloween! the fourth of July! my birthday! and valentines day even tho I never have a valentine!
Jimmy jabs: what’s something you do when you’re bored? take a nap and NSFW/TMI masturbate
Vulture: worst enemy? M A T H
Noice: favourite word? absolutely/absolute is something I'm saying a lot these days
Smort: favourite subject? choir!!
Toit: have you ever made up a word? yeah! but my specialty is combining and making up slang
Full bullpen: best accomplishment? when i won most talented female vocalist in choir
Pimento: are you weird? have you talked to me at all? of course I am
Nine-nine: lucky number? 4! and four related numbers!
Mumps: worst illness you’ve had? i had phemonia(??) as a kid and i somehow got mono on my 17 birthday and it was awful
Nikolaj: do you want kids? Yes!!!
Die Hard: favourite film? true romance (aka greatest romance movie in the world)
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