#babes youre not a soft stan you're racist and love infantilizing poc
1eos · 1 year
like if i had a dollar for every time someone has made me out to be the devil himself for wanting in leo’s guts...i could have a cute lil time at a dollar store that’s for sure! and what’s extra baffling is that these online spaces are so fucking white they’ve normalized racist stereotypes to justify this. they have truly tricked themselves into thinking that engaging with content from asia it is morally good and correct to treat asian ppl like sexless eternal babies they have to protect the purity of while hyper sexualizing anyone darker than a paper bag. its wild. someone is just like ‘wow this person is so fucking hot omg’ on your own online space will get mfs with miles of 2d porn of canonical children in your notifs like ‘wow this is really problematic’ is it really? is it really???????????????????
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