#at leat it'll probably make me better at it
xx-sharpfawngz-xx · 3 months
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Ia's room
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tinyorangepotato · 1 year
fuck being sick. I had to miss out on 2 full days of work which is awesome for just relaxing but that's so much money.
and I don't even know what's actually wrong with me or what I can do about it. I know it's not covid because I took a test immediately to make sure.
and I just have a bad headache most the time and my stomach hurts and I can not regulate my body temperature.
I thought yesterday I would be fine doing my second job because i was pretty okay in the morning helping my aunt but I got there and was freezing so I zipped my jacket then became far too warm and felt like I needed to throw up. I lasted a good 30 minutes into an 8 hour shift before I sat outside to cool down then said I'm going home.
woke up this morning at 4 am after falling asleep at midnight and just puked. only water but what the fuck. why. I've been taking acetaminophen for my head and some oscillococcinum for everything else which usually help but it only really helps my head and my stomach feels a small bit better but that's it.
fucking I want to go to the doctor to get checked out to see what the hell is going on but I really don't wanna expecially since it take sooooo long usually. and I would have to go to the uhhhh urgent care?emergency room? I forget but which ever takes walk ins so that means it'll take even longer.
I'll see how I'm feeling tomorrow on my actual day off (except I have a fucking dentist appointment at 9 am) and then probably get checked out if im not feeling better.
Monday I was full on shiver my timbers at work for no reason and had to constantly keep doing a shrimp check and so I figured I was hungry and cold and when I warmed up it helped and I ate and it helped. but the next morning my head was killing me and I had a sore throat and I was burning alive.
this fucking sucks. I wish I was covid then I would have an excuse and actually know whats going on for the most part. I tried googling (horrible idea I know) and it wasn't helpful. like malaria, yellow fever, meningitis. I know (maybe not hm) I don't have those. expecially malaria but I wanted to see at leats what I could be and if there was something I could do but found nothing.
I really hope I don't have to miss more work but fuck man. if I'm gonna be nauseous the whole time and having the worst time I'm gonna have to.
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tinyorangepotato · 1 year
fuck being sick. I had to miss out on 2 full days of work which is awesome for just relaxing but that's so much money.
and I don't even know what's actually wrong with me or what I can do about it. I know it's not covid because I took a test immediately to make sure.
and I just have a bad headache most the time and my stomach hurts and I can not regulate my body temperature.
I thought yesterday I would be fine doing my second job because i was pretty okay in the morning helping my aunt but I got there and was freezing so I zipped my jacket then became far too warm and felt like I needed to throw up. I lasted a good 30 minutes into an 8 hour shift before I sat outside to cool down then said I'm going home.
woke up this morning at 4 am after falling asleep at midnight and just puked. only water but what the fuck. why. I've been taking acetaminophen for my head and some oscillococcinum for everything else which usually help but it only really helps my head and my stomach feels a small bit better but that's it.
fucking I want to go to the doctor to get checked out to see what the hell is going on but I really don't wanna expecially since it take sooooo long usually. and I would have to go to the uhhhh urgent care?emergency room? I forget but which ever takes walk ins so that means it'll take even longer.
I'll see how I'm feeling tomorrow on my actual day off (except I have a fucking dentist appointment at 9 am) and then probably get checked out if im not feeling better.
Monday I was full on shiver my timbers at work for no reason and had to constantly keep doing a shrimp check and so I figured I was hungry and cold and when I warmed up it helped and I ate and it helped. but the next morning my head was killing me and I had a sore throat and I was burning alive.
this fucking sucks. I wish I was covid then I would have an excuse and actually know whats going on for the most part. I tried googling (horrible idea I know) and it wasn't helpful. like malaria, yellow fever, meningitis. I know (maybe not hm) I don't have those. expecially malaria but I wanted to see at leats what I could be and if there was something I could do but found nothing.
I really hope I don't have to miss more work but fuck man. if I'm gonna be nauseous the whole time and having the worst time I'm gonna have to.
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