#as you can see i'm bad drawing full body✨
taniamitsu · 1 year
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Which one you prefer? Tiny Ralsei or tiny Kris?
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tiny-tigers · 6 months
✨ Oh that is a good point! They must feel so familiar but then in person you realise they are in fact strangers - that must feel quite jarring. Papa Chessum seems adorable! As do all the families tbh? I think they've been so involved in their sons careers that meeting so many people along the way & revelling in the whole experience must just be so exciting - whereas the partners of the players haven't been around for all that so probably feel more uncomfortable with it...
I always remember Chloe Madeley (James Haskell's wife) saying on his podcast that the wive's and gf's always felt so much pressure to dress up for games & to look a certain way as people would constantly look them up and down & judge them ☹️ She also said they would be always freezing at six nations games because of their 'dress to impress' outfits and that Eddie Jones understood and was incredibly sweet by getting them heated blankets to keep them warm 😭💕
Omg you climbed over Bevan?? 😂😆 [I would stay well clear of that boy after watching that calorie vid of his - jesussss 😂👀]
Guarantee the ones who looked older had faces full of filler...? 😞
Also culture shock is such a real thing omg, one of my siblings has a foreign partner and as lovely as they are, we have just never gelled? Not through lack of trying of course but yeh...culture is so interesting no?
Seen a super cool documentary about fillers it really stopped my ideas to get some ever ! Also everyone is starting to look the same just see the hairstyles as well... It is getting scary. I think it is too much efforts for something that will fade away plus when you stop cultivating what is inside yourself it is when it gets bad... I mean I may not be the prettiest but I do know for sure I can be captivating.
Papa chess always call everyone buddy or mate or something along those lines to men and women it is funny. Families are all very closed, the vP are more discreet than the stews... You can be fooled by Jeff in a crowd and not recognize him but not Sarah , he is her carbon copy it is insane and she is so pretty????? He was alone anyways. He was not seated with anyone family and wasn't Seated with freddy's friends he came with he was on his own in a seat near staircases so he could moove easily with his boot.
Completely amazed each time I see them in 3D I am never completely used to it.
Also used to be over the moon and find that he was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen in 29 years of life and believedme I have seen a lot of museums. Lies Lies Lies... You know when you see in a glimpse someone true self without any barriers, his personality but it is rotten inside that it turns the person uggly instantly ?? This happened. Like a repulsive instinctive movement of being take aback.
So different than watching the Tv. I have seen tons and tons of images of Jack over the year that I can do galaxy maps out of his moles and yet... He looked smaller sweaty and vain that day. He was just a boy. Some boy. But a boy. It vacillated in front of me in a fraction of a second my brain didn't compute and was there like why am I inflicting this situation to myself. It hurts. Go.
I recall his clumsy movements, the cotton of his t-shirt , the heavy bracelet of his watch , his eyes being glazed and very wide, and his hair going greasy on his forehead, for a reason he is always warm his body always radiates like a heater. I could write chapters just to describe him.
So you have at least the end of the story and I get a closure perhaps.
I thought he would care but maybe someone still does.
♪ I got everything I wanted
Not what you'd think
And if I'm bein' honest
It might've been a nightmare ♫
As soon as the second half started I ran out in the stairs and even took the wrong way before noticing, I was shaking like a leaf my ancestors must have felt it.
Like I said I asked Max Malins where Jack was by showing him my drawing to him, his girlfriend, and Josie, Ben Earl's girlfriend who was very sweet was complimenting it so I was slightly reinforced I wasn't totally off in my intentions.
I tried again to run through the stairs and one of the stewards noticed me this time. Asking me a bit with disdain if I had finally found him, she said she would ask another steward close to the staff if he was there. The other one came and didn't recognize him from the drawing, I gave him his name and he told me he wasn't playing (no kidding sir... I know that) . I told them both that the players and families assured me he was there, I knew I did not have a lot of time before they would ask me to go back ASAP to my seat so I scanned for one last time the crowd and there he was. In a *SNAP* I just saw him and didn't let them finish telling me anything I just said mostly for me: THERE, SEE HE IS THERE!! TOLD YOU!! and instantly, instinctively moved forward.
To reach him I had to do some acrobatics and climb rows of seats I asked nicely to pass to someone who indeed was Bevan Rodd but I couldn't care less I had the aim to reach Jack before he could go away so I had to pass between Bevan and his family to land on the hole to hope seeing Jack, doing so I hit hard my knee to the forward row of seats.
A few steps with a muted pain in my right knee is what was separating me from my encounter with the backside of Jack in his black t-shirt finishing to discuss with people around. Lewis Ludlam was on his phone occupied on the next row to my right. I took my chances and it was after a light tap on his back that I was finally facing Jack.
He seemed surprised , glazed eyes who seemed twitching : oh it's you ! You found me !
He said : heeeyy ! I just had the drawing in front of me he laughed and he said You alright? and engulfing me in a hug, I whispered in his ear that it had been difficult to find him. I asked him if he would be ok just to take a selfie . A selfie ! Right! no problem, he was letting me to open my phone ready to take one but then Lewis said to me if you want I can take the pictures for me so I gave him my phone and Jack was abandoning me already talking to someone else. I said to Lewis I was running the fanpage of Jack a bit excusing myself for intruding and explaining why I was exactly there. He absolutely didn't cared a flying fuck but said oh alright. Jack... The selfie.. Jack ? JACK ! JVP !!!
He was so embarrassed for me that JvP was totally elsewhere.
oh yes yes ! He grabbed me close and while Lewis was taking the pictures I was asking Jack if we could have one less formal more "quirky" and he didn't understand and kept on repeating what ? uuhmWhat? laughing. and I said in my balbuting English you know doing faces pull the tongue. Quirky.! He seemed horrified and moved away so I asked him right after that why he was not following the fanpage and he started to be vague and telling me that he would never follow it and started an embarrassed because... and I asked him if it was because of the club he said no but that he wanted to keep a low profile. The amount of profiles he follows doesn't really sound low profile to me but I will not start to argue.
I think he saw my look because he instantly defended himself with reinforcement of gestures with his hands: but I go watch it tho you know!!!! And he promised he would continue to do so. He then proceeded to tell me he had to go because the match would be back on soon and it was when I tried to let him pass that my hand landed on his abs because he literally escaped, exchanged an intended look with Bevan and I followed him to his seat because I still had his drawing in hand and it couldn't end like this, it was the worst interaction we ever had.
I called him back and gave him the drawing and he said: no.
no , no-no
I said why ??? I was completely shocked to be entirely honest. Because he could have trashed it right after it I wouldn't have cared but for me, to refuse that simple piece of paper it was like crucifying me, crushing my efforts, with his simple no that he repeated in loop after, I pictured instantly all the previous giftbags I gave him in the bin. Don't you like it ? It's badly drawn? ♫*bad blood by Taylor Swift in my head*♫
No no it's not that you are talented it's really well done, you should keep it. He was a bit showing himself not having a bag and his empty pocket and then.
So disappointed, I had my ego replying to him instantly: sign it then at least!
He said ok , I asked him if he would be in Leicester on the 3rd of December because I had more pleasant gifts than a drawing to give him and he smiled nodding. While signing my drawing one woman went in the way while regaining her seat, and proceeded to completely empty on the floor the full beer cup he had left next to his seat to be empty-handed. She recognized him and was super flustered while he was SO PISSED OFF. He was giving me back the pen and drawing completely distraught and afflicted. He had enough.
I just thanked him again for the video before leaving and he said he was again very sorry that it had taken so long for him to reply ...
I remember I remember, his eyes flickering a silent but kind: I know who you are I haven't forgotten you now go you can go
I left.
I wished to cry but couldn't, like I couldn't explain to my father the bruise forming on my knee huge as a potato, or the bruise even bigger to my ego. I cried a lot after that. He kept his promises and came back on his own a lot of times on the page just the day after like an excuse but it's me seeing things. It was too late anyway.
I left my childhood and illusions in that stadium.
Life went on.
It doesn't seem like a lot because after all he didn't owe me anything but it hit hard, usually my job = me, so knowing I was doing the page in vain and that he absolutely doesn't care about anything was a huge blow. I felt like I was embarrassing him, felt embarrassed by the whole situation and talking about cultural differences: I think I may just be a lot, he is cuddly and tactile but it's not the same as being warm and close. Obviously, it's normal to put distances but then don't grab me, the ambivalence was part of the problem and it always was from day one. He should have put distances from day one and not broken them from himself by DM me , it is how it started and then he just kept on giving on and on. His family and friends following... all the hugs and then some likes , the views, I can count all
I have received and that I have entertained as well and that we in a way both entertained as he could have stopped coming he could have deleted the page ....So yeah thing is it was weird and not satisfying interaction, I felt it like a broken heart and collected the pieces of it back home. I think it wasn't the right time for sure and I should have known but it was so unexpected for him to show up and I had bought those RWC tickets to see him... I don't know maybe
it was all a fever dream as I was alone to experience it when usually someone is there with me to relate the same story with a different point of view...
That was the story of the downfall of my love for Jack.
Cute point it is how close I was to second babey
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tamelee · 2 years
I'm the one that asked how do you feel about 'that' novel and if you felt relived cuz it wasn't sasuke. Thank you for taking the time to respond and giving me your answer.
Please don't take any offense when I say this but honest to god you are one of the most drop- dead gorgeous people I have ever seen on the Internet. And I will ask you again to please don't take offense or get angry about what I'm about to say next.. the arm thingies look reeaaally cool on you. ( I know they make drawing difficult but try and think of this as a positive to the arm thingies). You're very kind and funny as well.
Also I'm sorry to hear that your recovery ain't going well, that honestly sucks. But don't worry, bad things don't last forever, they either last short or long but not forever. And I really like the cover on your phone!
Again, please don't get offended with whatever I say, I really mean the best. Take great care of yourself and I hope you have a blessed recovery. Here's a star.
( ^ w ^)// ~~~~🌟
Okay hear me out @vanilacatchocalatecat
You lovely person with a username that’s making me hungry. 
We’re going to need to wrap you in a blanket so you’re all nice and cozy. Then protect you from the world because I dunno who would take offense to- well nowadays.. anyway, of course I wouldn’t take offense from someone giving me a compliment.. ;-; (Or anyone cursing me out btw, lmao.) The world does seem quite angry about a lot of things huh. *Hands you a warm drink*. Scoot over :3 anyway, thank you so much kjengarg;knwm,g but honestly if you look closely you can see that I look like a mix between a zombie and a vampire. A person that couldn’t decide whether she was supposed to be dead 3 years ago already since all the life/blood left her body anyway. Yet is too stubborn. It’s like I dug myself up from a grave and slathered on some makeup. I mean that’s how I feel lol. Which is perfect for Halloween. I’m totally in my element right now.      
And I was making brownies when I dropped the pan since these ridiculous pawpaw-things make my life 40x harder than it has to be. Luckily for me it fell the right-side up! So I stared at it for a full 5 seconds before I was able to breathe again- slathered the damn thing with frosting and- where were we? Right. Well, I don’t think petplay is for me. I think that’s the lesson here and- right right.. as I wanted to say: you’re right though! It won’t last long ♡🎉
Again thankyou for your kind message (and the star!) this really lifted me up 🥰, I hope you’re well and have a nice day!! ✨🔆
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sauroff · 2 years
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Inappropriate Valentine Card Contest
(Examples here courtesy of the amazing @yuyo-irule, who always helps me with these because I'm too old to be funny. Except the banner one, the darker sense of humor is mine).
How to participate:
- Make a Tolkien themed funny Valentine card. It can be silly, cheesy, cringy or simply dirty. Puns, good or bad, are very welcome.
- You don't have to make them pretty. You can draw a figure stick, make an edit with any canon material, cosplay or art you have permission over. You can use any of my art if it works for you.
- You can either post them on your blog and tag me so I can see it or submit them here (I don't remember how submissions work, but I promise I will learn)
- You can make as many cards as you want, but they will count as just one entry
Deadline: February 14th
I will be sharing all the entries on Valentine's Day, and picking the winners in the next few days.
Two winners will be chosen by raffle between all the entries (not sure how to show the raffle here, though. If you have any ideas on that, please let me know)
- First Prize: Can choose between a single character Style 1 commission (optional pin-up if the winner is over 18yo) or a couple commission in Style 2. Both options would be full body.
- Second Prize: Single Character Style 2 commission.
Since I'm going On a trip from February to March, the prizes would be finished around the middle of March or beginning or April. Sorry about that u.u
Have fun! 💖✨
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