#as does 'naming our pets after fae tales characters'
not-poignant · 2 months
Hi Pia! <3 I was wondering, what is your opinion on people getting tattoos of your work? Ive been a fan since 2015 and I very much would like to get a fae tales Canon tattoo and one FFS tattoo, but if you for example feel in any way uncomfortable/weirded out by that I would not do it! Thank you so much for your writing <333 also Tobermory is the cutest puppyyyy
Hi anon!
So Fae Tales tattoos are already very much a thing, and I think they're super awesome!! The ones I've seen so far have been honestly incredible. From someone getting a Gwyn-inspired piece that includes a crown and antlers across their chest, to smaller incredible thigh pieces inspired by Augus and Gwyn.
So like, honestly, go for it! Live your best life with whatever tattoo artist you decide on :D If you decide you ever want to send me pics or tag me into something, let me know, I cannot think of any higher honour quite frankly than people wanting to put something connected to some world or character/s I'd written on their bodies.
Also I keep meaning to get Fae Tales tattoos myself and just never get around to it aslkfjdsasda
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katrinegrey · 11 months
Ready for 'Nicknames Given by Love Interests' BINGO?
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I made this silly bingo board for my book club after I read my millionth fantasy novel where it's practically a requirement of the love interest to give the main character a nickname that only they call them. I love the trope, I do, but I also noticed some weird trends and decided to have fun with it. Since my book club liked it so much, I decided to drop it here too. If you decide to join me, you feel free to play however you would like.
I'll outline our rules below for reference:
Strictly nicknames/pet names/sweetheart names given to main character by the love interest(s).
Only includes their 'main' nicknames from the love interest. So if they are called 'baby' twice, but primarily called something silly like 'candy bottom', 'candy bottom' is their nickname for BINGO purposes.
The same character may not be used for more than one category (this is due to quite a lot of crossover. While Goldfinch (Plated Prisoner) could fit into avian, colorful, and animal related, only one may be chosen.
If the main character is primarily called by a "nickname" for the majority of the story by more than just the love interest, it doesn't count for the purposes of this list. (Margaret, but goes by Peggy)
If the name in question is their primary name for a majority of the series, it may not count for this board no matter how well it fits. So Rose (Vampire Academy) and Poppy (Blood and Ash) can't be in the floral category, Persephone (Hades x Persephone and Receiver of Many) can't be in mythological, and Red (Transplanted Tales) can't be in the colorful category.
We're playing ours by books read during this calendar year, but you do you and play however you would like.
Corresponding examples of each category are featured below:
In Another Language: Any nickname that is based in a language that isn't the base language of the main character. See: Roza (Russian), Carina (Italian), Behach éan (fictitious Crow language) Weather Related: This category includes anything related to weather systems. Examples include: Raindrop, Storm, Tempest. This category does NOT include general words related to the elements (earth, water, fire, and air) or celestial bodies. Those have other categories. Curse Words: Any time a curse word becomes a recurring affectionate nickname. See: Asshole, Dumbass, Shithead
Beauty: Synonyms of the word 'beauty' like beautiful, pretty, gorgeous. Avian: Ever notice the frequency of avian related nicknames in fantasy? Examples here include: Sparrow, Buzzard, Little Bird. Colorful: Though pretty self explanatory, this category applies to colors used as or in nicknames. See: Blue, GOLDfinch, Goldie, etc. Floral: Any nickname related to flowering plants. Examples: Yellowbell, Little Flower, Buttercup.
Based on Royalty: Any nickname with ties to a royal title (does NOT include gods, that falls under religious). Examples: Princess, Queenie, Your Majesty. Same name, but different: This category is for those love interests who like to shorten longer names (Lazarus=Laz, Trinity=Trin), use longer names when no one else does (Sera=Seraphena), or call by their surname (Sage, Wadsworth). This CAN include the same name in another language (Rose=Roza). Appearance: For nicknames based off of some part of the main character's appearance. Think: Blue (for her blue hair, Zodiac Academy) or Shortie (for her height, Dark Elements). Gives the ick: For any nickname you read that just gave you that ick factor. I don't have examples for this one because someone's yuck is another's yum. Food & Drink: For any nickname based off of, you guessed it, a food or drink. See: Muffin, Butternut, Honey Bun, etc. Species: If the love interest routinely refers to the main character as their species. Examples: vampire, fae, human. Elemental: For nicknames based off of the four basic elements (earth, air, fire, water), that don't fit into the other categories. See: Bubbles, FIREheart, Cinders.
Little __ : For those nicknames that try their hardest to sound like a 00's rapper. Examples: Little flower, little bird, little heart. Love: Any form or derivitive of the word love. Examples: My love, lovey, amore. Mythological: Any nickname based in a mythological creature or story. This can be real world mythology or in world mythology. This does NOT include general use of the word god/goddess. Those would fall in the religious category. Examples: Thetis, Narcissus, Minthe. Animal Related: Pretty self explanatory here, but in case you really really need it. Avian nicknames CAN be used here and the avian category, but the same nickname can't be used twice. Examples: Lamb, Wolf, Viper. Affectionate Insult: For any nickname that if said by anyone else would result in a punch to the face. Usually something that started off mean but becomes cute later. Could be crossover with Curse Words category, but same one can't be used twice. Examples: Overbearing bastard, stupid ass, etc. Baby/Babe: Pretty obvious, but examples include: baby, babes, baby doll. I'm also going to throw other "child"-like nicknames in here like 'kid'. Anatomically Incorrect: This is for those nicknames that include the use of body parts. Examples: my heart, sweet lips, angel eyes. Religious: This is for any nickname that could fall into some form of real world or fictitious religion. Examples: my lamb (Christianity), goddess, sin, my soul. In the Sky: For things related to the sky. This could include: little cloud, my star, Luna (moon), universe. Sweet …: For all the nicknames that involve the word 'sweet'. Examples: sweetheart, my sweet, sweet love, dulce, sweet pea
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ladyherenya · 3 years
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This was more-books-than-sometimes month, because rather than take the time to write about the books I'd finished, I just read more books! Also, I read a lot over the Easter break, including some shorter books and a very binge-able series.
Also read: Two-Step and Someone Like Me by Stephanie Fournet, Hooked by Cathy Yardley, “Cloudy with a Chance of Dropbears” and “All the Different Shades of Blue” by W.R. Gingell, and “Home: Habitat, Range, Niche, Territory” by Martha Wells.
Reread: A Curse So Dark and Lonely by Brigid Kemmerer.
Total: nineteen novels (including two audiobooks and one reread), one novella collection, two novellas, two novelettes and one short story.
Cover thoughts: Bellewether’s blue cover is (unsurprisingly) my favourite. I also really like The Ghosts of Sherwood. 
Still reading: A Portrait of Loyalty by Roseanna M. White and Playing Hearts by W.R. Gingell.
Next up: Torch by R.J. Anderson.
My full reviews are on Dreamwidth and LibraryThing.
The Rose Code by Kate Quinn (narrated by Saskia Maarleveld): Historical mystery about three young women who worked at Bletchley Park during WWII.
My favourite out of the books I’ve read so far this year. Most of the narrative is set during the war, but interspersed with sections set in 1947 -- when Beth, in a sanitarium after a breakdown, has sent her two estranged friends a coded message begging for help. I loved this, but at times found it stressful and heartbreaking! The writing is so lively and effective and emotional. 4½ ★
Castle Charming by Tansy Raynor Roberts: Fairytale retellings, collection of novellas.
A very entertaining and a somewhat different take on fairytales, focusing on the reporters, Royal Hounds and royalty at Castle Charming. Some of the character dynamics felt similar to those in Roberts’ Unreal Alchemy although I didn’t feel quite as attached to these characters. I’ll read the sequel. 3 ★ 
Bellewether by Susanna Kearsley: Historical and contemporary fiction, set in Long Island during the so-called Seven Years War in 1759 and the present day.
Alternates between a curator overseeing turning a house in a museum and some of the house’s previous occupants, including a French-Canadian Lieutenant awaiting hostage exchange. Despite the various tensions the characters face, there’s something slow and ultimately gentle about this story. Which is lovely --  I enjoyed the picturesque sense of place and astute observations of people -- but it is less dramatic than I was expecting. 3½ ★
Happy Trail by Daisy Prescott: Contemporary romance, set on the Appalachian Trail.
A park ranger and a hiker shelter together during a storm. I was fascinated by the insight into hiking the Appalachian Trail and enjoyed some of the characters’ interactions, although I thought the way the romance unfolded was somewhat anticlimactic. Not always what I wanted, but I don't regret reading it.
Legacy by Stephanie Fournet: Contemporary enemies-to-roommates-to-lovers.
Wes offers to move in with his late-best friend’s girlfriend to help her out financially. This sort of hurt/comfort appeals to me. I liked how seriously this story takes Corinne’s messy, consuming grief. I don’t really want to spend any more time with the characters, but I was very invested in seeing them reach a better place in their lives.
Two-Step by Stephanie Fournet: Contemporary romance between an actress and a dance instructor. I enjoyed reading this. I particularly enjoyed how Beau helps Iris with her anxiety about dancing and with her controlling mother/manager. He’s very supportive and understanding! But I finished this with a niggling feeling of dissatisfaction -- Iris needed more opportunity to support Beau in turn.
Someone Like Me by Stephanie Fournet: Contemporary romance between a yoga instructor and her new neighbour, who has just got out of prison.
This one didn’t particularly appeal to me. Although interesting to see the experiences of someone recently released from prison, the romance developed too quickly.
(No, I didn’t read all three of these back-to-back!)
Hooked by Cathy Yardley: Contemporary fandom-y romance novella, set near Seattle. Takes place during Level Up and is about two of Tessa’s colleagues.
I enjoyed the characters' interactions and would have liked this more if it hadn't felt rushed. 
The Ghosts of Sherwood by Carrie Vaughn: Historical Robin Hood retelling, novella.
Exactly what I wanted! It alternates between Robin and Marian’s eldest daughter, Mary, and Marian herself. I liked seeing Robin and Marian as a long-married couple, who still love each other and still have disagreements. And the dynamic between their children gave me a zing of recognition, reminding me of my siblings. 3½ ★
The City Between by W.R. Gingell: Australian YA urban fantasy (murder) mysteries. Set in Hobart.
I ended up enjoying this series so much more than I’d expected to!
Between Jobs: After a neighbour is murdered, our seventeen-year-old orphaned narrator acquires some unexpected housemates -- two fae, one vampire. Once I got past the opening, with its tales of murder, the worldbuilding intrigued me. I still wasn’t sure what I thought about her housemates or the fact that they call her “Pet”, but was willing to reserve judgement until I’d read more. 3 ★
Between Shifts: About supermarket shifts and shapeshifters. Pet and JinYeong go undercover at the local grocery store. This is a reasonable murder mystery. I was initially disappointed with how something played out (but in retrospect can see how that was actually a positive development for Pet). It ended on a cliffhanger, so I was extra motivated to start the next book. 2½ ★
Between Floors: This is where the series took off, because things suddenly get personal! One of her fae housemates has been captured and the closest any of them get to finding Athelas is Pet contacting him in her dreams.This raises a lot of interesting questions, not just about Pet’s abilities, but about her relationship with her housemates. How much does she trust them and how much do they value Pet’s personhood? 3½ ★
Between Frames: Pet’s housemates are hired to investigate a series of fae deaths around Hobart, which involves scrutinising some baffling security footage.  Another solid murder mystery.  The final pages felt like one step forward, two steps back, but yet again, in retrospect, this was a positive development. I’m glad I could dive immediately into the next book. 3 ★
Between Homes: Pet has moved in with some friends. Hurray for Pet having friends! I think this was the point where I started to feel comfortable with Pet calling herself Pet -- when it's the name used by people she likes and trusts and who don’t view her as a pet at all. 3½ ★
“Cloudy with a Chance of Dropbears” (novelette): An awesome title and an entertaining opportunity to see Pet from someone else’s perspective -- moreover, someone who doesn’t know her or what she’s capable of. 3 ★
Between Walls: Pet’s friend Morgana is worried about an online friends and asks Pet and co to investigate his disappearance. Along the way, they discover that there are human groups who actually know a lot about Behindkind. I am also becoming increasingly entertained by the Korean vampire. 3 ★
“All the Different Shades of Blue” (novelette): A great cover and it explains who that guy at the cafe is, but otherwise didn’t really do anything Cloudy with a Chance of Dropbears hadn’t already done -- ie., show us Pet from someone else’s perspective. Most of the time, I have enjoyed this series all the more for binging it, but I suspect this particular story would have worked better if I had read it after a period of absence. 2½ ★
Between Cases:  My favourite of these have been the ones where things get personal, and this involves a lot of revelations about who Pet is -- from a fae perspective -- and why her parents were murdered. I enjoyed this one a lot. 3½ ★
The Duke of Olympia Meets His Match by Juliana Gray: Historical espionage romance novella, set in 1893 onboard an ocean liner travelling to England. Apparently not the Duke’s first appearance in Gray’s fiction.
I liked the idea here much better than the execution. I liked Penelope, a fifty-year-old widow dependent upon her position as a governess, and I enjoyed her interactions with the older Duke of Olympia. But parts of the spy plot were rushed or confusing, and the resolution was almost-but-not-entirely satisfying. 2½ ★
A Vow So Bold and Deadly by Brigid Kemmerer: Fantasy. Follows on from the fairytale-retelling A Curse So Dark and Lonely and its sequel, A Heart So Fierce and Broken.
If this is meant as a conclusion to a trilogy, then the ending was a bit too anticlimactic, with a few too many loose ends, to be really satisfying. But I reached the end feeling positive about the story, because I really enjoyed the characters’ interactions. All of the protagonists have to deal with conflict in relationships. I loved the times when they each navigate these conflicts by acting fairly and communicating honestly, when doing so is often difficult and complicated. That’s realistic and satisfying. 3½ ★
“Home: Habitat, Range, Niche, Territory” by Martha Wells:  Science-fiction short story. Part of The Murderbot Diaries series, set after Exit Strategy.
Very, very short but I really liked seeing things from Dr Ayda Mensah’s (third person) perspective. 3½ ★
Emily of Deep Valley by Maud Hart Lovelace: Historical coming-of-age fiction, set in Minnesota in 1912-3.
I am very glad to finally have read this! It’s delightful, a fascinating insight into community life in a Minnesotan town, and it effectively captures the emotional experience of navigating a period of transition. After high school, Emily’s friends  leave for college, but Emily has to find her own path to purposefully fill her time, build connections and further her education. 4 ★
On Wings of Devotion by Roseanna M. White (narrated by Susan Lyons): Romantic historical mystery, set in London during 1918. Christian fiction. Features characters from The Number of Love.
Arabelle Denler is a nurse working in a London hospital; Phillip Camden is an airman now working for British Intelligence. I enjoyed their interactions, especially once they start to get to know each other. I didn’t like the antagonist’s contribution to this narrative -- between the dangers of wartime and the protagonists’ respective issues, there’s enough tension without her. But what I enjoyed about this story outweighed what I didn’t. 3½ ★
Our Darkest Night by Jennifer Robson: Historical fiction set during the Nazi occupation of Italy in WWII.
Nina, a young Jewish woman from Venice, goes into hiding by pretending she’s married to Nico, a Catholic farmer. Robson’s strength lies in pairing details of daily life with likeable characters, realistic dialogue and a sweet romance. I read this quickly and eagerly. But if the characters had been more nuanced, more complex, or if their emotions had been conveyed more vividly, I likely would have found reading this a more emotional experience. 3½ ★
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mirkwoodshewolf · 3 years
The tale of Robin and Gale Hood; Ben Hardy x reader Chap. 1
*Author’s note*
Okay so firs the gif has NOTHING to do with the story, that was just the 1st gif I saw out of the borhap gifs that was displayed. So this came after the success of my Disney Aladdin AU fic so I decided to do a Robin Hood fic, so as a little cast list for you all here’s what I’ve got. I’ll also update the cast list as each new character is introduced so that none of you get lost. Hope you all enjoy this little AU fic starring our beloved Borhap cast.
Also on a side note, any italics written like this signifies a change in narration where the character of Alan O’Dale speaks his own narration verses what I’ll be writing.
Robin Hood: Rami Malek
Little John: Joe Mazzello
Prince John: Paul Prenter
Sir Heston: voiced by Allen Leech
King Richard (mentioned): Roger Taylor.
Alan O’Dale: Freddie Mercury (think 1975 version of Freddie)
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Chapter 1,
Robin Hood and Little John
The legend of Robin Hood.  Ahhh yes, that handsome rouge who robbed the rich to feed the poor, who led a band of Merry men and made their home in Sherwood Forest.  But there is more to the tale than meets the eye, and more people were involved in his rise to fame and glory.  Like me.
Oi I’m over here, the handsome black-haired devil with the harp. Yes hello there my darlings. The name’s Alan O’Dale, and I am a minstrel.  That’s an early day folk singer, I go about parading songs from town to town, kingdom to kingdom about brave knights, fierce battles, and of course my favorite stories, love stories.
And do I have two of the best love stories to share with you lovely darlings.  Thankfully it all takes place at the same time so I don’t need to run my mouth on for very long.  Anyways let’s first open our tale up to two dashing young men walking through the forest.
Two of the best friends anyone could ever ask for.  These two young men were known other than Robin Hood and Little John.  Now it didn’t start it off that way at first, those two chuckleheads always kept crossing each other’s paths as children and constantly argued and fought over territory, women, you name it.
But when they reached their late teens, Robin was one day captured by the despicable, ugly, and revolting Sheriff of Nottingham.  Fortunately with the help of an additional 3rd party, Robin was saved from the hangman’s noose and from then on, Robin and Little John were the best of friends. You don’t believe me, let me sing you a little something.  
Tuning the harp, Freddie then begins to play an uplifting little tune as he begins to sing.
Robin Hood and Little John walkin' through the forest Laughin' back and forth at what the other'ne has to say Reminiscin', This-'n'-thattin' havin' such a good time Oo-de-lally, oo-de-lally, golly, what a day
Never ever thinkin' there was danger in the water They were drinkin', they just guzzled it down Never dreamin' that a schemin' sheriff and his posse Was a-watchin' them an' gatherin' around
Robin Hood and Little John runnin' through the forest Jumpin' fences, dodgin' trees an' tryin' to get away Contemplatin' nothin' but escape an' fin'lly makin' it Oo-de-lally, oo-de-lally, golly, what a day Oo-de-lally, oo-de-lally, golly, what a day
Deep in the forest on top of a tree there hid two young men in their mid to late-20’s.  One was a pale white man with long shoulder length auburn brown hair.  His eyes were a mixed brownish-green and he was a handsome young man.
The man beside him was around the same age, if not slightly older and had skin that almost seemed to be kissed by the sun.  His eyes were an intense blue color that could almost hypnotize you and at the same time make you feel relaxed.  His short jet black hair topped off his head.
Together the two of them wore a similar green and brown clothes. Similar to a ranger’s outfit.  Fit to camouflage them within the forest terrain, but also enough layers to keep them warm from the elements be it rain, sleet, snow and hail.
The two young men watched as the Sheriff of Nottingham and his men gave up on the search after losing them and retreating back to the city. Once they fled the forest, the two men threw themselves back against the top of the tree branches and laughed their heads off.
“Ohh we sure showed those clowns who the real woodsmen are!” boasted Little John.
“Indeed we have Little John.” It was then Little John saw on top of his friend’s and boss’ famed yellow hat an arrow sticking right through it.
“I wouldn’t be too quick to boast my friend. Take a look at your hat. She’ll not be pleased to see that.” Robin picked his hat up and his eyes widened in surprise and he said as he took the arrow out and fiddled with the newly made hole in his hat.
“Hello. This one had my name on it didn’t it? They’re getting better you know.” He placed his hat back on top of his head. “You’ve got to admit it, they are getting better.”
“Yeah. And when that day comes the Sheriff will have a rope hanging around our necks.” Little John said gravely.  He then mimed out a hanging as he proceeded to make a brief choking sound.  “It’ll be hard to laugh hanging there Robin.”
“Ha! The Sheriff and his whole posse couldn’t lift you off the ground. En Garde!” he then flicked the arrow right at Little John which went through his own smaller green hat.
“Oi watch it you bastard that’s the only hat she made for me!” Little John exclaimed as he took his hat off the arrow.
“Oh come along my friend. If she can patch mine up a hundred times, she’ll patch yours up as well. At least she won’t kill you for it.” Robin said nonchalantly as he leaned up against the trunk of the tree.
“You know something Robin I’ve been thinking.”
“Thinking that’s a first.” Robin teased.  Little John glared at his friend before saying.
“I’m serious here. Are we good guys or bad guys? I mean our famed mantra of robbing the rich to feed the poor.”
“‘Rob?’” Robin tsked. “That’s a naughty word we never rob. We just—sorta borrow a bit from those you can afford it.”
“Borrow?” Little John chuckled. “Then we truly are in deep debt.” Before Robin could say another word, from the distance the sound of trumpets rang out.
He climbed a few feet higher up the tree till he reached the very top of it.  He could hear the whole ensemble of a band playing in the distance and he chuckled softly.
“Sounds like another collection day for the poor eh Johnny me boy?”
“Yeah. Sweet charity. So, what’s the plan this time my friend?” Robin slid down the trunk to meet back with Little John and together he laid out the plan.
Just a few miles along a dirt road, the royal ensemble was walking through the forest.  The royal band played an up-tempo beat, walking behind them was the royal guard all dressed in their armor and holding their spears.
Some of the guards even carried a very large treasure chest which held the taxes throughout all of England.  Then shortly behind the guards was the royal coach of pure gold, and inside it was the vile, selfish, arrogant, man-child that was Prince John, the younger half-brother of the great King Richard.
An Irish bastard’s son.  Who claimed right to the throne of England after his mother who was Queen. He was inside his coach happily running his hands through all the gold he had collected from the people as he boastfully cheered.
“Taxes! Taxes! Beautiful, lovely taxes!”
“Sire. You have an absolutely skill for encouraging contributions from the poor.” His talking albino python that he had named Sir Heston. He had Heston ever since he found him as a egg abandoned in the woods.  With the help of some magic from the faes, Prince John gave his pet human intelligence and the ability to speak.  And once he gained the throne, he allowed his snake to be his right hand man.
“The coin a phrase, my dear advisor. Rob the poor to feed the rich. Am I right?” The two of them laughed.  “Now tell me, what is the next stop Sir Heston?” Prince John asked as he held the crown of England in his hands.  Heston slithered over to the map and he hummed with interest.
“Why, the next stop is Nottingham sire.”
“Oh! The richest plum of them all. Nottingham.” Heston held a large mirror in his coils and held it up as Prince John placed the crown on top of his head and admired himself in the mirror.  The crown slid off down his face as Sir Heston spoke out.
“A perfect fit sire. Most becoming. You look regal, dignified, sincere, masterful, noble. Chival……”
“Now, now don’t. Don’t overdo it Heston.” Prince John scolded as he adjusted the crown to make it fit upon his head. “There. That does it. This crown gives me a feeling of power! Power!”
“And how well King Richard’s crown sits on your noble brow.”
“Yes indeed I—ah King Richard?!” Prince John first started off before snarling by the end.  Heston gulped and was soon choked by his master as he proclaimed again “I told you to never mention my bastard of a brother’s name!”
“A mere slip of the forked tongue your majesty.” Heston apologized. “But remember we were in this plot together. After all it was your idea that I hypnotize him…..”
“Yes. And send him off on that ridiculous crusade. Ah-ha! Ah-ha!” Prince John laughed along.
“Much to the sorrow of the Queen Mother.”
“Yes! Mother.” Prince John sobbed. “Mother always did like Richard best.” He muttered angrily before proceeding to suck his thumb.
“Your highness, please don’t do that. If you don’t mind me saying so, it’s undignified for a King to suck his thumb.” Heston said to him. He then slithered up to Prince John and his eyes began to shimmer and glow as he said in a low hiss, “Hypnotism can rid of your psychosis….so…..easily…..” Prince John began to slowly relax but he quickly snapped out of it.
“None of that! None of that!” he shouted at his snake advisor.
“Well I was only trying to help.” Heston said annoyed.
“Help. Help indeed. Now, now one more stunt like that Heston, and you will be walking to Nottingham.”
“Snakes don’t walk they slither. So there.” Heston muttered angrily as he slithered back onto his tree-like pole and lay there pouting.
Racing through the woods putting on their disguises was Little John in the lead.  He wore a long blood red gypsy dress that revealed his shoulders.  Once he got into the dress, he took out a few rings and placed them on his finger as well some anklets, earrings, and he quickly tied a purple sash around his waist to finish off the look.  
While behind him, Robin wore a long blue dress that was fit for an elderly woman and had a long black wig on.  He placed a couple of earrings on his ears and had a bandana tied to his head.
As the two of them stopped behind a tree, they saw the royal band coming in as well as the guards and the coach which held Prince John inside.
“Well this is a letdown. It’s only a circus. A peanut operation.”
“Peanuts? Why you dunce that’s the royal coach. It’s Prince John himself.” Robin snapped as his friend.
“Prince John. Alright you and her might be crazy enough to actually rob royalty but I am not having it. I’m gone!”
“What? And miss this chance to perform before royalty?” Robin said as he stepped in front of Little John. Quickly placing his hands over Little John’s fake breasts before backing off and doing a grand twirl of his blue dress.  Little John rolled his eyes as he sighed.
“Here he goes again.” They waited till the coach got closer before stepping out and waved their arms in the air trying to get the attention of the Prince.
“Oo-de-lally! Oo-de-lally! Fortune tellers!” Robin proclaimed masking his voice to sound like an elderly woman’s voice.
“Fortunes, forecasts, lucky charms!” Little John proclaimed making his voice go an octave higher to sound like a woman’s.
“Get the dose with your horoscope!” Robin called out again. Prince John pulled back the curtains hearing the proclamations of the two ‘women’.
“Fortune tellers, how exciting! Stop the coach.” He ordered the guards as the entire royal party stopped their marching.
“Sire, sire. They maybe bandits.” Sir Heston whispered to his master.
“Oh poppycock. Female bandits, what’s next? Rubbish.” Prince John scoffed.  He turned back to the two ladies who bowed before him and he said. “My dear ladies, you have my permission to kiss the royal hands. Whichever you like.” Both Robin and Little John stared wide-eyed once they saw the size of the jeweled rings that rested along the prince’s fingers.
“Hmm. Oh how gracious. And generous of you your majesty.” Robin said as he lowered his head to kiss the Prince’s left hand while sneaking off a ring from his tall finger.  Sir Heston who had seen the ring being taken whispered in Prince John’s ear.
“Sire! Did you see what…..”
“Stop! Stop hissing in my ear!” Prince John scolded as he rubbed his left ear.  Little John kissed right over the four rings on the prince’s right hand, secretly taking the jewels right off their encasement.  Heston began stammering in the Prince’s other ear which made the Prince proclaim and rub his other ear like he did his last one.
“Heston! You’ve hissed your last!” he took his python by the neck and slammed him into a basket before closing it and sitting on top of it. “Suspicious snake.” He hissed lowly.
“Masterfully done. Ehh your excellency. Now the fun can truly begin.” Robin tempted the Prince as he climbed into the coach with Prince John and closed the curtains.  He turned the lanterns down low and said to him, “Now close your eyes and concentrate.”
Prince John closed his eyes as Robin continued to tell him to close them tighter and not to peek.  He looked around the room until he found the pile of gold, he did a soft chuckle before chanting out.
“From the mists of time, I call forth ye spirits.” Outside the coach, Little John had a glass bowl tied to a string that was attached to a pole.
“Alright you little fireflies. Glow, glow.”
“We’re waiting!” Robin sung out.  That’s when Little John sent the bowl inside and he could hear Robin gasp. “Look sire! Look!”
When the prince opened his eyes, he saw three floating spirits within a crystal ball.  He was in pure awe as he said.
“Incredible. Floating spirits.” He went to touch the ball until he was slapped by Robin.  He chuckled a soft witchy cackle as he said.
“Naughty, naughty. You mustn’t touch young man.”
“Well how dare you strike the royal hand I—”
“Shh, shh, shh. You’ll break the spell just gaze into the crystal ball.” Robin took the ball with the fireflies and set it down on the table between him and the prince.  Robin then began chanting in an ancient Arabic tongue before letting out a gasp. “A face appears.”
The Prince immediately looks closer at the crystal ball intrigued.
“A crown sits on his noble brow.”
“A crown! Oo-de-lally how exciting!”
“His face is handsome, regal, majestic, loveable, a cuddly face.” From outside Little John heard all the comments Robin was laying on the Prince and could help but mime out a gag and roll his eyes.  Especially when the Prince began agreeing with everything that was said about him.
Robin then went for the treasure while the Prince was in his own head.  But as soon as he reached out his hand for the bag of gold, Heston who had found a weak spot on the basket poked his head out and actually struck out at Robin’s hand.
Biting his lip as he quickly retreated his hand to see it bleeding from the snake’s bite.  He let out a pained groaned which got the attention of the prince.
“Now what?” he asked impatiently.  Robin swallowed his pain and chuckled softly.
“I—I see your….illustrious name.”
“I know my name! Get on with it!” the Prince cried impatiently.
“Your name will go down, down, down in history of course!” Robin said as he struggled to take the bag of gold from Heston, who had it wrapped around his tail, but with a finally good tug, Robin managed to get the gold and send it towards Little John through the back curtains of the coach.
“Ahh! I knew it! I knew it! You hear that Heston!? Oh no you can’t he’s in the basket.” He then banged the side of the basket and said to his snake, “And-and-and don’t you forget it.”
Meanwhile outside, Little John slowly circled around the coach when he took notice of the solid gold hubcaps on the wheels of the coach.
“Hmm now that’s what I call pure gold hubcaps.” He looked around and stood in front of the back one and unscrewed it from the wheel and shoved it up the back of his dress.  He then moved over to the front on and did the same thing. “Oo-de-lally the jackpot.” He muttered softly as he eyed the royal treasure.
However it was completely surrounded and carried by guards.  Little John pondered for a bit but remembered a trick that he learned from a friend of his.
The one sure fire way to get a man’s attention away from their post.
He whistled out to the guards and when they turned and saw him, their mouths immediately dropped and their eyes widened.  He slowly and seductively untied the purple sash from his waist and began to do a seductive dance.
Shimming his shoulders and swaying his hips back and forth. Little John was light on his feet as he leaped and hopped about like a graceful deer.  He then skipped on over to the first guard who was just in awe.
Little John wrapped the purple sash around the guard’s neck pulling him in a little closer.  Close enough to kiss him.  But to tease him, he shoved the guard’s helmet over his face before retreating back and flaunted the guard, who was still hypnotized by Little John’s performance.
He twirled around before suddenly dropping down into a full split.  The guards now began to hoot and holler as they applauded, dropping the treasure. Little John then went up to another guard and took his spear out of his hands and jammed it into the ground.  
With the grace of a deer, Little John then began to spin and slid down the spear’s long pole before ending with a pose with his right leg high in the air and he winked at the guards who were now applauding and whistling.
“Ohh stop it. Stop it you boys are too much.” Little John spoke his woman voice.
“That was the best show we have ever seen.” Said one of the guards.
“Well gentleman. It was my pleasure to dance for you. But of course every bit of contribution helps. For you see I—oh I just can’t say it.”
“What is it?” asked another guard.
“No it’s—it’s too painful to speak about.” The guards feeling sympathetic for this beautiful woman all started speaking up and telling ‘her’ that they wanted to hear her story. “Well…..I wasn’t always like this. My husband was beating me, cheating me, then left me all alone with no money. That’s when I—I forced myself to flee even without a cent to my name. That’s when I found Ms. Olga, the elderly gypsy woman I came with. But even then we—we hardly get by with enough food for you see…..I found myself pregnant at the time I left.”
These men were falling for the story hook, line and sinker. It was then one of the guards took the treasure chest and slid it over to Little John.
“Please, take it all.” Little John gave the young guard a surprised look and he said.
“Oh no I couldn’t possibly take all this.”
“Please. My—my mum had to raise me on her own when my father left her. For you and your baby.”
“Ohh you sweet thing.” He stroked the side of the guard’s cheek and Little John dragged the royal chest away from the guards.
As he came around the corner of the carriage, he felt someone bump into him which knocked him over the chest.  He turned around and saw Robin wearing Prince John’s royal cape and surrounded by a bunch of gold pieces that had fallen out of a bag that lay on the ground.
“Nice robes your majesty.” Little John teased, his normal accent finally coming out.
“And what of you, you vulgar young hussy. I heard all the wolf whistles and cheering. I could hardly keep the Prince under my hypnosis to swipe his clothes and gold.”
“Never mind that. Just gather the gold and then help me with this.” Robin and Little John then worked together to put as much gold pieces back in the bag as possible.  Robin stuffed the bag into his dress then both he and Little John picked up the chess and quickly raced off.
Prince John who had woken up from his dazed state, saw the two gypsy women running away from the scene, the elderly woman wearing his robes. He looked down and saw that he was in his undergarments.
“ROBBED! I’VE BEEN ROBBED! HESTON! YOU’RE NEVER AROUND WHEN I NEED YOU!!” Heston slithered out of the basket and raised half his body length up and looked the prince up and down. “I’ve been robbed.” He choked out as he covered himself up.
“Of course you’ve been robbed!” Heston hissed.  Far in the forest, Robin was gleefully chanting as he and Little John made their escape with the royal treasure.
“AFTER THEM YOU FOOLS!” Prince John proclaimed.  The guards now realizing they had been tricked, immediately took off running.  The carriage soon began to chase after Robin and Little John, unfortunately due to the missing hubcaps, the wheels began to pop off which made Prince John hop out of his carriage and fall straight into the mud.
Leaving him stranded in the middle of the forest trail alone with Heston.  He sobbed as he pounding the ground whining like a child.
“I knew it. I knew this would happen. I tried to tell you but no, no you wouldn’t listen. You just have to—” when Heston realized that he had angered the Prince, he began stammering as he tried to warn the prince as he now held a very large mirror, “Seven years bad…..” he then had the mirror smashed onto his head. “Luck. That’s what that is. Besides, you just broke your mother’s mirror.”
“Ahhh! Mummy!” Prince John whined as he began to suck his thumb once again.  He took it out of his mouth as he said solemnly, “I’ve got a dirty thumb.”
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