#anyway back to work on my wip I've written one paragraph all day send help
monsterrae1 · 2 years
I'm writing about Eddie discovering he likes boys, and in this AU his relationship with Shannon has always been sort of rocky (on-again off-again type of thing) and it got me thinking, we've never seen them at an actual "normal" point of their relationship.
We've seen Eddie beind happy when Christopher was born, because of the euphoria from the birth of his son.
We've seen them fight at every turn while Eddie was in the army and when he came home, neither were happy with the relationship at that point, and you could tell, both trying to fit into something they didn't want.
And then, when they reconnect in LA it was all about hiding and sneaking around, and probably not the most healthy way to reconnect, Eddie still didn't trust her, and he felt confused the entire time, while Shannon had so much guilt and confusion as well.
The only time we've gotten them to be a little bit more on the "regular/domestic" side of their relationship was in the episode that Shannon dies, but even before her death, she drops the bomb that she might be pregnant, then rejects Eddie proposal (which again, prompted by the possible birth of another kid), asks for a divorce and for time away to figure out how to be a mother (despite having been already back on Chris' life for months, and away for over two years where she could've figured that out, or even while she was just sleeping with Eddie) to her dying.
Their entire relationship seems like it's a constant up and down.
I always assumed Eddie must've loved her at some point, but now I'm more convienced that it has always been rocky, and they really got married because she was pregnant with Chris.
Did I had a point with this? Maybe that Eddie hasn't had a healthy romantic relationship in his life and now that he's on a better place he can trutly look at what he wants and how that looks for him, how love and happiness are something that he can have, without it feeling like he has to put on a performance or a constant battlefield.
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