#and there's not enough good mom talia aus in danyal al ghul aus. not ones i've seen at least.
starry-bi-sky · 28 days
okay a few more danyal al ghul au memes because i think they're funny to make. with bonus yaelokre danyal memes!
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yaelokre! danyal 🤝 threes! danyal: being five years older than damian
yaelokre danyal comes from my oneshot right here. however, i would frankly recommend reading the version i put on ao3 because it's been edited and includes more content! shout out to my boy, he's got amnesia </3
Do i think that the LOA has technology in it? Absolutely I do. LED lights but in 3000k warm white instead of the jarring bright sterile white, if they've got glass windows they're those solar panel glass panes my college natural science building uses that detects sunlight position, which in term controls the lights, which in turn saves energy. Amber lights for outside, solar panels. Just. anything environmentally sound and friendly, they've got it, they use it.
Do i think they've got computers and tvs lying around for casual recreational use? ....that i'm not so sure about. For this au? I'm gonna say nooooottt really. That stuff is typically reserved for like, mission planning, debriefing, research, etc. Frankly danny probably does know how to use a computer, however i thought it was funny if he didn't. so the meme is staying in lmao.
If they're not training, they've probably like, got a greenhouse or two somewhere on base they can help with. The LoA's whole thing is balance, harmony, restoring the natural world with extreme environmentalism. All that jazz. Probably plenty of ponds, recreational areas outside, gardens, just, stuff to do that's not technology based. My most basic understanding is that these people are the world's deadliest hippies. They can't be training all the time, that's neither good for morale nor for their bodies, so when they're not training... they're off doing shit. If Ras has kept this thing running for thousands of years then it’s gotta be pretty lit enough that nobody’s revolted lmao.
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ailithnight · 1 year
A DP X DC AU fic premise I desperately want to read but do not currently possess the spoons to write myself. So if anyone wants to run with it, credit and tag me, but go for it.
Ra's Al Ghul needs an heir.
A good strong one.
But just one.
After all, he is smart enough to know that a power struggle between heirs could ruin what he has spent centuries building.
So when his daughter delivers not one, but two, he does what any Loving Grandfather would.
He has them both trained for 6 years.
And when it is time for their first blood, he orders they fight to the death.
Only the best shall survive to become his heir.
Despite her faults, Talia Al Ghul loves her sons.
Not more than her father, but very nearly as much.
So while her Father and the League are preoccupied welcoming the Victorious, she sneaks back to mourn the Defeated.
Only to find him clinging to life. Just barely, but still so. His brother's mark just barely missing the heart.
So she does what any Devoted Assassin would do.
She tells her Father that she will dispose of the body such that it can never be found or used against them.
Then she gives her son a quick bath and secrets him away to an orphanage in the middle of nowhere, Illinois.
Damien Al Ghul killed his twin.
His other half.
His better half.
For all that Damien held himself above all others, he knew that Danyal had been the better twin. Faster, stronger, smarter, more precise, more accurate.
Damien had rarely failed Grandfather, but Danyal had only failed him once.
When Grandfather had ordered their deathmatch; when Danyal had stood over Damien victorious, only needing to deliver the killing blow; Danyal had hesitated.
Damien did not.
At 6 years old, Damien made his first kill, for the favor of a man he has since renounced.
Damien Al Ghul murdered his twin.
It is a truth ingrained in his being. A guilt he bears silently. And a piece of himself that Father must never, ever know.
Daniel James Fenton has no recollection of his life before the orphanage.
Jazz has mumbled before something about "heavily repressed childhood trauma." For once, Danny is inclined to agree. Whatever might have happened before the orphanage, Danny believes he is better not remembering.
So when something manages to trigger his fight or flight response -a feat which itself strangely takes very dire circumstances, no simple jumpscare or everyday bullying will do- and Danny finds himself jumping into a perfect, practiced fighting stance; he shrugs it off, pretending it must be those self defense lessons with mom.
And when, once in a blue moon, Danny finds himself turning to say something or gesture something or help the empty space beside him.
When the image flashes in his mind of his own face with emerald eyes occupying that emptiness.
Danny blinks and shakes his head, heart clenching (or perhaps the space just next to it aching) for just a moment, before the distant echo of a painful memory slips back out of his mind.
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