#and then we've got the tories just reinforcing this with BS legislation and articles in the guardian
Do you ever wonder how exactly there came to be such a transphobia problem in British feminism?
Not really. Pretty straightforward IMO.
Britain is highly patriarchal and pretty much just an oligarchy at this point, given the majority of people in charge were born rich and went to one of a handful of private schools. Fair amount of them are also journalists to some degree, or work with journalists on the regular, so when those pesky feminists wanted to dismantle their little boy's club, they stoked up a culture war to give them a new target.
A great example is the NHS. There's been issues lately with supply of oestrogen. I have a former classmate who is a raging transphobe and in her fifties. She's constantly on twitter talking about how the reason she can't get her hormone replacement therapy for her menopause is that trans women are taking all the oestrogen. Her source? A right wing newspaper linked to half of the current PM's cabinet. The real issue? The Tories have been systematically gutting and selling off the NHS since they came into power, which is causing shortages now, because the Tories want the NHS to fail so they can say 'see? NHS doesn't work. Time to privatise the whole thing' and make a mint doing it.
So basically, the minority we should actually be worried about - the 1%ers who have had everything handed to them on a silver platter all their lives, including some of the highest powers this land has to give, and are using that power to take our country apart for profit in the houses of parliament - have convinced a decent portion of feminists that a minority with basically no power is the root of all evil.
And so, using their institutional power (being the law-making elites) and their influential power (clickbait articles they've usually written themselves), they've convinced a portion of feminists that the upper-class, born-rich, bred for rule, blue-blooded bullies who thrive off the patriarchy aren't the problem, trans people are, and so the sect of feminists they've successfully turned against trans people are now fighting to uphold the patriarchy on behalf of the Conservatives and calling it feminism.
#this is an oversimplification tbh but it's also a tumblr ask that i'm trying to respond to promptly#really i could write a whole essay about this#but all the ties are right there#TERFism is closely linked to the alt right for a reason#and the goals just reinforce that#no matter what age someone transitions they have a problem with it#which is just another way of saying they don't want people having bodily autonomy#which links to pro life bullshit#they're talking about 'third spaces' just for trans people#which is a thinly veiled attempt to just push trans people out of society entirely#if a trans person decides to not have a surgery or hormones for whatever reason they label them a fetishist#and they talk about protecting the children. usually by calling trans people gr00mers with no basis#which again is just them saying trans people shouldn't be near children with extra steps. which ALSO pushes trans people out of society#and there have been so many issues with transvestigators 'clocking' trans people#because 'WE CAN ALWAYS TELL'#and then half the time the person they've 'clocked' is cis but like... is a woman with short hair. and the response is she looks 'male'#at which point... just say you want all women barefoot and pregnant. it saves time.#and then they claim to be feminist or pro choice or whatever... but they still don't want bodily or medical autonomy#unless you want something that they approve of#and then we've got the tories just reinforcing this with BS legislation and articles in the guardian#that are just them saying 'look at the evil trans people! they're the root of all evil!'#and these TERFs are like 'you're so right. they're the problem here.'#meanwhile the tory is destroying everything behind them as they turn their weapons on the trans community
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