#and then next time i checked when the marketplace restocked fade was there and i just immediately bought it cause there was ONE left
arundolyn · 2 years
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dragon impulse purchase day i guess hello mariana <3
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gintrinsic-writing · 2 years
for the prompt thing, something relating to waking up or going to sleep
Twilight glanced up sharply when the inn’s stairs began to creak. The village Wise Woman, her wrists decorated with wooden bracelets that clacked with every short step, nodded at them reassuringly. “Your friend will be just fine,” she said, her voice strong despite the heavy wrinkles lining her face. “The effects of the pollen’s toxin should wear off in the next few hours. In the meantime, I suggest he sleeps; he’s bound to be a little disoriented.”
As Time thanked the woman and provided payment, Twilight let out a long breath, feeling some of his worry fade away. “Poor Sky.”
“Who would’ve thought we needed to be cautious about touching pollen?” Wind muttered. “Monsters? Cursed objects? Yeah, of course. But toxic pollen? That’s fuckin’ whack.”
Hyrule shrugged, though the tips of his ears were pink with embarrassment. “Home sweet home,” he said wryly.
Warriors glanced out the inn’s front windows. “Perhaps we should use this time to restock. One or two of us can stay with Sky in case there’s a problem, and the rest can check out the marketplace.”
“I’ll stay,” Twilight said, unable to ignore the simple urge to protect their most vulnerable member. It’d ease his mind to see Sky’s recovery for himself.
That settled, the others soon departed, and Twilight headed upstairs. He stopped in front of the last door on the right, turning the handle as quietly as possible. The effort wasn’t necessary, though, because Sky was already attempting to sit up. His bleary blue eyes drifted toward Twilight without immediate recognition.
“Easy there,” Twilight murmured, gently pressing Sky back down. “It’s alright, stay in bed.”
“You’re… here?” Sky slurred, disbelief coloring his words. “S’possible? M’okay?”
Twilight smiled, patting Sky’s shoulder. “Yep, I’m here, and you’ll be right as rain once you get some rest.”
Sky squinted in confusion, then shakily lifted one hand and bopped Twilight on the nose. For a moment, his gaze seemed to lose focus, then he grinned widely. “Pipit! S’been so… so long.”
“Wait, what?” Twilight blinked, leaning away from Sky’s clumsy fingers. “Who’s Pipit?”
Giggling, Sky attempted to sit up again. His limbs trembled from the effort, and his teeth chattered faintly. “Gotta… gotta get ready t’race.”
“No, no,” Twilight said. “You need sleep. Sleep, Sky.”
“I… love sleep.”
Twilight laughed under his breath. “I know you do, buddy, I know.”
Sky stared at the blankets for several seconds before pulling them to his chest. “I don’t…”
“Don’t what?” Twilight asked patiently, tucking him in.
“Don’t want you to, t’leave. You just got here.” Sky frowned suddenly, and the puppy-dog-eyes he turned on Twilight could’ve melted the hardest of hearts. “I miss m’friends. Miss Skyloft.”
“I’m not going anywhere. I’ll be here when you wake up.”
Sky shook his head stubbornly. The puppy-dog-eyes intensified. “You can sleep over,” he said, patting the very narrow space beside him. “Like when, when we were kids.”
Twilight eyed the space doubtfully. “Uh.”
“Please, Pip,” Sky said, visibly blinking back the urge to sleep.
Twilight snorted, but he made an effort to settle beside Sky. He barely managed to fit one leg, half-hanging off the bed. He had to clutch the edge of the headboard to keep from falling. “Better?” he asked amusedly.
Sky sighed as if everything was right with the world, then closed his eyes. “Yes. Don’t lemme sleep too long. Gotta race… gotta race Groose later.”
Twilight could feel himself beginning to slide. “I won’t, buddy.”
“Thanks, Pipit.”
“You’re welcome.”
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itsmyusualphannie · 4 years
the demons that bring us together (3/5)
Chapter 3/5: save me (ao3) Beta: @yourfriendlyblogstalker Artist: @candanandphilnot Warnings: none for this chapter
Summary: Dan knew he should be doing his patrols of London, especially with Valentine still on the loose, but he gets sidetracked and when he goes to a downworlder cafe, he meets Phil. The warlock isn’t like most downworlders. He is kind and caring, and weirdly enough, attracted to Dan.
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“You’re back!” said Phil. His delighted tone surprised Dan, but he didn’t let it show on his face. He just offered the warlock a little wave, letting the door slip shut behind him as he stepped further into the cafe.
There were two other people in line at the counter, so Dan took a place behind them. They were mortals, as far as he could tell, so he was glad at his foresight to disable the rune on his upper arms that concealed him from their sight. It would look odd if Phil had spoken to someone who they couldn’t see. He watched Phil for a moment as the warlock moved swiftly to make drinks for the person at the front of the line, but then pulled out his phone after a moment and swiped at it to read his most recent messages. He hadn’t checked it at all while on patrol today, so he might as well catch up.
There was a message from Tyler, one of the American transfers. He and Dan, while they had only had a chance to speak at dinners and spar for a brief time together, had clicked immediately. The message was a photo of a trash bin tipped on its side next to a massive green dumpster. Us! it had as a caption. Dan replied with a simple ‘just you’ and opened his next text, which was from Louise.
Seen anything? read the message from his parabatai.
still looking, i’ll keep you updated, he replied. Well, he was looking. This wasn’t just a coffee stop. While he was here, Dan could also ask Phil if he had seen anything suspicious.
“Are you getting your usual?”
It took Dan a moment to realise that Phil was talking to him. The other two customers in front of him had apparently already gotten their drinks and left while Dan was distracted with his phone, and Phil was leaning with his elbows propped on the counter, raising an expectant eyebrow at Dan.
Dan slipped his phone into his pocket and sidled forward. “This is only the third time I’ve been here, how do I have a ‘usual’ already?”
Phil looked amused. “I just have a…sense for these things.” He wiggled his fingers and yellow-blue sparks popped demonstratively. Dan’s gaze was drawn to the motion, to Phil’s long, elegant fingers, and he was only able to look away when Phil reached to grab a cup and started making the drink. It was comfortingly familiar to see the way that Phil stretched out his hand toward a bottle of syrup halfway down the counter, lights would sparkle on his palm, and the bottle would leap through the air to land solidly in his hand. It wasn’t bizarre, as Dan had grown up with the occasional visiting warlock to help maintain the wards around the Institute, and he was well familiar with all forms of magic, but the innate dance that Phil performed with his environment and the magic sparking from his hands was something beautiful to see.
“Business been good?”
“Ah, you could say that.” Phil pressed a button on the massive coffee press and it hummed busily as it spat dark liquid into two shot glasses. “There’s a nervous air hanging around because of the shadow you mentioned. Not too many people want coffee when there’s a chance they might be eaten if they step outdoors.”
Ah, those wolves in the shop the other day had spread his warning, then. “Has anyone seen anything?”
Phil tilted his head as he cast a peculiar look toward Dan. “Not yet. Are you sure it’s around here?”
“I’m sure,” Dan said firmly. On his way here, he’d found minute traces of a demon presence on the rooftop of the marketplace just across the street. He might not be able to find it right away, but he knew it was around. It was planning something, he just didn’t know what yet. It itched, the knowledge that there was a dangerous demon lurking within a mile of him and he couldn’t find it.
A machine buzzed loudly as Phil steamed the milk for Dan’s drink. The warlock spoke loudly over it, not even bothering to dampen the sound, although Dan thought he probably could. “And you’re the only one looking?” The sound faded away, and Phil turned toward Dan, eyebrows furrowed. “Not that you’re not capable, I mean, but shouldn’t the Institute send out a few more hunters to track down a known demon?”
“Well,” said Dan, and hesitated for a moment. “Yeah. We’re just - and you probably already know this - but we’re pretty short-staffed at the moment. Anyone coming to help me would be pulling from necessary patrols in other parts of the city. I’m not technically ordered to even hunt it down, I’m doing it outside of my patrol that I still have to do.”
Phil dumped the contents of the two shot glasses into the cardboard cup on the counter. “That’s…” he started, but trailed off, shaking his head. “I get that, you know? But it’s kind of fucked up, too. That they know it’s here, posing a danger, and won’t do anything about it.”
“Yeah.” Dan waved an expressive hand. He was aware that his face had collapsed into irritation, but he couldn’t help it. He was irritated. “I’ve argued for hours with the head of the Institute about this but it’s no use. It’s frustrating that I can’t do more.”
Crossing the short distance to the counter, Phil settled a lid onto the cup and slid it across the marble to Dan. “At least you’re doing something, though,” and his eyes were so blue and so warm that Dan couldn’t tear himself from the intensity of them. “No cost.”
Dan had to blink at that. “I can’t,” he protested. “You can’t give me free drinks every time I come in here.”
“As I said, get rid of that demon and we’ll be good.”
Dan shook his head, but he took the cup and sipped from it. Fuck, it was good. He took another rebellious sip. Each swallow burned a warm path to his stomach. “I’d do that anyway.”
Phil was watching him, head cocked to the side. His mouth quirked up in a little smile. “Well,” he said. “You could always help me out in another way.”
The drink paused halfway back to Dan’s mouth. “Yeah?”
Phil gestured toward the door behind him, one that certainly led into a supply room of some sort. “I’ve been meaning to move some boxes up to the front here so I can restock but I haven’t had time. Want to help?”
“Sure,” said Dan before he could stop himself. His cup sloshed as he set it back down on the counter and cast a glance behind him at the empty coffee shop. This demon sighting really was bad for Phil’s business.
Beckoning, Phil turned and went through the door, vanishing in an instant, and Dan hesitantly followed. Stepping behind the counter felt strange, like he was invading Phil’s territory. Or, he realised as he saw the runes etched into the floor, it was just the wards that Phil had set up. The door creaked as he pushed it open, finding himself in a large storage space with tall shelves, piled boxes, and another door at the far end of the room. Phil was crouched next to an overturned crate, scratching a tabby cat between its ears. Dan could hear its purrs even from his door.
“You have a cat?”
Phil laughed. “No need to sound so surprised. Yeah, I keep her back here most of the time because she likes to chew on customers’ ankles.”
“She’s cute,” said Dan. The cat was staring at him unblinking, head tilted toward Phil’s hand as he rubbed her head. It was creepy, but somehow creepy in a cute way.
“Her name’s Tabbytha,” said Phil, laughing again at his own pun. He scritched her one last time and stood. The cat immediately leapt from her perch on the crate, winding her way between his legs. “Go catch some mice,” Phil told her, and she seemed to glare up at him before bounding over the crate and vanishing behind a row of boxes.
Dan wasn’t necessarily a cat person, as in he had never owned a cat because the Institute didn’t encourage any sort of pets, but he could see the appeal. This, he thought, probably wasn’t an ordinary cat though, not if she belonged to a warlock. He wondered if warlocks had some special breed of cat, one that was immortal.
“We can move…this,” decided Phil, and he reached impossibly high to snag an oversised box from the top of one shelf. It teetered ominously, but his hands spat blue sparks and it stabilised. He offered it to Dan, who accepted it and watched as Phil grabbed another cardboard box from a different shelf.
They made their way back to the front room, where Phil deposited his box onto the floor by the till and gestured for Dan to pile his on top of it. “There’s not that much,” he told Dan, heading back into the storage room, “I just don’t think about it and forget to do it until I’m busy with customers, and then I forget again as soon as I’m not busy.”
Dan thought Phil could probably just restock everything with his magic. Maybe not, though. Maybe there were some limits to how it could be used. It wasn’t as though Dan was any sort of expert.
It took them a few more trips before they had a neat pile of boxes behind the counter, ready to be unpacked and sorted. “That’s all,” Phil announced, staring down at them in satisfaction. Then, belying his words, he went back through the door, leaving it open behind him. Dan followed, dubious.
“Is there anything else to bring out?” he asked. The door creaked behind him, almost shutting, but not quite. His gaze found Phil immediately. “Is there anything else I can…help with?”
“Nothing else to bring out,” said the warlock, and his voice was so low that it resembled the cat’s purr from earlier. “But there is something you can help with.” He moved toward Dan, gait predatory, and Dan’s back thudded against the door as he approached. Heat was already building low in Dan’s stomach. He’d known this entire time what was going to happen, but he couldn’t bring himself to regret anything that had brought him back here, trapped in a storage room with a warlock whose gaze was slitted like his cat’s.
Phil stopped just before they collided, his chest a whisper from Dan’s. The obnoxious pink apron that he constantly wore brushed against Dan’s shirt and it rustled when he lifted a hand to trace the dark, elegant rune sloped above Dan’s eyebrow and across his temple. The pad of his thumb only brushed against Dan’s skin, but it trailed fire in its wake. “You are…intriguing,” he said, his voice was a low murmur. “I’ve never met a Shadowhunter like you.”
Dan breathed; he was too close, he could taste Phil’s words against his own lips. He could see the fine wrinkles at the corners of Phil’s eyes, the slow drag of eyelashes over the warlock’s cheekbones as he blinked. It was too much, and yet not enough. His hand moved without his permission, snagging Phil’s wrist where it hovered above the rune on Dan’s temple. “You…” he tried, but his voice failed him. His gaze flicked down to the plush of Phil’s lips and then hastily back up, but he had been caught.
“Is this - ” started Phil, voice deep and warm, but a sound from outside the storage room disrupted whatever he’d been about to say. The tinkle of the bell above the door.
Dan closed his eyes, willing the customer to leave. He didn’t want this moment stolen from him.
“Ah, fuck,” said Phil, and Dan expected him to move away, but when he opened his eyes again, it was to a furious display of blue, green, yellow, purple - every colour of every spark cascading from Phil’s fingertips. They pooled on the floor, swirling and eddying in brilliant vibrancy, and then leapt in unison to surround Dan and Phil in an ever-changing clash of lights. Phil’s hands fell from the movements he’d used to direct the lights and he gripped Dan’s waist. Dan’s arms looped around the warlock’s neck almost without his direction. If he thought he couldn’t look away from Phil before, he certainly couldn’t now, not with the reflected light of the sparks dancing in Phil’s eyes or the splashed colours across his cheekbones.
“What’s this?” he finally managed.
Phil’s mouth tugged in a smile. He was pressing ever closer to Dan, their hips aligned as his thigh slid between Dan’s legs. His mouth was a breath from Dan’s lips. “I just stopped time for a few seconds, no big deal.”
“No big deal - ” started Dan, but then Phil’s lips were on his, and the air was stolen from his lungs. His thoughts scattered, left only with the desire to be closer. His grip tightened on Phil’s shoulders and he returned the kiss with a ferocity that he didn’t even understand. The brilliant sparks around them felt like they were lighting up inside of Dan. This felt like something so much more dangerous than just a kiss.
Their bodies had melded together at that first touch, and a little thought returned to Dan’s mind as he felt the wood of the door dig into his spine when Phil pushed closer into him. It wasn’t even inconvenient, not with Phil’s mouth burning against his, but Dan moved anyway. Their lips didn’t part as he pivoted on one leg and used his leverage to flip their position. Now Phil was up against the door, legs falling apart to let Dan slide between them and press up against him, devouring his mouth with biting lips and clashing teeth. It wasn’t anything soft. Phil’s hands, still at his waist, slid careful fingers under the hem of his shirt, burning touch against his stomach. His skin jumped beneath the touch, every nerve standing on end. Heat seared beneath every movement. He felt so alive.
He wasn’t even aware that his hands had slid into Phil’s hair until the warlock groaned into his mouth. His fingers twined with the strands of hair, and he tugged a little, gratified by the sound Phil gasped between their lips. Tiny sparks spat lightning from Phil’s fingertips to the trembling skin of Dan’s stomach.
He probably never would have pulled away if the sparks around them hadn’t begun to fade. The colours blinked away, although Phil’s fingers still dipped beneath Dan’s shirt and stuttered sparks against his skin. The display of brilliant light slowly faded, the last of the sparks trailing to the floor and winking out of existence as Dan and Phil’s lips met once, twice, three more times, slower every time they collided. Dan hadn’t realised there was no sound around them but for their harsh breaths until the rush of a car driving past outside, the shuffle of a customer in the shop outside the door, and the soft pad of the cat creeping around in the storage room behind him slowly returned to his ears. He dragged his teeth once more against Phil’s lower lip and finally pulled back, letting his eyelids creep open.
The warlock looked debauched, cheeks flushed and hair tousled, though Dan was sure he looked no better. Phil’s gaze was dark as he licked his lips, fingers still spread against the muscles jumping beneath the skin of Dan’s stomach.
“Sorry,” he said, and his voice was hoarse. “Can only do that trick for a minute or so.”
“It’s a good trick,” said Dan, and then he couldn’t help it: he kissed him again. He didn’t let it last long, though, well aware that someone was impatiently waiting in the coffee shop just outside this door. He pulled away, finally, letting his hands fall from Phil’s neck. He tugged at the apron that the warlock wore, adjusting the ruffles that he’d disrupted in their movements. Phil reluctantly pulled his hands from beneath Dan’s shirt.
“Guess I should help that customer.”
“Guess so,” said Dan, but he didn’t step back, and Phil didn’t make any move to get out. Their gazes locked for a few long moments, and then Dan offered, “Why don’t you get my phone number?
Phil clearly approved, the corners of his lips tugging upwards, and he took the phone that Dan offered a moment later. It only took him a few seconds to type in his number and send a text so he would have Dan’s number. “Call me,” he said, and Dan almost couldn’t tell if it was a demand or a warning.
“I’ll text,” he said.
“Hmm,” said Phil. “Fine.” He straightened, brushing out his apron as if Dan hadn’t properly smoothed the ruffles, and then snagged the collar of Dan’s shirt for another quick kiss before pushing him back and opening the door.
“Hi!” Dan could hear Phil chirping to the customer. “Sorry for the wait, what can I get for you?” He could feel a smile pulling at his mouth and he followed the warlock back out into the coffee shop. He ignored the customer, slipping around the counter to grab the drink that he had abandoned earlier. It still burned through the cup; Phil had probably heated it up again through magical means for Dan.
“Call me!” Phil called again as Dan headed for the door to the street.
Dan tipped his drink in acknowledgement, then pulled the same move he had seen Phil use and lifted it to his lips to hide his smile. “I’ll text!” he repeated, and then he ducked through the door and was on the street, left only with his coffee and the memory of a scorching kiss in a back room.
Yeah, he’d call Phil.
Phil called him first.
Dan might have been more excited than he was, but the call lit up his phone at just before five in the morning when the furthest edges of the sky were pinking with sunrise. He was sleeping restlessly, dreams plagued with flashes of searing kisses and nightmarish demons, so he jolted wide awake when his phone buzzed on the dresser beside his bed.
His eyes barely slits against the glare of the phone screen, he only made out the caller ID as “Phil <3,” the contact name Phil had entered for himself, before swiping to answer it. His voice felt like gravel against his throat as he spoke. “Hello? Phil?”
There was silence for a long moment, enough that Dan sat up in bed, rubbing fiercely against his gritty eyes. “Hello?” he repeated.
“Dan,” said Phil, finally, but his voice was so low that Dan could barely make it out, and it was broken by static. “Dan, I - ” It cut out for a moment, and then returned louder. Dan’s heart had already plummeted to his stomach.
“Dan, that demon you were hunting…it’s here.”
The line cut.
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