#and then i'll b one of those ANNOYING motherfuckers nitpicking this game's horrendous attempts of being 'morally grey'
orcelito · 2 years
Remembering my MASSIVE dragon age phase from 2016 is kinda wild. Like that shit took over my LIFE for a solid half year, yet in the time since then things have been a lot more mundane
But I still do have a plant named Merrill (who's been alive for over 6 years now). Maybe someday I really will revisit the games. I guess if the 4th game ever comes out lol
#speculation nation#im pretty big into fantasy aka why i was obsessed with dragon age but never even touched mass effect#& idk maybe it'd be good for me to return to Adult Media sometime lol#like as much as i love persona series it really is a game about a bunch of teenagers#which like. limits the kinds of engagement i can have with the game.#sometimes i wanna b thoroughly in love with a character & wanna romance them and i just cant do that in p5#bc the Reasonable romance options r all teens. aka no one i would personally be interested in.#OR the bs adult options which for ME . fuck id love to romance Takemi. shes super fucking hot#but playing as akira??? never in a million fucking years.#so maybe i want to go back in and romance zevran and fenris and merrill and dorian and josephine again#maybe i want to start my 8 billionth dai game so i can do the same damn things i did last time and also go dragon hunting (again)#and. hoooo boy. i was INCREDIBLY into fenhawke. which im sure i would fall RIGHT back into that if i were to replay it#maybe someday. my commitment to my writing restricts my willingness to participate in stuff i Know would take me by the throat#im only just getting back in the groove (again). im not gonna sabotage that with replaying an old fav#but. Someday. i will go back to it. someday...#and then i'll b one of those ANNOYING motherfuckers nitpicking this game's horrendous attempts of being 'morally grey'#a mountain of complaints just waiting to be let loose. all in due time...
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