#and then i felt TERRIBLE because ':((( oh but my friend's important to me too :((('
Transcript of Shelby's Video:
CW: Abuse
Hello! I don't know if you can even hear it, I put on, like, light jazz in the background because it seemed awkward being quiet, but I don't think you can hear it, so I'm just gonna turn it off. Um, hello! Um, welcome! We are in emote only because I'm just gonna be talking today, and then I'm gonna go! I'm gonna go!
Um, yeah, it was very, very low. There's, there's no need. I just, it felt weird leaving you in silence, but I'm here, so — Hello! Um, I want to talk about something today that, um, very nervous. I feel sweaty. I had a sweater on, I had to take it off. Um, I'm gonna try and just, I wrote down pretty much everything I think that I want to say to keep track of, sort of all the points that I want to make sure I don't forget anything. So I will be reading from something, um, a good portion of the time, but not 100 percent of the time. Um, and I just wanted to make sure I got all of my thoughts down in words ahead of time. I'm, I really like writing down my thoughts. So I did that.
Um, oh, hold on. Can I turn ads off? I think that maybe we turn ads off today. How do I make that happen for just today? Um. Shoulda had that already. I shoulda had that already. I actually don't even know how to make that happen. You know what? That's just gonna have to be that way. I'm so sorry.
Um. I'm all good. Um, yeah, okay. Today's just gonna be talking. Uh, I'm just gonna start reading from what I wrote, and go from there.
I have a really big coffee, I'm gonna take a swig. And I have my water, and I'm gonna take a swig of that.
I have always liked telling my different experiences that I've had, um, in dating because it feels important to me to share what I've learned and maybe help other people to not make the same mistakes that I have before. I'm 30. I've dated a lot. I've gone on a lot of dates. I keep trying, um, and it's unfortunate that a lot of my dating history, uh, there were a lot of bad people that tried to manipulate or control me, um, but that's not to say that every person that I've dated has treated me poorly. Um, some people just weren't the right people.
Um, and speaking out about my bad experiences has never felt as important as it does right now because silence has always brought me peace. And this time it feels like my silence is not keeping my peace. It's only keeping somebody else's peace. Um, and I never thought that I could be the kind of person to end up in a situation like I did. I'd never thought that could happen to me.
And so for me, this is important because it could help anybody else see the signs sooner than I did. Um, or hopefully avoid a similar situation entirely. Because the, the truth is it was dangerous. Um, there were a lot of things wrong in this relationship that, um, I endured some pretty terrible treatment. Um, and I might touch on some things here and there about that. But, um, if I feel like it's important to the overall context. But what I want to stay focused on is this specific issue, um, and the things that happened matter-of-factly and the things that people saw and witnessed in our circle.
Um, it took me 10 months after to heal. And I spoke with multiple therapists and tried different forms of therapy. Um, I tried somatic therapy. That one was actually really good for me. Um, because that one actually helped me release a lot of, um, built up anger I was having over the last year. Um, but the anger that I was feeling was for myself because, um, I felt like I should have known better.
I felt so stupid at myself for, um, sort of just staying through all of this. Um, and I shared my story with a lot of friends after I started talking to therapists and I was like "So, this thing happened ... and I wasn't really sure ... It just seems weird now to me looking back," and all of them told me exactly what was happening in the words that I was too afraid to use.
Um, and I was being hurt in my last relationship. And it took me all of that time to see it through that lens. Um, I even posted an anonymous story to Reddit that I have now deleted with an anonymous account. But in posting that, I found a dozen other stories that were exactly like mine, exactly the same way. Um, and all of the comments said exactly the same thing.
Um, and I was so mad at myself because I was lying to, um, at a certain point to protect this person, because I knew that if I told my friends the truth, it'd make him look really bad. Um, I didn't think that I would cry and I practiced saying all of this and I didn't cry, but it's easier to practice it when no one is listening.
Um, but he always cared more about how it looked and that was really important, not what was true. Um, and it was really subtle. When I hear about, um, when I hear about physical abuse, I think of hitting. I think of hitting and punching, um, so I thought that this wasn't violent enough, um, to be abuse. Uh, I thought that it was just like a constant accident that he kept hurting me. Um, but he's not hitting me and it didn't start as something that he did to hurt me.
Uh, he had this habit of biting, which is so weird to me now, but he said that he had had this habit since he was a kid. And even his mom said that that was true. And he said it was just affectionate and that that might have been — I mean, I think that that might have been true, maybe, at the start, but I also feel that I have good reason to believe that every part of it was a lie, but that's just my personal opinion, um, and I had no problem with just biting, that isn't even the most uncommon thing, um, but he did mention something early that I should have taken as a red flag, um, and he wanted to make sure that I was okay with him biting me because he didn't want me to come back later and say that he abused me. Which I thought was really weird considering he had never hurt me before. And so why would I call it abuse? And why was he thinking about that? And I thought he was being sweet, checking on me to make sure that I was still comfortable. Um, but of course I was because he hadn't hurt me. And why would I think he ever would?
Um, and then he did, for the first time, by accident, uh, and I don't specifically remember the actual first time that he bit me too hard by accident, because I didn't think that it would be significant, um, I thought that it would only happen once, and he started biting me more and more over a period of time, sort of throughout the whole relationship, and accidents of him biting too hard and really hurting me happened more and more frequently, um, but he always seemed genuinely sorry, and he decided that he didn't want to keep accidentally hurting me, um, so we were gonna use a safe word, um, so he could learn where my limit was, where my pain tolerance ended.
Uh, and saying that out loud now doesn't sound — Like, that's not very sound logic. Um, but at the time, I thought he cared about not hurting me. But in reality, it's like, why are you biting so hard? And why do you have to bite so hard? And it shouldn't be that hard of a problem to stop. Um, that shouldn't be that hard.
And he disguised it as this really quirky part of our relationship and was so comfortable sharing it with his friends to the point that he would do it in front of them. He thought it was this really funny story to tell and a good bit to take my arm and bite me in front of everybody until I literally shout in pain. Um, and then I have to laugh it off because I'm so embarrassed and I don't want to cause a scene in front of all of our friends and I'm sure everyone was a little bit uncomfortable, but as long as I was saying that it was fine, nobody really felt like they needed to be concerned and that's not anybody's fault because I was lying. I was lying and it wasn't fine because I would go home later and I'd tell him how uncomfortable I was. How much I didn't like being hurt all the time and I needed him to really stop biting so hard. I didn't like it and I tried telling him over and over again because he wasn't actually trying at all to not hurt me, um, but he said he would try, at first, and then he started saying things like it was my pain tolerance that was too low, or I'm exaggerating how much it actually hurts. He's not even biting that hard. I'm, I'm being dramatic. Um, but his biting escalated to a point where I was covered in bruises all over my arms and they hurt and he would poke at them for fun. And he even felt so comfortable showing off my bruises that he had caused to our friends because he would bite me so hard by accident, "by accident." He would even joke that it looked like he abused me. Um, and eventually he did acknowledge how bad it looked that I was covered in bruises all the time. So he stopped, um, biting my arms as often. And he started biting my legs instead. Um, and it was in the last couple of months of the relationship that every time he bit me, it was until I needed to use this safe word. Um, it had become his benchmark for when to stop.
Only once I was definitely hurt, um, which meant I was being hurt every single day, um, multiple times a day, uh, for all of the days that we spent together in person. And when I asked him to stop again, this time he said, "This is who he is. He isn't going to change." Those were his words. And I remember a lot of, specifically his words about certain things, especially at the end.
Um, because I'm good at remembering words and especially his wording. I became really good at remembering because he was constantly contradicting himself. And I would notice, but most of the time it wasn't worth picking a fight over. And — But he would fight me on it sometimes 'cause I would po- I would point it out and, uh, he would insist that he had never said the thing that he said, he definitely did say. And then he would say something like, "How are you so sure you're remembering correctly? Why are you always right?" Um, and he definitely said the things that I heard him say and other people heard him say.
So, he had, now at this point, weaponized the safe word and was using it to ensure that I was hurt and on a constant basis. And he wasn't sorry anymore. Um, I couldn't even tell you the last time he had apologized for doing it anymore because now sometimes he would bite me and I would yell out the safe word because it hurts so bad and he'd clamp down even harder and, just for a second, just for good measure, before letting go and sometimes I'd say the safe word and he'd grind his teeth down on my skin and sometimes he'd smile after, um, like a gloating grin?
And during this time I was filled with so much anxiety all the time that I was constantly nauseous. Gagging daily, um, on occasion throwing up because of the pit that was in my stomach. I never told him about that though. I was going and running away quietly to throw up in the toilet and rejoin our group of friends.
Um, but I felt so unwanted and ignored. Um, and I would tell him that and then he would reassure me that he wanted to be together and he loved me. He loved me more than I loved him, even. He would always insist that that was true, like the, "I love you." "I love you more," but he was like, really serious about it.
Um, and looking back, I do believe that the way I was swept off my feet at the beginning of this relationship was 100 percent love bombing. Um, and we were friends for a time. Um, at least people would have thought that, actually, but I use the word friend very loosely because, um, we had actually never spoke to each other outside of group chats we were in together when, like a handful of times throughout the, the whole time that we knew each other, um, but did not talk to each other.
So I wouldn't have even called him my friend until he found out I was single, waited a few weeks to reach out, and then we started a friendship and then that friendship turned romantic and then he made these huge romantic gestures. He wrote me the most beautiful love letter that I had ever read. Um, he called me his soulmate. He talked about "forever" one month in. He told me he hadn't been in a relationship in five years. He thought he could never find love again before he met me. He said he wanted someone to grow with. He wanted to be a dad. He had all his names picked out and I didn't have a preference because I — My feeling of it is that the timing is right and with the right person, I could, um, but if that doesn't work out in time or the time, you know, I, I'm not super pressed about it. Um, but I started opening my mind up to the idea with him because it seemed so important to him. And I kept trying to talk to him to figure out where he was, later on, when I could tell things like, were declining.
And, um, now all of a sudden he's telling me he's not sure he wants kids at all. In fact, he has never been attached to the idea of kids. Um, and I told him that isn't what he said before, and he said he's allowed to change his mind. And I'm of the opinion that in a relationship, there are a few things that you are not actually allowed to change your mind without letting your partner know.
I think that kids is one of them. It wasn't even important to me. Um, and I think marriage is one of them, so I brought that up next. And I asked if he still wanted marriage. He said he wanted to marry me. And then he said, now, "I'm not the co-" quote, "I'm not the commitment guy. You know that."
I didn't know that.
Why are you dating me?
In fact, he was telling me the exact opposite every day. Uh, he would tell me he still wanted to be together. He wanted to work on all of the problems. He wanted to, like, he wanted me at the end of everything. He did not want to break up. He made that very clear. And uh, I have though, caught him in lies before, but usually it was small stuff and I, again, I didn't want to, it wasn't anything that ever seemed worth rocking the boat over, uh, which isn't normal for me.
I hate lies. Um, and yet I ended up lying for him. So, uh, but he had lied about big things and he had also been caught lying by his friends numerous times. So this is something that he feels is acceptable to do. And everything reached a breaking point when he was about to leave for an extended period of time.
We were not going to see each other very much, a few days out of every few months, um, and now suddenly he is dumping all of these problems that he has been having feelings about all of this time later. Um, at one point he said he's been feeling this way a couple of months. At another point, he says he's been feeling this way for six months, immediately contradicting him- contradicting himself in the same conversation.
And with no time to do anything about it. I arrived — the one of — Never mind. I'm gonna get to something later, but I literally arrived for three days for this conversation to happen and then leave. Um, my cat just woke up and she's not usually awake right now — Hi, my love. It's really close to her dinner time. I should have fed her early.
Um, so no time to fix any of the problems all the sudden because there are three days before he leaves and he insisted he did not want to break up. He, and so, he was expecting me to have a solution somehow, magically, and I gave a number of solutions that would have a way forward for us to be together, but he refused to make any compromise, um, whatsoever.
And he said that "the relationship was starting to feel like a responsibility," towards the end. Also his words. Um, so it wasn't a responsibility the whole rest of the time to him. And he was at this point, basically flaunting that he would never prioritize me over anything. Um — she's eating my laundry. Please don't cause problems. — Um, and I wasn't even asking for literally even the bare minimum. I was asking for so little and he — I was watching him give exactly what I was needing in the relationship all over the place to anybody else who, who just happened to ask and just wasn't me. So, um, and he also, he was never going to prioritize me over anything that would give him more fame or money.
In fact, he said that himself. He, uh, that was exactly why he was not going to compromise at all for a solution for us to be together. Because he said he wanted to see how much fame and money he could get. Um, and I just thought we wanted to be together. I thought that's what we both wanted, because that's what he was still saying he wanted to.
Um, but then he also admitted to me that he had grown resent- uh, he had grown to resent me. And I have to be thankful that he said that bit out loud. A lot of these bits he said out loud. Because that was the last push that I needed to get myself out.
He had grown resentful, which I also pointed out that there was no reason. Like, there was no reason to feel that way and he admitted that there was no reason for him to feel that way either. I think that it was because I'm someone who can communicate how I feel. Um, but, I don't know, I think, there, I have a lot of theories and reasons why I believe things happen the way that they did and why he was lying all of the time.
Um, but, he was "resentful" of me, was causing me physical harm every day, multiple times a day, despite me telling him over and over again to stop. He wasn't going to change, and he wasn't going to end the relationship. He was going to keep hurting me, and it was possibly going to escalate even further. So I broke up with him.
And I didn't even want to. Um, because I couldn't even see for such a long time after, um, what it really was that had happened. That he had abused me. And, in fact, we left things as, we want to be friends, and he can never imagine not speaking to me again. Um, and then he never spoke to me again. Uh, outside of like a couple of exchanges where I needed to ask for my clothes to be shipped, um, so at least I got my clothes back, uh, I had a whole closet full.
However, uh, he did throw away all of my other things, uh, without saying a word to me about it. Hundreds of dollars of things from my office were trashed without a word, and I didn't block him till ten months later because I wanted an open door still. I really thought I wanted to be his friend. Um, but, uh, I don't feel that way anymore.
I do believe he was bottling up so many emotions, uh, and he would never talk about how he felt. Um, I, I think he even, I mean, he did admit that he felt like he couldn't say it any sooner. Like, there was just no possible way to say how he was feeling sooner than the absolute last possible chance. Like, not even a chance, because three days before he left, that was actually a lie too, also.
He didn't leave for another week after I left. He, he brought me in, had this three day conversation, he was supposed to leave, and then he stayed for another week before he left, uh, with all of the friends that I was also meant to see, but he had lied to me about the dates too.
Um, but I do believe that there, uh, that he was bottling up so many emotions that he was taking it out on me physically. I believe there was a moment where he knew that he didn't want to be in the relationship anymore and instead of just ending it, he tried to push me away any way he knew would hurt me. And he knew all of the ways that would hurt me the most. And he knew he was hurting me. There was no way that he didn't know because of the safe word that he made.
Uh, and he just didn't care. He was hurting me and he didn't care. And even looked like he was enjoying it, sometimes. Um, and I can look back now and I can see all these instances that were really major red flags. Um, there was this one time that he pinned me down and asked me to try my absolute hardest to get him off of me.
And I couldn't do it, obviously. And he said something to make the point that he was so much stronger than me that I wouldn't be able to fight him back. Fight back against what? What do you mean? You don't say shit like that to people? That's insane. Um, and I was also sexually assaulted by my first boyfriend, and he knew that.
Um, he had stopped giving anything to the relationship, and he said that why was because he "was just waiting for things to change on their own." Um, he said he also "didn't have the time or energy anyway to do the things that I was asking for." Um, but then would constantly make any bit of time and energy for anybody and anything but me.
Uh, and he would say he wanted more quality time, so then I would try to arrange things for us to do online because we were, uh, long distance, but then he would complain that he doesn't want to spend all of his time on the computer anymore. Uh, and then we'd be there in person and all he wants to do is stay inside, play games on his computer, watch movies. He doesn't want to go out.
Um, and I'm not saying any of this next part to be mean, um, he lived in filth like I have never seen, and I've seen filth. This was the worst. Uh, he would spill things on the floor and never, literally never clean them up. Uh, he got an ant infestation once, um, and wasn't going to do anything about it because he said, he said "Bugs are normal in British houses," um, so I had to buy Antkiller. And he wouldn't clean his bathroom for months, and months, and months, but would constantly complain about how bad it smelled, and I would tell him, that's mould. It's mould. He complained about being tired all the time too, which I don't know if that was a lie or not, but mould will do that too.
But he would insist that it wasn't, somehow, without having cleaned in months. But it's not mould. Um, when I met him, he was washing his clothes without detergent. Um, just, he wasn't using that at all, and I don't know for how long before I met him. He was just running it with water and then hanging it on his filthy kitchen cabinets.
Um, and I felt bad. I felt bad because I felt like he needed someone to help him learn how to be cleaner. I thought he just didn't know how and I listened to all of the struggles of his upbringing and I was like, "He just doesn't know how. Someone just needs to show him." Um, and then I found out that he said he doesn't clean at all when I'm not there because he just waits for me to get there to do it.
Um, and I only found out about that after we broke up because he said it behind my back. Uh, I was doing all of the cleaning and laundry for him. Also, I had a separate bathroom. I want to make that clear. I wasn't using that bathroom. I had a separate bathroom that I cleaned for myself. I had cleaning supplies. I don't think he even actually knew I had cleaning supplies in there. Um, but I had my own bathroom.
Um, all the, all the cleaning, all the laundry. All of it. I was paying for. All of the, um, like paper towels, like soap, all of that only stayed in the house so long as I was buying it. Um, I would arrive and there would just not be toilet paper in the whole house. There were paper towels instead. And who knows for how long, too.
Um, I was paying for food more than half the time. Uh, because he would often push me into ordering food for us even if I had paid for the last meal, or the meal before that. Um, and I'm of the opinion now that I shouldn't have been paying for any food. Um, none at all, but I wanted to at least, I thought I was being equal by at least doing like a back and forth. Um, but, uh, I ended up paying for food more often than just going back and forth anyway. And he would do this to his friends all the time too. Um, but I was also paying for every plane ticket and the cat sitter, which cost roughly the amount of a plane ticket to England.
Um, and he never offered to help me pay after the couple of times he did come here to visit me because he paid for the flights that we would both take. Um, but that only happened twice at the very beginning. I have actually had a friend tell me that, that this is financial abuse, but I don't know enough about that to say for myself, but I was telling him that I couldn't afford it, uh, all by myself all the time because I was losing money. I was never able to work properly there and he wasn't traveling at all to see me anymore, even though he said he would. Uh, that was like the basis of our entire relationship starting off. Um, so then he agreed to pay for the cat sitter so that it would be basically paying half the cost of my travels. Um, and he did that once, and then never did it again, uh, despite many more months of dating.
Uh, and I was traveling often. Um, I had to. Because he was worried that we weren't spending enough quality time together. And then all of the time that he would have ever extra, he would choose, choose, to not spend it on me because there was an available choice and he chose not to spend it with me. Often.
Um, and I did everything short of just up and move there, which I was willing to do the whole time. And I told him that I was willing to do it and he knew, uh, but he insisted that I don't. He insisted not to. He was planning to move here. That was supposed to happen first.
Um, and then at the end of the relationship, he said, "Maybe things would have been different if I lived there." If I lived there. Uh, like I had said I would the whole time and he insisted I don't. Maybe that could have saved the relationship. Um, and I say all of this because I believe that people like this are genuinely dangerous. I believe he is dangerous.
Um, he was willing to lie. He was willing to do harm to someone he claimed to love more than anyone he has ever loved. Uh, his actions escalated, um, and I don't think that I'll be the last person that he hurts. Uh, and I felt like sharing my story was really important to warn people. Um, I want people to see the signs that I refused to.
I want you to listen to your body. Um, and get out as soon as possible. Tell your friends the truth and let them help you.
Um, I really thought I, I couldn't — Because I had been sexually assaulted in a previous relationship, I just thought I was so much smarter. To never — and I was like, "if someone ever laid their hands on me, I'd leave immediately. It would never happen a second time." But you, you just, it just kind of happened so slowly over time, and got worse, and worse, and worse, until the point where there's no way to deny the fact that he was hurting me and he knew, and, and didn't care.
That's just the kind of thing that I keep repeating to myself when I'm like, "But was it bad enough? What? It wasn't violent enough." Um, but I was being hurt multiple times every single day. Days, and days, and days, and days, for a month at a time in a row, uh, and I'm not even speaking on most, because I did touch on other things, but I am not even speaking on most of the other things that, in my opinion, I do think that there are some things that are across a line that make you a bad person.
I don't think that most people can be defined in a black and white, you're good or you're bad, but I do believe that there is a line that you can cross and only bad people will do the things on the other side of that line. You know what I mean? Um, and I watched a couple of things cross that line. And I just, I, I truly feel now that my soul is so healed.
Um, I am light years beyond him. Uh, this was the last thing that I felt like I needed to do — That's my cat. — Um, before I could move forward and hopefully never talk about him ever again. Outside of maybe my stories that I want to tell about other shitty things he did. Anonymously mixed in with the other stories I still have of shitty things that shitty exes did.
Because I think it's important for us to share our stories and our experiences. I think it's important for all of us to know that we deserve so much better than this. Um, and I think that if people don't want us to talk about the shitty things that they do, then they shouldn't do shitty things. Um, and this just felt so important to share.
I always wanted to share my experiences. I always will. Um, and that's kind of it. That's it. That's the end of everything I prepared. I reserve the right, uh, entirely to change my mind later and tell every story I want to, um, but for now that's all I really have, I feel like, from my soul, I want to speak on. Because I think that this can help other people.
I think that it can help other victims. Um, I have already talked to a number of — I only cry now when I'm talking about my friends! Who also dealt with such shitty things from shitty people. Um, but I'm also so, so grateful for all of my friends who were through, uh, with me through this whole thing. And my friends who also were experiencing similar, similar sorts of situations, um, at the same time, and we kind of went through it together. So, um, I think they are the strongest people in the whole world, and they made me feel like the strongest people in the whole world today. Did I call myself people? I meant person. I feel like the strongest people — I did it again. — I feel like the strongest person. They made me feel so brave. I felt impenetrable today. Um, but I am gonna go now because my friends are coming over and we're immediately gonna go become distracted by watching Love Is Blind. I already watched all of it already and I don't care.
So thank you, um, for listening. Thank you everyone who gifted subs. Um, um, I am going to be taking, uh, the rest of the week off from streaming. I have a video going out on Saturday and I'll be back next week and, uh, you won't hear about any of this again for a while, probably. But, uh, thank you all. I don't really even know what to do now. I think I'm just going to end. Um, go spread love all over the place on Twitch right now and I'll see you guys later. Bye.
Wilbur's response:
In the past week a series of allegations have been made over my conduct from an ex-girlfriend. I want to emphasise that, although I feel it fair to offer my perspective, this person's feelings are completely valid. I have taken my time sharing this statement as I wanted to process and respond respectfully and with the hope to gain a deeper understanding for the situation.
During our relationship's final months, I regrettably became slobbish, disrespectful, and selfish. These actions caused a lot of pain to my ex-girlfriend and I've since sought therapy to address these behaviours, making significant lifestyle changes to rectify my past actions. I have come to realise how much my past behaviour hurt this person, but I truly, compassionately believe I have made great strides from the person I once was and hope I can continue to grow and improve on this trajectory.
The allegation of abuse, particularly in the form of biting, deeply shocked me. Throughout our relationship, I understood from our numerous conversations and text message exchanges on the subject, that this behaviour was consensual, playful and reciprocally enjoyed. I truly believe those personal message exchanges reflect mutual affection and understanding. Out of respect for her, I choose not to publish them and I emphasise my perspective is not shared to diminish or invalidate anyone's feelings. Instead I share it in the hope that I can offer a genuine, fair and relevant insight into my understanding of the situation. While I may perceive our interactions differently, I recognise that this person has processed and expressed feelings of hurt. I want to extend my sincerest apologies for any pain that I caused.
I am fully committed to understanding and addressing her concerns going forward. I hope my perspective sheds light on this situation without detracting from its message. I am dedicated to earning and maintaining the trust of those around me and hope I continue to be held to these high standards I wish to attain and maintain.
- Will
Shubble's response:
i could not have imagined what i would wake up to today. my ex pretending he thought i enjoyed being hurt... and all of my friends immediately coming to my defense. The support has brought me to tears, i don't even know what to say. i'll be back, i'll just be taking a little time
and for the record, i don't accept the apology
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sky-high-standards · 8 months
Yandere!!! Millionaire!! x Fem!!Reader
(thanks for 400 followers )You were in a very poor family but somehow you caught the attention of a crazy Millionaire.
You were working at a local coffee shop to feed your family when a man with jet black hair wearing a expensive looking suit came in, he was undeniably attractive but his cold black eyes made you feel a chill run down your spine.
Then he made eye contact with you before smirking, he then came up to you but you he asked for your name and number but when you refused he tried to take you by force but you managed to escape and run into the break room.
He kept coming day after day yet somehow you managed to weasel your way out of talking to him but your luck soon ran out when you were suddenly cornered and pinned by your wrists, you looked up to see him with a smug smirk on his face.
"I know you've been avoiding me sweetheart."
"What's wrong with you? What do you want from me??!!'
"Don't you get it? I want you~"
"You dot even know me!!!!!"
"Oh I know everything about you Y/n"
you gasped and tried to escape for the hundredth time but his grip was too strong.
"I know that your family is starving and are soon going to get evicted, I know that you work overtime just to feed your family and I know that you need a miracle to save them and I'm that miracle Darling~ Just do as I say and make it easier for everyone Sweetheart."
"No you're just a spoiled brat who gets everything he wants and you're not gonna get me!!!"
you said in anger and stormed off while he just stood there and smirked.
"Okay my dear let the games begin"
A few weeks after that encounter you stopped seeing him and genuinely thought he lost interest and left you alone but you felt something much worse was coming and you were right. As you came to work the next day your boss came and fired you on the spot you were shocked of coarse since you've been employee of the month for the mast 6 months and your boss seemed terrified as he spoke to you almost like he was scared to say the wrong thing and constantly looked to the side as if some monster was here in the bushes and as soon as he fired you he ran inside.
This was terrible for you because without a job how could you feed your family but when you looked for new jobs the manager would fire you shortly after with the same look of fear as your former boss but when you finally found a job that paid well you immediately took it you were hired as an assistant for a wealthy business owner, you came to work the next morning in your best clothes and started working but as you went to your bosses office who were horrified to see the same creep from the coffee shop you stood there with your jaw dropped as he smirked and caressed your cheek.
"Well isn't it my lovely new assistant its nice to see you again y/n"
All you could do was grit your teeth and greet him since he was your families only hope now and you couldn't afford to get fired.
As worked days past he became far more touchy and would take any opportunity to touch you in any way possible this was tolerable until you came to work on day to find your seat was gone and he offered you to sit on his lap which sounded more like an order than an offer so you begrudgingly agreed will gritting your teeth and giving him a forced smile. He smirked back satisfied at how powerless you were with him now.
"Good girl~"
He said and you could here the satisfaction in his voice as you dug your fingernails into your palms in rage.
Though you constantly got harassed by your boss the job wasn't so bad due to the many friends you made and because your family was happy and healthy but good things don't last. One day after you can back from your break which u spent with your friends you boss went crazy and fired everyone that was with you because "they were only bringing you down." and "they made you loose sight of what was important" and when you wanted to quit you realized what he was capable of.
Sir I quit I'll clear out my desk.
He then grabs you by the wrist and pins you to the wall where you're caged by his muscular arms and he whispered in your ear where you could feel his hot breath by your face.
"You know you cant do that Dear you don't know what I'm capable of that sweet little family of yours wont be around much longer is you disobey me dear."
You gasped in fear and shock but he smiled at your reaction.
"Now be a good girl and do as I say"
He said as he pulled away and went back to his usual demeanor. Every time you found someone new they would go missing so you isolated yourself not wanting anyone else to get hurt but when your brother got really sick and you had to take care him for a few days but your boss didn't like that.
You came home to find the blood of your family leading the way to their lifeless bodies you broke down in tears and got on your knees devastated but you then got picked up by strong arms and got kissed on your forehead.
"I know you loved them Dear but they kept you away from me and besides we'll have our own family soon enough~♥
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misshoneyimhome · 2 months
You couldn't understand why he was so insistent on this. Was it because he was jealous or was there some other reason driving him to push you to your limits? He seemed to enjoy every moment of it, even when you were exhausted and begging for a break. But you were helpless, at his mercy, and all you could do was obey as he continued to ravage you without mercy. You didn't know what had gotten into him. It was becoming clear that his desire was insatiable. Based on William running into inexperienced reader’s ex or another players comment sparked his breeding and stomach bulge kink 🍆#SlutsforPresidentNylander
Oh, I'm terribly sorry, bb! It took me much longer than expected to post this 🤍 But I believe I've finally got it sorted 🤞🏼
To be honest, I wasn't sure where this was heading, as I wasn't entirely sure I was ready for a breeding kink, but I decided to go with it and hopefully, it turned out well enough for you 🙃
Additionally, I've combined it with this request too 🤍
[I have no idea whether sports journalists would genuinely ask such questions, but for the sake of the story, let's assume they would 😉 After all, the media works in mysterious ways]
Warnings: 18+ smut; penetrative sex (p in v); cum inside; use of blindfold, anal toy, light bondage, light spanking; use of safe word; more penetrative sex (p in v); more cum inside - Trigger Warning: Reader expresses desire to slow down, but William does not acknowledge/hear it (🌶️);
Word count; 6.8K 🤦🏼‍♀️
「Inexperienced!reader x Willy」
The dress (in case you are interested)🥂
"du är min prinsessa" = you are my princess
・✶ 。゚
All good boys go to heaven - But bad boys bring heaven to you pt VII I William Nylander 🖋️⚡️(🌶️)
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Waking up in William’s arms was quickly becoming your favourite thing in the world.
Every day, you found solace with him, momentarily forgetting about the outside world until your alarm rudely interrupted the tranquillity for the second time.
Meanwhile, your snoozing boyfriend could easily roll over and continue sleeping while you had to face the day ahead at work.
And as you switched on the dim light of your bedside lamp, you couldn’t help but admire his well-defined physique. He was incredibly handsome, and the fact that he was your boyfriend made it all the better. Everything felt perfect, almost too perfect, which tended to spark a small sense of fear within you. Was your relationship too good to be true?
William seemed flawless in every aspect. He was attractive, admired by many friends, had a large, supportive family, excelled in his career, and, most of all, he had a laid-back attitude towards life, cherishing every moment without worrying excessively.
This was in stark contrast to your own nature.
You often found yourself worrying, perhaps more than necessary. Though you didn’t constantly dwell on it, there were moments throughout the day when you questioned what William saw in you. Was it solely because of the incredible sex you shared? Or perhaps because you were the only girl who hadn't thrown herself at him, which intrigued him?
Regardless, these thoughts persisted, despite William's daily affirmations of love.
But shaking your head, you prepared for the day's work, which thankfully would be brief, as you also needed to prepare to meet William later for the gala - an event that made you rather nervous since you'd never attended one before.
Fortunately, the other partners had been incredibly helpful. Amanda and Sanna had eagerly assisted in selecting a dress and making you feel comfortable for the event. Although the gala didn't require much public participation from the partners, you still wanted to feel confident and elegant as you mingled with the important figures of MLSE. You simply wanted William to feel proud to have you by his side.
And indeed, William was proud of you. Something he hadn’t quite felt about his exes. But how could he not be?
Your appearance was breath-taking as his date for the night. Your long, black, glittery dress accentuated your figure, complemented by heels that added to your elegance. Your jewelleries sparkled almost as brightly as your eyes, which were beautifully enhanced by your makeup.
It was undeniable that you took his breath away with your appearance, and he wasn't the only one who noticed. Nearly everyone at the event had something to say about how stunning you looked; girls admired your dress and makeup, and even a few managers greeted you with compliments.
He almost felt guilty for feeling like he was showing you off, akin to how he used to feel as a teenager with his new hockey sticks. Though didn't intend to objectify you, he just couldn't help but revel in having you by his side, with his arms around your waist.
"Wow y/n, you've really outdone yourself tonight," Auston remarked as he approached you and William before another round of Blackjack.
"Thanks, Auston," you replied with a smile. "Although I thought you might have made a bit more effort yourself," you teased.
"What do you mean? Don't I always look amazing?" Auston chuckled confidently.
"Well, of course, you always look absolutely dashing," you playfully remarked, adding a hint of sarcasm as you rolled your eyes. And Auston simply laughed at your banter.
You could practically sense William's smug expression from the corner of your eye as you conversed with the other forwarder, noticing how pleased he was with the compliments you received. After all, you were his date.
And William did wear a confident smirk as you interacted with his teammates, particularly when you spoke with players like Auston. Though it wasn't that William disliked his teammate; he just recognised Auston's penchant for charming girls, and his almost flirty remarks toward you only bolstered William's confidence further.
William even suspected that Auston might have harboured a slight crush on you from the beginning but never acted on it, and perhaps now he was slightly regretting it. However, William had no regrets. Instead, he cherished the chance to flirt with you, share intimate moments, and experience the best times with you. Not only sexually, but you had also become an incredible girlfriend, with whom he now shared his home. You were unlike any other girls he had dated before - at least, he had never felt for them the way he felt for you. With you, commitment felt natural, without any hesitation or reluctance to leave behind his bachelor lifestyle.
And as he stood there, admiring you engaging in lively conversations amidst the blue and white lights, drifting away from the rest of the company, he was suddenly brought back to reality.
"Hey Willy, want to join us for a game?" Mo asked.
William shook his head to refocus. "Oh, yeah, sure... Um, I just need my—"
In his confusion, he searched his pockets, but you intervened with a chuckle, handing him the glasses he was looking for.
"Here you go, baby," you said with a content smile, knowing that he had forgotten them, and you were there to save the day.
"Oh, thanks, älskling," he smiled, putting on the glasses to better see the cards in the dim lighting.
"No problem, that's what I'm here for," you chuckled, giving him a brief kiss on the cheek. "You'd probably lose your pretty head if it wasn't attached to your neck," you continued the playful banter, and the guys joined in on the laughter.
"See that, Willy?" Mo chimed in. "That's wifey material, just saying."
And with laughter, the boys turned to sit at the casino table to play a round of blackjack.
Then for the rest of the evening, you simply enjoyed yourself with the other dates who had come tonight. Not all the significant others had chosen to join, so the few of you just had a wonderful time together.
However, while still keeping an eye on you throughout the night, William’s mind couldn’t help but wander into untouched waters, prompted by Mo’s comment earlier – ‘wifey material.’ 
It actually sounded pretty good in his head, even though it wasn’t really something he’d ever thought much about - probably because he hadn’t ever thought he’d have the chance to think in these directions. Although he’d seen several of his teammates form families, he himself had mostly just focused on his career and enjoyed the single life. 
But now that he had you and was certain he never wanted to let you go, the notion of a more serious commitment slowly began to take root in his mind.
But again, William's thoughts were interrupted by the company around him. 
However, the following day, William still couldn't shake the thought of what had been mentioned the previous night amidst the blue and white lights. Mo's comment about you being his future wife had inexplicably sparked the idea of starting a family in William's mind.
Although neither of you were anywhere near ready to start a family or even consider it seriously, William couldn't entirely dismiss the idea.
And after finishing dinner, William suddenly prompted a question that had been on his mind throughout the day. 
"Babe, what kind of birth control are you using?"
His question caught you completely off guard.
"Uhm... I have an IUD, Willy... you know that," you replied softly, feeling a bit nervous.
"Oh, yeah, sure," he responded.
"I mean, I'm pretty sure we’ve talked about it before," you added, recalling your previous conversations about birth control.
"Yeah, of course, babe, sorry, I just forgot," he said casually, though his eyes remained fixed on the tv, not meeting yours.
And as you were still processing his sudden interest, William then continued with his questions about how it worked and for how long it lasted.
"Well, I got it about two years ago when I was with my ex-boyfriend, so it should last for another two or three years," you explained gently, but all you got in return was a noncommittal "hm" from William, followed by a simple "that's good."
Then a moment of silence hung between you as you looked intensely at him, noticing his mind working overtime. 
"Willy... why are you asking about my birth control?" 
"Huh? Oh, no reason," he replied nonchalantly, briefly glancing at you before turning his attention to the TV.
But unsatisfied with his response, you pressed on with a light chuckle. "Come on, babe, it’s so random! There must have been a reason."
And then William let out a quick chuckle and a sigh. "It was just... you know, after Mo made that comment about 'wifey material,' I just thought... that maybe, you thought about us one day being a family."
His words sounded almost nervous, although his tone remained steady, and a faint smirk graced his lips, indicating his contentment with the idea.
And you couldn't help but smile in response, as you hadn't expected William to already be entertaining thoughts about your future together. You simply felt a rush of happiness wash over you.
"Well, as a matter of fact, I do think that could be our future, Willy," you replied sweetly, gazing at him as he leaned back on the sofa and looked at you as well.
"I know it's not something we need to think about right now. I mean, we're not even close to that... but I just thought about it."
"And I'm really happy that you share these thoughts with me," you said as you leaned into him, your fingers gently tracing through his hair. "And I love that you can imagine a future with me..."
"But...?" William prompted with a chuckle.
"But nothing," you said almost seductively as you straddled him. "Just that… for now, maybe, I think I'm more interested in practicing for it."
"Oh, I agree," he responded eagerly.
Leaning down, you connected your lips with his, feeling his smile against your mouth as he returned the kiss. And as his hands found your waist, pulling you closer, you deepened the kiss, both of you consumed by passion and lust. Then as the intensity grew, you instinctively began rocking your hips, grinding against him, both revelling in the freedom to explore each other without the worry of consequences.
His hands moved under the hem of your shirt, exploring your bare skin, before you replicated his move on him.
William's body felt incredible against yours. Especially when his strong hands gripped your bottom and flipped you onto the cushions with your back, and you felt the weight of him pressing down on you. Still locked in a passionate kiss, his hands effortlessly removed your shorts and knickers before discarding his own sweats and boxers.
It was as if your bodies were perfectly aligned when William positioned himself at your entrance. And despite the lack of foreplay, he carefully pushed his hardness into your warmth, eliciting harmonious moans from both of you that filled the living room.
"So tight for me, baby," he murmured softly into the crook of your neck. "You're taking me so well."
You felt a slight twinge of discomfort as he withdrew a little before thrusting back in, but soon your cunt was wet and ready, coating him and easing any discomfort. With your legs wrapped around his waist, William began to move his hips in a steady rhythm, making love to you right there on the sofa. Your breaths grew deep and heavy, your bodies heating up with each thrust, and soon you felt pleasure building within you.
It was unexpectedly romantic, your fingers digging into his shoulders as he pounded into you. Your moans synchronised as you both slowly approached climax, feeling the sensation of William's length stimulating your walls.
"Willy," you attempted to speak, but only incoherent breaths and moans escaped your lips.  
His thrusts grew harder and deeper, simultaneously to how his breath became incoherent. You felt his pounding almost as eager, yet it was nothing but pleasurable as you felt your pending orgasm soon approaching. Unintentionally clenching your muscles around him, you signalled your orgasm. 
"Shit," William mumbled, feeling his climax nearing its peak as well. "Fu- baby, I'm gonna cum inside you."
"Yes, Willy, come with me..."
And almost in perfect synchronisation, you both cried out loudly, greatful for the thcik walls between you and the neighbours, as you reached your peaks, waves of ecstasy washing over you as you breathed heavily.
William trembled in your arms as he emptied himself inside you, his eyes shutting tightly, trying to regain control of his breath, as you felt a pulsating sensation around his cock, your body still processing the intensity of the climax.
No foreplay. No oral sex or fingering beforehand. Just pure, straightforward, missionary sex.
And it had felt surprisingly amazing, letting you feel nothing but bliss as you gradually returned to reality.
With William still buried inside you, he leaned down to kiss you softly and tenderly, your fingers threading through his princely locks.
"You're so amazing, älskling," William whispered softly, almost resting his weight on you.
"I could say the same about you," you chuckled lightly.
You stayed in that position for a while longer, William unintentionally ensuring that his fluids remained inside you as a part of him wondered about the possibility of you carrying his child one day.
But for now, you were simply enjoying incredible, protected sex that left you both completely exhausted, falling asleep almost immediately that night. 
The following morning, you still felt a pleasant tingling sensation in your body from the previous day's passionate encounter. And a wide smile graced your lips as you reminisced about the pleasure that had left your head spinning.
Then while William was at morning skates, you prepared to meet up with your friend for a proper girl brunch. You hadn't seen Emily in what felt like forever since she lived in Montreal, but thanks to social media, you stayed in touch almost daily.
And nothing could beat a good chat over coffee, scrambled eggs, and pancakes. You caught her up on everything that had happened in the last six months of your life, and despite her being a diehard Montreal Canadiens fan, she was amazed by your newfound involvement with the Toronto Maple Leafs and your relationship with a player.
"Damn, babe, I'm honestly so jealous," she exclaimed as she sipped her mimosa.
"Oh, trust me, I'd be jealous of me too," you chuckled.
The conversation about your new lifestyle continued on for a little longer, and you naturally showed her the string of photos you'd taken, mostly from the latest gala event.
"Holy shit! Y/n/n, you seriously need to post this," she insisted as she saw one of the photos of you posing in your dress. "You look amazing!"
"Thanks, Em," you chuckled softly. "But I'm trying not to overwhelm everyone on Instagram with everything that's going on..."
"Why not? Honestly, if it were me, I'd be sharing every moment with the whole world," she emphasised.
"Well, I suppose I do have a pretty sweet life," you timidly admitted, flashing her a grateful smile, acknowledging how fortunate you were. Besides, she did have a point; you looked absolutely stunning in that dress.
And after a couple more mimosas and discussions about balancing your regular work and social life with the whirlwind of being a professional hockey player's girlfriend, you decided to post a few photos of yourself on Instagram.
Why hide your wonderful life, after all?
Then as you left the café, Emily suggested taking a stroll down the street, doing some light shopping along the way – and if you found something you liked, you'd try it on and pose for photos to capture memories of your day together.
Unbeknownst to you, the mimosas had given you a slight buzz as you began striking various poses in your new outfit, and as Emily's sweet compliments had boosted your confidence, you didn't hesitate to let your body show and your face exude your best model expression.
"Yeah, work it, babe, you look stunning," she would say almost seductively, encouraging you as you posed.
And still by the end of the afternoon, just before parting ways, laughter and giggles filled the air, evident in the pictures taken, and you couldn't help but feel elated as you said goodbye to your friend and headed back to the condo on the subway.
Meanwhile, across the city, William was wrapping up his day after ice practice and a workout in the weight room. And taking a short break after his last set, he scrolled through his social media, before he’d do some quick practice-media time.
When he first saw the photos you posted, William couldn't help but smile. "Damn, you looked good," he thought, swiping from side to side to admire every detail captured. Then he noticed your story, where you had shared a post from your day with Emily. And curious as always, William had to check out her profile to see who she was.
Although you had mentioned her before, he had never met her in person. And as he clicked onto her page, his eyes quickly found her latest post: a photo of you posing in a rather sensual pose, wearing an outfit that showed a little more skin than you’d usually were to brunch.
William swallowed hard as he frowned and studied the photo of you. You looked amazing, undeniably hot, if he had to be honest. But as he continued to look at the post, he started to notice the comments written below.
"Damn, looking good @y/i/n! Didn't know you had model potential 😍"
"Unf, somebody's flirting with the camera 😏"
"#sexylady !!"
"*Whistle sounds* 😗😗"
"Oh wow, maybe I could take you out sometime 😍😍"
As he read some of the comments, he couldn't help but feel a rush of resentment. This picture was completely public, and everyone on the internet could see this incredibly sexy picture of you. 
It’s not that he was angry with you; but he was definitely angry with the guys online who were flirting with you. And he was not okay with it.
A little out of his usual character, William felt a certain level of protectiveness, almost possessiveness, as he didn't like that you were on display for the rest of the world to see. You were his girlfriend, and he didn't want men to start flirting with you like this.
"Hey Willy, they're ready for you now," Jennifer sweetly spoke, breaking him from his trail of thoughts.
And as he walked to meet the couple of journalists, William tried to let it go. He honestly did.
But then, after a few questions about his own training, expectations for tomorrow's match, and his performance, one of the reporters decided to rip open the tiny wound in his feelings.
"So, how do you feel about the partners of the team getting more and more attention on their social media?" the reporter asked.
William was caught off guard by the question. It wasn't anything he'd ever been asked before, yet he knew the married players on the team had been asked it a couple of times.
"Uhm, I don't know…"
"But do you think it's okay that they get this kind of attention?" another reporter asked.
"I... uh, no, I don't think so…"
"So would you want them to take down all their posts about their private life?"
"What? No, that's not what I'm-"
"Or should the management force them to have closed accounts so they don't show any tasteless behaviour online, like your own girlfriend?" Someone else interrupted. 
"What did you just say?"
Emotions of confusion were suddenly replaced by a boiling sensation of anger instead.
"The post of her in a revealing outfit? How do you feel about that?" the reporter pressed.
And William just couldn't hold himself back any longer. The frustrations were boiling over, and all his media training was completely out of the window.
"You know what I think? I think you guys should stay the fuck out of it all and leave it to us. What happens between me, and my girlfriend is none of your damn business, and you should keep your mouth shut! You can ask me all about the sport I'm being paid to play but keep my girlfriend out of it."
The room fell completely silent after his outburst.
William felt his pulse skyrocket and his heartbeat quicken. The audacity these reporters had to ask him these questions, he thought, as he determinedly walked away from the scene.
Entering to the locker room, with fists clenched he couldn't get the words out of his head or let the anger get to him. Something that usually never happened.
And as he let the water run down his body, washing away most of the frustrations, he thought about the mix of emotions within him.
William was torn between the pride he felt when showing you off as his girlfriend and the jealousy he felt when reading the comments on your photo.
Sitting in his stall, he once again opened your Instagram and studied how beautiful you looked in yours and Emily’s pictures. You shone like a million diamonds, and a great part of him felt content about how the fans seemed to be jealous of him being your boyfriend. In fact, it sort of made him smile a little, but what swiftly had his smile disappear was when he saw a comment from someone that appeared to have a name similar to your ex-boyfriend.
"Shit, baby! You look so beautiful ❤️ I know I probably shouldn't be commenting here, but I just couldn't resist! Can't believe I ever let you go…"
William felt his heart stop for a brief moment. Who the fuck did he think he was, commenting on your post like this?
He almost threw his phone across the room, but a message from Calle stopped him.
C: “Hey man, what’s going?” 
Willy: “What do you mean?” 
*C has sent a link*
It was a video from an unofficial sports channel, discussing the headline: “William Nylander rages over girlfriend’s Instagram post!” 
And he couldn’t help but let out a sarcastic chuckle. These fucking reporters, he thought – they surely work quick, and for what? A story based on a lie. 
Yet, he still couldn’t contemplate how his emotions stirred within him.
Should he be proud of how everyone was jealous about his gorgeous girlfriend, or should he be angry because they were trying to flirt with you? 
As he stepped into the condo, feeling the warmth of the home you'd built together over the past week, he leisurely walked into the lounge, where he found you snuggled up on the sofa with his dogs.
"Hey babe," you greeted with a smile, though it dimmed slightly when you turned, and his lack of joy was evident. "What's wrong?" you asked, concerned.
But William simply approached you, stood between the coffee table and the sofa, and without uttering a word, he fixed his gaze on you. 
And your eyes were intensely locked, you sensed that something was amiss.
But again, without a word, William just leaned down and kissed you. It was passionate, almost urgent, yet gentle and intimate.
He held your face in his large hands, drawing you in with his energy, prompting you to slowly rise from your seat, moving with him as he guided you away from the sofa.
A weighty silence hung in the air as William effortlessly lifted you in his arms and then carried you to the bedroom, where he began to gently undress you.
His movements were deliberate, purposeful yet gentle, as if he had a mission. He made sure to caress every part of you as he removed your clothes, leaving you standing before him in nothing but your lace thong.
You found yourself almost frozen in place, a mixture of fear about his intentions and curiosity about what would happen next swirling in your mind. And with bated breaths, you followed his every move, the silence in the room heavy with anticipation.
Standing before the bed, you waited, expecting his command. Then he approached from behind, and you felt the warmth of his body against yours, both of you in just your underwear. His bare chest pressed against your back, and his large hand gently encircled your throat, pulling you back against him.
His forceful action elicited a gasp from you, but you couldn't help but lean into his touch, feeling the safety and warmth he provided. Closing your eyes, you felt the firmness of his grip, not restricting your airway but simply asserting his dominance, and his breath hot against your ear as he spoke:
“I fucking love you, du är min prinsessa, don’t ever forget that.” Though his words were sweet, his voice was rough and husky, sending a shiver down your spine.
And when releasing his hold, you let out a small gasp.
"I’m yours," you said softly.
"And you trust me?" 
"Yes," you simply replied.
Leaning in closer, he took a deep breath before continuing.
"If you want me to slow down, say yellow. If you want me to stop, say blue. Do you understand?"
You nodded gently.
"Then say it," he instructed.
"Yellow to slow down, and blue to stop," you repeated.
"Good girl," William murmured, a sense of satisfaction evident in his tone.
And as you stood there, waiting for him to proceed, you suddenly felt his warmth gone, before a silky fabric, gently covered your eyes. It was probably one of his ties, you thought, 
"Bend over."
His command was delivered in a low, dark tone, and you could almost sense his smug satisfaction behind you as you, now blindfolded, let your hands find the bed for support.
"Are these new underwear from today?" he asked almost mockingly, to which you nodded and emitted a confirming hum. But that only had him tear them off your body, the fabric cutting into your skin, causing you to again gasp softly.
His hands then came to caress your cheeks, massaging them gently before slightly spreading them apart.
“So gorgeous.” 
You weren’t really sure what to anticipate, as you had absolutely no idea what was going on inside William’s head, yet you were inexplicably curious to find out.
And while trying to control your breathing, you suddenly felt some sort of liquid sliding down between your cheeks, which William then used his thumb to very gently nudge around your tightest opening. Whether it was lubricant or saliva, you had no idea; all you knew was that it granted him access to carefully press his thumb inside you.
"Oh," you moaned, feeling a slight twinge of pain, yet it was quickly replaced by pleasure.
But William only massaged your opening for a brief moment before withdrawing his thumb. And instead, he replaced it with something cold and metallic - the small butt plug you’d used before. Very slowly, he pressed the plug against your opening, with care letting it past the tight muscles and inside you.
You released another breath, trying to relax your body, just like you'd practiced the last time you explored this particular area. And as the plug was set in place, you could feel how it stimulated your inside.
"Does it feel good, baby?" William then asked, his voice caring hints of satisfaction and care. 
"Yes," you softly moaned, before feeling his fingers slowly trace down between your legs, encouraging you to spread them a little further as his digits began exploring your sensitive flesh.
And you couldn’t suppress the sounds of pleasure that escaped your lips as his fingers circled your clit before delicately toying with your entrance, and slowly pressing two inside, curling and scissoring as he pumped within you.
“Shit, already so wet, baby,” he remarked with a grin. 
"Oh yes, Willy," you let out with heavy breaths, feeling yourself clench around both his fingers as well as the metal plug in your ass. But just as you were starting to feel pleasure slowly building within your body, William withdrew from your warmth.
"Get on the bed, on your back," he commanded.
And without question, you obeyed, using your hands to guide yourself onto the mattress.
"Hands above your head," you heard William instruct, and once again, you complied. "And keep them there."
You then felt his body straddle yours as he leaned over and tied your wrists together with something you assumed was another piece of fabric – perhaps a scarf from his collection. Then with your wrists firmly secured, William left his position. You tried to listen for any sounds he made, but there were no clear indications of what was going on. Only footsteps and something, clinking maybe?
You felt your heartbeat quicken as you waited for what would happen next, and fortunately, you didn’t have to wait long. Sensing movement between your legs, you felt William kneeling before you, his hands slowly moving up your legs, pulling you a little closer. Your body ached for more intimate touch, craving more than just the stimulation from the butt plug.
“You’re so beautiful,” you heard William whisper, and just as you curved a little smile, you were surprised by something cold on your lips. William kissed you, holding an ice cube between his lips, and the heat from both of you causing it to slowly melt, a drop of water running down the side of your mouth and down your jaw.
Then, William began to move further down, ensuring the ice cube touched your skin at all times as he dragged it with his lips. Down your chin, your neck, then to your collarbone and between your breasts. He continued downward, just past your navel, and finally to the top of your core.
And you couldn’t help but let out a small gasp as you felt the sting of cold on your skin, yet you also knew you had to lie still, keeping your hands in place if you wanted the next treat.
"Not moving your hands, huh? Good girl." 
William's praise was like music to your ears, signalling you deserved what was to come next. Positioned between your legs, you barely had a moment to process before you felt his cold mouth on your heat.
"Oh, shit!" you moaned loudly as the mix of chill and warmth sent a pleasurable rush coursing through your body. And the sensation only intensified as William continued to pleasure you, mixing his saliva with your juices, sucking and flicking your clit and the sensitive flesh around your entrance. Needless to say, you were thoroughly enjoying it, your moans and deep breaths echoing in the room as his skilled mouth worked its magic, all the while the metal plug adding to the thrill.
"Fuck! Willy... I can't!" you cried out, finding it difficult to remain still, struggling to keep your hands in place with pleasure clouding your mind. And just as you moved your hands to grab onto his hair, William withdrew his mouth, and strained your wrists back down.
"Thought you were being a good girl, baby... so disappointed," he remarked, his tone tinged with both disappointment and content.
Your anticipation for climax remained unfulfilled, yet you couldn't deny the arousal sparked by William's husky voice and dominant demeanour. And with a swift motion, William took a strong hold of your thighs and turned you onto your elbows and knees, fully exposing your ass to him, including the little diamond plug.
A satisfied grin adorned William's face as he admired you, but he also knew you needed to be disciplined for not following his orders.
And as you tried to control your breaths, feeling overwhelmed by the sudden change in position, you let out a loud moan, almost a shriek, as you felt a strong slap across your ass cheek – another painful sting mixed with pleasure as you clenched around the butt plug.
And then another slap followed.
It felt undeniably good, yet also a bit overwhelming. But you didn’t want it to end, not just yet.
Though you couldn’t see anything, you sensed that William was flashing a smirk behind you, his breathing almost audible. But then, something else caught your attention – William’s tip pressing against your entrance. And with a firm grip on your waist, he eased himself into your depths, eliciting synchronised moans.
It felt so good as he filled you up like that, yet you also felt a level of overstimulation as both your holes were being pleasured. 
And as he began to rock his hips, letting his cock massage your walls, you soon felt a new wave of orgasm building up. But William's thrusts showed no intention of allowing you to slowly build to climax; they were rough and forceful, devoid of any romance.
You could hear the sounds of his moans mixed with the loud slapping of skin behind you. And as the rhythm was relentless, driving deeper and deeper, you knew it wouldn’t be long before you reached a peak with this intensity.
“Willy… please,” you begged as you felt your muscles clenching once again, and this time he allowed you to reach the pinnacle, fucking you harder and pushing you over the edge. And you cried out as you surrendered to the intense orgasm.
But there was no time to catch your breath as William continued to fuck you through the euphoria. You could almost feel your cunt dripping with evidence of your climax, mixed with sweat from both of you.
And it was becoming too much. William had no mercy as he overstimulated your walls with every thrust.
“Yel-…” you tried to speak in a hushed voice. It wasn’t easy. “Yell…”
But William didn’t hear you; the noises of rough sex merely drowned out your whisper.
Yet just as you were about to try and form the word "blue," you suddenly felt William stop and pull out from your heat. And a sense of relief washed over you, yet you knew he hadn’t finished yet, so you couldn’t relax too much.
Without hesitation, he flipped you over onto your back once again, using one hand to pin your hands above your head, and re-entering you in missionary position.
It felt as though your body had completely surrendered to him, melding into his movements with each powerful thrust. You tried to scream between your moans that you were on the brink of another orgasm, but words failed you. And instead, you simply gave in to the overwhelming intensity, your mind clouded by pleasure as your boyfriend moved relentlessly inside you.
Helpless and at his mercy, all you could do was obey as he continued to ravage you. Though, you couldn't understand what had gotten into him; it was becoming increasingly evident that his desire was insatiable.
"Shit, baby... I'm gonna come..." you suddenly heard him breathe out above you, and with his other hand, William pushed aside the fabric covering your eyes, restoring your sight and meeting his gaze.
“I wanna see your eyes.” 
Covered in sweat, he continued to rock his hips, a crooked smirk across his lips as he stared down at you, noticing your tears of pleasure.
And as he then felt himself nearing his own release, he used a hand to wrap around your throat again, exerting a slight pressure without being too forceful. Shutting his eyes tight and determined to reach his climax, he thrust a little harder. 
"Oh, fuck!"
With a few final powerful pounds, William let out a deep grunt and released his seed inside you, emptying himself completely, as he filled you up. His body almost gave way as he reached his peak, his legs trembling beneath him, and his lungs fighting for air. 
It was undoubtedly the most intense sex you had both ever experienced. The way William had fucked you hard and good, and you had reached orgasms too numerous to count amidst the heated session.
Then gently releasing his grip around your throat and wrists, he slowly pulled out and untied your hands.
William remained silent at first. He simply knelt back, gazing down at your exhausted form, regaining control of his breathing. And you too had to gradually return to reality, blinking a few times as you looked up at him, meeting his intense gaze while starting to feel sensation returning to your body.
Both of you were a mess, with sweat and cum soaking the mattress.
"Shit, are you alright, älskling?" William inquired, peering down at you with concern evident in his eyes as he noticed the redness between your legs and on your wrists.
But despite feeling like you had been torn apart, you also experienced a sense of pleasure. And to reassure him, you mustered up an exhausted smile, understanding how important it was for him to know that you had enjoyed it too.
"Yes, Will, I feel fantastic," you murmured gently.
"Really?" he sought confirmation.
You nodded, prompting a faint giggle. "Yes, although I do feel I need to remove the butt plug, my ass feels a tad sore…"
William chuckled in response, gently assisting you in removing the toy with deliberate movements. And naturally, he took good care of you in the shower, as both of you needed to rinse off, tenderly washing each other and expressing all the love and affection that hadn’t been present during sex.
Then returning to bed, William held you close, radiating nothing but sensitivity.
"Was I too rough with you?" he asked as you both lay on your sides, facing each other with William's arm around you.
"A bit, but I also really liked it," you assured him, offering a sweet smile.
"Good, that's good. I only want you to feel great, even when I'm taking control like that," he said, his smile lopsided.
But slowly your smile faded as you wondered about his peculiar behaviour this evening.
"Is something wrong, Willy?" you asked softly.
"No, everything's fine," he replied, but you weren't convinced.
"Come on, I know you like being dominant in bed, but this was different from anything else we've done…"
And finally, William let out a deep sigh and rolled onto his back, contemplating how to articulate his thoughts.
"I suppose I got a bit worked up," he began slowly. "Like I wasn't sure how to feel. On one hand, I felt almost angry after seeing those comments on your Instagram post…"
"Oh…" you murmured, propping your head up with an arm. "So, that's what's been bothering you?" you asked softly.
"Well, yes, but not entirely," he said, giving you a soft smirk and shifting onto his side again to face you, leaning on his elbow. "Because then I thought about it, and even though I don’t like it when men flirt with you online - I mean, I could honestly punch some of them - I remembered how much I love you, how proud I am to have you as my girlfriend, and that I’m the one who has a future with you… so, to be honest, I don’t really care about what they think or write. It just makes me even happier knowing that they’re jealous of me being with you."
And as William shared his deep thoughts and concerns, you couldn't help but feel a rush of happiness from his words.
"Willy, I love you too, and… please don’t think too much about what’s on the internet. If I had to spend my time reading everything women write about you, I’d never get anything done," you said with a light chuckle, your eyes meeting his in a tender gaze.
"I know… and you're amazing for brushing it off," he said with gratitude.
"Well, it's not always easy… but what truly matters is how we feel about each other."
"Exactly – I guess, it was just mainly your ex's comment that really got to me."
You couldn’t help but laugh a little as William admitted that your ex had managed to hit a nerve.
"Oh, forget about him, babe… I love you far more than I could ever love him."
"Yeah, I know," William chuckled softly, gently biting his lower lip before continuing. "But honestly, I feel pretty good about it. Knowing that he still wants you, but that you’re mine now."
His expression showed a hint of amusement as he reassured himself that he had nothing to fear, and that your ex was the one who’d lost in this scenario. And you couldn’t help but smile as you observed his smug expression, a sense of shared enjoyment settling between you.
"I am yours, Willy – you’re the only one I want to be with, to start a family with, and to grow old and wrinkly alongside," you spoke softly as you caressed his cheek.
And suddenly, it felt as if all the negative emotions of jealousy and anger had dissipated, as you both understood the solid foundation of your relationship. The strength of the bond between you, and how there was no need to worry about the outside world and their attempts to drive you apart.
Yet, as the comfortable silence lingered, William felt the urge to break it.
"You know... I have a feeling Tony might have a little crush on you..." 
He wasn't entirely sure why he brought it up, but a small part of him was curious to hear your thoughts. And despite being caught off guard by his words, you maintained a calm expression.
"Yeah... I mean, he hasn't said anything, but..." William trailed off wiht a soft chuckle. 
"Hmm... Well, he's nothing compared to you, Willy,” you spoke confidently, looking deep into his ocean blue eyes as you flashed him a sweet smile. 
"I know, älskling,” he chuckled darkly, flashing a satisfied grin once again. “I know.” 
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starberry-cupcake · 11 days
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Alrighty, here we are again
previously, in harrowcita the ninth:
this happened
currently, after ch. 2 (once again, I wanted to read more but realized these notes were too long):
first off, I need to point out something very important
reading the first part of gideon, this was how the dynamic of her and harrow felt like, from gideon's pv in the first chapter or two
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this is what it actually was like, now that I have harrow's pv
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so, now that we've cleared that up, let me tell you about the emperor
I don't know about this guy
something's not adding up for me
I feel like he's either lying, telling half-truths that benefit him or he doesn't know what he's doing
and none of those options are very god-tier
he's also constantly going like "harrow, I'm gonna let you choose" and five minutes later he's "oh, actually, you never had a choice to begin with, I'm so sorry about that"
I don't think you're sorry if you've done it like 3 times since we've met you
maybe say what you actually mean, unless you're full of lies
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he takes harrow on a walk through the clown death star ship he's got going on
and takes her to his coffin hangar
shows her coffins of the people he made to send to the ninth
the new ninth people
aiglamene is gonna have to work overtime
(I can't believe I've never forgotten her name)
and then there's coffins for all the little friends we made in canaan house
:) ♥
except there are a bunch missing people
let me just note the info we got
the second says "no human remains inside"
last we saw them, martita was KO and judith was bleeding to death
nobody from the third as well, and we already have suspicions about wtf is happening with these parsley and cilantro twins
from the sixth, one is empty because CAMILLA ISN'T DEAD GODDAMMIT
the other one has little pieces of palmolive in it
me picking up the pieces of palmolive from the decor of canaan house
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there is one coffin for not!dulcinea
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the emperor guy says he's taking her with the other lyctors
as long as he flushes afterwards, it's fine
we are, by the way, trying very hard to not mention gideon ever, apparently
just wanna point out real quick that THERE'S A LOT OF PEOPLE UNACCOUNTED FOR and this guy is GOD so he's doing a terrible job
or he's not saying all he knows
or both
all this time, ice cube barbie is tagging along
ice cube barbie is harrow's babadook, which I stan tbh
since she's here to stay, let me show you another pic of that doll because it's my favorite from the haunted beauty collection
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so, the emperor starts telling harrow what they're fighting against (or escaping from) and where they came from
this man explains what he wants and leaves out what he wants
at one point, when harrow asks something like "how will you explain all the dead people?" he goes like
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he asks harrow about death and the process of it and she says, at one point:
"In cases of apopneumatic shock, where death is sudden and violent, the energy burst can be sufficient to countermand osmotic pressure and leave the soul temporarily isolated. Whence we gain the ghost, and the revenant."
this is important for the later conversation about revenant beasts, which are the things that the emperor is having trouble with
but I highlighted it because I am adding it to my notes of "reasons why gideon could be not dead forever"
I am holding on to all the hope I can get
because if sudden violent death can leave the soul temporarily isolated and not do the due process of transitioning to the river or whatnot
and gideon isn't within harrow or whatever
maybe she's somewhere else
I don't know, let me have this, don't tell me anything, just
so yeah, basically the story is that the emperor is running away from nine revenant beasts, which were created during the resurrection, when a planet was blasted off
nine beasts like nine houses
there's three left now
I don't know about all of this, you guys
I don't have enough context and I don't trust this guy here
how do I know where we stand in all this?
what if he's not the good guy and what he did was some planetary bullshit to begin with?
what if the other side is the good guys?
what if he's killed by one of our heroes? like harrow or gideon or camilla?
because he's actually a false god jerk?
what if I kill him????
and then we have two last important things
first, barbie ice cube speaks now
love that for her
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then, very crucial
the non-gideon mentioning seems to be a Thing
I don't know if I'm understanding correctly but
the emperor mentions ortus
ortus, the one we knew, our old pal from the ninth
and I got the feeling, idk if I got it, that he just assumed ortus was the cavalier she had with her
because 1) he didn't go down there and 2) no body was recovered
and then harrow also mentions ortus, but she says he "died thinking it was the only gift he was capable of giving" and that she "wasted it" and idk if she did that because she's blocking sad memories, she's confused because she's Not Doing Great Mentally Right Now, she doesn't wanna tell the emperor what actually happened, or all three
there's stuff about ortus I don't know, but that sounds to me more like what gideon said than what ortus "Got Blown To Bits With Mom In Ship" did
and then the emperor says his name again with suspicion and I'm like
I think this clown doesn't know
I think he doesn't know about gideon
I think he doesn't know about gideon or who gideon actually is
which we don't know yet either but it's probably important
because she's hercules, as previously established
I think maybe gideon is an outlier
an important planetary outlier
I have hopes
also, another day without camilla
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god (not this one) I hope I can make shorter recaps but there's so much happening, I'm so sorry
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hopepunk-humanity · 3 months
hey there!! i have an eensy weensy story that feels silly to tell, but when it happened i thought of this blog...
so i stayed at school later than usual today to watch a school play (she kills monsters, which was amazing) -- it had been raining pretty heavily for a while before i left.
i walked a pretty long way until i got to the train station to go home; soon after i entered, a kind stranger let me know that my backpack was open. i smiled, thanked them, and zipped up my backpack, quietly thinking, "oh! what bad luck, for my bag to be open in the pouring rain!"
but it felt nice for a stranger to be so kind to me. of course it sucked to get my school stuff all wet, but i was glad that, if my stuff should get wet in the rain, there should be a kind person to tell me my bag was open. if i had never left my bag open, this person and their compassion would've never entered and lit up my life, even if for just a brief moment.
not to say that i'm glad i left my bag open, no... it's just that, most of the time, at least one good or nice thing will come out of a bad experience. that's how i like looking at things. it sucks that my stuff got wet, but it sucks a little less because someone was nice to me in turn.
and this has changed the way i think of things... if my train gets delayed, or i forget something at home, i'll be annoyed, but at the same time i wonder and am excited about what little good thing might come out of it. of course, this is harder to apply to bigger frustrations and sadnesses, especially in the moment in which they occur, but i think it still helps.
one of my cats recently passed away; on that day, i wrote a song for him. i hadn't written a song in a while before then. i am so terribly sad about his passing, and no good thing that is caused by that could ever reverse its infinite tragedy -- but at least, in a little way, it was nice that i could finally get back into songwriting. no, his passing was not a good thing, and of course, i would rather it not have happened, but i guess the point is that there will always be joys, even infinitesimally small ones, no matter the darkness surrounding them. and those build up to something when you put them together, right?
getting back into writing songs; the kindness of a stranger; watching an amazing play my friends are in; my other cat licking me on the hand when i hug her in tears... i am in such deep darkness at the moment, mourning my dear kitty (school/applying to college/a billion other things have also been stressing me out) but there are little pinpricks of light, little stars out in the distance... they don't light much up, nor do they eliminate the darkness, but they're something beautiful amid the horrible, something to look at and wish upon... and that counts for something.
i apologize for the long ramble. thank you so much for this blog; it gives me the strength to keep looking for those twinkling stars. i hope you have the most wonderful day <3
I think this is what it means to "look on the bright side". Too many people use that phrase to mean "ignore and brush aside the pain, just be positive!". But truly looking on the bright side is finding these twinkling moments among the darkness, making an effort to see the stars amongst the night. The night is still there; it's important to acknowledge that, and give it space. But so are the stars. That's important too, and admiring them makes the night a little easier.
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ganseyth · 9 months
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The Date
Part: 10
Pairing: Jason Todd x Female Reader
Length: 2.0k
Warnings: none
Your face fell. 
You had known this would happen eventually but you hadn't been expecting it to happen tomorrow. 
You weren’t even sure how to feel. It wasn’t like you didn’t want your sister to be happy but you had hoped that this thing with her fiancé would fizzle out before things got serious. 
But apparently, that hadn’t been the case. 
You sighed and looked at them. “How is that going to work? I mean planning a wedding is hard work." 
Your sister shrugged looking at her fiancé. "His work said they could cover the expenses and all the last-minute details!"
"And you think that's a good idea? To be in Penguin's debt?" You asked your brother-in-law. 
He raised an eyebrow at you then smiled. "I don't think it's any of your concern," he began, "don't you want your sister to have the wedding of her dreams?"
You opened your mouth to respond but stopped yourself. He was right and yet it still felt wrong. You knew her happiness was important but to be in Penguins debt was not something to take lightly. 
Before you could voice your concerns again Jason spoke up.  
"She's just looking out for you guys," he told them. "Penguin is not someone to mess with."
"Yeah, we know that," your sister said. "But don't worry, our little mutual friend is making sure Penguin doesn't notice the expenses." 
 Your eyes widened. Mutual friend? She didn't mean your ex did she? The thought alone made you feel sick. 
Jason as if reading your thoughts wrapped his arm around your stomach from where you leaned against him. "So I take it this mutual friend will be coming to the wedding?" 
Your brother-in-law turned back to you smiling. "Do you object to the idea?"
"No," you answered quickly, feeling awkward about all this. In truth the thought of him being anywhere near you made you want to scream. But you knew no matter what you said he would still be coming. 
"Good," your sister said, "because he'll be here first thing in the morning." 
"Oh great," you said, pulling away from Jason to stand. "Well then I guess we should all get ready for bed if we have to get up early to plan," you said motioning to Jason, "Ready?" 
He stood too, taking hold of your hand and squeezing it. "Yep." 
"Great," you said, turning toward the stairs, "goodnight everybody." 
"Hey," your sister called and you stopped turning back to look at her, "this is going to be so much fun."
You nodded smiling despite wanting nothing more than to run upstairs and hide until the wedding was over. 
You quickly made your way up the stairs and into your shared bedroom before Jason shut the door behind you. 
Once inside you sat down on the bed trying to process everything that just happened. After taking several deep breaths you forced yourself to look at Jason who had yet to say anything. 
"Do you think I'm a terrible sister?" you started cautiously, "I mean what kind of person doesn't want their sister to get married." 
"No." He shook his head. "I think you're a great sister for not wanting her to get married to that snake."
You blinked surprised by his words. "You do?"
"Yes," he replied, moving over to sit next to you on the bed. "The guy is a dick and his work will only bring about all kinds of trouble."
"And what am I going to do about my ex," you asked worriedly. Jason hadn't seemed to react to the news and you needed to know where he stood on the matter. 
He smiled gently, placing a reassuring hand on your arm. "Don't worry about him. If he tries anything I'll be right here to help you out. That is my job after all." 
How could you forget? You basically paid him for this exact situation. 
 He paused. "Besides I doubt the guy will try anything after taking one look at me."
He chuckled and you couldn't help giggling as well.
"Thank you," you told him sincerely. "I owe you big time." 
"Anytime," he said, squeezing your arm once more before getting off the bed to get ready to sleep. 
You watched in silence as he made his way back to the bed before going to get ready yourself. 
 As you made your way back to bed you watched as Jason slid himself into bed. You realized that his actions had become familiar to you. The way he kicked off the sheets before pulling the covers up to his waist and then turning around to adjust his pillows to lean against the headboard. You liked that you knew his routine. 
 It helped you relax.
He must have sensed you staring because he turned to look at you once more, smiling slightly. "You're staring." 
"Oh right," you whispered back, "sorry."  
You blushed embarrassed by your reaction. 
"Go to sleep," you added gesturing towards him with your hand.
He smirked at you before closing his eyes, still leaning against the headboard. "Ok."
You stared at him in disbelief. "What are you doing?" 
"Jay!” You exclaimed.
"Yes?" He replied, opening his eyes. 
"I meant to lay down and go to sleep," you protested. 
He raised an eyebrow at you, "I could tell you to do the same thing."
You groaned. "I won’t be able to sleep."
"I can help with that." He said, pushing himself upright. You looked at him with disbelief.
"How?" you questioned. 
He grinned at you before reaching forward to pull you down so you were lying underneath him. "Comfortable?" He asked. 
For a second you considered telling him no just to see what happened.  Then, remembering your current predicament you decided to look at his face, or more importantly his lips. 
As if knowing your eyes were on his mouth his smile widened as he leaned forward. 
"Go to bed." He whispered across your lips. 
Then he moved away from you, sliding back under the covers. A moment later he was turned on his side fast asleep. 
~ * ~
You woke to the sound of your mom making food downstairs. It felt like a normal Christmas morning as you smelt the sweet scent of cinnamon cocoa your mom always made on Christmas. Then you remembered the events of last night. 
Today was the day of the wedding. 
Your sister was getting married. 
Your ex was coming. 
Your ex was going to meet Jason. 
You were going to see the one person you swore to never set eyes on again. 
Your hands gripped the comforter beneath you as you struggled with your emotions. You felt nauseous. 
You hated feeling so unsettled. It only proved that he still had some form of power over you. 
Sliding out of bed you made your way into the restroom to get ready. As you brushed your teeth you wondered what you would wear to the wedding. Your sister probably had some preference concerning color. 
You pulled your hair back into a ponytail and let your fingers run down your face as you chewed on your bottom lip anxiously.
You took a deep breath and exited the bathroom to find Jason sitting against the headboard. 
It was only then you remembered what had occurred between the two of you last night. It wasn't very fake boyfriend of him. 
"Sleep well?" you said, sending a knowing look to Jason. 
He glanced up at you smiling, not showing any remorse for his actions last night. "Like a babe." 
Now your cheeks grew red as you avoided his gaze. "I think we should ask Alfred to send that emergency jet he talked about on the phone," you suggested turning around to make your way to the closet.
You stopped in your tracks as Jason let out a laugh. 
"Did he really say that?"  He asked, grinning. 
You smiled. "Yes, and I'm very tempted to take him up on that offer."
"That sounds like him," he continued chuckling, "but we don't need to do that. Today will be fine." 
As he spoke you could feel yourself relax a little. Maybe today would be ok. At least you didn't have to take this on alone. 
With that last thought you pulled open the closet door and took a look at your clothing before turning back to Jason. 
"Can I wear one of your sweatshirts?" you asked innocently. "I think it would make today a whole lot better." 
"Sure." He laughed, shaking his head. "I'm all for making your ex jealous today."
Turning around you went in search of a hoodie. Once finding a nice red one you picked it up along with a pair of your favorite leggings. Before heading back to the bathroom to change, you shot one glance at Jason who was scrolling through his phone. 
You tried to ignore the butterflies in your stomach as you thought about him seeing you in his sweatshirt. You hurriedly changed, feeling more confident as the warmth of his giant hoodie covered you. 
 When you walked back into the room he looked up. His eyes swept slowly over you and for a second you swore there was a hint of hunger in his eyes. 
"I like that color on you," he said. 
"Thanks." You replied shyly, hoping he didn't see the blush making its way up your face. 
Jason got off the bed and made his way to the closet to grab what you assumed was the other hoodie he brought and some sweatpants.  
Giving you another stomach-turning smile he then made his way into the bathroom to get ready. 
Once again you found yourself wondering how the day was going to go and what you were going to say to your ex when you saw him.  
What did you even say to someone you once promised to love forever?
You snapped out of your thoughts when Jason exited the bathroom. 
A small grin grew on your face as you realized Jason was wearing a hoodie identical to the one you had on. "Wow Jay, if I didn't know any better I'd think you wanted us to match on purpose."
His cheeks colored at your remark before moving to open the door. 
You followed close behind him and closed the door behind you as you made your way down the stairs. 
"Good morning you two!" your mother called as she came into view with her arms full of Christmas donuts. 
Jason grinned. "Merry Christmas! Do you need help with anything?"
She chuckled as she took in your matching appearances. "No dear, I'm just about done setting the table." 
She began to walk towards the dining room while you followed closely behind. Before you could take a step further your mom stopped you just out of earshot of who you assumed was the rest of your family. 
"He's in there," she said, looking between the two of you. “I just wanted to let you know so you didn't go in blind," she insisted before adding softly, "I'm sorry honey." She said with a small frown. 
Your eyes widened. "Don't be mom. It's all in the past."
She nodded sadly before offering you a smile. "It's a good thing Jason's here." 
"I know," you replied, glancing over at him. "My knight in shining armor."
She chuckled lightly at your comment before nodding. "Well, I'll give you two a second." She said before disappearing into the dining room. 
You waited until you heard your mom announce the two of you would arrive shortly before turning to face Jason. You were surprised to feel tears making their way onto your face. 
However, Jason quickly wiped them away before wrapping his arms tightly around you.
"It's going to be ok," he whispered into your hair. 
You returned the embrace squeezing tightly into him. "Thank you."
He squeezed your arm before pulling away from you and nodding towards the dining room. 
"Ready?" he asked. 
You managed a weak smile. "I guess so."
He took your hand gently pulling you into the room where the rest of your family was waiting. 
You felt confident as you entered the room with Jason standing in front of you. However, it soon dissolved into unease as the first person you spotted was your ex who was sitting where Jason had sat last night.
As soon as he saw you, you tried to look away. 
However, his piercing eyes locked onto yours, causing you to shiver slightly.
"Hey beautiful," he called to you, causing you to freeze. "I'm so happy to see you again."
tag list:
@theautisticduck @igotanidea @princessbl0ss0m @parkjammys @escapism-r-us @awolfofartemis @drwmatic @letmebebatmanpls @apizzacalledmel @theendofthematerialgworl @nirvanaaaonly @redsakura101
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barcalover86 · 8 months
Hiiii today is my Birthday!!!!
I was wondering if u can write something special for me please<3 if you can’t it’s really not a big deal but thanks a million if you do!
Ready to win? - Pablo Gavi
First of all, happy birthday, sweetheart!!!♥️
I wish you the best day and go make some memories! This one is for you!
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You were packing your things quickly while talking to Pedri on the phone.
"Thank you so much for the help, you really saved me!"
"No problem, hermanita. You know I'll always be there for you."
You met Pedri while dating Gavi, but he was so nice to you since the first time he saw you. Being good friends, you begged him to help you make a surprise to Pablo, telling him that tonight, you wouldn't be able to go to his game.
You didn't remember what excuse you used, not being able to memorize everything now in such a hurry, but you knew you convinced him.
Pablo was sad that he won't see you today, being almost 3 weeks since he last saw you face to face. You talked on the phone, but obviously it wasn't enough for both of you.
You went to see your family, missing them terribly, and with Gavi's busy schedule, you couldn't find a day for you to meet.
The game had to begin in 4 hours, and the players were already at camp nou, so yours and Pedri's plan didn't go too well.
First, you had to meet him in the changing room to surprise him there, but now, being late, you had to figure out another idea.
"You'll still manage to surprise him, y/n. Don't worry." smiled Pedri on the phone before you hung up, hurrying to your car to drive yourself to the stadium.
The traffic was insane and when you arrived there, you still had to wait for almost 1 hour to get into the vip section. You could have gone through the crowd because there were a lot of people that know you as Pablo Gavi's girlfriend, but you knew it wouldn't be fair, so you remained at your place.
You texted Pedri, telling him that you had arrived. The game had to begin in 2 hours, and the footballers were already warming up in the waiting rooms.
You found your seat and began to think about how you could surprise Gavi. You really wanted this to be a special moment, you missing each other badly, but it felt like no idea was coming into your mind.
You checked your phone for Pedri's reply, but you saw your boyfriend's text.
Hola, how are u cariño? Will you be able to watch the game? If not, go sleep, your healthy is more important anyway. Wish me good luck. Te amo !
Oh, so you told him you were sick.
Thank you for your concern, Pablo. I'll watch you play tonight. Go get the ball! Yo tambien te amo!!🙌
You were so thankful for him. Gavi was the best boyfriend, you just couldn't ask for more.
While you were looking at your phone, an idea came into your mind. It was the perfect one to surprise Pablo!
You rushed to Barca' stuff and begged them to help you with it. They were happy to hear your idea and agreed to surprise Gavi.
When you saw the footballers coming to the pitch to warm up, you hid so that they couldn't see you. You only waved to Pedri who smiled, happy to see you there.
Now, 5 minutes were left until the game had to begin, and you slowly went in the middle of the pitch. First, Gavi didn't see you, and you were dying to see his reaction.
He knew it was time that someone had to pass him the ball so that the game should begin and you were the special fan from tonight. When he first saw your body, your back was on his front, him being able to see his jearsy on you.
He was surprised that someone could look so much like you from the back, but when you turned around, ready to pass him the ball, he was socked.
"First pass will be made by y/n y/l/n"
So, yes, Pablo wasn't dreaming!
He smiled widely when you gave him the ball, before hugging you.
"I can't believe you just did that! Yo te amo muchisimo, señorita!"
"Ready to win?"
"More than ready, amor!"
You quickly kissed his lips, while all the cameras were on you, before running to your seat to watch the game.
Pedri gave you a small wave and you could read from his lips that he thanked you for showing up.
The game was a whole victory and you couldn't be more proud of your team.
Everyone came to you and hugged you while telling you how much they missed you. When Pablo came to you, he kissed your lips with so much love, that you felt you were the luckiest girl.. not that you wouldn't be.
"Thank you.. thank you so much!"
"You know I'll do anything for you, mi amor!"
He smiled and kissed you once again, before taking your hand and walking around the stadium, talking about nothing and everything at the same time.
You really love this boy and every sacrifice that you did, do, and will do.. you know he deserves them.
How was this?? Tell me your opinion if you'd like!
Again, happy birthday to you, anon!!!!
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marvelouslytrekking · 4 months
A Much Needed Nap
Pairing: Leonard/reader Summary: The exhaustion from multiple crisis made a relaxing night very needed. Even if it meant forgetting something important. Word Count: 1037 A/N: It's been awhile but I was in need of something soft and could use a nap myself so this all but wrote itself. Hope you enjoy.
You knew that when you had enlisted in Starfleet that rest would not be something you would be all that familiar with, however, you hadn’t expected it to feel just so never ending. You knew it was the curse of getting assigned to the flagship, an assignment you would not give up for anything, expect right now, maybe a nice long nap would have you trading in your rank without much of a second thought.
You tried very hard to keep yourself balanced, however part of that balance was making sure you spent time with your friends, but between the back to back disasters and then the mandatory fun the captain would set up to help everyone “decompress” you felt like you have had no time to just relax, unless you were asleep but even that was limited. 
So when Uhura had asked you to get drinks with her after your shift, you didn’t even feel bad for turning her down, you must have looked like you needed the break because she didn’t even ask a second time. She was good at respecting boundaries, but she also liked to try and convince you to join her in shenanigans, so her not trying to entice you, even slightly, was a sign that you looked as exhausted as you felt. 
You sighed happily as you slipped into lounge clothes, you couldn’t even think of the last time these sweats had made an appearance. You plopped yourself on the couch and pressed play on the first movie that came up on your padd. You heard your doorbell go off and you groaned, you hadn’t even made it 10 minutes into the movie. Maybe Nyota had changed her mind and was going to try and force you out with her. 
“Come in” You shouted, too lazy to move to see exactly who it was. You barely even turned your head to look at who you had just let enter your space. 
“From the look of it, I am going to assume you’ve forgotten of our planned date.” You heard a gruff voice say from your doorway, a slight chuckle in his voice. 
“Oh my god!” You sat up rather quickly to look up and see Leonard with a bouquet of flowers in his hand and a rather nice looking outfit on. You had been so busy the last few weeks, you and Leonard had barely had time to even see each other in passing. You had finally synced calendars and made plans to have a nice sit down date, one that was more than a 5 minute lunch, or 15 conversation before you both passed out in one of your beds. “It completely slipped my mind, I am so so sorry Len. If you give me like 10 minutes, I can be ready.”
You stood up and walked over to him, reaching up to pull him into a kiss, “The flowers are lovely” You toyed with one of the leaves, smiling at how much thought he had put into getting them for you. 
“You’re fine, you look exhausted,” He frowned slightly when he took in just how true that statement was.
“And here I was about to say how handsome you looked, and you’re saying I look terrible” You huffed. 
“Now don’t put words in my mouth, I said you look tired, not terrible.” He glared at you, “How could I possibly think you look terrible when you look so adorable in my sweatshirt.”
You tried and failed to hold back the smile at his comment, “I don’t remember this being yours.”
“Probably cause you stole it forever ago.” 
“Well anyway, just make yourself comfortable, and I will get changed.” You told him, “though don’t even ask, you’re not getting this hoodie back.”
“I wouldn’t dare,” He smiled, “But no need to change, we can just stay in. Looks like you just started a movie, and I would hate to make you not finish that, plus i could use a nice calm evening too”
“Are you sure? I feel terrible about ruining plans that you clearly took time to make.” You frowned. 
“It really wasn’t anything crazy, we can rain check it until you have had more sleep.” He told you, sincerity in his voice. 
“Thank you, Len.” You smiled, pulling him into a hug. He didn’t hesitate wrapping his arms tightly around you, staying like that for a while, just happy to be in each other's arms. 
“How about, I get these beautiful flowers in a vase, you go change into something more comfy and we can just curl up on the couch, eat some shitty replicator food and watch the dumb movie I had started,”
“Sounds perfect” He planted a kiss on your forehead before passing the flowers off to you and heading in your room to find some of his clothes to change into. 
You had finished putting the flowers in a vase and placing them neatly on your counter before finding some food to replicate when Len came out with a few extra pillows and blankets from your room. Upon seeing how cozy he was about to make the couch, you had no doubt you would be finding yourself asleep soon but you were just happy to have some time to spend with Len quietly. 
As you set the food down on the coffee table, Leonard had gotten himself and the pillows and such situated. You then found yourself getting settled curled up against his chest. You each grabbed a bowl of food and ate in comforting silence as the movie neither of you were paying all that much attention to played in the background. Once you were done eating and the dishes were set aside, you felt Leonard lightly playing with your hair, a gentle kiss here or there placed on your hairline. It wasn’t much longer before you felt yourself slipping into a deep sleep. 
Before fully succumbing to the sleep that was gripping at you, you found yourself mutter a soft, barely audible, “Love you so much Len,”
“I love you too dear” Softly, with so much care behind the normally gruff voice was the last thing you registered before you were fully asleep.
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padfootagain · 1 year
The Cockroach
Hi ! Here is another request for my Comeback Event! This request was sent by @that-bwitch : ‘Carole, hi! Hopped on tumblr, saw that you’re back to writing and became very very happy :) Hope you’re still taking event requests. I would love me some Sirius Black with Professor AU and an angry love confession. All the best xx’.
Thank you for your request! I hope you like what I’ve written for you :)
Pairing: Sirius Black x Reader
Warnings: nothing… just some adorable fluff and a jealous Sirius. Professor AU + angry love confession
Summary: Sirius and you have been getting closer and closer while teaching at Hogwarts together, but none of you seemed ready to take the first step to take your relationship further. However, the arrival of a new colleague might awaken some jealousy into one of you. Will it be enough for the two of you to finally act on your feelings?
Word Count: 3778
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Sirius was staring at you from across the corridor.
He wished he could say that it was a rare occurrence, but it wasn’t. Actually, it was more and more common these days.
He lingered in the corridor, right before the door of his classroom, while his students entered. He lingered there, by the open door, just so he could look at you. Because you looked beautiful like this, bathing in the warm afternoon light coming in from the row of windows that ran down the corridor. You were walking with a quick pace, small and yet fast footsteps echoing through the hall. His entire body warmed up at the sight of the happy and friendly smile you offered him, hurrying towards him. His heart, especially, felt light and warm under his ribs. It skipped a beat, but Sirius didn’t mind. He merely smiled like a fool.
“Hello, Sirius!” you chimed, not slowing down your pace.
“Hello, Y/N. Late as always, I see,” he chuckled, crossing his arms and leaning against the wall.
“What can I say? Hogwarts has a terrible architecture. Can you explain to me why my room is on the opposite side of the building compared to where my classroom is? Don’t you think it would be more practical if the two were, at the very least, in the same wing?”
“But then, you wouldn’t pass before my class so often. And I would hate to miss that view.”
You rolled your eyes, but couldn’t refrain the smile that birthed on your lips, and Sirius was not fooled.
“Well, I reckon you have a class to give, Mr. Black,” you replied, finally coming to his level, and slowing down just enough to look at him in the eyes for a moment. “Your students seem to be waiting…”
Sirius smirked.
“I do indeed, have a class to give. And you still have three flights of stairs to climb…”
“Oh, shut it!”
Sirius merely laughed as you walked past him, his loud, merry laughter echoing through the hall. It sounded a little like a bark. You loved it. It was warm and infectious. It brought a smile to your lips you couldn’t refrain.
You merely hoped that he would never learn that for the past two years, you had refused to change rooms with your colleague teaching potions, because then, you would be much closer to your classroom…
… and you wouldn’t have to walk in front of Sirius’s class every day…
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There was a new teacher in Hogwarts this year, and Sirius did not like him.
First, because he was replacing Remus who had dropped his position as Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher this year, to pursue some research in Canada. Canada. Ridiculous. Moony kept on repeating that it was only for a year, and that he would come back with brand new elements to add to his classes, and that it was important and lots of nonsense of the kind. So, the man replacing one of his best friends could not be, by definition, Sirius’s friend.
But then, there was also the fact that this new Professor Williamson was spending way, way too much time with you.
It was the end of October, on Halloween night, and the year was merely beginning. And Sirius was already planning on transforming this colleague of his into a cockroach, before squashing him under his boot.
The Cockroach, indeed, was talking to you again. As usual. On the long table set for the teachers of the school, Sirius sat right next to Minerva. Sirius had taken up her classes and responsibilities concerning Transfiguration and the Gryffindor House after she had become Headmistress. And along the years, he had truly become her right-hand man, hence his position around the dinner table. Although, Sirius liked to believe -and there was undoubtedly some truth in this statement of his- that she was simply very fond of her former student. He liked to play favourites, and even if McGonagall tried to deny it all, it was hard for her to hide her smiles before Sirius’s silliness. After all, she was fond of him…
You always sat next to Sirius, ever since that first day two years before when you arrived in Hogwarts, ready to teach Charms after Flitwick’s retirement. Sirius had welcomed you at the train station, he had showed you around and the pair of you had become inseparable ever since.
But now, everything was changing. Because now, next to you, was not seated Sirius’s best friend, but Leo Williamson. And Sirius hated his guts.
He rolled his eyes as he overheard the man’s third terrible joke of the evening. He would have done anything to break the ban on firewhiskey set on the school. He so desperately needed a drink…
He was already mad at the man, but Sirius choked on his water when he overheard Leo’s next words.
“What about we go to Hogsmeade together this weekend? I know a very good place to get dinner. It would be nice.”
A date… the Cockroach was asking you on a date.
Sirius hated himself for being unable to breathe as he waited for your answer, but he couldn’t help it.
“Oh, that would be nice! I can’t go this weekend, I won’t be at Hogwarts because someone in my family is getting married. But perhaps we can do this another day.”
Sirius held his fork so tightly he started to bend the tip.
You had not said ‘no’. It was a mere ‘later’.
Did you like that guy? Did you really like the Cockroach?
Next to Sirius, McGonagall struggled not to laugh at Sirius’s reactions.
He was silent for the remainder of the meal, but he waited for you to be done with your dessert anyway. Even if he wanted nothing but to be alone in his room for a while, he waited for you. He always did. He always walked to your room with you, crossing the castle just to listen to your voice for a little bit longer. It was worth the trouble.
His grey eyes settled on your merry features, and he couldn’t refrain a dreamy smile.
You were worth the trouble…
However, a higher authority must have decided that Sirius’s day would thoroughly be ruined, as Leo stood up to leave the hall with Sirius and you. And to be fair, the Marauder did not know how to react. He was simply so used to walk alone with you at night, crossing empty corridors together while you talked of silly things that he was at a loss for words when Leo followed you outside the Great Hall.
Sirius’s resolution to turn this man into an insect was more and more tempting.
He would have preferred not to go to Azkaban though, so he refrained his urge to annihilate the man who walked by your side. Instead, he followed the two of you in silence, a few steps behind, glowering at Leo.
He wanted to make this man pay so much…
He was ready to punch him in the face when Leo complimented your haircut.
Sirius couldn’t really blame him though, you did look dashing now, hair a little dishevelled after a long day. But then, you were always absolutely gorgeous…
Still. The Cockroach needed to be taught a lesson, and what better plan than to perform a little prank?
Sirius was Padftoot after all. He was part of the legendary Marauders. It was true that he was now a teacher, but still, he could surely pull up a decent prank that would make his rival look absolutely ridiculous. And Sirius would be delighted at the sight.
You walked further down a couple of corridors, and then Sirius had the perfect idea. He wondered why he hadn’t thought of that before, actually. He was getting old, for sure. His mischievous reflexes were slowing down…
As you walked through a larger corridor, the passage was decorated for Halloween, with cobwebs, candles and carved pumpkins hovering high above the ground, near the ceiling.
One of the pumpkins down the corridor had a particularly vicious expression. Perfect. It was exactly what Sirius had in mind…
As discreetly as possible, Sirius took his wand out of his pocket. He didn’t need to speak the spell out loud though, he was talented enough at non-verbal magic to ensure that the pumpkin would fall right onto the professor’s head…
He would have been lying if he had claimed that he didn’t enjoy it. He felt like a teenager all over again. The rush of adrenaline was the same, he almost expected for Remus or James to peer into the passage from an alcove to watch the prank unfold.
He tried to hide the movements of his wrist as he flicked his wand, but it was unnecessary anyway, you and Leo were still chatting and you didn’t seem to be paying much attention to Sirius. Still, he tried to hide his movements as he guided the carved pumpkin towards the middle of the corridor, right on Leo’s path. It was hovering near the ceiling, and Sirius added another spell to make the orange vegetable a little softer, making sure that it would break upon his rival’s head.
Only a few more steps for the teacher to take, and he would be right under the pumpkin… oh… he would lose all of his sex appeal once covered with orange food. Sirius couldn’t wait to see this…
He counted, needing to release the pumpkin from his levitating spell at the right time.
Another flick of his wrist, and Sirius made the pumpkin fall right on top of Leo’s head.
It crashed onto the professor in a thud, spilling some gooey food all over him. Sirius exploded with laughter at the sight. Leo had bits of orange vegetable in his hair and covering his shoulders, and the candle that had been inside the pumpkin had burned a hole in the teacher’s robes as it fell to the ground. When Leo turned to Sirius with a glare and clenched fists, all the mischief maker could do was to double with laughter, crying at how ridiculous his rival looked.
That was a good one. He would have to tell Remus everything about it.
He finally turned to you, expecting to find you laughing as well, but instead you seemed… worried…
Why were you worried?
“Leo, are you okay?”
The professor turned towards you again.
“Sure, I’m alright just… dirty.”
“I don’t know what happened… I…”
But Leo glowered at Sirius again. Oh, he knew what had happened… and Sirius gave him an innocent look that actually revealed how guilty he was.
“It’s nothing, I’m sure,” Leo mumbled. “I’ll just… call it a night, I guess. I reckon that I need a shower.”
You followed his gaze to look at Sirius, and he gave you a smile. He didn’t get why you glared at him all of a sudden.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, Y/N,” said Leo.
“Yes, good night. I… I’m sorry this happened. Are you sure you’re not hurt?”
“No, no… I’m fine. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
Before you could add anything, Leo was walking away.
“Good night, Leo!” Sirius shouted after him, a satisfied grin on his lips.
He was chuckling when he turned to you again, but the look of anger on your face made him fall silent instantly.
“What?” he asked with a frown.
“Did you do that?”
Your voice was trembling with anger now. You were mad, clearly. Sirius’s frown deepened.
“What makes you think that?” he defended himself.
But you were not fooled.
“I don’t know, Sirius. You do have a reputation from when you were a student here. And it is the first time that I hear about a pumpkin falling on its own!”
“Oh, come on now! Don’t be like that! Have you seen his face? It was hilarious!”
“I don’t find it funny.”
“Come on, no one got hurt! It was an innocent prank.”
“So, you do admit that you’re the one who sent this pumpkin falling on his head!”
“Yes! Yes, alright! I did it! I admit it! I plead guilty! Happy now?” Sirius fought back, raising his voice now as he opened his arms wide.
“Merlin! How old are you, Sirius? 12?” you asked, and your voice was getting louder as well.
You could feel that the situation was getting out of hand, that you both were losing your cool… but you couldn’t help it… you were too angry.
“Why are you so mad? It was just a joke!” Sirius asked, and he still seemed confused before your reaction.
“He could have been hurt! These pumpkins are heavy!”
“I made it softer, it was perfectly safe.”
“Did you plan that?”
“How could I have planned that, I didn’t know this Cockroach would walk with us tonight.”
“Cockroach? Seriously?”
You heaved a frustrated sigh, clenching your jaw.
“You are unbelievable. Immature. A pain in the arse, Sirius.”
“Well, thank you for the compliments,” he replied wryly.
“Why are you being so mean to Leo, anyway? He’s very nice, you know?”
Sirius rolled his eyes.
“He is,” you insisted. “And you’ve been insufferable around him ever since the beginning of the year! Why?”
Sirius shrugged. How could he answer that? He couldn’t tell you that he was jealous. That he liked you. That he… that he loved you, actually. And that it drove him crazy to have a rival, because he wasn’t sure how to tell you how he felt and he needed time to gather his courage, and what if you pushed him away if he talked to you and…
He forced his mind to quieten again. He had to remain calm. He had to carefully choose his words now…
“I simply don’t like him. It happens. Can’t love everybody, you know?”
“Stop lying.”
Your voice was lower again, but now it was deadly cold. And he hated it. He preferred when you were almost shouting at him. Because this… this sounded distant and emotionless and he hated it…
He winced.
“I… I don’t like him, okay? Now, it isn’t a big deal. Was it immature? Probably. Was it stupid? Maybe. But I didn’t hurt the guy or do anything serious…”
“That was mean!”
“Yes, well, I was pissed, okay? Sorry if I have human emotions every once in a while!”
His voice had risen again, and his anger was growing at each passing second. All of this was ridiculous…
“It was uncalled for!” you fought back, your tone and anger matching his again. “He didn’t do anything! What were you even mad about?”
“His existence.”
“Oh, come on! What did he do to piss you off like that?”
This time you had not merely raised your voice, you were shouting. You were shouting at him, and Sirius wasn’t sure how to handle that. He had never heard you screaming like this. You seemed truly upset…
He could feel his heart beat faster and faster and he wasn’t certain if it was out of anger or discomfort; but he hated it, of that he was certain. He didn’t want you to be so angry against him he wanted you to… he wanted to…
He heaved a frustrated sigh, shrugging.
“It was a stupid prank,” Sirius answered, struggling to keep his voice quieter, calmer than your tone, in an attempt to calm you down too. “I’ll admit, I didn’t think much before doing it. But it was merely a prank. I didn’t hurt him, he’s perfectly fine. Only his ego got a little bruised, and honestly, considering how condescending he can be, I reckon I’ve actually done something good for the entire community tonight.”
But you shook your head at him, taking a step closer.
“Why did you do that? Why, Sirius?”
“You are insufferable with all your questions!” snapped Sirius, trying to take a step back, but you grabbed his sleeve.
He was about to break, and he knew it. Because there was something a little desperate in your gaze, and if you kept on pushing him to talk, Sirius knew that he would tell you everything and he couldn’t… he couldn’t lose you…
“I told you, I don’t like him.”
He ran a hand in his long dark hair in frustration, before looking at you again.
“Because he’s constantly flirting with you, and he… and you were ready to go on a bloody date with him!”
He turned around, struggling to calm down. He threw his head back and took a deep breath.
“Why would you be upset by that?” you asked, but this time there was no anger in your voice. Still, it was trembling.
Sirius let out a wry laugh.
“What do you think?” he rhetorically asked, shaking his head, his back still to you. “What do you think, Y/N? Why do I walk with you after every meal when my chambers are on the opposite side of the castle? Why do I spend so much time with you? Why would I be jealous?”
He turned to you again, and you could see that he hated himself for telling you all this. It was written there, in his grey eyes; they seemed almost as hard as granite now, and yet there was also sorrow tainting his gaze when he looked at you.
“I like you, Y/N,” he went on through gritted teeth. “I like you, and this jerk is there, flirting with you and asking you on dates and…”
He heaved a sigh, and he seemed tired, all of a sudden.
“You’re going to hate me now, right?”
He closed his eyes, before running his hand across his face.
“I’m sorry, okay? Let’s just… forget all this happened.”
“You like me?”
Sirius finally looked at you again. You didn’t seem angry anymore. You seemed… confused. But then, there was something else that shone in your eyes that looked like hope…
Sirius had spoken too much already, anyway. Might as well confess it all. He had ruined everything already…
“Actually… I feel something… a little stronger than that. But yeah… I guess you can put it that way,” he answered, his gaze lost in your eyes.
Your lips slightly parted in shock. He didn’t know what to make of your gesture.
“I know you don’t feel the same, it’s okay,” he went on.
But you shook your head.
“I… Yes. Okay. Yes.”
Sirius quirked an eyebrow.
“What? What are you talking about?”
“Yes, I want to go on a date with you. Saturday night?”
He stared at you, aghast… completely taken aback.
“Wh… what?”
“Oh no… the wedding… you could come with me to the wedding?”
Sirius blinked a couple of times. You were looking at him with wide eyes, you seemed out of breath and terribly nervous but… there was no trace of anger, or sadness left in your gaze.
Sirius tried his hardest to wrap his mind around what your words meant.
“You… you want me to take you on a date?”
“At your friend’s wedding?”
“Why not?”
“So… you would be taking me on a date, then.”
“Oh… yeah, I guess so.”
“At your friend’s wedding.”
“Absolutely not.”
He saw you panicking, and hurried to go on.
“I am taking you on a proper date. One that doesn’t involve dozens of people I don’t know around. One that does not involve anyone but us. Tomorrow night?”
“Tomorrow? It’s Wednesday.”
“And? We’re teachers, we don’t have a curfew.”
“Right… that’s true.”
“Then… I’ll take you on a date, tomorrow night. 7pm? I’ll drop by your room?”
The two of you stared at each other for a while, not certain to fully comprehend what had just happened and transpired between the two of you. It was nice though. An excellent news for sure. And you wished you could be smart enough and mysterious enough to hide the truth, but you were too upset at that moment, too happy as well, too excited, too shocked…
“I’m in love with you, by the way.”
His eyes grew round, and you were certain that he would push you away this time. It was one thing to confess that you liked someone, and it was another entirely to confess that you loved them…
You could feel tears forming at the corner of your eyes.
“I’m sorry… I… I shouldn’t have said that…”
But before you could add another word, Sirius had taken the three steps that separated the two of you, was holding your face with both his hands, and was crashing his lips to yours.
And by Merlin’s beard it was one hell of a kiss…
You lost your fingers through his dark hair once you were able to react and kiss him back, after the first shockwave had passed. He brushed his thumbs across your cheeks, making your heart flutter. And Merlin, his lips against yours, and the taste of his tongue on yours…
When the two of you finally broke the kiss, you were both breathless, dizzy, heads spinning and hearts pounding.
When you opened your eyes once more, it was only to be lost into Sirius’s grey stare.
He struggled to swallow, you saw his Adam’s apple moving up and down.
“I… I love you too, by the way,” Sirius whispered, but you heard him loud and clear.
Your lips broke into a wide grin.
“You do?”
“Of course, I do…”
You giggled, you couldn’t help it. This whole situation was surreal. He finally wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you close to him while you rested your temple against his jaw.
“Can I ask you something?” he whispered, and you silently nodded to let him continue. “Were you really thinking about going on a date with the Cockroach?”
You laughed.
“Stop calling him like that!”
“The nickname suits him.”
“No, it doesn’t. And no, I wouldn’t have gone on a date with him.”
“Obviously. I mean… why do you think I’m keeping my room on the opposite side of the castle compared to where my classroom is? Because then I have to walk before your class every day, and it gives me a good excuse to see you, even if it’s just for a minute… Why would I go on a date with anyone but you, then?”
Sirius grinned. You didn’t recall seeing such a bright smile on his face before.
“You really are going to be the death of me…”
But before you could argue, he was kissing you again, and you didn’t complain…
Taglist : @reg-arcturus-black @unofficial-jaytodd-wife @anisa269
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The Police Station Scene
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Arguably the most important season 1 Tarlos scene (it won the poll, after all!), the police station scene in 1x03 is undoubtedly iconic. The sheer chemistry between these two becomes truly apparent, and the journey they take throughout the scene...I have no words. Or perhaps I have many words. Yes, I think it's that second one. Many words. Under the cut, my analysis of this excellent scene.
We start out with TK in a pretty miserable situation. On top of everything else he's going through, he just got arrested, and at this point, he's not sure if the guys he fought are going to be pressing charges. For all he knows, he could be ending up in a jail cell using his one phone call to get Owen to come bail him out, something that Owen will probably not be too happy about. Not only that, but he's bleeding and his face clearly hurts judging by the ice pack he's holding to it. He's having a very bad night.
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Then, things suddenly get even worse. Because the police officer coming to deal with him is none other than the guy he hooked up with and then later stormed out on. The guy TK had started having such strong and unexpected feelings for that he had given in to the urge to flee. The guy who TK assumes probably already thinks terrible things about him because of the way things went down the last time they were together. So now not only is this an undesirable legal situation, but it's also an awkward and embarrassing social situation. And now this guy knows that "TK" stands for Tyler Kennedy. Ugh.
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From Carlos' perspective, he met this guy who was smokin' hot who he felt an instant connection with...this guy who made him feel for the first time like maybe he wasn't actually broken and then gave him the best orgasm of his life. Said guy then stormed out on him for what appeared to Carlos to be no good reason. He couldn't even be bothered to sit and have a meal and a little conversation. And now? This guy is out getting in bar fights completely sober, putting himself in a dangerous situation where he could very well get himself killed. This guy who Carlos already cares about, and who has seemingly completely rejected him at the first sign of Carlos wanting to get to know him. Carlos is hurt but he's also angry. Most of all, Carlos is angry about the fact that TK is being so completely reckless with his own safety.
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The guys from the bar fight don't want to press charges, so Carlos tells TK that he's free to go. But he can't stop from giving TK a little advice. He's not trying to be his boyfriend (lie) or even his friend if he's not into it (oh, Carlos) but he tells TK that he "should talk to someone about why you felt compelled to do something so suicidal." Carlos says this without knowing that TK was suicidal and acted on it not long ago.
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TK appears to be affected by this but says nothing. It appears that maybe the fight has gone out of him...until Carlos lets him know that he has something on his face, giving him a box of tissues to take care of it. TK gets visibly frustrated when Carlos tells him he's trying to clean off the wrong side. But then Carlos does something that TK doesn't expect.
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He says, "Stop, just...let me." And with a shaky hand, he uses a tissue to dab at the spot on TK's face.
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This clearly isn't nothing to Carlos. The emotion in his eyes is undeniable. He cares. That simple act of caring is enough to break TK's walls down the tiniest bit. To allow him to show some vulnerability. TK wants to explain.
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He apologizes for what happened between them and tells him that he just went through a really bad breakup, "like nuclear bad," and then he relapsed. Not, as Carlos assumes, with him, but with substances. TK is giving Carlos a piece of himself, trusting him in a way he has not trusted anyone else he's met in Texas, as much as he likes them and enjoys working with them.
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Carlos recognizes the significance of this moment of vulnerability. But it's more than that. It gives him context for what happened. TK wasn't just being a jerk and storming out because he didn't care to get to know Carlos. He has serious things going on. And...the champagne! TK has issues with substances and Carlos had offered him champagne without even asking first!
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Carlos, always quick to blame himself, apologizes, and in that moment, his walls come down a little too. He had been trying to play it stoic and tough and like he didn't care so, so much. (Of course he already gave himself away when he started gently wiping TK's face)
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But TK doesn't stop there. He gives Carlos more of himself, explaining that, ever since he's gotten to Austin, it's just grey. And he feels numb all the time. To explain why he started the bar fight, TK says, "I guess I just--I wanted to feel something."
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Carlos looks at him. The anger is gone. He has understanding in his eyes...and that look of caring is still there, too. He watches TK gather his things and stand up. Carlos could have said anything in this moment. He chooses to tease TK a little. TK said he started a fight because he just wanted to feel something, so Carlos tells him, "Judging by that lip, I'd say mission accomplished."
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TK looks at him with annoyance. He kind of can't believe that THIS is Carlos' reaction to his vulnerability!
"You really busting my balls right now?"
But Carlos stands his ground as the corner of his mouth goes up slightly.
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"Yeah, I suppose I am."
Carlos made the right choice here because TK smiles too.
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They like each other so much.
I fully believe that everything that happens after wouldn't have happened without this scene. It's pivotal in their relationship. The journey they go through is incredible! From this:
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To this:
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Iconic and unmatched.
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mamawasatesttube · 7 months
oh my god I need to tell you. so I. a while ago I did a whole bunch of research on touch starvation. and did you know babies literally die if they aren't touched and held. and did you know regular physical contact between a child and their caretakers is important for the child being able to self-regulate their emotions. and did you know that when someone hugs a child what happens is it syncs up their nervous systems. if the child is upset or scared their heart rate calms and they produce less stress hormones etc. and through that the child's body learns to do that on its own. so babies that die from lack of physical touch are literally dying of too much stress. and children who don't get enough touch can have problems like stunted growth, weak immune systems, low weight, and stunted mental and emotional development.
I mean granted, the scientists probably figured out a way to inject some kind of cocktail of hormones and chemicals to stimulate the physiological effects of touch so that kon developed properly but like. he never actually experienced it
Cadmus is like, we're gonna make a teenage clone in a test tube, this surely will not result in a kid so desperate for human connection that even terrible relationships will feel good to him
also I just think the first time kon got one of Martha or Jonathan's hugs he must have felt like he died and went to heaven. and at the same time felt really weird, like WHY DO I FEEL IT IN MY BONES WHY DO I WANT TO CRY
WAAAAHHHHH YEAH ABSOLUTELY YES YEAH DEFINITELY YES. touch-starved kon who doesn't even realize how desperate for human connection he is. this kills the man (me)
i just think if you put him in the middle of a group hug pile between ma, pa, and clark, he'd literally start bawling. he'd have no idea why and he'd be so embarrassed but he would just be so overwhelmed. because he has never had prolonged sustained physical affection in any healthy relationship before and he's only little and . AUGH!!!!!
incidentally the touch-starvation is part of why i think kon and bart are so so tactile especially with each other. "raised in a tube" and "raised in vr" both do not very much healthy human connection make. and bart's at least got his family around him but he still sees a kindred spirit in kon. so they will both simply snuggle even while bickering wildly about every topic under the sun just for bickering's sake. any and all friends are more than welcome to join the snugglepile; the toll is just that they have to put up with the konbart bickering game.
but god. god yeah. yeah it ruins me a little bit. he's just a little boy :( and he doesn't even know.
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The weeks passed slowly for Eddie, and he was starting to lose it. He felt antsy, his natural chaotic energy having to be contained as much as possible so he didn’t tear out his stitches… Again. So, it was with great relief that the powers that be finally decided he was well enough to finish recovering at home. Or at least to whatever trailer the government had seen fit to replace his actual home with. Wayne said it was great, new and updated and bigger than the one Vecna had destroyed. He wouldn’t have most of his shit, but Wayne and the kids had done a good job of replacing a lot of what he had lost. He had a second-hand cassette player and a bunch of tapes, a thrifted copy of The Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings, and clothes that Robin had snagged from the school. The most important thing – his sweetheart – had been salvaged. He couldn’t wait to start playing again. He had written some pretty sick lyrics that he was excited to put music to.
Wayne finishing packing his bag just as a nurse came in with a wheelchair. He settled himself in and she pushed him out into the hall, Wayne trailing behind. He had her stop as they passed Max’s room. Steve was visiting. Steve was always visiting, never leaving either of them alone for too long. He noticed they were holding hands, which was weird because usually Max freaked out if anyone tried to touch her. Eddie was still constantly surprised by how good Steve was with the kids. How different he was with each of them based off their personalities and needs. Playful with Dustin, sincere with El, firm with Mike, soft with Max, heartfelt with Will, mentoring to Lucas. He understood people, saw them and what they needed. Eddie could never have imagined how much Steve gave of himself to the people he loved. Eddie wondered what Steve would give him, if he ever reached the level of friendship Steve had with the kids. And the thought sent a wave of longing so intense through Eddie that he was glad he was sitting down because his legs went weak with it.
“Heading out, Munson?” Steve asked, getting up and walking over to them.
“Yup! This place has had enough of my charms and they’re kicking me out.” Eddie shrugged and tried to steady his racing heart.
“You were a terrible patient, I don’t blame them at all!”
“I was a model patient, Harrington! I thought we were friends, how dare you take their side?” Eddie asked with feigned disgruntlement.
“How many times did you pull out your stitches, Munson?” Steve asked and folded his arms across his chest.
Steve had him there. He had pulled his stitches a few times trying to do things he shouldn’t, like play his guitar or - heaven forbid - go to the bathroom by himself!
“I can’t believe you’re going to leave me all alone here,” Max said from the bed. They had hung out a lot over the last few weeks, bonding over terrible wounds and angry music.
“Don’t worry Red, I’ll be back to visit. I would never leave you to the not-so-gentle mercies of the sadistic needle wielding nurses of Hawkins Memorial.”
Max smiled a little at the description. Eddie was ecstatic he could elicit even a small bit of happiness out of her.
“Onward, mighty stead!” Eddie pointed down the hall as the nurse sighed behind him. The staff were truly over his shit.
“Before you go, I wanted to give you this,” Steve said as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a slip of paper. He handed it to Eddie. It had his number written on it.
“Call if you need anything, any time. I mean it.”
“Oh, you’re making a huge mistake giving me this Big Boy, prepare yourself for a lot of prank calls.” Eddie grinned up at him.
Steve went to grab the paper out his hands, but Eddie shoved it in his mouth to keep it away from him and mumbled, “kidding, kidding!”
Steve laughed and shook his head.
“Get outta here, Munson!”
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timmyscomputer · 4 months
Percy x gn!reader I'm sorry
Ok here is an angsty fluff ending fic it's kinda short but I'm like so proud of this lol
Word count~717
Me and Percy are arguing about him missing another date." Percy this is the second time this month you've missed a date".I said upset."Baby, I'm sorry but you know how they are I couldn't say no" he replied."So you're saying they're more important"? I asked."wh-what"?Percy said confused." that's what I thought," I said while leaving. As I walked away from Percy's cabin I cried. I mean how could I not, he was blowing me off for his friends, and this wasn't the first time, and for what to play games I mean was it too much to ask for one night with him? I guess it was because when I brought it up he flipped. I guess it was stupid to think he liked me. The next day at lunch he started walking toward me and I looked down and walked away fast. I know it was wrong to avoid him but I just couldn't believe he would do that yesterday so for the time being I was going to avoid him till I felt better."y/n" Percy said kind of loud towards me. I turned to look at him and kept walking eventually he caught up." what" I asked annoyed."y/n I just want to say sorry about yesterday" he said."okay great by Percy I got to go" I replied walking away. I can not believe his half-ass apology I could tell he was generally sorry but that apology was terrible. I mean you blow me off twice and then say oh sorry like hello you knew what you were doing. Anyway, I just have to ignore him till I feel better or he apologizes better.
Percy pov
I just don't get it why are they this mad at me I mean I get it I missed too many dates but I forgot the first time and the second time was because I got the wrong time. As I walk over to Luke I ask him"Hey Luke can I ask you something?" He stared at me but replied "Sure" so I asked, "Hey I missed two of my and y/n's dates and they seem genuinely upset what do I do?" "Did you apologize?" he asked"Yeah I said hey I'm sorry about yesterday" I said. "Oh there's your answer one you've made a basic apology two you did even apologize for the date in general," he said."oh shit" I replied. while getting up and leaving "Where are you going?" he questioned." to fix this" I replied. As I walked through the woods looking for Flowers. I stumbled upon a beautiful rock and smiled thinking about how y/n loves rocks so I grabbed it and stuffed it into my pocket. Continuing my search for the perfect flowers, After a while I found some pretty yellow and white flowers picked them, and headed toward the fruit field grabbing some fruits. (you can make them whatever fruit you want)I started to head toward their cabin but I couldn't see them so I decided to wait on their porch after knocking and not getting a response.
Your POV (again)
I'm currently just wondering around camp aimlessly trying to kill time and calm down and it's working I feel a lot better already so I decided to head back to my cabin as I'm walking I realized I should have let Percy apologize and heard his full apology rather than running off. As I get closer to my cabin I notice Percy sitting on my porch with Flowers." hi" I say. Percy looks up at me and smiles while replying " Hey" Handing me the flowers he says "These are for you look I'm so sorry about the date yesterday, I got the wrong time and I know sorry won't fix it that's why I'm taking you on a date right now" " oh Percy these are perfect thank you" I replied. Staring at the flowers"Come on" Percy says while holding out his hand. I take his hand in mine while he pulls something out of his pocket "Here" he says. It's so pretty "I'm adding this to my collection thank you so much I love you" "I love you too" he leans down and kisses me. The End.
I low-key love this and hope you like it so I'm writing a bunch of random stuff to get better requests are open. love you have a wonderful day.🧡
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soupdots · 5 months
Hey, I haven’t posted on here in a while, but! I read Azula in the Spirit Temple (finally) and I wanted to give my thoughts on it.
Overall rating, 7.5/10
Things I liked:
• These two panels:
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I love how her humanity is shown in both of them. I don’t know if we’ve EVER seen Azula given the humanity shown in the second panel— fear, specifically trauma-motivated fear (and a traumatic experience not frequently discussed, her institutionalization). It’s significant because she’s showing fear without anger, which is rare for her. And I was blown away by the first panel. I didn’t expect them to be so explicit about it. It’s almost too explicit, but honestly, it’s needed (because people clearly don’t pick up on subtext). It made me very happy to see what we’ve all been saying stated outright and in canon. These two panels pushed the comic up from more of a 6/10.
• I liked the idea of spirits and avatars (no pun intended) of Azula’s past friends and family talking to her (This is something that’s planned for my fic, if I ever get that off the ground again). It allows Azula to directly confront what has been done to her and what she has done, which is important for a redemption arc. It also allows for some healing, because she’s able to talk to those who hurt her.
• Azula is not given a quick redemption arc in 80 pages. Thank god. While of course she deserves a redemption arc, a rushed Kuvira-style redemption arc would be awful.
• I like that, true to her classic hair symbolism, Azula has her hair down throughout her time in the temple but puts it back up when she goes back to meet her Fire Warriors.
• She looks like a child in most of the frames. It’s good.
• This may have been unintentional, but I like that it’s Zuko who yells at her about how she’s hurt everybody, she’s a monster etc; then he turns into something of a monster himself. This shows that Zuko has hurt her, that he’s not perfect.
• I think the writing in general was better than past comics (definitely better than Yang’s writing) and it bodes well for the future. I think, all things considered, Faith Hicks did a remarkable job with the barely salvageable remnants of Azula’s character.
Things I didn’t like:
• Azula is still hung up on her “rightful place on the throne!” She never showed any real desire for the throne in the show, and yet for some reason that has become a key piece of her identity. It really doesn’t make sense. Also, didn’t she drop that in S&S? She is still seeking to destabilize Zuko in AITST, but appears to also have regained the desire for the throne. It’s confusing and weird.
• I think Azula could’ve been shown being a little nicer to her ‘Fire Warriors,’ given that she doesn’t have the same pressure to keep them by her side as she did with Mai & Ty Lee, but it’s fair that she’s not. In S&S she’s a pretty terrible person and takes several steps back in her redemption arc (several extremely OOC steps), and while I want to forget the Yang comics ever existed, Hicks still has to adhere to them and that means not suddenly making Azula a lot more chill.
• It felt rushed, but of course it did, it’s 80 pages long. Still this did affect the satisfaction I got from it.
• Azula ought to have been more distressed when she found out that her friends left her given that that’s literally her biggest wound. However I also kind of like that she wasn’t, especially at the end, because it hints that she’s getting tired of the whole friendship through manipulation thing.
• I wish Azula had gotten to talk to the spirit in its monk form a little bit; we could’ve had an Iroh moment for her which would’ve been cool to see.
• In general Azula’s character has really been through the ringer so it’s hard to get anything good out of it, but again I’m impressed at what Hicks has been able to pull off. Still, it felt kind of unsatisfying that at the end of the comic Azula said that she would “find new followers, a new place to rule,” which is like, oh okay, so you kinda haven’t really learned anything? It would be nice to at least get a bit of an idea that she’s on a path towards redemption and healing.
Again, overall, 7.5/10, I really enjoyed this, honestly. There were some parts that made me roll my eyes but ultimately I was surprised at the amount of kindness given to Azula (not a lot, but more than usual). I’m thankful to Faith Erin Hicks & the rest of her team for doing the best they can with our girl. I hope this means she’ll get more good content in the future.
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adventuresinobx · 2 years
The Chain
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Drew Starkey x fem!reader
Summary: Drew and you decide to go out on a night out, and soon you’re straddling his lap and playing with the chain on his neck. Fair to say, he’s obsessed with that.
A/N: Ok this is my first Drew smut, I hope you like it! Inspired by @starkeyobx’s idea and because she’s OBSESSED with that gold rope chain he wears.
Warnings: Some sexual tension and some smut at the end 👀
“You ready yet babe?” Drew shouted from the sitting room. You had been dating him for six months or so but you’d never been able to visit him at work and thus had never got a chance to meet his friends.
It was a big deal for you and you desperately wanted to impress them all. Drew said the boys were like brothers for him and the girls were like sisters and whilst you’d spoke to Chase and Austin sometimes on FaceTime, you’d never actually met them in person.
“Coming, coming,” you shouted frantically from the bedroom where there were clothes strewn all around the room as you desperately decided what looked best to wear. It was so messy, but you’d clean it up later - you really didn’t have any time now.
“Ok baby,” he shouted back. He was wearing a vest with your favourite green jacket over it, which he teamed with a pair of black jeans. You felt you needed to match him, so decided on a green two piece which hugged your curves perfectly. It exposed a little bit of skin; Drew was a big fan of that and it made you feel confident, which was very important when you were going into a situation that made you feel terribly nervous.
You gave yourself another look in the mirror, checking you looked OK for the 100th time today, before making your way out to the living room. Drew was sat on his phone, a smile on his face. From where you were, you could see what he was looking at, pictures of you and him. It made you melt that he had a whole album dedicated to you both; that was super cute.
“Hey, ready,” you said from where you were standing. He immediately shoved his phone down on the sofa and turned around to where he heard the voice from. 
“Oh wow,” he said, looking you up and down and biting his lip. You smiled back at him, your hands smoothing over your clothes, which sent about 100 thoughts into his head. He was obsessed with you and the way you looked and he needed to get a closer look.
You started moving towards him before he had a chance to do the same to you. “What do you think then?” you asked, spinning around in front of him. He was stood in front of the sofa, his eyes fixed on yours except for those little glances he made to appreciate your body in that outfit. You looked - and felt - so confident.
“That’s -,” he paused for a moment, thinking what the best word to describe it would be. Beautiful, sexy, the nicest outfit you’d ever worn.
“It’s what?” you asked, a teasing tone to your voice as you came closer to him. You pressed your lips on his cheek, smiling into the kiss. “Tell me.”
“Beautiful,” he started, “And sexy. Really sexy.” His hands moved to your sides and he gripped there lightly. He moved his fingers over the sliver of bare skin on show and took a moment to explore the softness of your skin. His hand soon moved back to your waist and you felt him grip a little harder, his eyes scanning your body.
“You look good too,” you said, looking up through your eyelashes at him. God he was so cute - but that outfit was so sexy. You felt so turned on seeing him so dressed up. Most of the time he’d just chill in sweatpants or casual clothes so when he did dress up, he made extra effort and you had to confess - he looked good.
You moved your hands up his chest over the material, letting your fingers brush over him. You sorted out the collar on his jacket, his eyes flicking between yours and the moments your hands were making on him. He swallowed hard when your fingers brushed over his neck briefly, by “accident” of course.
“Have we got five minutes?” you asked, the tone in your voice making it very evident what you wanted. Speechless, he just nodded and you lightly pushed him, causing him to fall back on the sofa. You climbed onto him, straddling him gently and immediately taking the opportunity to grind down onto him. He breathed in deeply at the feeling, his hands moving to your sides as a way of steadying himself, and you.
You moved your hands up his chest and to his shoulders, pushing his jacket off him. You pressed your lips against his, tilting your head before you kissed down his neck and sucked on the sweet spot where there was still the remnants of an old mark you’d caused before.
“Feel good?” you asked him, hearing his breath hitch in his throat and little moans fall from his lips. He didn’t answer with words, only with a little groan. “You know what’s really sexy?” you said, thinking out loud, “This chain. When did you get it?”
He swallowed nervously, watching as your fingers made your way to his neck. You took the piece of jewellery in your hand and sighed as you felt the cool metal passing between your thumb and forefinger. He just watched on, mouth agape but his hands gripped tighter on your waist. “It’s really - hot,” you whispered, noting how he bit his lip as you played with the chain.
He usually always wore this fancy diamond looking one for his nights out, but you had a new favourite. The gold rope chain hung off his neck and perfectly matched the two rings he wore on his fingers. Something about this chain made you even more attracted to him. Not all men could pull of jewellery, but god he could.
You carefully glided your fingers over it and then lifted it a little so you could run your hands over his neck too. The sensation of the cool metal and the shivers coming from his body as you touched it like this made you push your hips down into his. A loud moan emitted from his mouth as he bucked his hips up to meet yours, his excitement clearly showing as you used one hand to reach down and palm him through his clothes.
“So good,” he said, his hands gripping hard on your hips as he rolled them up to meet yours again and again. It felt so good and you could feel the excitement building up for you too as you desperately tried to get some friction from him. It felt so good and the roughness of his grip was making you really wet.
“Take these off,” you moaned, tugging at the belt of his trousers, “And get these off me too.”
He wouldn’t need any more encouragement and soon there were clothes all over the floor and he had managed to flip you over so he was now on top of you, hovering over you as he reached down between your thighs.
He brushed his fingers over your clit a few times, spreading the wetness he’d caused all over your core so he could have an easier entrance. He rubbed your slit again, up and down a few times, before taking some of your wetness and rubbing it over his cock.
“Need you,” he moaned out, lining himself up and using his hand to control himself as he rubbed the tip over your clit a few times. You gasped at the feeling, desperate for it too and within moments he was pushing inside you.
He was slow at first, til he got in all the way. He paused for a moment, just savouring all of this and the way your walls tensed and pulsed around him. He’d do this forever if he could, and that was what he had planned to do.
“Please move,” you begged, reaching up to run your fingers over his chain and neck one more time. Without any moment of hesitation, he pulled out nearly all the way before pushing inside you. The rhythm started slow at first but soon he was thrusting into you at a fast but rhythmic speed. You couldn’t even control the moans that were coming from your mouth as you desperately pushed your hips up to take him in even further.
“Look so fucking good,” he groaned, “Taking my cock like that.” He wasn’t always like this but sometimes this more - dominating - side came out. He kept his thrusts up as he felt your walls clench around him. He knew it was only a matter of moments now.
You screamed out, grabbing onto whatever part of him you could as you rode out your high, him soon finishing too. His hot seed spurted inside you, coating your walls and making your clench your walls together, only adding to the sensation he was feeling.
“Good girl,” he said, slowing his thrusts down as you desperately clutched onto him. It all felt too good, it was too much and now suddenly the room returned to you and you realised just what had happened.
“I think we’re going to be late,” he laughed, climbing off you and looking at his watch to confirm the time was indeed past when you said you were going to meet the others. He grabbed some tissue from the side and cleaned himself off before taking a step towards the bathroom so he could get a wet cloth to help clean you up too. Before he could go too far, you called him back.
“Not a great first impression is it?” you joked, leaning up to kiss him on the lips, savouring the moment.
taglist (pls let me know if you want to be added 🥰)
@starkeyobx @lovelyhedgehog44 @gryffindorpouge11 @jjmaybankmakesmecry @maybankforlife2 @bayy2452 @proactivetypeofgirl @hoebx @fangirlfree @severa-kane @lovedetlost @slutforsmutsstuff @smokingbeersdrinkingweed @raiinyhood @samxslaughter @babeyglo @infatuatedjanes @ailee-celeste @malums-trash-can
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augustvandyne · 3 months
LOVEDDDDD THE BABY FIC 😭👏🏽 def neeeeeed a part 2 😘
here it issssss! i feel like its really short but oh well..
baby jack
( months later)
Your eyes burnt, so you can only imagine how bad Angela felt.
The two of you loved that you had a third addition to your family, but you were beginning to think you should’ve just adopted a dog..
Just kidding!
You loved your wife, but she was starting to get on your nerves with the whole birthing mother crap, where she basically has you attend to the baby every time he begins crying because she went through all the pain without you.
Which isn’t totally true.. you were there during the important part. But Angela doesn’t see it that way. She wanted you there for the whole thing, and because you weren’t, she wakes you every time.
But to be fair, you did deserve it, and you loved her, so you’d do anything for her.
Even if it meant be sleep deprived.
And, besides, you love you and Angela’s son whom you’d named after your guys’ late friend Jackson.
You know his death tore Angela apart, and you as well, which is why you named the baby after him.
Angela goes and visits his grave at least twice a week, which you love her for.
Right now you guys have a rare quiet moment, so the two of you are cuddled up on the couch. Angela on top of you, with her head cuddling into your chest.
You get a solid, amazing, two hours of sleep before the baby starts crying from the room.
You groan, and tap Angela to get her to lay up, but she surprises you when she says, “Lay back down, I got him.”
Angela appears a few minutes later, the baby in her arms. You flip on some cartoons for baby Jack and open your arms back up for Angela once she sits the baby on his play mat.
Instead of laying back down with you, she sits up, and ushers you to lay your head in her lap.
She runs her hands through your hair, and it feels so good.
You can’t remember the last time the two of you laid together, just the two of you without interruptions, and it felt amazing.
Well, there was potentially an interruption, but right now he was occupied, so you were okay for now.
“I’m sorry,” Angela watches your sleepy face.
“For what?” You ask groggily.
“For putting all the baby stuff on you,” Angela gives a half smile. “It wasn’t your fault the only lead in weeks happened at the worst time ever.”
“No, but it is my fault that I took the lead. I could have just passed it off to Nyla,” You give a sympathetic look, and Angela can tell you really mean it.
“True, but it still isn’t fair I keep blaming everything on you,” Angela loosely starts braiding your hair. “You broke at least ten laws to get back to me in time.”
You sleepily laugh, “That I did.”
“I’ll swear to secrecy on one condition,” Your wife dips her chin to her chest so she can gain your full attention.
“And what may that be,” You sit up on your elbow, but make sure Angela’s fingers don’t leave your scalp.
“Forgive me,” Angela’s eyes scan yours. “I feel terrible for putting all the work on you. There was no reason for it. There’s no reason for me to blame you for anything at all, really, because you were there for what mattered, and that’s all I care about.”
“I forgive you,” You scan her eyes back, leaning up to give the woman a kiss. “And I love you.”
“Love you, too,” Angela gives you a breathtaking smile.
Jack crawls over towards the two of you, and you lean down to place a kiss on his head, picking him up to sit him in Angela’s lap.
“Hi Baby Jack,” Angela called him by the nickname that everyone had adapted to him the second they all met him.
“How’s your show, huh?” You place your finger in one of his tiny palms, looking at him the same exact way you look at Angela. Like you love him with your whole soul—you’d take a bullet for him or would trade yourself for him in a terrifying situation.
Jack babbles a small response back.
Angela just watches the interaction between the two people she loves most in the world, and it makes her feel bad about blaming you for everything all over again.
You give smooches to your babies cheek, to which Angela protests, “Heyyy, my turn!”
You chuckle in return, leaning up to give her a bunch of kisses on the cheeks and then another kiss on her lips.
Baby Jack claps, and then all three of you laugh together.
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