#and the other is Robert Redford's Sundance (and I'm still not 100% sold)
gaywatch · 7 months
have you watched/do you have any plans on watching loki? even if not for a reaction I'd be curious on your thoughts about lokius. the head writer replied to a tweet about loki and mobius with a spirk gif and it made me want to scream
I might eventually, as I love both Loki and Tom Hiddleston, but I've been seriously dragging my feet about anything Marvel related ever since Endgame was so bad it ruined an entire decade of build up and several beloved characters. (But if I get to anything, it'll be the Loki series.)
I've heard good things about Lokius, though I'm personally neutral-to-averse at the idea because mustaches repulse me to an admittedly comical degree and if I ship anyone with Loki it's always going to be Thor. I'm def happy that another Loki queer ship has risen in Thor's absence, though. Loki deserves a perpetually queer presence in fandom (and we all know how people like to forget that canonical bi men are indeed bi).
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