#and much of the standards we hold in the western gender binary are racist bc they're based solely on white ideas of gender
nerevarbignaturals · 1 year
very controversial trans take; detransitioners are not our enemy. they're people who took the time to question their gender, to explore their identity inside and out, and came to the conclusion that their identity best aligns with what they were assigned at birth. i wish everybody could take the time to sit and think deeply about the identities they hold, particularly things like gender that are inherent, but also deeply socialized. the detransitioners who are spouting anti-trans rhetoric have been taught by the system we live in that even questioning your gender is wrong, so for many of them, that rhetoric is a survival tool for assimilating back into cis society. doesn't make it okay to hold anti-trans views, for certain, but it does expose the fact that the enforcement of a restrictive gender binary hurts everyone, even cis people.
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