#and like. she died at age 5. why WOULD newspapers mention her? they weren't in the habit of talking at length about honorees' small childre
marzipanandminutiae · 7 months
pour one out for that poor lady (Laurie Dumas) who got taken in by some rando at the library making up bullshit stories about dedicated "disappointment rooms" in old homes for hiding away disabled children, and decorated a rather whimsically-shaped upstairs coal storage space like a child's room "in honor" of a kid who almost definitely was never imprisoned there
although she did start a nonprofit because of it so. Bad History for a cause, I guess
(but also imagine losing your daughter at age 5 and then having your name dragged through the mud 100+ years later because you- or a later occupant of the house! we don't even know when the strange facade with windows was added! -decided it could be fun to put a schoolhouse exterior on your coal storage space)
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