#and later he becomes the 'dog' of the presidium
The truth is that Aaron Stewart is a liar.
You wouldn't think so, at first glance. He makes sure of that. He is always wearing a genuine smile and is quick to double down if challenged. He has years of practice of walking without a sound and can make a meal last longer than it should. He is friendly, but not enough for people to feel the urge to get to know him. He is inobtrusive, but not enough to be deemed "antisocial" or "weird". It is a very slippery rope to walk on, and he has fallen down both sides more than once. It hurt every time. So he learnt to be better.
Aaron Stewart is a liar. He may not look like one, but that is what makes him so good at it. Because in truth he is sad and he is hurt and he is angry. He is so unbearably angry all the fucking time. He is angry when he sees another homeless person on the streets and he is angry when he sees a kid his age holding the hands of both their parents and he is angry when he sees more and more unpaid bills mounting on the kitchen table and knows that he will be losing the temporary roof over his head soon. (Again.)
(Sometimes he gets so angry he hears the wind howling in his ears and feels the pavement crack beneath him. He quickly learns to hide that, too.)
He learns to hide it, but he doesn't learn it fast enough.
Someone in the orphanage found his hidden stash. Someone found the food he has been hiding away for months, and they stole it. Aaron does not know who it was, but it is probably better if it stays that way. He already can feel the hot ugly anger rising inside of him and he knows he won't be able to hold it down this time.
So he does the other thing he has learnt to be good in. He runs.
He runs behind the orphanage and leans against the grey concrete wall and - for a single moment - allows himself to be honest.
It happens without his say. He has as much control over the flying dirt and thundering air as he has over his feelings. The ugly ones. (Anger against his father who abandoned him and hatred against the families who never take care of him like they are supposed to and defiance against the universe for daring to take away his mother from him before he ever got the chance to know her and-)
He doesn't notice the girl until she is shaking his shoulder. He slowly turns his head towards her and she takes a nervous step back. She knows Aaron in the same manner most other orphans do: friendly enough, keeps to himself, always docile and obedient. Seeing how his features contort themselves into a mask of hatred and fire seems almost obscene in comparison. Like something she wasn't supposed to see. (She probably wasn't).
He takes a deep breath and everything stops. The air is silent, almost eerily so. When he turns to her again, the deep-seated fury is gone. For a moment she wonders if the cracks she can see behind his smile are only in her imagination, or if they've always been there and no one's ever bothered to look. She wonders if her memories are exaggerating the deep-seated sadness she saw in his eyes.
So she tells him about the Magisterium. And for the first time she realizes that the smile he is always wearing isn't as genuine as everyone liked to believe. For the first time she realized how beautiful his eyes were when he laughed.
@ashpkat hope you like it?? never wrote for magisterium before but Aaron is so fascinating, so have some pre-canon <3
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little-elf-wanders · 7 years
Not-So-Hero’s Beginning - Ryder!sibs
“Did you ever think we’d end up here?” Scott asked out of the blue.
Flyn looked over to her brother, then down at his wrists that were clamped together in C-sec’s version of cuffs. “Honestly, yeah.” She smirked and lounged on the chair, a bit awkwardly given her own fancy pair of matching bracelets, hers just covered the hands to stop any biotics from flaring out. “It doesn’t really make sense though. Unless we got a snitch.” Her face fell. “Motherfucker, we got a snitch..”
Scott had caught the look and had he not just escaped Purgatory he would have been offended, but he had. Nothing surprised him anymore. The pair of them were known on the Citadel for their gang work - more than known, actually. It wasn’t their first time sitting in a C-Sec interrogation room. Usually they were given clues as to what they’d down, however.
The cops had been unusually stoic with them.
It would have only been a matter of time before citadel security caught wind of the Purgatory fiasco. Scott had escaped in the drama surrounding Subject Zero, thank you Shepard and that bitch of a Turian for starting a fucking riot. He stole a shuttle and never looked back until he found his way home.
The citadel and all its wonder.
Except, he expected to have at least one or two days with his sister before they caught on. Flyn had hidden him in one of the gang hideouts too, then C-Sec swooped in and swiped the pair of them off dock before anyone could jump to help.
They were getting smarter and he didn’t like that. Not one bit.
Neither did Flyn.
Flyn grinned at him suddenly, a pick of metal glinting between her teeth and it was there she set to work trying to pick the lock of her restraints. Whatever the reason was, they wouldn’t be sticking around to find out.
A twist here.
A jerk there.
“I’d refrain from doing that, Miss Ryder.” A feminine voice soothed out.
No one heard her come in.
Flyn jumped and nearly lost the pick, a quick tongue manoeuvre and it was hidden comfortably again. “Dunno what you’re talking about. Do you Hammer?”
“Not the faintest.” Scott glared. The blonde haired woman wasn’t really phased, which meant she either had a lot of training, or she was a complete idiot.
“I’m well aware who you two are.” She answered the glare head on with a much too pleasant smile. Lawyer? No.. Something close to it though. “I’m a colleague of your fathers. You are Alec Ryders children are you not? Scott and Flyn?”
Scott and Flyn cringed.
“Oh, I’m sorry would you rather I use your aliases? Alright.” Her gaze turned to Flyn, “Karma,” drifted to Scott, “and Hammer. I must say you sound like you’re exotic dancers.”
“Could be.” Flyn perked up, cheeky smile spreading from ear to ear, there was that puckish rogue that she’d been forewarned about, “We spotlight for Candy down in the red district. You don’t look like you go to the red district much. You’ve got the smell of the Presidium on you.”
“You would be correct.”
“Called it.”
Scott snorted and cast a look to his sister, the watch your mouth look. These types could twist words just as easily as Flyn could shoot a gun. Snakes, the lot of them. At least the twins were upfront about their intentions. “Alright. Enough trying to impress us, who the fuck are you?”
She was met by nothing but icy silence from the pair of them.
Her blondeness sighed, “My name is unimportant, I’m just here to make sure you two are ready for a project your father is working on. He’ll be needing the pair of you. You can’t be preparing if you’re locked up, however, which is why I’m here because you’re..” She gave them the once over and shook her head.
“No.” Flyn frowned, “Listen lady, I don’t know what kinda shit you’re selling but--”
A manicured hand waved over a datapad and she turned it to face them, smug, “Oh I’m sorry, I couldn’t hear you over me removing your criminal records from the system. You were saying?”
“WHAT!?” Both twins nearly had a heart attack on the spot.
“You can do that!? Kinda magic you wielding?” Flyn laughed, mostly from disbelief. There it was staring her in the face. Her face with a squeaky clean record. No mention of theft, murder or public destruction.
Not even something a petty as a stolen chocolate bar.
Scott, or Hammer, was less stoked. “No, she can’t.” He stated. He was suspicious. People didn’t just wipe records - not without sufficient bribes - for anything, certainly not out the goodness of their hearts. She’d be angling for something in return. That’s where his worry lay and it was all over his face.
“Actually, I can and I did. Now. Will you listen to my offer?”
There it was.
Flyn’s grin fell right off her face, “We’ll listen.” Scott turned to protest, she shot him a look of her own, “That’s your compliance for wiping the records. Our ears. Other than that, we don’t owe you shit so if you try and hang this over our heads later..”
The mysterious woman smiled a tight smile, something that wasn’t natural on her face and was similar to having just sucked on a lemon before having some tequila. Bright red lips puckered in thought and she shrugged, “Bright girl.” Her shoulders slacked and she turned her datapad back to face her, tucking it against her very expensive black dress. “Alright. That’s fair. My offer is this; hang up your life of crime and join the military. It won’t be as glamorous as your little organization here, but I think you’ll find it accommodating and full of excitement. Something tells me you won’t care, so I’m inclined to mention you’ll be allowed to shoot people. This time you’re just doing it for someone.”
“You want us to hang up our guns and rule-free life for...What? Leashes?” Flyn’s face screwed up to one of distaste. “I might be a fucking murderer but I ain’t no one’s attack dog.”
“For a second chance.” A cutting gaze tore through Flyn. She visibly winced.
“Oy, don’t listen to her sis, she’s trying to psyche you out.” Scott tried to comfort her but the look of being torn was already loud on her face. Behind her eyes was that turmoil. The same turmoil that flashed when he ordered her to stay quiet about who’s fault it had really been. Shit.
This dressy witch was winning her other.
“You only want to protect her.” The woman went for Scott next. “ That’s noble, and I see those noble intentions inside you, son. You’ve both been through so much. The life I’m offering is how you can do that. You won’t be living on the run, you’ll both be free.”
Scott winced.
Flyn glanced to her brothers face, “Scottie..” Her brows pulled together, “It means they won’t take you away again, and dad.. She mentioned dad.”
“Both of you are wasted potential on this rust heap, now, you’ll have to go through basic training so you’re up to par with how we need you, and there might not be glory straight away but once you’re needed, you’ll be part of something so great it’ll make the Geth War victory look like a Krogan’s testicle.” She reasoned, “I know it sounds dodgy but..If anyone is to understand dodgy, it’d be the two criminals in front of me.” That one was a jab. “You won’t get a better offer and if I walk out that door alone, your record will be back to how it was. And you Scottie will be right back on a shuttle to a higher security prison where Shepard can’t tear through. Your sister included.”
Scott scowled.
Flyn stood, about ready to take her out when Scott jumped up and stood in her way. They had a battle of looks, squaring off with frowns, gritted teeth and eye rolls. “Oh my God, fuck!” Flyn shouted, promptly dropping into a sit, “Fine. Shebitch, you’ve got a deal. But we don’t fucking like you.”
“Most don’t.” She tipped her head and bounced on her heels, calling for a C-Sec guard to come in and release them. “Excellent.” She admired her work, “Now follow me, quickly. Your new life awaits!”
It might have been a mistake, but this mistake set them on the path to becoming Pathfinders. Flyn and Scott would be ready, the problem was, would Andromeda be ready for them?
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