#and lae'zel is also really growing on me i want to hold her
freakshowcowboy · 5 months
i said my next playthrough i would romance karlach but the further i get in this game the more i want to romance everyone idk how im gonna chooooooooose
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klkirbles · 4 months
thinking about lae'zel approaching wyll during the party with the tieflings.
she's feeling that post battle high, body full of adrenaline, that she would usually expel with her fellow githyanki through carnal pleasure.
so she considers her options, and ultimately settles on wyll. she approaches him with the intention to bed him, but he's at the water, somber after his experience.
lae'zel in game states how she plans to sleep with wyll, and then the next morning tells you all he wanted to do was talk.
however, she didn't seem all that bothered when she said it. which gives me the impression that she really did just spend the whole night with wyll, talking about everything and nothing.
how sweet if it was lae'zel who eased his somber mood and convinced him back to the party. lae'zel who directed him to her tent with the sole intention of sucking and fucking only to be stopped and asked by wyll if they could just... enjoy each others company in another way.
and she relents, because sex isn't fun if you're both not super into it. but also because wyll is well travelled, and faerun is so new to her. she wants to know more about this plane and the culture. lae'zel is well read about her kind, she would relish in regaling tales to wyll, who would listen with rapt attention.
and while her opinion on the blade of frontiers isn't necessarily a high one, she still enjoys the stories of him slicing down foes that deserve it, and that before the tadpole he was very accomplished at doing so. it's there and then that the two agree to regularly train together, to keep their blades and wits sharp, and maybe even swap tips.
they also swap stories about their childhood, and how their upbringing was so vastly different but also held some similarities.
they're only a few years apart in age, so despite the stark contrast between them, they do feel a sense of kinship; that they are so young, and yet so accomplished and learned, but also so very naive about how the world really works...
after that night of intense emotional connection, i feel like the dynamic would shift slightly. especially if they were to spend more time together outside of their usual battle training.
wyll is no doubt smitten from the start, finding githyanki novel despite their savage history, and being a bit concerned due to being a monster hunter. but the more time he spends with lae'zel (especially after being propositioned almost immediately after meeting) the more he sees beyond just what she was brought up to believe.
he would want to court her in the traditional faerun way, but would have no idea if that's something she could fathom or even want.
however in my mind lae'zel absolutely falls first. because she is so driven by the physical, it's so strange for her to grow so attached to wyll without having ever slept with him. that even a kiss is something he holds out on until wyll is ready, despite her being very forthcoming about the many nasty things she wants to do to him beyond a mere peck.
but it's the strongest emotional connection she has ever had. it dizzies her how he is always on her mind, she wants to monopolise his attention, find any excuse to put her hands on him unrelated to sexual intimacy. she always looks out for him in battle, and swells with pride when he utilises ancient githyanki teachings to win.
she wants him so damn bad!!! but she knows it has to be long term, which contests with the idea of freeing orpheus and her kin.
uggghhhh. i just think they're neat!!!!!!
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iamaweretoad · 9 months
Can you tell me more about Ariel pretty please? Does he have a favourite food? Has he been able to grow closer to any of the companions or is he distancing himself?
Does he want a hug?
Thank you so much for asking! :D
(hiding my rambling under the cut)
I don't think he has a favorite food YET. Between the constant headaches and nausea, and the increasingly sense of disconnectedness from his own body, I think eating is more of a chore for him at the moment, and one that he frequently neglects. What he DOES enjoy -- on the rare occasions that they have the down time for it -- is the communal nature of sharing a meal together. His stomach may not allow him to appreciate the taste of Gale's stew, but he appreciates the time and care that his friend took to prepare it; he appreciates the fellowship, he appreciates being allowed to participate in the normalcy of it. He also just likes the feel of holding a warm bowl or cup in his hands, he finds it comforting, and I think for this reason the one thing he has figured out that he kind of likes is tea and coffee (really any warm beverage, but tea and coffee have the added benefit of keeping him awake).
The person he is closest to is probably my Tav, Salvage (because I am cringe and am headcanoning that they are in the same party XD). Sal stood up for him in the aftermath of what happened with Alfira, and Ariel looked after Sal when he had a breakdown on the night of the party, and they've had each others' backs ever since.
I think Ariel did start to distance himself from the others after Alfira. But over time he'd begun to earn back their trust and form genuine friendships, especially with the other front line fighters (Lae'zel and Karlach) and Shadowheart (even if he doesn't remember his past, I feel like traumatized church cult kids are gonna bond no matter what -- plus he's fascinated by her healing magic and how it intersects with his knowledge of anatomy/physiology). And then Act 2 happened and everything went to shit, so he's started to distance himself again (though not because they've lost faith in him this time, he's just lost faith in himself).
And oh my god, yes, he desperately needs a hug. 😭
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riddlerosehearts · 3 days
getting very very close to the end of baldur's gate 3! of course, i plan on doing many more playthroughs of this game, but--not counting the things i finish up in this post--i only have a handful of things left to do in my first playthrough and it feels so weird. i'm excited to be done with it but at the same time i don't want it to be over for some reason akfjsgsdf
went to go fight orin, completing the dribbles quest on the way and getting some gloves that apparently used to give a really OP bonus to magic missile but don't anymore?? well, the description makes it sound like they should not work with magic missile, so i guess that was a bug which was patched... but in that case i don't know if i want to bother with finding dribbles in the future lol, doesn't feel worth it for all the trouble you have to go through. anyway, i have not fought gortash, but that's okay because it was extremely easy for my tav to just straight up lie to orin about it!
god i missed lae'zel so bad, she's honestly become one of my favorite characters over the course of this playthrough. in my next playthrough i need to make sure someone else gets taken so i'll get to hear her reactions to all of the things she was gone for during this one. also, minsc did have a lot to say about her and about githyanki in general! i still wish i could've gotten him to talk about shadowheart, not sure why he wouldn't comment on her.
i'd say i can't believe raphael wrote an entire 100-chapter novel that’s nothing but descriptions of different scenarios of him being crowned and coronated as archdevil of the hells, but i can absolutely believe it. i mean, this guy literally has an incubus that's basically a clone of himself--and not only does haarlep tell you raphael is a bottom, but i've also heard it's possible to get him to tell you raphael is bad in bed LMAO?!?! he is so over-the-top arrogant and vain and for what? his own incubus to roast him and reveal his secrets?
anyway, i have loved exploring the house of hope, but now it's time to go kick raphael's ass!
...okay i was super surprised when not only did yurgir show back up, but my tav was able to persuade him to join them in the fight?! i meeean not that i'm complaining but they kind of persuaded him to kill his minions and himself before, so. i guess maybe he respects their cunning and/or feels like their hand was forced by raphael, or maybe he just doesn't give a shit since defeating raphael is more important now. and it was a DC 30 roll to persuade him. but that is still pretty wild lmao, i kind of wish someone had mentioned it.
raphael's final act goes so hard that it almost feels like a waste of talent to kill him. and at the same time it is hilarious that this overdramatic fucker who has 666 HP is also singing his own battle theme. i keep imagining my bard tav clapping back with their own song about what a loser he is, with gale and wyll forming a backing chorus and lae'zel making some snarky comment before very reluctantly joining in.
makes me so sad that otto's irresistible dance incapacitates him but doesn't make him actually dance :( i'm a little confused though because i'm unsure whether i'm encountering a bug or i'm misunderstanding the game mechancics... raphael has a buff called inevitable resolve which says it makes anything that incapacitates him only last one turn, which holds true when i have gale cast hold monster--he breaks out of it on his next turn. but otto's irresistible dance didn't trigger that for some reason and he stayed in it for several turns before my concentration got broken. well, not that i'm complaining!
i found mol's contract in the house of hope, and went and told her we killed raphael. not surprised that she was all mad about it--she's a kid, and kids love to think they can do anything they want without consequences lol. we can only hope she'll grow up and be grateful later.
the order of events during act 3 has honestly been a bit confusing for me and i'm not sure which is the "best" or most logical way to do the whole steel watch/iron throne/killing gortash set of quests in, or if it even matters, but... i stumbled upon the way to get to the iron throne while doing the avenge the drowned quest, so i guess that is where i'll be going next!
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Assassin with a Heart of Gold
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Name: Admaer Daeneiros (He/Him)
Race: High Elf
Class: Rogue (Assassin)
Background: Criminal
While it was fun playing the Dark Urge, we're gonna put Torments' story on hold and focus on our other worthy heroes. Starting with Admaer. To catch everyone up since the last time I spoke of my bombastic side-eye Rogue, Admaer was in Baldur's Gate looking to assassinate Lord Enver Gortash, one of the few individuals who enslaved him in his past. He got snatched up by the mindflayers, had a parasite placed in his skull, and now we're here.
His main party, thus far, seems to be Shadowheart, Astarion, and Lae'zel. Wyll is at camp and Gale was completely ignored (maybe we'll meet him again in the future). He and the gang went to Emerald Grove in search for healing. They were able to interrogate the Tiefling, Zorru, about where the Githyanki Creche is, which Admear allowed Lae'zel to do her thang. This is where I was so much on Lae'zel's good side that she got hot and bothered. Admaer politely refused (this is a Astarion romance run).
With the Creche revealed, Admaer is most likely going to go in the direction of that quest than anything else. Until then, Admaer is still willing to take Shadowhearts advice and at least see if there's anyone within the Grove that can help.
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Admaer entered the inner grove, really looking to talk with Nettie and not involve himself in the tension between the Tieflings and the Druids. But he would happen upon a scene of Kagha threatening to imprison a Tiefling child for stealing the holy idol of Silvanus. Initially, Admaer mostly stood and watch, but he decided to peer within Kagha's mind, learning that she's power hungry and exerting that power upon the weak. Now, this doesn't make Admaer do a 180 and decide to save the Tieflings, but seeing the poor kid frightened, and being reminded of his own troubled past, he extends an olive branch and asks that Kagha let the girl go.
He does talk with Kagha for a brief minute, but he goes straight to Nettie. Being a Rogue (and a Criminal/Spy one at that), I was putting heavy emphasis on sneaking around and touching things I shouldn't, so Admear was able to get his hands on the antidote book you can find before going deeper into Halsin's study room.
Admaer saw that Nettie was holding a poisonous branch of Kelemvor's Kiss (didn't know what it was initially) and saw that Nettie was being shifty, so he wasn't completely honest with her. This resulted in him getting nearly poisoned and locked in the room with her. Admaer was able to steal away the antidote and he "promised" to take the wyvern poison should he turn. To Admaer, this was a near waste of time and only pushed his resolve to reach the Gith Creche.
However, Nettie did provide another alternative. Halsin, the original First Druid of Emerald Grove, has been studying up on the infected people who got the parasite and he knows more about this than anyone else within 100 miles from here. Admaer still isn't hopeful about this, especially since he's currently either imprisoned or dead, but if push comes to shove; Admear will consider looking for the First Druid.
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Before leaving the Grove, Admaer noticed that Shadowheart made a pained noise and her hand started to make a strange glow. Admaer didn't really "ask" about it, I more like to see it that Shadowheart just decided to come forth about it, because after she explained what that supposedly was, Admaer left it alone. Did a few side quests and events at the grove and we're on our way to the Gith Creche! (Here's a alive Afira for those traumatized by the last post involving her and Torment ;A;)
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Also I finally learned how to dye my characters clothes. The original color of the +1 padded armor didn't really fit Admaer, and this new color still doesn't (he's a Rogue goddamn it, he needs dark and edgy clothing!), but this look is slowly growing on me. Now I want to buy or craft all the dyes!
You may have noticed in the previous pic that Raphael is in that scene. Yep, same place, same time too! To be honest, I prefer finding him while trying to sleep in for the night, the lighting does not do him wonders in this scene. Regardless, homie snatches Admaer and the game into the House of Hope, offering a easy fix to remove the parasite.
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Although Admaer refused the offer, that doesn't mean he completely disregarded it in his heart. Admaer will most likely keep this in the furthest backburner of his mind, but it will sit there if there truly is no other way. All the more reason to hope that the Lae'zel is right or Halsin is alive.
While traveling, Admaer and the gang ran into Edowin, Andrick, and Brynna. This would be the first time Admaer decides to fully call upon his Illithid and enforce his will upon the two apprentices and gain information about the Absolute.
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After learning what he needed from this, he told them to leave. Seeing how this power could be useful in case they need a bit of mind probing influence, Admaer agrees with Astarion that they should utilize this power. Though, he does also agree that there should be some caution on using this power too much.
As Admaer was searching the dead Edowin, he has a moment
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Admaer had this strange compulsion to remove Edowin's parasite from within. Try as he might to block out this influence, he would obtain a tadpole in a jar. Now, I know that you could eat this to gain more powers from your tadpole, but I was refused this offer, told that my Guardian will give more insight on this later.
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