#and julian and portia have the least magical and more akin to real prosthetics because they're comparatively poorer and less magical
bastart13 · 10 months
A question, does Lucio's prosthetic arm work or does it just hang on his shoulder? And if the other LI lost an arm what design of their prosthetic arm would be
Honest question: have you played the game?
Not only is he posed in a lot of the art using his arm, he's often described using his arm in narration, and even purely in-universe, why would Lucio kidnap and force two alchemists to build him a prosthetic arm if it wasn't going to do anything?
But onto hypotheticals!
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It's kind of cute thinking about what approaches they'd have to needing a prosthetic.
I feel like Asra's would be either made by his parents or self-made, ironically resembling Lucio's arm the most because of those influences. But it'd definitely have more interesting use in channeling magic.
Julian's would be similarly self-made/scrapped together. Lots of exposed metal and leather straps with more of a hook and crude joint than any life-like articulation. I imagine they'd be some magic element but a lot more downplayed.
In contrast, Muriel's is almost all magic. He carved the pieces himself and worked with Asra to fix it in place. While it acts a lot more like a natural arm, I think it's more prone to shorting out.
Nadia's is definitely designed by herself. Even if she had the pieces made and enchanted by other artisans, it's mechanical and elegant in a way only she could design. Like Lucio's, it can have additional covers and accesories.
And Portia's is probably the least expensive and a gift from Mazelinka. It's another case where it's magical, but Portia never knew the extent of it. It's cute, wooden, and jointed like a doll, with a practical hook, and she spent the first days with painting it.
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