#and it's telling them 'oh yeah those weird clocks everywhere? totally trustworthy. you know what else is trustworthy? vecna. love that guy
zombie-boys · 2 years
okay... so even if we know mike is taking a plane there's still a pretty darn high chance he left for cali without telling anyone. it'd be weird enough for his parents to let him go by himself halfway across the country if they knew, and aside from that we have the behind the scenes photos of the other hawkins kids being questioned by the police in the wheelers' house - as mike isn't in that scene, there's no way the situation isn't about his absence.
but y'know what that bts photo reminds me of... the scene in st1 when hopper was questioning mike, lucas, and dustin about will's disappearance...
somebody's probably pointed this out before, but if mike indeed runs away from home, there's a very high likelihood that his parents will think he vanished like will. yikes.
what's especially interesting there is that for the st1 characters who vanished to the upside down - will and barb - it was theorized by the police (and robin) that they had just run away from home, but those who know them well easily discredited that idea. in this circumstance, however, it's the other way around - mike's circle thinks something genuinely terrible has happened to him, possibly something supernatural, and yet he has just run away. in reality, he's perfectly fine.
of course, mike's parents don't know the reality of everything that happened with the upside down, but they'd have enough reason to be concerned as it is; i'm especially worried about how his friends and sister will react, though, as they know more about all of the dangers he could be facing.
what if the hawkins gang think mike is in the upside down and try to communicate with him? ...and what if they end up making contact with someone entirely different?
i don't know if the show would go into all of the implications of mike's running away - if he is indeed running away at all - but if they do it could certainly add another layer to his storyline this season. he's kind of throwing caution to the wind to see his loved ones (like joyce with will in st1 and now her with hopper in st4). it's this sense of desperation; we saw it in st2 with him missing el and hating hopper for keeping her away from him, and perhaps we're seeing it now.
mike doesn't want to care about the consequences anymore. he just wants to see the two people he loves most, especially when his friendship with one of them is still estranged. mike misses will and el and he will leave everyone else behind to see them, even if they think that maybe... maybe it was a 7. that maybe the demogorgon got him.
(the real clincher for this would be mike seeing a missing poster with his own face once he returns to hawkins...)
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