#and it was a problem years ago but there's an uptick w/ppl who would want nothing to do with me if not for access to gifs of whatever.
pinkhysteria · 3 months
"dni if you *thing that applies to me*" - "i hate people who *thing that applies to me*" - "*endless posts and/or tweets vaguing thing that i said*" ← somebody who will be following me.
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troglobite · 2 years
no better time than 6 fucking am to just be hit with how utterly, crushingly lonely you are
how even friends that you love are moving on w their lives without you
you’re not a priority, and you can’t make them one bc they have other more important things
how even ppl you thought were safe to be around can say something so casually hurtful that’s not even about you but it hurts. and you don’t realize until it’s 5:30 and you’re trying to sleep. 
amazing that having met w 2 friends today and meeting w a different one in 5 hrs, i feel so utterly, pathetically alone. 
i feel like i’m cutting tiny portions of myself off to hand to other ppl to make friendships and keep communication open sometimes
but i just
i stayed up too late reading. i was gonna go to sleep 3 hrs ago. and instead i stayed up late reading.
and it was probably a mistake. i really enjoyed it but it just hurt. bc it was this beautiful prose abt ppl who had built lives for themselves by age 30. who had friends who could see all these pieces of them without it needing to be said. who could understand each other. who still did say things, but didn’t always need to say the small things. who felt safe in disagreements and discomfort. 
who weren’t alone. 
and i loved it and it hurt my stomach all the way down to my pelvis the way some emotions hit me. and i’m just sad. 
i don’t feel like anyone actually knows or understands me. i do my best to do that w or for others. 
and part of the problem is that i simply don’t trust anyone enough to be myself and part of that is that i’m tired of handing myself to someone only for them to go “oh. no thanks.”
i’m tired of being alone. i’m tired of being lonely. i’m tired of only mattering in pieces. i’m tired of not having energy for people, and them never having the time or energy for me. 
i’m tired of having to be someone else around/with everyone i talk to. and “everyone” sure is doing a lot of heavy lifting that isn’t accurate.
the number of ppl i talk to w any frequency right now: 7
it’s usually more like 4 or 5. i’ve had an unprecedented uptick in communication from a few people. 
the number of ppl that i feel like i can be 1000000% of myself around, whether or not it has anything to do with them: 1
and i don’t know if it’s reciprocal. 
i didn’t budget or plan for or anticipate a complete fucking meltdown at 6 am, sorry
oh i guess i could count my therapist for a whopping 8, bc i talk to her once a week. and then 2 bc the whole point is to be myself in therapy. 
my life is nothing that i wanted right now
i’m almost 30 and i barely have friends. i don’t have a life. i have no marketable skills. i’m on medicaid bc i can’t find a job, and even if i did, it would pay me nowhere near even half a livable wage. 
i’m so tired and miserable and i just can’t take any of this anymore. 
trying just HURTS because NO ONE i know is in the same situation as me. and that sounds so egotistical and pathetic. 
but i just mean
idfk what i mean
no one gets it and i guess it’s unfair and stupid to want someone to get it about everything
maybe it’s me
maybe i’m broken and fucked up
i wish i could kill my past
every day without even trying i just don’t think abt who i used to me, i’m just living in the now and recent past and thinking abt that
and i just wish past me didn’t exist and i didn’t have to carry them around w me all the fucking time
idek how to articulate what’s WRONG right now i just HURT i hurt so much i feel sick and i can’t stop crying
i guess i’ll just take an anti-anxiety thing and shove it back down to get a whopping 4 hours of sleep before i have to pretend to be fine again in front of someone i’ve “known” for 16 years who’s going out without masks, whose whole current drama and life struggle is about this woman she loves and who loves her
every time i just have to try and accept that people have been awful to be bc i’m short and fat and mexican and queer and trans and autistic
i just see other ppl who share these traits who don’t share the bullshit i went through or am going through
or who are in loving relationships
or have so many friends
or who are so successful
and i just want to die
what is WRONG with me? why is it like this for me, why am i like this?
i just want to know what’s so fucking unlovable about me bc i wasn’t 
i wasn’t always this pathetic in this way
but my stupid fucking life is just and has just not been that fucking awful
why am i so weak?
and i can’t just SAY this to people. to the people who are my friends. that i’m supposed to trust. 
you can’t just DUMP taht on someone.
which is why i just bullshit it into the void on here for ppl to choose whether they read or engage or not.
i know it’m annoying and pathetic. i put it under read mores. you know what this is, you can (and should) scroll right past without reading. i know most ppl do. and good. i’m not trying to manipulate or guilt anyone into this. 
i need to be out of my own head with this stuff like i’m explaining it to someone else bc if it’s a journal or a diary i get sick of my own bullshit too fast and i know what i’m going to say before i type it so it’s pointless
i’m just sorry
i feel like i have to justify everything
i don’t want to hurt anyone--at least not due to negligence. accident, it happens. 
i have so many plushies now. and my new one that i can’t let go of. it just feels so sad and pathetic. holding them all the time. 
i’m 27, almost 28, i’ve never dated, i’ve never been myself in any friendship. idk who myself is bc i’m so twisted around and busted. and i’m so afraid. constantly. and i feel. insane. with fear and with seeing so many people i cared abt just. not. care. about any of this anymore.
and there’s nothing i can do to fix it. 
i wish i had gone to sleep 3 hours ago like i had planned to. i’ve been tired this whole time. my eyes burning. 
all i know abt myself is that i can never shut up or leave well enough alone. idk what close relationships look like. idk how to be a person. i can’t do this. i can’t carry this. i’m so tired of burying how i feel and biting my tongue or choosing anger bc it hurts less and fades quicker. i’m tired of losing track of time and days. i’m tired of being a disappointment. i’m tired of being disappointed. 
i should take a fucking anti anxiety thing and go to sleep and stop. bothering everyone. i’m going to be a mess when i have to talk to my friend in a few hours on like no sleep and puffy eyes and i’m going to have to help her manage her traumas and feelings and other sundry bullshit (not derogatory) so that she stops getting herself hurt bc if i’m being given the power to help then i have to take it. if i don’t then i’m letting her get hurt. i will have done nothing. 
i’ve already spent weeks and hours and thousands of words via IG DMs. she couldn’t be there for me when i needed her. she doesn’t pay attn to where i am in my life. she’s trying to figure out who i am but doesn’t listen to me when i try to tell her. 
she acts like i’m always putting myself down.
i’m not. i don’t. i try not to.
i’m just stating facts about who i am and what my life is. 
and if that feels like i’m insulting myself then you’re just making me feel even worse bc my life is apparently so pathetic it sounds like an insult.
no, i’m not qualified for that job you sent. i’m flattered you thought of me and i appreciate it, but i’m not qualified.
no, i’m not selling myself short. i know ppl in the industry and i know it takes more than what i have. it would take years to be anywhere near capable of being ready for that position--and it’s not even in an area that i would want to pursue. 
but pushing back and pushing back against that as if i’m insulting myself
and i just keep
“by then i’ll be hotter than the cheerleaders [because i’ll be thinner]” and “you’re not fat!” and her fucking ex-girlfriend making fun of fat americans while my mom and i fed her pizza that we paid for. her paranoia about fitness and thinness and how she sucks her stomach in in all of her pictures. 
all of the ways i am made to feel shame for who i am right now. it’s alien to them, to everyone. 
i don’t have. a social life. i barely have friends. and the ones i have just. say things. 
and i feel ungrateful, or cruel, or judgmental, like i’m holding people to impossible standards that they can never meet.
and maybe i am. bc why would i ever trust anyone. 
i don’t want to deal w my stupid fucking inner child, the pathetic kid who was weak and clueless and who no one actually liked. 
i was just amusing. or they could cheat off of me. or i was convenient. 
or i did things for them, emotionally. i supported them. we had jokes and fun.
but it was never anything more--not for me. not towards me. 
i’m so good at not needing anything and no one ever seems to complain.
and then when they do and i take them up on it and try to change my behavior it just doesn’t go well.
i’m perpetually too much. 
just look at all this fucking bullshit i’ve typed out after telling myself to just take a pill and go to sleep. TWICE. 
i don’t like knowing what loneliness feels like. it’s so crushing and all-consuming. i’ve already been here before. i never wanted to be here again, but somehow worse. 
bc i’ve worked so hard. to get better. to build things up. to have a life. and i failed. just like i fail at most things.
imagine changing your expectations and goals in life so many times, continuously making them less and less ambitious, and still managing to fail and fall short. imagine. well, i’ve done it. i’ve managed it. and i hate it. 
“everyone’s afraid of rejection, but you just have to push through”
i’ve known almost nothing except rejection for all of my 27, almost 28, years of living. i’m tired. i had gotten over it, i thought i was stronger and could move on bc it wasn’t always rejections. 
then grad school happened and the pandemic happened and it just became rejections all over again, implicit and explicit. 
when will anyone else take responsibility for everything so it’s not my fucking job to have to deal w everything myself, entirely alone?
and all of this bullshit. isn’t. enough. i cannot. go to other people w this. why would i? why sympathy would they have for any of this? pathetic. weak. i’m so tired.
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