#and it SHOULDNT be wild it should just be the norm but it ISNT so it's just.
engagemythrusters · 7 months
no bc like. we get a queer show. we get a queer show and it's openly queer. the whole thing. the entire fucking thing. no coding. just straight up queer. and not just gay men. it's not just white gay men.
it's so insane to me this show exists. that we're allowed this. i can't... it almost feels too good to be true. and i've watched it, so it is true. i know it is true i have seen it all with my own eyes.
but i'm so starved for any basic fucking thing that. i just. wow. nonbinary person? ethical non-monogamy? i got? i got to see that? and it's not a bad thing it's not made fun of?
i just... it's so wild that something so simple just can't feel real because nobody else will allow something like this to air.
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frogsthoughtss · 3 years
The new spirit movie being made, simply put, isnt all that great (originally, I’d put trash, but I thought that was too strong a word to use on the internet.) Heres why: To start off, I’d like to give synopsis (summary??) of the first movie.
In the original, Spirit, the horse, is captured by the colonizers and separated from his herd. These colonizers attempt to “tame” him. Claiming all horses can be tamed, including stallions with enough power and control. The colonizers breach onto the horses land and are expanding westward, which is how they even get near the herd in which spirit is in. The only reason he even nears them is because he doesnt know who the colonizers are and is basically confused as to what they were. So now because theyve captured Spirit, they think that ‘oh he’s just a wild horse, we can tame him by showing him whos boss” they dont. Spirit is, as its said, an untamed soul. He CANT BE TAMED, or as Little Creek put it, shouldnt be tamed. Because his place is with his herd, running free. The eagle in spirit is a symbolism of the freedom. Whenever the eagle is there, it serves as a reminder not only to the audience, but to Spirit himself that he is a wild horse, a Free horse.
Now, Little Creek, the Lakota native american, shares ALOT of similarities to Spirit(which is where Im getting at). Natives as we know, have been treated terribly, in the most inhumane ways. Theres alot said about helping out poc, but ppl always seem to forget that Natives count as Poc and are barely, if ever, helped out. The fact that theyve been continuously pushed out of their areas and contained in small groups with others of their tribes, after having had their land stolen from them, is disgusting. Back to the point tho, Spirit. Little Creek and spirit share that, in the time which this movie took place. Theyre being pushed from their areas and ppl are trying to “tame them”.
Now, again with the history. This wasnt included in the movie but Natives back in the day, when they were younger, would be taken from their tribes and colonized. Theyd rid them of the rich culture and try to perpetuate the white, colonized ways. Colonizers would change their names to the basic boring meaningless names, forbid them from speaking their native tongue, and have them grow up as a white, eurocentric person would. In other words, colonizers take away what made them different and attempt to get them to become like them. Which, while not included in the movie, is important to know! Bc it shows the parallels between a wild stallion, and a native american: 1- taking their land until barely any is left for them. 2- ridding them of their ways of being, until yheyre the way that is seen as presentable to the majority (whites)3- attempting to tame them.
Natives were seen as animals. As feral creatures less then human and less than the dirt being walked on (WHICH IS NOT TRUE). The fact was, euros saw them as ppl that needed to be ‘educated’ on the ways of man, which they saw as the was of WHITE man. In trying to educate them, it can almost easily be seen as them trying to ‘tame’ them, as they would a horse. With strength, power, and Force.
So going on ahead, when spirit meets little creek, theyre two sides of the same coin, going through the same thing, but its seen differently primarily because one is human and yhe other, well, a horse. And its troubling. Because even tho Little creek escapes the center where they were both held at, it was an interest type situation. Spirit let himself be handled and captured afterwards by the Lakota, only because they held the same view that horses could be tamed. However, despite the attempts to tame Spirit, Little Creek realizes soon that even tho their methods of taming a horse are to show that they are equal to to the human and not below (such as the whites were trying to impose) he knows that spirit, a free stallion, isnt going to be tamed. He sets him free. Spirit is somewhat hurt, bc these humans, treated him kindly. And he saw how kindly they treated other horses. He was reluctant bc of how honest and humane they were, but left anyways bc spirit also knew that he wasnt going to let himself be tied. Even if it was by an honest group.
My point in all of this is that In Spirit:The Stallion of Cimarron, it beautifully captures the similarities of natives, and in this movie horses. Both were struggling to maintain their land and their freedom, and the new movie doesnt. Its no surprise that good representation in movies is little to none for poc, but its even less in native americans. If you can name 5-10 movies with good native rep, I’d like to know but I can assure you that at the top of your head, you probably couldnt come up with more than 2. So when I heard of this movie coming out, I had to know if it kept the relation between the natives and animals in it.
It did not. In fact, from what Ive seen (the trailer) it removed the natives and instead replaced them with hispanics (presumably mexicans as rodeos originate from spanish/mexican influences). Now, mexican/latino and hispanic rep is good! I completely encourage making it bc its good! However this was not the movie for that. They took away the aspect of how freedom isnt something that can just be taken. How, the liberty that comes with your own deeply rooted course, cannot just be changed- how it SHOULDNT be changed. And in this new movie they did. This hispanic girl, for some horse riding event somehow tamed spirit, whose ‘soul could not be tamed’. Like, did we watch the same movie directors???? Producers????Bc the point of spirit the stallion of Cimarron was that freedom should be maintained, not stripped for the wants of others simply because,according to them, its “beneficial” and goes along with what they consider to be the social norm. It was about the connection that humans could make with animals bc they didnt place them below them, but rather treated them as equals. And for that to be taken away??? I feel like having tamed spirit was the wrong call for them to make.
Overall, it appears that Spirit Untamed (its literally in the title cmon) stripped the basis of the original movie to create the basic horse girl ‘saves’ horse and is the only one who can ride him bc she’s the only one who can ‘understand’ his trauma. Like, watch any other horse girl movie and thats what you get. But spirit wasnt supposed to be that. It was sooo much more and the fact that they dumbed it down to that?? Smh
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apsbicepstraining · 7 years
Do alpha males even exist? | Dean Burnett
Dean Burnett: Donald Trump has repeatedly been described as an alpha male, but theres no technical have proven that such a thing even exists in humans
We all know what an alpha male is. An alpha male is a man who takes charge, one who enforces his will on others , not the other way round. Other mortals want to be him, females want to be with him. An alpha male intimidates, hes unquestionably in charge , no matter what developments in the situation. An alpha male is thunderous, sassy, doesnt care what anybody else makes. An alpha male says what he wants, does what he wants, wears what he requires, as long as those invests are roomy enough in the trousers to accommodate his gargantuan gonads and dont melt responding to all the testosterone constantly leaking from his pores.
Thats members of the general impression, anyway. But the notion that human servicemen can be alpha males is actually far from scientifically accepted. This may come as a surprise, given how common and pervasive the concept is. The latest example “wouldve been” Donald Trump in his presidential debates. People have labelled him an alpha male, Nigel Farage even protected Trumps obscene commentaries about ladies as alpha male boasting and likened him to a silverback gorilla, which for those very well known primate dissection is actually quite an revile. So what, scientifically, is particularly so for alpha males among humen? As ever, its reasonably complicated.
Alpha males are supposed to be good with the maids. Photo: Ron Cohn/ BBC
The parentage of the human alpha male
New York Magazine has a very informative and detailed section about this, but the take-home letter is that before the 1960 s there used to be scarcely any examples of humans being described as alpha males, the term be confined to environments like primatology research. Species like chimps and gorillas do have social organization and hierarchies with a prevailing individual at the top, frequently a male who has achieved that positon via parades of fortitude and physical prowess. The information that alpha males prevail isnt feuded, its whether humans can actually be such a thing.
The term started implemented at humans with the publication of Frans de Waals Chimpanzee Politics, which prepared direct likeness between human and chimp behaviour, including the dominant the behavior of males. It became more mainstream when used in the context of Al Gores presidential safarus.
It genuinely became accepted as something soldiers should want to be with the success of Neil Strausss The Game, based on readings he acquired from the Pick Up Artist community. This should trigger alarm bells for many; terms and methods acquired from Pick Up Master should be treated with extreme scepticism at the least. But, sex being the strong motivator that it is, the idea that being an alpha male aimed at improving your life and establish you more successful with women substantiated unbelievably cheating, so acceptance and use of the expression has now become the norm. But this doesnt necessitate its valid, just that its common.
Alpha males expect to get their own practice at all times, and often do. Why that happens is another matter. Image: Alvarez/ Getty Images
The action for the human rights alpha male
One reason that, despite a lack of concrete prove, the idea of the human rights alpha male is so compelling is that is makes a great deal of intuitive gumption. The big, raucous, foolhardy people who swagger and reign and bully have been part of our society for as long as its dwelt, so its nice to have a handy label for them if nothing else.
Its hard to deny that humans are exceedingly susceptible to the process of social reign; we exist in disproportionate hierarchies with inferior and superior individuals in virtually every context, so its not far-fetched is of the view that some gentlemen rise to the top of these hierarchies due to a mix of physical and psychological excellences( such as height, a deep singer, and so on ).
Humans are, for better or worse, quite easily influenced by displays of confidence, after all. And by behaving confident, followers could well find they get their practice more often, and thus be compelled to continue. A self-fulfilling revelation that advocates fake it til you make it is a valid approaching to becoming an alpha male, and therefore propagate the relevant recommendations. After all, maidens love a bad boy( maybe )~ ATAGEND.
Overall, human behaviour has many aspects that, working together, suggest that alpha males are a real thing.
Displays of strength and prowess are common in the wild. They rarely concern petroleum and present pockets, though … Photo: Pornchai Kittiwongsakul/ AFP/ Getty Images
The lawsuit against the human rights alpha male
The conclusion in the previous section highlights the main problem with the arguments for human alpha males; it focuses on supporting evidence, and dismiss that which denies it. Because while human do share a number of features and practices with our primate cousins, we are invariably far more complex.
People can belong to different hierarchies, for example; a person who is the most vocal, reigning party in his amateur football team might be under the heel of an aggressive boss during his era profession. Is he an alpha male, or not? It depends on situation, obviously. Humen have many different social groups and diversifying characters within them, because were more complex. A universal alpha seems unlikely.
Rather than relying on aggressive preeminence, humans are actually far more cooperative and social. Some evidence suggests that our friendliness and sociability is what became us so smart to begin with, so rather than being the top humans, you could argue that alpha males are something of an evolutionary throwback, the civilizational equivalent of an supplement; no longer expended, precisely hangs around and rarely fills everything with poison.
Supposed human alpha male practice also often doesnt coincide alpha male practice in other species. Numerous non-human alpha males also have a corresponding alpha female who exerts same levels of dominance and control, whereas human alpha males invariably have a little respectful position towards women, shall we say. Also, the fact that numerous communities of men( particularly online) are apparently convinced that they can all be alpha males is a contradiction in terms; there should only be one alpha male per parish, thats sort of the whole object. The rest should try and depose him as and when the opportunity presents itself, but until then they are, at best, beta males, a term often used as an revile by members of said community with no feel of paradox.
Its as if the idea of being an alpha male is very reassuring to those who scarcity confidence and are feared by the wider world and beings in it, so want to turn the tables.
This may be key. Theorized alpha males may ever get their practice not because of to some evolved bia in humen to respect and obey men who parade a particular place of peculiarities, as if beings were video games that respond to certain defraud systems, but simply because theyre creepy. If a large, shouty gentleman starts bellowing in your face, thats very unsettling, so people may do what he says to stop him from becoming violent, or only to construct him go forth. Said man would plainly perceive this as evidence for his own superiority.
Maybe the expected human alpha male is an association of disgruntled male wish fulfilment and borderline-pseudoscientific reasons for resorting to bully, coercion and generally all-round distressing practice by men hoping to impose their will on a world-wide they find too complex and unnerving so revert to their baser inclinations to get what they crave, despite knowing deep down they dont deserves it and shouldnt have it?
In fairness, alpha male is a lot more succinct.
Dean Burnetts debut book The Idiot Brain is available now in the UK , USA and Canada .
The post Do alpha males even exist? | Dean Burnett appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
from WordPress http://ift.tt/2ttN5gg via IFTTT
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apsbicepstraining · 7 years
Do alpha males even exist? | Dean Burnett
Dean Burnett: Donald Trump has repeatedly been described as an alpha male, but theres no technical have proven that such a thing even exists in humans
We all know what an alpha male is. An alpha male is a man who takes charge, one who enforces his will on others , not the other way round. Other mortals want to be him, females want to be with him. An alpha male intimidates, hes unquestionably in charge , no matter what developments in the situation. An alpha male is thunderous, sassy, doesnt care what anybody else makes. An alpha male says what he wants, does what he wants, wears what he requires, as long as those invests are roomy enough in the trousers to accommodate his gargantuan gonads and dont melt responding to all the testosterone constantly leaking from his pores.
Thats members of the general impression, anyway. But the notion that human servicemen can be alpha males is actually far from scientifically accepted. This may come as a surprise, given how common and pervasive the concept is. The latest example “wouldve been” Donald Trump in his presidential debates. People have labelled him an alpha male, Nigel Farage even protected Trumps obscene commentaries about ladies as alpha male boasting and likened him to a silverback gorilla, which for those very well known primate dissection is actually quite an revile. So what, scientifically, is particularly so for alpha males among humen? As ever, its reasonably complicated.
Alpha males are supposed to be good with the maids. Photo: Ron Cohn/ BBC
The parentage of the human alpha male
New York Magazine has a very informative and detailed section about this, but the take-home letter is that before the 1960 s there used to be scarcely any examples of humans being described as alpha males, the term be confined to environments like primatology research. Species like chimps and gorillas do have social organization and hierarchies with a prevailing individual at the top, frequently a male who has achieved that positon via parades of fortitude and physical prowess. The information that alpha males prevail isnt feuded, its whether humans can actually be such a thing.
The term started implemented at humans with the publication of Frans de Waals Chimpanzee Politics, which prepared direct likeness between human and chimp behaviour, including the dominant the behavior of males. It became more mainstream when used in the context of Al Gores presidential safarus.
It genuinely became accepted as something soldiers should want to be with the success of Neil Strausss The Game, based on readings he acquired from the Pick Up Artist community. This should trigger alarm bells for many; terms and methods acquired from Pick Up Master should be treated with extreme scepticism at the least. But, sex being the strong motivator that it is, the idea that being an alpha male aimed at improving your life and establish you more successful with women substantiated unbelievably cheating, so acceptance and use of the expression has now become the norm. But this doesnt necessitate its valid, just that its common.
Alpha males expect to get their own practice at all times, and often do. Why that happens is another matter. Image: Alvarez/ Getty Images
The action for the human rights alpha male
One reason that, despite a lack of concrete prove, the idea of the human rights alpha male is so compelling is that is makes a great deal of intuitive gumption. The big, raucous, foolhardy people who swagger and reign and bully have been part of our society for as long as its dwelt, so its nice to have a handy label for them if nothing else.
Its hard to deny that humans are exceedingly susceptible to the process of social reign; we exist in disproportionate hierarchies with inferior and superior individuals in virtually every context, so its not far-fetched is of the view that some gentlemen rise to the top of these hierarchies due to a mix of physical and psychological excellences( such as height, a deep singer, and so on ).
Humans are, for better or worse, quite easily influenced by displays of confidence, after all. And by behaving confident, followers could well find they get their practice more often, and thus be compelled to continue. A self-fulfilling revelation that advocates fake it til you make it is a valid approaching to becoming an alpha male, and therefore propagate the relevant recommendations. After all, maidens love a bad boy( maybe )~ ATAGEND.
Overall, human behaviour has many aspects that, working together, suggest that alpha males are a real thing.
Displays of strength and prowess are common in the wild. They rarely concern petroleum and present pockets, though … Photo: Pornchai Kittiwongsakul/ AFP/ Getty Images
The lawsuit against the human rights alpha male
The conclusion in the previous section highlights the main problem with the arguments for human alpha males; it focuses on supporting evidence, and dismiss that which denies it. Because while human do share a number of features and practices with our primate cousins, we are invariably far more complex.
People can belong to different hierarchies, for example; a person who is the most vocal, reigning party in his amateur football team might be under the heel of an aggressive boss during his era profession. Is he an alpha male, or not? It depends on situation, obviously. Humen have many different social groups and diversifying characters within them, because were more complex. A universal alpha seems unlikely.
Rather than relying on aggressive preeminence, humans are actually far more cooperative and social. Some evidence suggests that our friendliness and sociability is what became us so smart to begin with, so rather than being the top humans, you could argue that alpha males are something of an evolutionary throwback, the civilizational equivalent of an supplement; no longer expended, precisely hangs around and rarely fills everything with poison.
Supposed human alpha male practice also often doesnt coincide alpha male practice in other species. Numerous non-human alpha males also have a corresponding alpha female who exerts same levels of dominance and control, whereas human alpha males invariably have a little respectful position towards women, shall we say. Also, the fact that numerous communities of men( particularly online) are apparently convinced that they can all be alpha males is a contradiction in terms; there should only be one alpha male per parish, thats sort of the whole object. The rest should try and depose him as and when the opportunity presents itself, but until then they are, at best, beta males, a term often used as an revile by members of said community with no feel of paradox.
Its as if the idea of being an alpha male is very reassuring to those who scarcity confidence and are feared by the wider world and beings in it, so want to turn the tables.
This may be key. Theorized alpha males may ever get their practice not because of to some evolved bia in humen to respect and obey men who parade a particular place of peculiarities, as if beings were video games that respond to certain defraud systems, but simply because theyre creepy. If a large, shouty gentleman starts bellowing in your face, thats very unsettling, so people may do what he says to stop him from becoming violent, or only to construct him go forth. Said man would plainly perceive this as evidence for his own superiority.
Maybe the expected human alpha male is an association of disgruntled male wish fulfilment and borderline-pseudoscientific reasons for resorting to bully, coercion and generally all-round distressing practice by men hoping to impose their will on a world-wide they find too complex and unnerving so revert to their baser inclinations to get what they crave, despite knowing deep down they dont deserves it and shouldnt have it?
In fairness, alpha male is a lot more succinct.
Dean Burnetts debut book The Idiot Brain is available now in the UK , USA and Canada .
The post Do alpha males even exist? | Dean Burnett appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
from WordPress http://ift.tt/2ttN5gg via IFTTT
0 notes
apsbicepstraining · 7 years
Do alpha males even exist? | Dean Burnett
Dean Burnett: Donald Trump has repeatedly been described as an alpha male, but theres no technical have proven that such a thing even exists in humans
We all know what an alpha male is. An alpha male is a man who takes charge, one who enforces his will on others , not the other way round. Other mortals want to be him, females want to be with him. An alpha male intimidates, hes unquestionably in charge , no matter what developments in the situation. An alpha male is thunderous, sassy, doesnt care what anybody else makes. An alpha male says what he wants, does what he wants, wears what he requires, as long as those invests are roomy enough in the trousers to accommodate his gargantuan gonads and dont melt responding to all the testosterone constantly leaking from his pores.
Thats members of the general impression, anyway. But the notion that human servicemen can be alpha males is actually far from scientifically accepted. This may come as a surprise, given how common and pervasive the concept is. The latest example “wouldve been” Donald Trump in his presidential debates. People have labelled him an alpha male, Nigel Farage even protected Trumps obscene commentaries about ladies as alpha male boasting and likened him to a silverback gorilla, which for those very well known primate dissection is actually quite an revile. So what, scientifically, is particularly so for alpha males among humen? As ever, its reasonably complicated.
Alpha males are supposed to be good with the maids. Photo: Ron Cohn/ BBC
The parentage of the human alpha male
New York Magazine has a very informative and detailed section about this, but the take-home letter is that before the 1960 s there used to be scarcely any examples of humans being described as alpha males, the term be confined to environments like primatology research. Species like chimps and gorillas do have social organization and hierarchies with a prevailing individual at the top, frequently a male who has achieved that positon via parades of fortitude and physical prowess. The information that alpha males prevail isnt feuded, its whether humans can actually be such a thing.
The term started implemented at humans with the publication of Frans de Waals Chimpanzee Politics, which prepared direct likeness between human and chimp behaviour, including the dominant the behavior of males. It became more mainstream when used in the context of Al Gores presidential safarus.
It genuinely became accepted as something soldiers should want to be with the success of Neil Strausss The Game, based on readings he acquired from the Pick Up Artist community. This should trigger alarm bells for many; terms and methods acquired from Pick Up Master should be treated with extreme scepticism at the least. But, sex being the strong motivator that it is, the idea that being an alpha male aimed at improving your life and establish you more successful with women substantiated unbelievably cheating, so acceptance and use of the expression has now become the norm. But this doesnt necessitate its valid, just that its common.
Alpha males expect to get their own practice at all times, and often do. Why that happens is another matter. Image: Alvarez/ Getty Images
The action for the human rights alpha male
One reason that, despite a lack of concrete prove, the idea of the human rights alpha male is so compelling is that is makes a great deal of intuitive gumption. The big, raucous, foolhardy people who swagger and reign and bully have been part of our society for as long as its dwelt, so its nice to have a handy label for them if nothing else.
Its hard to deny that humans are exceedingly susceptible to the process of social reign; we exist in disproportionate hierarchies with inferior and superior individuals in virtually every context, so its not far-fetched is of the view that some gentlemen rise to the top of these hierarchies due to a mix of physical and psychological excellences( such as height, a deep singer, and so on ).
Humans are, for better or worse, quite easily influenced by displays of confidence, after all. And by behaving confident, followers could well find they get their practice more often, and thus be compelled to continue. A self-fulfilling revelation that advocates fake it til you make it is a valid approaching to becoming an alpha male, and therefore propagate the relevant recommendations. After all, maidens love a bad boy( maybe )~ ATAGEND.
Overall, human behaviour has many aspects that, working together, suggest that alpha males are a real thing.
Displays of strength and prowess are common in the wild. They rarely concern petroleum and present pockets, though … Photo: Pornchai Kittiwongsakul/ AFP/ Getty Images
The lawsuit against the human rights alpha male
The conclusion in the previous section highlights the main problem with the arguments for human alpha males; it focuses on supporting evidence, and dismiss that which denies it. Because while human do share a number of features and practices with our primate cousins, we are invariably far more complex.
People can belong to different hierarchies, for example; a person who is the most vocal, reigning party in his amateur football team might be under the heel of an aggressive boss during his era profession. Is he an alpha male, or not? It depends on situation, obviously. Humen have many different social groups and diversifying characters within them, because were more complex. A universal alpha seems unlikely.
Rather than relying on aggressive preeminence, humans are actually far more cooperative and social. Some evidence suggests that our friendliness and sociability is what became us so smart to begin with, so rather than being the top humans, you could argue that alpha males are something of an evolutionary throwback, the civilizational equivalent of an supplement; no longer expended, precisely hangs around and rarely fills everything with poison.
Supposed human alpha male practice also often doesnt coincide alpha male practice in other species. Numerous non-human alpha males also have a corresponding alpha female who exerts same levels of dominance and control, whereas human alpha males invariably have a little respectful position towards women, shall we say. Also, the fact that numerous communities of men( particularly online) are apparently convinced that they can all be alpha males is a contradiction in terms; there should only be one alpha male per parish, thats sort of the whole object. The rest should try and depose him as and when the opportunity presents itself, but until then they are, at best, beta males, a term often used as an revile by members of said community with no feel of paradox.
Its as if the idea of being an alpha male is very reassuring to those who scarcity confidence and are feared by the wider world and beings in it, so want to turn the tables.
This may be key. Theorized alpha males may ever get their practice not because of to some evolved bia in humen to respect and obey men who parade a particular place of peculiarities, as if beings were video games that respond to certain defraud systems, but simply because theyre creepy. If a large, shouty gentleman starts bellowing in your face, thats very unsettling, so people may do what he says to stop him from becoming violent, or only to construct him go forth. Said man would plainly perceive this as evidence for his own superiority.
Maybe the expected human alpha male is an association of disgruntled male wish fulfilment and borderline-pseudoscientific reasons for resorting to bully, coercion and generally all-round distressing practice by men hoping to impose their will on a world-wide they find too complex and unnerving so revert to their baser inclinations to get what they crave, despite knowing deep down they dont deserves it and shouldnt have it?
In fairness, alpha male is a lot more succinct.
Dean Burnetts debut book The Idiot Brain is available now in the UK , USA and Canada .
The post Do alpha males even exist? | Dean Burnett appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
from WordPress http://ift.tt/2ttN5gg via IFTTT
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