#and if you don't stop whining when the voters decide to get in on the Electoral Fraud too
snail-speed · 7 months
Tournament poll brackets will be like
Pick from these two options:
Option A which you should vote for absolutely lest you want me to hate you forever and you don't want to make me mad, do you? You enjoy this blog and my takes you owe me this.
Option B which is for poopy shitty people with BAD TASTE. Look at the image that accompanies it God isn't it such a bad option to take??? You wouldn't pick that would you? Look at how little votes that option got it's because it's so SHITTY! Not in any way because I'm manipulating your choice :)
BTW if for whatever reason you decide to be contrarian and pick the one I don't want you to pick I'm going to put in the loser back again until you do. Fuck you.
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likeabxrdinflight · 4 years
let's talk bush v gore and why people are making the comparison now because trump is starting to whine about taking this to the courts.
first of all, bush v gore in Florida was within the margin that triggers an automatic recount in Florida- which is a difference of less than 0.5%. so far, it does not look like any of the key swing states that will decide this election are going to fall within that tight of a margin. Most are near or over one percentage point right now. It's true that this could change, especially with Pennsylvania, but I don't expect it to with AZ, MI, WI, or NV.
second of all, what happened with Florida in 2000 was a result of uncertain ballots- you may have heard of the "butterfly ballot", which was a type of hole-punch ballot that caused some confusion in voters and it's suspected that a lot of votes intended to go to gore instead went to a third party candidate given the absurd discrepancy in the votes. Had this butterfly ballot not been an issue, it's likely gore would have won Florida decisively in 2000. That's not an issue this year when ballots are either electronic or paper- no one uses hole-punch ballots anymore.
third, in 2000 the courts became involved during the recount process, not the initial count. there is nothing trump can do to stop this first count of the votes- he can whine all he wants. all votes will be counted, he cannot stop that and the courts cannot stop that. (and frankly if they stop counting the votes right now, biden wins lol so his "strategy" is...stupid). If, for some reason, a recount was triggered this year then yes, theoretically it's possible for the courts to get involved and stop it- but the way things are going, that wouldn't actually help trump right now. So now what he wants is a recount, but with the margin of difference the way it is right now (40K+ in MI, 20K+ in WI), it's unlikely a recount would make a difference unless there's an error of like...several thousand votes. which is highly, highly unlikely. the courts can order as many recounts as they want, they cannot manufacture votes that simply are not there.
I don't see a way for the supreme court to legitimately intervene in a way that influences the election at this point, unless those leads seriously tighten up over the next 24 hours, which is unlikely because the ballots being counted right now largely lean democrat. trump might try to cry about voter fraud, but without evidence of that (and there is no evidence of that) what exactly can he do? I don't see a path for him right now to steal this back.
in 2000, bush won Florida by 537 votes, which was the tally at the time the recount was stopped. 537. Right now, none of the key swing states have a margin anywhere close to that small nor is it likely they will. again, maybe pennsylvania, but that's not going to hurt biden if he gets the four states he's currently leading in.
whatever the outcome, this will not be a repeat of bush v gore.
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