#and i won't be able to be online much in the next couple of daya to see how things go so this is prehemptive damage control
originalaccountname · 9 months
This is a sensibilization post, not a callout post, so this is intentionally very vague.
A month ago, I made a bsd character analysis post.
Yesterday, I saw another bsd character analysis post on the same subject.
If you read them back to back, you would notice my arguments, structure, pacing and screenshots were reused a LOT. Entire sentences were barely rephrased, the same comments were left on the screenshots (which were directly copied from my own post), and even the title of the post was barely rephrased from my opening line. It's literally "copied your homework but changed it enough as to not raise suspicion" (I still noticed)
Which makes me really sad, because OP had interesting things to add! Sandwiched in the middle, things that were not from me are expanded upon, many of which I agree with! I would have loved reblogging their own arguments and observations!
But because they plagiarized my own analysis, I am both hurt and wary. If half of this analysis is plagiarized from me, who's to say the other half isn't plagiarized from someone else? I have no faith in any of their thoughts now, it's over.
I worked hard on that analysis! Reread some manga and light novel sections, structured my essay, edited it over a few days, found relevant and interesting manga panels and light novel sections to include! I had fun doing it!
So seeing my hard work half-chewed and spit back out going around without any mention of me is disheartening.
I don't know what kind of reach I can have like this, but this is a message to both the OP and everyone else: don't do this. We're supposed to be a community. You can build upon someone else's thoughts, use the reblog button or cite them in your own original post. It's very simple.
I didn't link the post because I don't want OP put on blast, but I needed this issue adressed, because if it happened once, it can can or could have happened twice. This is a learning opportunity: plagiarism feels real bad. I don't want this for anyone else.
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Have a good one all of you 💖
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