#and i think she's demiromantic like she feels it but very rarely and under very specific circumstances
s0nia246 · 2 months
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volυмe : ▁▂▃▄▅▆▇▉ ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : Inochi ni Kirawarete Iru 0:57 ————|——— -2:10
┗━━━7:00am ━━━┛
As the soft glow of the computer screen illuminated the dark room, Kanade's fingers danced effortlessly across the keyboard. The rhythmic sound of keys being pressed filled the otherwise quiet space as she busily typed away, completely engrossed in her work. With each stroke, words and ideas flowed from her mind to the screen, the cursor blinking expectantly as she continued to pour her thoughts into the digital realm. Lost in the world of technology, she was completely in her element, a modern-day wordsmith creating magic with every keystroke.
Kanade’s eyes flitted up briefly towards the clock before returning to their steady pace. She didn’t need an alarm or a clock to tell her that time was passing at a snail's pace. Every moment spent lost in her own little world felt like one long second. This type of productivity was all too rare for her to enjoy it without feeling guilty about it. It wasn't a bad thing. She knew deep down. She needed this time to relax and think of all the wonderful things that were about to happen in the coming days. The excitement of new projects she could get started on was the best antidote.
Maybe I should take a break," Kanade said quietly to herself, pushing away from the desk to stretch. "I should eat, then take a quick nap."
She pushed her chair back from the computer with one foot, stretching out her arms above her head and letting her muscles crack. A satisfying moan escaped her lips, and she tilted her head back slightly, closing her eyes in contentment. She was tired, but not so tired that she couldn't continue working. Her body was still wired to move around, after all. It just took longer than normal.
Her stomach growled softly. It was loud enough for Kanade to hear it echo across the bedroom.
Groaning, she rubbed her hand over her belly, willing it to stop growling.
"I haven't had anything to eat since yesterday morning."That thought made her frown.
Yesterday morning.
She was so focused on composing ideas last night. She had forgotten to eat something other than a protein bar before she began her project, which was probably why she hadn't gotten any sleep. Kanade closed her eyes and pinched the bridge of her nose with one finger, releasing a sigh. Maybe Ms. Mochizuki left her something to eat when she stopped by,but she couldn't be bothered to check. Too busy. There were too many thoughts whirling through her head. The words were like a swarm of insects, trying to reach her brain at once. But it wasn't hard to find the perfect word or the right way to phrase a sentence. Even if the words got caught in the static, that was her brain.
"Raman... Raman..." Kanade hummed quietly under her breath as she looked through her kitchen cabinets for the packs of instant noodles she usually kept there. She pulled one out, placing it carefully atop the counter next to her phone. She poured water into a cup and turned on the burner, opening up her microwave to let it heat while her phone rang.
That surprised her greatly. She hadn't expected anyone else to be contacting her at this time of day. Most people are either at school or working. A notification popped up on the screen, and Kanade picked up the device, pressing the home button and bringing up her messages. She skimmed quickly over the list of notifications waiting for her.
volυмe : ▁▂▃▄▅▆▇▉ ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : Inochi ni Kirawarete Iru 0:57 ————|——— -2:10
❝Kanade was traumatized when her music inadvertently led someone very dear to her into depression. This unfortunate event resulted in her focusing on creating songs which inspired hope, and she created Nightcord at 25:00 specifically with this goal in mind. She composes songs for the group.❞
Name: Kanade Yoisaki
Gender: Female
Birthday: February 10 (♒︎)
Height: 154 cm (5'1")
School: Online High School (Third Year)
Romantic Orientation: DemiRomantic
Sexual Orientation: Demi-Sexual
Finding new music to listen to
Specialty: An innate ability to accurately track time
Favorite Food:
•Instant noodles
• Canned food
Least Favorite Food:
• Coriander
• Natto
• And other smelly foods
• Direct sunlight
• Housework
Appearance: Kanade has blue eyes and very long, blueish-white hair. Her bangs are tucked to both sides, save for a long section in the middle that almost reaches down to her nose, and her face is framed by a fairly long strand of hair on either side. Her voice is soft and calm, and she is generally inexpressive.
Casual Outfit: In her second year, her casual outfit consists of a dark blue track jacket with white stripes, worn partially unzipped. She wears a black shirt underneath and has shor, lighter blue shorts.In her third year, she simply completely unzips the track jacket, revealing a purple shirt.
Unit Outfit: Her unit outfit is a long, puffy jacket with a gradient that starts at white and fades to an ashy dark grey. The hood is tiedint the middle with a black and red ribbon. In Kanade's 3D model, the sleeves are long enough to completely cover her hands. In the official image for her unit outfit, she holds a bulky black-and-pink wireless headset.
Personality: Though antisocial, Kanade is extremely kind and caring to those close to her. She often puts the needs of others before herself, overworking herself for the sake of her music. Kanade's entire life is dedicated to composing, often putting off sleep, eating, and going outside to focus on writing music.
• She listens to video game soundtracks, but mainly watches playthroughs of video games instead of playing them herself. If she plays games, she gets so absorbed by the music that she usually ends up dying right away.
• Kanade's long hair is often described as beautiful, though she only keeps it long because cutting it is a hassle.
• Due of the length of her hair, Kanade often trips over it. She is also described to have trouble walking on windy days due the force of her hair blowing dragging her back. 
• Kanade has a secret guilty pleasure for cheesy romantic movies and often binge-watches them late at night when no one's around.
• Despite her antisocial tendencies, Kanade is surprisingly good at giving thoughtful and heartfelt advice to her friends, showing her caring and empathetic nature.
• She has a collection of old vinyl records that she inherited from her parents, and occasionally, when she needs a break from composing, she plays them on her vintage record player.
• Kanade is a master at finding hidden gems in the world of indie music. Her playlists are a carefully curated blend of mainstream and lesser-known tracks.
• She has a soft spot for stray cats and often leaves food out for them. There's a particular neighborhood cat she named "Harmony," and she secretly hopes it visits her more often.
• Kanade has a habit of doodling musical notes absentmindedly on any piece of paper within reach when she's brainstorming or lost in thought.
• Despite her dislike of direct sunlight, Kanade enjoys stargazing. On clear nights, she can be found on her balcony, wrapped in a cozy blanket, marveling at the night sky.
• Kanade's favorite type of instant noodles is miso-flavored, and she adds a unique twist by tossing in a handful of chopped green onions for extra flavor.
• She has a hidden talent for imitating bird calls and sometimes uses this skill to entertain herself during breaks from composing.
• Kanade often loses track of time not only because of her dedication to composing but also because she occasionally daydreams about fantastical stories inspired by her own music.
Character quirks:
1. Clockwork Rhythms: Kanade absentmindedly taps her fingers or lightly drums her hands on surfaces, unintentionally creating rhythmic patterns that match the tempo of her current composition.
2. Musical Daydreams: When deep in thought, Kanade sometimes hums or softly sings fragments of melodies she's working on, creating an impromptu soundtrack to her own musings.
3. Cat Whispers: Kanade has a unique ability to attract and befriend stray cats. She claims it's because she talks to them in a melodic, soothing voice, often engaging in one-sided conversations with her feline friends.
4. Starlit Mementos: Kanade has a small collection of glow-in-the-dark stars scattered on her bedroom ceiling, each representing a significant milestone or achievement in her music career. She gazes at them when seeking inspiration.
5. Midnight Palette: Kanade insists on composing music only during the nighttime, believing that the quiet and stillness enhance her creative flow. Daytime compositions, in her opinion, lack the magical touch that the night brings.
Positive Character Quirks:
1. Selfless Melodies: Kanade often composes personalized pieces for her friends, using her music to express appreciation and support for them during challenging times.
2. Empathetic Listener: Despite her antisocial demeanor, Kanade is an excellent listener. She not only hears the words but also understands the emotions behind them, offering comfort and advice when needed.
3. Unexpected Acts of Kindness: Kanade surprises her friends with thoughtful gestures, like leaving a bowl of instant noodles at their doorstep or creating a mixtape of uplifting tunes to boost their spirits.
4. Musical Memory Lane: Kanade occasionally takes a break from her own compositions to recreate nostalgic tunes from her friends' favorite childhood shows or games, adding her unique touch to bring back cherished memories.
5. Inspiration Booster: Kanade encourages her circle members to pursue their passions, often dedicating compositions to celebrate their achievements, making her a source of motivation and positivity within the group.
Negative Character Quirks:
1. Social Reclusiveness: Kanade's intense focus on her music sometimes leads her to isolate herself for days, unintentionally neglecting social interactions and causing concern among her friends.
2. Perfectionist Struggles: Kanade tends to be overly critical of her own work, often scrapping entire compositions if they don't meet her high standards. This perfectionism occasionally hinders her productivity.
3. Emotional Burden: Kanade internalizes the emotional weight of her friends' struggles, sometimes becoming overwhelmed with the responsibility of using her music to bring them solace, leading to moments of emotional exhaustion.
4. Chronic Sleep Deprivation: Kanade's dedication to her craft often results in irregular sleep patterns. She occasionally experiences bouts of insomnia, sacrificing rest for the sake of her music.
5. Unspoken Frustrations: When faced with creative blocks or challenges in her compositions, Kanade tends to keep her frustrations to herself, struggling silently rather than reaching out for collaborative solutions.
(I've been rping for like 10 years now but this my first time rping on Tumblr. So sorry if I'm bad.)
(I down for any canon or au rps. I also do multiverse with other characters from different series or ocs.)
(Have any questions just ask away.)
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turbulentscrawl · 4 months
Greetings!! Is it possible for me to request a match-up?? I'm a polyromantic demiromantic who uses They/Them pronouns. I also align with INTP & 4w6 (I think?? I only just found out so apologies if this turns out to not be an actual enneagram.) For love languages, I prefer giving and receiving quality time. Being in a relationship is having someone who loves and cares for you by your side. To have my partner by my side, even if it's parallel play will always bring me some sort of comfort. Interests include any form of art, mostly drawing and music & bugs. I find it easier to communicate with someone who shares these same interests as me, (or just someone similar in any regard. The closer to me, the better.) but I don't mind if they like something different from me. Just listen, even if for a moment and we'll most likely be on good terms. Naturally, I'm very quiet, hardly opening up to others, though I may have random splurges of wanting to talk. This is more common the more I trust someone but even someone I just met may be able to see me ramble on about something. Other flaws besides from struggling to open up are my anger issues. I feel my emotions can be too disconnected from myself. They speak louder than my actions at times, which may result in expressive outbursts of anger than I feel I can't control. Along with that, I tend to see the world in a black and white manner. It's always this or that, A or B, Option 1 or Option 2. Rarely do I feel like this can be broken and even if there is a secret third option, it's most likely just a slightly altered Option 2. Though, being limited to A or B doesn't exist when I draw. Art is about creative expression. The sky is the limit. Actually, there is no limit. I crave perfection. While I like what I make, I feel like it can be better. I want my works to be perfect. Even when that "perfection" is obtained, I never feel like it's at is best. Perfection is what I strive for but will forever feel like it's out of my reach. Take as much time as you need to find the one for me and have a nice day!!
I ship you with: Melly Plinius!
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-So INTPs and Type 4s both tend to be “straight shooters.” If these are true to you, I believe this means you’re someone who's not likely to beat around the bush, and who tries communicating to the best of your ability despite being a bit disconnected from your emotions. Melly is fairly adaptable, but she’s really sick of having to assimilate to people she doesn’t find agreeable. If she settles into romance, she wants someone she can be herself with, and honesty is the first box that needs to be ticked. Sounds like you hit that one!
-Additionally, she’s good with the whole “agree to disagree” thing. It doesn’t bother her if you have a black-and-white way of seeing things. She’s not very opinionated about things that don’t concern her work, so you can feel whatever way you want about things and she doesn’t really care. Feel free to ramble away about stuff, too. Her indifference makes her capable of seeing both sides of things, too, so she’s capable of offering support if you ever feel torn or self-conscious about a decision you’ve made.
-The one thing I feel like she’d have to adjust to with you is those anger issues. But if Melly is anything it’s patient. She can live with an occasional outburst or meltdown so long as they’re not violent and you make an effort to improve yourself in that regard in the long-term.
-Quality time is her preferred love language as well. In the past, she was the support for her husband’s work, but now she’d like to have someone along as hers. You’re always welcome to join her on excursions, or in the lab (as long as you’re being safe and quiet down when she’s doing something delicate.) She likes to sit outside with you on sunny days, under the shade of a big tree, and work on organizing her notes.
-You like bugs? I mean, this is a match made in heaven, right? She’s always happy to talk about insects, or answer any questions. It’s both her special interest and her life’s work! Art isn’t something she’s particularly interested in, but she always matches you on the support and interest you give her work. The pieces you’re most proud of will be displayed around the house, if you’ll allow it.
Runner Up: Joker
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tenuuchlegch · 1 year
Tbh, I know this is probably going to be an unpopular post but... Odtsetseg did not really develop romantic feelings towards Haurchefant. 
Now before you throw your pitchforks and knives at me, please understand that Odtsetseg is asexual, demiromantic and DENSE AS A BRICK when it comes to picking up on flirtatious cues especially arr/pre-vault. Plus I would like to imagine she interacted with English Haurchefant, since Japanese Hauchefant is very... blunt. Yeah, some stuff between them could have happened while she was in Camp Dragonhead or lived in Ishgard, but that’s entirely up to dynamics established between muns. 
I would like to think at the most, they were pretty close friends and he got to witness her at the time rare vulnerable side, especially since her mother and at one point her twin worked under House Fortemps. Despite her not being all head over heels for him though, his sacrifice nevertheless impacted her greatly. How can one not be moved, when a man takes a literal killing blow for them? He was one of the kindest people au ra had ever known, who Odtsetseg would gladly die for. He became her inspiration to be a better hero- a better person, despite her circumstances not being the best. 
“A smile better suits a hero” is a phrase xaela will never forget and one she aspires to live up towards.
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miraiq · 5 months
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Tingyun's canon-divergence/lore/verses:
How I intend to write her before the in-game events, during in-game events, and after. Spoilers, obviously, so I'll put it under a readmore just in case!
Some info is pulled from the Honkai Star Rail wiki, and in-game descriptions/character stories.
Italicized words is what has been pulled from official sources, if not then it is my own input.
General Information:
Gender: Cis Female
Species: Foxian / semi-long-life species (Average life expectancy is 300-400 years)
Sexual Orientation: BiSexual
Romantic Orientation: DemiRomantic
Height: Estimated 5'4" ft / 152~ cm
Visual Appearance Age: Estimated 25
Actual Age: Estimated 150-250, so let's go middle ground and say 200~
[source 1] [source 2] [source 3]
( v; before the storm. )
Takes place prior to the in-game events-- aka: before the Astral Express crew shows up on the Xianzhou Luofu.
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Tinygun is just a typical happy, helpful, caring, and hard working foxian. She's known for striving for expansion and larger merchant venues and goods to help boost trade and economic functions(not that is it bad or declining, just wishes to help it grow). Has a high sense of morals and believes everyone deserves a second chance if they're willing to put in the effort. As long as you follow regulations and don't try to scheme your way through life or use underhanded tactics to achieve your goals, she is willing to aide however she can. Very attentive and cautious, always wishing for a compromise or discussion over any sort of violence.
She is an Ambassador and Head Representative of the Whistling Flames, a merchant guild officially approved by the Sky-Faring Commission.
Tingyun was always different from the others.
Foxians are synonymous with the quick and the agile. Their lightning-fast reflexes and keen senses have resulted in this, and it also makes for cheeky, playful juvenile Foxians. But Tingyun? This pointy-eared girl always looks fluffy and soft. Not only does she not vigorously pull on others' fur when meeting someone, she herself remains calm even if someone pulls on her fur. With an innocent smile and her sweet voice, she would even urge the other person to stop...
Most merchants carry weapons in self-defense while traveling, but Tingyun is an exception — she refuses to equip any weapons that do not conform to her style, such as blades, lances, swords, and halberds, which are strong but ungraceful. And she considers booby-traps like darts and needles to be too toxic and disgraceful.
Yukong has already planned on handing over the future of the Sky-Fairing Commission to Tingyun, but Tingyun doesn't know if she's truly qualified to take it on.
Tingyun will get the occasional migraine, hearing a voice on rare occasions but disregards it, thinking its just hallucinations due to overworking or being overly stressed. As the Stellaron Crisis progresses, the voice will make an appearance more often, and the longer the crisis goes on for, the louder and more frequent it shows up. Once again, Tingyun will ignore it thinking it's simply her being worried about the Luofu and the inhabitants as the presence of Mara grows more rampant and comes more common place.
She always one who tried to plan for worse case scenarios.. even asked by someone who had witnessed her burning seemingly unimportant pieces of paper one too many times why Tingyun was doing so, or more, what she was burning. She responded with: "Every time I head out, I leave a letter behind and lock it in the drawers of my shop. If I come back, then I'll burn it later. If I don't... then it'll be something for others to remember me by."
( v; welcome benefactors. )
Takes place during in-game events-- aka: the Astral Express Crew shows up on the Xianzhou Luofu.
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The voice is so loud she can hardly hear anything else besides it. Her head feels so full and as if something is constantly putting pressure on it, trying to weight it down as if to put her to the floor. Tingyun had been told about a rogue craft entering the Loufu airspace, and the alarming quantity of Mara-stuck surrounding the Cloudford. She takes a few Cloud Knights that she often has accompany her on more dangerous tasks, and heads to the area. She vaguely remembers the two most directly under her wing asking her if she felt alright, or asking for orders, or a plan, but she does not remember the responses she gave. Tingyun hears some unfamiliar voices, as as soon as she spots three individuals who she assumes are outworlders, all she can see is a bright purple and yellow light. The only thing she recognizes after this point is the feeling of her neck in extreme pain, the air escaping her lungs, and her body crashing to the ground.
Tinygun is taken over completely by Phantylia the moment her eyes spot the Astra Express crew. She is not present or in any way conscious during the entire trip the crew makes to the Xianzhou Luofu. All of "Tingyun's" actions and dialogue is Plantylia. Tingyun does not exist.
( v; gift of a second chance. )
Takes place after the in-game events-- aka: the Astral Express completes their mission in regards to the Stellaron Crisis and heads off to their next planet.
The name of the verse is a slight play on "gift of abundance"-- and will make sense by the end.
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Tingyun had in fact passed away.. but only for a while. One of Tingyun's close Cloud Knight guards/companions had managed to get a hold of her body before the fight broke out after Plantylia revealed themself. Her body remained uninhabited and unresponsive for about five days. No one was able to come to terms with the loss, and postponed giving "the Returning"(the Starskiff sendoff) for Tingyun.. and they're glad they did. No one is quite sure how, but Tingyun woke.
No one is sure if it was the Ambrosial Arbor, the gift from the Aeon of Abundance, that took pity on the poor foxian, or if they simply wanted to right a wrong-- or if it was the fact that her body had been hosting a Lord Ravenger, one tainted with the blessing of Abundance, for an unknown amount of time that some of it's powers had lingered, granting the woman a sort of rebirth-- but Tinygun had to returned to them. Disoriented and confused, exhausted, and in mild pain, but alive non-the-less.
When asked if what the last thing she can remember was, she truthfully tells them that the last thing she can recall was standing in Cloudford and seeing three outworlders for but a moment before suddenly jumping to this very moment. Everyone seems hesitant to tell her the details, but with all of their reactions and questioning, she understands that it was most likely something bad, or something they didn't think she should know of. Tingyun is unsure which is worse, being left in blissful ignorance, or having knowledge of your unknown and unwilling wrong-doings. She decides to not make those around her choose, and doesn't press the matter, not wanting to upset anyone.. or herself.
Tingyun's life span gets extended due to the "gift of abundance" influence, giving her another 100-200 years more than the typical foxian life expectancy.
Tingyun does not know who March 7th, Dan Heng, the Trailblazer, or Welt are. She only vaguely recognizes Imbibitor Lunae, but more as a come-to-life legend, one only seen in history books and stories of Dan Feng's crimes.
When Tingyun aids in battle, she can now provide a buff as well as SLIGHT healing. Though not very good at it, or able to control it well, she can mend small injuries.
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I mostly base the fact that Tingyun was under control/not just a puppet that can be replaced(example like Herta's multiple puppets)/not out in the universe somewhere waiting to be saved purely on the scene of Plantylia revealing themself. At the very end of the neck snap, as she starts to collapse, you can see briefly the way life drains from her eyes. We see something extremely similar to the Trailblazer back on Jarilo VI when they were impaled before gaining the blessing of Preservation.
But Tingyun my beloved deserves better so here we are. I honestly love having a main character truly be killed of/having bad consequences for a story/sad things occur. Not everything has to be a happy ending. But, I wanna write her so---
If you read this entire fanfic post to the end--- THANK YOU VERY MUCH. I spent almost 2 hours putting this together just on this post, not including the couple other hours spent looking at lore and other information regarding the aeons and any crumbs I could get of Tingyun.
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kakusu-shipping · 1 year
Fairy Tail Ships
Some Rando came at me on my main for a ship I hadn’t even said a single word about on a post about a character not involved in said ship so now I’m just gonna write down all my Fairy Tail ships unprompted out of pure spite
Multi and Probably Problematic shipping a-hoy under the read more be wary!
Okay so as every other of this kind of post will plainly spell out I always have One Guy who is just the Ship bicycle. This character could kiss literally anyone and I would be more than happy. Typically they in fact do.
For Fairy Tail, it’s Gajeel Redfox
You would not believe your eyes if my first fucking Gajeel ship was Gajeel/Gajeel. I love Edolas Gajeel and up until that point Earthland Gajeel interacts with pretty much no one positively. I fully believe he hard made out with himself. First kiss. First time? The full shebang. Canon as far as I think.
Following that IMMEDIATELY is Gajeel/Lily. My god. My God let’s just give Gajeel a beefy cat man to homoerotically throw around. “That’s My Cat” I love him he’s so fucking stupid he makes out with Lily on the regular.
Gajeel/Levy is probably the best developed canon ship in Fairy Tail and that’s really not saying much but I think they’re cute. The only caviot is Levi pegs him. I’m sorry, Gajeel cannot be a top.
I think Gajeel/Natsu is funny as hell they’re so violent. Gajeel thinks Natsu’s the dumbest man he’s ever met. They don’t kiss they bite.
Gajeel/Laxus is just as funny but just because they both think they’re the smart one in the relationship.
After that all I might loose a bit of steam but Romance in this show is rarely interesting but here’s some of my takes anyway;
Laxus/Freed is always a free sail Freed pining from the beginning Laxus having no idea what his own feelings are until some time mid season 7. Laxus taking everything casually and Freed over thinking every little piece of affection he gets. They’re an uncommunicative mess and I love them.
I like Juvia/Grey not because I think it’s a well balanced and fleshed out canon romance, but because I love Juvia and want her to be happy and think Annoyingly Horny Stalker and Too Tired For This Shit is the funniest trope. Also Transfem Lesbian Grey, Demiromantic Bi/Pan Juvia
Speaking of Stalker/Obsession ships, Lucy/Flare??? My god I had not-antagonist Flare for 3 episodes and I will never let her go. Red headed Lesbian raised by a Village of Giant Men. Get yourself a blondie GF you deserve it.
Another Stalker/Obsession because I’m just gonna keep on goin; Erza/Sho???? Hello??? That was one baby me was entranced by. Love when the stalker is also the bottom. I love Sho I think he’s so cute, I think his obsession with Erza is so cute, I think his Sister Complex is so cute.
More Erza tops a little sibling!! Erza/Kagura!! What is it about Erza that gives everyone who meets her an Incest Kink?? I love her. I love Kagura she’s SO pathetic after her angst over Jallal is swept under the rug for no reason (no I’m not salty about that)
SPEAKING of Kagura; Kagura/Millianna is very cute I am on board. The Lesbian Kagura content for those without the taste for Sister Complex.
Elfman/Evergreen is so funny to me because this is a Bisexual man with a huge preference for Men who really REALLY wanted to fall in love with a Man and be Married Manly Men who grow into Old Men together but no. He just HAD to catch feelings for The Prettiest Girl in his guild. He’s so mad about it. Whole ass that “But I am in love with a MAN. RIGHT NOW.” meme but gender swapped.
Gildarts/Cana is so freaken good that YuGiOh Episode with Scorpio during the Eclipse Spirit Arc where he says he wants her to call him Daddy and she says she Would if he’s Been Around More you two I am going to scream don’t talk like that we’re trying to d-d-d-d-dddddDUEL
Also Eclipse Scorpio’s crush on Cana is cute as hell I love him he just wanted to play YuGiOh with a Hot Girl and she deserves a little boyfriend like him I’m all for them
Seven steps back tho the BEST Lucy ship, hands down, is Lucy/Taurus and I am SO INCREDIBLY SAD I’m alone on this! T4T Lucy/Taurus is my EVERYTHING!! Give him a SMOOOOOOOOOCH!!
Panther Lily/Samuel is so good to me another little freak with an unwarranted Incest Kink I love Samuel so much he’s so weird I want him to come back so badly please bring the little weirdo back so he can call Lily Big Brother some more for no god damn reason
Panther Lily and Edolas Coco is Very Cute and if it wasn’t for Gajeel being so unabashedly into Panther Lily that whole arc I would have appreciated it more.
Speaking of Exceed X People ships, Sting/Lector are like!!! Super good!!! Exceptionally solid I love them both so much!!
Rouge and Frosch as well but I feel like they’re super out of balance. Rouge is infantalizing Frosch and/or Frosch is not an adult in the world of Exceeds
Five steps back again because none of my thoughts are ever organized Second Best Lucy Ship is Lucy/Loke I just love a lot of Lucy/Celestial Spirit ships but this one This One is so cute I love how extra romantic he gets after going back to being Leo one of few ships I could actually see tying the knot and getting married.
Fuck it I’m just gonna keep talking about Lucy’s celestial spirits; I think Aquarius was Lucy’s first love and also her second mommy I don’t think they ever dated but to Lucy the love she felt for Aquarius was both Familial and Romantic when she was little. She claims Aquarius as her first kiss, despite it being a motherly peck when she was like 6.
Lucy/Virgo is super funny and I am positive it has Doujins out there made by men for men that I Do Not Want To See. I am putting the Asexual label on Virgo and shipping it from there.
Aquarius/Layla Lesbian Lovers in the Historical way. Layla had her Good Friend Aquarius come stay with her while her husband was away on business. They were Very Good Friends.
More spirit stuff Grey/Eclipse Cancer is so fucking funny Cancer literally opened Grey’s heart, they Yuri On Iced around with a Rainbow Gradient following them. Grey is repressing this so hard.
SPEAKING of Grey repressing he is Gay; Grey/Sugarboy??? Am I obsessed with the Catholic Arc of Fairy Tail? Yes. Yes I am. But Edolas Sugar Boy as well. Grey has such a Thing for your average stereotypical Gay Man and he is doing everything in his power to ignore it. I think he wants to be one of them.
Ultear/Meredy is SO FREAKEN CUTE. Mother/Daughter *chefs kiss*. They would both die for the other to live and they attempt it multiple times. Am I made Ultear eventually succeeded? Yes. Extremely. Get back here dammit you’ve already asked and the answer was No.
Lucy/Michelle more Stalker/Obsession more Sister Complex with a little dash of objectophilia post Catholic Arc. I love how the Fairy Tail anime just dropped Every inanimate object has thought, emotion, will, goals, and feelings but is unable to act upon them or even knows they have such feelings without forbidden magics and just Expected me to be Okay with that. I am not. I never will be. Michelle wants to fight Aquarius for taking Lucy’s first kiss right in front of her.
Wendy/Sherria are exceptionally cute. I don’t have much to say I just think they’re cute and wholesome and should be girlfriends.
But ALSO I think Mest/Doranbolt’s crush on Wendy is very cute I bet he beats himself up over liking a little girl. He’s her first kiss, she initiated it.
ALSO ALSO Doranbolt/Lahar is canon and I’m SO MAD THEY KILLED LAHAR LIKE FOREVER MAD. My Buddy Cop to Lovers...
Macao and Wakaba are a “Didn’t realize I was Gay and In love with my best friend until AFTER I was married to a woman” pair and I love them. They keep their relationship a secret. Make out in the guild’s storage room. Mira’s caught them once or twice and promises to keep their secret, so long as she never catches them with their pants down that close to the cheese again.
Levi/Lucy are a cute Best Friends to Girlfriends kind of ship. No one would notice if they started dating because they’d act the exact same as before 
But also Cana/Lucy?? Same energy in that no one would really know they’re dating until Cana gets stupid clingy/protective when other people hit on Lucy.
Mavis/Zera is under appreciated I know Zera isn’t real and is just a projection of Mavis’ loneliness and isolation but also she’s Mavis’ gay thoughts a WLW side. Her self love and care in personhood. They kiss.
Canon evil lesbian queens Kyoka/Seilah is a lot more than I expected out of this program and I am so here for it!! Go girls go!!!
Dimaria/Brandish as well, evil lesbians having a bad spat and taking it out on the entirety of Fairy Tail is very funny to me. They are toxic and horrid and I hope Brandish gets away from her.
Kamika/Cosmos, while not evil, are just as canon lesbians and I love that for them. Also Lolicon Cosmos.
There at the start of the War Arc when Toby and Millianna were walking into war together and he’s looking at her with a flush on his face little guy got puppy love and I!!!! Am all about it!!! She’s a lesbian for sure but she’ll make an exception for him. I don’t think he knows what a gender is anyway
I think that fact that Ichiya and Nichiya most certainly Fuck is not discussed enough in this fandom this man fucks his own Fursona I need more people to speak of this.
Okay now my take on the Big Ships and Canon Shit because I actually didn’t talk about them above I focused on what I’d actually like to see.
Natsu/Lucy is. Fine. I saw someone say a headcanon that Natsu thought they were dating the whole time and I love that. ADHD Natsu who decided he liked Lucy and was going to ask her out but Forgot and then Forgot he Forgot and proceeded to think they were an official couple for 9 more season.
Natsu/Lisanna is also pretty okay. I love baby love, I love them as kids playing house playing marriage awkward dancing and kisses on the cheek and holding hands. They were eachother’s first love and that means so much to me there’s very little that could ever make you forget your first love. (Side note I think at this age Elfman had a crush on Natsu but didn’t say anything sense Lisanna also liked him)
Erza/Jellal bothers me. Maybe I just don’t like Jellal as a character enough yet but not only is he Not In The Guild like every other main series ship, he also is on some pretty thin ice on being an Antagonist or not. But, like above, he was Erza’s First Love and that really is kind of a Big Deal, being actually In Love for the first time. I think they could heal, and I’d love to see that actually play out. If anyone has any fics where this is a Real Issue that they talk about and face I would actually love to read them.
Mavis/Zeref is also pretty. Okay. I don’t like it, I think it’s pretty forced, I think the fact that they had a child when Mavis died after their first kiss is a fucked concept everyone’s avoiding despite it being the most interesting part of the ship. He’s her pathetic little meow meow, she’s his last shred of sanity decaying in his arms as he desperately plants kisses over her small prepubescent body. It’s VERY Dead Dove and everyone is avoiding it.
Happy/Carla... is this one people actually ship or just something in the background? Honestly Happy feels so much Younger than Carla most of the time despite them probably being the same age. He just acts like a little fool. I don’t like it. I think Carla deserves better. And is also a Lesbian.
Now for the end of my list a collection of characters I don’t have ships for but would Really Like To because I Love Them as characters and just want them to smooch somebody (would also love X reader fics with them)
Warren Rocko
Reedus Jonah
Tono Rabbits
Jura Neekis
Yuka Suzuki
Dan Straight (The fucking guy of all time)
Toma Fiore
Jacob Lessio
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dark-magical-ships · 2 years
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Hi! My name's Amata (Amy for short), I use he/she (or almost any) pronouns, and I can be your proship cardgame nerd writer mutual! :3
I've been selfshipping forever, but only discovered and joined the community in February 2022! My main and only serious romantic F/O is Seto Kaiba, obviously. Detailed F/O list on my carrd; I am comfortable sharing all of them, even my husband. ❤️
I follow back from @whats-amata-you
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About Me
I'm 30. Get off my lawn! /j
I am transmasc nonbinary, asexual, and demiromantic.
I'm autistic and mentally ill (primarily C-PTSD and DID).
I'm figuring the DID thing out but other system members include fictrojects and post-fictrojects of some of my f/os; Seto in particular is both an f/o and a member of my system. It's complicated.
About This Blog
It's mostly me ranting like a lunatic about my fictional cardgame fanatic bazillionaire/headmate husband. If extensive rants in the tags and regular spazzy loveposting isn't your thing, this may not be the blog for you. XD
When I'm not screaming my adoration for Kaiba from the metaphorical rooftops, I'm yammering with my mutuals or shitposting about Yu-Gi-Oh!. This isn't a fanblog, but it sure looks like one sometimes.
This blog is safe for work; anything mildly spicy will be tagged as #tw suggestive. Those posts are extremely rare, though.
I love ask games, but am stupid slow with answering them. Sorry about that.
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I consider DNIs to be performative at best; at worst, they straight-up advertise to the exact assholes you don't want to have interacting with you that they can easily get under your skin. Therefore, I do not list a specific DNI. I know who I interact with, and the block button and I are BFFs.
I do make an honest effort to check and respect the DNIs of others. If, however, I have interacted with you and you are concerned that I may fall somewhere on your DNI criteria, please feel free to either DM me to clarify (if you have questions) or simply block me. I will not be offended or bother you to ask why, I promise. ❤️
This blog is proship/comship/profic/etc. The real term is “anti-harassment” honestly but like whatever.
This blog is a discourse-free zone.
This blog is extremely and indiscriminately hostile to any form of harassment or bullying. This includes anon hate/askbox harassment and spam, DM harassment, following people to other apps, doxxing, SWATing, rumor-mongering, callout posts except in very specific kinds of cases, broadcasting blocklists, passive-aggressive vagueblogging, etc, etc. I'm fucking tired. I will never participate in this stuff, and I will block anyone who engages in it too often, even if we've been mutuals for years.
I have triggers, but I do not make them public knowledge because I prefer not to tell assholes exactly how to trigger me. My triggers are need-to-know only. I will notify mutuals via DM or anon ask if I need something tagged for filtering purposes.
Those who are only passingly familiar with Yu-Gi-Oh! could be forgiven for thinking Seto is underage. He is not. You can find more information in this post, but honestly if it only matters if we’re talking about my irl headmate husband. The fictional character is fiction so it wouldn’t really even matter if he was.
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Links For Mobile
#q&a - tag for answering selfship queries
#cocoa wedding 🍫💍 - tag for Seto’s and my wedding ❤️
#🐉💙 cocoashipping 💙🐉 - Seto’s tag 💙
#exodia obliterate the 4th wall! - Chapters of my self-shipping fic. Also up on AO3!
#my commissions - tag for art i’ve commissioned
#signal boost - tag for signal-boosting my mutuals’ commissions and stuff
#other’s imagines - imagines from other selfshippers <3
#amy’s imagines - i don’t post these often but when i do this is my tag
#ask game - ask games, usually selfshippy or writer stuff
#selfship positivity - because everyone needs a smile sometimes <3
#KaibaCrap - my tag for random Yu-Gi-Oh! stuff that’s not related to my stanning for Seto lol
#amy writes - tag related to my writing shenanigans. 4th Wall gets this tag, but so do a bunch of random writing-related posts.
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janeelyakiri · 2 years
For the Fluffy headcanons ask... Um...how do you expect me to choose??
I'm going to be a greedy greedy friend and request the whole dang alphabet for Jackal... He deserves some good fluff with his S/O!
A = affection - Jackal's not normally super affectionate, being Aromantic. After sex he still cuddles and does proper aftercare, but casual affection is rare. But if he finds someone that makes him want to be... his hands will not keep to himself.
B = best memory- First time summoning his whip. Yeah Falcon got his eye scar from it but! It was still the best moment of his life.
C = cat or dog person- Cat, though he gets fussy about the fur shedding.
D = dreams - He wants to be a parent. He hopes for a daughter, a little princess to dote on.
E = evenings- Nice glass of wine while he cooks. Perhaps reading while relaxing in his office.
F = first date- He went a bit too over the top and scared his first date into thinking he was going to murder them. He's toned down since then lol!
G = giggle- 'Nyehahahaha!' Very deep and powerful laugh, though if it's a bad joke that managed to make him laugh, he'll snort and cover it up by being 'mad'.
H = hugs- He likes to hug from behind.
I = instrument- Nope, and I don't think he wants to try? Well, maybe piano. But he's so busy!
J = joy- Seeing his Empire grow, seeing the monsters under his protection feel safer.
K = kisses- Passionate, hungry.
L = love- Baffled, he's aro (technically demiromantic but has such high standards) so if he feels the romantic feels he gets super confused, then angry because he's confused.
M = memory- Deciding to protect Shake.
N = no- Sitting on his countertops that's for FOOD not BUTTS
O = occupation- He's working his dream job! Being a Mafia boss.
P = parent- Sweet and doting, though maybe a bit too overprotective and spoils his kids.
Q = questions- This is such a silly one for UT characters shfkjdsf but yes, he believes.
R = romantic- He is, yes! He might not experience those emotions much but he knows how to BE romantic. Roses and candles and backrubs, all the good stuff.
S = smile- Shake. He has such a soft spot for his human.
T = together-He can be a bit... possessive. Yet physically distant. It depends on his mood.
U = unbearable- *Nagging*.
V = videos- What, and create evidence? Hell no! ... Maybe photos.
W = wedding- He'd have a grand wedding, all of monsterkind invited sort of wedding. And the honeymoon would be a month long...
X = eXtra- Jackal is genderfluid, mainly goes by 'he' but when using her feminine ecto, prefers 'she'. But their favorite pronoun is 'Boss'.
Y = yuck- Tardiness, messes, grease, people sitting on his counters...
Z = zzzz- Sleeps pretty light. Decades of paranoia still makes sleeping hard.
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jaskierswolf · 3 years
Ok folks! Here’s some demiromantic Jaskier/ Ace Geralt (feat. a prostitute or two)
This idea was by my ever lovely friend @slythnerd who gave me a bullet list fic and I offered to write it! This is smutty. Do not read if you are under 18. I’ve also never written anything like this before. So be kind? __________
What do you call a bard who’s never fallen in love?
A bad joke, perhaps. The answer is Jaskier. A bard famed for his romantic poetry and exploits and yet he’s never once felt that flutter in his heart strings when he’s looked at someone beautiful. So he keeps trying, over and over and over. He falls into beds of lovers all over the Continent and earns himself quite the reputation. He enjoys sex. He’s good at sex but dearest Melitele he yearns for more. He wants love.
He’s a poet and a romantic and he wants love.
He’s twenty six when he gives up on romantic love for himself. Love is a beautiful and enriching adventure but not one that he will ever experience.
Or so he thinks.
He’s twenty eight when his world is completely turned upside down. After travelling with Geralt for a decade he’s sure that the witcher cannot surprise him any further. That’s when the dreams start. He dreams of holding the witcher’s hand as they walk down the path, Roach trailing after them. He dreams of kissing Geralt goodbye whenever they part, be it for winter or just for the evening. He dreams of waking up each morning wrapped in a lover’s embrace. He dreams of Geralt saying those words.
And for once in his short life, those words don’t scare him. They don’t make him want to run away. They don’t feel him with dread and a sense of inadequacy. He dreams of Geralt saying those words… and he dreams of saying them back.
It’s a startling realisation and one that has him scrambling for his notebook and quill. He stays up all night scribbling away in his messy scrawl until his feelings are left staining the page.
He’s exhausted and giddy with love when he sees Geralt the next morning over breakfast but instead of joy he’s hit with icy dread. How could Geralt ever love him back? He’s been sleeping around, quite unashamedly for the last ten years and it’s gotten them both into more trouble than Geralt’s contracts.
So the smile falls from his face and he pretends that nothing has changed.
Everything has changed and Geralt fucking knows it.
After three days of tense silence every unspoken word explodes between them.
“Just fucking say something, Jaskier!” Geralt yells across the campfire.
“I can’t!” Jaskier buries his face in his hands. His heart aches and he wishes he could return to the numb nothingness of before but it’s too late. He loves his best friend and he loves him with all of his heart.
“Why not?” Geralt glowers, eyes ablaze in the light of the flames.
“Because I love you!” Jaskier screams and the words fill the forest like a battle cry. “I love you” He’s rambling now. “and I never thought I could so I just fucked around hoping that someone would be good enough in bed to make me fall in love with them. No one ever was and… and I felt so fucking broken!” He exclaims with a wide wave of his arms. “Broken, useless, unlovable sorry excuse for a bard! But oh no no, turns out it wasn’t a good fuck I needed.” He glares at Geralt, blaming the witcher for his sudden tidal wave of emotions. “turns out I just needed you. My best friend in the whole wide world but I never fucking saw it so I kept screwing around and now you hate me for it and that’s just shit because it turns out… it turns out that I love you. You bastard.”
He’s said too much. He claps his hands over his mouth. “I’m sorry.”
And he runs.
Or at least he tries to. Geralt’s hand in holding his wrist. “Don’t be. Don’t be sorry. Don’t go.” Geralt whispers in the dark of the night. His face lit up by the orange glow of the campfire. “Stay.”
“You. You don’t hate me?” Jaskier asks, his voice cracking pitifully.
Geralt shakes his head. “No. The opposite. I think.”
Jaskier frowns as he tries to decipher Geralt’s riddles. “The opposite? But. but Geralt?”
“I know.”
“Don’t fucking mess with me now, witcher.” Jaskier hisses, his heart is too fragile. He’s not used to any of this torment.
“I’m not.” Geralt sighs. “But I can’t. I don’t want.” He cuts himself off with a low groan and pinches the bridge of his nose.
Jaskier tilts his head. “You don’t want what, Geralt?”
“Sex. I know, the whole Continent knows, how much you love it.”
“Oh hey!” Jaskier protests but really Geralt does have a point. “Hang on, what about Yennefer, or Triss…. or what was her name? With the swords going missing?”
Jaskier snaps his fingers. “You fucked her for weeks!”
Geralt shrugs. “It’s what they wanted.”
Alarm bells start ringing in Jaskier’s mind. It’s what they wanted, not Geralt. Geralt hadn’t wanted it. “Did they….”
Geralt smiles faintly with a shake of his head. “No. I said yes. It’s what they wanted, what’s expected of me.” His nose wrinkles. “Yen’s unicorn though. Never again.”
Jaskier whimpers as he embraces Geralt tightly. “I will never. I promise you. If you don’t want sex then we don’t have to have sex. Are kisses alright?” He asked with a tilt of his head.
Geralt frowns. “Umm.”
“No then.” Jaskier sighs. “Hugs?”
“Yeah.”  That’s a relief for Jaskier. He’s always needed physical touch and he’s been hugging Geralt for years. The thought that he could have been making his best friend uncomfortable makes him feel sick to his stomach. “What about you?��� Geralt asks. “You love sex.”
Jaskier shrugs. “I have two hands.” He winks. “And I’ve heard mages sell all sorts of enchanted toys these days. I’ll manage.”
Geralt shakes his head. “No. I can’t take that from you.”
“But I love you. Do you know how much that means to me Geralt?” Jaskier says quietly, staring down at his feet, fingers pulling at his sleeves. “I never thought that I could.”
“What if you still have sex with others?” Geralt suggests and Jaskier just gapes at him.
“You. You mean that?”
“You wouldn’t be jealous?” Jaskier asks.
Geralt raises an eyebrow at him. “You love me, after fucking your way around the Continent. You love me.”
Jaskier licks his lips and nods. “I do. Fucking mother of… I love you.” The words still sound like heaven on his tongue. He would never get used to saying them even if he lived for a hundred years. “I love you.”
Geralt laughs softly and strokes Jaskier’s cheek with his thumb. “I love you too. I trust you. You’ll come back to me. You always have.”
Jaskier joins in with Geralt laughter. The witcher is right. Even before his epiphany Jaskier always returned to Geralt whether it’s after years apart, or merely after a quick romp in the hay. He would come back to Geralt until his dying breath.
So they settle into a new routine. Geralt enjoys sharing a bedroll or bed at the inn when they can but doesn’t begrudge Jaskier if he finds another partner for the night. He rarely stays with them after sex now though. He has his heart to return to and that’s better than any carnal delight. One evening after one such adventure with a particularly gorgeous prostitute, Geralt surprises them both.
“Did you have fun?” He murmurs into the nape of Jaskier’s neck as they snuggle close in the bed.
Jaskier frowns. Surely Geralt’s not asking about his sex life? “Yes?” He answers, sounding more than a little unsure.
There’s a soft press of lips to the back of his neck and he shudders. Geralt didn’t kiss him very often but it makes his heart sing every time. “You don’t sound convinced.”
“No. It was good.” He stammers, trying desperately to control the way his heart is thundering in his chest.
Geralt scoffs. “Good?”
“Very good.” He admits with a soft moan.
“Tell me.” Geralt all but growls.
“Umm well.” His mouth goes dry. He curses mentally, for a wordsmith all words appear to have left him. “She. She used her mouth?”
“Go on.”
Jaskier swallows, willing himself not to get hard. He really didn’t want to make this uncomfortable for Geralt but Geralt’s voice in his ear and the memories of the girl’s mouth on his cock. It’s all too much.
“Gods, Geralt it was…. she was so talented.” He sighs, sinking back into the memory. The room had smelt like sweat and sex and sin, but the bed was soft beneath his fingers as he gripped the sheets. “She swallowed my cock down in one go, oh and the moan. Geralt, it was sinful. You’ve never seen anyone’s lips so good as her’s did around my cock. Her mouth, fuck, so wet and warm.”
“And that did you do?” Geralt asks, a low rumble in his ear.
“I couldn’t help myself.” Jaskier lets out a moan at the memory. “I. I pulled her hair and the noises she made when I fucked her mouth. She took it all so well. She did this thing with her tongue…” Jaskier bites his lip. He’s hard and he just knows Geralt can smell his arousal. “I didn’t even have time to warn her before I came down her throat, and oh how she moaned. She swallowed every last drop.”
Jaskier feels Geralt’s teeth graze against his shoulder and he realises with a start that he can feel Geralt’s erection pressed up against his arse.
“Geralt?” He asks, scared that he’ll shatter the moment and Geralt will push him away.
“Is. Is this alright?” His voice is breathy as he tries to contain his arousal. Geralt comfort is more important.
There’s a few seconds of tense silence before Geralt answers. “Yes. I like it.”
“Shall I continue?” Jaskier asks.
And so they fall into a routine. Jaskier fucks whoever takes his fancy and later that evening, if Geralt asks, he tells Geralt all about it, slowly becoming less shy with the details. He learns what Geralt enjoys most and what he doesn’t really care for. Sometimes he twists the story to make sure Geralt is getting what he needs out of it. Geralt comes in his own hand to Jaskier’s words and quite often Jaskier isn’t far behind.
It works for them and there’s a certain thrill to it all that Jaskier would have never expected when Geralt first told him he wasn’t interested in having sex. They explore the boundaries of this new part of their relationship. Jaskier learns he can be as filthy as he likes when Geralt asks him to tell him about his latest fuck but they can’t talk about any fantasies involving Geralt. Geralt had asked him to describe it one night and Jaskier agreed. He sat in a chair in the corner of the room and began to weave his tale of how he would worship Geralt’s cock but Geralt froze. Jaskier knew in an instant that something was wrong and his words died on his lips. They didn’t share a bed that night and they haven’t talk about Geralt in bed since.
The greatest surprise comes when Geralt hovers next to him outside the door of the brothel.
Jaskier turns to face his partner with a quirk of his eyebrow. Normally Geralt would have left him for the tavern by now but Geralt is just staring up at the door. Jaskier wonders when the last time Geralt visited a brothel was, back when he tried to fit in with what people expected of a man, probably.
“Geralt?” Jaskier places a hand on Geralt’s bicep.
“Did.” Jaskier cuts himself off and bites the inside of his cheek. He really hopes that he isn’t reading this wrong. He can’t lose Geralt, not now. “Did you want to come in?”
Geralt’s hair flies round as he turns to face Jaskier. “What?”
“You could watch?” Jaskier suggests, trying to keep his voice light. “Or not?” He adds with a shrug.
Geralt makes a choking noise and he’s blushing brighter than Jaskier has ever seen him blush before. “You don’t want that.” He mumbled.
Jaskier wants to laugh in sheer astonishment but he doesn’t. He knows laughing will just make Geralt run from him. “Geralt, dear heart, I would love that!”
Geralt glares at him as if he’s grown a second head but Jaskier can’t let go of the idea now. It’s seared into his mind. The thought of Geralt… watching him.
“Fuck.” He moans and he’s already getting hard.
Geralt’s nose flares and Jaskier knows he’s been caught out. “You… you’re aroused?”
“Yes. Well. Thank you, dearest.” Jaskier mumbles. “I hadn’t noticed.”
“You don’t think I’m a pervert?” Geralt’s brow furrows and Jaskier reaches up to try and smooth away the wrinkles.
“No.” He insists. “I want you to watch, as long as you’re comfortable.”
Geralt swallows and looks back at the brothel as if he were preparing to go into battle. “Alright.”
Geralt strides inside and Jaskier is left on the street staring after him until his brain catches up and he scurries after Geralt. It doesn’t take long to persuade the owner to let them share a girl, once they assure her that Geralt will only be watching. Jaskier wants to fight that. If he and Geralt want to share a prostitute and the girl is willing then why shouldn’t they? Just because Geralt is a witcher.
The bloody cheek of it.
But Geralt’s hand is on his back, guiding him upstairs, before he can snap and they’re thrown out of the establishment.
The girl’s name is Anna and Jaskier thinks she’s fucking gorgeous. Her curves are soft where Geralt is all muscle and her dark hair falls down to waist in waves. She winks at them both as they shuffle awkwardly into the room.
“I’ve been told you’re watching, witcher.” She says with one hand on her hips.
Geralt nods stiffly and settles into a chair in the corner of the room as she shuts the door.
“He likes to watch.” Jaskier explains with a wink of his own as she takes him by the hand and leads him to the bed. “And who I am to deny him the pleasure?”
“Jask.” Geralt warns in a low voice.
“What?” He asks, feigning innocence.
“Maybe you should put that mouth of yours to good use, bard.” Geralt suggests with a smirk.
Jaskier blinks, his cock achingly hard in his trousers, and he lets out a soft groan. “I thought you were just watching, witcher!”
Anna laughs and sits on the bed, her legs spread wide. Jaskier’s eyes go wide and he turns back to face Geralt with a tilt of his head. Geralt nods and Jaskier crawls onto the bed, ready to devour the offering in front of him. It’s not often that whores will so boldly put their own pleasure first but Jaskier adores it. He nuzzles at the soft wet folds, relishing in the feel of her warm thighs under his fingers. She lets out a moan as he flicks his tongue out against her clit. He glances up at her, her face with a smirk. She’s flushed already and her eyes are dark with hunger.
“Pull his hair.” Geralt says in a low growl.
She does. Her fingers scrape against his scalp before tugging at his hair, pulling his head back. He feels like he’s on fire and he’s dizzy with lust, a moan escapes his lips and she pushes his head back between her legs. She tastes divine and his head spins as he elicits sinful gasps and curses from her lips and his tongue delves inside her. He hums as he shifts his weight on the bed, trying to get a better angle. His cock drags across the mattress and he whines. He needs the friction. He needs….
She’s tugs again at his hair and he looks up, feeling heady as he wipes his lips.
“Take his clothes off.” Geralt says.
Jaskier blinks and looks over to his partner, crawling off the bed so they can remove his clothes without fuss. Geralt’s hand is wrapped around his cock and he’s leisurely stroking it, as if he has all the time in the world. Jaskier can’t help but watch the slow movements of Geralt’s hand, the way the muscles in his arms flex with every stroke. He swallows as Anna turns his face back so he’s facing her. Her fingers are nimble as she unlaces his trousers and he goes to pull his doublet off.
“Let her.” Geralt orders. “You deserve to be unwrapped, to be savoured.”
Jaskier whimpers but lets his hands drop to his sides. Anna smirks and her lips brush against his neck and gods his legs feel weak underneath him as she slowly removes his doublet, followed by his shirt. She kneels in front of him as she pulls his trousers and underclothes down in one swoop. Jaskier’s breath catches in his throat as she kisses the tip of his cock. He looks over to Geralt who raises an eyebrow.
“Can she?” He asks, not proud of the way his voice cracks but he’s so overwhelmed with the desire that’s burning through his veins.
Geralt nods. “Yes.” His voice is a low growl that makes Jaskier’s breath hitch. “But don’t let him come in your mouth.”
Jaskier groans as he eyes flutter shut. “Fuck.”
He’d forgotten he’d told Geralt that. He likes to come inside his partner. There’s just something so impersonal about spilling into their mouth and he’s not as young as he used to be. It takes him longer these days to get hard again.
She works him over with her mouth, and it’s not long before he’s on the brink of a soul shattering orgasm. Geralt tells her exactly how much teeth to use when pulling off his cock, and he knows that his balls get too sensitive to touch. She swirls her tongue just like Geralt suggest and Jaskier gasps wordlessly before her lips pull off his cock with a pop. He groans in frustration.
“You can fuck her now, Jask.”
Oh gods it’s all too much and it’s perfect. They should have done this months ago. She guides him back towards the bed, tugging him by the hand and he gladly follows, his eyes tearing away from Geralt.
It’s heaven as he sinks into the warmth of her body. She gasps underneath him as she grips the sheets. Jaskier loves to hear the sounds of his lovers but he hates it when it sounds fake. He likes it to be genuine and Geralt knows this. Anna doesn’t whine and scream the way most whores do, on Geralt’s request. Every sound that escapes her pretty red lips is like music to his ears, short gasps as he kisses her neck or long drawn out moans when pulls out inch by inch before slamming back until he’s buried to the hilt.
“Fuck it feels so good.” He moans as he feels his orgasm flying towards him. “Feels so good.”
“That’s it darling.” She gasps. “I’m almost there!”
It’s the pet name that does it. Another one of Geralt’s suggestions.
Sparks cloud his vision and he lets out a loud moan as he spills into her. She cries out and her teeth bite down on his neck as she follows him over the edge.
“Fuck.” He hears Geralt’s grunt from the corner of the room.
Jaskier wants to laugh, giddy from the sex. “Fuck.” He agrees.
They don’t stay the night at the brothel but Anna lets him kiss her goodbye. It’s not long before they are curled up together on a bedroll in the forest, the stars shining high above them.
“Soooo….” Jaskier drawls as he draws a slow pattern on Geralt’s chest. They are both fully clothed now but they enjoy the intimacy of the snuggling and it always makes Jaskier feel like he’s on top of the world after an evening of sexual delights.
“The brothel?” Jaskier asked quietly.
“We’re so doing that again right?”
Geralt laughs and presses a kiss to his hair. “Yes.” _______
Tag list: @electricrituals @slythnerd @hailhailsatan @thecomfortofoldstorries @gelos @sweetdreamingpeach @moonysourenza @00qtee
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coldshrugs · 3 years
after the same rainbow's end
featuring: alma greene/mason; tina poname, soloman verda
word count: 1.2k
note: a @wayhavensummer entry for the 6/15 prompt flags! Tina ropes Alma and Verda into helping with a local Pride event; Alma and Mason discuss labels.
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“So I’ve been thinking about Pride,” Tina bursts into the lab like a shot.
The echo of the metal door against the wall does little to shake her resolve, but it has all but assaulted her precious little scientists. With a smile of partial apology, she makes way for her designated stool (Verda insisted on giving her a specific place to sit while visiting the lab after a rogue elbow smushed one too many evidence samples).
“Hi Tina,” Alma and Verda chime in unison, shaking off the sudden fright enough to focus on their work again. The monotone chorus of their greeting never fails to make her giggle.
Once she’s perched, legs and arms safely crossed, she continues the thought that came to her only moments earlier. No idea is too big for Tina, and she likes to believe her ideas aren’t too big for Wayhaven either.
“As I was saying, Pride Month is almost upon us. Yeah, sure, we usually go into the city and attend their festival, but Wayhaven is growing, and we have plenty to celebrate locally!”
Verda, safety goggles still on, slides his gaze over to Alma. “She’s going to ask us to help plan a Pride festival, isn’t she?”
“That’s definitely what this is building to,” Alma replies.
“Wayhaven’s never done anything like this, and we’re changing that this year.” Tina hazards a stretch, extending her arms high above her head where there are surely no critical pieces of evidence to defile. “Ah, I do love it when a plan comes together. Thank you, brainiacs!”
“But,” Alma begins, her words nearly failing as Tina stands and heads to the door, “but we don’t have a plan! We didn’t do anything!”
Tina rests her hand on the door’s handle, turning to Alma with a smile she knows her friend won’t be able to resist. “Alma, babe, just find some queer artisans, maybe some sponsors. Verda, you and Eric work on a few local places for food vendors. I’ll worry about the entertainment.”
With a wink, she wishes them goodbye and good luck, and her stride isn’t slowed down one bit by the echo of Verda asking Alma what the fuck just happened.
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Crouched between counters in the tiny kitchenette with a cropped white t-shirt in front of her and surrounded by paints, Alma's putting the finishing touches on her pride outfit when the front door opens and closes with a sharp, quick sound.
“Where the hell are you?” Mason, quiet and confused. She forgot he was coming over after his patrol.
“Kitchen!” She stands, trying not to slide on the sheet she put down to protect the linoleum. This is a rental after all.
In an instant, Mason’s leaning over the counter (comfortable; he looks so comfortable in her space now that it might as well be his home too), eyeing her mess with a rare streak of curiosity.
“Whatcha got there?”
It takes everything in her to resist mumbling "a smoothie."
“I’m, uh, painting a t-shirt for the Pride festival.” Alma holds it up as carefully as she can. “Putting the ‘bi’ in biology.”
‘Bi’ and ‘biology’ are painted pink, purple, and blue. Not a bad job if she’s being honest.
“Cute,” he smirks. “Don’t really get needing to label it though. You like what you like—simple.”
She places the shirt back down to dry and steps around to his side of the counter. A quick kiss to the corner of his lips, another proper kiss when he turns to meet her face.
“It can be simple, but it’s not for everyone. There’s more to it than just a label, at least for me.” She leads him to the couch by his hand. "You've never thought about it?"
She knows the answer before he gives it.
"I don't need to think about it. It's just something that," he pauses, face scrunched in search of the right word—it doesn't seem to find him, "is."
After arranging their limbs in the tried and true way, a position that doesn't grate on Mason but allows for maximum cuddling and includes interlocked fingers, Alma continues her reasoning in the gentle expository tone she takes with him so often.
“For me, there’s a lot of comfort in having a name for my attraction. There’s this sense of community when you meet someone that’s different in the same way you are. It’s like this instant relief. A sense of safety.”
Mason nods. Safety, relief–feelings to which he clings once he finds them–he gets that.
“You might be surprised what you’re comfortable with after a little research.” She tugs a blanket over both of them, then grabs the remote to turn the TV’s volume almost all the way down. “Ready for several hours of Ancient Aliens?”
“Alma, I cannot emphasize how much I hate this show.”
“And yet you still drag your ass over here every single week to rip it to shreds with me. It's called a hate-watch for a reason, sweetheart.”
Mason shifts under her legs, half-grin at odds with his almost imperceptible grunt of defeat.
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Work and festival planning, festival planning and work. Alma hardly remembers the last decent conversation she had with someone that wasn’t Tina. Even after weeks of non-stop planning, the day of Wayhaven’s Pride falls upon her with all the giddiness of a child waiting for their birthday.
She paces by the window, waiting for her team. Unit Bravo insisted on picking her up and attending as a group. For work. For her safety. No one mentions how, conveniently, they're a group of queer friends and that in itself is worth celebrating.
"Always the no labels thing with these guys," she huffs to herself just as the dark SVU pulls into the parking lot.
In the time it takes Adam to park and Alma to move to the door, Mason is already there when she opens it. He leans against the frame, hands in the pockets of his jacket.
She takes it in stride. One gets used to turning around to a room presumed empty and finding a vampire or two after the umpteenth time.
“How does the shirt look?” She does a little spin and smiles at his only-slightly-distracted nod of approval.
“Nice work, space girl.”
“Thank you.” Alma stretches up for the customary hello kiss, hand tugging at his jacket collar to bring him down to her level, when her fingers run over the enamel pins.
Two new additions to the dark leather jacket stand out now that she’s closer to him. Pride flags: pansexual, demiromantic.
She raises a brow. “Feeling festive all of a sudden?”
He shrugs, and the restraint it takes to keep his eyes from rolling is tangible. “I thought about what you said. Looked into it. You were right.”
“I was? Do you want to talk about it?"
"No," he says, before continuing on anyway (her habit, Alma notices, but can't remember when he absorbed that one). “It’s comfortable. And... Felix made all of us get some.”
He grins, pulling her close, changing the subject with the brush of his lips over her cheek. Mason is very good at changing the subject when he wants to. “You ready?”
“Let’s see if we pulled it off.”
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gaytorade-official · 4 years
Based on a story by @iishipallthethings. Future oc. Basically what would happen if Korra , Asami, Kuvira, and Lin were somehow able to have kids. In my defense it’s a really good story.
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Netsu Sato
The second youngest
Fire bender
She can’t Lightning bend but she can lava bend
It’s the same concept as Lightning bending
She bends the heat
She can’t make lava she can only bend it if it’s already there
She has serious anger problems
Remember when Korra destroyed the airbending gates?
Or when Sharkboy tore apart the bars of the cage?
Yeah that basically Netsu when she’s angry
She’s not a bad person she just gets annoyed easily
She only tries to fight the assholes who deserve an asswhoping
That being said there’s a lot of assholes deserve an asswhoping
“Say that to my face you limp noodle!”
A family member usually has to stop her from beating the crap out of someone
That someone is usually Siku
She’s a pro bender and a volunteer firefighter
She doesn’t like to talk about how she got her scars
Loves to feel the earth under her feet so goes without shoes as often as possible
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Gnam Sato
The youngest
18 years old
Asexual and bisexual
She can fly
Yes she can fly like Zaheer
Yes she was able to let go of her earthly tethers and enter the void
Let’s be honest it’s mostly because she somewhat of an airhead
The only one who can calm Netsu down with little to no problem
Basically a babey
The unspoken favorite among everyone
Doesn’t like to fight if she doesn’t have to
Tries to talk things out first
Has no problem fighting for her loved ones though
“I’m not a fighter but don’t push me”
Ever the optimist
Doesn’t have a set career in mind so usually ends up taking odd jobs
Nothing illegal
Somewhat of a wanderer
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Siku Beifong
Third youngest but like to refer to themselves as the fourth oldest just to fuck with Netsu
Basically one of the middle child
Uses any pronouns honestly
On rare occasions they have been able to bend the water out of the air
Silent type
But in a cocky narcissistic kind of way
Like ‘my presence speaks for me’ kind of way
Is most definitely a sadist
Likes to mess with Netsu mostly
Will go out of their way to mess with Netsu some times
Will end up in suitations they didn’t mean to end up in
They’re not always bad suitations
That how she became a professional actor and singer
“This isn’t were I thought I’d be in my life but who am I to complain?”
They’re also a part time personal trainer
It’s perfect because they get paid to hurt people
Also owns a gym
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Yán Beifong
Third oldest
Basically the other middle child
The tallest
Uses she/her he/him and they/them pronouns
Can’t use seismic sense though
Never got the hang of it
They can metal bend though
Oh and Lava bend
Strong, mysterious, silent type
It’s because they’re shy when it comes to talking
And that’s because they have a slight stutter
Yán and their family learned sign language so that they feel more comfortable communicating
They usually hangs around Siku the most because they require the least amount of talking
Is usually the one to break up the fights in the family.
Grabs them by the collar and dangles them above the ground
Has done this to their parents
Yán doesn’t play around when it comes to her family
No nonsense kind of attitude towards it
They run an animal daycare
“Animals don’t expect you to talk”
Takes any animal as long as they are trained to a certain degree and doesn’t try to eat the other animals
He also does some animal training on the side
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Tamashī Beifong-Sato
The second oldest
Non-binary woman
Pansexual and demisexual
Is technically a nonbender
They’re very strong spiritually
She has a strong connection with spirts and the spirt world so most spirits like her
She can come and go from the spirt world as she pleases
She can spiritually project herself like Jinora
The first time she did this it was completely on accident
She caught her parents doing something no child should see their parents doing
“That night never happened”
She is so in sync with spirts that she can use her body movements to guide spirts to do what she needs
Kinda like the dragon dance
So yeah she’s basically a spirt bender
Can she bend spirt energy like Korra?
No idea
Are we really gonna test that theory?
Absolutely not
Yes she has purple eyes
No that doesn’t necessarily mean anything
No we are not aiming a spirt cannon at that poor child
Usually tries to avoid problems
Usually ends up dragged in them anyway
She spend most of her time helping spirts and humans come to an agreement or an understanding
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Wèilai Sato-Beifong
The oldest
Is a nonbender
Don’t worry she has a gun
She’s not afraid to use it
“Parry this you fucking casual”
It’s a handgun
Yes she created the gun
Don’t worry she doesn’t sell them and doesn’t intend to
She has the only gun that exists and probably the only gun to ever exist for a very long time
She’s a fucking genius
Has helped create so many things
If her parents were literally anyone else she would of been an evil mastermind and have taken over the world by now
Also a master martial artist
She causes problems
On purpose
Plans them out so nothing leads back to her
Usually harmless pranks
Harmless to her anyway
She is set to takeover Future Industries after Asami steps down
Until she spends a good amount of her time taking down corrupt people in power and taking down underground rings
It takes time
But a gun can gets you places
No idea how she was born
I idea how any of them were born
Probably some spirt shit
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This idea had been stuck in my head for awhile so I decided to actually create it. I love thinking about what the kids of a specific ship in a story would look and act like but this is the first time I’ve actually drawn it out.
While you’re here you might as well check out the story.
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blucmoon · 3 years
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━  ☾ ⊹  ( bang chan, cis male , he/him ) say hello to HWA YOHAN / CHANCE HWA, the TWENTY FOUR YEAR OLD that seems to have a lot in his hands with HIS job as a STREAMER AND CONTENT CREATOR! beyond that, they seemed RELIABLE AND PASSIONATE upon first glance. i heard someone say they’re sort of SELF-CONSCIOUS AND CAUTIOUS though. HE seems to live in a 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT in SEOUL, SOUTH KOREA. anything else to add? oh, yeah! he also USED TO BE A PROFESSIONAL GAMER PART OF SEOUL DYNASTY (OWL) UNTIL HE GOT KICKED OUT.
basic information
― full name: hwa yohan / chance hwa ― nicknames: yohwa ― age: twenty four ― date of birth: october 3rd, 1996 ― birthplace: cheonan, south korea. ―hometown: sydney, australia ― current location: seoul, south korea ― living arrangements: 2 bedroom apartment ― ethnicity: korean ― nationality: dual, korean (natural born) and australian (naturalized) ― gender: cis male ― pronouns: he / him ― orientation: demiromantic, heterosexual. ― religion: atheist ― occupation: streamer ― language(s) spoken: korean (fluent), english (fluent) ―accent: heavy australian accent
physical appearance
― faceclaim: bang chan / christopher bang of stray kids. ― hair: naturally brown, though he often dyes to a variety of colors, mostly black and blue. right now, it’s a purple color that’s already fading. ― eye colour: coffee brown ― height: 171cm ― weight: 56kg ― tattoos: none at the moment. ― piercings: lobe and upper lobe on both ears. anti-tragus, orbital and rook on the left one. double helix on the right one. ― clothing style: regularly techwear when he goes out and athleisure at home.
― label: the cynical ― positive traits: attentive, dependable, reliable, passionate, brave, energetic, honest, humorous, clever, versatile, truthful, affectionate, sociable ― negative traits: self-conscious, cautious, opinionated, arrogant, detached, critical, tactless, stubborn, loud, quick-tempered, harsh, unfiltered, cynical, restless, ambitious, ― hobbies: baking, collecting enamel pins and funkos, jigsaw puzzles, skateboarding, reading, listening to music, curating playlists when he has time, learning origami. ― habits: obsessively organising, borrowing books and rarely ever returning them (he forgets who they belong to ok), really bad road rage, awful at keeping track of time, people watching, always wears a black ring on his left index finger, always hugs something when sleeping, gets easily impressed by things, quotes movies and shows in regular conversations, knuckle cracking, snacking between meals, eye rolling without noticing, squinting when concentrated, crossing his arms over his chest, running hands through his hair, slouching, rolling his shoulders. ― zodiac sign: sun libra, moon gemini, ascendant libra. ― mbti: infp-t “the mediator” ― enneagram: 8w7 “the nonconformist”. ― temperament: melancholic ― hogwarts house: ravenclaw ― moral alignment: chaotic neutral ― primary vice: greed ― primary virtue: diligence ― element: air
― he’s played all kind of games and his twitch channel was created 9 years ago (whew) and it currently has over 5 million subscribers. currently, he streams mostly genshin impact, valorant, league of legends, overwatch, spider-man: miles morales, cyberpunk 2077 and the witcher iii. every now and then he makes charity streams. he also makes special lives with other gamers and figures where they play games like among us, minecraft, fortnite (though he absolutely hates it), party animals, fall guys and other party games.
― despite the rumours around him and his parents, he’s never talked about them to the media. it’s not like chance hides the information, after all it’s online, but he swerves questions about them and pretty much decides to not say anything about them just to avoid controversy. his parents didn’t mind until last year the company they worked at offered him a sponsorship and yohan turned it down. it’s safe to say they were pretty hurt over this and they haven’t talked much recently.
― yohan is, in his words, the biggest fan of spiderman (not really) but he’s his favorite heroe of all times and he collects everything and anything that has him in it. his biggest collection is funko pops with over 30+ figurines. he collects funkos of various other interests of him as well as enamel pins.
― lowkey a weeb. he likes watching anime in his spare time and if he likes it too much, he’d buy the manga and read it as well. his latest obsessions are kimetsu no yaiba, boku no hero academia, haikyu and jujutsu kaisen.
― won’t ever admit this out loud, but almost every ghibli movie makes him cry his eyes out, even when he’s watched the same one over and over again. he prefers to watch these on his own. his favorite one is grave of the fireflies.
― it took him a while to get used to korean culture, a part of him is still trying to. luckily, his family would speak in korean in their household most of the time and this helped him not struggle as much when it came to the language. his streams are most of the time in english to cater to a bigger audience, but recently he’s got himself a small team of an editor and a translator that’s helped him add subtitles to the videos he uploads in youtube.
― his current setup is completely sponsored except for a few extra things he’s bought himself and he has minimal experience when it comes to builds, though he’s really interested in learning and has recently researched more about the whole topic, hoping to get his first custom build by the end of the year.
― has terrible road rage and this is the reason why he doesn’t own a car or a driving license, even being in the backseat makes him anxious and would much rather prefer to use the bus, a bike or his skateboard to commute between places. taxis and other rides are his last option, if he’s quite honest.
― as a neighbour, he’s polite and tries to be mindful just to avoid needless problems. the first thing he did was soundproof his office in order to not disrupt others, but sometimes this doesn’t work as well due to how loud he can be. chance will try to greet every neighbour he encounters either with a wave or a simple nod.
― loves dogs but doesn’t feel he’s responsible enough to take care of one yet, though he will certainly volunteer to pet-sit his friends’ dogs.
born in cheonan, south korea to two very affectionate parents and an older sister, yohan was the name given to the first boy of the hwa’s; a small loving family who moved to australia two years after his birth.
the reason for this is that his mom was promoted to become the director of a renowned gaming company that was opening its new headquarters in sydney. his father is a software engineer specialised in videogames development who works under the same company.
his sister is a graphic designer and she, too, is currently working with them in the multimedia and design area. she’s almost 7 years older than him and ever since they were kids, she took a protective role over yohan.
it was easy for yohan to get really invested in videogames from a young age, after all, his parents would often bring home their newest releases as well as games from other various companies (his father liked to play a lot as well and he himself was a fan of many games, mostly the nintendo classics).
fast forward to his teenage years; he was actually good at school, not the best, but definitely did good enough to not worry his parents with his grades. sports always piqued his interest. he was part of the basketball team and would use his skateboard often to get to school (which would earn him earfuls from the teachers saying how dangerous it was.) other than that, he was an active member in the gaming club (shocking, i know).
at 14 he got his first close up at what esports were like after participating in a tournament of counter strike, junior division. his team (which was made up by members from the gaming club) won and he got to watch matches from other divisions, only growing more and more fascinated about the whole thing. the idea of becoming a professional gamer didn’t seem so far fetched then.
around late 2011, the same year twitch started as what it is, yohan found the platform and immediately grew curious about it. it was fascinating to watch other people play, thus it didn’t take him long to start his own channel under the username “chance” right after he turned 15. it took him a while to find his own pace there, not quite sure of what to say or how to act. eventually, he saw that the less reserved and cautious he was, the more people watched and liked his stream, so from then on, he stopped worrying about what ifs and what people would think about him.
this is a double edged sword: as his popularity grows, he becomes more and more brutally honest and less mindful of the consequences his words and actions could have. whereas he quickly became one of the public’s favorites, he was also viewed as someone potentially problematic that could bring a bad reputation to the community, though this only seemed to be a prejudice from other gamers and public figures.
he doesn’t care, however, and chance was pretty dead set on keep doing his thing. he was also really active in tournaments, either small or big, and other teams would often reach out for him to fill in. he rarely ever turned down an opportunity and even though they didn’t always win, participating was more than enough for him to gain the favor of the audience.
when he was 18, a formal contract to be part of the chiefs esports club (a recently founded professional club with teams competing in counter-strike: global offensive and league of legends based in australia) was presented to him and of course he signed.
between his streams, which had become a tri-weekly kind of deal, and the “training” with his teammates the rest of the days, it was clear that yohan wasn’t in the slightest interested to pursue a higher education, and honestly his parents didn’t complain about it as he was already doing well on his own. nonetheless, his sister was concerned and pushed him to at least take a couple of online classes (which he did, but mostly to learn how to edit videos and understand audio aspects to improve the quality of his streams.)
around this time, nasty rumours about his parents buying his way into the club were spread which earned him the dislike of some of his teammates. it was the first time yohan ever encountered a situation like that but thanks to the management, he was able to move past that. the oceanic pro league was founded in 2015, a professional league of legends competition, and the chiefs esports club participated and won. this helped the rumours around him disperse for he proved his skills were what put him into the team. sadly, he left the club a year later.
for the next couple of years, he focused on his stream and growing his community. yohan was invited to different events, tournaments and other collaborations during this time and he was always excited for them. he even decided to create a youtube channel to upload highlights and vlogs.
then, the overwatch league was announced (chance quickly became addicted to this game and even reached top 500 in competitive) and he was contacted by the seoul team (seoul dynasty) to become part of their team for the inaugural season. like that, at 21, yohan packed his bags and moved to south korea.
between 2017 and 2019, he was part of the team as dps. he had to change his schedule yet again to stream only on the weekends and with some restrictions his contract established (like not talking about the team or the league live). some of his fans voiced their dislike for this new attitude of his, which yohan brushed with a roll of the eyes and a joke.
however, before the 2020 season started and the team was on break, chance was one day streaming and offhandedly said a comment about another player in the league which he had a match with. this caused a really big commotion online and several pro-gamers were rubbed the wrong way about his words (to this day, he still doesn’t know what was so wrong about calling out someone t-bagging him in a pro game) and his reputation was admittedly tarnished. the seoul dynasty’s management team decided that it was better to let him go.
that’s how last year, chance moved into his current apartment after looking online for a new place to live.
in the present, he streams 5 days a week a variety of games and his schedule varies, some days he goes live in the mornings and other days really late at night. he has a steady income from various sponsorships as well as the monetization of his youtube channel, which he updates twice a week.
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trashbinbackyard · 4 years
basics and environment for gilly and ipes
gals... one wholesome, one not so much
1. What is their gender?
2. What is their sexuality?
Panromantic demisexual
Bisexual demiromantic
3. What is the meaning behind their name? Do they have any nicknames?
Gesiye Ikande, goes by Gilly a lot. Gesiye means genuine in Ijaw (ethnic group in Nigeria)
Her real name is Nayla Hahn Nayla being Arabic origin and Hahn Korean (her moms’ backgrounds) Though at this point no one knows her real name as she goes by Ipes which is a different spelling for a demon Ipos
4. Do they have any siblings? How many? Are they older or younger?  Which sibling are they the closest with?
She has two younger sisters. She’s pretty close with both of them, but they live on earth so she sees them rarely
No siblings
5. What’s their relationship with their parents like? What about other relatives?
She loves them but being the oldest sister she also kinda fell into that third parent role. She has a pretty big family as her parents also have multiple siblings, they spend holidays all together
She got emancipated at the age of 15 due to her parents not being able to care for her and she refused to enter any kind of foster system. She hasn’t talked to them since, assumes they’re dead
6. What would they give their life for?
Her family for sure
Honestly, nothing. No one comes even near being worth dying for. Neither is her business. If it ever came to it, she’d rather rot in prison than die for it
7. Are they in a romantic relationship? With who? How did they meet?
Mallory, met her at work. She wanted to wait to become more than just an investigator intern before starting anything but she’s smart and now she’s a fully fledged investigator
No, she has a strict no dating or banging your employees policy and since all the people she has respect for so far are her employees, there’s no one available. Also, she thinks pretty highly of herself so it’s gonna take work for someone be on the level she sees appropriate. (i myself am kinda curious where tf she and kenjiro are gonna end up) 
8. What do they believe will happen to them after they die? Does this belief scare them?
She’s not religious, but does believe in some sort of good/bad place, she doesn’t really let it control her life and she tries to be good for the sake of being good (also, being mean is not nice)
No. And since she doesn’t fear life after death she feels free to do whatever the hell she likes
9. What is their favorite color? Favorite animal?
Purple. Any type of antelope, she thinks they’re neat
Black, surprise, but also really likes neon lights (you can guess what type of lights there are in her club). She likes snakes, especially black mambas
10. What are some of their talents/skills?
She’s very resourceful, quick thinking and good writer (of reports at least)
She knows how to read and push people, very conniving, and a great actor
11. If they could make a mark on history, what would they like it to be?
Idk, she’s just happy to be here
Woman has a drug empire right under law enforcement’s noses
12. How old are they? When is their birthday?
24-29 depending if time is pre-mallory vs relationship
35 (and both for them i really hate coming up with specific dates)
13. What do they do for fun?
Read, swim, enjoy coffee, cuddle with Mallory, watch animal videos
Gamble (she’s cheating), drink, have long ass baths, patrolling her club is work but she enjoys that part of her work a lot
14. What is their favorite food? How often do they get to eat it?
Something very spicy, veggies, she’s not a huge meat-eater
Due to her past drug abuse, most foods make her nauseous, so her fave is something light like fish
15. What was something their parents taught them?
Be kind and respectful, know your worth and do the dishes
Everyone is own their own
16. Are they religious?
No, spiritual, kinda
17. Where were they born?
Outer rim
18. What languages can they speak? Where did they learn these languages?
English and trade
Trade, whatever is the second biggest language on outer rim
19. What is their occupation?
Private investigator
Night club owner (that’s the side hustle to her drug business)
20. Do they have any titles? How did they earn them?
P.I, lots of school and getting a good internship
Word on the street is that she runs the biggest drug ring this side of rim, not officially though. Hard work and lots of blackmailing
61. Which season is their favorite season?
Spring, lots of green, but not yet unbearably hot
Whenever her money comes in
62. Have they ever been betrayed? How did it affect their ability to trust others?
No, doubt she ever will, the bounty hunter (at least the citadel ones) are good people
Since birth honestly, whatever trust she had for her parents wilted away and now she won’t trust anyone unless they’ve proven themselves time and time again
63. What is always guaranteed to make them smile?
Animals, friends, the outdoors, she’s simple, just living the good life
Money, getting what she wants
64. Do they get cold easily? Do they get overheated easily?
She get cold more easily than too hot
Thanks to her metal leg all drastic changes in temperature are felt almost immediately
65. What’s their immune system like? Do they get sick often? How do they react to getting sick?
She’s got a pretty strong immune system. Doesn’t get sick that much
It’s pretty weak. She often gets flu when it’s the season
66. Where do they live? Do they like it there?
She lives in the citadel, has nice apartment there, she likes it lot
She has carved herself a place on the outer rim, it wasn’t exactly her dream but at this point there’s no place she’d rather be, has multiple apartments scattered around but her main one is on the top floor of her nightclub
67. Is their bedroom messy? What about their bathroom? Kitchen? Living room?
It’s somewhat messy, coffee cups and plates here and there, papers and journals scattered about, the whole house is like that
It’s super neat, she looks after herself. Her suite doesn’t even have a kitchen because she gets her food from the club kitchen
68. How did their environment growing up affect their personality?
Her parents influenced her a lot, she turned out good
Coming from two addicts, becoming one herself and generally being distrustful... 
69. How did the people in their environment growing up affect their personality?
Wait i thought the previous one was the same question abbgöreghaeh
70. How do they feel about animals? Do they have any pets?
Love them! No time for one tho, if she had it’s be a cat
On that note.. I think she has a pet snake in her suite, its got a huge terrarium for it
71. How are they with children? Do they have any? Do they want any?
Love them, she’s good with them, she’s definitely the fun big cousin for her small relatives. Doesn’t have any but might want one? She feels she’s too young still
She doesn’t hate them but would rather no kids see her, ever. Doesn’t have any, doesn’t want any
72.  Would they rather have stability or comfort?
i mean.... with stability comes comfort. But she’d choose comfort
Stability, life is already one big uncomfort for her to begin with
73. Do they prefer the indoors or outdoors?
74. What weather is their favorite? Do they like storms?
Sunny for sure, storms are nice when you’re inside and in a secure place
Loves rain and storms, they also make ppl gather inside more
75. If given a blank piece of paper, a pencil, and nothing to do, what would happen?
She’d doodle, they’re not great but i’m Mallory would love whatever she’d draw
If something, she’d draw a middle finger for investigators to find
76. How organized are they?
She keeps her work very neat and packed, everything else, not so much
Very much so, everything is neat and organized and hidden away, that’s key to getting away with doing what she does
77. What is their most prized possession?
Her badge, or a stuffed animal from her home
A single memory card contains mountains of excel sheets, it’s either always on the move and hidden or locked away, never in the same place for longer than a week
78. Who do they consider to be their best friend?
Mallory, she’s sappy like that
Juicebox comes the closest
79. What is their economic situation?
She’s comfortable, not super rich but not going from paycheck to paycheck either
Oh she’s loaded
80. Are they a morning person or a night owl?
Night owl
All the best stuff happens at night in her opinion
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cake-and-spades · 4 years
So You Think You Might Be Aro/Ace: A Big List of Shared Experiences 
This is by no means every shared experience, and I’m definitely missing some (feel free to add, everyone).  This is just a compilation of things I’ve seen in other lists, my own experiences (both past and current), some things I’ve talked about with other people, etc.  I’ve done my best to separate them into aro and ace categories, but have probably confused a few of them.  This list ended up fucking huge so it’s under a cut!
Aro Things:
You’ve never (or very rarely) experienced romantic attraction.  Or maybe you have, but it’s complicated.  Or maybe you don’t know
The idea of dating someone is good in theory, but is uncomfortable and unwanted in real life (even if you DO want some kind of close connection/ partnership with someone)
Alternately, you aren’t interested in dating at all, even hypothetically
You’ve dated people, and it was okay, but you feel like you’re missing something
You have ridiculously high standards when choosing someone to date
Or you are only willing to date friends (no one has ever caught your eye and you’ve automatically been like “that one!”)
Or maybe it seems like your standards are pretty relaxed (because you don’t really feel attraction to anyone, so you’re not as picky when it comes to seeing if you can spark something)
Romance, when directed at you, is uncomfortable or repulsive
Romance is okay in fiction and/ or real life but not when it’s directed at you
Romance is ok, but not something you actively seek out for yourself, except in fiction
Romance is ok, but not something you actively seek out for yourself, ever
You seek out romance and like it, but can’t seem to do it correctly
You keep waiting for romance to happen to you, but you just can’t seem to fall in love with someone
People expressing romantic feelings for you makes you uncomfortable, no matter who it is
People expressing romantic feelings for you is flattering, but you never return those feelings.  You’ve tried.
You’ve dated people in the hopes of catching feelings
Romantic PDA bothers you an unusual amount
Even well-written romantic plots seem unrelatable or unrealistic, boring, and/or irritating
You are an active shipper, regardless of aromanticism
You ship characters, but only the “expected” ones or ships that have been pointed out to you.  You aren’t very creative with it because you just don’t think that way
You like shipping, but wouldn’t want any of those situations to happen to you
You fantasize about shipping/ romantic things happening to you, but when they do, you lose interest or feel disconnected
You hate shipping.  Romance in media makes you uncomfortable.
Romance in media is only okay sometimes, or when you’re expecting it
“No one actually feels like that, right?  It’s all just an exaggeration?”
You have trouble connecting to characters in fiction whose character arcs revolve around romantic relationships (e.g. the more Uraraka from My Hero Academia’s arc is about pining over Deku, the less I’m able to relate to her and the more she irritates me, despite starting as one of my favorite characters)
You have trouble relating to many female characters in fiction, even though you don’t dislike women and may even be one (many female characters’ plotlines revolve around dating, love, etc. and are not relatable to many aros)
You’ve never had a crush, or fallen in love
Feelings you thought might be a crush at the time turned out to be something else (admiration, a squish or “friend crush,” or something else)
You don’t know if you’ve ever had a crush or fallen in love
You are equally unattracted to all genders
You have had a crush or fallen in love, but rarely or only after you made a close non-romantic connection to the person (grayromantic, demiromantic)
You think or used to think that something was wrong with you because you can’t fall in love
“Am I just a heartless asshole?  Do I have a mental illness?  Hormone problem?  Am I broken?  What’s wrong with me?”
Everyone seems like they’re outgrowing you, because they’re all moving to the “next steps” of relationships, and you didn’t realize there were steps at all, or are still trying to figure out the first step: be interested in someone
The concept of celebrity crushes confuses you
You’ve chosen a celebrity to be your celebrity crush, or pretended to have one to fit in
You thought everyone chose a random celebrity they admired to be their celebrity “crush”
What even is romance, anyway?  Sounds fake, but okay
“I’m sure I’ll fall in love eventually / when I’m older / when I meet the right one / etc.” And then you just Never Do
Finding out people actually DO have crushes on teachers/ authority figures blew your mind and/or weirded you out
You would marry your best friends
You’ve actually thought about marrying your best friends, because isn’t that what people do?
You’re pretty oblivious when it comes to flirting
You’re constantly overanalyzing everything in fear that someone is flirting with you and you just won’t notice
People frequently think you’re flirting, but you’re just trying to be friendly
Romantic relationships seem more like an obligation than something you want
Romantic relationships are something you want, but are something you are not emotionally equipped to handle
You are perfectly happy alone
You want a close connection with someone, but would be just as happy with a best friend/ permanent roommate than with a romantic partner.  Or a dog.  Dogs are good
Romantic relationships/ feelings from others feel suffocating instead of loving
In relationships, you seem emotionally distanced, or unavailable
You worry your partner loves you more than you love them (romantically), even though you love them
An ideal romantic relationship is one that fulfills other needs instead of romance, i.e. friends with benefits, emotional or platonic companionship needs, cuddling, etc.
The main reason you want a romantic relationship is because everyone else has them, or because you don’t want to live alone.  You’re afraid of being left behind.
You’re a physically affectionate person, but don’t attach romantic meanings to the gestures
You don’t like most romantic activities, or find them boring
You do like romantic activities, but aren’t in love with/ romantically attracted to whoever you’re with
Dating feels more like a chore than something to look forward to
You never bothered with dating.  It wasn’t that you couldn’t get dates, you just weren’t interested.
Identifying as aro is a relief or makes you feel happy, or just clicks in a way other orientations haven’t
Ace Things:
You’ve never (or very rarely) experienced sexual attraction.  Or maybe you have, but it’s complicated.
You’ve never looked at a stranger and thought “I’d do them” or felt aroused by them
Or if you have, it’s been rare, or possibly a “if I had to choose someone, it would be…”
You have nebulous or fluctuating opinions on having sex, even though you’re okay with other people having it
You find the idea of you having sex repulsive
You are alright with the idea of yourself having sex, but it doesn’t do much for you.  It’s a “meh” feeling
You actively seek out and enjoy sex, but are not attracted to any person in particular.  You just like how it feels.
Sex and sexual relationships, when directed at you, are repulsive
Sex in fiction and or real life (but not directed at you) is repulsive
Sex is ok, but not something you actively seek out for yourself, except maybe in fiction
Sex is ok, but not something you actively seek out for yourself, ever
You seek out sex and like it, but can’t seem to do it correctly.  It’s not as intuitive for you, and you’re more aroused by what your partner is doing rather than how they look
Finding out people actually DO think teachers/ authority figures are hot blew your mind and/or weirded you out
You didn’t think those “sexy” advertisements actually worked, or did anything for anyone
You don’t masturbate.  It’s boring, or you just don’t get aroused.
You do masturbate, but you don’t picture yourself with a specific person
You masturbate to vague ideas or sensations, or the idea of people other than you having sex and how they are feeling
You are equally unattracted to all genders
You’ve dated people, but you feel like you’re missing something
You don’t feel like you understand the word “sexy” especially when it’s used to describe things that aren’t obviously related to sex, like cars
People expressing sexual feelings for you makes you uncomfortable, no matter who it is, maybe even if you’re dating
You’ve had sex with people in the hopes of liking it more, or because you felt like that’s what you were supposed to do rather than because you wanted to
Sexual PDA bothers you an unusual amount, despite being sex-positive
You aren’t bothered by PDA, but don’t want to engage in it personally
You’re always caught off guard by sex scenes in movies.  Maybe they bother you, or maybe they’re just boring
You didn’t realize that sex scenes in movies actually turned people on
The concept of “hatefuck” and similar sexual situations make no fucking sense to you
If you’re interested in kink/BDSM, you’re more interested in the power dynamics /roleplay than you are of being turned on by your partner/the situation
Characters who lust after other characters are unrelatable and/or boring
“No one actually feels like that, right?  It’s all just an exaggeration?”
You have trouble understanding people/ characters motivated by sex.  (i.e. Why cheat on your partner when you could just … have sex with your partner??)
You have trouble relating to many typically masculine characters in fiction because of their obvious and seemingly over-the-top attraction to women
Feelings you thought might be a sexual attraction at the time turned out to be something else (aesthetic attraction, etc.)
You feel excluded from masculine spaces because of male compulsory sexuality
You don’t know if you’ve ever been sexually attracted to someone
You have felt sexual attraction, but rarely or only after you made a close romantic connection to the person (graysexual, demisexual)
You think or used to think that something was wrong with you because you aren’t into anyone
“Am I just insecure?  Do I have a mental illness?  Hormone problem?  Am I broken?  What’s wrong with me?”
Everyone seems like they’re outgrowing you, because they’re all moving to the “next steps” of relationships (sex) and you don’t feel ready, interested, etc.
The concept of wanting to have sex with celebrities confuses you
You’ve chosen a celebrity to find “hot” to fit in
You thought everyone did this, or was exaggerating, or was just super interested in them as a person and decided to like their appearance too
Sexual attraction?  Finding specific people arousing?  Sounds fake, but okay
“Are you sure this isn’t just an exaggeration?  People really feel this way?”
“I’m sure I’ll feel it eventually / when I’m older / when I meet the right one / etc.” And then you just Never Do
You go out of your way to be Unattractive, because you never want anyone looking at you in that way
Some people just See people and want to have sex with them.  Have you ever experienced this??
You didn’t understand why your friends all started talking about how hot people were in middle school.  You figured they just thought those people were cool, or pretty and wanted to be them.
You would be relieved or indifferent if you found out you never had to have sex again
A lot of the appeal of having sex confuses you.  (Partners are not necessary to feel good???  Messy???  Seems like a lot of time and effort wasted?????)
You’re a physically affectionate person, but don’t attach sexual meanings to the gestures
Identifying as ace is a relief or makes you feel happy, or just clicks in a way other orientations haven’t
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ofbloodmagick · 3 years
Tumblr media
pronouns: SHE & HER + THEY & THEM
faceclaim: BILLIE LOURD
soul sounds: PLAYLIST !
aesthetic: ( TW: BLOOD ) BOARD !
YO YO YOU YO — it’s lydia here with my lil blood witch arabella , i have yet to get the chance to  r e a l l y  play her and i’m super excited for the chance bc i love them so very much. i have headcanon after headcanon for them , so hit me up if you want to do something bc i am ready to do some shit. anyway , LYDIA ( nary , nettle , snottie , etc. ) here again and i love a good name change , i’m twenty-five years old , a pansexual demigirl ( she / her * they / them ) like arabella themselves , and i reside in the central timezone ( FLORIDA IS HELL ). continue reading to learn all about ARABELLA GORE — the intense , mysterious clever little powerhouse that loves to be number one. 
RULING PLANETS: pluto — planet of power & regeneration * mercury — planet of communication * mars — planet of war & energy BODY PART: crotch * reproductive organs * shoulders * hands * head * face GOOD MOOD: resilient , magnetic , passionate , loyal , protective , artistic , brave , fascinating , original , resourceful , wise , adventurous , unstoppable , bold , devoted  BAD MOOD: obsessive , possessive , jealous , secretive , vengeful , manipulative , eccentric ( creepy ) , restless , two-faced , judgmental , proud , self-centered , impulsive , bossy , stubborn , reckless  ( SOME ) FAVORITE THINGS: obscure underground music , spicy food , an air of danger , one of a kind objects , organic ingredients , vinyl , magic , the color black , horror films , blood , fast cars , guitars , new clothes , road trips ( in fast red cars ) , expressing themselves through stunning verbal and physical feats ( SOME ) THINGS SHE HATES: simple small-minded people , insincere flattery , personal questions , living at someone else’s house , mornings , dress codes , authority figures , silence   SECRET WISHES: to have complete and total control +  to have all the answers + to be number one HOW TO SPOT THEM: intense eyes , hawk like gaze , smooth movements , dry blood/bruises/cuts/scars on pale skin , silver hair , big black bow , mischievous twinkle in their eyes , talking with their hands , focused or manic energy , aggressive stance WHERE TO FIND THEM: listening to bauhaus in her dark room , sitting at the corner table of a shitty underground bar smoking a cigarette , selling her magic and / or blood in some dimly lit room  KEYWORDS: intimacy , secrecy , power , intensity , obsession , cleverness , wittiness , inventiveness ,  ingenuity , willpower , initiative , determination , passion , self-belief
arabella’s mind and mouth are busy machines , always moving at warp speed. this witch is one of the most curious and cutting-edge individuals you will meet. there are at least two personalities inside of her at all times. adventurous , she can change her mind faster than the weather and is constantly flipping between moods. 
a true pioneer and trailblazer they’re the first to initiate things , fight for their beliefs and fearlessly put themselves out there. headstrong and determined , ella’s energy can be stubborn and willful a lot of the time. she does have a tendency to dig in her heels , stand her ground and absolutely refuses to be pushed around. 
they will butt their own metaphorical horns against the same obstacle until they break it down — often with sheer force of will. extremely confident , she believes in herself and will on occasion champion others she deems worthy.
she does love to chatter and has a million great ideas , always keeping a notebook handy to jot down her thoughts and ideas at any time. at times , their energy can circulate in a quick and frenetic way , the silver haired wiccan is known to inspireswitty wordplay and dynamic dialogue. 
when she applies herself , arabella is great at brainstorming and socializing. she also craves her “ twin flame ” and kindred spirit’s energy , always up for an intellectual meeting of the minds. 
under the influence , they find themselves with the gift of gab; talking and conversing with others for hours , hopping from pop culture trends to deep political topics. beware “ gossip girl ” ella though , they can crank up the rumor mill sometimes unknowingly. as renowned dr. bernie siegel says , “ [ we ] have the ability to cure with either ‘ words ’ or kill with ‘ swords. ' ” 
powerful and sensual arabella is perhaps one the most misunderstood and mysterious person you could ever meet though. secretive by nature , this southern witch tends to linger in shadowy and hidden places that most wouldn’t usually have the courage to face.
she believes strongly in life , death and resurrection and arabella embraces these life cycles. she is continually transforming and reinventing herself. there are actually more like four sides of arabella and it really just depends how she feels about you.
the first is venomous and possessive like a scorpion ; the second as slippery , charming and deadly as a snake ; the third like a soaring eagle whose piercing gaze sharply observes the landscape ( and its prey ) below ; and the fourth side ever burning and all seeing as a phoenix that rises up from the ashes into eternal rebirth.
your muse may find themselves dealing with an intense individual with lots of energy. she has been known to hole herself up late at night to process complex emotions or channel her overwhelming feelings into focused work and creativity.
the essence of arabella’s personality is magnetic , fascinating , original , passionate , loyal , protective , trendsetting , controlling , unstoppable , bold , powerful , resourceful , wise , adventurous , focused , bond oriented and brave. on the flip side though , she can also be obsessive , possessive , jealous , prideful , self-centered , impulsive , bossy , stubborn , reckless , competitive , two-faced , judgmental , overwhelmed , secretive , vengeful , to even cruel , calculating and manipulative. 
she channels her intuitive tides into a forceful stream of psychic and healing energy. arabella excels in exploring the darker , unexamined sides of life. it has given her excellent research and sleuthing skills , helping her plumb the depths and peer below the surface. this witch likes a challenge , but she does have to really try hard not to fall into being selfish and domineering.
she will without question help out in the darkest hours; this witch bitch is not afraid to go into the murky waters of the emotional and spiritual unknown. intense feelings surface around her closest ties , but around those she isn’t close to ella has a wall up.
believes strongly in merging , bonding and sharing resources. she may get obsessive about a passion project or lover ( forrest ) , even becoming jealous or insecure. this mysterious demigirl wants to hide all of their vulnerabilities. yet , those raw and unprocessed feelings are often their access to power.
arabella can be tricky to understand. with her reserved persona , she seldom starts a conversation or expresses interest in others openly — unless she feels out the situation first.
once you get her to open up , however , you’ll feel her scorching passion for whatever topics fascinate her. be warned: arabella can focus on one subject to an extreme , so you may be in for a deeper dive than you or your muse expect — or want lol
her natural charisma can quickly pique someone else’s interest in the topic too though. 
another way to spot the witch ? look for her piercing gaze , which is hawk like at times narrowing in on her “ prey ”. if you happen to be the focus of that look , watch out.  you will feel read as easily as a children’s book as arabella seems to just KNOW all your secrets , soft spots and fears.
their focused attention can be addictive , even painful when pulled away. be careful how quickly you fall down their rabbit hole — it’s not as easy to crawl back up once you do. when you befriend them , you are likely entering into a power couple or formidable alliance. while she doesn’t give up loyalty and trust easily , once she does she’ll stick with you through thick and thin.
don’t even think about double crossing her tho bc she WILL unleash her fury on you , divulging secrets and airing dirty laundry or worse. revenge is her favorite dish to serve and it’s ice cold. on a positive note , arabella’s like the perfect person to help explore darker emotions or sexuality , happy to guide most through fifty plus shades of irresistible and soul communing experiences.
arabella can come across as clever and quick-witted , but part of the fun ( and curse ) of interacting with the witch is that you’re never quite sure which personality you’re going to experience. will it be the vivacious jokester or the snarky , mean-spirited critic ? 
although they may crave complete and utter control over everything , they secretly yearn for the very thing they fear: true intimacy with others. it takes a lot for ella to reveal her vulnerability , so guard that privilege with the utmost care. as she opens up and learns to show her shadow side , she can heal in ways that are truly profound.
highly impatient and competitive , they have the fighting spirit. ella were born to be number one , a star who steals the spotlight and inspires with her confidence. yeah , they can be impatient , even a little bossy , especially when they don’t get their way. she need lots of attention and can throw quite the tantrum when she doesn’t get it. fortunately , arabella rarely has a problem turning heads.
others love to follow as they take the lead on the latest adventure. she has to be reminded to make sure and let other people be the boss every now and then too , because she has a tendency to alienate potential allies. when they focus their competitive streak into a diva-worthy goal and delegate , they will always rise to the top !
they have a lot of energy , which they apply to everything from tackling supersized projects to unleashing their lusty libidos with forrest. this confident demigirl is known to leap before looking , diving into each new experience with a zest for life that few others can muster. 
they love to be number one and can be a bit of a trendsetter. she has been described before as ‘ a true original who inspires the rest. ‘ with all of their fire power and can-do attitude , there’s nothing arabella can’t ( or won’t ) take on. at times , ella can be selfish or overly focused on herself and it can be a “ blind spot ” for them , they may need a gentle reminder from time to time to share. 
she likes to shatter glass ceilings but can also be off-putting to people in extreme doses. this go-getter can come across as abrasive or overly aggressive , however; arabella will never back down from a challenge and can take on being the champion of those in distress when need be.
( TW: child abandonment ) so arabella doesn’t know her parents are but she does know that they ended up in some small southern town called suspiria , located in virgina of all places. her mother was really into the surface level southern gothic aesthetic suspiria offered and the unlikely couple settled there until arabella was born. her parents didn’t keep her very long though seeing as their shotgun wedding was never built to last and after she was born they both returned to where they came from or at least that’s as far as the story goes if you ask anyone in suspiria. 
( TW: military ment. , death ) her parents actually went their separate ways , her mother returned to her wealthy family and comfortable life never to seek out the unnamed child she’d left behind in some no name town. her father went on to join the military and was lost in the line of duty with no one to even pass that knowledge on. 
the infant rose , as they were first called back then , was left on the doorstep of an orphanage and that was where they would spend their childhood. it was not a pleasant place to grow up at all , but she was incredibly lucky in finding her twin flame in a sad , lonely young boy also growing up there.
little ella was never once adopted and she made damn sure to change the minds of anyone who so much as looked in her direction or asked her name. they grew an unhealthy attachment to forrest almost the minute they laid eyes on him , but they are connected very deeply and even as children arabella was acutely aware. 
growing up ( maybe even to this day ) they were considered a loner , an outsider , the weirdo , a creepy kid , etc. and the bullying only got worse. the people in the shitty children’s home and the tiny backwoods town in virginia ? they didn’t really respond too well to the two strange kids that collected animal bones and hunted for ghosts. 
in their early teen years ella started practicing satanism , but that was really just a gateway religion into wicca and her true passion , witchcraft. forrest took to it just as quickly as they did and soon the two had formed their own little coven , something that didn’t stay secret very long.
forrest , being the more scholarly of the two , found himself working for the governor on his campaign and eventually recruited arabella to do the same , but she worked more closely with the governor’s wife and the children. it only took a week , two tops , for the power hungry woman’s true intentions to came to light — dark magic.
( TW: cheating , infidelity )it’s true that ella helped with the gardening , the children , the cleaning , the cooking , all the usual suspects but she also did a number of spells involving blood and shadows. the items they created most for the governor’s wife was their own recipes for love potions and anti-aging blood serums. the woman was extremely suspicious of her husband having affairs with younger women , pretty self explanatory as to why she was seeking help from a known magic user. 
( TW: blood ment. , devil ment. ) it was something of a hot topic in suspiria , the governor and his family hiring the two freaky orphans and why. not long after , a photo was leaked of the governor’s wife as arabella painted her face in the bright crimson blood serum they had concocted themselves. it was common knowledge by then that the two practiced witchcraft and suddenly every headline was about the governor and his wife being ‘ corrupted by the evil devil worshipers the kind family had taken pity on. ‘ 
( TW: assault ment. , death , arson , house fire ) the town ? literally ready to burn them at the freaking stake and the two couldn’t go anywhere without fear of assault of some sort or worse. to make matters all the worse , the governor’s wife and children perished suddenly in a terrible house fire and who was the easiest target to pin it on ? arabella and forrest , the two town rejects , which is exactly what the governor did. they were treated as murderers , hunted like criminals , which is why as soon as they found out about the raging fire they left town. 
( TW: death ) for the next four years arabella and forrest were on the run from the governor and his goons , not stopping in any one place for very long for fear of being caught up to. over a year ago they finally got word that the governor had kicked the bucket and that anyone still looking for them likely had stopped by now. not long after , arabella came across a beautiful , vintage gothic home far more expensive than it was priced , but luckily for them the home had a rather grisly history and had been on the market for so long that the owners had cut the asking price tremendously.
( TW: scamming ) arabella was convinced that it was a sign from the universe letting them know it was okay to settle down for good now and once she’s convinced there’s no real changing her mind. so , by halloween of 2019 they were moving into the beautiful gothic home of the witch’s dreams and not long after they had rooms in their ‘ haunted home ‘ listed on every website possible to lure in dark tourists everywhere. how true everything is ? well , the two did take quite a few creative liberties and the occasional diehard , truly experienced fan of the paranormal would ( possibly have ) call them con artists. 
( TW: scamming ) not only do they rent out rooms , but they also have the occasional ‘ murder tour ‘ of their ‘ serial killer ‘ house. what it really boils down to is arabella has been hustling their whole ass life and it’s never going to stop. there is quite a bit of truth to their stories , but though both ella and forrest have encountered the paranormal multiple times in their lives , not just in pleasance either , they’ve never had any real activity that could count as reliable proof. everything involving the businesses run out of the house are little more than sideshow entertainment for pleasance dark tourists.
( TW: blood ) the witch also has a part time job working for jules at dutch’s , her official title would be a bartender but she really just does what is asked of her. you probably guessed it already , but she does also have a side operation selling her blood magic from underneath the bar at dutch’s and they’re hopeful that their boss is none the wiser.
she does still have a slight accent because she is from such a small town where everybody had a drawl or twang. she doesn’t have a good education by typical societal standards , because she had such shitty public education growing up as an orphan and no one who enforced her learning or attending. they are , however;  incredibly street smart and by no means stupid. they have since taught themselves how to learn in a way best for them and are always devouring book upon book in order to teach themselves things otherwise she may never know. 
( TW: blood ) ella is a blood witch and often uses her own blood , animal blood , someone else’s blood , pretty much if there’s blood in any form she’s set. she 100% sells her magic to anyone who wants it and does dabble in the shadow side. it might not actually work all the time , but that’s not entirely her fault. 
( TW: bruising / injury ment. , blood , scar ment. , self harm ) a pretty big feminist , used to be in an all femme band called the hex girls ( come for me ) , goth and proud ??? a really big horror movie fan , pansexual demigirl representinggg ! always has bruises and cuts , dried blood covers their skin a lot where they miss it or just don’t care to hide it , also has quite a few scars from where she’s cut too deep ( some maybe on accident , some maybe on purpose ).
( TW: blood ) ella’s very creative ! they like to read , write , make art — out of blood lol she uses blood of all types to create a lot of art. she takes blood baths ( animal blood ) occasionally on the full moon , drinks animal blood during certain rituals , etc. also super into bone and taxidermy , you can definitely find her at deblanc’s. they also like to haunt the cemetery and creep around spotlight cinema , film is a big passion of hers. 
( TW: drugs & alcohol ment. , blood ) DOES imbibe lol a partaker of alcohol ( prefers animal blood with red wine or vodka ) and certain drugs. ella definitely smokes weed & cigarettes , they enjoy partying just like the rest but she’s more reserved and likes to people watch.
okay so it’s getting late and i can’t believe how long this intro actually took me to finish tweaking , but if you want to plot with me pls pls pls hit me up bc i’d love to do some stuff !! my tumblr DMs are always open and you can always hmu on discord too !! i also write bryce winslow ( milo ventimiglia FC ) but you likely know that lol. i’m sure there’s more i could say about arabella honestly , but if you have any specific things you’d like to know or it seems like i left something out or need to take a second look at something i’d appreciate any / all feedback. can’t wait to get some replies out , but that might have to wait until the morning. @phqextras​
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abenignsmile · 4 years
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Some Cielonica shipping meme I did! 
I was lazy so for the portraits I used the art I commissioned from my friend @toivoshi​! (Please check them, they do amazing art and has a super cool ongoing comic series!!)
Links to templates! First (originally posted by senaizuuchan) || Second || Third and Fourth
Note: I changed the second template’s “Screams at bugs” to “Scoops bugs and throws them away” and also added a horse into the driver part since this is Fire Emblem, baybee!!
Also, more talk about these memes under the cut!!
General Ship Meme Stuff
Height Ciela has already stopped growing for a long time. Her height capped at 158 cm/5'1" feet while Veronica keeps on growing. She will eventually outgrow Ciela (maybe she'd hit somewhere 170 or even 175).
Age I never decided on their age. All I know is just Brave!Veronica (I will write as Beronica from now on) is older than Princess Veronica (just Veronica if I write her more) because she seems more mature and more stable as a person. I HC-ed that Veronica is somewhere at 13~16 y.o. while Beronica is at 18 ~ early 20s y.o. and Thrasir is already at mid 20s (maybe 26~27). Ciela in my mind has always been the age of uni/college student, or a fresh graduate who's struggling to find jobs in the world. Her background is still very much vague so I never really thought much about her age.
Falling in love Ciela is very much easily attracted to people, esp those who makes her feel really good. Her romantic disposition usually doesn't stop at anyone w/ feminine tendencies, but she just feels far more comfortable around those who identifies as female, due to multiple reasons. She doesn't mind guys in general, but they just don't get her going. Anyway, she fell in love with Beronica literally at first sight.
Beronica, due to her position, lived a more isolated life, and also is more wary of people in general. There is a limited number of people who she trusts. I HC-ed that she doesn't have much great experience with males (cause iirc her dad was a bastard) except those who she viewed with more brotherly or platonic view like her own brother or Xander. She's most likely a lesbian but also a demiromantic at the same time. Took her a while to develop her feelings towards Ciela, but after that, she's like a car without brakes.
Relationship experience Ciela had been in relationship w/ some guys before she realized she's not really into them. She never really hooked up with any girls because of some prejudice about same sex relationship where she came from, so Beronica is literally her first lesbian partner.
As mentioned above, Beronica lived quite in more isolation so she never really had any romantic relationship experience beyond the formality. She’s not awkward at them however, due to all the manners and diplomatic lessons she received. (And Beronica does have that different streaks of confidence than Veronica. The way they talk is vastly different, with Beronica showing more confidence and is more demanding in tone compared to Veronica’s more flat and reserved tone).
Affections/PDA/Protectiveness Once Beronica enters a serious relationship with Ciela (post their support thing you can read here), Beronica shows Ciela tons of affections and lavishes her with love as she realizes how great of a person Ciela is, and is a bit in a way to repay her for everything she did. Bero doesn't hestitate to hold her hand, hugs her, or even treats potential Ciela courters with much cold or threatening gaze. She'd leave "marks" on Ciela's body but since Ciela dresses very modestly, there's just no room for that, lmao. Fortunately, Bero can show great degree of professionality as a hero first and foremost and not terribly possessive in "you can't interact with people but me" way, since she understands that Ciela is a very important person in the Order of Heroes. She also trusts Ciela enough because she knows Ciela isn't really attracted to anyone else but Bero really.
Ciela mostly have treated Vero the same since the beginning. She did show a great deal of attention towards Beronica to fight off the Embla curse and for everything else really (since she was the fool who fell in love first). She's more reserved in showing her affection since she's a little shyer at times, and a bit bad at words, but she can also be clingy to Beronica, and never minds the affectionate PDA thing Beronica do to her. She also knows that Beronica is rarely ever interested in anyone else but her so things are really bueno for them.
Pet Names They call each other "my beloved" or "dearly beloved". Ciela has a secret nickname for Bero that is "Ronnie", but she uses it more privately because some early heroes who knew about this often teases them about it. They don't have other "silly" pet names because they're just that type of straightforward couple hahah.
Bonus: an alternate versison of Ciela who used to be Thrasir's SO called Thrasironica with the nickname of "night charm" and "night sky". In return, Thrasir called her "thunder" or "paradise". Both pet names are references to some important symbols in their relationship (that are quite different from present Ciela and Beronica).
Smaller stuff/trivias
“Scoops bugs and throws them away” was changed from “screams at bugs” because both Ciela and Beronica thankfully aren't afraid at bugs. They have different level of fascination towards it and behaves really differently. However, Ciela is more pacifist in her approach when dealing with pests while Beronica is more straightforward to kill.
Beronica being a princess once made her very sloppy at doing chores and cookings (I'll talk about this in the food section). She's doing her best, but ultimately Ciela or other heroes prefer to do it on their own most of the time. Beronica is good at keeping her stuff organized at least. They’d still let her do polishing or weapon maintenance since she’s very meticulate and careful. They will also let her do the horse care duty since she’s good with them.
On driving - Beronica has a very loyal horse named Randgridr (whom I don't talk about enough) so she's very good at dealing with animals in general and has great mastery on working with them. In modern AU, this just means she'd get her license as early as she could and just go everywhere with the car she owns. She's also not a clumsy driver. - Ciela eventualy gets to have a falicorn of her own (a black falicorn named Benthe whom she and Bero found when they both ran away to the mountain when Anna declared beach day) so she'd get a mastery on working with mounted animals. In modern AU, she's probably that person who has driving license but doesn't really drive unless she really has to.
On sleeping habit - Ciela is very much a night owl and has hard time getting up in the morning. She often misses roll call and at this point most people in Order of Heroes already accepted this and can proceed business as usual without her.  - Veronica is also a night owl, but this derives from her often having nightmares due to the Curse of Embla. Once meeting Ciela, her sleep quality actually improves a lot - Sometimes they do a lot of “things” at night to tire themselves out and helps them falling asleep better. 
Food Meme Stuff
I imagined both of them aren't very picky eaters. Bero maybe so in the beginning, but being a royal, I imagined she has great palate and experience with foods, and was able to help improve the flavor of foods in the Order via her feedback. She generally eats anything as long as they're prepared properly. She also understand the importance of eating well being a soldier herself.
Ciela isn't picky because of her previous background not letting her eat as much as she wants so she's always eager on trying something new. She became good at cooking solely for the reason of feeding herself and some people who lived with her at some point.
Favorite Food/Drinks
Ciela likes food that tastes great both hot and cold, but she has more tongue to eat more "refreshing" food. Maybe she used to live in a tropical country...
Bero is a meat lover. She loves them anyhow they're cooked, but she mostly likes them roasted or made into meatballs and served with some juicy and sour berry sauce or jam to balance the fatty flavor.
I don't know how to describe "herbal soft drinks" better than it does, but basically soft drinks are sort of any drinks that is meant to be enjoyed lightly as opposed to alcoholic drinks, right? (though they are mostly being used to refer to carbonated drinks). So one day I had the chance to eat at an international restaurant in a hotel and for the local menu, they have these selection of "soft drinks" that are basically combination of herbs and fruits and woods that are just so??? good??? They're clear colored (some red, some green, depending on the ingredients) so maybe they're like infused drinks or filtered juice(?), and one of my favorite has peppermint, ginger, sappan wood, and lime in it. It is served cold and is also sweet (maybe they added sweetener to it). So I imagined Bero would like to drink these refreshing drinks because they taste great and possibly has great benefits for health too since they're mostly from natural ingredients.
On Cafe Drinks
I HC-ed that in Zenith, Askr grows tea while Embla grows coffee. This makes for the reason why Askrans like to drink tea a lot and Veronica in one of the FEH comic is clueless about tea brewing.
This reflects on Bero's choice of caffeine drink. She doesn't mind tea but more used to coffee. She usually takes them plain or just with milk or cream.
Ciela prefers tea because she just doesn't like the flavor of coffee. She prefers her tea chilled though. She drinks boba or jelly drink back in her world.
On Alcoholic Drinks
I think both Ciela and Bero are very modest drinker, as in they won't drink unless it's for someone else or for any important occassion.
Ciela is a moderate drinker. She holds herself very well and will definitely stop before she gets drunk and totally lose herself. When drunk however, she will get very "proper" and apologetic. She will get sad and apologize a lot, letting out much of her inner worries, and probably also auto pilots herself to properly tidy herself before she fell asleep. Some people enjoys her drunken state because finally they'll be able to find out more about her since Ciela keeps to herself most of the time.
Beronica if drunk gets on the pretty happy but sarcastic side like suddenly her words became much sharper (and honest) while she says it in very smiley face or her normal tone. She also gets far more daring. Her auto-pilot mode isn't as great as Ciela's however.
On Food
Living in Order of Heroes, everyone gets to eat properly and equally due to the strict living schedule, though Ciela gets to skimp on that sometimes since she often misses breakfast. The heroes often save an easy to eat breakfast for her so she can eat them during meetings or study or chores.
Ciela eats quite a lot. Nobody knows where all those extra calories goes. Most guesses it goes to her brain and her tiddies.
Veronica loves spicy food and Ciela can't stand them so much. She has a tongue that's pretty sensitive to the spice that'll numb her tongue and make her unable to taste anything else. It mostly saddens her because she thinks it's a great flavor and makes food exciting.
Ciela loves her sweets and bakes or cooks to feed herself. Veronica is more moderate on it, but she'd take some sweet-savory snack for herself.
That’s all for now?? If I missed anything, feel free to ask!! 
Thanks for reading uwu)b
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lgbt-aesthetics · 5 years
@all demiromantics, demisexuals, and all other demi-s!
As you may or may not know, the current demi- flags make some people uncomfortable, so I am working on a re-design for it! And I need your help!
I am aspec, but not specifically demi-, so I don’t personally have much say on what the demi- flag should be. I’m working with my sister (she’s demiro and demiace) but I’d like more input from the community!
If you’re demi-, please feel free to share your opinion and send me your own designs for the flag! If you’re aspec, feel free to share your opinion, but please do not try to design a flag, it is not our place to. And if you’re not aspec, please share this post so we can get as many demi- people’s opinions as we can!
After talking with my sister and @crimsxnflxwerz (who designed these demisexual flags, which I then edited into demiromantic colors), we think that the flag should:
Keep the original colors
Have some sort of distinguishing feature, as the colors are very similar to other aspec flags
Not have any triangles on it (I'll explain why a bit later if you don’t already know)
have horizontal stripes
and be unique in some way!
under the read more is a list of proposed flags (and why they aren’t the best choice), and why it needs to be redesigned at all!
Proposed flags:
@crimsxnflxwerz’s flags:
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[ID: a flag with four vertical stripes: black, purple, white, and grey. in the white stripe there is a black diamond]
This flag is really cool looking! The diamond represents “loyalty and meaningful living”. But the vertical stripes go against nearly every other pride flag, so it doesn’t really “fit” with them.
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[ID: a flag divided in half by a black triangle reaching from the top left corner to the bottom right corner. on the side not covered, there are three horizontal stripes: white, purple, and grey]
This one has the triangle issue, and if it were to be removed the flag wouldn’t be very recognizable. 
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[ID: the demi- flag but re-colored so that the triangle is white, and the stripes are grey, black, and purple.]
this flag also has the triangle, though it is a bit better because it’s not black, but the design is too close to the original to be separated from it.
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[ID: the demi- flag but re-colored so that the triangle is purple, and the stripes are black, grey, and purple.]
this one has the same problems as the last.
circle-based flags:
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[ID: a flag with three horizontal stripes: grey, purple, and white. the purple stripe is smaller than the other two. in the center of the flag there is a solid black circle.]
the creator of this one calls it the “eclipsed sun version“. the Black circle represents a solar eclipse, which in turn represents the rare instances of demi- people feeling attraction. I really like the thought that was put into this one, but the big black circle seems a bit cumbersome to me. 
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[ID: a flag with three horizontal stripes: white, purple, and grey. the purple stripe is smaller than the other two. in the center of the flag there is a black ring.]
the creator of this flag has their profile on private, unfortunately. So I can’t link directly to the flag, or read what their thought behind it was. I *assume* that the black ring is a reference to how asexual people wear black rings on the middle finger of their right hand. This is a good idea but while demisexuality and asexuality are relate they are not the same thing.
Why does the flag even need to be redesigned?
Because of the black triangle used in it. The black triangle as a symbol originated in n*zi Germany. It was used to mark people they considered “asocial”. That on it’s own is enough to need a redesign, but just to further explain why it specifically should not be used in the demi- flag: it was used to mark lesbians and non-conforming women during the h*locaust. It is hugely inappropriate for demi- people to reclaim a symbol that was not used against them. Let me be clear: I am NOT saying that this was the idea behind the original design. It is just an unfortunate coincidence. I am neither Jewish or a lesbian, but *personally* I don’t think anyone who isn’t a Jewish queer woman should re-claim this symbol. 
EDIT: I was informed by @rosa-buachaille that this symbol was also used against disabled people! I won’t get into the history of that because as much as I support intersectionality this post is already far too long. So to put it simply: there are multiple groups who have the right to reclaim this symbol, and they alone should have pride symbols that involve it. 
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