#and i really do not want to go on a doc hunting spree next week
temenosjournal · 6 years
It’s that time of year when everyone gathers a list of all The Best of, of which this not, or least not ‘best’ as in good, or should be nominated for a Giller Prize. Anyways, I got looking back through my drafts, and actually used one from the summer for a recent post (shhh…not saying which), and thought maybe I’d take a look at what I posted, in comparison to what got shelved.
I haven’t edited these (well, some spelling cause I am horrid). So, here we go, for better or worse.
HOW TO TALK TO TREES – [March 6th]
It has come to my attention recently that I’m not a total whack job, and that talking to Fred, my Ficus, is not completely in vain.
Yip, that’s it. Had been watching this Doc on the interconnected nature of trees, and was spellbound by the bond they have with their environment, how they send out nourishment to their offspring, and the …well anyways, began to sound in my head like I was writing some article for National Geographic, and not a personal blog. So that was ditched.
Five days later I published this – make it so. Instead, I wrote about my Ficus benjamina that I call Fred. And yes, I do talk to Fred, we’ve been together now for over 25 years, so we know each other well.
Then, later in the month I dove back into the heady waters of U.S. Politics, of which I do try to stay clear, but not always successfully. This is a product, you know, of my insatiable news addiction, I need to find a new hobby. But anyways.
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Was cleaning the front door yesterday afternoon, as the rain fell, I’d got ansy and found myself on this cleaning spree. Had swept and washed the floors, after rearranging everything last week, so the door was the last on the list. Had the music playing, some random Classical playlist from YouTube, so I’d been zening out all afternoon. Scrubbing away all this dirt and grime that had collected somehow to almost a degree that I found rather shocking I hadn’t noticed earlier, washing away the dirt of almost 4 years. And than it played…
‘Tis the gift to be simple, ‘Tis the gift to be free, ‘Tis the gift to come down where we ought to be, And when we find ourselves in the place just right ‘Twill be in the valley of love and delight.
One of my favourite versions, from ‘Appalachian Waltz’, with Yo Yo Ma and Allison Krause…stunning.
And somehow these tears came to my eyes.
It has always reminded me of my Grandmother, that song Simple Gifts, as she used to hum it all the time. It was one of her favourite songs, and basically in a number of ways sums up some of the things she taught me.
But these tears were not for her.
No, these tears were maybe frustration, disillusionment. When I look south of the Canadian border and look towards my Fathers family, I don’t know who it is I see anymore. What did I miss?
And don’t get me wrong, this creeping fear of the other has manifested itself here, with comments on come across on Facebook, and snide remarks about new policies in Toronto schools about providing a place for those of other faiths to pray, such as Muslim. And the quip about taking out the Lord’s Prayer in the morning, as I stand in line with them after work on Sunday afternoon at some retail store. Doesn’t prevent them from SHOPPING on Sunday though, I see.
Anyways, I am delusional.
Completely off in LaLa land to actually imagine maybe the world was a different place than it is.
I get sad, you know? I cry real tears for an America I understand. And I hear those beautiful words, of that simple song, and I can’t help but wonder, what happened to just simple gifts? You know, like maybe inclusion, community, compassion, empathy, faith, understanding? Love? When we have so much, and there are those with so little.
And all this hate, for what? 
To what ends? 
And God alone knows what the heck conspiracy theory of the moment is, but mark my words, you can guarantee someone is benefiting a WHOLE bunch.
And, dang it all, why am I crying REAL TEARS over this!!!??
I’m saddened, sure, just more than I realized.
How did this once great nation lets the wolves in? How?
With racism, and hate. Well, and believing all the BS that these talking heads spout.
See, I don’t watch TV, don’t catch the evening news, don’t follow the latest crap of some Kardashian or some other media “star”.
Seriously, couldn’t care less. Actually, I could care less, but I don’t believe there is an actual word for how much less I could care. So there.
But there I was, washing my door, and listening to simple gifts, and crying real tears.
I was born in the North Carolina, and lived there, in a dinky little trailer till I was 2 and a half. After which I’ve merely spent vacations every few years in the south. Driving down I95, winding so far round Washington D.C. and then crossing that Mason Dixon line, everytime thinking about why it’s there, and what that line means.
Same division, just I guess the lines got a little tangled up over the years, but there is still a line.
And I cried real tears, thinking about a place that I thought was just crawling out of that dark age it put itself into, through racism and hate of the other. Thought maybe they had learned a thing or three.
See, delusional.
A day later, I posted this – EUSTON. Just pictures, no words.
But I couldn’t let it go. That sense of something lost haunted me, but I decided I needed to say it in another way, so I went back and finally posted The Comfort Of Historical Knowledge. [April 6th] The featured image was a shot of the floorboards of the old attic, or we called the attic; actually would have been the servants quarters back in the mid-1800’s. It was taken just before the space was renovated as a suite for Dad and MsB a couple years ago.
The dirt underneath my fingernails, the sweet scent of the earth, the hope and gratitude gardening creates is a beautiful distraction from the insanity that haunts me. Or, rather I suppose that I allow to haunt me. For I do hunt for the tidbits the same as any other news junkie. I can’t help it.
It’s an insidious hate that poverty doth wrought. On the backs of those whose very existence is hand to mouth. Kept ignorant, impoverished and at the mercy of those whose actions, when they do choose to act, are done always for their own benefit. Believing every hateful utterance that condemns those they have been trained to be hateful towards. It’s a vicious, self-serving blanket of lies and half-truths, that haphazardly covers any truths they wish to hide from.
And, so I garden.
So, it is to the garden that I escape. At the end of the sidewalk, inbetween, is where you will often find me. Sitting on my stoop, with my dog at my feet, soaking in the shade of the Black Walnut over my head, here in my nook.
Instead, I posted garden the very same day.
This was one of the first where I took those long-winded essays and swept away whole sections, getting right to the core, but this time I left the two separated.
Yet, at other times, I ignored it completely and went off in a completely different direction. ~ * ~
Even now, I still half expect him to show up some night, real late at night when I have to work early early early the next morning, just like he always did. I don’t really believe he would, and he said he never would, not in two million years, but I still half expect it. Like anyone I’ve cared for, figures into my world long past there expiration date. Not so much from some pathetic belief they want something, but more as a fantasy, I suppose, so I know they really did actually care.
Although, in BealArt guys case it was never clear if he actually could feel real emotions anymore, or if everything had just been switched off when his baby girl passed on that night so long ago.
His ability to feel was always a joke, but I always thought he was the way he was because his feelings ran so deep, they were so big, but he never learned how to deal with them, just how to control them. Though every now again I could see the side of his mouth twitch, you know, like a ventiquilquist.
Instead, later that same day I posted – On Creating Woodlandia, And How You Can Too
Two shots I didn’t include with that post, for whatever reason.
Yes, I do sometimes prefer plants to humans, far less complicated.
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paulab’s day off [July 4th]
i smelled the scent of the milkweed in the morning sun hundreds of them in bloom around me and i did not know that they had a scent at all as the morning coolness gave way to the noon day sun alone amongst them in wonder there atop the rise at euston meadow. later with nowhere to be but sit and watch the light change under the walnut tree in the in-between garden just watching shadows play dancing on the sidewalk flickering and i catch the breeze with my bohemian dress and skip over the cracks in the light fantastic on my way to a new day.
Which I guess I was going to post in response to a Photo Challenge, but something stopped me. Instead, the next day I posted this, actually for another Photo Challenge – a bridge for the sun.
It was inspired by a walk a couple of days before, and the air was filled with the smell of Milkweed from Euston Meadow. Even the next morning, when I was riding to work, as I rode by it was intoxicating. There were hundreds and hundreds of them, great sweeps of them. I had no idea Milkweed could smell so sweet.
Can’t remember what books it’s from, but it applies, “it was the best of times, it was the worst of times”. It’s interesting, looking back at what I posted, and what I left unsaid. Kind of a snapshot, in a certain way, of my writing process (or lack of at times). Sometimes its something I came back to, while others never saw the light of day, till now.
As this year comes to a close, I do want to thank you, all you who read my simple words.
The Best Of What I Didn’t Say This Year It's that time of year when everyone gathers a list of all The Best of, of which this not, or least not 'best' as in…
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itdisneymatter · 7 years
Day 07 - Universal Studios
TLDR: Patrick’s Birthday at Universal. Later start, birthday wises and cards before the park. Few rides for the younger and older kids and then a killer roller coaster. A new ride through New York with Jimmy Fallon. Poor weather so skipped Harry Potter and Simpsons and ended up in an AWESOME chocolate factory for Patrick’s Birthday dinner. Couldn't get a suitable cinema booking so hit Disney Strings instead. Lovely place. Shopped for an hour then headed home to sleep.
Happy Birthdaaay to Patrick, Happy Birthday to you...
So big day today, it's Patrick’s 11th birthday! Where has the time went? We gave him a little card game based on American History for him to open (which he loved) as well as some money (which he also loved and as we all know is probably the best thing to be receiving when you're that age). Some cereal for breakfast as no one was that hungry from the feast the night before and off we went to pick up the parents for a fun packed day at Universal.
We left around mid-day and when we arrived at the other hotel, everyone was waiting to wish Patrick a happy birthday and give him some birthday cards. Pauline and Kevin also bought him a nice big helium balloon, but he let it go when he went to open his cards, less that 5 minutes after receiving it, oops... Kevin had just returned from walking all the way to the shops and back again just to buy it too, sorry Kev!
We reached the park and the security guy remarked on my Final Fantasy VII t-shirt, which I was pretty chuffed about. A wee family pic at the Universal gates and then we went to get a big birthday badge for Patrick while we waited on the others.
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First up through the doors was Shrek, a 4D experience with Shrek, Fiona, Dunkey and even Farquad who was back from the dead (for a short while anyways). I’ve done this a few times but there were a few parts which I didn't recognize, now whether that’s a poor memory or they rotate the stories I’m not sure, I suppose I could go back through the previous years blog and check but its late one and I’m really tired after a hectic day. One specific part that really stood out for me was a Dragon Chase which mirrored the end of Star Wars: A New Hope. Shrek and Dunkey were flying through a high walled canyon and had to fire their blasters (sorry, dragon flames) at the the end to survive, with Dunkey shouting 'Stay On Target' too - LOL (well I found it funny anyway ; )
We then helped Optimus Prime battle the Decepticons in Transformers. Great thrill ride which mirrored Spiderman and the special effects were great. I really must get around to watching the movies as I've only seen the first one. The had a meet and greet with a few of the Autobots outside however as we had limited time before tonights dinner, we made our way straight to the next one, Despicable Me: Minion Mayhem! Awesome simulator ride for the kids and adults alike, as we get transformed into a minion (and then back again unfortunately) and are taken through a wacky tour of Gru's evil lair! All the more important to ride this one as we planned to see the movie later :)
Rock It!
Now came the moment I was dreading, Robert asked if he could go on Rip Ride Rockit, a big red roller coaster towering above the park with very very very steep tracks. Gracie actually asked if it was called The Red Hulk (as the green one in Islands in called The Hulk) - I have an absolute geek for a daughter, how cute! I didn't mind accommodating Robert on the Islands coasters as they seemed not to bad, but this was one I even shuddered to look at. However, I wasn't going to disappoint my new found adrenaline junkie son, so me, him, Michael, Kev and Corrie all headed to our impending doom. At the start of this roller coaster you go straight up vertical, like 90 freakin’ degrees up with just a lap bar to hold on to and then straight back down through a huge loop, that twists at the top. Yeah thanks for that Ro! One good thing about this ride though was that you could select your own individual track that plays throughout, while you're scream your head off. I selected Beastie Boys - Intergalactic with hesitation once I seen it listed and it didnt disappoint. It was an amazing ride in the end and we were all glad we went on it. Robert was that buzzing as after it, he couldn’t even remember what song he selected too, haha XD  
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A bran spanking new ride up next - Jimmy Fallon's Race Through New York. This replaces the Twister experience which was ok-ish st best so no big loss. They had a weird queuing system which kinda worked and we were presented with some clips from Jimmy Fallon while we waited. Then it was time for the ride, though we didn't know quite what to expect, we all got seated in a theatre and donned our 3D glasses (which seems to be the norm with Universal rides). It was a simulator ride through the streets and other areas of New York and other areas that weren't exactly New York too. It was pretty great and reminded me of the old Back To The Future ride minus Doc Brown & Marty.
I've got a golden ticket!
When we exited the ride, the weather turned and although we had 90 minutes to dinner, we didn't want to risk getting wet prior to eating so made the decision to bypass Diagon Alley and The Simpsons land and head straight for The Toothsome Chocolate Emporium (or Chocolate Factory as we referred to it, it did really look like something out of Willy Wonka). We have a few days at Universal so didn't really have any resistance from the kids on this one. The place was simply amazing! The place was all kitted out in Steam Punk decor (one of my favourite styles), complete with video panels revealing the insides of a working chocolate factory and table-visiting, mechanical men. They really did put a phenomenal amount of details into creating this, and I was in love even before I'd looked at the menu. We all skipped starters (to make room for desserts - it was a chocolate factory after all), and got down to picking our food. The food was really good,  but now for the main event - the dessert! Gracie & I decided to split one and when I told her to choose one to share she picked S'Mores which was the same one as I was wanting - great minds! Patrick went for this monster brownie sundae and they gave him an extra brownie with a candle in it as it was his birthday. The desserts were absolutely enormous and probably too much for even two to share, though we gave it a good attempt (3-4 people could adequately share any of them). We ended up boxing Patrick's remaining dessert to take away, which will likely fuel us for the next week.
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Despicable Me 3 was released today and was included on Patrick's birthday wishlist. We had been planning and looking forward to it for months. There was a cinema pretty much across the road from our hotel so instead of staying at Universal (Citywalk), we went and dropped my mum and dad back home and then headed to the cinema. Unfortunately it was completely booked out until late and we decided it would be too late and that we would need to go and watch it another time. Instead of heading home however we decided to take PG on a shopping spree to Disney Springs, which has a whole host of restaurants, bars, shops and entertainment. Its really lovely at night and its got a whole new area from the last time we were here so we will definitely be making a return trip or two before we leave. Patrick seen a Indy hat and sachel at Hollywood the other day, so we said we could go check out the shops to see if we could get them. Nowhere to be seen but he did manage to pick up a few Star Wars & Marvel comics. I also picked up a Star Wars hat too from the Star Wars shop (yes they have an actual shop full of Star Wars stuff, its awesome). The hat was similar to one I bought here when I was a wee boy (which I lost), so I was as giddy as a school boy (pardon the Indy reference, PG). Grace on the hunt for a Star Wars Furby - Furbacca - didn't end up finding one so bought an Ewok instead. And Robert earned himself a Hulk t-shirt from us for being so brave with the roller coasters over the last few days.
Oh nearly forgot, Patrick’s Fun Fact of The Day. It's not so much of a ‘fun’ one today, but here goes:
The atomic bomb dropped over Hiroshima in 1945 was code-named The Little Boy.
This was in reference to the Fat Man, also an atomic device which was dropped on Nagasaki and which can be found on a game we play, Fallout.
And for your patience here's a video from last week from the Go Pro (now that I finally have a powerful enough Laptop to process it). Raw footage, but I'm definitely going to do a holiday montage.
Animal Kingdom, the last of the Disney parks on the plan for tomorrow. I’m really looking forward to this one because of the new Avatar area - Pandora.
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