#and i mean -- i know that TECHNICALLY kyle doesn't need to be in a long-term relationship to have a kid
four-color-words · 3 months
Hi I was just reading some old post and I just stumbled across the fact John Fox apparently not only Wally descendant but Kyle also???, where the fuck is that imply or said or even hinted at? cause that kinda hilarious.
@givemewallywestorgivemedeath will probably have more information, but it was established in Justice League One Million, apparently. They told me that ages and ages ago, but I still haven't gotten around to reading it (rip), so I don't have any panels or screenshots to share.
Though if Kyle's gonna ever have kids, the writers need to get on that. Someone's gotta break the curse dooming all that man's canonical love interests or we're never gonna get John Fox or Cary Wren. And if Jenni doesn't get her Lantern buddy, I'm going to be very sad.
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