#and he's like what if I didn't help Saruhiko with this she would have died somehow
ridiasfangirlings · 1 year
Hi! First thank you so much for sharing all those wonderful writings! I'm actually new to this fandom (just finished watching K this summer) and couldn't really articulate my gratitude (?) when I found your fics. Just, thank you really.
As for the ask, if you haven't done it before (I'm still enjoying my time going through all the previous asks so am not sure if this is a new one.) I was just wondering how it would be if Fem!Fushimi gets her period? How would Yata react to it? Like, I kinda think Fushimi would have a terrible time with it consider her unhealthy lifestyle. How would Yata find out and would Yata be like memorizing Fem!Fushimi's cycle (if she has a regular one) and pay extra attention to her on those days? (And just imagine Yata going to a store to buy tampons for his best friend XD)
You know that ‘buying tampons for my girlfriend what size pussy do you wear’ meme? That’s Yata XD I imagine this being something that Yata initially freaks out about but then it just becomes another thing he has to keep an eye out for with Fushimi, like okay she can’t be expected to handle this on her own so Yata has to toughen up and learn to deal with monthly lady time. Actually imagine the first time Fushimi gets her period maybe she’s even at Yata’s house staying the night, Yata’s noticed that she seems more irritable than usual (which is hard to do, for Fushimi) and she also just seems really uncomfortable and kinda exhausted. Fushimi knows what a period is of course, she had to sit through that class and I’m sure she knows enough to look it up on her own, but she’s got no idea how to deal with it at all, like she doesn’t want to tell Misaki because he screams enough when he sees a bra strap he can’t handle period discussion. It’s Yata’s mom who figures it out when Fushimi’s trying to sneakily wash her underwear (…hopefully fem!Fushimi is at least wearing some here) in the middle of the night and she’s the one who gives Fushimi the whole period talk and buys her pads and aspirin and a heating pad and the whole bit.
Yata doesn’t actually realize this for a few months, like he knows that his mom sometimes seems to be really focused on Saruhiko once a month but he has no idea why until maybe one day during gym class Fushimi faints. Yata freaks out and takes her to the nurse, he spots some blood on her pants (Fushimi refuses to wear the skirt and wears a boy’s uniform) and thinks she’s like dying or something. It turns out that Fushimi just has her period and is suffering from some anemia due to it, Yata gets to be at first very clueless hearing this and then it sinks in and he probably screams while Fushimi’s just staring at him all ‘….’. Fushimi mutters that did Yata forget she’s a girl and Yata’s like I didn’t forget I just didn’t think you, you know…had those. Fushimi laughs all mockingly and tries to get up but Yata kinda gently pushes her back down, she’s still dizzy right so she needs some rest. 
After this point Yata absolutely overcomes his inherent fear of lady-coded things and starts being able to recognize when Fushimi’s on her period and he gets super protective about it. Especially when they move in together, he can tell when Fushimi’s having cramps — this being Fushimi she probably gets really bad ones and tries to work through them even though she’s miserable and Yata has to make her lie down and rest. At some point Yata totally has to go to the store and buy Fushimi personal products and imagine him just standing there quietly worrying like wait what do I buy what do all these words mean do you think Saruhiko wants fresh scent or heavy flow someone help. He’s really determined to take care of Saruhiko though so he ends up buying like a whole bunch of different ones just in case, when he gets back to the apartment Fushimi takes one look at him and starts laughing (and Yata would normally be annoyed but he’s just happy to see her feeling well enough to laugh).
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ridiasfangirlings · 2 years
I think you had an ask about Fushimi is the one who kill mikoto instead of Munakata. Iirc in your scenario munakata got attacked / smtg, & he became unconscious. How about continuing that, Fushimi decided to bring Mikoto's corpse to where the 🔴 clan are, which is under the bridge. How do you think they would react? Kusanagi probably feeling guilty, but how about Yata & homra alphabet boys? Also how S4 alphabet boys reaction, finding out that Fushimi end up being the one who has to kill Mikoto?
Tbh my immediate thought reading this was 'okay but could Fushimi even carry Mikoto's corpse, he's so skinny he might break in half' XD Maybe instead everyone else ends up where he is, I feel like it'd be super awkward for Fushimi to try and drag Mikoto's dead body all the way to the bridge (plus assuming Munakata's unconscious nearby it seems like it would be more likely for him to drag Munakata there and leave Mikoto's body behind). Like Fushimi's ended up having to be the one to kill Mikoto and he's just sitting there in the snow afterward, winded and bewildered and still processing what he just did. There's the sound of footsteps approaching and Fushimi doesn't even look up, maybe glancing over at the unconscious Munakata instead who's started to stir a little.
Kusanagi is the first one to reach them, stepping out into the clearing and just stopping dead at the sight of Mikoto there. Obviously everyone knew the moment Mikoto died but there was some concern when Munakata didn't reappear, Awashima decided to take the S4 boys to come look and Kusanagi offered to come along as well with the main Homra crew, since they needed to 'collect the body' anyway. Kusanagi's been doing his best to be stoic here, leading everyone towards where they last saw Mikoto's Sword and well aware that Yata's trying to muffle his sniffles behind them and Anna's clinging to Kamamoto with her face buried in his jacket. Kusanagi pretty much expected what they would find, Mikoto lying still and cold in the snow, but what he was not at all expecting was Munakata unconscious nearby and Fushimi sitting there beside Mikoto instead, still holding his bloodied sword, looking more lost than Kusanagi can ever recall seeing him before and there's this momentary pang of regret that Kusanagi can't smother – this was not Fushimi's job, and even though Kusanagi knows he was needed elsewhere I wonder if part of him would think that if a clansman could do this then he should have been the one to see his King off, not Fushimi.
Yata's the first one to speak, his voice hoarse as he's like 'what the hell Saruhiko?'. Yata starts to stride forward and Kusanagi holds out an arm to stop him, Yata's already a mess like 'But Kusanagi-san--' and Kusanagi tells him it wasn't Fushimi's fault. Fushimi laughs hoarsely at that, head cocked and hanging to one side as he grins widely and says he didn't mind, he's always wanted to do this, to be the one who got to kill Suoh Mikoto. Yata's fists clench and he starts to say Fushimi's name again and once more Kusanagi stops him and tells him to stand down, and his voice is so deadly serious that Yata actually obeys. Kusanagi asks what happened and Fushimi's expression flattens as he dully says isn't it obvious, he took care of things.
That's when Awashima finally arrives and she immediately moves towards Munakata, checking on him and breathing a sigh of relief when it's clear that he's all right. It's only then that she sees Fushimi and her eyes widen as she realizes what he had to do. Fushimi stands on stiff legs as he asks if they're leaving now. Awashima touches his shoulder and asks if he's okay, Fushimi shrugs and says why wouldn't he be. Awashima's obviously concerned but she lets him walk past, gesturing to a few of the alphabet boys to come help her with Munakata. A few of the other S4 alphabet hurry to keep up with Fushimi, concerned that he's injured too but Fushimi just ignores them and walks right towards and then past Homra without a word. Yata tries to speak again and Kusanagi grabs him by the arm and says not now, let him go, they have more important things to deal with at the moment.
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ridiasfangirlings · 2 years
On December 7, Fushimi was out gathering information. He went on to a certain rooftop, ran into Colorless and got shot. How would the story change?
The immediate change obviously is that this switches the focus of things from Homra to Scepter 4, and now it's Munakata who needs to seek his revenge – or rather, justice, because I think Munakata would consider his pursuit of Colorless not so much revenge as trying to bring a criminal to justice. The difficulty I think is that Munakata doesn't have Mikoto's death wish, he doesn't want to destabilize his own Sword, but at the same time there's no real alternative either, Colorless's power being what it is he's basically impossible to keep imprisoned and I doubt the Gold King has anything that can suppress the powers of a King. I think Munakata would consider all this too, like say in this AU rather than Colorless being filmed as he was when he killed Totsuka Fushimi like manages to record the whole thing on his PDA before he dies (wait, this only specified 'get shot,' didn't it – maybe Fushimi gets shot and ends up in like a coma and he may never walk again, and while Munakata is thankful that Fushimi did not die things are still touch and go and it makes the squad all even more determined to track down this Colorless guy and avenge Fushimi-san). Fushimi is found on the rooftop by a couple alphabet squad members, before falling unconscious he sent an SOS via his PDA and Munakata sent a couple members out to retrieve him. Imagine Fushimi now bleeding out in like Hidaka's arms and Hidaka is freaking out while Akiyama calls an ambulance and then contacts headquarters, Awashima knows something's wrong when she hears the slight shake in Akiyama's voice.
In the aftermath Munakata brings all of Scepter 4's resources to bear in trying to track down Colorless, I think he'd be much more precise in his search than Homra was. Also I think where Homra was focusing on underworld contacts and tracking down the gun Munakata is using Scepter 4's systems more trying to figure out Colorless's exact identity with a plan of pinpointing his location and hunting him down. In this AU I think Shiro and co. might find things somewhat more difficult, since Munakata is actively hunting Colorless for his own reasons rather than just trying to beat Mikoto to the punch – and that being the case I wonder if he would be more willing to take things more slowly and methodically, like when Scepter 4 first becomes aware of Shiro's existence Munakata decides to just have him watched for a time, waiting for the right moment to strike.
On the Homra end of things I feel like the relationship between Scepter 4 and Homra would be somewhat less confrontational in this AU, since Homra wouldn't be trying to stop Scepter 4 the way that S4 is actively trying to impede Homra in canon. Obviously Yata would be very upset to hear about what happened to Saruhiko and I think he would initially blame Scepter 4, I could totally see him yelling in Munakata's face that this is all his fault and how could he have left Fushimi in danger. Yata wants to hunt down Colorless immediately and I think he would be pissed if he was told that Homra's help isn't needed here. I could see Yata trying to do his own investigation, figuring he'll do this alone if he has to, and he's surprised when Mikoto and the rest of Homra show up to help him.
I think Mikoto would be aware that at the end of the day this is Munakata's issue and he isn't going to get in the way, but at the same time Fushimi was a member of Homra and Mikoto isn't going to sit idly by while there's a dangerous guy out there targeting clansmen either. I could see Kusanagi calling Awashima to offer any assistance Scepter 4 needs, like at the very least I feel like Anna would want to offer to help find Colorless using her powers like she does in canon because she's upset about what happened to Saruhiko. Mikoto knows that Munakata intends to kill Colorless too and he figures that's none of his business, I imagine the two of them having a conversation about this at some point with Mikoto noting that Munakata knows what killing a King will do to his Sword and Munakata expresses surprise at Mikoto's concern. Mikoto shrugs and says it's not concern, he's just surprised a careful guy like Munakata would do something so careless, Munakata chuckles wryly and says perhaps he has allowed his emotions to get the better of him – but even so, this is his duty as Blue King, and he will carry it out.
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