#and even tho I'm still deep in writing block limbo with so much going on irl
whats-rambled-rambled · 10 months
Can I just say something to you? the stuff you’ve written for neil just TICKLES me right! My absolute favourite is Posterity and Long Nights and it is magnificent. I love it so much. Especially that part in Posterity when Neil is debating what to text to reader. I cannot tell you how much that fucked me up.
Neil was staring at the half-written message he was about to send.
//you too, i
He stumbled over the words. There were so many left unsaid. Too many
I miss you. I hope you're okay. I miss you. I promise it'll be okay. I can't wait to hear your voice. I'm sorry for scaring you. I want to hold you in my arms again. I wish I'd told you already. I miss you. I'm so sorry. I love you. I-
LIKE OH. MY. GOD. The man kept saying I miss you THREE TIMES. I don’t know what to tell you but maybe he does miss the reader LOL. Posterity has left such a big impression on me, I come back to read it everytime I need to get smacked in the face with the need for feelings. That’s all I wanted to say, you wrote him with so much emotion and love. I adore him a lot and your works!
You know, now that you mention it, I think he might actually miss the reader! 😂
But really, thank you so much for this lovely message! It means a lot, and Posterity and Long Nights both getting the mention! And the fact that you come back to read -- don't mind me, I'm just gonna go over there and be all emotional for the rest of the month.
Hope you're having an amazing day 💕
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