#and also the way last ep ended i honestly wouldn't blame him if he fell for gun a bit (which leads back to my original point)
kalmeria · 1 year
i like the parallel of tinn and sound being two kids prone to perfectionism who just need and want to be shown love and kindness
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staysuki · 3 years
Ahh huh. Should have stuck with my asks from way earlier on with the “ultimate betrayal” guesses. Bugger, I thought about it too but even backtracked and said that it was simply a coincidence. We talked about the odd friendship group in the first place when it all started and I accused all three at one point saying how suspicious they all were. All anons did haha. Maybe I should have just put all my convictions in. I guess I felt that Seungmin just made the most sense 🤷🏼‍♀️ I like the plot twist, well Ash you stunned me.
The last ep was so thrilling my little heart just about bursted 🔥🔥 you were so right about my head going to explode! What a show that was. we almost had them pinned lol. I kinda knew something was wrong with my ask tho, I kept going back and re reading and finding new people to convince was the culprits lmao. Good thing I added that warning 🥲. I wouldn’t be surprised if nearly everyone in this story ends up having a part to play.
If it’s not too much to ask, could you reiterate what it was that I misunderstood. I think I know which ones such as the fact that I cut off Jisung lol but was their any other points that fell short. I’m very interested. 💕 pls share your insight great one 🙇🏼‍♀️
~ Lovegame anon
ok, spoilies ahead then 😤 let's go thru this one by one:
first of all, thank u for liking the plot twist JSHAJHSHS i'm glad that i pulled a reverse uno card on you on that one. you were v v close, i'm almost surprised that you set aside han jisung. and yes, honestly everyone just threw a wide net at the entire friend group but i wouldn't blame y'all, everyone be sus.
like i said in the theory, you were right about everything you said about seungmin, about him wanting to live an easy life, and also about another thing—his high regard for his friends. that has been the answer from the very beginning.
the one fatal mistake that you got from him is pinpointing him as the rat.
now my favorite part: ash's dissection of my vaguely concealed clues that were hidden in plain sight—
you see, i really threw everyone for a loop here, just because i felt like it. although a lot of you already pointed him as the suspect, those tracks immediately got erased because:
jisung himself is a cunning man—how do you think he got felix (the most regarded scary man in the fic) under his wing?
1. jisung is always the one who "knows felix the best" and is used to him and his oddities
exhibit a: understanding felix's words
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exhibit b: being used to felix's enigmatic personality
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exhibit c: backing him up
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exhibit d: being the only one insinuated to know felix's backstory
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2. jisung telling y/n that he's good with (moral) dilemmas, because he, himself, is currently in one (betraying his friends)
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3. insinuating that it's alright if seungmin misses nayeon's party—why? because he's up to something.
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4. saying that they've let go of morals—this was probably the key clue as to why it ISN'T seungmin. because we have all nailed down the fact that despite seungmin doing illegal stuff, he still has his head straight, which is further reiterated by his brothers: seungmin is shady, but he has a good head on his shoulders, he has morals.
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5. the meta clue—probably the one that people dismissed the most, in ryujin and y/n's conversation: ryujin says this. although this was disregarded as an offhand comment by ryujin a few chapters later, it was a glaring clue.
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all in all, han jisung being the rat was an answer hidden in plain sight, yet those moments were so vague that it's easily dismissable—meanwhile, seungmin being the red herring became apparent because of how easy it was to pin the blame on him, with how much stuff he has going on, and how much of a good place he's in to know a lot of info.
also the pictures sent by felix? blatant red herring.
after a lot of vague and subtle hints, i just wanted to put out some crazily obvious clues and watch everyone overthink it~
also i did purposely make seungmin look sussy, that is indeed my fault
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