#and after that we'll see once again with Lb7...*shudder*
300iqprower · 2 years
For better or worse, we have Nasu to thank for summer 3. Him and the fgo team took a vacation to Hawaii and they enjoyed it so much they created an event based off their vacation.
I knew the first part. Didn't know the second. Too many witty retorts. Brain short circuiting.
But yes. Summer 3 and Babylonia/Solomon (for all my complaints of Babylonia's faults it is an empirically great story) are the things that stand between me and openly decrying Nasu as a fraud. At least in terms of FGO specifically, obviously I cant remark on the original VN or KnK/Tsukihime. But Summer 3 is my favorite event in the game and tied with Atlantis for my favorite thing in FGO period after Lostbelt 1. And that means no matter how begrudgingly, I have to give Nasu some serious credit. I think he's a hack and a sellout for how bad his worldbuilding is (especially when that's the thing I always hear people say, "but the worldbuilding is so good" no it's not he just has way too much of it.) and how he bastardizes the entire franchise whenever money is on the table, but the dude can clearly do some incredible writing when he just sits down and tells a story. without getting caught up in all the things around it. If he took over Jalter's dialogue from Higashide for her summer version, that also means he does my favorite character better than the guy who created her because Summer Jalter despite being a fanservice alt is honestly one of my picks for the best written characters in all FGO.
So yeah. Nasu needs to learn to make his stories more self contained, because so far that's universally when he's at his best, and I won't hesitate to admit his best is amazing. Since he in fact did not head Lb5, i guess Lostbelt 6 will be when I see if that pattern continues or if like LB5.1 has foreshadowed he'll get so caught up in that stupid overarching alien plotline is kills it for me...
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