#and OSA in women is truly a curse. we are god's favorite children
butch-the-bear · 2 years
realizing that so many (if not most) women who call themselves lesbians nowadays are not lesbians at all and are actually bisexual is so depressing.. bc before i peaked i was happy there were finally so many women i could relate to who were exclusively attracted to the same sex, but after having peaked i feel very much alone in this again. like i spent my entire childhood and teenage years with zero girls to relate to (in regards to sexuality), and these days it would seem like there’s a huge online lesbian community, when in fact it’s just a bunch of tims and women who in theory could be completely attracted to them. :(
I know exactly what you mean... I have had the same experience and it is so depressing and isolating. Sometimes I feel like I'm the only lesbian left, which I know is irrational, but following lesbian identified artist/writers on social media and having them eventually create art/writing involving dick or males honestly feels soul-crushing and like a betrayal at this point. I've become jaded, but I get so furious if I let myself think about our reality. The lesbian community has been so thoroughly invaded and colonized by males and male-attracted women that it's suffocating and alienating to the actual female homosexuals it was created by. We are shunned, attacked, and harassed for exactly what that space was meant to liberate us from. Everywhere on Earth is so homophobic. I grew up inundated by conservatism and homophobia, and as soon as I became an adult and was free to express myself for the first time, the LGBT community had turned against me. Our sexuality is immutable. So where do we have left to go?
90% of the reason I was ever attracted to radblr in the first place/made this account after years of orbiting is because it's the only place that lesbians can 1- gather and discuss their sole attraction to women freely and 2- are more likely to be actual lesbians. At this point I just assume every woman claiming lesbianism is bisexual until proven otherwise. Some I give the benefit of the doubt (When I was a TRA I used to say I would date a trans woman if she was fully transitioned, but secretly when I considered the reality of it- the male bone structure, voice, mannerisms, body- I was deeply uncomfortable and repulsed by the idea, though I was afraid to acknowledge it. I'm sure some of these women are the same) but at this point it's happened so many times... And nowadays even those women who are actually lesbians are inundated with comments accusing them of transphobia for expressing their exclusive attraction, regardless of how mainstream they are. So many of them end up transitioning. It really is grim.
But we are still here, even if we are small in numbers, and we will persevere as we have through all past human existence. It's so difficult to be positive about it, but being a lesbian is really a wonderful thing to be. We have such a long and illustrious legacy. To be a woman and to love only other women is a blessing in so many ways. Evidently not everyone can be quite so lucky :)
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