#and I'm excited for the next time i redraw this and see even more progress!!
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Then vs. Now Redraw!
I occasionally redraw this one image of Sunset which was actually my very first piece of digital art, and here is a current rendition!!
Top to Bottom Goes - 12/5/2022 Shaded - 12/5/2022 Flatcolor - 10/2/2020 Unfinished - 2018 ish - 2014-2015 ish (First rendition)
Remember, progress is real and you're always growing!
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adenthemage · 1 year
tell me about the works in progress you have
Oh shit thanks for indulging me anon!! I've been super busy with work lately, but has that stopped me from starting new projects? No because i am a foole. So I have a decent bunch of them stacked up atm
Seeing as I am in tmnt hell with no end in sight yet, a majority of it has been centered on fanworks for that! In the art department I have:
-draw the rottmnt gang in your outfits
-just. SO many screenshots I wanna redraw
-animating rottmnt boys as youtubers I think are funny (<- this one is VERY CLOSE to being done, I just have a few segments I'm dragging my feet on. I have the boards I just don't wanna liiiinnnne)
-animation sent to a Thriller remix focusing on the 03 villains. This one is heavily inspired by a PHENOMENAL Jojo animation of which I will be plastering all over the promo for when my version is finished. I don't even watch Jjba (yet) but I am obsessed with that video. Part of me is excited to finish just so I can show more people that video. I am stealing so many techniques from it
-I have a TH storage account full of characters I mean to draw as warmups, but I keep forgetting. They're either set to be sold (and adding art gives them more value) or I just don't have anything for them to do yet and they need a little detail (sometimes drawing helps me flesh out a character's personality and backstory, by way of it reflecting in their design)
-Another TOH six fanarts! The video of me speeddrawing the first one went viral on both Youtube and Tiktok, so I had plenty of character requests to fulfill. I've decided on the ones I want to do, but it's been hard getting motivated to work on it-- presumably because I've moved fixations and brain gets very mad when I think about anything else
On the writing side, I've found myself being a bit more engaged with a little community that's made up of a lot of talented fic writers! I've never had the skill or motivation to finish a fic, but recently I've been trying my hand at fixing that, largely because of their influence. I have a few I'm considering polishing and one I'm nearly ready to actually post!!
-Fire and Stones is, I guess a character study, and the one I'm hoping to post very soon. It examines Agent Bishop in phases of life that aren't really represented in the show, with an emphasis on his odd relationship with death and all the different ways he's experienced it (as in every conceivable way except actually dying, himself.) I'm a little iffy on the first chapter because it takes place so early on, there are no canon characters even alive to interact with. I worry it won't be as fun or engaging as the next two, of which I'm actually pretty happy with! (This is rare as I am a very opinionated mfer and my own work is not immune to my strong need to critique.) I guess I'm just overthinking it because I intend to post it publicly and I'm a little nervous about it. I've never shared any of my fanfiction before!
-a new piece that spawned from Fire and Stones is a "sickfic" that begins hitting the usual fluffy beats with a hint of strangeness, and then quickly devolves into angst and political drama as the sick character in question becomes sure they were actually poisoned and this is an attempted assassination. It will be fun, if I can manage to stick with such a long pace.
-There is also a fic set in the 2012 tmnt universe, heavily inspired by another fic out there where Donnie and Mikey run away and start their own life and begin to heal. I absolutely adored it, and after discussing it with a buddy we were like 'what if they hid out in EPF with Bishop lol' and then it spiraled into a found family drama hoorayyyyy. Most of what I have so far is just waxing poetic about utrom Bishop, though, because I like him and am apparently allergic to writing povs in anyone else's voice.
-ok so. Confession time. I like Rick and Morty. During one of the season finales a villain gives Morty the option to join him and escape Rick forever, and genuinely I feel it is ooc that Morty did not take them up on it, because they were RIGHT. Anyway I have the beginning of a canon divergence fic where he does accept the offer. I actually really like what I have so far! It's just one scene, but at the very least I might try finish the one setup chapter. I might never do more, but I really like what I do have and wouldn't mind showing it off.
-I have a little self-indulgent story about Naruto OCs learning the basics in genin training. I have one scene done but it kinda tapered off in the next rip
I love all my projects but I am always so tired from work I just end up not working on them. But I hope I can have some cool stuff to show sooner rather than later! May it bring someone joy
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Week 1, Sept 6 - 13
I wanted to summarize what I have been working both this past week and over the summer, as well. I have given my fourth year film a lot of thought, so I hope that over the course of this semester that is reflected!
This week I want to give an overview of what my project is about in terms of its plot, significance-slash-importance to me, and a breakdown of how I will go about attempting to achieve my planned goals this year. I also want to show some images of my current progress and talk about where I'm going next.
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My project’s narrative actually came about as an accident when I was brainstorming ideas for my film. This summer, I went on a personal journey to understand more about my indigenous heritage. I found it both terrifying and exciting to learn more details about a culture that is my own but have no real connection to. A narrative began to develop unconsciously in my mind about a metaphorical journey of self discovery, and what it feels like to uncover a hidden part of yourself.
I wanted this to be the central idea for my film. I plan to show this narrative through body language and symbolism, not necessarily of indigenous culture, but of a more fantastical and universally relatable lexicon. Use of colour in costume design and the environment will be critical components of storytelling by way of texturing and lighting. And I want to use cinematography and composition to support these big ideas.
I wasn’t sure how much I should share right off the bat, so these are just some of the bigger ideas I would like to investigate with the project, and I can perhaps expand on them in the future as I build my assets.
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These are some visual references I have gathered. I have more, but these are some of the ones I used the most while planning my ideas, and also included some screenshots from my 3rd year film for reference because I liked the way that turned out.
I would like to push the limits of my skills this year. I planned on doing this in a few ways, one: by developing my understood abilities, and two, by slowly introducing new skill sets that I want to include in my film. Some of the new, and some of my weaker, areas of knowledge are:
Using Dynamic Curves for rigging characters and costumes
Attempting to achieve more accurate nCloth simulations for clothing
More realism, or naturalism, in character animations
Animated textures
Attempt to use Bifrost to add simple bodies of water to my forested environments
Of course, if there is one thing I have learned about working on projects like this, things don't always go according to plan, even when following a structured schedule. There is a risk involved with developing new skills on projects with strict deadlines. I feel like I can safely push myself to my limits with my concept while taking what I see as “calculated” risks. But, just in case, I am also developing backup plans or alternative means of creation if I begin to struggle too much with learning these new skills.
This way I will still achieve my desired result, but still allow myself to take risks that will ultimately help me improve. I will also initially conduct a short testing period to see if these goals can be reached in a timely manner before committing to shots or assets that require these new skills to be applied.
Some examples of "backup plans" could include:
Swapping Dynamic Curve rigging for strictly nCloth simulation
Simplifying the character costume to avoid complex nCloth calculations
If unable to learn Bifrost during the testing period, avoiding shots that include water and instead use audio to help create a more believable, immersive environment
Editing shots in post production in lieu of animating textures
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Here are some concepts from my sketchbook for the basic character design I have been thinking of. I like to start with a considerable amount of detail, as I tend to simplify the design over time when I redraw it over and over again. It’s also easier for me to simplify the clothing if necessary from an elaborate design instead of trying to add detail after the fact.
As I begin to finalize the design and make notes about clothing texture, I will determine the final level of detail, so to speak.
I also found some really great resources to help me improve my clothing textures that I will include when I finalize the design.
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And here’s just a few photos of my storyboarding process, which is almost complete. I have much more success with this process on paper.
I’m also working on my asset list simultaneously so I can add the details to my production schedule.
To-do for next week:
Finish storyboarding process on paper
Begin animatic
Finish asset list
Finalize production schedule
Begin testing period for Bifrost
For next week, I am aiming to finish my storyboards so I can begin redrawing my animatic on my computer. This should be a relatively quick process for me I think because I'm familiar with the drawing process and I can do it efficiently. I will also be finalizing my asset list so I can complete my production schedule and I can start building my assets. A short testing period will begin this week to determine how many of these new skills I will be able to accomplish reasonably considering the project deadline.
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