#and Cyllene walkin' around blushing cuz Ingo told her she's a good Captain
lastoneout · 2 years
So we have seen how the professor shows that he likes captain Cyllene, but what about Ingo?
(so I still haven't gotten anywhere near as caught up with any other submas content as I should have so this is still primarily going off of the vibes he gives off in PLA and also me reading the entire quotes section of his bulbapedia page BUT)
He seems like a really considerate guy who pays attention to what people like/are interested in and is also like, very supportive of said interests, especially ones focused on skills and bettering oneself, so I imagine it's a lot of spending time together, listening to her talk about sword stuff or being a Captain, encouraging her to practice with her sword if she mentions missing it, offering advice, stuff like that.
I also absolutely believe Cyllene is frugal as hell and refuses to spend money on anything non-essential even if it's something she really wants so I figure anyone who woos her would probably end up buying her small gifts(and they would be small cuz her tastes seem to skew towards simple and understated stuff) which would be the thing to tip her off about any ~feelings~ at which point she'd be like "oh... o////o"
He could also try to befriend Abra...but Abra gives me big "cat who doesn't like anyone other than their owner" vibes, and I also doubt abras enjoy being around loud noises so I figure Abra isn't really a fan of Laventon or Ingo and they would both have to resort to bribery to bridge that gap.
kskj;dsfk sorry also just remembered in Mulan where Shang pulls the "You fight good." and I can't decide if it would be funnier for Laventon to say that 'cuz he doesn't know anything about martial arts but wants to be supportive or if it would be better to discover if it's possible to get Ingo SO flustered that his ability to articulate his thoughts degrades that badly. Actually, it's both. Both are hilarious.
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