#always surprised Mikey didn't just drag Draxum off to Todd tho
sibillascribbles08 · 1 year
People can have their gripes about Draxum’s redemption arc (lord knows I do though most of it is to blame on the massive cut that season 2 got) but I think there’s a lot of misunderstanding Mikey’s involvement.
Mikey is not stupid or naive and definitely not out of character for how he chose to treat Draxum in s2. His kindness is calculated, and it’s not like what we see is all that’s probably going on with that situation like
A) It’s probably been at least a couple of weeks, give or take, since Draxum moved into that apartment judging from how April talks about the situation. “Normally, it’s just a lot of clip cloppin” Like yes he’s still considered a new neighbor but that could imply he’s been there anywhere from a few days to maybe even a month. During that time it’s easy to assume Mikey has been sneaking off to check in on him.
B) Mikey is not stupid. He’s not stupid. And he probably learned on day one that Draxum poses absolutely no threat to him. Probably when he found Draxum on the street, the Baron might have lashed out much like how he did with Raph only to fail at summoning any of his vines and physically just looking like hell. Mikey knows even if Draxum turned on him, he could probably kick his fresh ass and throw him in the garbage.
And to add to this, Draxum is allowing Mikey to jump on a trampoline in his house in a dinosaur outfit. He only slowly shoves Mikey off of him when he gets too close at the dinner table. Mikey feels no threat from this sheep man because he probably hasn’t even attempted to make himself one since Mikey found him.
C) Mikey is being kind because, in the words of Everything Everywhere All at Once, it’s how he chooses to fight. He’s approaching the situation with a cement wall of positivity because he believes it WILL get results if he sticks with it. This is not entirely unbased. There are situations in the past where choosing to be kind or helpful has resulted in victory for him and his siblings so it’s reasonable to think that sticking to his guns will turn out positive results.
D) But, in spite of that, he’s not 100% unmovable. Raph points out at the amusement park that this plan may fail (due to Draxum’s reaction to funnel cakes) and Mikey even admits “Dr. Positive is becoming Dr. Somewhat Disappointed.” He’s aware that all this work may in fact amount to nothing, he’s just determined not to let that get to him, at least not as long as there’s still a chance it could work out.
And finally, E) Kindness =/= naivety. You can be kind to someone and not trust them. You can be kind to someone with the awareness that, true, maybe it won’t change anything, or maybe it will. Mikey’s character just believes that its worth trying.
TLDR: Mikey isn’t being stupid or OOC for being nice to Draxum in s2. It is calculated and it is intentional on his part and he’s aware that it may not turn out the way he wants, but that doesn’t mean he’s not going to try.
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