#altho idk if you'll have the Doubt like i do skdghsd figured i would offer the reassurance anyway ! <3
wonderfulxhappiness · 8 months
we're doing really well now once we got over the learning curve of. Yeah you're not going insane there is just some guy living in your head. yeah they're pretty chill. yeah they ultimately want what's best for you they're just not great at expressing it sometimes. if nothing else this gets me to look at my feelings more seriously....
i've known of mika for the longest so he gets special guy privileges but i love everyone here :) they're all nicies to me. sun goddess lives in my head ?? wild. we've had. spats back and forth but nothing devestating. and it's made existing easier for us (me at the very least... i'm not losing memories now. i just go. Hey bud was that you. what happened. Thanks)
but really we're doing well :))) ummm we love u vani mwwwwah -🪴
nodnod i'm glad !!! it definitely took me. A Long Time so i'm glad you're adapting pretty fast <3 and i'm glad your headmates are nice!!!!!!! that is always a plus <3
it is good to not lose memories... we have a bit of amnesia but not much. mostly bc im always here but if one of the others kinda "takes control" for lack of a better term (like when sonana or mugi end up talking to my brother a lot) i tend to forget what was said even if i remember the actual event taking place, if that makes sense at all???? so. its nice to not have the amnesia skdghsd
i love u sys anon <3
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