#also this isn't a temporary thing bcs i've been playing since release and like. at first it was rlly yeah but it just. isn't smth i like fr
astrxealis · 2 years
( edit : okay so tldr i don't really like genshin except the characters ... not much anymore tho, tbh, but it's also complicated <//3 that's all !! i wanted to make this statement bcs a lot of my mutuals ik are in genshinblr lol )
also btw since most of my mutuals are of genshinblr!! and i don’t think everyone has seen my posts just a few days :O ^^ so a proper announcement? ><
so ya i don’t play genshin actively, don’t actually really like the game aside from characters/lore, and i am not fond of the community (not necessarily the people in it tho! i love mutuals/friends/nice ppl :>), n other reasons but ^^;;
i don’t plan on fully quitting it bcs i still like the characters i think ?? but i’d rather. not be associated (or whatever the word for it was) as a Genshin Impact fan. and as someone super in Genshinblr or in the fandom bcs ;; it rlly isn’t a huge passion of mine and not even one of my favorite medias/games >_< so yeah!! just a small announcement of my actual feelings :> i just don’t want to force myself anymore to sort of put up this kind of “facade” that i’m 100% one of y’all ... if that makes sense
ik a lot of you are really Yeah w genshin so like. if you’d rather not interact w me anymore bcs of this ^^ then feel free to do so! or if you’re still okay w interacting, tysm ily /p T___T <3
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