#also there's electric guitar sometimes and it always goes hard when it's there. Eve my beloved
love listening to jpop and vocaloid because all my brain processes is like "ajhsjhs djkhf inhdjknjnms kehfsk fdjkfhdf IKANAIDE!!!" so pretty much the same as usual, but now it's more melodic and sometimes hatsune miku is there
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Rules: tag 10 people you would like to get to know better
Tagged by: @daloushar 
(thank you so much for tagging me btw, everytime I get tagged in something like this I am like: OMG people know I exsist and are interested in me! O_O  Is that normal or is it just me? lol :D)
Name: Not sharing my real name on here but I use Persephone for writing and fandom stuff
Birth year: 1996
Zodiac: Taurus
Height: 160 cm
Put your playlist on shuffle and list the first four songs: 
Promises by Sam Smith & Calvin Harris
Purple Rain by Prince
Let’s spend the night together live covered by BAP (original song by The Rolling Stones)
Ohne dich by Münchener Freiheit (English Version: Everytime)
Nearest book, page 23, line 17: 
Dann reagierst du nicht mehr instinktiv auf jeden einzelnen Gedanken, sondern betrachtest sie wie Wolken, die am Himmel vorbei ziehen. (from “Yoga für dein Leben” = Yoga for your life by Dirk Bennewitz & Andrea Kubasch)
Ever had a song/poem written about you? 
Yes, my dad writes poetry and he also wrote a poem for/about me. (He also wrote one for my brother and my mum in case anyone was wondering :D)
When was the last time you played air guitar? 
I think on New Years Eve. :D
Celebrity crushes? 
Ezra Miller, Adelhaide Kane... just the first two names that came to my mind :D There are so many more but in the moment somebody asks about it my mind just goes blank. :D
What is a sound you love/hate? 
I am kind of addicted to ASMR videos (any ASMR lovers here?), so many sounds I love are ASMR triggers (like tapping, whispering, fluttering fingers etc.) but I also love the sound of a chrackling fire or rain. Oh and I also love the chirping of crickets, it relaxes me. :D 
Sounds that I hate... the sound of styrofoam (I feel already uncomfortable thinking about that awful noise :D), high-pitched beeps, loud noises and the noises of many electric devices when it’s quiet can definetely freak me out. :D And I hate deep basses, because they make me sick. :D
Do you drive? 
No, still don’t have my drivers lisence.
Last book you read?
Do Fanfictions count? :D Otherwise the last book I’ve read (for like the 10th time because I just love it :D) was Hummeldumm by Tommy Jaud
Do you believe in ghosts?  
Let’s just say that I do not not believe in ghosts. :D
Do you believe in aliens? 
I think it’s bold to assume that humans are the only living beings in the universe.
Do you like the smell of gasoline? 
No I don’t think so, but I did when I was a kid though. :D
Last movie you saw: 
Pirates of the Caribbean (all of them lol :D)
Or do you mean at the cinema? Then it would be “Wackersdorf”
Do you have any obsessions right now? 
I fell head over heels in love with Ringsy almost a year ago and it’s still not over. (it probably never will be) :D But of course I will also always, yes always, obsess about Harry Potter and Skam, especially Evak. :D And recently I discovered Tom & Julius from the german series “Herzensbrecher - Vater von vier Söhnen” sadly there is not much content to obsess over (the series got canceled in 2016) but they are still my most recent obsession. You just can’t fight obsessions. :D
Do you tend to hold grudges? 
Kind of, like I easily forgive most of the time but I never forget and it’s really hard for me to let things go, so sometimes I am lying in my bed thinking about a fight I had with someone five years ago, thinking about what I should have said or what I should have done differently. 
Are you in a relationship right now? 
I’ll tag: @dq-dramaqueen @xstrangesoundsx @puniiflash @hannah-banana2013  tagging 4 people is more than enough  
Please feel free to ignore this!
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