#also sorry the poses are stiff i dont feel like redrawing them
bacoose · 7 years
kidjang replied to your post:Hey I’ve been feeling a little down about my art... Reply and response under the cut
1) i really like how you draw hair a lot!!! and other fluid movements. your full body stuff looks very natural to me and your coloring also reflects that-in that its very soft even when you cell shade. im a big fan of your eyes and under eye lashes style for certain characters. i like echo drumstick and silences hair a lot, i think you can really play around with how hair sits (and on that note, how fabrics sit as well) 2) now to my suggestions. this is @ myself also, but try to do more away from 3/4 head busts. its an ok warm up, but try doing 30 second/15 second gestures with posemaniacs or something thats more full body or at least torso up including arms and hands. then try playing with more dynamic face shapes. i usually end up in a space where I Just Dont Know What To Draw. so i would say pick a series and put a bunch of character names through a random generator and then draw them with exaggerated features. include characters that you wouldnt necessarily draw-i did this with DA2 a few weeks ago and it was actually kind of nice exercise. i didnt like most of what i drew but it was a better way to exaggerate m!hawke's muscles to suddenly a much more snake like orisino to very round merrill etc i think i get a huge tendency to get stuck in same face syndrome and everything looks the same sans hair for me ;~; so ive been playing with nose sizes, lip sizes with mouth closed, big cheeks, big chins-sometimes drawing from real life/red carpet photos is fun bc everyones faces are just a little bit more different  most of all i suggest redrawing some of your art in more dynamic ways. if its a head bust, make them have a much bigger expression. if its a chibi, make them doing a bigger action or interacting with something. your art has definitely improved even from like 6 months ago i think. just take a little more leap of faith and know that you are doing better than you think you are. i literally wrote an essay im sorry i love u, u got this <3
Aaaaa I’m really glad you wrote so much, sorry I had to put a break on it haha. I’m glad you think I make hair and fabric sit well b/c thats one of the things I always worry gets too stiff at some points. And yeah I get stuck in 3/4ths left facing hell. I’ve been trying to play with profile views but get caught on lips ( I used to do em so well idk why I can’t anymore haha) I recently bought one of those figma mannequin body-kuns or w/e they’re called so I’m hoping that’ll help with pushing poses for something I like, that was always my problem with posemanics is I couldn’t ge tthe pose and angle I wanted. ALSO THE CHARACTER RANDOMIZER IS A SUPER GOOD IDEA! I’m defs gonna have to use that. I think there was one somewhere that was an OC randomizer, I need to find that and use that to draw too, that should help with bodies and faces. I know i need to experiment more and get out of my comfort zone  to push  my art to a better place but I get fed up easily, just gotta be more persistant next time >n< Thanks so much for all this JJ  <3
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