#also she gave him the same amount of money as his sister
bethanydelleman · 2 years
In Defense of Edward Ferrars
Edward, much like some of the most disliked Jane Austen heroines, can seem very unheroic and passive. But like Fanny Price, he is admirable and his strength is in his moral principles and his ability to stay constant despite opposition.
At nineteen, Edward was bored, because his family wanted him to go into a profession he didn’t want, or just live as a gentleman. But they are also awful and so he stayed with the people he liked from school. Lucy was nice to him. That’s it. She didn’t have to try that hard as far as we know because Edward was so starved for love and affirmation. So he thinks he’s in love and proposes, as young men are wont to do.
Now he has a dilemma, he wants to provide for Lucy, but he discovers, or knows, that his mother will never accept the match. He tries to obtain a profession and eventually goes to university. But he needs his mother if he ever wants to provide for a wife. Without influence in the church, he could be stuck as a curate making 50 pounds per year (like Charles Hayter). So he needs to maintain his relationship with his mother, he is too poor otherwise.
Years go on and Edward falls out of love with Lucy, but he believes that she loves him. She is smart, as far as we know she always professes very strongly to love him. And we can imagine that he tries to get out, he tells Lucy his mother will never allow it and yet she holds on. He is trapped. A man of less moral character would walk away, but Edward made a promise and he keeps it.
Then he is visiting his sister and he meet Elinor. Now he’s in love, now he has more reason to get rid of Lucy than ever, but even though he tires by any fair means (Wentworth-esq), Lucy will not let him go. She gives him her hair ring as a sign of her devotion to him.
It all comes out and Mrs. Ferrars demands that he jilts Lucy. Edward doesn’t love her anymore, he loves someone else, but still believing that Lucy loves him and upholding his honour, he resists. He loses his inheritance for a woman he doesn’t even love. 
He’s the only man in Austen who actually loses something for love. Henry Tilney, Darcy, Bingley, Colonel Brandon, and Wentworth all lose the potential to marry someone richer and better connected, but none of them actually suffers financially (Knightley doesn’t even lose that!). Edward gives up wealth for principles. He stands as Elizabeth Bennet or Fanny Price, unwilling to be mercenary whatever the cost.
So yes, he seems passive, but it’s because Jane Austen made him a dependant. A firstborn son with no inheritance. And the fact that he never regrets giving up his fortune, and proposes to Elinor no matter the price, is why I appreciate him.
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dcxdpdabbles · 6 months
Cave Boy Danny is a dad and that one fact makes Tim less suspicious of him.
Because the contingency plan for Bruce is his kids. It's also really concerning HOW young Bruce is a parent. (How old is he?!)
And this story won't be complete without Dani showing up to cause mayhem while calling for her Father.
She commits to the bit without even knowing all the details. Or the bit.
So, in Cave Au, I had planned to have Danny call Dani, his adoptive sister, instead of his daughter to make the Waynes much more nervous about him, but I'll write a different Au for you to make up for it.
Dani Fenton is the new kid in Tim's class. She's moved with her single father, Daniel Fenton, from a small town in Minnesota. At first, there is not much to her, even with her large brian.
She's a scholarship girl with a mind for chemistry that could make any scientist green with envy. Her uniform must be better tailored, likely second-hand, because it hangs loosely around her body as if made for a taller girl. She doesn't talk to other students, often popping in headphones when they are dismissed to the next class or during breaks.
Most of Gotham Acadamy doesn't want to interact with her, and she's completely fine with returning the sentiment. Personally, Tim only noticed her because she had a Dumpty Humpty sticker on her laptop.
He's surprised to find anyone in his generation who even heard the band, much less enjoyed it enough to have merchandise. It was a rock band that was popular twenty years ago when Bruce was a teenager.
Tim only knows about them because Bruce sometimes puts them on when he wants to work on any Bat vehicles.
He recognized her sticker, but it wasn't a reason to go over and start a conversation with her. The only action this realization caused was Tim pulling up his playlist and pressing one of Dumpty Humpty's songs.
No, what caused him to talk to her was an incident that happened three weeks after she arrived at Gotham Acadamy. It's a well-known fact that scholarship kids were picked on. Even though Waynes attempted to curb the bullying, it still happened to the kids they gave financial assistance to.
Tim had stumbled across a group of girls surrounding Dani by the soccer field. She was sitting on the grassy hill overlooking the field, and around her were various art supplies. Dani had likely been painting when the girls had rudely interrupted her.
It didn't take any of his Bat training to see how they were mocking her, and he sped up just as one girl reached out to try and snatch her screech book out of her hand.
The key word being tried.
Dani had been much faster, for she not only tugged her book out of the bully's reach but also kicked out the feet from under the girl in the same motion.
"Nice try." Dani taunted, her accent just peeking through. "Now, do me a favor and get your daddy to buy you a yacht you can't drive instead of bothering me."
"At least my Dad has money!" The other girl screeched.
Dani snorted. "Oh boy, you really cut me where it hurts. How will I ever recover from that comeback?"
"You Bitch!" A blond girl yelled. Tim knows her. Tina Lumière, the youngest of Harry Lunmiere- a family who ran luxurious vacation services. A family that was always quick to lure in investors. She's been trying to flirt with Tim since Bruce took him in, convinced he'll fund her family business if she bats her eyelashes hard enough.
Tim hates interacting with her.
"Yeah, Yeah, Yeah. I'm a poor bitch that won't amount to anything, and I need to stay away from Timbo Dragon so you can go make rich stupid babies with him."
"That's not his name-"
"Look, I only have one day of the school week where I have a free period, and you're wasting it on this." Dani waves her hand around the group with an over-exaggerated squint. "I mean, honestly, why would I go after some guy? I'm a lesbian."
"You are?" The brunette in the circle of bullies asks, with too much interest. Dani sends her a wink, and the girl actually blushes. Tim is suddenly reminded of Steph, and that causes him to smile.
"That's not his name!" Tina shouts, stepping in between the flirting girls. Dani's face clouds over in distaste as she continues. "His name is Timothy Drake. I know you're lying about not being interested in him! I saw you staring at him in biology."
"I was looking at his rock band sweater. It's a band my dad likes-"
"Shut up!" Tina slaps Dani across the face, seemingly smug, but it doesn't last long since the raven-haired girl springs up with a nasty right hook.
It hits Tina right in the eye, knocking the girl down like her friend. She screams, which triggers all her friends to jump at Dani. Despite being smaller and outnumbered, Dani gives as good as she gets, throwing a girl over her shoulder and punching another in the throat.
Tim picked up his speed, walking into a fast run. He barely has the mind to pull out his phone and point it in the group's direction. "Hey, break it up! Break it up!"
The two holding onto Dani's hair let go like they've been burned. If a teacher had tried to stop the fight, they wouldn't have gotten far, but Tim is a Wayne. They have much more power than some poor staff.
"Tim," Tina wails. Her eye is already starting to bruise. She's going to look terrible for a while while it heals. "She attacked me!"
"No, she didn't," He says, rolling his eyes. He waves his phone at them. "Don't lie. I recorded the whole thing. Also, harassing others is super unattractive."
He didn't, but they don't know that. Tina's face falls apart as he helps Dani get her things and then escorts her to the main building. He doubts that will stop her harassment, but hopefully, it will detain them long enough for him to find a better solution.
"Thanks," Dani says after they finish walking. "That was cool of you."
"Don't mention it." He gives her a standard Wayne-dizzy smile. "What of mine sweater were you talking about?"
She grins. "The Dumpty Humpty one.'
"Oh yeah, that's my dad's. He loves the band."
Her eyes light up. "Mine does, too. Maybe we can get our dads to meet and discuss it."
Great. Dani Fenton was another opportunist trying to get Bruce to meet her parents. Pity.
"I'm sure there will be a chance in the future. Maybe the parent-teacher conferences, we'll run into each other," He says with a laugh, not giving her a direct answer. Dani nods and then walks off to her next class. He reports the girls, compiles enough evidence, and when he's sure the school will step in, he doesn't think about the afternoon.
Then, four months later, it's parent-teacher conferences. Bruce and Tim are just about finished visiting all his teachers, that are falling over themselves to get on Brucie's good side when Dani appears, dragging her dad behind her.
"That's him." She says, and Daniel's face lights up.
"You're the Dumpty Humpty fan?" He asks Bruce. His dad has no choice but to play along even though Tim knows he's dead tired and wants to go home.
"Of course. Who doesn't love a good Fairy Tale Ending to listen to on the way home?" Bruce laughs, and Daniel's grin widens.
"That's great, but I like Bloody Prince Charming more. Daniel Fenton, by the way." He holds his hand, and Bruce shakes it slightly more interest now. It's not that Dumpty Humpty isn't just old; it wasn't popular in this part of the country, so it's even rarer to find fans in Gotham.
"Bruce Wayne."
"Nice to meet ya!" Daniel chirps- seeing anyone other than Dick be that cheerful is odd. "Wish we can talk more, but I got to get to this one's art class."
"Of course," Bruce says, even though he's surprised they walked away so quickly without asking for anything more of them. Most try swinddle a second meeting somehow.
Dani waves Tim goodbye, and the Fentons are off down the hall, chatting between them in ordinary, eased tones. It's odd but a forgotten interaction for Tim after a few days.
Not so much for Bruce.
Tim finds out a month later that Bruce not only met up with Mr. Fenton again but even asked for his number on their second meeting. Then the two men went out for dinner, went to the mall, went shopping, and even did some charity fundraiser together.
Bruce would often message Daniel that it felt like he was the new teenager. Tim still did not think it odd.
Only when Damian burst into his room, dragging the rest of their siblings in. The youngest had called on a sibling meeting to discuss a new issue that worried him about Bruce.
"Tim, who is Father's suitor, and what are his intentions with Father?" The boy asked after everyone had settled.
"Babybat has a point. I haven't seen Bruce this interested since Catwoman first appeared," Dick added. "I really hope this lover sticks around."
"What lover?" Tim questions Jason, who shrugs.
"A Daniel Fenton? The old man has been going steady with him for about a month now. Haven't you noticed? You were the one that introduced him."
"No, I've been focused on the Phantom case," Tim says, gesturing to the board covered in red yarn and a news clipping of the new hero.
Phantom had appeared a while back, going through the city and helping the little people. He's even harder to catch a glimpse of then Batman, but he's been helping to slowly cut down the pity crime and muggings, letting the Bats focus on the big guns like the Rouges.
The Bats had been trying to pin him down to offer assistance and gradated for all his hard work. They just catch him since Phantom is a meta and always slips away at the last second.
"Whatever the case may be." Damian started up again. "We must protect Father from those with less than honorable intentions."
"Hear, Hear," Steph and Duke cry, lifting up their juice boxes that Cass had passed out. It wasn't a proper sibling meeting without snacks.
"He can't be all bad," Tim said. "He's a single father."
"Having a kid makes him more worthy?"
"In my experience, step-parents have been really great." But Dana was incredible like that, so maybe Tim put too much faith in Bruce's dating life.
They all agree to closely monitor Daniel Fenton and his daughter Dani. There may be more than meets the eye.
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crtter · 2 years
List of New Spamton Lore
This post contains all the new information about Spamton revealed on September 17th and 18th 2022 through the Spamton Sweepstakes and the Twitter Q&A, ranging from the most important reveals to small details, in no particular order!
Spamton might be dual typed, with his two elements being Puppet and Cat. It could also be, however, that he merely meant that the Puppet and the Cat elements share the same elemental weaknesses and that his sole element is Puppet.
Spamton once considered Swatch a close friend who always listened to him and was a shoulder for him to cry on.
Spamton seems to be especially fond of the Mike person he mentions in the game, citing him as the only one he’d spare if he got revenge on all of those who he feels have wronged him and declining to give people any information about him in order to protect him from “THAT [Cathode]’S CREW”.
Spamton is aware “haters” want to inflict bodily damage onto him (especially cover him in milk and throw him against a wall) and his official stance on the subject is “[Cool down with a]!!! WHAT IF ONE DAY, YOU ENDED UP [Killed] ME!?” and “WE DON’T DO THAT WITHOUT [A 72 hour paid Appointment]!!”
Spamton met Noelle before her arrival to Cyber World through her replying to his spam e-mails (implied to be about a supposedly “friend finder” website she tried to find her sister through). She was the only one to ever reply to one of his e-mails and, in return, he sent her a code that, when input into the Cat Petterz 2 game, produced a pipis reminiscent to the Bad Egg glitch from the Pokémon games.
The Pipis Spamton sent Noelle is implied to be the only gift he ever gave someone, since he seems unable to give people goods without trading them for money, even symbolically, either because of his corruption or as a trait of his species.
Spamton is aware people find him attractive and attributes it to his “MASSIVE [Ass]”.
Spamton doesn’t know what his Spamton EX form would have looked like.
Spamton claims that first three letters of the hidden, garbled lyrics hidden in BIG SHOT and as a voice line in the Spamton plush are “F I N”.
Spamton recognizes that his speech contains “[Brackets]“ and “[Random sp4m quotes]” to someone who’s looking at it in text form.
Spamton can repeat pieces of phrases he reads or is told, something he does in four different occasions between the Sweepstakes and the Q&A, which implies some of the things he says might be fully copied and pasted together from other sources.
Spamton claims his favorite food is Mexican food, but very specifically from the Pipis “The Original” restaurant, which is a reference present in the original game.
When answering this particular question, he answered it by repeating phrases taken directly from the restaurant’s Facebook page almost word for word.
Spamton considers himself handsome.
Spamton might know about Jockington and thinks he’d disapprove of his “Pipis Big Shot Fantasyship Ring” product, maybe because Pipis isn’t a real sport.
Spamton is in a certain amount of denial about his downfall.
Spamton made two separate references to being willing to be in a three-way relationship.
Spamton doesn’t like people that aren’t very well acquainted with them referring to his Pipis as eggs and calls them “[The boys]”. He considers the idea of them being used as a food source as pretty barbaric but admits it’d look “DELICIS” and “[Cheap]”.
Spamton knows a certain man is responsible for handing white eggs to people.
Spamton doesn’t seem to remember the Knight (or is pretending not to).
Spamton claims the Cungadero is the “[Nation’s Most Popular Car]”.
Spamton has always been shorter than the other Addisons.
Spamton seems to find non-digital painting an interesting concept and dubbed The Mona Spamton as “[History's First Fully Authentic] PAINTING”.
Spamton describes what happened to him as being made “INTO YOUR [living puppet] AND [enslave me] WITH [visions of glory]”.
Spamton implies that, at one point, he was pushed inside the Queen’s pool and given a swirlie in the mansion’s toilets.
Spamton seems to believe he has “died” in the past in some way.
When asked about his sexual orientation, Spamton claims to “LIKE [anyone and anything] THAT GIVE ME [Money]!!” and to be a “[Business Loving Businessman]”.
The little animated sprite of Spamton dancing borrows some moves from the famous Dancing Baby, a CGI animation from 1996 that’s widely considered to be the first meme.
Spamton finds Queen attractive. More specifically, that she has a “[smoking hot a$$]”, something he mentions in two separate occasions when referring to her.
Spamton appreciates his fans, calling them [Fellow Freaks].
Spamton considers Ralsei a “[scringley]”.
Spamton knows what memes are (he spells them as “m3m3”) and referenced around 11 different memes in both the Sweepstakes and the Q&A.
He specifically referenced the everyteenagers4free hot dog husband post when talking about Jevil, which could imply they’re exes.
Spamton considers Berdly’s statue as the best thing he has ever found in the trash.
Spamton seems to have frequent flashbacks about being evicted from Queen’s mansion.
Spamton thinks the Addisons were never his real friends and were embarrassed to be seen with him because he was “bad for business”.
Spamton knows what Neopets are.
Spamton stuck his nose inside a Cungadero’s auxiliary power outlet at least once.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
I loved that! Can I request a Part 3 of the Yandere Platonic Straw Hats with Eri Reader? Arlong Park
Reader wants Nami to come back and learn why she left, and after learning about Nami's past, feels very sorry about Nami's situation and wants to help her, like how Nami helped Reader
Reader reveals a small part of her past, that she doesn't remember much about her mom, only that she gave her away because of her 'Curse', but says Nami's mommy sounds like an amazing person
(Both Zoro and Luffy become absolutely pissed, and want to find Reader's mom and beat the crap outta her)
-You were curled up in Luffy’s arms, sniffing softly as you rubbed your eyes with the back of your hand again as he walked through the small town with you.
-Nami had been traced to this island, in Cocoyasi Village, where her big sister, Nojiko had found the 5 of you, looking for Nami.
-After learning she had stolen the ship to return to the island, Nojiko was sympathetic, especially seeing you, and brought you all to hers and Nami’s childhood home.
-You ate some mikan, ignoring Nojiko’s laugh as you didn’t care much for the slightly sour taste, as she told you why Nami had stolen the ship.
-Nami had been working hard to make whatever money she could, to buy the freedom of everyone on Cocoyasi Village, and while furious at first, the four men of the crew slowly calmed, hearing about how hard she had worked.
-Zoro was still annoyed with Nami, “She could have just asked us rather than just taking the ship!” Usopp agreed with him.
-You looked up at Luffy, holding onto his vest, “Are we gonna help Nami?” he instantly grinned down at you, “Of course we are!”
-Your eyes were as big as saucers, learning from Nojiko that she was part of another pirate crew, Arlong, a fish-man, who took Nami after seeing her map-drawing skills, and after killing Bell-Mere, their adoptive mother, in cold blood in front of them.
-Your eyes were full of tears, biting your bottom lip which made the five adults panic, trying to calm you down as you curled in on Luffy, which is what you did when you were scared.
-You sniffled loudly, trying to curb your tears, “I want Nami’s mommy to be my mommy too! My mommy was mean; she gave me to mean- mean men who hurt me. They made me use my quirk to hurt others. I-I want a mommy like Nami’s mommy!”
-Luffy’s blood was like ice and fire all at the same time, they all knew of the scars you had on your body, scars from years of torture, not just physically, but also mentally and emotionally, even Sanji, being the newest member of the crew, had gotten filled in, at least with the basics, that you had been abused and tortured for your unique ability that was not a Devil Fruit ability.
-Luffy looked furious, hearing of your past, of what your mother did to you, they all looked furious, ready to seek out your mother and get revenge. Nobody is allowed to hurt you.
-Nojiko took you from Luffy when he announced they were going to go get Nami back from Arlong, but you couldn’t shake the sense of dread as Luffy gave you a grin, “I’m gonna get Nami back! She’s our friend!”
-Only a short while later, you were hiding behind Nojiko and Genzo, hiding from the marines and Nezumi who were attacking the mikan field, looking for the money Nami had buried there.
-You were scared, not wanting anyone to get hurt and Nojiko swallowed hard, not willing to risk your safety and she nudged you away, “Go hide!”
-You hesitated and ran, doing as you were told, and you heard Nezumi, “Don’t let her escape!”
-The sound of a punch filled the air, but you kept running, tears nearly blinding you as you ran, looking for a place to hide.
-You found Usopp and Zoro shortly after, Usopp bleeding just a bit from a minor wound, but the amount of blood made it look worse than it was, while Zoro had been attacked by Arlong and left to die, his wounds reopened.
-You held Zoro’s hand to your chest, crying loudly, which alerted the members of Arlong’s crew, and they were able to find the three of you as your horn grew dramatically as an aura seemed to surround it.
-You ignored him, telling you to stop as you helped heal the wound on his chest at least partially before you were grabbed, a sharp cry leaving you as you were pulling to the arms of an unknown fish man.
-Usopp tried to grab you back but was instantly kicked down by the other two fish man, your eyes were wide as your hand was stretched out to him, crying out, “Usopp!”
-You were dragged to Arlong Park where you found Luffy, without his hat, and most of the park was destroyed around you, Luffy was injured again, but so was Arlong, who looked scary.
-The fish man holding you held you out, “Hey Arlong! I found a new kid! She can heal others!” Luffy turned, his eyes wide as you were struggling, as he was holding you up by the back of your shirt, trying to get free.
-Something hit the fish man holding you and instantly you found yourself in Nami’s arms, after she had knocked him out, leaping away with you.
-Your eyes lit up as you hugged her around her neck, “Nami!” she said nothing, glaring at Arlong before she spoke while setting her down, “You won’t take Y/N!”
-Arlong looked amused, laughing loudly, seeing Nami acting in a similar way to Bell-Mere, remembering her from so many years ago.
-Sanji was doing his best taking care of the other fish men, as was Usopp, Zoro, and Nami, who were all injured but fighting hard, while Luffy was fighting with Arlong.
-You were crying heavily, your quirk activating, the horn growing and glowing brightly as your hands were over your years as panic quickly took hold of you.
-It was hard to breath, you could barely see out of your teary eyes, sharp panting gasps were making your chest hurt.
-Nami was blown head over heels, but quickly saved by Sanji and you noticed a locket fall from her pocket, falling nearby.
-She didn’t notice but you quickly grabbed it, so it wouldn’t get stepped on, clutching it tightly to your chest.
-A blinding light surrounded you and the locket, stunning everyone; it felt like you were screaming, but no sound was coming out as swirls surrounded you, the locket disintegrating into dust, revealing a lock of bright red hair which then began to swirl.
-Eyes went wide, everyone gawking at you as Bell-Mere slowly appeared as the day she had died, minus the gunshot wound, kneeling down beside you, holding you close before she gasped loudly, returning to life.
-She looked down at her hands in shock, as she remembers dying, looking at the gun being pointed at her before she looked down at you, now drenched in sweat as a heavy fever took over your body, unconscious.
-She then looked around, seeing Nami, now an adult, fighting against Arlong and his men, alongside other humans and she set you down, cracking her knuckles, “Seems to me nothing’s changed! Arlong you bastard!!”
-You woke up four days later, after being nursed back to health by Nako, long after Arlong and his crew were defeated, Cocoyasi Village was safe, and Nojiko and Nami were reunited with their mother.
-Luffy, Usopp, Zoro, Sanji, and Nami, alongside Bell-Mere and Nojiko, had all refused to leave your side while you were recovering.
-Usopp told Nami of your past, of what little you told them when searching her out and she was just as furious, as was your new mother, Bell-Mere, who immediately adopted you.
-Luffy held you while you both ate, sitting you on his lap, as he refused to eat until you woke up, being unnaturally quiet for once.
-You were scared he was mad with you, once you were done eating, turning to look up at him and you cupped his cheeks as he bit into another meat-stick.
-He looked down at you, cheeks full and instantly he grinned down at you, “I’m glad you’re awake! You scared me!”
-You apologized to them all, giving them all, unknowingly, puppy dogs eyes, which lead to you being passed around for the next ten minutes, getting hugs from everyone, some, Usopp and Sanji, crying more obnoxiously than others.
-Your eyes were sparkly when you were passed from Nami to Bell-Mere, getting introduced to her and she beamed down at you, “So you’re Y/N~ I guess I owe you a big thanks for bringing me back to life!”
-Your eyes went huge, holding your cheeks, “I did that?” they all nodded, Zoro lightly scolding you with no real malice, that it was the reason you had been out the past few days.
-Once Nako said you were safe to leave his clinic, Nami hugged her mother tightly, who was going to stay in Cocoyasi Village and rebuild it, giving Nami her blessings to continue on her journey and every single one of them promise her that they were going to keep you safe, which made you beam brightly up at her.
-Nami put a couple of mikan trees on the Going Merry, as a piece of her hometown, as well as to have fresh fruits available.
-Luffy pointed out to the sea, “To Loguetown!” the rest of the crew, including you, all cheered out loudly.
-You were all unaware of the looming storm as a shadowy figure looked at the photos he was just sent, of you using your abilities, seeing you return a woman who had been dead for years, back to life from only a lock of hair.
-He scowled lightly, knowing this would be something that would be very dangerous if you were to fall into the wrong hands.
-He turned to another person, holding out the best photo he had of you, taken just before you left the island, when Bell-Mere was patting your head, bidding you goodbye, showing only you and her hand on your head, smiling shyly up at her.
-He inhaled deeply, “Put a bounty on her, alive and intact only. Her name is Y/N. Make it for one hundred billion.” His subordinate gawked, but said nothing, doing as they were told before he leaned back into his chair, a deep sigh leaving him.
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ikamigami · 4 days
I'm scared that the longer Sun's alcohol problem will be ignored the more reckless he'll act and it'll eventually lead to a drama..
"What reckless things he did?" You probably ask yourself now.
After he started drinking alcohol he became more aggressive when angry, he was flirting with Foxy when he seemed weirded out whenever ship was mentioned before, he gave Dazzle 5 boxes of Dum Dums (the smallest box that I found had 120 lollipops which is 780g of candy 😭 and he gave Dazzle 5 boxes which is 3,9 kg of candy.. 🫠) and he stole sushi for 100$.. it's a lot of money.. this restaurant lost close to 15 500 yen.. you can for yourself how much this amount is valuable but it's a lot..
So you can see that Sun acts more and more recklessly.. I'm betting that Moon's mental breakdown happened later then Sun teaching Dazzle because we know that Sun took care of Moon afterwards.. or that's what I think.. Sometimes it's really hard to tell when it comes to the timeline of events in these shows..
Anyway even if this may not seem as a big deal for you.. it may become a big problem sooner or later..
I'm afraid that Sun will do either something really dangerous or stupid and the drama will ensue..
He already broke a law because he stole something..
I'm slightly disappointed (I can't find better word) with Earth because while surprised at first that Sun wanted to give Dazzle 5 boxes of Dum Dums she let him do this eventually..
It doesn't matter that Dazzle is huge.. I think that no one should it almost 4 kg of candy.. 😕 (if human ate this amount of candy in one sitting they'd risk having cardiac problems which can end up with death)
Like I said in one of my posts I think that Earth ignores signs that Sun has some serious issues because she feels safe around her older brother and doesn't want to disrupt this. Even if it's understandable that she wants to rely on her older brother I think that she knows better than that and should at least recommend Sun going to a different therapist..
I like Earth and I'm sure that she wants to have some peace in her life after all these traumatic events that happened. Even if she was sharing most of her problems with Solar it's easy to see that she views Sun as a safe person, a safe place she can rest in..
The first person she went to after Lunar killed Eclipse was Sun. I bet that she feels comforted by the fact that Sun is the oldest and despite that he went through a lot he's still the same caring person. She views Sun as someone who is smart especially in regard to social and emotional matters..
Around Sun she lets herself act like a younger sister she is. She feels safe and lets herself act silly knowing that her older brother is right there for her..
That's why she can't be Sun's therapist. Because even if she cares about Sun deeply she favorizes their sibling relationship more than therapist - patient relation. It's because it's a conflict of interests. Sun is Earth's older brother so she seeks comfort in him so when he comes for therapy from her it completely switches their places, it flips their relationship totally..
Even if she tries her best to distance herself from being Sun's younger sister during therapy sessions it's impossible to completely eradicate the way she views him. Also it's way harder for Sun to open up to her because she's his younger sister - someone he takes care of, not the other way around..
So now when Earth is physically distanced from Sun due to him living in completely separated area from her and he's seemingly doing better - he seems more relaxed (due to alcohol intake), she ignores any signs that Sun has some serious issues because he's her older brother and she feels safe around him so naturally she doesn't want to disrupt it..
"He seems so happy. The happiest I've ever seen him. If he had a problem, he'd definitely tell me about it." - I can imagine that's what Earth is thinking to herself.
It's completely fine because it's normal that she wants her older brother to feel better.. but it's not okay that she tries to give him therapy when she clearly isn't suited to help him due to conflict of interests..
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mins-fins · 8 months
Tumblr media
SUMMARY . . . even with everything hectic going on in his life, he will always be there for him.
PAIRING . . . park gunwook x male!reader
GENRE . . . fluff, angst
WARNINGS . . . mentions of sleep deprivation, and neglectful parenting
WORD COUNT . . . 1.7k
NOTES . . . this is how i cope with the fact that pretty much no one in my household cares about me or my well-being, or even respects me (the baby who can't speak loves me more than the sentient adults and children do) enough of that depressing stuff though because i love gunwook yay!
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"seojun chew your food! stop spitting at haneul!"
"i— yuri! don't throw your food! i have to clean that later, you know!"
if you can't tell, y/n is currently at the end of the line right now. he groans and lets his head fall onto the counter, listening to the back and forth bickering of his three child siblings. it's 6:49 pm, and he is so so tired.
for the past four hours all he's simply been taking care of his brothers and sister, like he always does on the weekdays when he isn't working. he dislikes feeling tired; because there's still so much more to do even if they're already in the evening.
y/n can't remember the last time he earned a proper break, or was actually treated his age. his mom (who he absolutely despises at the moment and will probably despise forever), decided to have kids right when her son began high school, which means that he is now an eighteen year old high school graduate with two four year old boys and a three year old girl on his hands.
and y/n is as stressed as can be. it's not like before his mother was this amazing, flawless parent who did a good job at raising him, she wasn't, he had to learn every single basic life skill on his own because his mom was busy gambling away their money.
when he was ten she swore to him that he'd get better.
but she never really did.
and now she's out throwing all her money away at the casino, whilst he stays over at home making sure her kids are well fed, can sleep properly at night, and don't kill each other as they're trying to do now.
y/n knows it's not his job to do this, these aren't his kids, he can move out any time he pleases and leave his mom to actually have responsibility over her own children for once in her life, but he just doesn't have the heart to leave them.
he's practically raised these kids since the first day they came home from the hospital. he's the one who gave the twins their nicknames, the one who was present when all three of them walked for the first time, spoke their first words, began responding to him and what he'd say.
they're not his kids, he didn't choose to bring them into this world, but at the same time, he won't just leave them. he's been.. searching, trying to find a place whilst also trying to provide for his siblings at the same time, he barely makes minimum wage, he doesn't even know if he could rent a place.
as he stares at his young siblings, now cleaned up and simply watching cartoons while sitting on the couch. he sighs, simply wanting to collapse onto the floor and not get up for a long amount of time and just.. not exist anymore.
sometimes it gets so difficult, having to go to school five days a week, pick up his siblings from daycare then proceed to take care of them until their bedtime, make sure the house is clean, then watch as his mom strolls in at midnight, having wasted her money and usually wasted herself. he'd then work for a full 10 hours on saturday and sunday.
wow, his life is crazy is it not?
and he just turned eighteen like.. yesterday.
it pisses him off, yeah, but at the end of the day, he just deals with the circumstances of his life. he's gotten used to being the responsible one, being the one who takes care of the kids and is constantly sleep deprived.
y/n is about to fall asleep on the kitchen counter, the sound of the tv playing just melting into the air as he feels his eyes grow heavier and heavier by the second. his head is about to fall onto the counter when the doorbell rings, startling him.
y/n rubs his eyes, attempting to blink away the tiredness as he stands up and walks towards the door. he tells his siblings to continue watching tv and ignore it, when he opens the door, he smiles at who he sees.
gunwook smiles, holding up a plastic bag. y/n tilts his head, raising an eyebrow. "what is in that exactly?" he inquires, and his boyfriend chuckles at him.
"candy" he responds simply. the three kids on the couch immediately perk up at the sound of the word "candy", toothy grins coming to their face.
"candy!?" haneul squeals, practically sprinting his way towards gunwook, he jumps up and down, seemingly energetic before even eating the sugary treats.
"if you want candy, sit down okay?" y/n places his hand on his head, ruffling his hair. haneul stares at his older brother, his boyfriend, then back at the couch where his own siblings are kicking their feet.
haneul shuffles his way back to the couch, and gunwook closes the door. y/n stares at him tiredly, but he smiles at the sight of him. "candy at seven pm? really?"
"what? your siblings deserve something sweet!"
"well, you didn't just witness them trying to kill each other with spaghetti, did you?"
gunwook shoves his partner's shoulder lightly, and y/n laughs. "okay, not too much candy, they have to sleep at night" he just earns a grin from gunwook, who nods.
"i got it y/n, you tell me all the time".
"you buy my siblings sweets all the time".
"because i love them" gunwook opens the bag as he says those words, and haneul gasps in delight. "just one piece, okay? your bedtime is soon".
seojun agrees, his voice muffled because of the treat he's chewing. haneul nods happily, and yuri gives a thumbs up, kicking her feet. gunwook gives the three a huge smile, enamored but their cuteness.
y/n stares at the scene unfolding before him, smiling fondly as he watches. gunwook isn't a kid person, but gunwook adores his siblings, always willing to come over to just see them.
the two have been dating for maybe half a year, but they've been friends for much longer than that. gunwook knows about y/n's situation, how he's stuck taking care of siblings because even though he wants to leave, he doesn't have the heart to leave them because his mom can't provide for them.
gunwook usually always comes over, whenever y/n is especially tired and simply feels like he can't do anything, gunwook will keep his siblings company as he collects himself.
of course, having to take care of your three child siblings whilst just becoming an adult yourself can take a huge mental toll on someone, and y/n isn't really doing well in this situation.
he blinks and sighs, covering his face in his hands as he feels his body about to slump over. he really just wants to fall on the floor and not wake up for a super long time.
when he focuses again, gunwook is now coloring with the three, who (surprisingly) stopped eating their candy and didn't ask for any more. gunwook has always had this power, he's always been able to easily calm down the kids amazingly.
a sort of charm, maybe.
gunwook notices his partners silence and turns to look at him, blinking. "y/n? everything okay?"
y/n hums, focusing once more. "yeah just.. tired".
gunwook stares, a knowing glint in his eye. he then looks back to the three coloring and smiles at them. "you guys continue, okay? i'm just gonna go talk to y/n".
the three nod, quickly going back to their coloring sheets and completely ignoring when gunwook stands up and turns y/n's way.
y/n is confused for a moment, he's about to question what gunwook meant but he quickly wraps an arm around his waist, nudging him lightly in the waist as they begin walking down the hallway.
"when was the last time you got a full eight hours of sleep, babe?" he immediately asks when the two of them are far away enough from the kids, y/n chuckles depressingly, because they both already know the answer to that question.
"do my eye bags not give it away?"
y/n laughs awkwardly, and gunwook simply glares at him.
"y/n" gunwook grabs his hands, and y/n shuts his eyes. "you really need to leave, what? are you gonna do this forever?"
"i'm not i just—" y/n pauses, god he's so tired, he feels like he can barely get his words out at this point. "i can't leave, it feels selfish to leave".
"it's not selfish to leave if your already doing everything, y/n, think about yourself, please?"
gunwook's words are said simply, he doesn't raise his voice, his tone doesn't change, he just tells it to y/n how it is, he tells him his opinion calmly and without issue.
ah, charms.. as usual.
y/n grasps his hands harder, as if he never wants to let go. he processes the words but he can't find a way to respond to them, for some reason. he blinks, staying quiet.
"i'll find you something y/n" gunwook whispers. "and you'll finally be able to live your own life, and take care of yourself, and.. you'll be fine".
y/n laughs silently. "your corny".
"corny? really?"
y/n laughs again.
"y/n, i just want you to be happy, you deserve to be happy, you deserve good things" gunwook says, and y/n somehow keeps the tears from falling from his eyes.
y/n lightly nudges him, and gunwook puts his arm around his waist once again. "you are corny".
"you love my corniness".
"yes, yes i do, how'd you know?"
they laugh, and y/n takes a few more seconds to simply stare fondly at gunwook. of course, his life wasn't ideal, his life wasn't amazing, he had many struggles it'd take a while to deal with.
but he had gunwook, gunwook was there for him, and that was more than enough.
gunwook was there for him.
and he's always will be.
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chapter v – gust & flame
Eris Vanserra x Reader
Eris Vanserra has been a prisoner in his own home since the day he was born. He has done what he had to in order to survive and protect the few he loves. And he is playing the long game. Waiting, waiting, and waiting for the right time to make his move, to usurp his wicked father and become High Lord of Autumn Court. But things become even more complicated when a human girl drops into his life. Perhaps Eris can wait no longer to take his throne.
Word Count: 3,000+
Warnings: spoilers for entire ACOTAR series
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Y/N opened her eyes with a wince. This seemed like deja vu from when she had first arrived in the Night Court.
But now she could recognize her whereabouts. A fire was crackling at the opposite end of the room. But the smell of lavender and fresh flowers was a new addition. 
She tried to sit up to investigate.
Whoever had placed her here clearly meant to lay her on her stomach, and she expected to feel a lightning strike of pain.
But there was none. 
Oh, Cauldron. She had been slashed across her back with a sword. 
“The healers mended your back, but your body will still be sore.”
Y/N quickly turned her head to see that Azriel was sitting in a chair behind her. Papers were in his lap and there was a large mug of tea on the table beside him. 
Had he been watching over her this whole time? 
“How long have I been out?” Her voice was so raspy, somewhat answering her own question. 
“A couple days,” Azriel frowned. 
She glanced around the room, seeing a dozen bouquets. 
The Shadowsinger followed her gaze.
“Gifts from Rhys,” he answered without question. “He and Feyre will never forget what you did for Nyx.” 
“He’s just a baby. Anyone would have done the same…” Y/N shrugged, belittling her own actions. 
Azriel leaned forward, only sincereness found on his face. “What you did was brave, Y/N. I’ve seen 300-year-old males run from lesser. Do not discredit yourself so swiftly.” 
It was strange getting such a compliment, especially from a male – and one as handsome as Azriel. She hoped her face didn’t look as hot as it felt. 
To change the subject, she pointed to the handful of potted plants that sat amongst the bouquets of flowers. “And…the herbs?”
“Rhys has been…researching witchcraft. He also studied the protective smudge Nyx had in his hand.” Azriel smirked. “His way of thanking people tends to involve giving them an absurd amount of gifts.” He gestured to all the flowers and herb plants. “And this will be not be the end of his thanks.” 
Y/N bit back a grin. 
It was sweet, but unnecessary. 
Rhysand was a High Lord – and perhaps the most powerful one at that. He needn’t waste so much money and effort doing such things for her. She was just a human.
Then Y/N remembered...
“Cassian!” She gasped, sitting up even straighter. 
Azriel held up a hand, trying to calm her down. “Fae’s heal quickly,” he assured her.
And then gave her a shy smile, “Stubborn Illyrians, even quicker. Cass is already back to training the Valkyries today.” 
Y/N didn’t know what Valkyries were, but she was too distracted by her relief that Cassian was alright to bother asking. Maybe she’d ask the wind later, if she even remembered. 
“How are you feeling?” Azriel asked softly. 
“Umm…better than I should be.” Carefully, she swung her legs off the bed to stand. “Guess I have you faes and your healing magic to thank for that.” 
“Well, it appears you have even more tricks up your sleeve. Feyre was rather impressed with your salt shield.”
“And Nyx is alright?”
“Yes, Y/N.” Azriel tried to calm her. “He was shaken, but he will be fine. Everyone has just been worried about you.” 
“Oh,” she muttered under her breath. 
It had been awhile since anyone worried about her. There used to be. Her mother. Her sister. Her entire coven. But those days had passed long ago.
“Rhys wanted me to invite you to dinner tonight. Feyre is convinced Nyx is restless and will continue to be until he sees you.”
“Dinner?” Y/N repeated dumbly. 
“Yes, later tonight, at the River House. If you are up for it, of course.” 
The first time she had been to the River House was the day of the attack, to pick up Nyx. But Feyre had walked right out, not even giving them a reason to knock on the front door. If it was as magnificent on the inside as the outside, Y/N was sure she’d feel out of place. 
“Umm…Yes. A-Alright,” Y/N nodded. 
Azriel looked rather happy with that answer. 
It seemed risking her life to save his nephew had finally made Azriel lose all suspicion towards her. (But unbeknownst to Y/N, it had only taken a few days for him not to view her as a threat to his court and those he loved.)
Azriel stood slowly and pointed to the wardrobe. “Mor picked out a dress for you. But wear whatever you wish. I will be here at 7 to take you there.” He opened the door to the hallways to make his leave. “Should you need anything, the House will get it. She’s been worried about you, too.”
Now that she was alone, Y/N slowly walked to the only mirror in the room. 
The healers may have saved her back, but the bruising on her face would have to heal in its own due time. She was still mortal after all. 
She had a split lip and a black eye on the left side of her face, as well as similar bruising below on her cheek, from being punched by the male. 
Despite her injuries, she felt energized after getting two days worth of sleep and rest. And now she needed to get out of her room. 
Y/N closed her door just as two servants were walking by. Surprisingly, there were very few of them. The House seemed to take care of a lot of things. But being the formal location for political meetings, it was still expected to be taken care of by faes. 
“I will meet you after I feed the horses,” one of the females said to the other. 
“Horses?” Y/N didn’t even mean to blurt it out. 
The females both turned to look at her with polite and shy smiles. “Yes, my lady. They belong to the High Lord and Lady.” Then she gave her a side smirk. “But they prefer to…fly, as I’m sure you know.”
“May I come with?” Y/N asked the one who said she was going feed them. 
She bowed her head slightly. “Of course, my lady.”
Eris was riding out with his most loyal sentries. 
They knew of his plan. 
Their exit was purposely planned to gain the attention of the High Lord. Eris wanted his father to see him leaving the Forest House, clearly going on a scouting voyage. 
But as soon as they reached the border a few hours later, Eris would depart from his troops and winnow to the Night Court. 
He hadn’t slept the past two nights, scared out of his mind that Y/N was in danger. 
This morning, he had enough and rushed to his mother’s rooms as soon as he knew she would be awake. 
“If she were dead, you would know it, Eris.” Leonora reassured him. "You would feel it with your entire being."
“But she was so scared and in pain. I could feel it, mother.” 
Eris knew he wouldn’t be in his right mind until he saw for himself that Y/N was alive. And if she was hurt, he wanted to know how it was allowed to happen and to what extent. 
So he knew exactly how much he would hurt Rhysand in return. 
Eris didn’t expect to be able to winnow into the House of Wind, knowing that the entranceway was the only small area that would even allow guests to enter. 
But it seemed Rhysand opened the wards especially for him, for he was standing in a different part of the house. 
A servant was looking at him, and should’ve appeared more surprised to see him. 
She glanced at his bright, red hair. “You must be Lord Eris,” she greeted with a bow. “High Lord Rhysand warned the staff that you would most likely visit.”
“I am sure he did,” Eris sneered. 
The servant only blinked at his aggressive response, maintaining her composure. “Shall we make up a room for you, my lord?”
Eris ignored the question. “Where is…” he hesitated. “Where is Y/N?” 
His question also didn’t seem to surprise the servant at all, as if she was also expecting this from him. 
“She is at the stables, my lord.”
“Show me.” 
His entire body was buzzing, knowing that he was getting closer and closer to his mate. 
The servant finally stopped and gestured to the barn just a few yards away. She seemed to know to leave him alone to greet their other guest. 
Eris only nodded his thanks, not used to being polite to the help. In Autumn, he never even looked them in the eye. That was just another unfortunate part of wearing his mask. 
Now that he was alone, Eris allowed himself a moment to take in a deep breath. 
Slowly, he made his way to the opening of the stables. 
When he saw her, the air was knocked out of his lungs. He couldn’t seem to take in a breath. 
Y/N stood barefoot, lovingly petting a black shire horse, who looked to be utterly happy with her attention and affection. 
She wore a casual dress in a soft blue so often found in this court. And Eris was convinced it was actually her nightgown. 
He instantly spotted the bandages that were wrapped around her shoulder and waist, peaking around the fabric of her dress. But he had yet to figure out if it was from a torso or back wound. 
“You’re very a pretty boy,” Eris heard her whisper to the horse. 
A soft wind passed through the stables’ corridor. And that’s when Y/N seemed to finally notice she was no longer alone. 
She whipped around to face him, fear and surprise clear in her eyes. 
That was when Eris could also see the bruises covering her face and the deep split in her lip. 
Y/N quickly took him in, assessing his entrance. 
Eris felt scrutinized as she looked at his attire up and down. He was wearing his Autumn Court uniform of fighting leathers, the colors of his court obvious as ever. He'd never looked more out of place in the Night Court. 
Which was why Y/N whipped out a knife from her back. 
Eris smoothly raised his hands in surrender. “I mean you no harm.” But his words sounded too harsh, too cold.
He cleared his throat. “I did not mean to startle you.” It managed to come out softer.
“You do not belong to the Night Court,” she pointed out, once again eyeing his uniform. 
But before Eris could properly introduce himself, another gust of wind came. This time, it only seemed to swirl around Y/N, making her hair frame her face ever so beautifully. 
“Eris, son of Beron, the High Lord of Autumn Court,” Y/N spoke as if she were responding to the wind and not him. 
Eris tilted his head and narrowed his eyes. “The wind has a peculiar way of following you around.”
The acute observation only made Y/N even more uncomfortable and she held up her knife higher. 
But then she squinted, seeming to only be able to stare at his red hair. “You were there that day. I saw you…before…before I…” She shook her head. “You. You were the one who brought me here.” 
Before Eris had a chance to respond, shadows jumped in between the two of them. 
Azriel appeared out of nowhere. No, out of the shadows. 
“Why you here?” He spat at Eris. 
“You know why,” he growled right back. 
“Azriel?” Y/N questioned him with such innocence.
Eris took note of the protective and close stance the Illyrian had toward his mate. And it took great power for him not to growl at him to stay away from her. 
Azriel only slightly turned to her, not wanting to let his guard down with Eris. “Mor offered to help you get ready for dinner. Perhaps you should return to your rooms.” 
When Y/N didn’t move, he fully turned to her and made sure to rid himself of the glare he was giving Eris. “I will be there soon to take you.” 
Y/N eyed him a moment longer before finally leaving. 
She did not lower her weapon as she passed Eris, and she put an egregious amount of space between them as she did. 
But Eris didn’t take his eyes off her as she did so. Even with the distance, he could still see her y/e/c and he took in her scent for as long as he could. Was that a hint of lavender?
Once fully past him, Y/N quickened her steps and disappeared back into the winding hallways of the House of Wind. 
“What happened to her?” Eris growled. 
Azriel’s nostrils flared at question. “She was out hiking in the woods with Cassian and Nyx when they were attacked.”
Eris stepped closer. “By whom?” He hissed. 
“We do not know. But they wanted Nyx. And Y/N risked her life to protect him. When Rhys arrived, he was blinded by his rage, and killed them all. There was no one left alive for me to question.”
Eris gave Azriel his most belittling look. His voice lowered as he muttered, “Unfortunate your High Lord still lives. He broke his vow, after all.”
“It’s unfortunate your High Lord lives, as well. Otherwise you would not need to hide your mate in a court that is not your own.” 
With the word ‘mate,’ Eris lost all composure. 
In one swift motion, Eris unsheathed the knife at his thigh and swung it with the intention of slitting Azriel’s throat. 
But the Shadowsinger caught it. 
“Enough,” a voice said behind Eris. 
Azriel glared at his High Lord over Eris’ shoulder, but still shoved the male away. 
Eris turned to face Rhysand. 
Before he could speak, the High Lord explained, “I asked Azriel to invite you to dinner, but I doubted he would be able to do so before trying to kill you. Seems I was right.”
He offered his hand to Eris, “Come.”
The two of them winnowed, leaving Azriel behind. 
They appeared in front of a manor along a river. It was large, but looked lived-in. Somehow both grand and yet still homey. It was unlike any other home of a High Lord that Eris had ever visited.
“Feyre is waiting for us in the office,” was all Rhysand said before opening the small iron gate and walking up the stone path to the front door. 
But just before Rhysand opened it, he turned to Eris. “This is our home. Do not make me regret bringing you here.”
Eris only gave a curt nod, but still glared. 
When they entered an office, Feyre turned to face them quickly. 
As soon as Rhysand closed the door, giving them privacy, Eris broke the tension.
“Evidently, the bargain failed to kill you. So, there’s no need to be obsequious.” Eris rolled his eyes. “Bringing me into your home, inviting me to dinner with your family…it’s almost offensive that you believe it will make a difference.” 
“We invited you to give you an opportunity,” Rhysand answered, joining his mate’s side as he picked off a piece of lint from his jacket.
“An opportunity for what, exactly?”
“Speak with your mate.” 
It was no surprise that he mentioned Y/N so openly. If Azriel knew, then Rhysand and those closest to him did, too. Eris expected that they would figure it out eventually. 
Eris surprised them by looking at the ground as he carefully asked, “Does she know?” 
“No,” Feyre answered. “I doubt she even knows about mates. Most humans don’t.” 
Eris gave a curt nod before adding, “She must never know.” 
“I can strongly advise from personal experience that it is not recommended,” Rhysand said with a smirk. 
But Eris only scowled in return. 
Rhysand took in a deep breath. “None of us will speak of it to her. I can assure you.”
Eris gave another nod. “I should be on my way.”
He had promised himself to bring the same pain to Rhysand that Y/N had suffered. But being in his mates presence, looking into her eyes, taking in her scent...it had jumbled his thoughts in a way that made it hard to think clearly.
“But you’ve only just arrived,” Feyre argued. 
“We invited you to dinner,” Rhysand reminded him, as if they would be offended Eris left now. 
“I should not linger,” Eris told them. 
Rhysand stepped to him. “You promised Autumn’s loyalty for her. Do you not wish to see who it is you are protecting? The person you so blindly offered your court for?”
Eris seemed to have a storm brewing in his mind. 
Rhysand could tell Eris had trained to protect his mind from his daemati abilities. But the turmoil was still so evident to him. Perhaps because he once stood exactly where the male was now. The torture of knowing one’s mate, but staying away with the belief that they would be happier, safer. 
“Fine,” Eris snapped. 
“Please, make yourself at home in the drawing room,” Feyre told him. 
“I plan on helping myself to whatever spirits you have lingering about,” Eris snapped before walking out of the office and slamming the door behind him. 
Feyre tried to hold back her smile as she turned to her mate. “Why do you treat him so generously now?” She squinted. “Do you truly see yourself in him?”
“Feyre darling, you do not know what it feels like…"
He shook his head at the memories.
"I was aware you were my mate, and you hated me. But at least you knew me. Yes, there was a time when I felt you were out there, before we ever even looked into each other’s eyes. But I do not think I would have had the strength to stay away from you like he is doing.” 
To his surprise, Feyre seemed to give him a look of understanding. “It seems I pity him, too.” 
“I cannot say I expected that,” Rhys smirked. 
“I think one day we will see that Eris has a mask of his own. Perhaps one not so different than your own.” 
“Being mates does not always equate to love,” Rhysand stated darkly. “My parents are proof of that.”
He sighed, “If I see them going in that direction, I will put a stop to it. And Y/N will continue having a place here.”
Feyre leaned into her mate. “This dinner is going to be a mess, isn’t it?”
He smiled. “I will be disappointed if it’s not.”
And then placed a kiss to her head. 
let me know if anyone is reading this. send me a message 😔👉🏻👈🏻
how do you think dinner is gonna go?
what do you think Y/N will think of Eris?
chapter vi
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ukrfeminism · 2 months
A man has been found guilty of the 2005 murder of Emma Caldwell after a trial that raised significant questions about the police investigation of the unsolved murder and the key suspect over almost 20 years, as well as attitudes to reports of violence against sex workers.
Iain Packer, 51, was sentenced to at least 36 years in prison for Caldwell’s murder and was found guilty of 32 other charges against a total of 22 women that amounted to a horrifying course of unchecked physical and sexual violence over two decades. The offences included 11 rapes and multiple sexual assaults.
Sentencing Packer to the second-longest term in Scottish legal history, the judge, Lord Beckett, said the killer was responsible for an “extreme campaign of sexual violence”, preying on the vulnerable and causing “extreme and enduring suffering for so many women and their families”.
Immediately after the verdicts, the Police Scotland assistant chief constable Bex Smith, who is the executive lead for major crime and public protection, apologised directly to Caldwell, her family and “many other victims”, saying they were all “let down by policing in 2005”.
Caldwell was living in a hostel in Glasgow when she disappeared in April 2005, aged 27. Her naked body was found five weeks later in Limefield Woods near Biggar, South Lanarkshire.
Her mother told the trial that Caldwell had started taking heroin to numb her grief over the death of her older sister. She had been making money through sex work at the time of her death. The court heard from a friend of Caldwell’s that Packer had become “obsessed” with her, following her and attempting to scare away her other clients.
Although a rape allegation was first made against Packer in 1990, the prosecutor advocate depute, Richard Goddard KC, told the jury that at that time police were “dismissive” of reports made by sex workers. He said it was a “tragedy” that sex workers felt forced to accept sexual assault as “part and parcel of their job”.
Another witness said Packer chose girls who were “young, vulnerable and on drugs”. Many of the women who gave witness statements were sex workers at the time and some have since died.
Packer – who denied all charges apart from one of a prior indecent assault against Caldwell, for which he admitted he was “ashamed” – gave evidence at the trial over three days, insisting he had not killed Caldwell and that the other women accusing him were either mistaken or liars.
He admitted taking sex workers to the woods where Caldwell’s body was found – but not to the same spot where she was found. Asked where he was on the night Caldwell disappeared, Packer told the court he could have been at work or walking his dogs.
The court had heard earlier from a forensic expert that soil found in his van was a 97% match for earth at the spot where Caldwell was dumped.
Information about the police investigation that came to light during the trial raised significant questions about why it took so long to bring Packer to justice. He gave six statements to police between 2005 and 2007, but was not interviewed under caution as a suspect.
A decade later, concerns about the unsolved case were such that in 2015 the lord advocate ordered Police Scotland to re-investigate not only who killed Caldwell, but flaws in the original inquiry.
The original police investigation was focused on four Turkish men, who were charged with Caldwell’s murder in August 2007, but that case collapsed and the men were released.
Smith made it plain that Strathclyde police, the force that first investigated Caldwell’s murder before Scottish forces were merged into one force in 2013, had failed Packer’s victims.
“A significant number of women and girls who showed remarkable courage to speak up at that time also did not get the justice and support they needed and deserved from Strathclyde police,” she said. “It is clear that further investigations should have been carried out into Emma’s murder following the initial inquiry in 2005. The lack of investigation until 2015 caused unnecessary distress to her family and all those women who had come forward to report sexual violence.”
Caldwell’s mother, Margaret, who has campaigned tenaciously for justice for her daughter, said she felt “betrayed” by the original police investigation and “angry” that it had taken so long for Packer to be brought to justice.
Her solicitor, Aamer Anwar, called for an inquiry into police failings, saying: “A toxic culture of misogyny and corruption meant the police failed so many women and girls who came forward to speak up against Packer.
“Instead of receiving justice and compassion, they were humiliated, dismissed and in some instances arrested, whilst the police gifted freedom to an evil predator to rape and rape again.”
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corruptedmind · 2 years
Really, dude? [Leo Valdez]
Genre : Fluff, Funny
Summary : Y/N has had a crush on Leo since the moment she saw him. They were best friends now. What happens when she tries to confess her love for him?
"How about no?"
"How about yes-"
"No Leo. I will NOT help you make vibrators to sell them online and get money"
"But imagine the amount of money we'll get. We could buy new shoes and-"
"Shut up before I tell this to Percy and make him drown you in the camp's lake for corrupting me"
"You're the most disgusting minded creature I know, woman"
"But does HE know?".
Leo sighed in defeat. He knew I won this argument too, like I did always. He had this stupid idea to make vibrators and illegally sell it to people outside camp so he could get money and buy a new playstation.
Being his best friend, it was his job to annoy me and pull me in in all of his antics.
Some of them were good, and I would gladly accept making vibrators but if anyone found out we'd be in more trouble than usual.
"Why don't we just hang out near the lake for the day?", I asked.
"The same lake your brother was supposed to drown me in?", He raised an eyebrow and put a hand on his hip.
"Oh my Gods you're so smart, McShizzle Man Daddy Leo", I said in a high pitched voice trying to mock him.
"See lady, when you say that it isn't hot-"
"You sound like this though"
"No, I don't. I sound hot"
"You sound like a bitch"
"A hot bitch"
"An ugly bitch actually-"
"Y/N! LEO! THERE YOU ARE!!". Both of us turned behind to see Jason running towards us with a small smile. His blonde hair swept behind as he ran. His purple shirt tight against his muscles.
"Stop eye-fucking him, Y/N. He's already taken", Leo whispered into my ear.
I looked at him and smirked, "Don't worry. I'm into scrawny guys".
"Wait really-"
"Hey Y/N, Leo". Jason finally reached us and softly panted. He brushed his hair to the side and gave his respectful smile.
"Wassup?", Leo and I both said it in unison, but that was a natural occurrance.
We're best friends, we share one braincell.
"Percy and I decided to hangout at the Posiedon Cabin. We wanted you to come too", Jason looked at me and said.
"You're not gonna invite me?", Leo gave a fake hurt expression.
"It's a hangout for the seven of us, and we decided to invite Y/N too"
"You're going to invite me in my own Cabin?", I raised my eyebrow at Jason, making the boy beside me laugh.
"We'll come, but we also have to go to the lake before the night", Leo cut him off and took my hand.
"Someone's getting jealous", I wiggled my eyebrows as we both set off in the other direction.
"No man can let my mamacita look at them like that", He crossed his arm and winked at me.
I laughed loudly and patted his arm. Just as I was about to comment something back, his sister Nyssa called him.
"Hey Leo! We need your help in making the new catapults!!", She said as she hulled a sheet of celestial bronze over her shoulders.
Leo looked back at me. "I'll see you later, Ma'am", he bid his farewell with bowing down and hopping off to his sister.
I smiled at his retreating figure with loving eyes. He was truly the best person I had met. From his cute features and charming personality, falling in love with him was easy.
"He's so oblivious, yknow", I heard a voice from behind me. I turned to find Piper and Jason standing side by side with their eyes on Leo who was now going back to his cabin.
"No, Pipes. I'm just good at being platonic"
"You flirt with him mercilessly"
"Which shows how platonic we are"
"Y/N, you should confess-"
"No, Piper". I cut her off. "After Calypso, I don't think he's ready yet". My arms circled around me as I give myself a hug.
"It's be a YEAR, Y/N", Jason softly said.
I just shook my head at him sadly and looked at his cabin. The nights where he cried in my arms, lonely and betrayed after his sudden break-up hurt me alot.
Calypso had broken up with him at dinner. She didn't explain at that time, and that hollowed Leo up. He wasn't okay after that. Calypso had left camp the next day and that left Leo's head filled with doubts.
I knew that if we ever got together, Leo would just hurt himself more.
"Lets just go and have lunch". I started walking away with my head down.
Lunch had finished in a blink of an eye with Percy talking on and on about how Finding Nemo and The Little Mermaid were the best movies in existence.
The talk from before had drained away my happiness and left me numb. I didn't eat much, but i didn't care. My fear for Leo's feelings increased with each passing moment.
Percy opened the door in front of me, snapping me out of my daze. As I entered my cabin, I saw Annabeth and Piper setting up the sofa with a bunch of board games. Drinks and popcorns and chips were set on the table beside.
Just as I sat on the couch with my knees up to my chest, a loud voice came from the door. I turned around and saw the rest of the guys come in. Frank entered first with a look of regret on his face with Hazel and Jason following him with small smiles. Just behind him a scrawny guy popped in laughing loudly
Instantly my mood became better.
Leo must have teased Frank making him pinch the bridge of his nose and silently sit by my side. Frank turned his head to me and frowned.
"Out of all the guys at camp.... You choose him???", He whispered.
I gave him a big smile, "Yes Zhang. Yes".
Leo then instantly came beside me and pushed Frank to the other side of the couch and sat beside me. "Hey Mama, long time no see", he wiggled his eyebrows making me laugh.
"Yes, and I missed you very much", I said and rested my head on his shoulder.
I felt him stiffen under me, but just a second later he loosened up. Resting his back on the couch, he became comfortable by my side.
"You okay, Y/N?", He softly asked me, not to get any attention.
"Not really. But after you came I feel better", I confessed.
Leo didn't reply back, but I could feel him smiling big.
Minutes later, Percy decided we all play Uno. In short, it was a mess.
Piper used charmspeak on all of us and Hazel used her magic mist to fool us what card she had. In the end Annabeth won with all the guys whining.
We played another game of Uno, but now without the three girls. I sat in beside Leo in the circle and continued my game. Though it was absolutely chaotic, with Percy and Leo continuously cheating, I loved having Leo beside me.
Two hours had gone by. We'd ended playing charades in which we had a girls vs boys match.
Of course the girls won.
As the hours went on, I naturally came to Leo's side without him questioning me. We comfortably sat on the couch with his legs over mine.
"Ahhh I had fun today", I heard Leo say softly.
Turning my head towards him I smiled, "Yeah. It was good. But look at the time, I guess we'll have to go to the beach tomorrow".
Leo suddenly pushed his face towards me and looked at me with wide eyes. In shock, I pulled my face back and stared at him back with my own wide eyes.
"Lady, when have we ever followed the rules of this camp? You literally sneaked out with me a bazillion times to go to Bunker 9. What's stopping us now?", He wiggled his eyebrows at me.
I laughed and pushed his face away from mine. "You make sense. So.... After dinner?", I proposed.
"Meet me there by 10", Leo winked at me as the conch horn blew for dinner.
Of course I blushed at his small action, but thankfully he didn't see me as he stood up at the sound of the horn.
"LET'S GO DEEP THROAT OURSELVES WITH SOME FOOD YO", Leo cheered and ran out of the cabin to the dining pavillion.
Just as I was about to follow him out, I heard Annabeth calling me. "Hey Y/N".
"Yeah?", I turned back to see her and the rest of the guys looking at me with concern.
"I don't wanna seem nosey, but will you ever confess to him about your love?", She frowned.
Of course she wanted to talk to me about this.
"I don't know, Annabeth. But at the moment, this is the best option-"
"Please, I'm no daughter of Athena but that is the best option", Hazel got up from her seat and looked at me right in the eye. "We all can see how much the both of you like eachother".
"T-The both...of us??", I tilted my head.
What did she mean by 'the both of us'?.
"Yes. The BOTH of you. I know you both spend more time with eachother than what we see, but all the moments we both see of you I know Leo likes you back. Heck, I feel like you're all on his mind", She explained.
I looked down at my hands. Suddenly feeling insecure about myself as I remembered who was Leo's first girlfriend.
It was a Goddess for fuck's sake!!!
I remembered how beautiful she was when she was still at camp. Her beautiful long blonde hair that rested by her face perfectly. Her almond eyes that could make anyone dreamy. Her pouty lips that made her look like a doll.
I had none of that, and that was what Leo fell in love with.
His standards were too high, and I didn't even reach it.
"I don't really know, guys. He fell in love with Calypso who broke up with him out of the blue. If we were to ever date, then he'll just be too paranoid about me leaving him", I softly said.
My mood that was once good, going down the drain abruptly.
"But you'd never leave him. He just has to learn to trust you, and that's something you both have to work on", This time, Percy was the one to speak.
It was rare to have him give any advice, but I knew what he said was right. A relationship works only when both the partners work together, and Percy had alot of experience with Annabeth throughout the years.
I looked down and nodded, a sudden burst of motivation flowing through me.
"I'll confess to him tonight. When we're at the beach", I announced with confidence.
"But won't the harpies be there?", Frank asked looking around.
"Don't worry, Y/N. You go ahead with no worries. We have your back", Jason got up and smiled. "Now let's go to eat, we're getting late".
Dinner was done fast, with all of us sitting in our respectful tables since it was dinner.
At about 8, we all head back to our cabins for the night, but with my plan to confess to Leo, Percy and I were up.
"So, should I wear this?", I held up a red frock in my hands and directed it towards Percy.
He was laying down on his bed propped up on his elbow. "Little Sister, you're not going on a date, you're going to a hangout", he yawned.
"But I'm gonna PROPOSE-"
"But does he know about it?", Percy raised his eyebrow.
I sighed in defeat and sagged down on my bed. It was 9:30 now, and thirty minutes were left for me to meet the love of my life.
"Hey Y/N", I heard Percy call me out.
"Mmm?", I grumbled.
"Wear anything you want. Keep it simple and probably put on something you know he would like", he said from his bed.
"He likes the colour red", I stated.
"That's why you took out your red frock....", I could hear the smirk in my brother's voice.
"I know, stupid. I'll just wear a hoodie with some sweatpants. I don't think he'll really care".
"Don't you have one of his hoodies with you...?", Percy finally sat up and looked at me with bright eyes.
My eyes widened in realisation. I got up from my bed and walked up to my wardrobe to find one of Leo's favourite red hoodie he had given me one night when we were at bunker 9.
"I like what you think, brother. Now I shall go change". I picked the hoodie up with my black sweatpants and went to the bathroom for a quick body bath.
I brushed my teeth and put my hair up in a messy ponytail. I didn't put any perfume on, since the scent of Leo was already driving me crazy.
Looking at myself in the mirror, I blushed crazily.
I was going to fucking CONFESS to a boy!!!
I rubbed my cheeks and went out of the bathroom to find Nico lying on my bed as Annabeth laid beside Percy.
Annabeth noticed me coming out of the bathroom and smiled. She then looked at Nico, "I called him to shadow travel you safely to Leo".
"Yo", I greeted the emo boy.
He simply nodded his head and got up from my bed.
Nico and I too were very close friends after I found out about how he had a crush on Percy. It always made me crack how Percy just wasn't Nico's type.
"Come on, Nicola. We have a boy to confess to", I said as I put on my vans.
"I've already confessed to my boy. And please, stop calling me that", He groaned.
"What? Nicola???", I smirked.
"I will cut your breasts off-"
"Okay! Let's go Death boy", I cut him off and dragged him out of the cabin.
Soon, we were in the shadows.
I didn't necessarily hate shadow travelling, but it's side effects were horrible. Though we had just traveled a small distance, I felt nauseous and lied down on the ground.
I was about to thank Nico but he disappeared as soon he left me. I scoffed and got up from the ground, making my way to the beach.
The sound of the waves made me smile, and the smell of the sea water calmed me down.
This was my element, and I loved it here.
As I smacked a branch away to see the sea, my eyes landed on Leo who sat on the sand. The moon was right in front of us, with stars shining brightly above us.
I smiled and walked towards the scrawny boy.
"Hey Leo", I greeted and sat down beside him.
He looked at me and smiled, not responding back. The look in his eyes was enough to tell me he was thinking about something. And that something wasn't good.
"You wore my hoodie", he stated.
"I love this hoodie", I smiled at him.
"Hmm", he hummed and looked up at the stars.
His eyebrows suddenly turned into a frown as his eyes scanned the sky. It seemed like a memory passed in his mind, reminding him of something bitter.
Why would a beach make him sad?
Just as I thought that, I remembered he and Calypso met at an island, a beach... Maybe he was remembering his days with her on the same background.
"Are you.... still thinking of... her?", I hesitantly asked.
Leo let out a deep sigh, his eyes becoming cloudy. "No matter how much time goes by, I'll still think WHY she left me. Was I seriously THAT bad that she had to leave so fast? Did I really treat her so horribly that she broke up with me in front of the entire camp?".
I simply listened to him as he spoke, denying his words in my mind.
His voice wavered as he took in a sharp breath.
A moment of silence past through us, the sounds of the waves only being heard. I decided to break it.
"I don't really know where you came up with all these thoughts but we all know those are all lies", I started. "You were probably the best boyfriend to her, so caring and loving and considerate. You were the first one to be there for her in THOUSANDS of years. I can't really say why she broke up with you, maybe she has her own reasons. But what I know that it isn't even one that you said".
Leo looked at me, the stars shining in his eyes. He really looked pretty tonight. His hair naturally ruffled, with a small stain of grease on his cheekbone. His elfish ears poking out from his hair.
"I don't.... I don't really know what I would do without you, Y/N", he said softly.
"Haha we were meant to be", I joked looking away, a small blush appearing on my cheeks.
Leo then stood up, stretching a hand to help me up. I took it and dusted my pants as I got up.
"Let's take a walk", Leo announced and took my hand in his.
I gladly intertwined our fingers and went closer to his side, know him making the first move was very rare. I smiled by his side as we took slow steps, a comfortable silence hanging over us.
I was sure we had walked for about fifteen minutes, but I really didn't care. Being by his side alone in silence was the best thing I could wish for. Though not possible, I snuggled further into his side, making him chuckle.
I rested my chin on his shoulder and looked at his face. He was seriously very beautiful. Each curve and bump made my heart beat faster. His eyes drowned me further into the love I held for him. His nose just seemed more kissable that night. His lips twisted my stomach, building fantasies in my mind.
"Gods you're beautiful", I muttered softly.
Leo looked at me in shock and then pointed at his chest. "Me?", He asked.
I simply nodded and smiled at him. Under the moonlight, I could see his ears getting red.
"You're also very cute, señor bonito".
"Where are you getting these Spanish words from, señorita", Leo flushed.
"I've been learning", I said.
"Anything for you, baby", I winked at him.
Leo blushed agressively. "You're becoming too much like me".
I laughed heartily and walked ahead, dragging Leo with me. We walked for a few more minutes till a different atmosphere settled around us.
Our pace slowed down till we stopped and faced the sea. Our eyes lingered at the small waves coming to the shore.
It slowly dawned to that it was time.
It was time to tell Leo about my feelings.
Though I was absolutely nervous and my heart bet faster than when I faced monsters, I tugged Leo's hand to face me. He turned and tilted his head cutely.
A second went by as we just stared, but then I did it.
I kneeled down in front of him as my left hand went in my pocket while my right held his.
His eyes were wide in shock, but I didn't let that stop me.
"Leo Valdez, Son of Esperanza Valdez. I am here today, or tonight, to tell you about something important", I started. But the moment I found my flow, I let my heart control me. The love I held for Leo from the moment I laid eyes on him finally were free.
"I remember the day I had come to camp, after being rescued by Jason in my school. You were there, talking with Harley about something he wanted to know. You seemed so passionate about what you loved, and I understood that when I sneaked into the forest that night to find you in bunker 9, building. I couldn't believe how we immediately clicked after the first words we shared, and how fast I felt connected with you."
"I was heartbroken when I saw you and Calypso kiss, but that day I understood that what I felt towards you wasn't a simple crush, but true love. To see you happy with her made my day. Just to see you genuinely happy and smiling made ME genuinely happy and smiling. I never expected myself to experience such healthy love towards a person who was already dating. But the day she broke up with you was one of the worst days I'd experienced. I felt so much rage towards her for leaving you. All I could see was you crying in my arms. I hated her, Leo. But I just couldn't blame her"
"After that day I started feeling us getting closer. Not physically, but emotionally. At those times I knew the love I held for you was correct, because you never made me feel bad. You understood me in ways no one ever had. You embraced my weird self, and slowly molded into my other half. Leo, it was YOU who made me feel loved and happy. You being you made it so easy to love you back, and I know that I'll keep loving you no matter where your heart lies"
"Tonight, I don't want you to force yourself to love me back, but tonight's the night where you get to know how LOVED you are. If you don't like me back, that's really okay. But please know, that I will always stay by your side no matter way. Leo Valdez, I am absolutely in love with you. Will you please be my lover till eternity?"
Finally, as I regained control over myself, I looked up at Leo.
Tears were streaming down his face and I heard him ugly sobbing. He agressively wiped his nose with his hand as his chest rises up and down.
Worried, I got up and cupped his face. "If my speech of love was that bad, you could just say so. No need to cry", I said wiping his tears away.
His eyes locked to mine, and the next moment he was embracing. "Y/N, you have no idea what you make me feel. I really can't believe a person is capable of making me feel so... Needed. I-... You're seriously the bestest friend I've ever had", he sniffled.
So I'm being rejected.
"I'll keep being your best friend no matter what, Leo. You're my official permanent buddy", I said making him laugh.
He pulled away from the hug and cupped my cheeks in his long hands. He smiled softly and scanned my face. "Thank you for everything, Y/N. Thank you for being their at my worst. Thank you for making me feel loved. Everytime you stood by my side, I just fell harder for you".
"Yes, Y/N. I love you too. And I'd love to be your lover for eternity", He spoke with a wide smile on his face.
His confession made my ears burn, my heart race against my chest. I looked at him with wide eyes.
"Is that a yes?", I asked.
Leo laughed, "Yes, it is".
I broke away from him and laughed, my own tears coming out of my eyes. Two years of loving him, and finally he was mine.
"I love you, Leo Valdez", I said.
"I love you too, Y/N", he responded.
His hand circled my waist, pulling me close to him. At the close distance, I could feel his heart beating as fast as mine was.
"Can I kiss you, mi amor?", His accent slipped out, making me blush.
I looked up at him and let myself smile. Getting up on my tip toes, I leaned in to carefully set my lips on his. A shot of electricity passed through my body, though the touch was so soft.
My eyes closed down, and Leo pressed into me. We didn't move, we just stayed like that. Lip to lip, as our love finally reached to the other. Breaking away to get breath, I looked at him again.
"I forgot to tell you, but you look very fuckable in my hoodie, Y/N", He wiggled his eyebrows.
"Really, dude? Not even five minutes since we confessed"
"You love me like that, though".
"True true".
"So....now what?", He asked looking around.
An idea sparked in my head. "I tell everyone you rejected me and then we make out at lunch in front of everyone".
"Oh I have the most perfect girlfriend".
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sofiiel · 12 days
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There & Back Again : xreader addition (fem/afab)
𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐒𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍: 6000+ words: (CW: some angst. fluff. protective Eddie. strained family dynamic. demodog violence. cannon level violence.)
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The engine of your car rumbled loudly as Amy tore up the road, the odd sounds of the strange dogs baying behind you. You pulled yourself away from the window and turned to Amy with great concern.
"Why won't they stop?" you asked her, to which Amy shrugged.
"Maybe you smell good, like a T-bone steak?" Amy's voice had hints of sarcasm in them.
You watched Amy, who gave a roll of her eyes, it was obvious her fake calm wasn't convincing.
"Look I don't know ok! I've never seen this many before." Amy said.
"But you've seen them before? Like before today." You clarified.
"In person? Only since I've been in Hawkins," Amy stole a glance at you.
"But I've seen them drawn before in one of the Loxion information drops, I investigated while trying to find my sister." Amy explained.
"Drop houses? Drawing?" you questioned, your body ached, and your mind was spinning, but you tried your best to listen in and listen well.
"Yeah, some shit drawing some poor kids scribbled it looked old as sin and was faded, but it was the same monster. Loxion has information drops. Usually old factories or abandoned warehouses, and somewhere inside is a safe. Not a small one either, we're talking one of those big boys you see at banks." Said Amy.
"How do you know what bank safes look like." you asked cautiously.
"One question at a time." Amy shot with a mischievous side smile.
"Fine, so. Go on." you urged.
"Well this drop was full of files from overseas, Russia, Denmark, China, France India, even Nigeria and those were just a few." Amy exhaled as she could recall shifting through a nearly endless amount of boxes.
"While I was looking through some of the files I found the file of a boy Boris Ismaylov at some point in the 1950s he was bought from his parents by Loxion by that I mean with the help of the KGB as middlemen who took most of the money themselves ...but moving on..." Amy cleared her throat as she saw your brow lift at the fervor of which she ranted.
"Boris was held in a test facility for two years in Nome because they needed a safe go-between from US to Russia, but the KGB did not want Loxion on their soil. Boris would draw on the walls of his room with chalk and paints. The file had worn pictures of those drawings in them. The figure he drew the most was hard to make out, but it was large, like a cluster of twisters. The others looked a bit like animals....if they crawled out of hell." Amy said.
You watched Amy in silence, no longer concerned with her inability to steadily steer the car.
"There was also a scrap from I guess his diary, all it said was 'I do not wish to go back' isn't that shit creepy." Amy muttered.
"That was written in English?" you asked, if only to give your mind a break from the whirlwind of information.
Amy scrunched up her nose, "you really are a small town bumpkin, just because they aren't American doesn't mean they never took to English, Boris probably spoke several languages - from his file the kid was like freakishly smart." Amy reasoned.
"I wonder what they were doing with him." you murmured.
Amy glanced at the rearview mirror, "if we go any further, we'll be leading them out of town." she said with a grimace.
You arched a brow, "and that's....a bad thing somehow?" you asked Amy.
"Uh, yeah, we need somebody to see these things." Amy grunted.
"Do you know the way to the Police station?" Amy asked.
"Well yes but.... I doubt anyone's there at this hour." you murmured.
"Don't care, they have surveillance...somebody will see them," Amy murmured.
You gave a stiff nod, "turn back around and follow the road we've taken back, but when you get close to Pastor Alvin's neighborhood again, take a left and keep going." you instructed.
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Eddie peered out the windows of his van, the haze of the Ketamine finally wearing off, he gave his head a shake.
"Ugh, god damn..." He hissed in a soft sigh, rubbing his eyes.
"Right never again..." he whispered.
Taking a cautious look around, Eddie frowned.
"Now the real riddle is....did the whole conversation with weird girl actually happen or...."
Eddie couldn't pull his eyes away from the dark forest outside his van, "was I trippin that hard." he muttered dryly.
With a sigh, he flopped back into his seat, sinking down with his eyes peering over the steering wheel.
The fact of the matter was, He couldn't tell.
Yes, one of ____'s friends appearing in the woods with the head of one of the strange dogs in hand was almost unbelievable. But so was the existence of the dogs themselves, and he had already seen one personally.
Eddie glanced out the window again, his paranoia growing. They could very well be outside, stalking his van.
"Stalking you, even." he said to himself. He didn't like the odds of the creatures being herbivores. 
Leaning his head back against the seat, Eddie watched the slightly torn fabric on the ceiling of the vehicle.
"What would I even do? If Weird Girl has a plan, did she mean for me to wait here? Go home?" Eddie thought, his arms folding across his chest.
"I've got a winning streak going on now, I couldn't just go home." he thought as a lopsided smile tilted onto his face. 
Eddie then sat up in the seat and gripped the steering wheel, "right..." he exhaled, starting the van.
"The things I'll do for a thank you from you." he murmured.
"There it is!" you called, pointing to the police station. 
"Are they still back there?" Amy asked.
Leaning out the window you turned to look behind the car.
"Not all of them, the packs only a few now." you reported.
"A few is more than enough." Amy said swerving the car into the parking lot, she slammed on the brakes, nearly sending you tumbling out the window.
"Sorry!" Amy shouted.
You could feel your heart pounding as you clutched at your seatbelt.
"You're never driving again." you said, reaching to roll up your window.
"Ever." you added firmly.
"I'm ok with that," Amy said quickly.
The two of you huddled close to each other as the dogs closed in.
"So what now?" you asked.
"I didn't think that far ahead." Amy mumbled, eyes wide as one of the dogs hopped onto the hood of the car, pacing in front of the window.
"Can..." you stammered, gulping as you held onto Amy's hand.
"Can it see us?" you asked.
Amy shook her head feebly, "don't know... I mean... I hope not, like ....shit, they don't have eyes." Amy said.
"But all predators can smell fear." you spoke in a whisper.
"And I'm beyond scared." you confessed.
"Shit yourself yet?" Amy asked in a nervous chuckle, "I just might..." Amy murmured, nearly jumping out of her skin as with a bang, one of the dogs hopped onto the roof.
"Do we stay in here or try to run for the station doors?" you asked.
"We don't have a weapon, and we're not sure anyone is inside." Amy reasoned.
"They don't know what a car is or how to get in...if they can get in." said Amy.
She then teetered her head to the side, ".....they did of course jump clean through the glass of that creep's house window." she added.
You shut your eyes tight, "oh my god, Amy! We cannot stay in here!" you shouted in panic.
Amy hushed you angrily, "stop!" Amy whispered.
"Maybe they can't hear well." she added.
You bent over in your seat and searched under it.
"What are you looking for?" Amy asked.
"I used to have my dad's old broken golf club in here... it's only about as long as a bat now but...it still hurts," you muttered, a smile coming to your face as you pulled the club free from under the seat.
A faint light in the window of the Police Station caught Amy's attention.
"Look!" She gasped quietly, "Someone's home....aren't you lucky." Amy whispered.
"The question is how do we get out of here? We open a door, and they're coming right inside," you murmured.
Amy's gaze fell on the golf club clutched in your hands.
"I can see the inside of the lobby from here, which means I can phase into it." Amy said.
"But I cannot phase other people with me. So you'll need to make a run for it while I open the door for you," she added.
You frowned as you did not savor the idea of making a break for the doors alone.
"You'll have the club, right? And whoever is in the station will come investigate once they hear me inside opening the door at this time of night." Amy reasoned.
You both found yourselves looking at the creature pacing restlessly on the hood of the car.
You heaved a sigh and could feel your heart pounding in fear.
"It's better than staying in here." you exhaled.
"Then when you're ready I'll phase." Said Amy.
"This is as ready as I'm gonna get, let's do it." you said taking a gulp of air.
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Amy phased quickly into the station, as always a soft tearing sound crackled in the air.
She exhaled in relief just to be away from the surrounding dogs. Now she needed to open that front door quickly.
From the back of the station, where a small warm light lingered, Deborah Sinclair carefully flipped through photo's she had taken during her investigations at the Hawkins Animal Shelter.
One hand covered her mouth as her stomach turned at the site of the mangled cats and dogs.
"It didn't so much as eat them as it did tear them in half...circular teeth marks...what animal had those?" Deborah murmured to herself.
The pictures were sending a fearful chill down her spine. She would have thought it was some horrible prank by the local teens, but this sort of thing usually didn't crop up until Halloween.
Studying the images before her, Deborah shook her head, "the corpses, they look as if whatever it was got bored or...was unsatisfied with the prey. They aren't fully eaten, just...chewed up and discarded." she murmured.
A sound at the station door nearly made Deborah jump out of her chair.
Calming herself, she scooped the pictures into a neat pile and tucked them into her desk drawer.
"Relax, you're a cop. Don't be jumpy." she laughed at herself, standing up, Deborah went to investigate.
"Maybe our shameless leader has decided to show his face around here again finally." Deborah thought, a smirk of amusement on her face.
That smirk promptly fell away as she spotted a familiar figure fiddling around with the lock on the door.
"You!" Deborah gasped.
"Freeze, kid! How'd you get in here!" She shouted.
There was no need to pull a gun, so Deborah held her ground. The girl before her slowly raised her hands into the air.
"Listen... We can talk about me lifting those water bottles later, ok," Amy growled in frustration.
"My friend is about to get eaten by a pack of mutant dogs outside - you're a cop, right? Do something!" Amy reasoned.
Deborah's gaze slipped past Amy's back briefly before they focused on the girl once more.
"Nice try kiddo, but Mutant Dogs won't distrac-" Deborah's words faded as her mind recalled the photographs she had been examining earlier.
"Just look outside!" Amy called out.
With careful steps, Deborah walked to the door and peered into the night, her heart skipped several beats as her jaw fell. 
"I told you," Amy stated flatly, watching as Deborah pulled free her pistol.
Deborah took count of how many of the strange creatures were surrounding the little black car.
"Where'd they come from? Why're there so many?" she asked.
Amy shrugged, "we were sort of hoping you guys could help with that - and there were more." said Amy.
Deborah cast a troubled glance of amazement towards Amy who seemed far too calm.
"Once you've seen them for the first time up close, you stop being shocked," Amy explained.
"We need to get your friend out of that car," Deborah said, steeling her nerves in order to focus.
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Eddie's van ripped up the streets, his eyes darting from the road to the speedometer and back again.
"I'm gonna get the worst ticket in history, come on, where are you?" Eddie thought to himself, peering around the streets. 
Rounding a corner, his foot stomped on the break, nearly sending him crashing into the steering wheel. Eddie could feel his lungs jump into his throat as his eyes fell on the circle of fleshy hounds circling a black car in the near distance. 
"You've got to be kidding me." Eddie said, watching the scene with wide eyes.
Three of them were bad enough, he managed that much.
"It's not like you had a choice." He thought to himself.
However, he was looking at twice that number and his foot felt glued to the break.
"If you stay back here....she'll never know." Eddie thought.
A grimace came to his face as he was making himself sick to the stomach.
"You'll know." Eddie said to himself, but the site of the hounds froze his body in place.
You sank down into the seat, eyes shut tight.
"Just hop out and make a break for the door." you told yourself for the fifteenth time.
Your heart rattled around your chest as if it would try and burst out, and your mouth felt dry.
"It's no worse than being out here...just - run, right? You've done it before." you continued your pep talk, when a screeching came from above you, loud and piercing enough to make the ears bleed. 
You quickly covered your ears and looked up at the roof of the car.
"You're kidding!" you gasped, watching as claws slowly tore through.
"What's it doing up there?" Deborah murmured
Amy's eyes flew open wide, "It's digging its way in, we have to do something now!" she called.
Deborah pulled the keys to the station from her pocket and tossed them to Amy.
"When you open the door I'm going to open fire, be sure to stay behind me." Deborah instructed.
Amy gave a nod, caught the keys and did as she was told.
You screamed as the hound's claws tore a space to reach his paw down towards you. Sinking to lay across the front seats, you tried your best to avoid the swipes.
Your club rested clutched to your chest, your mind was shouting for you to swing while fear kept you petrified.
"Girl, move!" your mind shouted at you, but your legs wobbled about like jello, and the Creature above's frantic pawing had the others back on the hunt.
The hound on the hood now placed his front paws onto the window, and you feared that it might break the glass.
"How much do those things weigh....probably as much as I do...." you thought, trying your best to avoid the swipes.
From his place in his van, Eddie could see the station door fly open, and the flash of ignited gunpowder after a bang.
He gave a sigh as the tension melted away from his body when one of the creatures pacing about on the ground fell with a whimper that was unearthly.
"Amy, you did it!" you cheered, the bang of the gun shook free your temporary paralysis of fear and you tossed open the car door.
It didn't take long for the dogs to zero in on you. Another round of bullets fired.
"McKinney over here!" Deborah called out.
You swung your bat horizontally at one of the creatures and while it staggered, you brought the round end of the club down on his head, making a run for the Station doors.
Deborah's hands trembled at the sight of the monsters, and she found it hard to get a clean shot at the strange animals.
"Stop missing." She growled at herself in a frustrated rage, all she needed was a good headshot to take the things down, but she could not land any.
You made it to Deborah and Amy, hiding near the doorway with Amy.
"You good?" Amy asked.
You shook your head no, and tried to catch your breath.
"Me neither." Amy puffed with a tilted smile.
"I've lit them up, why won't they die?" Deborah asked.
"They're tough as shit." Amy called out.
Deborah eyed the monsters, which, though whimpering, slowly closed in.
"I need back up." Deborah whispered, fumbling for her walkie.
"Where do you keep the guns?" Amy asked.
"Not a chance in hell, kid." Deborah scoffed.
"Well you need help right? You call for help, and how long will that take? Hmm?" Amy pressed as Deborah reloaded her gun.
"Cause I got some news for you, these guys bust through glass like it's nothing." Amy added.
"You can fire a gun?" you asked her with wide eyes.
Amy's chest puffed out with pride, "I can fire an automatic." she boasted.
"Who the hell taught you that?" you asked.
"My uncle," Amy said with a shrug.
You gave your head a shake, "weirder and weirder by the day - I just want to survive this." you thought.
Deborah grimaced, the monsters wouldn't let up, she couldn't find the time to lift her walkie, and before she knew it she had been lunged at.
"Officer Sinclair!" you gasped, the two of you watched as Deborah struggled, wrestling with the strange dog about the floor.
"Girls get inside! On the front desk, the quick dial....called the Chief of Police Hopper!" Deborah shouted.
"We leave you and your dog food!" Amy called.
"Amy," You sighed clutching your club and raising it high.
"Go call." you exhaled rushing out to Deborah.
"Wait! Ugh...fine! You two die, and it's not my fault!" Amy shouted, phasing back into the building.
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You swung relentlessly at the dog attacking Deborah.
"Behind you!" the officer called out.
You hit the ground and rolled, coming face to face with another one of the monsters.
"nononono." your mind panicked.
You tried to crawl away from it as it stalked towards you, flaring open its plantlike mouth.
"Officer Sinclair!" You called for help, but it was clear she had her own struggles to worry about.
You shut your eyes tight as a second dog joined in and awaited the horror of the needle-like teeth when the screeching of tires and a sickening splatter tore your eyes back open.
You could feel chunks of the dogs hit your dress, arms, and legs.
With wide eyes, you watched the mutant dog mash in the middle of the parking lot.
Eddie poked his head out of the driver's window to look down at his tire which spun about but refused to move the van anymore.
"Eddie?" you questioned in a stunned sqawk.
Deborah managed to get the barrel of her gun into the mouth of the monster and fired.
Turning her head to avoid getting blood in her eyes.
"Everyone inside! Quickly!" She called.
Eddie abandoned his van lodged in monster remains and ran to you, Deborah urging you both inside.
"Go, to the back of the station, the medical lab has a security door." Deborah raid. 
"Did you reach Hopper?" Deborah asked Amy as the three of them dashed through the lobby.
"H-he's not picking up!" Amy stammered in panic.
"Leave it, come on to the medical Lab, hurry!" Deborah called, giving Amy a shove.
"Why are these things chasing you?" Eddie asked you.
"Hell if I know." you puffed out of breath.
Deborah held open the door to the lab and ushered you all inside.
"Ok," Eddie sang skeptically as he watched Deborah go to close them inside.
Slipping his foot between the door he stopped her.
"Where do you think you're going?" He asked. 
"You've got the gun, we've got a busted metal stick." Eddie reasoned.
You side glanced.
"we had a busted metal stick.... I dropped it back in the parking lot." you murmured guiltily.
"You'll be safe in this room, I need to make it to the firearms locker. I'm about out of bullets and there are still three of those things left." Deborah reasoned.
"So leave us the gun and run like hell and get you a couple of fresh ones." Amy said.
"No, she's right...she needs it." Eddie said with a heavy sigh.
He removed his foot from the door.
"I'll be back when it's clear. If it gets quiet, head for the cars and get out." Deborah instructed.
"Trust me, you don't have to tell me twice," Eddie said.
"We'll get out if you take too long." you said.
"but I'd rather you come back." you added.
Deborah smiled faintly, "I'm a stubborn bitch to take down, you can trust that. Just hold tight, alright." she said, closing the door.
Amy rushed to lock it from the inside, and the three of you glanced at each other.
"So now we just....wait?" Eddie questioned.
You peered out of the small glass window in the door, and as you did so you could hear the shattering of the windows in the Lobby.
"Get back!" Eddie called, taking you and Amy by the arm, he pulled you away from the door.
On instinct, together you all sank to the ground in the corner and huddled together.
You could feel your pulse running a race in your veins.
Your hand moved with a mind of its own as it reached for Eddie's hand. You held it tight.
Eddie glanced at you, He would tell you it was going to be ok, but he couldn't even tell himself it was going to be ok.
"Things are far from ok, when you're constantly being hunted by...demon dogs...alien dogs...whatever." He thought.
Pulling his hand away from you, he instead placed that arm around your shoulders, drawing you closer as if sheltering you under his wing.
You looked up at him with grateful eyes and then mimicked his motion for Amy, who gladly huddled under your arm.
"Officer Sinclair will handle them." you whispered.
"And with any luck...these are the last of them." you added.
However, the sounds of gunfire and the wails of the monsters shook the confidence from your words.
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The lights in the Medical Lab flickered violently before the room fell into darkness.
"Not again." you whimpered.
"Again?" Eddie and Amy asked.
"Yes...." you murmured softly, You eyes carefully scanning the room.
The tips of your fingers started to feel cold, a slippery tingle dripping down the back of your neck. 
Eddie and Amy watched you as you seemed to cower.
"It's the prey drive, all you need to do is stop running. You are not the prey."
A rough voice echoed in you head.
"That voice..." you thought, you could clearly picture the familiar face of the odd child in your dream.
You quickly pinched yourself. "
"ow!" you yelped.
"What was that for?" Amy asked.
"I had to make sure I was awake.... I can't go to sleep." you explained.
Eddie eyed you in confusion up and down.
"And....why not? Why would you?" He asked carefully.
"I seem to wake up somewhere else." you confessed, your voice small.
"Like...." Eddie lulled, as he drew ina slow shakey breath.
"When you went missing for six days?" he questioned.
You gave a stiff nod.
"Shit." Amy hissed, tossing her arms around you.
"Hold her down," Amy said.
Eddie copied Amy's movement and wrapped his arms around you as well.
"You should have told me it started with dreams...." Amy whispered.
The gravity in her voice made you nervous. "Why?" you asked.
"Boris had dreams too.... it's why they kept him locked away in the room," Amy stated.
"B-Boris?" Eddie asked, looking between the two of you.
"Who the hell is Boris?" He asked, "and....why was he locked away?" 
"He's nobody," Amy said quickly.
She'd hoped it would hush him.
"Worry about yourself for now, and don't let go." Amy said.
Eddie frowned, he would remain quiet for now, but one way or another someone was going to give him some answers.
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Deborah reached the firearms locker and shut herself in. The monster dogs slamming against the sturdy metal door like rain pelting a window.
Resting against the door, Deborah caught her breath, her eyes lighting up at the various weapons before her.
"Made it, now I can give those things a taste of their own medicine." she thought, collecting a few guns and loading them up.
Meanwhile, in the Medical Lab, Amy sat huddled together glaring at Eddie, who would not stop staring at her.
You looked between them nervously.
"You guys ok?" you whispered.
"No, I want to know why Rughead keeps staring at me." Amy spoke with pointed words.
Eddie's eyes thinned in annoyance.
"Can you not call me that?" He asked dryly.
"No. It's your new name, deal with it." Amy shot.
You sighed, "I guess he probably wants answers.... that's all." you said.
"Yes, he does, but that's not why I'm staring." Eddie stated simply.
"Then what's your problem?" Amy asked.
"Outside, you poofed out of thin air, I know I've had some shit tonight....but I definitely saw that." Eddie spoke with critical caution.
"So what are you?" He asked.
"A magician!" Amy cheered quietly with jazz hands as she gave a grin of fake cheer.
Eddie's brows lifted, unimpressed with her sarcasm, and Amy fixed her expression to match.
"It's none of your business." she shot.
"I'm stuck in a small room, hiding in the corner in the dark from the most metal dogs in the history of ever," Eddie said holding up a single finger.
"Which would be some hellaciously boss shit - if they weren't trying to eat us," he added struggling to contain his frustration.
"I think it's my business." Eddie finished.
Amy shook her head, "Nobody asked you to show up." Amy grumbled.
"Well, I'm glad he did... I was almost monster food," you whispered.
"But," you added hesitantly.
"I get what Amy is trying to say...the wrong way mind you but still. It's best if you don't get too involved. We've found ourselves heading down the rabbit hole, and it doesn't look very nice." you murmured.
Eddie looked between the two,.
"So call me the mad hatter, I've got a march hare plus Tweedle Dee and Dum too." Eddie said.
You nearly laughed as a faint smile came to your face.
"No." Amy stated.
"Believe it or not, I'm actually trying to help you." she said.
"This is our business, you are not a part of it." Amy said pointedly.
Eddie looked at you and frowned while you tried to offer a smile.
Eddie's eyes fell to his watch, "it's been nearly fifteen minutes." he said, looking up towards the door.
"How much longer should we wait?" Amy asked, listening to the gunfire down the hall.
"She said if it gets quiet to run. We hear gunshots...that must be a good thing." you reasoned.
"It also means those things aren't dead yet, which is pretty bad - If you ask me." Eddie chimed in.
"So do we break for it?" Amy asked.
"But what if Officer Sinclair needs help?" you asked.
"She's a cop, she'll be fine -" Amy said, her words drowned out by a booming sound that shook the building.
"What the hell was that?" Eddie asked quickly.
"And why'd it sound like a hand grenade...." Amy said, looking between them.
Eddie hopped to his feet, and pulled each of you up with him.
"Alright, no. Time to leave." He said.
Amy crept to the door and peeked out of the small window, outside a thin layer of smoke hovered. "
We've actually got a good bit of cover, that smoke should mess with their sense of smell." Amy said, slowly opening the door.
With just enough space to slip through, Amy took the lead, you and Eddie following after.
"You know, it would have been a wise idea to see if they had any sleeping drugs," Eddie whispered, following behind you.
"It's a police station, not a hospital, I doubt they would have." you said.
"You need to pacify perps sometimes, right? I'm not saying it would have been strong...." said Eddie.
Amy gave a hard roll of her eyes, "Yeah, you wanna be the one to get those things to take it?" she asked.
Eddie paused in his step and gave a nod of his head, "point taken." he hummed.
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As the three of you rushed out of the police station, you noticed a man getting out of a tan Chevrolet Blazer.
"Whoa nice stash." Amy chimed as he looked at your frantic figures bewildered.
"Hands up where I can see them," The man's voice called.
Your hands quickly shot into the air, while Amy and Eddie gave synchronized eye rolls, each lazily raising their hands. 
"What are you three up to at the station at this time of night..." The man asked carefully, his eyes narrowed as they fell on Eddie.
"Don't I know you?" he asked.
Eddie titled his head to one side, dryly looking the cop up and down,.
"You might probably not so much me as the company I kept." Eddie grumbled. 
You stole a glance at him curiously.
"Officer Sinclair needs help" you said, turning your attention to the cop.
"She had us try and call the police chief, but he isn't picking up, there are things in there," Amy added in quickly.
"Things?" The cop asked slowly.
You studied the look in his eyes and slowly lowered your hands.
"Monsters." you said.
"Monster dogs really, we think... um -" Eddie lulled glancing back nervously towards the station.
"Their heads kinda...Shwuush..." He said,  mimicking the opening motion with his hands, "fly open." Eddie said.
"And they haven't got a face...." You added.
"And they really like this one here." Eddie said, pointing a finger down at you above your head.
"Although, I-I don't really blame them." Eddie said with a shrug.
You and Amy both turned to look at him and in return, Eddie began to fiddle with the ends of his hair.
"I mean, not to eat or anything - that would be, weird or-" Eddie mentally kicked himself as he continued to fumble with his words.
"Just shut up!" his mind shouted at him. 
"...you know t-taken, um" Eddie cleared his throat and lightly kicked at the asphalt.
"Wrong." He said.
You felt the blood rush to your cheeks and drew in a deep breath, turning to look at the cop.
"Um so... Officer Sinclair, monsters...you'll help her, right?" you asked, your voice higher than it should be.
The cop looked at each of you somewhat fed up.
The annoyance slipped away from his face as he peered at the station, gunshots fired, and it was enough to cause him to draw his own gun.
"Stay out here." He said simply, heading for the shattered doors.
The three of you turned and watched the cop go.
"Like hell." Eddie murmured, jogging towards his van.
He opened the back doors and started to dig beneath the folded-down seat.
"What are you doing?" you asked.
"Getting a rope, I'll tether my van to your car, and you can pull my tire out of the monster mush - then we're getting out of here," Eddie said.
"Rughead finally has a good plan" Amy said, going to help out.
"But....we can't leave them!" you called, flinging your arms towards the station.
"If two cops can't handle those things, what good are we going to do?" Eddie asked.
You frowned, "it's not right." you said, looking between your friends and the station.
Eddie stopped and sighed, turning to face you.
"We'll only hold them back, ok?" he reasoned, rope in hand.
"Plus, those things are after you, right. Maybe knowing you're gone will... I dunno-"
Amy snapped her fingers and grinned, "distract them!" she cheered, cutting Eddie off.
"Yes" Eddie said with a nod.
"You think so?" You questioned.
"Only one way to find out, let's get this rope tied on." Amy said, taking one end of the rope.
"____, back your car up." she said.
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Inside the station, Deborah growled at herself as she gave the dead creature before her a hard kick,.
"Son of a bitch." she vented briefly before turning her eyes to the remaining two.
Raising her gun, she pulled the trigger and it clicked emptily. Deborah looked down at the gun in her hands with wide eyes.
"I did not go through all my ammo already." she exhaled.
Deborah's eyes started to scan the room for a potential weapon, a stapler, the water jug, the radio, and a pair of steel scissors were the only decent make-shift weapons about.
"I don't like my odds with any of them." Deborah thought, backing up slowly against the wall.
"Why'd you run your ignorant ass into the coffee room?" she scolded herself.
Two loud shots fired as the monsters closed in, and Deborah's legs almost gave from under her.
"How'd you manage that?" She asked, looking at the whimpering hounds.
They were alive, but they seemed not to be able to move.
"Shoot any living thing in its spine, and it's not going anywhere," Hopper said, his eyes focused on the dogs.
Kneeling with caution, he examined one, turning it to look towards him.
The creature opened its mouth, and before it knew what happened, Hopper fired his gun and went to repeat the process with the remaining creature.
"Chief...what are these things?" Deborah asked.
Hopper shook his head, breathing a long, troubled sigh.
"They look like..." Hopper thought, giving the corpse a shove with the tip of his foot, "But they're smaller..." he thought.
"Chief?" Deborah asked, she watched Hopper gaze at the creatures.
"You've seen it before," she said quietly.
Hopper shook his head, "no," he said, voice distant.
Clearing his throat, he looked up at Deborah.
"No, of course not, I'm just...freaked out." Hopper said with a faltering smile.
"I mean...shit..." He sighed.
"I know..." Deborah said, shaking her head as she looked at the monsters.
Hopper watched her while her attention was elsewhere, "did she buy it?" He thought to himself.
Deborah pointed to the creature.
"You think the Nuclear plant has anything to do with this? Maybe some strays got caught in some of the waste, or...the waste is leaking into the water supply?" Deborah asked, turning her attention to Hopper.
"I think...for now, we get these things into my truck, I'll have someone do an autopsy on them, get down to the bottom of this," Hopper said.
"Sounds like a good idea, We can get the kids to help," Deborah said with a smile.
Hopper gave a nod and let Deborah led the way out of the Coffee room.
However, when the two made it outside the station, the parking lot was empty, save a few mashed monsters.
"W-where'd they go?" Deborah asked.
"Would you stay?" Hopper asked right back. 
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Several blocks away, you pulled your car to a stop and hopped out, Amy doing the same.
You met Eddie halfway to his van.
"So now what?" Eddie asked.
"We all go home." you exhaled, looking around, it seemed like more of the creatures would pop out at any moment.
"Go home? Your serious?" Eddie asked.
You shrugged your shoulders and hugged yourself, "Yeah, that had to be the last of those things."
"There can't be more than that, it's impossible - not with only us having seen them." you reasoned.
"And even if they are, they clearly want me. You don't have to worry about leading them back to your place or your uncle," you added.
"My uncle likes a good hunt, actually," Eddie murmured.
He looked you over carefully, you looked as if your legs were hardly supporting you and your clothes had wrinkled like wet laundry after being left in a heap to dry.
"But, going home sounds good, you look beat," said Eddie.
"Sleep probably sounds real nice right now," he added.
You side glanced, thinking, "I won't get that at home even if I didn't have to run damage control with Dad."
"Dumbass, she can't sleep." Amy scoffed as a reminder.
"Oh, that's right." He murmured, a concern crossing his face.
You reached around and lightly touched the back of your neck.
"It's ok, I don't feel so strange anymore." you said, feeling slightly relieved.
"I can't say more odd events won't happen back home, but for now I feel fine." you thought.
Eddie and Amy glanced at each other skeptically.
"I think you better crash with me." Amy said.
You grimaced, you felt bad enough that Amy had to hide out in that dusty old basement, and you couldn't imagine spending a night there yourself. A childhood fascination with the old home, or otherwise.
Amy laughed, "don't look at me like that, I've cleaned the place up nice. It's awesome now." she said.
"I can make sure you don't poof away in the night," Amy added.
"I think you should listen to Weird Girl, if you're sleepwalking, a sleepover is probably a good idea." Eddie said.
"Hello, name - Amy." Amy grumbled with a dry wave.
Eddie's gaze slipped over to her as he smirked.
"It's not all that nice is it." he shot, eyes thinning into a halfhearted glare.
"If I have to be Rughead, your name is Weird Girl." He added.
Amy rolled her eyes and you laughed quietly.
"Really I'll be ok, I've got three people in my household." you said.
Neither Eddie nor Amy seemed convinced.
"And?" Amy shot, "they aren't worth a damn." she said.
"Nobody expected what happened the first time, and it's not like I told them exactly what happened. But my dad likes to run a tight ship, so I'm sure he will be watchful. Even if he just thinks I'm sneaking out the house." you explained.
After you heaved a heavy sigh, "especially if he thinks I'm sneaking out the house." 
"You're just asking for trouble, aren't you?" Amy said, her brows knitting together as she shook her head hopelessly at you.
"No, I'm just....trying to get things to feel normal. You can will things into being, I have to believe that. So if I put this behind me, maybe it will be over and a nice, simple summer can get underway." you said with a strained smile.
Eddie stood quietly with a frown etched on his face, he released a dissatisfied sigh, his arms dropping to his side.
"I can't kill her optimism." He thought to himself.
Lazily reaching out an arm, he walked towards you, pulling you into a one-armed hug.
"Fine, but I could use a break from being superman for a night." Eddie said with a wink.
There went the butterflies again, "you play too much." you murmured shyly. 
Eddie gave a small grin, "just make sure we see you tomorrow." he said, heading for his van. 
You and Amy returned to the car and got inside, the ride back to the Creel Mansion was a quiet one as both of you were drained beyond imagination. Sometime along the way, Amy fell asleep.
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Back at your house, You crept through the front door as quietly as you could, your parents would be furious and there was no real way you could begin to explain what had happened that night.
The house was dark except for the blue light coming from the downstairs television.
Your heart sank, you gave up your hopes of sneaking and trudged into the living room.
"They aren't home yet, Dad dragged mom to a dinner party," Patrick muttered dryly from his seat on the sofa.
You exhaled in relief.
"You'll still be in trouble," He snickered, tossing you an amused smirk.
"You don't have to tell him anything. For all he knows, I got back home at a good hour." you pleaded.
"Not a chance, I take my licks from Dad when I mess up - you should too," Patrick said with a scowl.
Your gaze wavered to the side, "I get in trouble too. Just not in the same way as you do." you whispered.
Maybe if you stood there long enough he would notice the terrible state you were in, or maybe he hardly saw you enough these days to care. However, that didn't feel true.
You waited, hopeful, no you didn't want to have to explain things. But you just wanted to be seen.
"Could you go? You're ruining the movie." Patrick muttered, kicking his feet up on the sofa.
"Sorry, I'm gone." you spoke quietly, heading for the stairs, you bit your lip.
It wasn't his fault, it was their father that had created the divide between them.
"I miss when he was my little Patty.... I miss when he used to come to me advise," you thought.
Weariness made the aches of you body much more prominent as you climbed the stairs.
"I miss the little boy who'd bring me bandaids just because I stubbed my toe - I miss being sissy." a bittersweet smile came to your face as childhood memories came back.
You stood before your bedroom door.
"I also very much miss not being afraid of my room." you whispered.
Closing your eyes again, you willed the idea that everything was fine, completely normal, and walked inside, closing the door behind you.
You went through the motions of feeding Shelob, and you released the live cricket you'd been saving for your fuzzy friend.
A small smile was brought to your face as you watched Shelob eagerly stalking her prey.
"I should find you more live prey, you really seem to like it." you yawned.
Trudging to the bed, you kicked off your shoes and flopped down, rolling onto your side.
Curling up as small as you could, you lifted your wrist to look at the leather bracelet.
"It's got dark patches from the monster blood now." you thought with a frown.
Your eyelids started to feel heavy.
"Maybe, I can get it cleaned. It's leather, after all. I can't let it get ruined." your thoughts slowly faded as sleep took you.
One hope lingering in the back of your mind, "don't let it happen again."
Amy chomped away at a plum she'd lifted from the grocery store a few days ago, and listened to the local news from her little radio.
She lay on her stomach in the little fort tent she had built for herself, blankets and pillows piled high.
"Nobody is talking about it yet, so Officer Sinclair and that other guy haven't gone public with it yet..." Amy murmured.
"It is pretty early, but who cares, mutant monsters terrorizing townspeople." Amy sighed, tossing the pit of the plum across the basement, landing it in a dusty unopened box.
A few hours passed and the last remnants of night would soon be fading, a figure snuck down the sidewalk of a quiet upper-middle suburban block.
Crickets still chirped, a dog bayed off in the distance, and the air smelled of summer breeze kissed grass. 
The figure shadowed by the night hopped the back fence into the McKinney's backyard.
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Eddie stood up and examined the large backyard.
"Hello pool." He said in a whisper of a whistle, but being impressed did nothing for the disappointment on his face.
"Three people she said, the car is not in the driveway." Eddie thought, walking closer to the house.
His eyes scanned the windows carefully, there were three of them upstairs.
"Which one is yours." Eddie thought.
Glancing over the rest of the house, Eddie spotted a soft light in what looked like the back door to the living room. Being as careful as he could, Eddie snuck over, peering into the glass.
"Patrick," Eddie murmured, watching his fellow student kick back while watching a movie.
It was only the back of his head, but it was hard to mistake the slightly lopsided high-top fade.
Backing away, Eddie cast his eyes back up, only one room had a light on.
"Must be it," he said, reaching into the pocket of his leather jacket and pulled out a small, worn drawstring bag.
Reaching into it, he pulled out two small dice, the numbers fading away from them. Looking up at the windows, Eddie drew back his hand and chucked one of the dice away from him, up towards the glass.
After several attempts, Eddie paused.
"Only two dice left" He thought.
Eddie stole a glance towards the back door window, it seemed Patrick was still very much into his movie, or sleep, He couldn't tell.
"Come on, I need a crit." Eddie whispered to the die in his hand before tossing it up towards the glass.
A faint thud against the wall and the soft but relentless skittering of legs up and down your arms coaxed your heavy eyelids awake.
You let out a soft groan.
"Guys let me sleep." you murmured gently brushing at the tiny spiders,.
They were quick to return to whereever it was they'd come from as you slipped your feet out of the bed and wandered over to the window.
Eddie smiled as he could hear the window raise and your groggy face poked out while rubbing your eyes.
"Pssst," Eddie called up with a wave.
"Eddie?" you called quietly, glancing around in panic.
He smiled and held out his arms, "only one guy in this world with my unfortunate face." He teased.
"J-just hold on." you stammered, darting back into your room and ducking down before the window. 
You lifted a wicker laundry basket to reveal a rope ladder with one end nailed to the floor. Quietly, you lowered the free end out the window.
"Hurry, before someone sees you." you called down to him, you words hushed.
Eddie looked at the rope for a moment, stunned, before laughing quietly to himself as he started to climb.
You stood at the window fretting as he reached the top.
Eddie tilted his head and flashed you a grin as with the space of the window between you two, you almost stood nose to nose.
"What are you doing, don't just stay there, get in!" you said in a clear panic, your eyes looking past him to the houses beyond your backyard.
"Sweet little ____ McKinney has a rope ladder out her window." Eddie sang teasingly before climbing inside.
Once he'd stepped in and away, you swiftly shut her window and closed the curtains.
Eddie's eyes casually swept over your room, but he found himself trying to take in as much information as he could.
It was surprisingly sparse item-wise.
"I-It's in case of a fire!" you protested.
Eddie tore his eyes away from a trio of dance trophies on a shelf on your wall, he turned to look over his shoulder with a smile.
"Of course, I'm just teasing. It had to be something like that." He hummed.
You quietly rushed past him, snatching your night scarf off of your dresser, you went to the bedroom door. 
Eddie watched with curiosity as you tied it to the doorknob and the other end to the leg of your TV stand, securing the door shut.
"Why are you here?" you asked him in a fretful whisper, you eyed him up and down, and Eddie couldn't help but smirk as he stood up tall.
"I-In your pajamas?" you stammered.
You hadn't noticed when he was on the ground, He sported a faded band T under his jacket, but his pants were your average-striped pajamas. 
Eddie chuckled at himself this time.
"After what you said back in the station, did you really think at least one of us wouldn't come to check on you?" He asked.
You glanced away from him.
"I'm fine." you said, adding, "In fact, I was sleeping, not so much as a dream either." 
Eddie's smile faded into a look of slight concern.
"You told us there'd be three people here with you. Patrick's downstairs sleep or way into his movie and you folks are gone." Eddie stated.
"They're coming back, a late-night dinner party. My mom usually likes to overstay her welcome, so...." you murmured.
Eddie heaved a sigh.
"Great, well, I'm crashing here - until they come back." He said, walking to your bed, he sat down on the floor.
You blinked several times, "um..." you hummed.
"What?" the question came out in a squeak that caused Eddie to laugh, he tried to quiet himself.
"Shhhhh" you hushed.
Eddie gave a nod, "sorry" he whispered, removing his jacket and balling it up, laying it down on the floor. 
"Y-your serious?" you asked stomach turning into anxious knots.
"So serious, I can't let you vanish for another week, come hell or high water, you're coming to our show this Tuesday," Eddie said playfully.
The knots tightened and then uncoiled in an instant.
"He really wants me there then." you thought.
"I'm not going to let you sleep on the floor, we've got a sleeping bag in the hall closet." you sighed.
"Yeah, but if Patrick's not sleeping he'll hear you rummaging around in there right? And it's going to be a pain in the ass rigging that lock again." Eddie reasoned.
"I'm good, I used to sleep on the floor all the time at Scott's sad sleepovers." He laughed.
You quietly walked over to Eddie and sat down on the floor across from him, folding your legs like a butterfly.
"Sad sleepovers?" you questioned.
"Yeah," Eddie said in a fond chuckle.
"Scott's an only kid, we've been friends since elementary school. He was picked on a lot. But he's always been a cool dude. Can draw like something out of this world and is the best backup vocalist, learns any instrument you throw at him." Eddie said.
You couldn't help but smile at how much pride Eddie seemed to take in his friends.
"But he didn't have lots of friends back then, it got worse in middle school. I started making friends and Scott...just didn't. So I brought him to Jeff who I'd started the band with, and Jeff had a friend - that was Gareth.  Scott's house was the biggest at the time and had this big basement." Eddie said.
His voice fell into a comforting lull as he recounted his memories.
"We figured if we all crashed at Scott's house on the weekends, the three of them would become friends eventually. Only Scott had never hosted a sleepover. We tried to tell him it's no big thing. But he wanted to 'do it right', heh, it was terrible." Eddie said.
"He had all the corniest board games and movies, eventually, we found out we all liked DnD and that made them a lot less bad." He said.
You smiled faintly, "that doesn't sound so terrible, a few corny board games." you said.
Eddie raised a brow.
"Yeah, but you didn't have to play them. I mean, He had the girliest games. Most ideas he got about sleepovers came from summer chick flicks." Eddie mused.
"I'm sure even sleepovers you've had with Robin have been better." He said.
You sucked in your lips and side glanced.
"It's already late, we should get to bed." you said quickly.
Eddie watched you confused, he was having fun just talking, and now he could feel a wall forming around you.
You walked to a trunk in your room to retrieve a throw blanket.
Eddie got to his feet and carefully walked to you.
"Um...did I do something?" he asked cautiously.
"No, no, it's just late." you peeped awkwardly, clearing your throat.
Turning around to return to him, you gave yourself a fright as you found him standing there peering down at you.
"Jesus Christ, Eddie..." you sighed, heart thumping hard in your chest.
He laughed softly, "sorry." he said, taking the blanket from her hands.
You looked down at your two pairs feet, the tips of your socks lined with the tips of his black and white converse.
"I've never...." you sighed, closing your eyes, you gripped at the sides of your shirt.
"I um...well, even with Robin...." you felt silly, it wasn't such an odd thing, was it?
Then again, it's what all girls were expected to have done once, a real proper sleepover.
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Eddie watched yopu intently, and then it dawned on him. 
"Oh" he mouthed to himself before a wicked smile spread across his face.
He gently flicked your nose, "You've never had a sleepover." He said.
You shook your head, "No one is allowed to stay here, Dad doesn't want things ruined, and he says kids and teens are little wrecking balls."
"And..." you hummed, titled your head, "I guess...he's protective. I can't go to anyone's place for a night if he hasn't met and approved of their family. Dad doesn't like Robin....says he doesn't care for the way she looks."
Eddie's eyes shimmered, "then he'd blow several gaskets if he knew about this." He said.
You looked up at Eddie, your brows knitting together.
"I don't want to think about that. You need to be gone before they come back," you said.
"But I only just got here." He teased.
"and I get to be ____ Sweet Turtle's first," he whispered playfully.
Your whole face felt like it might combust as heat took over like a fever.
"Don't say it like that!" you nearly screamed.
Eddie rushed in and hugged you while trying to hold in his laughed
"shhhh, ____," he said in a whisper, between quiet laughs. 
"It's your fault!" you hissed quietly, glaring.
Eddie let you go and walked back to his place on the floor with the throw blanket.
"It's not wrong, just a totally different context than your dirty little mind," Eddie said.
You watched him, embarrassment growing as you tried to hold her glare.
Eddie flashed her an overly sweet smile and batted his eyelashes rapidly.
And in a voice that sounded a lot like Olive Oyl said, "Tell me I'm still your favorite freak?"
You ambled to your bed and gathered the blanket from it into your arms before walking around to the other side where Eddie sat on the floor.
You looked down at him with a flat expression.
"You're not my favorite freak." you said, laying out your blanket a few feet away from him.
"Ow...that's not nice. I was just playing." Eddie sulked.
You laid down on a portion of your blanket and wrapped the rest of it over yourself.
"You're not a freak." you stated, "Freaks don't have friends who care so much about them, Eddie."
Eddie smiled, He could read your eyes, and he knew the look in them, it was so self-deprecating that it almost hurt to watch.
"You don't understand, I'm proud of the title." Eddie said slowly.
"It's the world that made the word freak bad. But at the root of it all, it's just being different from what is expected, that's not always bad. In fact, it can be something pretty damned amazing." Eddie explained.
You wouldn't look at him as your fingers fiddled with your bracelet under the covers.
Eddie laid down onto the carpet and pulled his blanket over himself.
"Think about it, as a thing Freak is just a thing that's not like the rest...that could be having a third eye, four ears, or no lungs." Eddie said. 
"That all sounds awful." you muttered, Eddie simply smiled.
"Yeah, but it could also mean being the fastest swimmer on record, being the youngest person to go to college, seeing sound in the form of colors," Eddie paused and tapped the corner of his eye.
"or having ____ eyes with a single dark/light blue patch in one of them," He said.
You looked up at him in mild shock.
"That's not a bad thing, that's just beautiful and kinda freakish." He hummed with a warm smile.
"It's also something unusual, hard to explain, mind-boggling...that's not always bad." Eddie said, resting his head on his jacket.
You used your arm as a pillow and looked at Eddie with heavy eyelids.
His voice was oddly calming.
You gave a sleepy smile.
"I freaked out when I saw how beautiful she was. That concert was freakin' amazing." Eddie thought back to that day in the woods behind the school.
As of right now, he was contently amused with the hazy smile in your eyes.
You gave a weak nod, murmuring, "Then you're not only my favorite freak...."
Your eyes started to close on you.
"You...." and sleep took you.
Eddie sat up quickly, "what?" he asked.
You simply responded with a quiet breathy snore. He deflated and nestled back down.
Laying his head down he chuckled quietly to himself, reaching out a hand he rested it as close to you as he could without moving.
"Good night," He whispered as he continued to lay and watch over you. Your sleeping face kept him entranced until his body gave in and started to drift to sleep.
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svenskaghost · 5 months
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Hetalia AU that is still being worked on but I love so much so I will ramble about it.
More under the cut :)
Vicente is the oldest of the Wong siblings (23 years old) and works as a dealer in a casino, and makes a decent amount of money to keep him and his sisters comfortable. He's become their sole guardian after he fought for custody of them because their parents are absolute garbage. And because of his upbringing, being so preoccupied with taking care of the girls, work, and him just being an introvert, he doesn't have much of a social life. He does have a friend, Monique (Monaco), his childhood best friend and works at the same casino he does.
Xiao-Mei is the middle sibling at around 14 years old. She has a huge interest in birds and would like to become an ornithologist when she grows up. She also has an interest in anime and she has some friends because of that. Both Xiao-Mei and Nyo! Hong Kong were born from their mother getting divorced from their father and her having a second marriage, that is to say nothing improved much here. Their new dad was a deadbeat who only really gave their mom some money she could blow on alcohol and drugs. This caused Mei to really despise alcohol, drugs, and her parents.
Nyo! Hong Kong (I genuinely do not have a name for her, so if any of you have any name ideas then please let me know) is the youngest and is 12 years old. She has an interest in becoming a pyrotechnician in the future. She's good at business and fashion and is currently taking karate classes. She's interested in finding out more about her parents as she was super young when Vicente had moved them out of their household. Even if her older siblings tell her that their parents were awful people, of course they don't know that she's searching for them.
That's the info I have on the first family this AU will be focusing on. The second family will probably come as no shocker to anyone who knows me. But anyways that's all for now, bye!
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wilsonzoe · 3 months
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full name: zoe lynn wilson age: 25 date of birth: february 14th, 1998 astrology: aquarius sun, gemini rising, libra moon place of birth and current location: starlight oaks, washington residential area: starlight cove gender: cis-female pronouns: she/her sexual orientation: bisexual occupation: librarian at light year library
Zoe Wilson was born to a seemingly normal couple. Her mother worked for a construction company doing their paperwork and her father worked at some fancy law firm. And for the first five years, everything was fine until her mother got pregnant with her sister and her father bounced. He left and never looked back leaving the girls to have to fend for themselves. 
It wasn’t so bad until Zoe turned sixteen and the truth of everything came out. Her father had actually left them for someone that he was having an affair with and fathered yet another daughter who he was now taking care of. Zoe resented that and soon became a nightmare for him and the other daughter, who just so happened went to the same school as they did but never knew. 
Her mother had trouble with paying bills so Zoe got a job as a waitress from the age of sixteen until twenty-three where she gave all her extra money to her mom for help. At least until the woman got back on her feet which she did when Zoe was around twenty-four. Zoe moved out to a small place of her own and started an easier, more fulfilling job (at least to her) at the library. 
She not only works as a librarian but she also hosts a variety of children classes and read a longs especially princess parties where her friends come dressed up as different princesses to meet the kids. She loves her job and wouldn’t trade it for the world. 
Zoe is a gamer. She may not look like it but she has her own game room and everything in her home. It’s something that helps her destress after a long day. 
Another form is distressing is taking a long, scolding hot bubble bath with a glass of wine. Add in some lavender in her defuser and her night is set. 
She can be sweet but she can also be a bitch if needed. This is especially true when it comes to her dad and his other spawn that she cannot stand. They all live in the same city so it’s hard to get away from them but she does avoid them like the plague. 
Zoe is a huge movie buff. From old school silent films to rom coms to horror. She loved watching movies and also showing people new movies. If you give her a recommendation she will watch it and give you a full review afterwards. 
Also books are kind of her thing. She loves to immerse herself into another world where she normally wouldn’t put herself. It’s fun to live in someone else’s shoes for a bit. It’s also why she loves movies because it has the same effects. 
She is still a virgin and no she’s not waiting until marriage. She just had other things to prioritize than sleeping around. Now that she feels free from responsibility aka helping her mom out, she now is going to have a little fun in her life. 
Her favorite flowers are sunflowers, her favorite scent is lavender. 
She knows an insane amount of useless facts about animals. She’ll spew them off to you whenever she can. 
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starfirexuchiha · 4 months
Fire Emblem 0 (Cipher) Album Book Volume 4 - English Translation
Did you know that there were 4 story books made for Fire Emblem Ciphers?
Volume 1 is about Ike and FE9 / FE10
Volume 2 is about Male Corrin and Fates
Volume 3 is about Female Corrin and Fates
and Volume 4 is about Roy and FE6 / FE7
Thank you so much ZoraTwilight for scanning the Volume 4 book for me! I was able to translate the story within it! (I was supposed to translate this years ago but I was buried in college homework/exams at the time and forgot I'm sorry💦)
My translation isn't perfect but I tried my best to make the English sentences not sound weird. Some phrases in Japanese cannot be easily translated to English. So here goes!
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Fire Emblem 0 (Cipher)
Album Book Vol. 04
Shadows taking over, Light of Hope
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-----A sinister shadow is about to overtake this continent…
The sandstorm is whirling like crazy. As if it’s something that refuses to be approached. As if it’s never going away.
“Hey… do you know about this rumor?”  The guy in front of a caravan said. While wrapping his turban with the scarf is covering his mouth, the man walking next to him spoke out: 
“I’m tired… talk about that gossip to someone else will ya?”
“Hey don’t say that, there are many legends about this Nabata desert.” 
The listener gave him a dull look, but the speaker continued to run his mouth. The speaker’s face is also tired, but he at least wanted to distract himself from the unbearable desert heat as well as the drifting dust in the sandstorm. 
“First of all… there are valuable treasures buried everywhere in this great desert.” 
“And I heard about a story where there’s a secret village hidden somewhere around here. It’s a village where the descendants of dragons live.”
“I see, I see…”
“And there’s a large temple brimming with cold water underground or something…”
The story is hard to believe. There shouldn’t be hard ground in the sand as far as the eye can see. These two are traveling merchants. They do business while carrying loads of items. Walking in the desert is a normal thing for them. In this great desert, they usually shouldn’t be traveling through the dangerous sandstorm. But this time, they chose this route because there are buried packages from Bern soldiers that contain large amounts of money here. However… if the contents inside the packages hold just food and soldier equipment, then what the heck do they do now? No, they do not need to know about such things. In fact, it’s more risky to raise such a question. 
“There’s one more thing…”
The rumor-loving man still continued to tell the story. Even though the story sounds fake, what other pleasant things are there to talk about? 
“I also heard that a ghost of a beautiful woman tends to show up around here too.” 
Just as he said that, the ghost suddenly began to appear. Right before the merchant’s eyes, the sand whirling in the storm grew stronger. It’s so harsh that the sand begins to stick onto the merchants’ carts.
And then the men saw her. Amidst the raging sandstorm stood a shadow of a woman standing in the dunes. She is as beautiful as the rumors say, the figure of the divine woman appears to be more fascinating than frightening…
The frightening sound echoed. At first it seemed that the sound of the wind became stronger but that’s not it. A bigger shadow was looming just behind that woman. The strange looking monster figure closely resembled the ones seen in fairy tale picture books for young children.
“It’s… It’s a DRAGON!!!”
As they cried out, the caravan group ran away at once, leaving their horses and goods behind. 
There’s an area in the desert where one can hear the sound of gentle water flowing and leaves rustling from the trees. The sunlight filtering through the trees created small patches of light in a small area. One could hardly believe that it is the same area as the desert a while ago…
“Hey! Big sister Sophia!”
In the desert resides a village around one oasis. It is commonly known as Nabata Village, a Utopia where humans and dragons live together. Among the powerful territories in Elibe, such an isolated land like this one exists. 
“Huh? Say it in a little more detail please~”
Fae inflates her cheeks with a face of tantrum. Sophia laughs again, sounding a little worried. Since birth, Fae is not allowed to leave the village. It’s because her power is too strong and that there is a risk that she will be used under the wrong hands of unknown people. Therefore, she should not be allowed to talk about her interest regarding the outside world. Sophia knew that. 
“I really…. don’t have anything to say”
She was watching a caravan passing by. One cannot reach this village unless they know the restricted route to get there. Apparently it doesn’t seem that someone had found the way, but Sophia had a bad feeling about this. Sophia, who inherits the blood of the dragon, doesn’t have tremendous power like Fae does, but instead has magical powers that no ordinary person can possess.  Foreseeing the future is one of them. She felt it. She foresaw that an unknown shadow is going to cover all of Elibe. Something bad is going to happen… so she hugged Fae close and frowned. 
 “Big Sister…. what’s wrong? Are you hurt?”
Fae looked worried. Her innocent face expresses unhappiness knowing that she continues to be confined in this oasis. But Sophia has been wishing for Fae to be released from this eternal prison. Someday, to her heart’s content, she wants to play with her while she is free and happy. However, that desire is far away as if she can sense that it is hidden behind the dark clouds in the sky… 
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The sounds of a horse’s hooves echo in the courtyard under the clear sky. As the horse is walking, a young man with gold shining hair and blue eyes is seen with a bit of dirt on his body, showing a bitter smile on his face.
Said a female knight riding a horse. The young blonde man who had fallen on the ground, raised his defeated face and returned an invigorating smile. 
“You win…. Mage General”
The name of the female knight is Cecilia. She is the Mage General from Etruria’s 3 generals. The young man she defeated is Klein. Against this skilled bow user, Cecilia thought that it had been the first time in a long time that she had such a tough sparring match. The young man skillfully dodged her wind magic, and has great precision when he shoots his arrows many times. If Cecilia didn’t change the trajectory of her Aircaliber magic, she might have lost that match. Klein is a noble of the Reglay family and is currently engaged in military service in the Western Isles. He was with Cecilia when returning to Etruria for a report and decided to have a sparring match with her on the premises of a villa. And now…
“You and your younger sister have a considerable amount of skill. Perhaps the next Mage General of Etruria will be Clarine I wonder?”
“Haha… please don’t tell my sister that.” 
It all began in a dinner party when Klein’s younger sister Clarine started asking Cecilia to become their mage instructor.  The people of the dinner party were surprised at such an unfamiliar offer but Cecilia accepted it. The place was small but Cecilia was able to teach her a few magic tricks. 
-----It was wonderful! But… given that Clarine’s brother uses a bow, General Cecilia cannot teach him. Clarine insisted she do it, but Cecilia will not. However, Klein did mention when greeting Cecilia, that a sparring match would be a great opportunity. 
“Now then… if you’ll excuse me…”
Klein is about to leave while brushing off the dust on him.
“Klein, can you spare me a moment?”
“Huh? Um… of course…”
Cecilia was worried about the state of Klein’s mind during their match. She understands that Klein is an innocent young man during that match, so she also wanted to hear his story a little more. 
“Is General Arcard doing well?” 
“Yes. The General is trying day and night to suppress the rebellious group in the West Isles. I am trying hard to suppress the rebels too but…”
Klein stopped talking after saying that, and took his gaze away from Cecilia with an expression that looks as if he is thinking about the distant lands in the west. He hesitated to say anything because he was hesitant to reveal anything like a complaint about his military service or his superiors. He was afraid to say that there was something disturbing about this expedition. For Cecilia, just knowing about it is enough.
“I see, I understand” 
-----Let’s meet again. Future Archer General. As Cecilia said this, she smiled as she watched Klein leave.
The Western Isles is an expedition that is far away from the capital. General Arcard is currently ruling that place. I heard he was suppressing the rebel soldiers but… there are rumors that he is in some way in contact with the higher-ups, and I heard some not-so-good stories out of that.
I hope that they are not planning something by taking advantage of how difficult it is to see in the fog… and speaking of rumors, I heard that recently there has been an influx of smuggling illegal goods and mysterious cargo within Etruria. There are various nefarious schemes being planned without my knowledge. Should I briefly consult with the other war commanders in advance to confront those who pose a threat to the country?
Cecilia was pondering about this while looking at the sky, which was beginning to cloud over, when suddenly a messenger soldier came rushing in. 
“What happened?”
“A report! T-The Bern army has crossed the border and is marching into Lycia!” 
The Kingdom of Bern is a large nation located on the eastern side of the continent of Elibe, and although it clashed with Etruria in the past, in recent years, their relationship maintained stability. Bern’s relationship with Lycia shouldn’t be bad either. I also heard that Zephiel, who became the king at a young age, is a man of great character and is a spitting image of a king. Why on earth is he…
However for Cecilia, a general of Etruria, that is not the first thing she should think about. Although it’s not her country’s problem, they have a better relationship with Lycia than with Bern. First, she must immediately consider what countermeasures that her army should take. In some cases, she could send reinforcements over to Lycia. And so…
She ran. Roy… Lilina… She remembered the faces of her beloved disciples whom she taught how to fight, back when she was stationed in Lycia. Also Klein and Clarine of Etruria… She is feeling uneasy that promising young people in this continent are getting dragged into a war by a great unseeable force…
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When I awoke, I found myself in a small room surrounded by humidity, darkness, and rocks----- It was a prison.
In his hazy consciousness, Hector, the Marquis of Ostia remembered why he was in this place.
It was a complete surprise for Lycia that the neighboring country of Bern, which they had maintained friendship up until now, is suddenly attacking them.
However, the initial confusion was short-lived, for an alliance of lords immediately gathered with their troops at Araphen, with Hector as their leader. They formed an allied army with all of their soldiers, and prepared to confront the Bern Kingdom’s army. Although they are outnumbered, the army alliance is known for their strong unity, and their spirit of not losing against a big army kept their morale high. 
Well, that’s how it should be, until Bern showed up leading an army of resurrected dragons…
Looking at it, Hector’s beloved heavy armor that had been with him for many years was cracked and brutally destroyed in many places. Also, the wounds he sustained when he faced a dragon on the front lines, covered his whole body.
Since my youth, I have been through many battles and fought alongside with many friends… But my body that I once considered to be very strong, is reaching its limit.
-----This life too, is also… 
Amidst the painful defeat, and the humiliation of being imprisoned in the dungeon of an ally’s castle, Hector sensed that his death was drawing near.
Hector couldn’t help but say his daughter’s name. His daughter got her good looks from her mother, and she also gained a lot of trust from her retainers. Plus, she has recently shown her talent as a mage. Since she’s his daughter, she’ll be strong enough to survive. He’s not worried about the future. However, not being able to witness her growth would be painful and unbearable. The heart of a fierce warrior who is at the brink of death, is filled with regret. Also there was another thing that he regretted.
----- If one of us is ever in danger, we will protect each other with our lives.
Those are the words that he swore to his best friend Eliwood during his younger days. Eliwood is also a Lycian lord, and the head of his family in Pherae. He is his closest friend like no other. As promised, they had saved each other in difficult situations many times. Eliwood is not just someone that he has a cooperative relationship with. He is a precious friend with a solid bond…
But recently, Eliwood has been suffering from illness, and is often laying in bed. Hector wanted to go to his sickbed and see his face. He wanted to cheer him up and throw away his illness.  However, it seems like his promise can no longer be fulfilled. 
No, but putting it that way would mean that Eliwood is also breaking his promise by not being able to save me from this current situation. We are in the same boat huh…
F… Farewell… my best friend…
Hector smiled weakly and quietly tried to close his eyes.
At that moment, he heard a noise from above. Several people were rushing down to this dungeon. Then, Hector saw a young man running towards him right before his eyes.
“Lord Hector! Are you okay?” 
That voice sounded a lot like the voice of a man whom Hector knew. The voice of the only man he could stand shoulder to shoulder with, the only man he can rely on in this life dedicated to battle…
(TN: Roy's voice sounds like Eliwood's)
Hector noticed it right away. Fiery red hair, eyes full of justice. The boy who looks a lot like Eliwood turns out to be Roy, the son of his best friend.
“Yes. I came to help!“
Behind Roy, there is chivalry that follows him. Reliable young warriors are gathered together. This reminded me of my past self with Eliwood and the others. The promise couldn’t be fulfilled, but instead will be inherited. I can… I can entrust everything to him, regarding Lilina’s safety, countering the threat of Bern, and Lycia’s future. 
Hector remembered a prophecy he heard from Archsage Athos during his younger days.
(TN: FE7 reference)
-----“An evil star will rise in Bern and all of Elibe will be consumed in war. But do not be afraid. Lycia will once again bring hope.”
At the end of his life, he found hope. It was like a passionate, bright, blazing hope-----
In the desert in the far west, in a hidden village where humans and dragons live together, the priestess Sophia looked up at the night sky. Fae, who was lying on her lap, perhaps tired from playing, looked up at her curiously. 
“Big sister Sophia, what are you looking at?”
Sophia saw it. She saw that within the dark shadows that began to cover Elibe, there is a small light that twinkles brightly like a star. She sensed that under this distant sky, the light is growing larger and larger, and is clothed in fire.
Sophia only stroked Fae’s hair in silence. She feels the breath of brightness that is budding in the distance, and it will not be defeated by the harsh fate that lies ahead.
That's the end of the translation! 😊
I really want to translate Volume 1 (Ike's story) too but I do not have the book nor do I have scans of the pages. 😭
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player-code999 · 5 months
Warning: the mention of violence! This character and story have nothing to do with reality, the author does not support violence.
Miller Cyrax Deathler, "Bringer of Death" (Merversal) - Humanoid Celestial who has moved from his native dimension "The Heart of the Everlost" to Player!Tale. One of the main mercenaries of this universe and balanceverse.
Cyrax is an original character created specifically by me. The story is being worked out, but I will present an unfinished fragment from it:
He was born in the Everlost, a place located between the paths for moving through the multiverse. Everlost (Everlost) contains a network of planets of the same size, and these planets are inhabited so far by a single race - the Celestials. I will omit the details about the race and the planets, since there is no complete information, and I will go straight to Cyrax (Merversal).
He was born into the poorest family, but very honest and friendly, despite his position. The child grew up among his surroundings and observed corruption, murder, theft, i.e. all the rot and vices living in his world. The only thing that helped his family, was that his world government gave him the opportunity to study at a military school, since the state needed cannon fodder. The boy surpassed everyone in terms of parameters, knowledge and skills, even the "energy hunger" could not break him (spoilers). The state saw him as an ideal mercenary and offered him a job for a huge amount of money. At that time, he was about 14 years old. He agreed to provide for his family. For about 3 years he was professionally engaged in mercenary work, about 91% of his missions were successful, but the state decided to harden Cyrax and one night they ordered him for their own family. He, without knowing about it, destroyed his family. After he realized what he had done, his heart became embittered at the world, his soul longed for revenge. He, filled with anger, completely destroyed the entire government in his world. He swore to himself to kill only maniacs, corrupt officials, murderers, terrorists. (Anti-hero so to speak). It turned out that he still had his very little sister alive, who was still a baby. She went to the hospital, and from there he stole her. Then, in the development of the government, he found a way to travel between universes and thereby got out of his world.
Next, I will give a couple more facts that I am still introducing into history. When trying to destroy the government for the first time, Cyrax damaged one of the "great sealed prisons", thereby unknowingly absorbing the cosmic demon Shirakira. Although Cyrax was physically better prepared than the army of his world, he was inferior to her in technology. He was neutralized and imprisoned in the most secure prison on his planet. He was tortured for a long time and cruelly: his ribs were broken, his hands were burned, and the result of these tortures was a blinded left eye and a torn jaw. During the last tortures, the demon inside Cyrax awoke, the mercenary accepted his conditions and breaking the shackles, brutally dealt with all the guards.
Personality (small facts):
Cyrax is quite serious, cruel and cold, killing does not shake his soul if the mission requires it. Usually he is silent and calm, you will have to try very hard to get him out of himself. However, with good people, he can talk in a friendly tone, although not for long. The mercenary prefers the night and rainy weather, in it he feels free, as if forgetting about everything in the world. He is also a great strategist and has top-level physical fitness.
Reference's and arts:
Art's by @player-code999(me).
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Art by @yuiwero
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Art by Fwuit_uwu
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His Theme:
I hope you enjoy the character, its design and a brief history. It was very addictive to draw him! Comments and reblogs are always open ^^
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skz-suki · 1 year
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her older sister and other half really! she and lisa first met when she joined yg and have been close ever since. lisa was the first to welcome suki to the company and show her the ropes! the two are quite literally the same person it’s almost scary. they mostly bonded after suki was added to the original blackpink line up and would work with lisa to choreograph the group dances for the monthly evaluations. suki continues to support lisa (and all of blackpink) in their career and enjoys publicly showing her love the girls!
they met one time through lisa and have been stuck together like white on rice! when i say always together….i MEAN IT like it’s almost crazy!? the two are a little different from each other but bond so well and they’ve been able to manage a beautiful friendship. the type of friends that stay up until 5am and then randomly decide to go on some spontaneous adventure that may or may not end both of their careers. suki also fancied herself another shopaholic which she loves! also who decided it was a good idea to let two extroverts go clubbing?
suki’s mentor and….second mom??? way back when suki was new, and having trouble with her self confidence when rapping, CL reached out to her and gave her some lessons and suki totally pissed herself because she was a big fan of not only CL but 2ne1 in general. chaelin sorta took suki under her wing and protected her, taught her about the industry and really helped find and create her on stage persona. suki probably appreciates CL the most out of anyone she’s met or bonded with in korea (besides the kids ofc). she likes to call CL her second mom cause she’ll often call suki to ask if she’s okay, if she needs anything and just bombard her with wellness questions but that has to be what she likes most about the woman; how much she cares about her.
one of the few male friends she has and somehow he’s the one closest to her!? honestly if you asked her she could not tell you how they met she would just tell you she regrets every decision that led up to it (she’s just trying to hide the fact she had a crush on him for like 6 months and just repressed it until it went away). very loud and chaotic when together, not many intellectual conversations are shared between the two just. yelling. and. bickering. but she wouldn’t have it any other way honestly. loves the fact that she can be her honest loud, potty mouth, abrasive, self around him and he’ll just reciprocate her energy. aquarius duo 🤪
HER FAVVV EVA!!! these two are a match made in heaven seriously. she loves ten so much she could cry just thinking about it. dance buddies. they spend an unhealthy amount of time together, so much so that ten could give felix a run for his money when it comes to the bff position. she really admires him and thinks he’s just the cutest little thing even if he is 5 years older than her. since ten likes to draw she’s commissioned a drawing from him and she loves it so much she even got it tattooed on her. GOSSIP BUDDIES! they will spend all night in a lounge sipping wine and gossiping if they could 😭
recently became friends in the last year or so…and have been inseparable! their style is so similar and so is their humor. she met her through somi and the three have been a trio ever since!!! they bond over music, fashion and really anything. she had wanted to be giselle’s friend for along time and finally had the chance to ask her to hang and ofc aeri said yes!!
i think it goes without saying that she’s friends with most jyp artist! ofc training together and experiencing the same thing, with the same people will naturally bring you together. she’s closest to itzy’s yeji and chaeryeong, jihyo of twice and lily of nmixx. she is so very proud of all of her sisters and even others like xdinaryheros!
these arent only the people suki is closest to and this nowhere near explains her other relationships! some honerable mentions would be isa of stayc, yunjin of le sserafim (new), somi , karina, chanhee (the boyz), hinata of xg, and others
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glasswinggames · 10 days
Glass! What were the ros like as children?? And who would be likely to have a childhood friends to lovers relationship?
Ooooo 👀 okay some may be harder to answer due to spoilers but I'll answer what I can!
Athy: She didn't speak for most of her younger years, and so her parents taught her a form of sign language, and that's how she communicated with everyone. She's always had a fixation with stories and she'd follow any of her three parents around until one of them read to her. She also had a tendency to just go off and explore, which caused some funny moments as this silent child just disappears up a tree every other day.
Cai: Before their mothers' passing, they were actually a very happy child. They took a lot after their mother, Thasinia, the late Sun in personality, because they were very calm and gentle. Though they enjoyed spending time with their Ommah, Alma, the late Moon, and she would teach them all about butterflies (that was her speciality). After their passing, things changed a lot and after several attempts on their life, they adopted the immature personality people now know them for, skipping lessons, causing trouble, which got worse the older they got.
Helios: Okay imagine a kid who thinks he is the most mature in the whole world (his main comparison point were his sisters so I don't fault him really haha), who thinks he knows everything at like the age of 10 because he is already studying magic theory... and then give him the largest pot of materia in the country. It's safe to say there were some disasters as he experimented with magic when he shouldn't have been, and didn't really think of the consequences until after the fact. He always pretends he wasn't as much of a troublemaker as his sisters... but he definitely was just in a different way to them. Though even as a kid he was fiercely loyal to his sisters, he stood up for them on more than one occasion no matter how much older or bigger the other kid was. He also had a tendency to get dragged around by them to play (especially dress up) even despite his protests that he was meant to be studying.
Jed: Didn't have a childhood... there isn't much I can say without spoiling!
Il: I also can't say much about him without giving spoilers, but I can talk about his teen years a little. He was very clumsy as a teen, though it was mainly a series of him trying to figure out who he was, or who he should be. It took time and support from his brother and ma to form his princely personality (there were a lot of cringey stages before that), and they were even more supportive as he decided to transition!
Farren: Farren was adorable as a child, she was raised completely in nature, away from the city with her grandmother Moira, and her skeleton parents Richard and Judy. She was a very freespirited child, having been given a lot of freedom growing up, and she was always wanting to touch and feel every sensation, and the amount of times she gave Judy a heartattack because she'd eaten something random she'd found-- She grew up very loved by those around her, as well as the wider witch and spirit community, and she was the same, giving that same love to everyone she met.
Eos: Eos was a scrappy kid, and was always that leader personality even back then. They led a small group of thieves who stole money and food that they'd all share, and they were fiercely protective of them all. They'd never really had a chance to have a gentle personality, so whilst the rest of the kids trusted them wholeheartedly, they were always very clumsy and awkward if any of them got upset or cried (they still kind of are now), the only way they knew how to comfort someone was giving them a gift, so they'd go out and steal something for them, which meant a lot of odd bits and bobs ended up scattered around.
Noah: He was the popular kid growing up, since he was tall and good at physical activities, like that jock that wasn't too arrogant, even though he was always surrounded by people. He was also a bit of a class clown, and a prankster, especially with his dad, who he'd have prank battles with. He was his dad's biggest fan, and he looked up to him a lot, so it made sense that as his dad was a priest he was more involved in the church, volunteering once a week and becoming even more well known in the community.
As for who would be most likely to have a childhood friends to lovers AU 👀 I think Noah (there is a really specific AU in my head that once his route comes out if someone reminds me I'll write a little something), Farren, Eos or Helios!
Thank you for the question! 🥰
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